xt7xsj19pk66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19pk66/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198910 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1989 text GLSO News, October 1989 1989 2019 true xt7xsj19pk66 section xt7xsj19pk66 1989 @ L5 (fl S Free at Selected Business Locations Home Delivery at $5 per year LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION, P.O. BOX 111171, LEXINGTON, KY 1&0575 ‘ LESBIAN AND GAY LEADERS Organizations Program. Interweave joins SPONSOR NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY nearly one hundred other organizations in the from NCOD program, including Dignity/USA, Integrity, Inc., National AIDS Network, and the National The second annual National Coming Out Organization for Women. Day (NCOD), October 11, is being By joining the program Interweave cosponsored by a broad base of highly receives monthly news from the Task Force, respected community leaders and organizations. assistance from Task Force staffers (already The goal of NCOD is to increase the visibility used during Convocation), discounts to attend of the more than 20 million gay people in the the Creating Change Conference in November, United States. Last year's activities received and publicity from the Task Force. positive media coverage throughout the This year's Creating Change Conference country, including coverage in USA TODAY, will be held November 10-12 in Bethesda, CNN, NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO, THIS WAY Maryland. The conference is designed to OUT, and the Oprah Winfrey Show. build skills for organizing the gay and lesbian October 11, the day of this annual community. Two Interweave members, Steve event, commemorates the 1987 March on Savage and Craig Clere, will be attending the Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. conference. For more information about the NCOD organizers invite individuals and conference give them a call at 266-8887. organizations to become co-sponsors by making Congratulations to Interweave in this financial contributions to support the central step of helping to develop the lesbian and gay office and by planning local activities in their community! communities. "This is a grass roots campaign, and its success depends on the willingness of local groups to plan and carry out events that GAYLINE GOES DOWN AGAIN!!! support people to take their next step in from Craig Clere coming out" says NCOD co-chair, Dr. Rob Eichberg. GLSO's Phoneline stopped functioning As coming out is a process and not a once again during the middle of September. singular event, individuals are being asked to The Phoneline is, for many lesbians and gay "take the next step" in their coming out men, the only link with their community. The process--a step which may be very personal Phoneline staff provides callers with for some and very public for others. "Our information regarding local and national power is awesome, and it's time we use it. events, legal and medical referrals, NCOD is a chance to take the spirit and gay-positive therapists, information for message of the March on Washington home to newcomers regarding Lexington's gay and communities throughout the country" says lesbian community, and a friendly person to NCOD co-chair Jean O'Leary, Executive just talk to. All these functions grind to a Director of National Gay Rights Advocates. halt when the Phoneline stops functioning. The problem was (as usual) our computer system. This time the specific INTERWEAVE BECOMES MEMBER OF NGLTF'S culprit was the disk drive. Next time, who COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONS PROGRAM knows. This is why a new system is needed from GLSO staff to operate the Phoneline as well as other GLSO services. As long as GLSO uses the current Interweave, an group within the system we must contend with interruptions in Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington, our Phoneline service. So if you couldn't has become a member of the National Gay 8 reach the Phoneline during part of Lesbian Task Force's Cooperating September--that's why! — Please send me a free introductory I: issue of GLSO News and information A SK A U N T MA R Y on GLSO. — I'd like to become a voting Member D of GLSO, including home delivery Dear Aunt Mary, of the GLSO News and discounts Something is coming up and it's about at GLSO functions, My Membership coming out and all this coming has me a bit fee of $10/year is enclosed. frightened. What's coming down? Sincerely, Turning pale I:I I don't wish to become a Member but please send me the GLSO News each Dear Pale Face. month. l enclose the $5 annual fee, The