xt7xpn8xdk0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xpn8xdk0g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-06-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 2002 2002 2002-06-27 2020 true xt7xpn8xdk0g section xt7xpn8xdk0g Find out who went where in the NBA draft I 6

”*“isDAYKENTUCKY m ' sweet


Celebrating 31 years oiindependence

' June 27, 2002


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Firm presents plans for college town

Changes: Residential corridor, expanded
shopping district part of revitalization plan

By Lamin Swann })i‘t'l\ oi~ llii' plan Ji\ III illl.

gum“; My“ mm sli‘i'l'! li‘W'l dosiizn. l‘l'xiilt‘lllii‘ll
areas and illJll'ki‘l (lll$ll\\l.\

l’lannl‘i's and analysis The concepts ai‘i‘hiil-i‘

(‘oiiliniiod discussions on tho turn and dosiuii l'oiiipoiioiils~

planning and dovolopmonl oi‘ \\‘1ll llli‘lllilt‘ a rosidoiilial
lx‘xington's college lowii i‘illl (‘ill‘l‘lillll‘ along Martin

('i‘pl Friday (ll-tailing such as liiiilii-i‘ Kim: lilillll‘Y/il‘il :ind

in first

Headed to Motown: Detroit
Pistons select UK star at No. 23

By Tom Sow

Tayshaun Prince was selected by the
Detroit Pistons in the first round of last
nights NBA draft. He was the 23rd selec-
tion overall.

Prince becomes the 10th UK player
to be selected in the first round of the
draft in the last 10 years and the 12th UK
player drafted overall 1n the same period
of time

One good thing about being selected
late in the first round is that it' 3 usually
a good team that makes the selection
Many draft experts expected Prince to be
taken by the Pistons as long as a month
ago The Pistons rebounded last season
by making the playoffs for the first time
in six years and ended their run with a
series loss to the Boston Celtics. Most an~
alysts said that the lack of an outside
shOoter to compliment guard Jerry
Stackhouse was the reason for the loss.

Prince will help greatly in that area
He shot an average of 35 percent from
beyjciiiid the three- point line in his career

Prince had entered his name into the

See DRAFT on 6


a ((llllllll’li I ll lt‘i 111 (Hill
doi :iloni: South l imosloni- (lillli l1 s usi- iiid the bottom
lliml‘ would lli‘ list-d for i‘otiiil
" Tliailaiii \i'il(l

Tho rosidoiilial i'orridoi‘

llllll'll ’l'hadani. ;

Saint (iross. a \‘Vasiiington.
blaniiiiil: firm. said ('X' would consist oi' mixed-ow
' ' ' housing From hills to Hill
nei'tod single-iainily lliill\l‘\.
" i- llllll\llli.: will lli'
available to poopli- oi yrirI
oils llli‘llllli‘ loyols. said lulu

would be .i new building :-id
1 it out to ll li’("1£1l\ ll\ ll Ipiisl

(huirh piopmty

Ziiiivmiiiiiiii \oll .\

ill \ ii i\l ‘.\ .ll 1 \i . ll iv 1] it Next co'kqe town

sl-iii‘i‘li lii'l \llillt‘illl' iiiil‘isis .
iii‘m meeting

\l‘m‘ “““"“"‘l ll”: '7 '3 ' Planners from Ayers Saint
“W‘lm' ”"‘ ‘l"‘l "' l" "'“"» "" Gross will present their recom-
”“3”“ "’ ”l" “l”"" '1‘” "= “\ mendations toihe city's Town
”1‘44””4”l""l“'l‘”"l it'll" and Gown Commissmn. 4pm.
"l ”l" w" “W “‘1‘ I” 1‘ Julv W in the Lexington-Fayette
“"””‘-‘""l “”1"" i" ”=3“ Urban County Council chambers,
ll.’lilHilliliifllillll'~ 200E MaInSi

()i‘i‘ PLAN (IF‘ 2


Researchers test
cancer vaccine

Professor of
one of two UK
testing a lung
cancer vaccine,
sits at the
hood where
the vaccine is

scan mums“
Kins. in“

Lung disease: Treatment may prevent
recurrence; condition common in Kentucky

By Vaughan Fielder

.m‘n w ' a . ‘:‘.

