iinENwEs 1991 @L5@
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from the Pride Week Committee
Pride Week is finally here! The Pride Week Worship Service at the Unitarian Universalist
Committee has planned two jam packed Church, 3564 Clays Mill Road. It you haven't
weekends full of activities tor lesbian, gay men attended church in awhile, you may enjoy
and their supporters. It's amazing what slightly attending a gay-positive church with an active
more than a handful (yes, the committee was lesbian and gay community.
literally that small!) of committed individuals can After church, head up to King's Island for
do in such a short time. imagine what we "Gay Day". Remember to wear red, but don't
could do with ten people? with twenty?!“ stay late. You need to be back in Lexington by
Pride Week begins on Friday, June 7, with 8 pm for the Pride Week Barn Dance at
Arts Night, at 8 pm. at ArtsPlace, 16! N. Mill. ArtsPlace, sponsored by the Tri—State Gay Rodeo
Debbie Currie has planned another great event Association. We can guarantee you a different
which has been a highli ht oi preVIous years. look and setting in ArtsPlace from Friday's Arts
Come out and hear pergrmances by some of Night! Admission is $3, which includes beer
Lexington's top lesbian and gay musicians, and and soft drinks.
view the artwork on displa . Wine, soft drinks, Rest for five da 5, then come out and party
and snacks will be availablila. at Lexington's localybars For Bar Night. Hourly
Saturda , June 8, has two events scheduled. drinks specials, for those peo le with Pride
The Pride Week Picnic will begin at Noon at the Week buttons, will be from: 8 - 10 pm at
Unitarian Universalist Church, 3564 Clays Mill Crossin s, 10 - ii pm at The Metro, 11 -
Road. Interweave and GLSO will provide the Midnigfit at Joe's Cate & Bar, and Midnight to
drinks it you provide the food. Bring blankets, i am at The Bar. Break out at your rut and
chairs, volleyball set, or whatever, to make this visit all of Lexington's bars in one evening!
picnic the best one yet. Pride Week concludes with Movie Night on
On Saturda evenin is Pride Week's main Sunday, 7 pm, at Crossings, 117 North
event -- COMEYDY NIGTIT with Marga Gomez Limestone. The movies shown will be Longtime
and Bob Hammitt. There are two shows, 7230 Companion and Lianna. Soft drinks and
and 9:30 pm at Central Library Auditorium, popcorn will be available, but no alcohol for
140 East Main. Linda Laporte has worked hard this event.
to bring Marga Gomez, 0 top notch West That's it. Mark your calendars or just plan
Coast comedian, to this very speCIal Pride Week on attending everything! The Pride Week
Show. Tickets are $6 in advance at S ecial Committee: Debbie Currie, Linda Laporte, Mary
Media, or by calling Linda, 266-9748, or (Craig Wartield, Mark Cross, Rex Van Astine, John
Clere, 266-8887, or $7 at the door. Dont Cutright, and Craig Clere, thank ou, in
miss this show!!! advance, for your su rt of Pride Week. More
‘Sunday morning, June 9, at 10:45 am, information is availaglzotor all events by calling
Interweave will present the annual Pride Week Linda, 266-9748 or Craig, 266-8887.