xt7xsj19pq6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19pq6d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1983 1983 1983-10-31 2020 true xt7xsj19pq6d section xt7xsj19pq6d M
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o C E"Oblishod 139‘
’ 3 - M 3' a
Y. to
U.S. trOOps 0 WW»
1 l apture r» ,- mum...“
—,,v,____; eader of l f o ‘ ," .’ V" 3 a J. y: - 2 __ °"°°" 3' I903
e tlst p ‘ . ~ .. ,. ~ « « --
COu ' ° ‘w‘ ' ' I" a ' Ad -
‘9 Grenada," bUSine — a ' ‘ ‘ 1‘3" - - ‘ ’ ~ r" "-I' ‘ m'”“'”"‘ policy
5585 urged to r . . Q g V 3/ ~ ‘ . ma‘ d ' -

. BRIDGETOWN Barbe eOPen _ ' , 3"“ x}, I; 5' '_ r 4r k ‘ 1w,” . , ‘ . rd“ ‘uldt‘nls
"' U.S. invaders S'eiwd dm (AP) seam d ' '3‘! ‘ '- 2 HM; ..' '- O‘ ,' ’ _ ' y « ()' grcal ‘ .
Em’s bloody cwpozfieagyid mated lfo $355“ the island's an " ;:.- \ ‘ ‘ ., . ' . ' , *s,\ ’ 2 ¢ . t l' llllulu‘

S , res'de - ‘ w: n, .. >' 2, ' _ . , . ' .
nation’s 23113213?“ ”“2 and the: figngnlsmerun Shicztfslfntg 352“?" i 3, ’ «‘3‘? .3 ' '. ' ‘ v , '
sfmé‘aoolfj,efioffices and fight? urged askedrgmfigo Free Grenada drift; 7-, ,3 “A. «279,3, 3: '3‘! . « ? ’ ._’ , . , 7 ' § 2 J :Lniahxnu-m H m \‘, I I
Y pilescattered . ”0P9" stores pers ‘0 reo ' ~ :92 ,~ r ’"dli ‘4 ' ‘ it. " ‘ n m
. sm - ,urged pen the"- _ , . 2:, ,2 .~ , _
minmjfifiwgéé’f Penptfiggg‘eéaid tr: attend 8011:“;ng 22% Students .3 h . "" "V L..." ‘ J " '7 “ . " ”r I my..- .

ester . toll m em emplo ees’ l 80Vem. P 2. 4, D.‘ ' V . ‘ u . . . . ' ‘ mum”, K 1‘ .‘.,. .m ' ,2 , . -.-_ H
{hr day. _w1th 77 Woundedw 15 the”- OffiCes {oda Should FepOrt t0 . i 4-“. ‘3‘", f;- ,\ .3 '7}, \ . .« t 2 NH“, )L‘ru, H .. - '2 , j ..
Useetlgmlng Since andsand usual." y for “busim as l 3%} s ‘ - *2“, ‘ , 4‘ ‘ 't'; ' pl'luw Rh ; \tdh‘n: «4.. .. L. i
,' _ N am a ‘ of km “a, , ,_ ‘1 > i V ‘7? H} J; . Q I. ‘ ‘ _ {f} "‘5‘“ , ' \ > ‘ ""~ xxdu,
gbmgrceedm, «madam 1‘24," ~ -1 . t 2 «s -‘ :

' an the 1 ' t Curfe an 8 p'm to I M ‘- \y ‘ A i t A. " .1 ‘.j V "‘ ‘Q ' IV ‘ ’ _ I _ ' “‘ ‘Fhmyl S, ‘_ . " .-_
Junta The" 9ft1st muita .W."Ihere Were . - Sa.m_ '- {W w 4 .1, 2: i." f . . \ ’ « , mum t“ , k A” .. ’- - «. r,
Sm orderlgngtmln.) Was t0 :2: Lfilnghln the City (infill-Pg rtflports of «,- ,’ : . 3‘ ‘ Vt : ' “ ' _ ‘ as 1," ‘ a: " ‘ _ «‘2‘! "In? \ ‘ . k H‘Vlllu Lb!!! “-1.“ 1|: ., H '.; , V”