illii‘. ivdiir v- YW- Il‘:l
"(lllii'l' :w :1; :‘»‘;.I 'l‘iil
liiii- his liw‘i. own-Ii 'll‘i'
iiioizl‘i.» up”:
be 'ivlriumsfwi -E
rim." f ‘1 ,
See VACCiNE on 2


Court rules against
Pledge of Allegiance

Unconstitutional: Federal court says

u K StUdents bUild ‘under God' violates Establishment Clause

SAN FRANK lhl 0 Poi ll‘i'l lll itinio l \l‘l ii'edor-
start your engines: Car ClUb returns to UK, 3; t y al appeals court \Vi-ditr-sd 11. di i? 'll' u lnl llnd w ill Allr-v

. . . glance unronslItiirioiixii bor‘ausrr in the Words “under
hOStS first campus race in eyghteen years Justin liaines, an God" added by cont/In» 11‘. im
engineering 590507. The ruling. if allow-U; to stand ii. o ins \( hooli liild
sits in the driver reii can no longer l‘ESCRLl‘ Iho pivdur- ii l! nst ll llllt’ nine
By Terra Ramsdale _ ' seat of the UK car Westei 11 states (simmer b\ the (nun

cowmaiirmn worm entered ln In a- ‘ l dec ision ii e iltl 1i 8 ( lll uit Comt of \ppeals
. . v Sunday's race. said the phrase amounts to a time; ninent endorsement of
We are . All” 18 “5”“ "t .k‘ml’m“ thehporls ' ‘ Engineering stu- ieligion in iiolation of il in ( onsri lulion 5 Establishment

. . ( ‘1" ( 1”" “l "\“wm” ”Will’- I l‘ 1“" ’ dents designed and Clause, which requires a separation of church and state.
enjoylng aurood to ‘l'ijl‘llil‘iilllli‘lvl the sport to ram built the car which ‘A professum th .T on are a nation under God' is
pus. Tll" M ( A and l h haw teamed up . cost 9'5 000. identical for Estahl lishml i1l ( laiisv proposes to a profes-
our l“ lll'ms’ HUW‘I‘M“ I‘IH‘IHL' to U‘Vmumii ' sion that we are a n; ii on undoi losus a nation under
Th“ 11111\"‘I‘\1i.\"\ l‘élmlmlgn ill Vishnu a nation undsi Zr 1.x oi a nation ‘under no

rebirth_" integrate Lexington and ['K sparked a
rebirth of the S(‘(‘A on campus. Anyone
including faculty. staff and students
can race in 8(‘(‘.\ events By placing:
- George i'ilnlpt‘llllilliS on campus. the SH‘A
Schweikle, hopes to draw a larger l‘i‘oWl and 21:11”
head 0i the more entries

Central Kentucky The first of two races to be held this
Sports Car CW] 0' summer took plau- Sunday at (‘ommon
““9”“ wealth Stadium liver l.lil racers showed
up to compete. l'K engineering students
raced :1 car they built themselves. and

other l'K students also raced

See RACE on 2

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky,

god] because nonn oi thew protos- ions can be neutral
with l‘PSpPCl to religion." .liiduo .\3l‘rod T (imdwin wrote
for the tlu‘eojudge pain i

in (‘anada whore i ll“ Kid" in Bush 11 is taking part in
an economic summit “hill Housr spokosm in said: The
presidents reaction was that this iuling is ridiculous '

“The Supreme ( ouir itself begins each of its ses~
sions with the phrase God saw the i nited States and
this honorable court Fli‘lSCllPl‘ said The Declaration
of independence refers to God oi to the ( reator four dif
ferent times. ( ongress begins ear h session of the Con-
gress each day with a p1 av er and of course our currency
says ‘In God We Trust"

See PLEDGE on 2




L‘l‘illlut‘d trom page l

'11s 11'1111'al to create
11.111. 111111s1nu. 11111 suhur
111: housing." \‘olk said
\‘1 111-ls 11111111 111 1111 fronted
1 lvuilllnus. not garages
,.1 1- 111111111. lots." 'l‘l1adan1
1111 parktng structures
11'11' 1111111 11111stre111 \V'ould
2.111 11 most 111 11111 surface
1211111: 1111» alum: South


\\'11‘:1 11111 plannutg

11.. 1.11111s1 complete.
11'\ \\ 11111111 where [K

1 ..“‘";‘.
.. .. 311,7 . ‘333§<“‘“"‘"


