xt7xsj19mp09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19mp09/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19500331  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1950 1950 2013 true xt7xsj19mp09 section xt7xsj19mp09 oesi uopy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

Come Early
To The





Tartly Cloudy
And Cool
High 32





Top SGA Posts Go
To Jones And Deen

300 High School
Writers At Clinic

Will Talk

By Katheryn Whitmer
The annual publications clinic of
the Kentucky High School Press
By Joe Coyle
Association begins on campus today
Party and the
and will continue through tomorrow,
Archibald MacLeish. Boylston
Constitutionalists fought out a clo.e,
Lr. Neil Plummer, head of the DeProfessor of Rhetoric at Harvard
hotly contested SGA election Tuespartment of Journalism, announced.
and one of the three leading Ameri- day.
Forty schools are expected to send
can poets, will speak at 8 o'clock
to the
The victory was bv no means a
approximately 300 delegates
Tuesday night in Memorial Hall o:i
smashing one. but the election of
conference. Dr. Plummer said that
"Modern Poetry" and will read some
candidates to the presihe hoped this clinic, which was forof his poems. Dr. Herman L. Spivey.
dent and vice president posts, plus
merly held in December, would help
head of the Department of English,
seven representatives to the assembthe future editors of the high school
ly, showed clearly that the student
papers to improve their publications.
Students who are Interested in
bodv was in the mood for a chance
The two-da- y
clinic will begin this
A joint music recital by the Uniwriting for production can hear Mr.
in the SGA setup. The Constitutionmorning with lectures by members versity Men's Glee Club. Gordon J.
MacLeish at 3 :30 p.m. Monday in
alists placed ten candidates ui the
of the staff of the journalism de- Kinney,
cellist, and Nathaniel
the Guignol Theater. Immediately
partment on news writing, makeup, Patch, pianist, will be given at 4
after this lecture he will be the
The unofficial count for the elecadvertising
and photography for p.m. Sunday in Memorial Hall.
guest of the Koffee Klub in the
tion showed that 1993 votes were
both printed and stencil duplicated
Aimo Kiviniemi is the director of
COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN for Stars Of The Night, annual
Music Room of the Student Union
cast in all colleges. The Engineerpapers.
the Glee Club. He will be assisted
convocation for women, set together on plans for the program which
ing College led all others with a
Contest Winners Named
by Miss Ann Huddleston at the
will be held at 7:30 Wednesday night in Memorial Hall. Above
MacLeish is very different
turnout of 602 voters.
Climaxing the meeting will be the piano.
(left to right) are Bettie Bryant, printed programs; Gloria Eastburn,
from most modern writers." Dr.
Jones Wins
announcement tomorrow of the winThe first part of the tnree pan
Sara Mae Greene, president of the Women's
Spivey said. "He writes with the
party candidates
ners of the contests in journalistic program will be the singing of "The
Administrative Council; Emmie Lou Patrick, treasurer; and Bettye
ror president and vice president, .
definite intention of being under- writing.
Awards totaling $75 are Testament of Freedom" by the Glee
Lee Mas tin. publicity chairman. Margaret Bruce Cruise, advisor to the
Jerry Jones and Robert Deen. won
offered by the Lexington Herald-Leade- r. Club. This includes a setting of
group looks on. Not present when the picture was made were Helen
by a substantial margin over their
Written Volumes
First place winners in each four passages from the writings of
Deiss, program chairman; and Nancy West, invitations.
Constitutionalist rivals. Bruce Fer
a poet. Mr. MacLeish
of the five contests will participate Thomas Jefferson. They are "The
-- Primarily
guson and Carol Chambers. The
tomorrow at 12:20 p.m. in a round-tabl- e God who gave us liberty; We have