event is National Coming Out Day and the date is October 11 and it's an annual Name: event. But it doesn't mean you have to paint your fingernails a light shade of lavender and don your tiara and "Don't Presume I'm Address: Straight" button at work. But National Coming Out Day does provide a handy excuse for bringing up the City, St, Zip: subject. Clearly, coming out to everyone you know on a single day is likely to be Mail to: Newsletter, P.O, Box 11u71 overwhelming, but you might want to consider Lexington, KY 140575 coming out to one or two individuals who know you fairly well (but, perhaps, not well enough). You might start by telling them that October 11 marks the second anniversary of GLSO News is published monthly by the the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. Rights in which over 600,000 marched. And (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services that the day has been set aside subsequently Organization), Box “”71, Lexington, KY l10575 not only in remembrance of the March, but also in celebration of the lives of the 20 to 25 Craig Clere, Asst Editor million gays and lesbians in this country and Esmeralda Ink, Asst Editors for Esmerelda (yes, another and - so much for the English Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist majors who were reading this) that one way to Additional Contributors: The Advocate, celebrate is for gays and lesbians to come out. Debbie, Planned Parenthood, Keith, Alan, And then tell them - about yourself. Angela, Teresa, Craig, CLSO, Interweave, So why bother? It might possibly NOW, HRCF, ADAM, NGLTF; Typist: Craig; change your relationship with the person to Equipment: Dave; Layout: Steve; Mailing: whom you come out, but the change may be Craig; Courier: Kenneth; Folding 8 Stuffing: for the better. Coming out to someone serves Craig, Barb, Steve, Mark, Jan, Willie, Jim, as an affirmation of who you are and also lets Steve, Paula. the other person know that you value and trust his or her friendship enough not to hide Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are an important aspect of yourself from him or those of the authors and do not necessarily her. In addition, the research on represent those of the Board of Directors. heterosexual attitudes towards gays and Submissions are welcome. All submissions lesbians insists that the best predictor of become the property of GLSO and must include positive attitudes is whether or not the person the full name and address of the author. knows someone who is gay or lesbian. So Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The consider doing something good for you and editorial staff reserves the right to alter any your community on October 11. submissions (including advertising) to meet publishing requirements, as well as the right to reject any submissions it deems may be Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates support offensive or discriminatory to others. NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY Wednesday, October 11 Placement of advertising in GLSO News does Coming out to a friend or relative not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a is one of the best things you can do business's customer preference. for the gay and lesbian community. # 2 Oct GLSO /1T1E S GLSO AC7], WHAT'S WHAT WITH GLSO NEWS? Here are some answers to frequently GLSO BOARD HOLDS PLANNING RETREAT asked questions about GLSO News. from GLSO Staff How can I get something in GLSO News? The deadline for submissions is the 10th of the CLSO's Board of Directors met on month. No guarantees your entry will make September 9 for a planning retreat at the the issue if it arrives after the 10th: Unitarian Universalist Church. Steve Savage Calendar items can be called in at 266-8887. conducted the retreat, which focused on the Other entries, whether for Esmerelda's setting of goals and objectives for the Parlour, Dignity, Classified ads, or display organization and the Board. Dr. Bill Skinner advertising should be typed and of the University of Kentucky's Sociology double-spaced, unless other arrangements are Department also presented a drug study plan previously made. Classifieds ads are $2 for with which Dr. Skinner hopes to have GLSO's two lines, $1 per line thereafter. Call for assistance. display advertising rates and an advertising While the Board was not able to finish contract. the entire goal/objective process during the How can I get GLSO News delivered to time allotted, an excellent start was made. my home? Subscriptions to GLSO News are $5 Debbie Currie, vice-president of CLSO, will be per year. Membership in GLSO at $10 per presenting the findings