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UK Presidents ‘ UKRF m
Brief History James K Patterson, l878'l9l0 The University of Kentucky Research .
Henry 5- Barker, l9l0-l9l7 Foundation is a private, non-profit corpora-
The school was started as part of Ken- Frank L- MCVGYI 19174940 tion through which funds may be received,
tucky University under a cooperative plan Herman L- Donovan, ”Ml-1956 invested and expended in the interests of
authorized by the legislature, in 1878, when Frank 6- Dleeyl l956-l963 certain legitimate activities of the University
the people of Kentucky decided to establish John W- Oswald, 19634968 of Kentucky. Within the framework of the .
a state institution of higher learning, the Albert [3- Kirwan, l968'l969 University, the Foundation operates as an
Agricultural and Mechanical College was OHS A- Singlelaryl l969—present administrative arm of the University in so-
separated from Kentucky University and re— liciting and administering contracts, grants 8 b0 Ut
established on land given by Lexington and Administrative Executive Officers and gifts originating from. extramural ‘
Fayette County. To prowde a separate cam- sources. These funds are used in support of
pus for the new institution, the city of Lex- Dr, Otis A. Singletary, president research, training and other related activities.
ington had donated its 50—acre fairground Dr. Alvin L. Morris, vice president for Ad. UKRF received 44] awards during the
and park which, during the Civil War, had ministration fiscal year l970, its twenty-fifth year of ser—
been utilized as a bivouac area for Union Dr. Lewis Cochran, vice president for Aca- vice. These awards totaled more than $l4 .
troops. Lexington and Fayette County con- demic Affairs million.
tributed $60,000 for the construction of Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., vice president for While research work during the Founda- .
buildings, and President James K. Patterson, Business Affairs _ tion's early years was primarily in the phys—
whose service to the institution began in Dr. Glenwood L, Creech, vice president for ical sciences, it now extends into education,
l869, loaned his personal savings to supple- University Relations the humanities and the social services as '
ment the building fund. Thirty years later Dr. A. D, Albright,.vice president for lnsti— well. The Foundation presently administers
the legislature changed the name of the tutional Planning funds for proiects distributed among almost fiNWERfiWY if}? KENTUCKY
inS’fliUiiOn *0 State UanérSiiYi Lexington, Dr. Robert G. Zumwinkle, vice president for all the departments and divisions of the
Kentucky, and gave it additional financial Student Affairs University.
support. In 1916 the name was changed to Dr. Peter P. Bosomworth, vice president for
the University of Kentucky. the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center PR—SP ‘62 MarCh ‘97]
Dr. M. Stanley Wall, vice president for the Note: Data is current as of February 1, 1971.
Community College System Subject to change thereafter.