has written at least 16 volumes of
breakdown of the vote for these Vo
mm m
it thinn r
poetry and nine volumes of prose
discussion which will be rec- counted the cost . . . our cause
positions shows that Jones won bv a
orded and transcribed later in the is just: We fight not for glory or
since 1924. "His constant experi-- ;
SGA CANDIDATES Bob Gregory (Constitutionalist, and Joe
1077 to 747 margin over Ferguon.
week over WBKY.
mentation in his poetry with rhyme
conquest; and I shall not die withCoyle (All Student) are really eager, it seems, to win over Eleanor
and that Deen defeated his oppo
Another highlight of the clinic out a hope . . . Should the cloud
and verse forms cause these books
is. Looking on more amused than amazed
for her vote that
nent. 1142 to 781.
to be greatly different from one an- will be the evaluation of the high of barbarism and despotism again
There was no
are Martha Bradley and Dianne MrKaig.
The Constitutionalists
school newspapers tomorrow morn- obscure the science and liberties of
other in content and style," Dr.
got Eleanor's vote. She voted by secret ballot, too.
report on who
strongest in the College of Aru and
Spivey continued.
ing by special committees arranged Eurone. this country remains to
Sciences. Their slate made a c'.ean
by Theta Sigma Phi. women's hon- preserve and restore light and libHis book. "Conquistador," which is
sweep there with the exception of
By Bettye Lee Mastin
a Pulizer Prize winner, was written
nition service. Alpha Lambda Delta orary journalism fraternity, and the erty."
one upper classman position. In reThe second phase of the program.
and Cwens. freshman and soDho- - Henry Watterson Press Club, men's
for the large public which likes acgards to that post, there has ocNearly 200 coeds, recognized for more honoraries, also will announce professional organization
to be given by Mr. Kinney, is com
tion and color. Among his other
curred a situation that is unpreA box supper and frolic session posed of "Sonata in A major" by
uuy scholarship, leadership and service, nlroppsoi tne
writings are "The
cedented in the history of SGA elec
will be held tonight in the journal- Bocchenm; "Sonata, opus i
Organizations Listed
and "Air Raid" which were written win oe nonorea at me special oiars
tions. John Brabant, the Constitu"Symphonic
"Union Of The Night" convocation at 7:30
taking part and ism building. Folk dancing and Rachmaninov;
lor radio production and
tionalist candidate, and Don Rogers.
Wednesday in Memorial Hall. tneir representatives are Alpha Del- - games will be directed by Georgia Variations" by Boellman.
He also wrote
A Ballet."
candidate, are tied at
UK's Nu Circle of Omicron Delta Alpha Xi Delta and Alpha Gamma 237
The annual program is sponsored ta Pi Joan cook; Alpha Gamma Portmann and Marie Rose.
of A. MacLeish."
The last part of the program will Kappa, national leadership honor Rho formals tomorrow night.
"The Hamlet
votes each. There are no specific
Women's Administrative Delta, Gloria Eastburn; Alpha Xi
"Land of the Free," and "Streets of by the composed
provisions in the SGA constitution
feature tenor soloist Ronald Ander- society, will be host for the society's
Yearbook Discussion
Schools Represented
of the presidents Delta, Mac Larkin; Chi Omega, Sara
bass soloist Joseph Denny
the Moon."
Midwest schools which will be rep- for the selection of candidates who
" women's organizations on Mae Green; Delta Delta Delta, cussed this the Annual"bywill bestaff son andinclude "Grant Us To Do Central Province Conference here
Few major poets have been
resented at the conference include are tied. Kathy Barnett. outgoi::
toriav and tomorrow.
Helen Deiss; Delta Zeta, Nita Pow- prominent in public life as Mr. Mac campus.
With Zeal" by J. S. Bach; "fateal
Conference activities will mciuae the University of Akron, Albion Col- president of SGA. said Wednesday
"Wishing On A Star" will be the ers; Kappa Alpha Theta, Fawn members of the Kentuckian. They Away," Negro spiritual; and "Set
