xt7xsj19n69c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19n69c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1976 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Louisiana State University, October 16, 1976 text University of Kentucky vs. Louisiana State University, October 16, 1976 1976 2014 true xt7xsj19n69c section xt7xsj19n69c $1.00 "*· ""‘° ·" OCTOBER 16, 1976
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CAWOOD LEDFORD brought to you by:
brought to you by: Whayne Supply Company `
Kentucky Fried Chicken Lincoln Income Life Insurance E
Webbers Sausage , .
Monarch Equipment Company
brought to you by: I
Jim Cooke Buick
i * I I
l Kentucky vs. LSU-—October I6, I976 {V III- I ·
é •? . ‘ I
UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad- H .
dress——Memoria| Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506. ‘ V A S e
Editorial Staff: Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift and Ellsworth Taylor, advisors; Jack Perry, ‘ V ’ · A I
l Asst. SID. ·· I , `
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, James Bradley. R i` A
National Advertising Representative; Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue, It l 4 . _ °
New York, N. Y. IOOI7 _ L I
.-A - • .1 { a _ _
CONTENTS . - ’;,‘__ ifei
¤ ‘ ~
Governor Carroll ...................................,..........................,...........................,........... 3 l `
President Singletary .....,...................................................,....................................,.,. 9 e ._ _
Athletic Director Hagan .......................,....,.................................,............................. 9
Coach Fran Curci .......................................................................................,............., I4 e~·5;v·:’ A7" . .._e
How A Woman Views The College Game .,...........,.................................................. It Te g eeele el; . e»$--_., é e eee.
SEC Presidents and Chancellors .......,.,.......................................,.,............................ 4t __ ’ “`l‘;` ‘
The Third String Quarterback .....,....,...................................................................,... IOt ·,-f· ` A .~· ` T {" »
vw ' · -;·{ . “ . ·
Down Memory Row .....,............................................................................................ 29 ee; ee V e e
UK’s Anthropology Museum .........................................,...............,................,..... 30—3l N7 K J I ist A.
Wildcat Assistant Coaches ...................,..,......,.............,...,..,..,.................................. 32 ” Relaxed dining in me ALL AMER
` ..........................................................,...............,........... 3 -3 -35 `I I — . S
Mia the Wddcats ‘‘‘‘ 3 4 36 e ICAN atmosphere. Select Choice
U ROSIGT ....... ........ . .......................... , .................................. .............. . ............. . western Beef Steaks- Watch them
..... . .................................... . ...............................................................,... S_i_Z_Z-I-e on Our Open . heurth
Visitors Roster ,....................................,....,..,................ . .........,.............,................. Churccui grin. Choose from Over
Visitor’s Picture Pages ..........................................,.,........................................... 42-43 26 Condiments for your salad
Wildcat Marching Band ....,............................................,.......................................... 45 A Tempting Beverages! Served hc";
The Best Ten Years On TV .......,......................,.....,......,.................,........................ l3t 4 P m to H P m _ for ull home
The SEC On The Books ............................................................................................ I6t games I ` ` » .
r Tailgating Recipes ...................................................,.............................................. I9t `
l Blue-White Fund .................,.....................................,........ 6I-62-63-64-65-66-67-68
Alumni Activity Line .....,................,......................................................................... 76 N ‘ A A
F It M b AI ' Membe s
ucu Y elw ers , umm r _ , 94`I Winchester Road
Dean Marion E. McKenna, 76 Dr. Ralph Angelucci, 78 Lexington Kentucky
pmr Daniel R. Ready, 76 Thomas P. Ball, ’76 Phone· 253-0750
Dr. N. J. Pisacano, ’77 ` ·
DI" Stephen Dlqchunll 77 Ex Officio Members Franklin Square Mall
Dr. Charles Ellinger, 77 _ _ _ F kf e K k
P { Ch I R I I Dr. Otis A. Singletary, Chairman '¤¤ 0T, entuc Y
R ~ ¤t ss O Gnd, 78 R k Rim- 227-23.20
or. Richard Robe, 78 Dt ¤v H¤ml>¤€ ·
Dr. R. G. Zumwinkle L H K
Tmstee Members Dr. W. L. Matthews #;’"§"' sb °" L'; Yk .
G G -H- 78 Claude Hammond urs wma °r
i wge H m' Dr Donald B cia (502} ‘*2$·°‘“8
l Frank Ramsey, Jr., '77 ‘ ‘ pp
i Columbus, Indiana
l Members-at-Large Student Members 2506 25th Street
‘ Albert B. Chandler, ’76 l-tal l-laering phone; (8]2) 376-64ig I
S. T. Roach, ’77 Ann Einstainer ‘
Clarksville, Indiana ·
’ SI3 E. Highway I3}
Football Fans:
I The emergency vehicle service extended those needing a wrecker an stadium parking lots is a
. courtesy of "OK Gorage."
