xt7xpn8xdk37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xpn8xdk37/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-07-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 22, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 22, 2004 2004 2004-07-22 2020 true xt7xpn8xdk37 section xt7xpn8xdk37 FORMER UK SWIMMER HEADS T0 ATHENS | PAGE 3
:Jul 2004
Celebratin 32 ears olinde endence
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Small town charm brings HollyWood film set to Versailles
Director Cameron Crowe found small-town atmosphere,
perfect location for his next movie, Elizabethtown
By Stephen Burnett
gangsta ""7“"—
Versailles was in bloom
and Bloom was in Versailles
last Monday. filming for his
latest movie Elizabethtown.
Yes. that was Versailles.
Ky. and yes. that was Orlan-
do Bloom. also known as
Legolas in the Lord of the
Rings trilogy and Will Turn-
er in last year's Pirates of the
( ‘m‘ibhean.
Dozens of fans lined
Rose Hill Avenue in Ver-
sailles in front of the Clark
Funeral Home. where some-
where inside. director
Cameron Crowe was filming
scenes for Elizabethtown.
The movie also stars
Kirsten Dunst (Spider-Man 2)
and Academy Award winner
Susan Sarandon.
“Most of the films I‘ve
worked on have been shoot-
ing only in LA. which is dif-
ferent." said film publicist
Paulette Osorio. “It’s very
normal to be walking down a
street in LA. and see a cam-
era crew.
"Here it's different." she
said. “People who live here
don’t have this happen. ever."
Fans of varied ages.
from preteen to adult. waited
patiently outside throughout
the cool morning and into
the noon heat.
Girls carried magazine
pictures of Bloom and home-
made signs: “We love you,
Orlando." “Kiss me!" etc.
Others just wanted to
look behind the scenes, like
former UK telecommunica-
tions student Lonzell Wat-
“I’m just seeing how the
big boys do production to-
day," said Watson. who’s now
a local TV director/ producer
in Frankfort. “I would have
liked to have studied film,
but there wasn’t a film major
at UK
“I'm just hanging out
here for the experience of
watching it." said Tamara
Semones, a drama teacher at
Woodford County Middle
School. “This is my third
day. I feel like I've become a
But she said her waiting
had paid off during Main
Street filming last Friday: “I
got Orlando Bloom's auto-
graph. I shook his hand and I
told him I was an eighth
grade middle school teacher,
and he goes —-" in her best
Bloom voice —“ ‘How do you
manage that?”
Fans quickly got used to
another Bloom “imitator”
who mingled with them out-
side the set —~ 20-year-old
John Glass.
“I'm his photo double,”
Glass said. “so I‘m kind of
like in vehicles. driving or
walking from faraway dis-
tances. That way they can’t
see who it is. but it just looks
like the person.“
This is the second movie
for Glass, who's also a the-
ater major at the University
of Tennessee in Knoxville.
Already he’s met Cameron
Crowe, Bloom, Sarandon.
and Dunst easily.
“After we‘re done here,
we actually go back to LA.
and finish up." publicist Oso-
rio said.
The plot for Elizabeth-
town involves a suicidal man
(Bloom) who returns to Eliz-
abethtown, Ky. for his fa-
ther’s funeral—“an outra-
geous memorial." according
to the Internet Movie Data-
base. He meets flight atten-
dant Dunst and falls in love.
The movie is scheduled
for release in 2005.
Societal pressures set stage
for student eating disorders
-Weight loss
Fear of weight gain
Preoccupation with food
-l’erfectionistic attitude
-Withdrawal from people
Eating in secret
Bathroom visits after
Depression or mood
-Harsh self-judg-
' 3 ment
I“ "I“
m w-
Retired journalism
Bingeing and eating uncon-
By Trlcla McKenny
surr mum
While celebrities like
Mary-Kate Olsen and Anna
Nicole Smith deal publicly
with issues like eating dis-
orders or using diet pills.
many college students face
the same issues in private.
As many as 15 percent
of UK students have par-
ticipated in unhealthy diet-
ing techniques. according
to a 1999 UK questionnaire.