Leish. He has served as Librarian
include Charles
Patrick, editor;
meetings this afternoon lege. Beloit College. Bowling Green that the matter would be brought
of Congress, as Director of the U. S. theme of this year's convocation, nrev: Kanna Delta. Emmie Lou Pat- - Mary Shinnick. managing editor; Down Servant." also a Negro spiri discussion
a model State University. Centre College, the before the assembly of the SGA next
Figures, as As Helen Deiss, program chairman and rick'. KaDDa Karma Gamma. Bettv and Jeanne Wilson, business man- tual. The latter song is arranged by and tomorrow morning:
Office of Facts and
Monday, and it
initiation ceremony conducted by Nu University of Cincinnati. Denison kind of procedure would decide the
nf the office of War author of the script, has announced. Weiss: Tau AlDha Fi. Gloria Travis: ager.
Robert Shaw.
that is possible
a buffet supper tonight University. Hillsdale College, the
Information, and as Assistant Secre- - Gloria Eastburn, arrangements. is in Zeta Tau Alpha, Lou Ellen Trimble;
be members of the Circle and attendance at tne aii Universitv of Louisville. Marshall under the constitution.
Ushers will
The program this afternoon will
followed bv
and Alpha Lambda Delta, Carol also include discussions on sports, UK band.
tary of State. He also served on the charge of other
Another tie occurred in the Grad
Campus Sing and a smoker at the College. Miami University. Ohio
Executive Board of UNESCO.
editorial and feature writing, gossip
Wesleyan University. Wayne Uni- uate School election. This tie. at
Delta Tau Delta house.
Among .Skil.liven part in the
those taking
Chi Delta Phi, Virginia Henry; columns, making a headline sched
versity. Western Reserve University, nine votes each between two Conten Hoor to Speak
opening skit will be Priscilla Han- - cwens, Dorothy Harrod; Home Ec
Born In
stitutionalists. Kenneth Midkiff and
page makeup.
A luncheon at the Fireside Room and the University of Kentucky.
Pharmacy Collerre Entrants
Mr. MacLeish. 58. was born in cher, Carolyn Critchlow, Ann Per- - Ciubi Doris warren; House Presi- - lems and finding the news The pub
Robert Nethken. No decision
Hotel tomorrow will
Should Fill Out Applications of the Phoenix conference program. sides Dean officers attending, Dr been made yet as to how it will has
Glcncoe. 111., and was graduated rine, Joan Wrench, Caroline Lee, dent's Council, Barbara Kirwan; lishing will also be discussed.
ten Hoor. include
conclude the
from Vale Universitv where he was and Jobie Ridley. Other details, Mortar Board, Kathy Barnet; Phi
resolved. The only
Motion pictures on the University
Dean Martin ten Hoor. university Ralph C. McDanel. University of Graduate School
Students who expect to comeditor of the Yale "Literary Maga- - traditionally kept secret, were not Beta, Martha Shindelbower; Phi of Kentucky and journalism will run
candidate. Geor;e
of Alabama, national president, will Richmond, past national president:
Upsilon Omicron, Dorothy Doyle;
rine." He was also on the swim-- ; revealed.
Dean Robert W. Bishop, University Williams, won one of the two sea's.
Mistress of ceremonies will be Tau Sigma. Betty Elliott; Theta Sig- - continuously in the journalism audi
this semester or summer and wish speak at the luncheon.
mine and football teams at Yale.
to 4:45 p.m. this to be considered for admission to
Tomorrow afternoon delegates and of Cincinnati, national
Altcr serving in World War I. he Sara Mae Greene, president of the ma Phi, Bettve Lee Mastin; W.A.A., torium from 1:30
The list of the winning candidates.
visitors to the conference will tour Prof. R. D. Mclntyre. University of and the number of votes cast
top of his class sponsoring organization.
the College of Pharmacv in SepPhyllis Kloecker; YWCA, Virginia afternoon.
graduated at the
Tomorrow morning's program will tember should call at the Office the new Memorial Coliseum and Kentucky, national treasurer, and