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WAMX-FM Ashland *WI-ILN-AM Harlan WFMW-FM Madisonville WPAD-FM Paducah
WYWY-AM Barbourville WKIC-AM Hazard 'WWXL—AM Manchester WSIP-AM Paintsville
" WBRT-AM Bardstown WSGS-FM Hazard " WMJL-AM Marion WSIP-FM Paintsville
WCBL-AM Benton WSON-AM Henderson WCMT-AM Martin, TN WPKE-AM Pikeville
WCBL-FM Benton WKDO-FM Henderson WCMT-FM Martin, TN WANO-AM Pineville
WLBJ-AM Bowling Green WKCB-AM Hindman WMSK-AM Morganfield WDOC-AM Prestonsburg
WKDZ-AM Cadiz WKCB-FM Hindman WMSK-FM Morganfield WPKY-AM Princeton
WKDZ-FM Cadiz WHOP-AM Hopkinsville * WHJC-AM Matewan, WV WPKY-FM Princeton
" WNES—AlVt CentralCity WHOP-FM Hopkinsville WFTM-AM Maysville WHRZ-AM Providence
WNES-FM Central City tz WETE-AM Knoxville, TN WFTM-FM Maysville WCBR-AM Richmond
WAIN-AM Columbia * WLBN-AM Lebanon WMIK-AM Middlesboro WCBR-FM Richmond
WAIN-FM Columbia WMTL-AM Leitchfield WMIK-FM Middlesboro WAKQ-AM Russellville
WCTT-AM Corbin WMTL-FM Leitchfield WMST-AM Mt. Sterling WSFC-AM Somerset
WCTT-FM Corbin WVLK-AM Lexington WMST-FM Mt. Sterling WSEK-FM Somerset
* WCPM-AM Cumberland WVLK—FM Lexington * WNOP-AM Newport WLKS-AM West Liberty
WHIR-AM Danville * WFTG-AM London * WNVL-AM Nicholasviller " WEQO-AM Whitley City
WIEL-AM Elizabethtown " WFTG-FM London .» WATO-AM Oak Ridge, TN WTCW-AM Whitesburg
WFKY—AM Frankfort WVKY·AM Louisa WOMI-AM Owensboro WTCW-FM Whitesburg
WAXU-FM Georgetown WHAS-AM Louisville WBKR-FM Owensboro WWKY-AM Winchester
WKAY-AM Glasgow WFMW-AM Madisonville WPAD-AM Paducah
* Day Games Only
“/S€"’°`“°°Ga"`“ BROUGHT TO YOU ON
J'}; l‘.‘,$?..ill,‘§E§l&€f3é%'é“tTEE’ZIl’§;&l4 RURGRR RURRU RRARRR MUTUAL 'USURAUCR
1 . .
.; W·’v _ _»’ _A»* *,,’-qv ; .r.r.'¥ ‘_4 ‘ »-·v .‘.* nqnzx or Anvzntiszns
`V Ashland Oil Co. ............................................ 75
—_ll fyj,5 ` . J Bell Construction Co. .................................... 74
l=l‘ l.l» * Ben Snyder’s ,,,,.............................................. 5
·l··, `“ l’-l 1 . its - gr Carey-Adams, ino. ........................................ 74
44-; I Q »£;=t<1?;E‘ .`~‘ ars"; n‘·,7»4 ;€ ‘=· ‘r .
‘-‘· _ Cassano’s Pizza ,,,,.................. . ..................... 5
~ ff; *,»‘ 5 ` ' " ,.;r; ' ‘`“` ` or · ié ·— z
l r V Cats Pause .................................................... 69
;-o’ » we
,’ 41A._ Chevrolet ,,,,,,,,,,,,............................. . ............ 37 _
- T Cliff Hagan's Ribeye ...........................,........ l
" 3 _·_,AVo it 7~l·r it l:--l Coca-Cola Bottling ...................... Center Spread
F V- F I Columbia STEOK House .....,....... .... ......... . ..... 8
if Committee of lOl ...............................,........ 47
I ¢ ` j¤··· J ·
``'_ _ r Cross Gate Galleries ......,............................. 47
7 ··‘“ y Dawahare’s ..........,....................................... 4
U i` r First Security ..............,.....................,........... 7l
s - ..................... l3
V, er V _ f Stop ............. . .........................