This dieting includes
fasting. bingeing- and
purging. limiting food in-
take and using diet pills.
which can develop into an
eating disorder like
anorexia or bulimia.
Jill Kindy. a nutrition-
ist with the University
Health Service. said while
the exact number of stu-
dents with anorexia or bu-
limia is hard to pin down.
about half of her
clients have some
form of an eating
"At this
age. col-
1 e g e
are un-
der a lot of
stress. The
stress of mov-
ing. making their
own food choices
and natural body
changes can let stu—
dents' body image change
and they want to look like
they did in high school."
said Kindy.
Numerous studies
have shown that 86 percent
of those with eating disor-
ders reported the onset of
their illness occurred be-
fore age 20.
"We see more and
more students who report
having had 'food issues'
(overeating. bingeing. re—
stricting food intake. or
having lists of ‘bad‘ or ‘for-
hidden' foods) since child-
hood or early adolescence
so these problems may
not just have started in col-
lege." said Mary Bolin-Re~
ece. Ph.D.. director of the
Counseling and Testing
What causes
these “food issues"
is more compli
professor dies, 57
By Jason McAllster
Maria Braden. a retired UK journalism professor who
was inducted into the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame
this year, died at her home Tuesday from complications due
to colon cancer. She was 57.
Braden began teaching at UK in 1980. and taught for 21
years in the School of Journalism and Telecommunications.
before retiring in 2001.
Some of her classes included news reporting. newspa-
per and magazine writing. legislative reporting. ethics of
journalism. media diversity and etymology
“She was the epitome of a hard hitting beat reporter."
said Angelo Henderson, a former student of Braden‘s. who
won the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for feature writing. and is now
the associate editor of Real Times
News. in Detroit. “We actually
went to Frankfort for class to cov—
er state legislature. It was hands
on - a lot of professors talk about
journalism as a craft. but she
talked about it as a job.
“She had a real heart. she was
supportive. kind and appreciated
good journalism and good writing.
She might like you. but that does-
n't mean she wasn't gonna be on I
you to get it right." Henderson Braden
Lisa A. Brown. the current UK director of Student and
Multicultural Affairs. first met Braden in the summer of
1985 when she came to Brown‘s high school to talk about the
Dow Jones Summer High School Workshop for Minority
Students. Brown said.
High school students in the program learned to write
stories and published their own newspaper. When Brown
went on to attend UK. Braden became her academic adviser.
“One of her greatest assets as an adviser was that she
was genuinely concerned about her students outside of the
classroom." Brown said. “I would stop by after graduation
and she would have me sit down and talk. and was interest-
ed in what I was doing."
Brown later became a counselor for the 1990 and 1992
summer workshops where Braden helped her get started.
During her teaching career. Braden wrote articles and
book reviews for newspapers and magazines. and also pub-
lished three books: She Said What: Interviews with Women
Newspaper Columnists; Women Politicians and the Media;
and with co-author Rick Roth she wrote. Getting the Mes-
sage Across; Writing for the Mass Media.
Braden received a national teaching award for excel-
lence in teaching of writing from the Poynter Institute for
Media Studies. and became the first woman promoted to full
professor in the School of Journalism and Telecommunica-
tions at UK.
Born in New York. NY. Braden was a daughter of the
late William and Lachland Braden. She graduated from
McGill University in Montreal Canada in 1968. with a BA.
in English and Philosophy. and then worked for two years as
a reporter for the Worchester (Mass) Telegram and Gazette.
Later. she was a reporter and editor for 10 years at the
Associated Press in Louisville. where she covered state gov-
ernment. state and national political campaigns and state
and federal courts. before moving into her teaching career
Braden is survived by her husband. Joseph H. Clark. of
Lexington; her children. Mia and Joseph Clark. both of
Chicago; and her brother. Dr. William Braden of Providence.
Braden‘s memorial service will be at 2:30 pm. Friday at
St. Paul Catholic Church. Kerr Brothers Funeral Home on
Main Street is in charge of arrangements. Contributions
are suggested to the Markey Cancer Center. 800 Rose St..