from the Harvard Law School and! The surprise capping service of Henry; Panhellenic, Joan Cook; and include conferences for
each is as follows:
the delegates of the Registrar for application
several prominent Blue Grass horse Dr. Danner Mahood. Denison Uni
taught there for a year. He Mortar Board, senior honorary, will reading of 3. standings, Dean Sarah on features and columns, news
president: Jerry
farms. They will be guests at the versity. Central Province deputy.
holds honorary doctor's degrees from be one of the features of the recog- B. Holmes.
1077 votes: vice president:
ing and editing, and makeup.
Applications must be filed by
twelve universities including Yale,
Bob Deen
1142 votes.
A conference for the advisors to
May 1.
Harvard, and Hopkins.
Arts and Sciences: lowerclass wo
discuss the financing
of student
When President Roosevelt nomi- man. Kitty King 281 votes: unper-clapublications will be led by Dr.
man. Don Rogers-tie- d
nated him as head of the Library
with 2J7
Plummer and Professor Victor Portof Congress, he said he was naming
Engineering: upperclass man. El"a scholar and a
Feature Writing Contest
mer Dryer
432 votes; lowerclass
Putnam, the retiring librarian, said
The journalistic writing contest
is first of all the!
Agriculture for a freshman: Her- - man William Harelson
444 votes;
of him: "There
r.ifts amnnntine to several thou- By Holt Mastin
Thurston. Charles Drew; Simon, will include a descriptive feature on
Lexington. $100 for the representative - at - large. William
Scot in him shrewd, austere, ex- sand dollars were accepted for the schel Weil.
Coliseum; three fea
441 votes.
There is has selectedDirector Wallace Briggs Dudley Saunders; Karen Norwood, the Memorial on
Weil Memorial Scholarship, tc Barkhau
actinc. but humourous.
University recently by the execu Jonas
the cast of
Minna Bloomfield; Wilbur F.
the poet in him whose stuff is not for the Samuel Spewackcharacters Threadweight, Claude Trapp; Major tures basedcoach, an interview of of
tive committee of the Board of be awarded to a student in Agricul
of the editors
118 votes; woman-at-largmade up of mere dreams but of "Two Blind Mice" which will open John Groh, Robert Tuthill; Lt. Col. University
ture: Union Light, Heat and Power Hamilton
Trustees. The gifts include:
the Kentucky Kernel, and of Helen
118 vots.
Margaret Wilson
realities. . . . There is the human- April 24.
Company, Covington, $300 as
Robb'ins, William Clark; Comman- - Deiss and Dorothy F. Allen on sorDr. Edwin Marx, professor of
Rockefeller Foundation, $1500 toist, keenly sympathetic to all that
Graduate school: representauve-At-larg- e.
The play concerns two elderly der Thomas Jellico, Joe Knight; Dr. ority life; and a press conference
and philosophy at Transyl- ward defraying expenses of Dr. freshman
. . . And
George Williams 29 votes.
call for social sympathy.
Philosophy Amry Vandenbosch, head of the
The following gifts were also ac
ladies called Letitia and Crystal Harry McGillik, John Marlowe;
finally there is the orator capable of who are running an allegedly liquid- - Marine Sergeant, Elbert Harber; with President Herman L. Donovan vania, will speak to the
Arts and
to learn what the University means Club at 7:30 p.m. Monday in room political science department, on a cepted:
Sciences: upperclass man. Robert
forceful expression."
vivid and
a ted government bureau. Through Charles Brenner, Ed Mills; Ensign to a high school student.
204. SUB. His subject will be "ChinFrom William Jennings Price, Gregory
trip to southeast Asia; Robert C.
344 votes. Frank Maturo
some mistake, the government is Jamison,
Senator First prize in each of the contests ese Philosophy of Life."
McDowell. Cleveland, a 1935 grad- Washington. D. C, papers relating
300 votes, John Brabant
still sending checks to the ladies for Kruger, Ed Henry,
Dr. Marx has spent the greater uate, $2000 to the Kentucky Re- to his public life, to be placed in the with 237 votes: lowerclass man. tied
will be $10; a second, $3; and third
IrSeven Students Ma'ie Debut