· Greenstreet’s ................................................ l2
x ·‘¤4,e .;
J _, Harrod—Corter ................................................ 73
' » Heritage Galleries .............,............. . ............ I3
Hilton lnn ...................................................... 69
~ V Kendall Realty .............................................. 74
el J Kennedy’s Book Store .................................... l0 n
fe Kentucky Central Life .................................. l5
7 , in Kentucky Group Banks ................................ lBC
T Lexington Tennis Club .................................. 44
rhe henereble Kentucky Utilities .......................................... 74
JUUAN M, CARROLL Long John Silver s ..........................................
GOV€,,nOr Of Kentucky MGQHGVOX ....................................................
Oliver's .......................................................... l2
Juyggr, MOHOV, CO,.,Oy| became, Kémuckyis 58,}., gOV_ Postlewaite's Tavern .................................,.... l2
ernor on Dec. 28, l974, succeeding Wendell H. Ford, Second National Bank ..,............................... 44
whe WGS eleeted te the U5 Sehhte '* whs sniiiaros ........................................................ is
elected to a full four-year term as governor in Novem— S_ P_ 75
ber ,975 end Wee meeeerered ,r, December er ther ir izza ........................................................
y€C,r_ 30,.,, in Mccrcckem COUr,tY ,,», reg], Cam-,|| Sleepy—Head House ........................................ 70
attended Paducah Junior College after graduating Springs Motel ................................................ 6 _
hem hlehth high $¤h¤<>*— he whs erhdhhted hah the Stewart’s ...................................................... is
University ot Kentucky in l954 and received his law , 70
_ degree {rem UK rn ,956 Berere beeemieg eeverner, Wallace s Book Store ....................................
......•........·......................··........·..» 6
ten years as a member at the Kentucky Flause at Western Sizzler ............................................ 72
Reeresehthhves the he tw GS 5¤e¤*¤v»
if .·=‘ ' GGG SGG Gr QGGG
—GGG·G ~‘riG¤G GVG him G
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rere i\/IAIL er2r>Eres; Price. $850 i {
The Tie: Pesidge; .50 l/G V [
* { Ndyy yyiiii gold edi Ky. Tdx: .43 /,/” 5
. ./’ @ i
ff Nqmg ____r _____ ____Y {ie < i
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yr Ciiy . .. e .... ee STOJYG e Zip___Y — r
Mdi|1i©:Ddyydiwdres . _ .
_ _:___ i84l5 Alexdridrid Driye, Leximgien, i.._ _ V y .3 . .
··`,`;f·f"~ g;\jrf4,i,‘;·L},;i:{‘.E[:·*'~=$‘¥—{.2 ` U . ‘ ~ . _ ~ .· — · . · _ . ‘ >
think of food,
think of fun
GQ ...think
cA·rs W"
Gm —2'5 ( ` i
° ,P' &
T`. ` .} the Italian one!
\ , ?
i Y` 272-6664
©CASSANO` !NC.1976 ` _
€··!-"!-I!-Q-QI M.
a —~ _
/ aitcg the game for \
;_\ [ `£?Thc Fran Curci Show ik \ /,
...._ _ $f(Sportsline 595% ‘ ____._·_
* Wiiii Rick Shaw gi Jim sim . _ -—`· i
?°.-E ;°.;·Z·Z·•:f·Z2 J: -.·1_· -'.· L Q in gl J { 1 :1·2*‘· ‘°
L W W i
"Y0ur #1 Spot for Sports" Iyxingtoni l y. A
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4/ The Springs Motel is a winner in every way. Stop by The Springs before or
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guys and gals. \$
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famous drnner restau- to brrng a whole lot stop at McDonald s.
rants IH the world have of chrldren. The world-famous
i a great b1g setofGolden Or when you re restaurant rn your
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That s because Or when you want we doit au gm. yaufu
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Steak House T
201 North Lime &
1425 Alexandria Dr
I" `J F, E eh * . . .
— A President, University of Kentucky
li Vll ` A’‘
~·· Aj fi ’* `l ` A A oi V ; ' 2, A A Dr. Otis A. Singletory come to Lexington in l969 A
\ 5 l { A .. - _ K V' os the eighth president ot the University ot Kentucky,
gm, l 5 ct! which wos estoblished in l8o5 under provisions ot A
M S fffgg the Morrill Act ot l862 os the Agriculturol ond
“ A Mechonicol College ot Kentucky University ln l878, .