Lexington. Ky. 40536.
E-mail jasonalLsterZTarhotmailcom
The M at the Uersnivit Kentuch , lexington
ODJTL KentuckyTheatre. Tickets cost $38.
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21m 730 pm. Bogart's Tickets cost
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Los Lohos plays tonight at the Kentucky Theatre es pert ol the
Window Concert Series. The concert sterts et 8 pm.
8 pm The flame. Tickets cost $3
Furl lira-
Ugm. The DEImecfikke s cost $16
lined Toll Jr. II Shh Flu. Velou-
cmi. Sill! Cit. My m
M at Fm Holy
12 pm. The Beivedere, Louisville. Tickets
cost $25.50
We??? “Ml?!
Wmflgmusemts cost
Continued from page 1
“Body image problems
stem from many factors."
Kindy said. “Socially: thin-
ness is promoted by the me
dia and television."
American social culture
can be a factor in increasmg
rates of eating disorders.
“Other cultures don‘t
have these problems. but as
they becotne more Western-
ized. and see more American
images. obesity and eating
disorders both tend to in-
crease." Kindy said.
“I'm afraid that these im»
ages of perfection are setting
up 95 percent of the popula-
tion to fail.“ Bolin-Reece
“(Students should] real-
ize that if you look at those
magazines. what you are see-
ing is not real." Kindy said.
She said many studies
show that these unrealistic
images can contribute to
lower selfesteem.
A study had participants
take a self-esteem exam be-
fore and after looking at im-
ages of idealistic women in
magazines. The scores on the
exam were much lower after
viewing these images than
before. said Kindy
While social factors can
'A hilt-Ii 'iiwli \X ll \imv ui
' l lilTiF‘Tl'liil‘nHt l'ii
( ,Iir'
contribute to body image
problems. they are not the
only factor
”Eating disorders and
body image are complicated.
multi-determined concerns
not caused by any single
factor such as the media or a
specific diet. Typically there
is a mix of factors. including
interpersonal relationships
and often issues about con
trol of one‘s life and deci-
sionemaking." said Bolin-Re-
“Nutrition is a symptom.
You must find the root issue
and treat that." said Kindy
Treatment for these is-
sues varies depending on the
patient and their specific
"The most common
problem is bulimia. Many
people don‘t know that be-
cause anorexia is more
prominent and gets more at-
tention because it is more
noticeable. Bulimia is secre-
tive and affects people who
are thin. overweight. or aver—
age. They are in hiding.
burying their problem." said
Once in treatment. pa-
tients have physical and my
chological issues to deal
“During treatment. you
deal with refeeding syn-
drome. It is the same as if
someone was starving in the
woods for three months. You
can‘t just give them a big
‘\i\lflil4\\llh Kit \hii ”Wu
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steak dinner. you have to
take it slow." said Kindy.
“The GI. tract is a muscle. If
it is not used. it gets out of
shape and you will feel slug-
gish and bloated."
In treatment. Kindy said
it is important for patients
and those around them to re-
member they are fighting a
“A lot of people think
someone is just trying to get
attention but that is not true.
No one says. ‘I‘m going to be
anorexic,” Kindy said.
An eating disorder is
similar to cancer. she said. It
is not shameful. it just hap-
pens to some people and not
just women.
“I believe that males to-
day are subject to many of
the same media influences
that females have been bom-
barded by for years maga-
zine covers of impossibly
perfect-looking and air-
brushed images of people
with no wrinkles and perfect
teeth." said Bolin-Reece.
“Even magazines like
Men '3 Fitness and Men ‘s
Health which do provide
information on health. nutri-
tion anti exercise -~~ have on
the covers and throughout
the pages images of males
who in no way represent the
typical physically healthy
male." she said.
These images may lead
some to turn to chemical as-
sistance to achieve the de-
sired look by using diet pills.
Kindy said students us-
ing diet pills tend to worry
her because of the dangers
of the drugs.