of the retreat to the year also gets you a subscription plus September Board Meeting. Work will then discounts at CLSO functions. Remember to let continue at that meeting to finish the planning us know when you move. We are not notified process. when subscribers move, even if a forwarding GLSO would like to thank Steve Savage address is recorded. Third class mail (how for conducting the retreat and lnterweave for the newsletter is delivered) is not forwarded. providing the meeting space. Can I get GLSO News if I don't want it delivered? Yes, GLSO News is available at selected locations after the Ist of the month, OPENING IN GLSO NEWS STAFF and after subscribers have been sent their from Craig Clere copies. Currently, GLSO News is available at The Bar, Crossings, Great Moments, The Good With the resignation of Steve Savage as Foods Co-op, Sqecial Media, and Joseph-Beth GLSO News editor, a gap exists in the Booksellers. GLSO News is free at these operation of the newsletter. Some of the gap locations. is being filled in by the already overworked Does GLSO need help with the president and treasurer. However, a great newsletter? YES!!! Let us know what you deal more help is needed. The newsletter can do and the staff will put you to work. content, the size, and indeed the quality is tied entirely to the efforts of volunteers. The SUBMISSIONS SOUGHT FOR BOOK PROJECT newsletter provides Lexington's gay and from GLSO staff lesbian community with local, state and national news, an events calendar, essays, Submissions are being sought for a book women's news, poetry, and a forum for on lesbians responding to AIDS, focusing on expressing differing views. GLSO News the experiences of lesbian carepartners and serves subscribers throughout Central, those who have lost close friends and/or family Southern, and Eastern Kentucky. members. The essays: (1) should not exceed GLSO is looking for individuals with 5000 words. (2) will be edited for grammar, typing or computer skills and/or persons who and (3) should focus on emotional processes can assist with layout (getting the newsletter (love, anger, sadness, fear, survivor guilt, ready to go to the printer). A full-time etc.), day-to-day concrete experiences, and editor is ultimately what GLSO needs, someone interactions with others close to the PWA. For who could continue the job our past editor has more informaiton, or to submit a manuscript, done over the past 2 1/2 years. If you fit please write: Book Project, 11411; 17th Street the bill for any of these tasks, please call NW, #802, Washington DC, 20036. Steve or Craig at 266-8887. “ GLSO Oct 3 GLSO ACTIVITIES — AUGUST BOARD MEETING NOTES GLSO's Board of Directors is responsible from Teresa Reynolds 8 Craig Clere for the overall operations of GLSO. The Board sets both long and short-term goals and The August Board Meeting of the Board objectives for the organization. All GLSO of Directors of GLSO was held August 30. activities and financial decisions are reviewed Debbie Currie, Vice-president, presented and approved through the Board of Directors. minutes from the July meeting for the Board‘s Bill Loggins, at-Iarge Board member, approval. Ms. Currie reported for the has agreed to replace Ms. Stout as director of Coffeehouse 8 Dance Committee that the Speaker's Bureau. The Speaker's Bureau advertisements for the Coffeehouse will be provides trained GLSO volunteers for speaking placed in local publications, the Kentucky engagements in the Lexington area. A typical Kernel, Herald-Leader, and the radio show, Speaker's Bureau request would be a college Womensounds, to promote attendance. class presentation. Many times the audience's The GLSO-sponsored women's softball only known contact with lesbians and gay men team informed the Board of a garage sale to will be during this presentation from the GLSO benefit GLSO to be held September ll. volunteer. A new policy regarding GLSO News A training session for new volunteers inserts was discussed and approved by the for the Speaker's Bureau will be held within Board. Non-GLSO advertising, in insert form, the next few months. Consult the Directory will have a special rate of $25 per issue and for phone numbers to volunteer for the will require the advertiser to provide Speaker's Bureau or to request a speaker for assistance during the folding and stuffing your group. procedure for the newsletter. All advertisers and contributors to GLSO News must meet GROUPS SUPPORT CONGRESSMAN FRANK . regular deadlines for submissions (the 10th of from Human Rights Campaign Fund each month). Two resignations were presented to the The two largest gay and lesbian Board. Steve Savage