their employment in the bureau, but
part of the past 32 years in China search Foundation for one year University library. From radio sta vine Scrivener
votes. Don
no one knows it is still in existence.
Jane Ratchford is a Guignol vet- Leaders of the discussions will be as a missionary. He became admin
engineering scholarships over the tion WHAS. facsimile equipment in- Smith
313 votes. Jack Baliantiue
Letitia and Crvstal call their bureau eran of many seasons and was last Miss Marjorie McLaughlin, Profes
istrative secretary of the China Mis next four years.
cluding one RCA facsimile scanner
346 votes: upperclass woman. Rob1
the Office of Seeds and Standards, seen in "Joan of Lorraine." Maxine sors J. Ardery MacCauley and Victor sion of the United Christian Mis
30 RCA facAmerican Potash Institute. $1000 and approximately
bie Robinson
253 votes; wombat-laror the Olfice of Medicinal Herbs.
Perrine ; was the neighbor in "George
and sionary Society in Nanking in 1922. as continuation of a contribution simile receivers, to the Department ge.
331 votes.
Nita Powers
- ..
"-was also a professor at the uni- for a research and marketing pro of Radio Arts and the College of
Dr. William M. Moore, staff mem- - He
Commerce: upperclass man, Fred
versity of Nanking for several years. ject on tomatoes; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Engineering
140 votes.
During the uprising in 1927 he and
Radio Corporation of
Ashland. $2000 to
Agriculture and Home Economics;
k! Mrs. Marx lost all their possessions G. Blazer, Research Foundation. the America, the
?r instigation of upuidated. war which was Blithe Spirit." The cast j
several items of electronics woman-at-largKentucky
Rachel Johnson
oincs. nom men on u is roiucKing inciuo.es seven univeisuy siuucma,
and barely escaped with their lives.
Association of Thor- - test eouipment valued at $1225. to 115 votes: lowerclass man, Charles
Neither Congress nor tne Amer- - political satire on Washington bu- - who are making their Guignol de- - tions Department; and N. B.
180 votes.
of the College of Education. He was in Shanghai when Japan in- oughbred Breeders. $228 to cover the Department of Electrical Engi- - Bastin
ican people as a whole are bein
vaded in 1937.
fees for two years in the college of neering.
Graduate School: represent.!'
Anyone who is interested in work-Jan- e
The cast includes Letitia Turnbull,
given enough information to form
He was interned as a prisoner by
Kenneth Midkiif and RobRatchford; Crystal Hower, ing on costumes, sets, or in the
intelligent opinions on atomic
Japanese immediately following
ert Nethken
tied with each other
Perrine; Mr. Murray, George office are requested to contact Mr.
energy. Robert J. Blakely, editor of
Library Announces
Pearl Harbor and held for a year
at 9 votes.
said last Stone; Miss Johnson, Zell Sharf; Wallace Briggs, director, or
the St. Louis
before being allowed to return to
Jerry Jones, newly elected presiEaster Holiday Schedule
Men Students May Apply
Tommy Martin; Tommy ate Director Lolo Robinson.
week in an address to the delegates
America. Mrs. Marx had returned
dent, had this to say about tho
of the tenth annual Tau Kappa
For Rooms In
The Margaret I. King Library when war become eminent.
election: "I'm gratified with the outAlpha forensics conference.
will observe the following schedule
Dr. Marx was again in China for
come of the election. I sincert !v
Nine vacancies in the men's barcharged that the United
of the war.
a few years after the end
during the Easter holidays, acthank all those who worked for my
racks have been reported by the
energy program is
in 1949.
cording to Lawrence S. Thompson,
He came to Transylvania
States atomic
election and voted for me. I believe
Dean of Men. Students may apseriously hampered by the
director of libraries.
that the two parties can fori in
ply for the rooms at Dean A. B.
April 6,
secrecy" with which it is
"cult of
harmony and create a fu:ictii..n;
Professor Estel B. Penrod, head of