“Diet pills are a billion
dollar industry. so people are
definitely using them. You
can get it anywhere. even in
a gas station. They are dan-
gerous because they are not
regulated by the FDA. If you
get 200 mg of Tylenol. you
know each pill has 200 mg.
With diet pills. there is no
way to know whether you
are getting the listed
amount. less than that. or as
much as three times as much
as you think." Kindy said.
The Counseling and
Testing Center offers its ser-
vices to students facing prob-
lems with diet pills. eating
disorders or body image
problems. and Kindy said it
is important for students to
seek help if they have any of
these problems.
“Many important life de-
cisions and changes occur in
late adolescence and early
adulthood. including becom-
ing more independent and
self~def1ning." said Bolin-Re-
“I'm sad when I see stu-
dents whose sense of self is
linked so much to whether
others like or value them for
their looks."
E-mail kerneliuukyedu
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Olympian no longer afrad of water
Former UK All-American cites discipline, ambition, hard
work. spirituality as keys to swimming successes
By Yehana Valdez
Fourmutmc wanna
On July 8, UK gained ad-
ditional alumni bragging
rights with Rachel Komis-
arz’s win at the Olympic
Swimming Trials in Long
Beach. Calif.
That day‘s win in the
100—meter butterfly placed
Komisarz on the 2004 USA
Olympic Team. The 27-year-
old from Warren. Mich..
placed 6th in the ZOO-meter
freestyle relay affording her
one of four spots on the
Olympic team in the BOO-me-
ter freestyle relay
Komisarz’s path to mak-
ing the Olympic swim team
was not the most direct. She
embarked on her athletic ca-
reer at the age of eight as a
gymnast. but fractured two
vertebrae at 16 and was un-
able to continue training.
“I thought my world was
ending.“ Komisarz said. “I
had spent four hours a day in
the gym since i was eight.
All I could think was. ‘What
am I going to do now?"‘
During her rehabilita-
tion. the doctor said the only
way she could take off her
cast was if she was lying
down or swimming. Opting
not to lay on her back.
Komisarz instead decided to
get into a pool.
“I was not a very big wa-
ter person." she said. Swimv
ming was merely the lesser
of two evils.
“It wasn't even halfway
through the first day before a
lifeguard had to get in and
save me." Komisarz recalled.
It was a long time before she
could be in a pool without
someone holding her or
standing close to her.
Despite her aversion to
the water. Komisarz was able
to parlay the strength and co-
ordination she had devel~
oped through gymnastics
into swimming success.
Within her first year and a
half as a swimmer. Komisarz
had won two state titles.
Komisarz joined the UK
swim team under Coach
Gary Conelly in 1995. When
she started swimming at UK
she realized. “Everyone
[here] has won state titles.
I'm nothing special." She
says that at this point. she
was not even thinking about
the Olympics. When she
placed 16th at the NCAAS.
she did not feel that she was
close to being a contender.
Nonetheless. after her
four years at UK. where she
won three SEC chapionships
and was a six-time All-Amer-
ican. she competed at the
2000 Olympic Trials. Her
plan was to retire following
the trials. “I entered." she
said. “not thinking I had a
chance." After she saw that
she was still getting faster.
she decided not to quit just
yet. In 2001, she made the
US. National Team.
Coach Conelly describes
Komisarz as “the most moti-
vated athlete" he has ever
known. “Every day she
brought a level of intensity
to practice. and she never
complained. Every day she
gave a hundred percent.“
Conelly also describes
Komisarz as naturally com-
petitive, adding, “Komisarz
is the type of athlete that
would have been great in
whatever she picked. It is
gratifying to see her get what
she has been after. Now it is
time for her to get the gold.“
Training at UK under
Conelly was an essential step
in Komisarz's ascent to the
Olympics. “While most
swimmers begin at age six or
seven. I didn‘t start until i
was 16." she said. At UK.
Komisarz was able to gain
endurance and strength. She
fine-tuned for the Olympics
at Lakeside Swim Team in
Louisville with her current
coach. Mike DeBoor.