has resigned as editor advocacy and political organizations, the of GLSO News, and Bobbi Stout resigned from NGLTF and HRCF, are supporting her at-large Board seat and director of the Congressman Barney Frank's decision to Speaker's Bureau. Bill Loggins agreed to remain in office and to allow the House ethics replace Ms. Stout as director of the Speaker's committee to conduct its investigation. Bureau. After discussion the Board postponed "Barney Frank is a crucial advocate for any action replacing the editor and board lesbian and gay causes, as well as many other positions, but will seek applicants from the important issues," said NGLTF executive membership. Action will be taken at the director Urvashi Vaid. September meeting. Frank admitted he paid for sex with a Final plans for the September Board prostitute, Stephen Gobie. Gobie has also Retreat were discussed and approved. stated, and Frank denied, that Gobie operated Following a discussion of GLSO a call boy/call girl service from Frank's correspondence, the meeting was adjourned. apartment for two years with the The next Board Meeting was set for Sep. 27. Congressman's knowledge. Charges also have been raised that Frank used his position to NEW GLSO BOARD MEMBER SOUGHT withdraw some of Gobie's parking tickets. from Craig Clere There have been calls, including that of the Boston Globe. for Frank's resignation. Bobbi Stout, GLSO at-large Board The Washington Post, unlike the Globe, urged member and director of the Speaker's Bureau Frank to stay in office. In an editorial, it resigned as of August 1, 1989. As a result of said that judgments concerning violations of Ms. Stout's resignation an open position exists House rules should be left to the ethics on the GLSO Board of Directors. Anyone committee and judgments concerning Frank's interested in being considered for the Board effectiveness should be left to the voters. position, which expires on June 30, should call "He has always been there for us, since 266-8887. he came out and before," said Vaid. "The community owes it to Barney to be with him." ll Oct GLSO ' DID YOU KNOW THESE BUSINESSES ARE ANTI-CHOICE??? from Planned Parenthood The following businesses in the greater Lexington area were contributing sponsors of the Kentucky Right to Life Association during their Annual Meeting in November of 1988. Econoprint 390 East Main St Lexington Houlihan Insurance Agency 337 East High St Lexington Mr. Steak 2u67 Nicholasville Rd Lexington Enza's Restaurant [soon to open on Newton Pike) Lexington Gem-Rock Originals 1:32 Southland Lexington Thermal Balance, Inc. 152 Burt Road Lexington Chevy Chase Florist 879 E. High St Lexington Lynn Blue Print 328 E. Vine St Lexington Hillenmeyer Nurseries 2370 Sandersville Rd Lexington KY Fried Chicken 21101 Nicholasville Rd Lexington Baumann Paper Co. PO Box 13022 Lexington Jack Kain Ford US 60 Bypass Versailles Hutchinson's Drugs Broadway 8 Short Lexington The Learning Rainbow Lexington Green Lexington Conrad Chevrolet 2800 Richmond Rd Lexington In a related news item, the owner of Domino's Pizza has announced his intention to sell the chain in part due to controversy regarding his strong anti-choice stance. ANNUAL GLSO CAMPOUT SECOND WEEKEND OF OCTOBER ‘ from CLSO staff You've been looking forward to it and now it's here! Eddie will host the Ninth Annual GLSO Campout at his secluded farm in rural Scott County beginning after '4 pm on Saturday, October 111. This annual event attracts people from both central Kentucky and Louisville, so meet new friends and old just 20 miles north of Lexington. Campers will ”rough it" (no facilities). Bring your own supplies, warm clothes, and food for dinner and breakfast. Eddie will provide a comfortable ground to sleep on, a campfire, and a clear sky. Because the Campsite is not visible from the road, if you have not previously attended one of these campouts, please call Eddie at his Lexington home, 259-0878, for detailed directions. In case of rain the campout will be held the weekend of October 21. 0 q f .x‘r Noam In 96" M“ ' l7 3° V H I’m ‘1 ' . 'b J. a» “gay 3 RD ‘5th \R \PLRTEB cunt ‘_ I. h” Smsvu: 2’ Q J! \g‘ 2' 52 3ng ? wmauiuv'n’ ‘ Re] ‘9 .3. 