1“1111111110111 page 1

1'1'3'1 mil 111's111'1'11ss1‘ul
. 111.11 1'111'1'1V'1111: the \211'
1 1 1111 111'1'1-1'ti\'e treat
“ ‘1111s.111l “We 11111 11111
"1.11111' 1 V1111. 111.1} he more
1111111111 we are 1111111111; 11111

impllll‘itN we expect "

'1‘111' 1:11.1‘. 111‘ 11111 \'.11'1'1n11
\-111s11111111.111-:111.1111111t's 1111.
'1111111 ~;\'s1111-1. s'ud 111.111111'
1111113111012 11111 s11111111' 1'1»
1 17'1'1'. .1ss111'1 1.111 11'. \annel
"s 1:111 Shesaid111111‘11111'111111
1 1111' .111111111111s1's111111 is to

111 :1111'1‘1;11u 11V boost
. .«1121111t‘s 1111111111111 sys

'1.?1'11\ ‘1111111111111111111111pa
' 1 11111111s11as11

’ontlnued from page I

l'K students \\‘1111 are
"1111:11111's of the Society 111‘
‘1111111111111V'e Engineers. or
4117.. have built a [K car
111.1 raced 11 111 St‘l‘A
"ents The SAE is :1 1111111111
1.11111 organization 111~ stu'

1'11 111'21111'11.11's who design.
:2'11111‘31'1111'11 and lost self-
:'.1.'-~‘11111 land. sea. 1111' and
11'11'1' 1.111111'111s

‘1 l‘K car is 1111-11151
'.11"11'..'.11 11'; the university's
i1\'1s'.111'.1>1 111118.“; 11111111;
1 1.1.1 111‘ studylnu mung
111-1111's and searclung the 111
1'1"".1'1 “There was :1 lot 111'
11.1.2 11:111'1'1'111'.” said Justin
s‘?" 111211. senior1'111gi1111111'1111:
't1-11-111 and RAF. member

11111 1111‘ 1‘11s‘l t‘l(1s11 111
17911111 Because of the
~‘113‘s 1111111'11s1 111 the St‘t‘A
"1‘ '1111 rebu'th 111‘ the sport

1.1'1'11111s. the St‘(‘.~\ do-

'1'.\ '111'11111' to the students
1:11111' cause. Sonn- of
101111111; that the 8(‘1‘1‘1
11111 (‘onnnonuealth
is donated to l'K‘s
i':s'1111 111‘ SAE As well.
, \1‘ ‘1 allows No free
11.1 as 1‘111'SAE 111en1hers on
‘.1 1.111 ,\

T‘ 1:11 1111 S(‘(‘ -\ 1s a
111'. 1 '.1111 mg: 1111.7..1111111 11
"‘1‘. 2.1.1s h1lls to p'rV'. The
11s '11'111111111.111111111111111


and 1.1-x1ng111n \\1ll 1:11 the


l‘K gradua11- Andrea
Rn'hards 1sl1.111111' about the
1.11\1111:ton and l'K 1'11llalio»
ration on 11111 1'e\'1t.111.'.11111n
111‘ the area lietween North
t‘ainpus and downtonn. Hut
R11'liards wonders where
the 11111111111; 1111' 1111- 111.1ss1\'11
overhaul \\ 111 route 1'1'111n

"Evet‘ylitillvs 11111111111111
constraints r1ght 111111 (‘111-
hacks are \1l(1\\‘111‘.! 111111\'111'\
where,“ she s.u1l

l.o1'.'11. slate and 11111111111
t.'1\1l11ll.'u\:u111 grants \Vlll
11111111'1lk11l\ s11lltl'11 111‘ 1111111
1113.: 1111' 11111 1'1111s11'u1'1111u.

Recurrences 111 111113;
1.1111'111 .11'11 1111111111111
11.1\11‘.11.'111111n1111's s1111111'all\'
1'11111111111111.1\'1'.1 1.3111(11111111'
1'11111 1'11.111.1'1- 111‘ 11.111113; 1'11
1'111‘1'11111 cancer

.\l:111\' 111111111'1- the 1'11
search 1s 11:11'111'ulz1rl\ 1111
1111111111 111 101111111111. the
~1.1t111\'1111thehlghesI lung
1.1111'111 1'.1111111111111111111111‘1

“Because Kentucky‘s
lung; cancer 1111111111111 has
.1 1.11111'11's111' .11111 s1.1111\\11‘.11
111111.1111'11 111 .111111'11ss 1111'
1111111111111 “ s 1111 1111‘s1'h11\\'11/..