DeBoor enjoys working
with Komisarz. “She is very
focused and driven." DeBoor
feels that Komisarz's age
gives her an advantage. Be-
ing 27 allows her to be better
equipped to handle competi-
tive pressure than most of
the teenagers she will be
competing against. he said.
Prior to the Olympic tri»
als. Komisarz's routine with
DeBoor consisted of nine to
10 workouts of at least two
hours per week. She also did
aerobics. Pilates. Tae Bo. and
weight training. Additional»
ly. said DeBoor. “Rachel has
led a clean life. She has nev-
er been into partying." Now
UK graduate Rachel Komisarz will medal at the 2004 Athens
Olympics. said Mike DeBoor, her current coach.
that she has made the team.
her regimen consists of
working out for four hours
in the water daily, spending
three days per week weight
training and exercising.
DeBoor attributes many
of her accomplishments to
the hard work she put in at
UK. Because she' began
swimming considerably later
than many other swimmers.
she has not broken down like
so many worn out athletes.
She has gained confidence.
“She is now more hungry to
reach for the top of the
world." On Aug. 14. the date
of the ion-meter butterfly in
Athens. DeBoor predicts.
“She will medal."
Komisarz is no stranger
to the world medal stand.
She won five medals at the
2001 World University Games
anti also medaled at the 2003
World Championships. the
2002 Short ("ourse World
Championships and the 2001
World University Games.
Komisarz comes from a
closeknit family. Her father
is a truck driver. and her
mother. Karen. is an admin»
middle child of three.
Karen Komisarz is most
proud of her daughter's level
of devotion. “She never gave
up even though she was too
old for the Olympics." That
devotion comes through not
only in her athletic career.
but also in her spirituality.
“She puts God first in her
life. She is a good daughter
and a good person."
After swimming. Komis
arz is thinking about return—
ing to school. saying she
could go "anywhere from
nursing to the Police Acade-
my." Komisarz‘s interests
show a desire to help people.
“I‘ve been so blessed...it
would be great to be able to
give that back."
Komisarz traces her
life‘s trail back to a decision
she made when she was
young. “In my life 1 had a
choice to do something great
or watch someone else do
something great. I chose to
do something great."
E—mail kernelw: ukyedu
.. cloisters@pmrcompanies.com
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She is hungry to reach for the top of the world.”
Mike DeBoor, Rachel Komisarz’s swim coach for Lakeside Swim Team in Louisville.
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Moira Baqley, Editor in chief
Jason McAIister, Managing editor
Chris Johnson, SportsDaily editor
Editorial Boa Hi
Iroy Lyle, Staff Writer
Ryan Ebelhar. Scene editor
John Duncan, Staff writer
mwmwnamwmwm «Wfiw
Stickers bump the truth
Harsh campaign bumper stickers pop-
ping up in drive-thru lines and traffic Janis
are becoming all too common as we near
election day. but it seems this year's batch is
especially offensive.
For example. one sticker circulating
around Louisville is "Kerry is bin Laden‘s
man. Bush is mine." This is a dangerously
false statement. a pathetically transparent
attempt by the GOP to garner votes and tie
Kerry in with the so-far USSR of the 21st
century. The argument of the stickers im»
plies that Osama bin Laden would have an
easier time dealing with Kerry‘s govern-
ment than Bush‘s government. which is up
for debate considering the three-year goose
egg the Bush administration has laid in
finding him but the most offensive part of
the sticker is its language.
It is nothing more than a bait-and-switch
argument that couples Kerry with the war
and its lack of success in finding bin Laden.
a problem the Bush administration and
thus the GOP. as the elected leader and the
leader‘s party. are more responsible for. If
they had found bin Laden by now. would
this sticker have been printed? The lan-
guage is offensive to many Americans. who
see Kerry‘s name coupled with bin Laden's
as a cheap negative campaign ad that uses
hatred of terrorism to steer votes away
from Kerry while shifting attention away
from the GOP's lack of a second-term agen»
da and lack of hard evidence surrounding
the reason for going to war with Iraq in the
first place , weapons of mass destruction.