U.S. military Off _tCIY1han5‘ elec‘tri Ough repair Crews :3 ka- , .2: ,4 ," 2“ -, . l“ V, R i X, ' A . 4. ”10% 5|‘~|_l"lh[m '. ‘ .\ v.”
said Air Force llCIals m Barbados 0 Clty and Water seI'Vice eStDred 7.9», ‘ :1 3 ‘ ‘« "" -2 ' on. I! .‘ ‘ I - "gr " ‘ L '3: O ,_ ; WVHP“ “1"” Lu! ....-. ANN I. {V ‘
wrung fax! intopgnes were trans- fore; Saturday, UMS «5C . ‘ ~ ,3 I,“ ”mm-e-“ gn'L" A a. -‘ ,' " .i V ‘5 1‘ » . . V 3 V. E . “N- W.“ “-1“! .l . h,
and hungry mag?“ for tired deput sewed Bernard ooafi‘dpa‘w“ 7. " . ,. , _ ‘ ; ' . .' 1 ; . .' - \ ' :5 ”MW “1 ‘
trepical island natiOn 0‘ Fhe tiny hind {hpnme minister allegedly the 2* 1'2: . k ' ' 25 t . 3-,: g 3 - L'. l‘ 2_, 6 gamma, h» hun- ,.- ”S

. 10mm COuld not flmfllca“ diP‘ Minist e coup that unseated Pi’ibe- . I 3 - at: - ' ‘ - 3. " .4»- - -t i ( "I “”4" II'HH “.21 I" ' “"w
. said 5“) displacedcg 1rm_this, but lande er MauriCe Bishop Oct 1 me . . '1' .- - . .2 ”A .. : : z . - : l‘ifx-.-.yl1~1th-,N1,H! .wu «ma- ' a «3M
beeligibleforem renadxans may mus rs showed Us two- 2' IS— ; , ..9 ’, .‘F , ’Vt '. g ; - ;-. i ”mm mm , ""“’

An th ergencyaid. MGWhet-ecoardWashidi PS the . y A . t H. . ' A.” u . . : . , _ {2 , huh l'h‘ mm m.- h gnaw", :2
ueeso er Planeload of Us nea a U‘s‘ Staging grounng. I . 2 9 D “ " ‘ H ‘ ”I “Nutm- u! ‘4‘“.th “Hm,
Saturdrzached the United St'at-aezac- A dingJ mum of Barbadoson the - ‘ ‘4 1‘ _ ‘ . . . a I thermal.” Mn n; \mhlunum .2.

. , . ‘ ———~==a=——a- - " ‘ ‘ "“115 .
numberyafb’é"gm8 t9 at least an at: or the $33 Metcau m. in @352 . ‘ -3 "' ‘ ~ ~ ~ .. 2 ; Aggy,“ “we , 3 3'1" ..
Of the islana ' Shatlonals flown out Dada, Fequega? OCCUpatiOn 0f cre- Movlng Out ' A I—hw“ A _ ' . N*r\,;«‘:"h “2M “‘lhmum'tx «:3.»
began. Most of u"lice the invasion waSbeingheld 0 say where Coard C ‘ ¥ -- S xrnm Quizms”. h" "‘1 m... 'y.. ,2”
that had ‘ 1’” Alneric “[’11] ‘~ CTnstruction w W: u ‘4 hot .» A Hm ! “7'19”“ .u H.

hVed on G ans not gom b Orker No u: . w. , m m “9.2. . “r

den“? 8! St. Geog?“ w?“ StU- we’re going to gawk“ 1°" what P‘ms demolished in th MUM ”“4220 hum . « . ' ' N‘s-v nu:,“ “"“‘""'= xx.-

Mallcalschool. S University calf 3.150 said_ ”w filth rump Met- hlllxp Call and Son '3 downttm” Mm l :. «’rhtk “1th mmm 2:.» ’ Inrtxutry,.t..u,.'““f” “‘2'..n.:..z-t2 .. ,2
e r . s h ‘ m . x

SirP u] glvehjmagoodcond e not golng t0 “ ‘ "H‘dlnfl “.h “‘Y'Ht'y] "H 0! HH- ”Lu” In H T110 HQ'u ' VIM- - film,”
to mealarsgcfion' Who was appointed thGen, HUGSOn Au‘sgfit "1:231." . ' ‘ \ (ht‘ \Lnn \Huq «w ”H ‘ ”'3‘ t‘t'pL'uk-t. . ‘:“'1“I""v"' R My .