Kirwan's office, room 203.
April 7, 8:30-Rilev F. Montgomery, presi SGA in spite of party hues. Afer
the Department of Mechanical EngiApril 8, 8:30-1dent of the College of the Bible, will all. we all desire the same thing .
neering, will speak on "Earth Heat
Understanding Is Essential
April 9, closed.
be the speaker at the annual Easter regardless of party or affiliation.
at a Midwest
Pump Research"
Grover H. Creech, a
A better understanding of atomic
April 10, 8:30-sunrise service m Memorial Halt at This is just the bea inning lor the
power conference held at the Hotel
coal mine operator and former
energy on the part of both
April 11, resume regular
6:30 a.m. Easter Sunday.
Party. We are looKir.
The Universitv will plav host to Sherman in Chicago on April
trustee of the University, died Mon. :id the public is essential to smooth approximately 450 high school
The conference is sponsored by
Pat Lancaster and Cline Duff are forward toyear,
day in a Louisville hospital after a
operation of the entire
and in put'.ng
junior high school students at a the Illinois Institute of echnolo'y
in charge of arrangements for the things this
year's illness.
The ordinary citizen is speech clinic here from April
he said.
a full slate next ve.ir."
service, which is sponsored by the
with the cooperation of other
capable of understanding the fundawill take part in debate, leges and universities in the
Interfaith Council.
mentals of nuclear energy at least
discussion, interpretation, west.
Special music will be provided by
to the point that he can form in extempore, poetry, and public speak- The conference oners an oppor
the Lafayette High School Choir.
telligent opinions. Blakely declared. ititr JtrivHiiiii In AAis fhltu nif tunity for anyone who is interested
The Rev. William Swift, director of
i in- coming oi wic aiuimt ngc
m power production, transmission, of
ord of tne Extension Department
The new library of the College of the Wesley invocation and will benemade certain personal and social ylese students are winners of re- consumption to meet annually to
Pharmacy in Louisville was dedi- - nounce the scripture andthe litany
adjustments necessary on the part gioriai contests and will be here for study mutual problems. No membera
diction. The
of all peoples, the editor continued. tne fmai tournament.
lecting teams was a blessing in dis-T- cated Wednesday at 2 p.m.
ship in a technical or social organwill be read by members of the
work of American occupation guise .. he COntinued. "because the
The program included a tledica- - Interfaith Council.
The chief personal adjustment, he
judges for the events will include ization is required.
forces engaged in returning Nazi- - dlffiC'uities of handling the millions tory address by A. P. Markendorf
said, should be the raising of our Dean Rena Calhoun of Georgetown
The service is open to students
looted books and other cultural ob- - of pieces gathered in such a short past piesident of the colleae. and
social skills to the level already College, Marjorie Donnell of Union
jects to their rightful European time unquestionably saved priceless the unveiling of a pot rait ot the col- - and townspeople.
skill. Our College and Keith Brook of Eastern
in technical
leges late Dean Emeritus Gordon
owners was described recently volumes from the bonfire
social skill is far outdated geared College.
A training period for che'-r"
by Prof. Leslie I. Poste, head of the
L. Curry by his son Gordon Curry.
to the past instead of to the present
Judges from UK's faculty staff
Began In '45
candidates will be conducted by
of Bronxville, N. V.
Denartment of Librarv Science, in
Blakely asserted.
or future
will include Dr. Gifford Blyton, Dr.
Suky this spring, it has been anThe Nazis little dreamed that
Dr. Ira W. Moomaw, specialist in
The library, planned as a meJ. Reid Sterrett and Wallace Briggs. agricultural missions, was on cam- - BI1 address before the International the institutions from which the