Bush says the decision to invade Iraq
over UN resolutions against it was justified
because he removed an acknowledged
Americahater who had the potential to use
weapons against us. Bush’s argument. then.
is that now because Saddam is gone. the
world is devoid of people who have these
traits. This does not gel with Secretary of
Homeland Security Tom Ridge and Nation—
al Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice’s fluc-
tuating terror alert level. which seems as
frighteningly random as the wheel on a
Twister game. Raise your right hand to red.
Mr. President. Are we safe or aren’t we?
The Democratic ticket. Kerry and Sen.
John Edwards. did vote to give the Presi-
dent pre-emptive strike authority shortly
after the 9/11 attacks. But who would have
honestly voted against it shortly after the
worst terrorist attack in American history?
The fact that he is regretting it now doesn‘t
make him any more “bin Laden’s man"
than any of the Senate Republicans who are
now regretting passage of the Patriot Act.
If anything. Congress was put under
duress by the administration to get some-
thing done immediately after the attacks to
show a strong response and the second-
guessing now is showing that the situation
was not thought through as thoroughly as
it should have been.
The GOP‘s tactless tactics must be
protested in a way that will get through to
them. Americans. especially Kentuckians.
can play their part in stopping this con-
temptible Charade by not displaying the car
stickers on their vehicles. If you support
Bush. find another way to make it known.
Campaigns have enough ways to gain sup-
port that people do not need to waste their
time on bumper stickers that are such an
obvious ploy to dupe the American people
into thinking John Kerry is soft on terror-
ism simply because he is a Democrat.
Don't battle eating disorder alone
In light of today's
article on eating disor
ders. I'd like to reach
out to the readers who
might know someone
struggling with the
disease or facing it
Having an eating
disorder is something
no one should face
I‘ve seen too many
people. both friends
and acquaintances.
battle with the demon that is anorexia.
Even I fell victim to the desire to con—
trol my weight by not eating.
Having dealt with the problem from
the angle of both friend and of victim.
I‘ve seen how anorexia destroys friends
and relationships It's a sad downward
spiral that doesn‘t have to happen
There are so many resources avail
able for people who are struggling with
the effects of an eating disorder on
campus and nationally If you can help
a friend or help yourself by accessing
one of these programs or Web sites. you
are doing a great service to yourself
and your loved ones.
The Counseling and Testing (Tenter
located in Frazee Hall has psychologists
available to provide individual and
group therapy free of charge for stu-
dents carrying more than six hours
each semester.
The University Health Service's
physicians and nurses can provide
health assessment and education. The
I'HS psychiatrists can provide medica
tion consultation and prescriptions and
their registered dieticians can provide
nutrition assessment and education.
You can also contact the American
Anorexta Bulimia Association at 418 E.
76th St . New York. NY. 10021. And the
National Anorexic Aid Society can he
found at wwwlaureatecom.
Don't let yourself or a friend suffer
from an eating disorder alone; there is a
way out.
Moira Bagley is a journalism at.»
nior. Her views do not necessarily
represent those of the Kernel.
Email (a moiram ukyedu
Protesting the
Guess what -.. the Democratic Na-
tional Convention is starting up in
Boston this Monday. This pre—election
scene will definitely peak to an exciting
conclusion when delegates finally nomi—
nate their candidates. and the winners
are: a couple of multimillionaire Liber-
al senators named John!
In case you haven't noticed. the
Johns say they can beat President Bush
with a list of official campaign posi-
tions entitled. “The NOT Doing Whatev-
er Bush Does.“ List. They're a little
short on specifics and long on words
like All and Every: health care for All
Americans. prescription drug coverage
for Every senior. help for All poor children. restoring “re-
spect" among All the rest of the world (France). etc.
Of course. conservatives are planning to protest the
Johns and the Democrat convention in their usual. ag-
gressive right-wing manner: by speaking into radio mi~
crophones. or writing from their internet newspaper cubi-
These disgusting methods of usurping democracy
will undoubtedly irk Democrats. but it‘s all in fun; we
know this is how the games are played. Conservatives
protesting liberals play Rock. Paper. Scissors. and Liber-