. ’ , . _> -——--,>_ ‘ -‘\. Hy“ U? I _ ”I M‘“ P! 'a $9“, I H
Commonweaey Ceremomal B -. e Peoples Rev] ~ C Irman 0f 2-.,_, , 1 “m ”N hm , . “ ""- ‘I.
1th . . ntlsh that OUtIOna . l O 7 . “"‘ ,. M .4 ,
3,22 «23“atgbgtvw «1153‘? 35:“: 31) 0m < f 1 3,2,“, ,.:
v S became the . [I in Metcalf .' 2 was Stll] at I ment ‘"'““——-_4‘ 1 1|“)qu y in 1?: ...'. Y‘.|\'.
at sand. 3 e. “‘W‘Hu, ,“ “t- n:
13:5” of GYenada Cacr‘iggeglwhan Metcalf, hOwe . rg COStly m - t«..y)l¢.‘1~":_“\:"""‘ " VI ' w M1
are loifigggrtomfii the military gag: paotgégsd Were Sczmnzalgh SCOuting B “ (Stakes place Wl/d , "K and-{3:1
‘ mtof . w h'n e inla y; ICKE C ‘ ' Hn- 1‘: -. ‘ 5*“me
:2 government until :{m .311 Inter- He said 0111635 0f Grenada {Or Austizd Sports Edit: PATTERSON . (1’5 “’1’? ”Ulg Sea V mom (UH hm \‘i’mxxmn. «h- I'x:
held whens can run With t‘zlepol‘thad Austin on the 1' start “Ram“ “mum"! . .50” ()’I [101d [Iflltw 531mm {ha- drmzlx n! 'P . 1??
hostagw 0 umdefltified WOmen ViSiOns Of a ma. b0 "1:7: agafvl). d I but y“. flint: hunk -” “1m t tan”; ”in-July)“. "Mummy“ ‘de'l‘:
. first . ‘ Jot W] 93 "1111' ‘ _ . ‘ :l 5 (p 541‘ r" . - ~ . ‘ t )p H’dH! “I” ‘ H): t ,
JaCkson annou legitimnghifiason Since €573,231:th dalll direct“; (IWKirttrtlfiht‘hk “11] Rm“ 5:312:52“ “My 8min“ vu- ;:‘("':.‘h’l"”; 3.2:: ”1,1,! ”h Un- ”V '1 :xa‘tu- Tum"
. cam . at the T0 rep 80mg “hm“ . I \l‘Urtns an”. _” .. P415503 and v0“ , ‘ ’ n , - 4! 2) , ('l”\ 1!» lug}, ‘ uI-t- at
. nceS b d ' e CraShlng d0wn p m 8“ mlnuhw ‘ .h‘nkl‘L‘ “I" . H “1 'lUiiNQ‘rt . . ' (an I blame “llh d .15 I" , , N ”"H 'I'nv
Wilde . around th ‘ ~ In the _« R. ‘ ‘1 Hum At _ . ' “‘Htfl'lhat «— 2 ’ ‘ h. \« 2 mm m ‘
for pres.d . l Oneifgsatimsafiurgtah ”'13 tieew‘i}; :‘gfilhad JUSI \IU‘nx‘er‘tdh‘tlthgf‘jr JV" ”mutt?“ Mgr” .“f the fourth mum” ”ting: A i" I" ~'»">1xll..«',y ”A“? I"
l enc several la y mght which sa « (fptm’k rl‘lurnod :2 . fumd '“ punt. V, th ”.W ”‘0 Wildcat, . A I .. "‘
1n 4 down Wifhsieys from both SqUads g: [JOUCthWn “3 (,lm_”"‘-‘!_\urrt2 m" d from In 1.” (“Wile Adam.» uh 4.1 ‘iutw “an” “m" " 'w
' ' - . , ‘ Lt : l” . . _ Q' “‘3‘. 2, - ' Ting ‘ ”Hm!” , _ ' Fun '2. 3,,
mmStaffand What the “Omlnjunfi. ”0”“ Hmwm .a h.“ xvr \t'nrt' at 1' )d‘rd Ilm’ to up 1 . adn “((‘Ptdlml w, ,2 .
”reports _ filer“, it mgnutfftoiafite: In eXClte W ”n ”I" first ”ANN“ H “A ""134";th h”! ( audt‘ll "1135M 3::- 5|(k.];::::::: ”W‘fitg), ”H in .u ”1, rid: ‘
u y hard 11' - EXCeptiOn. “5 l” (he gam~ ‘ ' 'deull (-2.. no! . . “’“"""~ in.“ I «