nounced bv Eugene Stevens, piesiConfronted With Dilemmas
Relations group of the UK Women's matelials vere piUaged would ever morial to Dr. Curry who served as
dent of the pep organization.
pus last week for conferences with club.
The world of today, Blakely contViom
Vot this WHS tO DC dean of the Collt'ue from 1S94 to
Tryouts will be held m April m
Five Sororities Enter
tinued, is confronted with dilemmas
P'of. Poste, himself a former ,ne case
1917. has been completely refur-- .
order to have trained cheei It.nieis
ur. Moomaw. wnoisiiaveiungun - Uniled glates llbrary ofricer who existing at or tne cnaotic conditions nished.
in three important fields: politics,
Sinjj Finals
for UK's expanded athletic prothe war's end prevented
der the joint auspices of Agricultural .,,n4.,...iH
economics, and international reni
A central Kentucky art exhibition
gram next fall. Stevens said. Next,
Missions and the Student Volunteer of Germany's largest libraries, said these vandals from destroying their
Five groups in the women's prelations.
will be held at the Universitv Art year's freshman
orientation proloot."
ucuiar em- - more ,nau ,hrec
Movemem. gaie
liminaries were selected Wednesmjo volumes
He described the political dilemma
Gallery from April 16 to Mav 5. gram will include instruction
The Monuments, Fine Arts and
Edward W.
owners Archives division of military govas one involving choice between the day night to enter the finals of and met with students interested m h
according to Prof.
yells and school songs by the cheerreturned to their
SerVKe from the
of the Department of leaders.
inefficiencies of democracy on the the All Campus Sing tonight at ?l?fr
American zone alone.
ernment began its task as early as
one hand and dictatorship on the 7:30 p.m.
Art. Those interested in trvina out lor
Teams Removed Books
October. 1945. Prof. Poste said. The
A graduate of Ohio State with a
They are Alpha Xi Delta. Delta
other; the economic dilemma as a
artists are cheerleader must be present at a
Describing the scope of the Ger- first shipment of returned books
Mr. Earl P. Armstrong of the eligAll central Kentucky five entries
Ph.D. in agricultural economics. Dr.
meeting at 4 pm. Mommy m r om
choice between the instabilities of Delta Delta, Jewell Hall, Kappa
ible to submit up to
Moomaw spent 16 years as an agri man looting operations, he said Nazi was made in March. 1946. and in the Louisville YMCA will be on the
Delta, and Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Union. Furir.tr
capitalism and a completely regipaintings, prints, or sculp- 128 of the
cultural missionary in western India collecting teams removed books from next eiuht months more than campus Wednesday afternoon and either until the deadline of April 9. explanation Student training Deiimi
Winners in the men's preliminof the
mented economy; and the internaevening to interview young men in- tures,
During his last two years there, he 375 archival institutions. 402 mu- - 2.300.000 volumes were returned.
aries were chosen last night.
ementional relations dilemma as one beWorks to be included in the show will be made at that tune,
Books returned to England were terested in employment as counThese grouis will comete for served as a member of the National seums, 531 institutes and 957 li- cannot attend the niee1. -tween "the anarchy of international the winning
Louisville Y's summer will be selected by Dr. Ralston dates whoa.skeil
had removed from selors at the
Committee for Basic Education. He braries in Eastern Euro)e
ing are
Fovereipity and world dominion by in Mi'iniiiKil title of each division is now Educational Sci it:iry lor, "Actually the .sheer bulk of the those the Nazis
the British Channel I l;ind- -. Prof. camp for boys at Camp Piomnv:o. I'hompsoii. head of the IVp.ir: mi nt Stillc. phone
Hail liini'.ht.
a riiiple empire.''
ot Art at Wittenberg ('nl'.eye.
Agricultural Missions Incorporated,
Uock Haven, Kentucky.
cultural materials seized by the col- - Poste explained.