111111.11111 women than all
other cancers." saul

For more 1111111‘11111111111.
call the l’ulntonary Re
search (1111111 .11 23711373

l1'1\'11:'s lllll.\l p.1V 111111". fees
.\11 Sl‘l‘A 1111111111111'11111's $211
per 1'11111111111111111. 11111111 .1
2111‘s! pays 8:111. The money
ra1sed goes to paying, rent
for sues and e11111pn1ent.
1’1'1/11 money is not .nxarded
The winners of each 1111.11
recene .1 plaque or trophy

To obtain l‘onnnon»
wealth Stadium as :1 site 1111'
S(‘(‘.\ events. (1111111111-
Schwetkle. head 111‘ 11111 (‘1111
tral Kentucky Reuion 111 the
Sl‘(‘.-\. 1.111 111 propose the
idea 111 the university The
proposal 11.111 11134111111'11111411
11111 1111i\11rs11\'s 1.111111111s11'a-
deparunem. hospital. stur
1111111 .11'11111\' hoard. parking
and pol11'e 1311111 depart
11111111 11.111 111.11'1'11p1 the pro»
posed 111-1‘111'1'1111 111'111111'1111111
take place

The proposal was :11'
1'111111111 and 11111 St‘l‘.\ came
hack 1111‘K Win l'K 11111 not
hold am S('('\ 1V1nts 1s
unknoun [11.11111 .\.1s .1
111111111111 1ssue. the 1111i 1 K
versus 11111 new l'K.“

“We are 1111111111; our
relurth.“ 81111111111111 said.

Other races

July 14 - EKU Coliseum
July 28 - UK Coliseum
August 18 - EKU Coliseum


3 BR 0 21/2 Bath 0 1 Car Garage
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Starting at 5819.“
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‘ 1112's


Continued from page 1





‘ . 1., 6‘ ' ‘..~

1111111'1'5 811111'11111111‘11111'1
‘1‘1111 rul1uu was also .11

1111'111111‘ “one nation under 111111111ss11d his lawsuit

111“ is nuuunal 11111 1111 .\‘11\\'1l11\\'. .1 doctor who
.111111als 1'11111'1 sald 111.11 .111. 1111111\;11.l\\ 111'111'1111111111repre
.1111111s1111'.111111111'1‘111‘1'111'1.uu «11111111 lutnsell‘. called the
non .1111111111‘1111s11au 11.11.11. 11111111411 .1 "1'11113411111s 11111.1 that
mold we 11 as an 111111111‘s1' 1111'1au1 11111111111 don't agree

11111111111 inonothe1sn1. 111111"


Central Parking agrees to dismiss citations

11K pz'ukiug permit h111111s1'an no longer park in
1"111111. 11 1’.111\1111'.\' 116‘151‘V Sheet 11. 11111111: 1111 tree of
1'.1111'ge 111111 to 1' onstr 1111111111111 Picking: Structure 1.1.) the
let seV 81111111111 \V'astentedt'or 1‘ K emploVees dur 1111111111
spi 111g semester How'eVer. 1he lease h; is exp'ued and 11K
pm 11111 holders must no“ [111} the $2 tee to 11.1111 11111'11
( enttal Parking has agreed to wave .111 1 11.1tions 1111 l K
pctmitl 1'101111'1s issued llt‘ltll‘t‘ 'l‘ 1111sd. 1y. June 35.1‘111111111
Sandv Jones .11 51.1101111111111111111 11111111111 with 111111 111'11nse
number and date 111 1'11. 1111111 1111111111 it dismissed

This year's Robinson Scholars chosen

Twentv nine middle school students each 1111111 a dit-
terentcountv in E. tstet 11 Kentucky were inducted intothe
Robinson Scholars P1 (11.1.1111 The program ptoVides a
“lull ride" including tuition. room and board and hooks

to first-generation college students from Appalachia.
The students must keep .111 ac 1eptable grade point aver
ave to keep their scholarships M11111 .11've valued at more
than $9 000 The money comes {.0111 logging and mining
1.000 acres of Robinson F.orest UK s 1"eseatch forest.