0 1 KY® 3h 23 . _ ‘b :fihflyb TAKE 1‘73 ”“7" Lw u “ a s, r; W 49 Seamus Errt GLSO Oct 5 EDUCATORS. GAY RIGHTS GROUPS PRESENT CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING ON STUDENTS AND SEXUAL IDENTITY from the Human Rights Campaign Fund A coalition of leading lesbian and gay - Many gay youth turn to substance civil rights groups and education organizations abuse or become homeless, often subjecting on September 11 presented a special Senate themselves to greater risk of contracting and House staff briefing on the importance of AIDS; providing students with positive information - Without proper education and and counseling concerning their sexual counseling, heterosexual students receive identity. misinformation concerning sexual identity that The briefing comes in response to may lead to verbal or physical abuse of gay attacks in Congress against programs that and lesbian students. educate and counsel youth on sexual identity, Support of positive programs aimed at and to a recent Health 8 Human Services student sexual identity is widespread. During Report that revealed gay and lesbian teenagers its 1988 national convention, the National are significantly more likely to attempt suicide Education Association passed a resolution than other youth. stating, "Every school district should provide Briefing presenters stated that positive counseling for students who are struggling information to gay and lesbian youth is with their sexual/gender orientation.“ extremely important because: "Bigotry and Congressional gay bashing - Gay teenagers are two to three have no place in our country, especially the times more likely to attempt suicide (HHS American school room,II stated Robert Bray, Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Human Rights Campaign Fund communications Suicide, 1989); director. - One in four gay male teenagers is ”The lesson we have learned is that forced prematurely out of their home due to students struggling with their sexual identity . issues surrounding their sexual orientation need accurate, sensitive information to make (Male Homosexuality: The Adolescent's responsible decisions about their lives,“ added Perspective, G. Ramafedi); Bray. "It's difficult enough being a teen, but gay teens face even more life-threatening anxieties and obstacles." NGLTF CHALLENGES DANNEMEYER ON FEDERAL YOUTH SUICIDE REPORT from the NGLTF In a letter to President George Bush the Responding to Dannemeyer's letter, National Gay 8 Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) NGLTF's Urvashi Vaid wrote to President sharply challenged an attempt by Congressman Bush, urging him to place "moral leadership" William Dannemeyer (R-CA) to persuade the over "prejudice and moral posturing," and to White House to repudiate sections of a implement the report's recommendations. Department of Health and Human Services Noted Vaid, “The HHS report correctly (HHS) report that addressed lesbian and gay identified the special vulnerability of lesbian youth suicide issues. and gay youth to suicide. By urging the In a September 7 letter to President President to ignore this tragic situation, Bush regarding the Report of the [HHS] Congressman Dannemeyer shows his true colors Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide, Rep. as a cold-blooded bigot who supports the Dannemeyer asked the President to "affirm senseless destruction of young gay and lesbian traditional family values by denouncing the lives. We are also outraged by his false and portion of the Report that deals with pernicious claims about 'homosexual recruitment homosexuality." Dannemeyer stated in his among youth we at NGLTF believe . . . letter to the President that he had previously as we hope you do, that suicide and violence asked Dr. James Mason, Assistant Secretary of are not family values. We believe that when HHS, to denounce aspects of the report sexual minority youth attempt to --or succeed dealing with homosexuality. Wrote in--destroying their lives, families are Dannemeyer, "I suggested to Dr. Mason that undermined rather than strengthened." he will need to decide whether he will side The NGLTF letter asked the President with traditional family values or the National for a meeting to discuss the findings of the Gay and Lesbian Task Force.“ HHS report and "broader issues of discrimination based on sexual orientation." — 6 Oct GLSO ' MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HOW ' TO USE A CONDOM PROPERLY. IGNORANCE CAN KILL .’ F/55f7h7‘b—r'51 51935 5:735 Fer—S. ek—PFéE%TEe§,—: i Call: i i 1—800-342—AIDS ! E Kentucky Residents Call: _ : i.._._._._._..7.