Glee Club
Will Sing


In Recital









To Be Held Wednesday

i in

Local Chapter Is Host
For ODK Central Meet





Comedy 'Two Blind Mice
To Open Soon At Guignol

Secrecy Slows
Alom kJlUtly
Savs Editor


Various Gifts Are Accepted
By UK Executive Committee

Transy Prof
To Address











UK To Hold
Junior High
Speech Clinic

Bible College
Here Easter



UK Professor Will

Talk At Conference




Former UK Trustee
Dies In Louisville


New Library
Is Dedicated




Poste Describes Returning In Louisville
Of Looted Culture Objects


ior-wa- rd

Suky Trains


Ag Specialist Talks

To Students Here

Kentucky Aii
To Be Shown


Counselor Jobs Open
At Louisville Camp

JL "Lr





tion nuiy be wiped out and we may
lot urn to the conditions of the Dark

Con von I ion Weekend


he I'nivi rv'fv :il
c. nun led tlosclv todav and tomorrow
!iv Dine 1)0 d' k '( lo two l.ii'c meetings lwinij lu'ld lien1. Tlu
OPk lVovi'iuc l!i.n!i'Vi u and tlif stato In'tjli school press
'u !.! 'i :! .nu'oiislv.
anAt lcist the lii'i m 'ion journalists will I'njov judging tlio Kernel and comparing i! wi'li l!:cir own papers. Wore ijl.id tliev get
a iluncc to jioint out tlie mistakes in the Kernel at the same time
t' ir work is
t i it ii ird. No new spaper can Ih perfect and
none fan hope to escape some criticism.
Outline crititi-- is an important step in the improvement ol
nnnndcitakii!!;. and we of the Kernel staff, as well as today's
visitors, must he ;.!,! to accept anil encotirao the opinions c
others as a lucessarv .it ol our work in presenting news, ideas
and advertising to err tenders.
We extend a u :; e to today's visitors from the entire student
lw.lv at l"K. and hope that their sfav here will Ik? lxith pleasant
and profit altle.
















"Yes, it's like t'onn-- t

Song On The Campus




but pagf one!

Each spring semester campus organizations begin looking forward to the
Sing with a vim and vigor which
surpasses that of all previous years.
This event goes into the final round tonight and thus far this
week has created the same spirit of competitive effort which has
marked it in the past.
By Norman Mailer
The sponsors of the
Sing, Phi Mti Alpha, Phi Beta,
"The Naked and the Dead", by Norman Mailer, is probably not the
Mortar Board, and Omicron Delta Kappa, are to be lauded for best book ever written, but it certainly is one of the most complete and
comprehensive ones written in the modern realistic school.
their splendid Hurts to cive the students an opportunity to exThe setting is World War II and'
indeed any
press themselves competitively in a cultural field void of the com- the invasion by American forces of victory, oraccomplished victory
by a random
had been
seem-ir.gl- v

mercialism of most modern competitions.

The Smoke May Roll
Tuesday's election, which resulted in a two-part-y
split in the
Student Government Association, was most important from the
standpoint that about (HH students voiced their opinions at the
This was the largest percentage of students voting in several
years, and promises to increase the percentage in coming elections.
Since the administrative and legislative positions are divided
Ix hveen parties, considerable fireworks can reasonably be expected
to develop in future SGA meetings. We hope that the net result
is a more
student governing body, and one which
will le of more importance to the students.

The Kentucky Kernel
All Honed articlet and columns are tn he
considered the cpinnns of the writer Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
themselres. end do not necessarily Tcjlect
Lexington Board of Commerce
the opinion of The Krrnrl.
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association