Graduate student one of two to win fellowship

A UK grad student has 111111 :1 310.1100 1‘1-llowship for
his dissertation. .lason Edwards is one of only tWo stu-
dents to receive .1 Salvatori Fellouship from the inter-col
legi ate Studies Institute Edwards is .1 student in the C 111
lege of Education In addition to the $101100 thet t‘ellou—
ship wtll on 101' Edwatds 1111111111

scon 11511111st | 11111111151111

Rudy Brannon, a music performance senior, plays a little jazz
with bass player and UK graduate Danny Cecil and the rest at
his band, The Rudy Brannon Group, outside of the VLT. Young
Library. The Rudy Brannon Group plays every Saturday at The
Bigg Blue Martini downtown.


’l‘he 1'11111114111111s not 1.11111
1111111'1 1111‘ several months. to
allow further appeals. 'l‘he
1111'111'11us11leti111 1.11111 11s1'as11

The case was lirought 11V
tacked on (‘apuol 11111. 111111 1\l11'l1a11l A N111v1l1111..'18.'11'r11
11.111- .\l.11111'11.\' 1.1-.111111 1111111toath1-1s1\Vl11111111e1'te11111-
'l‘hotnas l).1s1'hl11. 118.1). 1'.1ll 1'.111s1-lus \111‘111111111'1111111111111111
1111' was 1111111111111 to recite the
11111 g11111ru1nent 11.111 1111111141- .'11 1111' lilk (irove school
argued that the reliulous district .1\ federal 111111111 had

'A} 311.".
“'4‘ fl: 5

first err .10
seutmanv 1.11:3 "
on. “ 1“


5|“me OYIERS!


121111111 '1: 1'1- 1"
”91111111: oao

5111111111.. 111.111; image...

k F» .J

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l.irltr‘s (.(11111lRll ltr'trirr' 11111111
)lr'r1W1~lll)rlr1L'.l<‘tls1~1-r 111111-1

1111131111 11111

.1 1; "v1.7. «3.3., 11.1.1 v.’ 011';th ‘ war Wu. il‘ “ mmh‘ ii Ni 1

1 119.1122; a



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 Lucas Thomas
Scene Editor



Phone. 257 I915 | [mail' Irrithom3iwuliy edu

Downtown gets jazzed up with
‘Summer in the City' concerts

Bands. crowds. street side beer
vendors. Marrii Gras beads. beautiful
women doesn't sound like some-
thing that Would happen in Lexmg
ton, does it?

But on most Fridays throughout
the summer, it is.

Lexington has launehed an ei
fort. “Stunmer in the (‘ity." designed
to provide entertainment and draw
people downtown on the weekends
And. judging from the second week
of the concerts. they haw done a
pretty good job.

A series of Friday night ('oiieei'ts. .lazz Alley. provides the
most lively and college oriented part of their et'tort The l‘lt\
Closes a downtown street to ears and invites talented hands
both local and national to play, The performances are tree
Best of all. they are loeated on streets with liars. and 1 art» on
the street sell beer as Well. The beer is pretty cheap. too
$2.50 for a glass of Budweiser.

The week I went. historic Mill Street was parked \yith peo
ple perhaps the most l have seen on l,e\iiigton streets \llll‘t‘
the Wildcats Won their "Sill i‘hainpionship. liven the [itlllt't'
seemed relaxed and low key.

The Juggernaut Jug Rand. Wlill‘li played last weekend.
wasn't bad. They played an old-school Dixieland style ion. the
kind where the drummer uses only a snare But they didn‘t do
much to stir the crowd, and the dance floor sut‘i'ered At one
point. only two children and an old man Were out on the tloor
The old man kept waving his arms to invite more dancers, but
nobody responded.

Most people clustered away from the hands near Rosebud.
Cheapside and the beer vendors. (‘oiiverst'ition people watt h
ing and beerguzzling. not the hand. seemed the focus of the

This week's band. however. will likely entire a little more
rumpshaking. (‘lub l)uli. a local band that pl:in a tight blend
of funk and reggae. is set to take the stage Their 'l‘uesdax'
night Shows at High on Rose regularly park the house to (Net
flowing, and a surprising number of people aetually get up
and dance.

Hopefully. the same will happen tomorrow when they take
the stage on Mill Street.