-§QQ:.5_45:A/.QS_._._._._._._i p But there is more to this picture than my basically sexist attitude. Just after the l' ’ baby's birth I experienced the displeasure of a I 1d 5 P refresher in Freudian psychology as the result - It, smere a 5 81-10 of one of my anthropology classes. If g I" anything will screw up your thinking on the \3‘ sexes Freud will! And yes, late 19th century Q' 'D\ View on the role of wymyn in society will get even the most moderate feminist angry. < / The point is, before I ever saw the child I had this soup of discontent stirring in my cranium. My own views on sexual roles in society, statistics on violence toward wymyn, and Freudian psychosexual theory mixed in my AUNTE ANGELA mind to create a hellish world where every from Angela Martin womyn must don battlewear and fight breathlessly, seemingly hopelessly for a more Last August 29th my sister had a baby. womyn-loving world. (I know this is a little This made me an aunt for the first, and melodramatic, but it was 'that time of the possibly the last, time. I had thought for month' as well.) This was the state of mind months about her unborn child; what would it in which I journeyed home to meet the male be, a girl or a boy? Would she be healthy? child for the first time. What would this little person grow to become? Needless to say, I felt ambivalent (Freud What kind of mother would my sister make? created this word) and unsure of my feelings. How would I deal with the disappointment if How would I really feel when faced with this the child were a boy? child who, though male, was flesh of my flesh, The evening of August 29th I came home blood of my blood? from a hard day at work and two and one-half Well, I have to admit, the first time I hours in class to find a sign attached to the saw him lying there with his head of dark hair apartment door. It had a blue ribbon dangling and pleasantly olive skin the only thing that I from it and announced; "It's a boy!“. I guess definitely remember experiencing was surprise my dearest love Debbie thought it best she at how tiny he was and how soft. That night break it to me this way than to wait until I as I fell to sleep in my mother's damp house, played back the answering machine messages. the child and my sister asleep in the next I played back the message on the room, I dreamt of Freud. He was a bearded, machine anyway, in case there had been some pipe-smoking presence in the background of mistake. But, alas, I hear my grandmother's my dream. I dreamt about sex roles and voice pronounce eloquently; “Uh, your sister sexual development in cross-cultural had a baby boy." (No good-bye or even perspective all night long - my ID had a field details, just a click.) Since this time I have day! And I awoke feeling sick of the whole been dealing with the fact, which I had felt set of issues. for months I probably would inevitably have to Later that afternoon I drew my sister deal with - that the child was male, would be aside into the bathroom in order to have a raised male and would grow to be a man. clearly out-of-Iine talk about how she would be Now, I know all of you readers are raising her baby and what obstacles she would sitting out there thinking; "Angela is terribly have to overcome. sexistl", but there is more to my reaction "I'm afraid he will be badly influenced than that. Yes, I am sexist to a certain by Dad and will end up bare-chested out in degree. I am sexist in that I tend to the yard, throwing back beers, working on prejudge men, their behavior and attitudes on trucks, gawking at wymynl'I I exclaimed the basis of what I perceive to be the basic quickly. male attitude toward wymyn in this society. "Please, just promise me you will read to An attitude which will lead to the rape of 1 in him, starting now. And that you will enforce every '4 wymyn. All that a man has to do to on him the importance of education." gain my respect is open his mouth and say "I am a thinking person. . .", my sister something, or by his actions imply, that he replied. And I realized over the course of the has a healthy, non-degrading, non-threatening rest of the day what my sister meant. attitude toward wymyn. Homosexual men None of the wymyn in our family have usually by-pass this criteria because most do ever been the blindly-lead sheep-wymyn of not relate to wymyn on such a sexual basis. society. Not my grandmother, the womyn who — 8 Oct GLSO introduced me to National Geographic and the does, so I know that he will start out a step wonders of the world. Not my mother, the ahead and will have the opportunity to learn one who gave me all the skills I have in life, many things. He's my nephew after all! who has stood by me even in my lesbianism. By the time I left to return to Lexington Not my sister, who has overcome many I had fallen in live with this tiny, dark-haired difficulties in her life and now is now facing boy. After the feelings, the burpings, the the challenge of unwed motherhood. And bath all of the Freudian crap and statistics certainly not myself. were pushed out of the forefront of my mind. This young man will be raised amongst This little man is not my enemy - this little wymyn who