NEW Y0 [Want . UK lttmg from bo « for a t . (' l k der- m . “anrm- Ma ““Hm-m t-u .H . ' ""m
J$88 Jacksgf (AP) — The Rev "1 to help agaln for {ll-,0“ defensive taCkle Frégksmes' Ransdalflmfhdown "’1 'hv t-vthirm 1“" hm h" algfigmhmw'” for U)" m." “M "Um“ I'm xfim‘ 12'” " I ‘
he wil announced 8 - easure r, , ese.ason Witha Hare f0 (»”mpleted H) n .. ' Vnfl word. am A‘ d Some hflr‘g Imp‘wmm 1m. _ “‘"WY :1: m,
Prw'del seek the 1984 D3,] Sterday ho breatneSS by fibula Mlddle lineba {IraCtured fight '1: 125 «Yards ('I'nho f A)“ pass“ ' Vt ut mueamlookmg nhe d~h h“ “Id n m“ . ”1'" " ~‘

1 ntial nOmi , mocl'atic W We [re - roulet- and C Cr Scott sch r8 US9d [1)S‘n, f " rni'. h”“"\'(’r ‘ ‘0 p]a\ed H H ' U. (NH) 2|, V" ~. ’ 'k‘i' .
would try to ch ”‘10" and said h - at Children Am defensive gua " mg U. ' I K has a m. y . Inadu ‘ 97""3' hard w . WNW“ mm 2 ”"‘ "' «H
. 006 e ergo" b0 rd G19 q «men .. 'k ‘* \Lirt ’ ‘ mlMakq-s‘ 9 Just [hr Ram , , .
mngmate. e a female run. m the daWn oflife 5"“? defenSitihesgfyfgl-edknee mind? "I won‘t rite. :17"? 5 a “(”1 Mllgrld ”firm" Wm”: ”my", ‘rluL‘LS'YITh‘hHm
ViThe civil rights leader . . how We treat poor, "11431;? his right Showgirl" willlams "OW.“ Lillilkxn‘nhsizllgv sffiltha‘ mg," [Sia\:;:2e¢n:nme Of an Aubm-‘IVka‘t mh‘wt Altonk” .} "'
new 36°01‘de for the Chm an Inter‘ People ' - . UK anks gone for the .. I hm” '“ Urdu-the t ‘3." ”My for ~a't our m“ “mum... at: ). "NW”“HI wt
‘60 Minuta‘" said he w [aprogram In the p” Ofllfe sa'd head Coach Jerry csleéson' ahber 98m A“Mf'mu‘ Smmh 1.3M”“""‘H2« ,mci
i: 3v???“ his candidagy 31:31:38]» and how We treat old ablodt ya}? others we don‘f ‘13: e, —‘ ’ :3, ”WW manfifljmf,“ m" "“""
came “123“?"- He is seeking to :3 folk in the pain, We‘ll they re all in a 10! “f ‘ v a '- ,' “MN“ ”nun” ::1r.-,....m, .