Joe Anderson


l\\ ill also to sine to in the it '.\“‘.t'll the llotl lllli ot (‘ow
town ippe us on \ii;tiisi ‘1 The [lot I lllli plays .i quirky. up
he'it type oi 'l'exe \‘tVlllt'. .\li\ Slept. llli' litiiiliit'lil \\zlli .lohii
ll\' ()1le .lltll .‘illl st ill to Ll"l iii iile'i oi the i:i//y eoiiiiti‘y. ot‘
(‘llllllll‘y i i “on pl o.

.l.i,'/ [\llet ls lllil tlie ozil‘. llt'! ll:
llll'l llii \ (Y'Z"i v‘. . ,‘ Litig'. 'l in
iim ol lie» ". lw . or t wit lion: wit I‘lz'u'illlflili'i'tl l’xll'k
is llll'l‘rl‘u will 2“: l .i .. l lire» .\ .- '- \l iii: will \'iiie iiitei‘
l?” Riv humid llo ill ind .\liri? trill \wiiiu
Hull: (it ilie .l' at": it“. lilli (will-i Milk lid/f .‘\iit‘\
ll'r l.e\lli;'liiii *«H‘llt' ( il'.
doiiiito'wii. while

llrililllr;Y ill ill)

.\lllli'.'iil rxi iit this stilii
o‘riiifi iiiwrl [' ri‘k "\ lil lili‘yl ,i \t'

\i‘r‘l Lilli!
le illei‘s Hlil‘ii
\(illlli' iil‘lililt' lil'hill

si‘\t‘l ii i. ll lililil ll‘.
whine that l‘iv on» ...
tli.it their-s

(hill w; l\ Iii-at llri-se lli‘lli lill lmtl. ilt‘t‘tls 'l llt‘\ li l\"' shout]
that they  ,s' a.-
N ”V #F'N/

A'M 1’me
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Late night

l'his past weekend.
President Bush
Eiuiiclietl his new
program proniot
in: l)ll\ stcal tit
ness Hush parttc
ipatetl ill .1 three
mile run \Vllll
se\er:il hundred
\Vhtte llouse
workers met the
weekend Hush
finished 36th out
of .tou runners.
l‘l‘t‘IH good Hill
.tfter .i re l lttlill
In some l“ltll'l(lvl
\oters he finished

"he Hush :idniinis
ii'at ion h l\ .tppai'
cntly lll‘illl'tht‘ll .i
plan to oust
Saddam Hussein
I think that s
President Bush‘s
Fathers ll:i\ gift
to his liltttl "

.l;i\ Li‘nii

'lilxperts say that
Usainii bin Laden
lltlS \‘ll.i\t‘tl till
his beard and is
laying low plot
ting his revenge
No. \\'.tll a
minute. that's
what tlie_\ re
s:i_\ in: about .\I

"Hill (‘linton was
busy owr the
weekend at a
casino where he
was pl;i\ ing saxo
phone It s hard to
ltt‘llt‘\‘t‘_ istlt it.
that since this
guy has left office
he's .it‘ill.lll\
become less

"There was talk this
week that Ililltiiw
t‘linton was
going to run for
vice president
NI)“. l tlttltli
know that you
could run for \ ice
president But
people were my
log. (lh no. if it
can be done. shc s
going to do it. So
now Hillili‘\ is
\er_\ bus}. deny-
tug that she
wants to be \ ice
president I'm
just thinking.
doesnt it feel
good tr» l‘.a\e a
t‘ltnton deny tug

things sizziin
I>;e. id Letterman

.‘Jltt‘ announced
this week that
'hm will be pro-
rl‘.it ing a three
l‘flllt‘ T\' movte
“l\i‘.’l on the life
or Ruth Giuliani
l‘o keep the
till“ ie true to life,
'l‘.e (tuihani char
'tcter is really
.inlikable until
‘he last fifteen
minutes when
everyone loves
him ‘

Tina Fey on
Saturdax Night
Lives Weekend

Source: aboutcorn

Compiled by
Rebecca Neal
Dialogue Editor

' .V'



College town plan
raises concerns
and questions

The architecture and planning firm Ayers Saint Gross presented their
college town plans for Lexington and UK at a meeting last Friday The
plan outlines renovating the area between the university and downtown
into a welcoming residential and shopping district. It calls for retaining
the historical and cultural characteristics of downtown while attracting


Immortal Boa rd

Rebecca Neal, Dialogue editor
Joe Anderson. Editor-in-chief

Lucas Thomas, Scene editor
Tom Soper, SportsWeeltly editor
Jodi Whitaker. staff writer


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new businesses and residents.