value themselves more than society man is the beginning of a new world. ALL MY CHILDREN by Debbie Currie "I hurt," It was the proper thing to do My baby cried to me And for a time But I could not hear her They fell silent Could not know of her pain All my children 0f the many nights she awoke Unwanted and unwelcomed To the sound of angry voices They left me alone Frightened by those words That she did not understand All except one That is "l hurt,” Who could not remain silent My child said to me Her need to be heard Pleadingly Her very reason for existing "Please hold me" For she spoke when the others Would not But I could not hear her Could not know of her grief "I hurtII When her daddy went away My adult child whispered to me When the new baby came Haltingly and stayed “Please don't ignore me“ When they made fun of her at school today But I did not want to hear her Did not want to experience "I hurt,ll her grief and anger My teenager shouted her pain and resentment Deafeningly Demanding to be heard Until one day When I felt so alone But I could not hear her That I wept like my baby Could not know of her anger feeling her pain At being different Cried out to be held Ugly, she thought to make my fear go away And never quite good enough Shouted out in anger Her pain clouded in resentment at the injustice of it all She slipped ever farther away And whispered tearfully I could not hear them timidly Because I did not expect to "I hurt" For I had sent them all away Long ago And I heard. Sent them packing With all their baggage CLSO Oct 9 — V S M T W T F S _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 % EVENTS CALENDAR . 8 91011121314 1" ‘— . 1516171819 20 21 ,5 33 gg 5‘11 25 26 27 28 4 SAT 1n Gay/Lesbian ACA, 5 pm, St. Joseph Office Park, Room 120 - _ . -—‘ SUN 15 Gay/Lesbian AA, ll pm, Comp " -‘— ;,~ Care Center; Lesbian 0A, 5:30 pm, St. Joseph Office Park, Rm. 120; Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm MON 16 Pro-Choice Alliance, 7:30 pm, Alfalfa's Restaurant TUE 17 GLSO Rainbow Bowling League, Contact names and numbers for all events 7:30 pm, Joyland Lanes listed can be found in the Directory on the WED 18 Interweave, 8 pm, Unitarian previous page. The Comp Care Center is Universalist Church; located at 201 Mechanic Street, Lexington. Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph Office Park, Rm. 120; SUN 1 GLSO Phoneline Meeting, 1 pm, Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm Comp Care Center; Gay/Lesbian THU 19 H|V+, ARC, AIDS Support Group; AA, ll pm, Comp Care Center; Lesbian Passion Discussion Lesbian 0A, 5:30 pm, St. Joseph Group, 7:30 pm; Gayline, Office Park, Rm. 120; Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm; Lucie FRI 20 Dignity Liturgy 8 Potluck, Blue Tremblay Concert, 7 pm, 7 pm; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Memorial Hall - UK Comp Care Center; Gayline, TUE 3 GLSO Rainbow Bowling League, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm 7:30 pm, Joyland Lanes SAT 21 Gay/Lesbian ACA, 5 pm, St. WED 1% Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph Office Park, Room 120 Joseph Office Park, Rm. 120; SUN 22 Gay/Lesbian AA, ll pm, Comp Gayline, 231-0335, 8 — 11 pm Care Center; Lesbian OA, THU 5 HIV+, ARC, AIDS Support Group; 5:30 pm, St. Joseph Office Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm Park, Rm. 120; Gayline, FRI 6 Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Comp 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm Care Center; Gayline, 231-0335, TUE 21% GLSO Rainbow Bowling League, 8 - 11 pm 7:30 pm, Joyland Lanes SAT 7 Gay/Lesbian ACA, 5 pm, St. WED 25 GLSO Board Meeting, 7:30 pm; Joseph Office Park, Room 120 Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, St. SUN 8 Lesbian Potluck, 2 pm; Gay/ Joseph Office Park, Rm. 120: Lesbian AA, ll pm, Comp Care Gayline, 231-0335. 8 - 11 pm Center; AVOL, 5:30 pm, Comp THU 26 H|V+, ARC, AIDS Support Group; Care Center: Lesbian 0A, Dignity Rap Session, 7:30 pm; 5:30 pm, St. Joseph Office GLSO News Layout, 7:30 pm; Park, Rm. 120; Gayline, Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm FRI 27 Gay/Lesbian AA. 8 pm, Comp MON 9 GLSO Forum, Topic: AIDS, Care Center; Gayline, 231-0335, 8 pm, Comp Care Center 8 - 11 pm; GLSO Coffeehouse 8 TUE 10 GLSO Rainbow Bowling League, Dance/Halloween Happening - 7:30 pm, Joyland Lanes; “Outrageous Acts“, 8:30 pm, GLSO News Deadline Unitarian Universalist Church WED 11 Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, St. SAT 28 Gay/Lesbian ACA, 5 pm, St. Joseph Office Park, Rm. 120; Joseph Office Park, Room 120 Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm SUN 29 Gay/Lesbi