. first black - . ‘ ‘ . Sunset 0f ,, kn0w more I _ . 0 on ' '1 I “1 ”Honor (,1 . '
candldate nominated Prmdentyal [(fe ” Week. ate: m the a n! 'I‘r'tmlm_k 1' L.” the [K Imam
pm! by a major ' “Mimi suffered ' ‘ ' . "‘Mlon “5,312.th I" """"“" m1

Although J€SSe J many .anuria as UK th nearly as 1‘ WV " . Th“ dfi‘mlm n ~ Mhmk‘l'"?! sand
leaders havens??? black political ackSOn, we bglng starting quhrt: $05! "Qta- ' (1 W ("hnrhtt‘tm Hmdv EU) a rust,“
p0" him, fearirig 2111?}; will n°t S“P‘ _—_Rm $32532“ center Joe kaeCkxirv‘llxre “0"" "VON 5;} Thin?" Mm ‘1

, . . , 1 _ . '4
‘cwould be lelsive. Jacks; camping“ blaCk voters by a hit b 0:" after a 10yard gafn ' fl admmm “‘“nmarvt. try)” 4’ "m"
gggdate can expect to mild’ ”NO iStered ' °"‘-V 10 million are reg- returned y aul calm!" and never ‘1 y??? adm‘W’" ""indnr 1:. Rt],
su _ unani- .. ' u ' 2 ‘ ’ - ”a 1« ‘ ' “r "-
mm'lity."pport frOm any Elven (20m- -(-H) we move to ‘ We. played our hearts .. . I ' ' 1 perform?)fan”s “”7" buy-d UN 1;“:
Dana Caned 32mm on the books by?“ another 3 “[2138“ head coach wamguh Cm. ‘ ~ . ‘ ‘ 5 Class “1%,! ”w Hm “3’ "Mm “
. Y» a jouma- r. we ‘11 “eXtNovem. 58‘ ~“We had . “ BrOwn ‘. «'. ' ’ J ‘ ”"1 mu] "m
Winfield “ 115m fresh- « V." have cha m . . Buys landou 1‘ . ‘ « ”81th“ « . In \prm
America 'Wfivm black perso“ in (:1?th wthns in the prnged Demo. k e field wlth mjunfi but tag] 0.Ver ‘ ' ’ \ ’- h {mhm‘" :0“ nlmlpr “PA H! l1“: ‘
Wouldn’t be fOr him, it still Sa‘ld' lmana," he .eptpommg back. We' had y Just \ . N . 2 mm the" A“ Flumrmcam ""th
White WW beCause “ad‘s"n onuld ~ . mime“ I‘m d0wn to 9° many 2 uhoonpp (1 “"’”‘ MM! try-«r p
whdmbzm hen-eve 3b,; «388% ‘rhcwwm'rxy::~mw«- a . - ‘ m. gnaw-m ‘
2 . M v ,V . e won’t . , the at .n 1 ' . 0' 'M 1 '

0n , Ckhxmup. ‘3 805. Canpd ‘ wm In (Its went , mod to " (141'
Jacksonthe mine“ 0‘ a Willing mat The ”Ward-1,111.25 :e Sam? boiled down“; naught as | ' . QUirunmdg'rmim' 1hr “‘1llxlletKTHP
spond w“? asked by CBS e, el‘atlon pUSH °'? heads 0p- '“edklcksby bothki k 8 Pa" of 7“" ‘ - z ' i cams Al '0' ”W yrar'. W
now Sim. Mike Wallace “Argon-e- community-Se 1 cea mam-based UK’S Chris Caude” Cwfigs. '« ‘4 J ' o! the 15mm sand The r331“,
you caymg that you Wiil cl yqu concentratw Onre iofgfmlation that a _ Wee! ”for-m, thi had been i ' help to (firm {rt-emu" (‘lm 3‘
black»? 8 “mm be she wmte‘o‘: d Jam‘s” said hegtfanténgtovgém' in the 1:23?“ WW atteinpimsm ‘ . d-rds for "KT”; ‘dmImon "2'",

2. ' , em because ”1' Presi- . uarter early ‘ bun d m "‘3" Plus 1
”KISSES: no doubt about it ., Jack ourlmeaSux-e for 9:33ng about Ehzglmin UK 2 14-13 11:1? gnzmd L '4 M 2m“ ' 1w),