.\lthough the concept sounds good on paper. concerns remain about

how it will be effectively executed.

The historical appearance of the neighborhood must be preserved.
New construction should be made to look like existing structures instead
of something straight out of suburbia. Older buildings should not be de-
molished unless they are beyond repair. Measures should be taken to ren-

ovate existing structures. not just destroy them.

There are also concerns about the designs proposal for changing some
one-way streets like Maxwell Avenue into two-lane roads. There is no
room for these roads to be widened for turning lanes. Care must be taken
to ensure that cars waiting to turn left do not hold up traffic for miles.
Traffic lights will also need to be reset to take these changes into consid-
eration. Leaving the light timers as they are now will not help Lexington’s
growing traffic problems.


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Plans must also be made to attract residents and businesses to the ren—
ovated area. Many downtown storefronts stand empty. Millions of dollars
in renovations should not be spent without a campaign to attract people

to the area.

Finally it all comes down to money. Where will the money come from to
complete the college town plan? The city of Lexington and the state are experi-
encing a very tight fiscal year. UK‘s allocation from the state was again reduced,
It ircing them into some tricky fiscal maneuvers to avoid cutting programs. With
the recent coiporate scandals and their effects on the stock market. the econo-
tn y is showing few signs of long-term recovery Money should not be taken from
other needy programs to fund the college tovm program.

The college town program is a good step toward building a beneficial
connection between the university and downtown Lexington. As long as
the plan takes into conside ‘ation the needs of residents. students and
businesses. it should be a success.


llt‘llo llia‘t‘e
Li "tillll‘SSIUI‘t to
make My name
is Rebect :1 Neal.
and I‘m a news

l know. it
\iilillll\ weird.

WW it" W Rehecca Neal

near oi tots ot BIA-LOGUEEDITOR
people addicted

to 'llt‘tilltil or
drugs, but few addicted to

l t annot get enough news
in my day The first Web sites
lvisit exery time I use the in-
ternet (after (her king my
mail that isi are new's sites
I've been known to read the
same newspaper multiple
times in one day I think peo
ple always hated rooming
with me on trips and such be
cause I Would always walk
into the hotel room and turn
on CNN I collect various
newspaper\ from every titv
and state I've been to I have a
closetful of papers from im

portant events
(like when l was
in Florida right af-
ter the 200i) elec-
tion) and papers
that seem insignif-
icant. But I still
keep them

And to think
it took the sixteen
years to decide on
a career in

Iiust love current events.
(‘all me a nerd. but if you
asked me any question about
the Middle East. I could prob-
ably answer it. I find real-life
events even more fascinating
than fiction

Itt fact. sometimes real
life seems more bizarre than
fiction ever could be. Take.
for example. the saga of
(‘handra Levy. I'm sure you
know what I'm talking about.
From her mysterious disap-
pearance to the alleged affair
with a Congressman to the
discovery of her skeletal re-

mains in Rock Creek Park in
DC... the media covered it all.
And we. the public, ate it up.

I happened to be in DC.
on vacation when the Levy
story broke. The media fren‘
zy was unbelievable. (I still
have newspapers from that
trip. natch).

Perhaps you've heard
about Elizabeth Smart. the
14-yearvold Salt Lake (‘ity girl
kidnapped in the middle of
the night from her bedroom.
Her story has dominated 24-
hour news networks for the
past month. Every network
has interviewed numerous
members of her family and
questioned "experts“ about
who kidnapped the girl.

The biggest media frenzy.
of course. would have to be
the Clinton impeachment.
Who could forget the Starr
Report? The scandal made
words that were originally
taboo on the evening news
common vocabulary

Sometimes I wonder.



So long to the
Bill of Rights

“It sure would be much easier if it were a dictatorship and
I am the dictator" President George W Bush

We are gathered here today to mourn the death of a
dear attd beloved friend. A friend
that supported us through our
bleakest moments and celebrated
with us through our brightest
hours. A friend to every American.

This friend the Bill of Rights

was cut down in the pri