_ A - the school seporoted trom KU ond become on inde-
i.’‘l ' ·“i‘‘” penclent institution supported by the Stote. lt hos l
A _ A been known os the University ot Kentucky since l9l 6. l
, “"'“ °'»_* _ Prior to cissuming the UK presidency, Dr. Single— J
A i s tory wos executive vice choncellor tor ocodemic i
J i ‘r *` ottoirs ot the University ot Texos, Austin. He eorlier
hod been director ot the Job Corps progrom tor the
i gy, A, Ottice ot Economic Opportunity, ond choncellor ot
' ‘`‘ A , the University ot North Corolinci ot Greensboro. His
jj 5 i mony honors include the UK Alumni Service Aword—
,(__ o recognition rorely bestowed upon o non-olumnus of
al the University.
~¤ie=¤~" *
c ‘ i. v. .. ` .
E ~ E I) A F F .3:;;;.;%
CLIFFORD O. HAGAN 1 h A l z; EAA ·* »~
Director of Athletics *·e•-?:_AAA5i’-»·;._ ’ ___ l- _ .‘=
‘ Z , · ···—» "i A,.. —e·. l·
~ »· Y."?·*§·* if $4 Q
Clitt Hogon returned to his olmo moterJonuc1ry l, J é l, "’ {K2 ,_j,.,~,,
l972, os ossistont director ot othletics ond then WGS E J Sl in ` i* ` E
nomed othletics director July l, l975. One ot the A A WF? E1`.
oll-time greot bosketboll ployers ot UK, he ployed —l ·¤
on teoms thot won 86 ot (Pl gomes ond on NCAA .$ . SA
chompionship (l95l). The 1954 teom, undetected " £;A§.$A;{g`.:_A,AA
in 25 gomes, elected not to ploy in the notionol K
. tournoment. Hogon set o dozen SEC records ond on 2 W · 2
l NCAA record ot 528 rebounds os ci junior. He _; li A ing;
A overoged 29 points o gome, led the notion in re- Eli A jh]? .A‘.
i ogoinst Temple in 195-4. gg ·
l He wos AIl—Americon ot UK, All—l°ro with Thé Sl. J
l Louis l-lowks ond ployer-cooch ot the Dollos Chop- ·,
ll C]I’l'Ol$_ HG WGS l'1GI'T]€Cl l`l'l€ TGXCIS HPFOf€S$lOl-lcll
l Couch ot the Yeor/’ LI
i **?f$?$?}$i$if?€;€§§§§$§§€i5?i" ,;.;Q}§§?{fg€;I;Ei.ET$¥·i
l w
i .3§¤§§ g{§:ii%i¤t>1?' A`,A —,*{j§gA.¥_A.;;;j;Z-I·2=§~Qg{»-QA
J 2
J 2}, I °€‘·Z=2»;£;-i·. - .
,l ,______v ___, _» 4,; [ I _ ·, . ,
II,. | ee-» T;i;;_;.Tl— —· 1 , T \ ‘ · _
?:._ ; . »_ , T j ‘f. N . ` · · —.·, . ) " _ ‘ ‘
1) PLAQUE--Flocked Wildcat Head on 22) HAT—White Nylon Mesh Golf Hat 32) BABY BlB—White, "l'm A little
17¤18 Walnut ,,.,.. ,.., . .,,. .. $15.95 w/CATS Fmblem .........,,. . ,....I.I.I . ,.,.. $ 3.95 Wildcat" ___,_ , _.,..,,..A.,4........>..A.,.............. $ 1.95
’ 2) PENNANT—-Royal/Colored Wildcat 23) HAT—Cowboy Royal w/White K . .. .. S 6.00 33) FOOTBALL JERSEY—Youth,
Head 6¤18 . I,.I.. .. II.I.II. . .I..I.... . .I.II $ 1.75 24) TENNIS VISOR—Roy¤I and White X5, 5, M, L, Navy __.,..t.., . .................... $ 4.95
3) PENNANT—Royal/Colored Wildcat w/Ky. Wildcats ,... ,. .........,. . ...... . S 3.95 34) SWEAT-SH|RT...Y0ufh, XS, S, M, L,
Head 91:24 .. .. .. . ...... . $ 2.25 25) LlGHTER——Bic Clic w/Ky. Wildcats .... S 1.49 Navy, WTTTTE or LL Blue __,_________,____, _$ 4_75
4) PENNANT—Royal/White University 26) LIGHTER-—Zippa w/Wildcat ,........... $ 5.95 35) -T-_ST_TTRT;_YOuTTT, XS, S, M, L,
Seal 12x30 .................... _ ...........,............ $ 2.50 27) LICENSE PLATE-White w/Blue Wwe O, NOV, ,__,_,______________v___________ _ ____ $ 3_g0
5) l;TLLOW;,—;1$`T¤,Tg Csrduroy, Royal or S 450 28) Ke;I:TI,iT