. , _ u . ' . . ‘ ‘ , ., y {

Jackson 313 . Want to help a ' fel e MOM missed m " “ "Ch “1d the

- 0 sand - STeatnas . 831“ mea ‘ d goal at . a 3S*yard P , i dam. . umber u
“33°:‘mmymergm‘22cgv to the «£3 “‘3‘ great ma‘r‘ifi '52 mm mm seconds 7- ,, 2 t . warm“ «Wm: .52,
we «13:33:;“m‘ «1121.22,. $33393.“ the im‘ offietfim £33713 m, "’e - 1 ‘ , 1‘ ‘ 1 3“" mm mm“ "m

are 0 - 1 ‘ ' V "" " ' . ‘ "3.. ,. ' . ,.
ages of 13 and 2‘" between the life."he ,d folk m the s t of of the gamef 3‘3 first maxim . u -»:/_ f4. , 1 - “1:“- ‘ With ”I'm“... _

The mp hadbeén J:CRSOn said Canedsald'd Lflwrence 14.031163” me-yard line , , ;"'"' . ~ ‘ '34,” ' ' . . ‘3‘)“ ."K ,2, mg frame" 4'11"”“1003 Int-um
a 10 V0 ' ' sai ‘ " to . . 3,2 ' « . n- . f“ " ’ r“ 5f "’ w” alu
Wm]! ”cent level Ituslng’at am“. 8“ r01e Mme Jesse inckson ls 8 wt was caught m "E swap fight, 3”“th .' )\ f.¢' , .l ' «. ‘ v - Afi‘ 1, by « .3, ~k,.." ”lulfd to g" If!!!) u) ff rfl'ncf

dmoveaboveSOper Vi” it dents and he - l ‘0’ mmority sm safety. “mete” ‘ «- 27:4,... - x law, -- _ 2. . Wannumuh W'fdwmm

Jackson said of 13 mfimmwj‘ official and he's .a respecwd Wblit; “We Must not hav ‘ . .. .- ‘ : ‘ , “ «Tn . W. "t. :3..- K L “id

10!! eligible laritymy £213.88“! more mum that play .. agmked any. Placcklcker ('hnx (. ‘ ' e2». M:-‘u “limb.” rommumly “n"
. WW ' borne ' v- a mac ' n
llfluu told ”gage them manentum 88:38. Wildcat. |3_‘3 Salu;:jde!l Stands chCLICd 3“" 2'3"“?! l‘mluw‘uy, minim for :12}: W‘NIC)’ 0! upon 3d
. . ayers We needed - wcallh Stadium (« ay High! bcf0rc S7 'nClnnan Hcd Ih [lllngton T thI ”admit”
0 a 800d afterth ,. * aUdC“ my“ d , ’ "789 fans at ( c 31... "mural [mm '
_ 11.1 S w CWIIdcaIs'th 6 his firm extra ()mmun. one that,“ Paul man u
l aunt th ' g”)uChd(’“'l1. pom! Or [he SCaSOn [hit 0! Whey m“ “Taylm m
cm w... M ,‘w- .L e earth 0 :37“ “I: an,“ “4:: mmve

“Ii mail” hi 919' amem. 3 ”5%; By CHRISWHEI IN [8 ho 0 ' Mistmlfncantl) hrsalhw m

‘m-uxju‘umm’lm a: 2:; " SWfWriter ll [Sh A" H II , '
'~ .‘ - ‘11..
.._... M m W... mm 3 W s E
”*mm - ° ~ m- y omen is ' T1"CNN-treat "5’“ ”“81” be Ve

F“ m M m * WI ' ki ting. weal-"g “allay.“ by met“- to“ and ask] In“ ‘ W act of gains of > "I lantern Faces
”“ m y m. gut it h” and um goodies _ "8 for candy_ 8 , 10r- at, We, were Ctrved w, M
. _ «- ' .1 ‘ menu-i My 808 back we“ or othe 'Phcednmde ‘ 1h" (‘an .

" . « jungho“‘3.Bot»lirnn..nd °" “W the {em The “tri .. to m“ Penn New ' GoNin- and . ' "
. 4“ . 5‘ - - . . V '3: m w Wild:- n Mm Hallow; wicrthim coma fro"; the [:3]: mm W “gum Hm ”heme”, 8m 1
~ .- 2 . m Mia, m 0mm . N‘ -- ' 1c w ~~ 1’ ans: "m ‘«
‘v out them Bone w man; ' “K1 "‘1‘ Ight when mm‘oluye as known as "Mischtd lput, "9 .180 “would ’_' m the whim ‘
v . years. "1m chum w, The Oldest part of pranks Were played "3 “’60 NW wuh ”Allow” (”)b i,
‘ ~< / ‘ “dug-UL" are not m of "'9 Old ”Wilda” It w“ wig? ‘3 a"; ”91le "the mudhm "t: Mn": “‘"5‘3 00! ”flu. ,,
Accord ct t the soul: ‘ ‘ ' Accord] "
, Pmmm‘3mdwgg‘m swim“ mywienufi‘mfllgflét Um um, knife: mmma‘: 2; wand m Eng/rm,“ /
. u v - We ' l , \
_ . j .. a: beige the m [Bl-nthe Dnflfi calm. my Mm med mybescanq than I! Is lm' Then in “10 1m - m" “mu 0: 1 ‘
‘ tutu ” ’ . . Wore/mm 'W in mmmnhduls bun“ ‘0' otac W be“ ‘" ”CW that I?“
3 ”a ”W m . 1" Cvlcbrm. «. “Saint-‘1)” the W Hallow ”3““ pr "m nachbm u” d W 6“- :nd “may m. ‘ ‘
. , ‘ _ , " 3‘": y I u ‘ ' - m ‘
fl ‘ :w 2 153w 2% ‘2 v‘ ~ '"m' “a" o! the c... "m ""0 a jacko'um‘m' *8 carving a Norm-y: 02cm MM, m
.. . ‘1! B“ ”,3, , ‘3 “at,“ mern .C: l Mp ovum. d
”i 'M W. . Q. .pumptun. name 7 hand-,1 hit/em
~ g. 6 "l/l, . waemllowed Ole Alls- , y lbmw a!

"nun . “« th- W . ' M and used mu DO c. WW \

' . .“'~W.' ‘ > 5‘ a, "Cert-7v, I my W' l‘b'aflm “M .. With U
~ , , . . ~ :9 - ,. In, W « r. « ' m, -' “W , t

‘ . -» .3 ., ,. :2 V I .' - ' .’ ‘ « .’ ' I ; . . ,

. .. , - . mm 4 ~ : ,,‘g . .. 2 m
‘ ‘ ) " ' 2 1| // ' " I a ’ ~
‘ .. - 5 f, ‘ _ y , -
A l , I 'Q- '2 4‘—
_.’- ‘ . -' ’ '—' I I
- ‘0'... :7 '1’, ' o
‘ ’ " I‘m/Ii]!

 2 - THE KENTUCKY KEINEI. m, October 31, use _
a. , CREDIT FOR Earthquake m Turkey
. ‘ ‘ O O O
s .3 ,. § A Spooktacular . kills 500, levels 50 Cities
0‘" Iggg l Event” symmvaa
.0,. V." ' ,zzzr . "".’/,',“""' . ' .
M ~ at 803 South Z W» “M, ”’//// WW‘WWM
. . l s |~C / .
. .. I ISTANBUL. Turkey —-Amajor earthquake struck east-
‘v «V O MOHday, OCt. 31 / ”to: qg{u. ern 'hirkey early yesteday and officials said at least
. 803 l . / ”000 0000 509 people were killed. Newspapers said 50 villaga ‘
. _ . II 1.00 j * wereleveled,andthedeathtollwasexpectedtoclimb.
KEV 'llANClAL “IVICI'.|~C-_ I ' aha“ three hull" urns. a glake mu“ thrllllnl an
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 :ey w- _ . me stumcxv «(nun MondnrOCQobolli, ice: 1
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at least . o . . . . .
“W Clnc nnat and W ldc t h bl
1‘3.“ 1 l l a S 3V8 same pro ems In re lll mg
east on
The players walked 310M)! around the '_“'——_‘— ken arm two weeks ago against Florida am ou-r the 1.51 41"...»- \.m- 1. 1.1.1 .- . 1.. ., . ..... ,.. .._. ,. .
(m l' locker room and continuously shook their State, The junirrcollege tnmfer had or two it: the “111511315 .1111 «111.1: mm 1.11 '..:A \.li--f1..m 1- 1111‘ 11111111 1 To:
tltiea tr heart in diaappmntment. Victory had Dan passed for 1,643 yards in five~andonehalt mm-tabiht) m m.- it.-..:1..:. 111. 211-” ,.-,1. 311 .111 4.“... ”..‘. “.1“, 1
331“ mm! m their hands When the ball 8"“- The injury thrut untested m schools prtlgirrasnh- \.::.11.11t .:.!l1o 111’ 1. = .11 .1». 1k 11“: ..V\ ,. ._..,. .. “t‘
ed hookedleftottheleft crossbaras the Cincin- METZGER more Mike Willgiru into action at Honda mg trohlr‘msllml tam-1. 1-... 11 1 11.. - 1 1.1L. 1 .11 11111.11 ' .1
12.8"] . natiplayersspontanemnlyheldhandsmthe State and he started his first collegiate , _ 1: :1. ”up, 01.11 11.-11 .m... “ mm .
ttainous sidelines. only for dejection to set in in a gamelastweekagaimt Miami. ln Jen-t 11mm”... . )1 r1.” ” Wm... J . V” 11.1 1L V” “ .. . 1 ’1 ..
matterofseconds. _ A M “fem.” genius 3m Md net and a mulch Min Nil 314) .l'.1l «$1.1? 1.\! li'. W H" ‘ 1' "It“, “l, ‘ ' ' "*-
d m “We didn't come down for any mm.“ vic- sebum”, gaining their notoriety with I m_ m tailback Jon Jon m at qmr. a mnner, as he did .ll \ tritium in :. ..'»: ,h‘m' \ 3:3.“ 1%.; 1,...”- (Iv-11 :1“
(,me tory, a tie tous is just like a loss." lineback- sonopening win over Penn State. and losing tab-ck. specifically for runnim proposes Maryland. ““5”" Brwn.111c.1111n.111- .:. '3“ .1“. 11“. 1, ..‘...1.‘ 1. 3.1..11: , fr
‘ . in er Jerome Brimon said. Brinson was the t0 snake—bitten Oklahoma State. Florida Willow even lined up at tailback. but “W'l'W9‘” “W“‘h ”‘ ""‘W‘ ‘ 1" "‘ 1...1 ..z 11.1 ...1.11\11.11.l:'-..11 ’l‘tt‘
1 star for the Bearcats. as he scored Cincin- State and last week to seventh-ranked 'I‘hornas' range was effective. as he camed b‘" ‘5 “"Ndvr‘fl ”n" ”f m" hrwi": ”H” 11' 1" 'fw 1”" '-l~'\ 7 wt” ' l" ..1 1-1“
nds of nati's only touchdown with a 53-yard inter— Miami 17-7 in the rain at Riverfront Stadi- theballsix timesforssyards SW? mitxisin alllinitlmll .3111. 11.1 11.1. .12. .11. .11.1- 1 .1. 1.11.11 "1‘:
ilssaid. ceptionreturn. 11111.] H hurt last k “We‘re miru every stone we could and The two St‘hunls “11.11.11“! i. 111... 1 .111 -r m .1»1....: .11. “-1 “in“; 11‘”
cm. . . ti though. was .. wee .when we turn me over and see what we could do," milesof Interstate .‘51 h.t\t' .1lw . 11-1111-11. 111. 1111- 1011- \1'..'. 11 .11 .1 1r. ..‘ ilt‘.i:1-s.1'a‘.
be oen- mom‘oxintfis whit: fiio‘iraofii 19:33:: lost.’l‘lusonereallyhurt. Brownsaid. Brown said of lhomas dawns “rm“ mmlmfl dllflmllh‘o m m" "1-141 1 1? 1. ‘1 .1i-1‘1 1» “1 ~1N\« 11’ ‘ W41 l-aa' 11..-
most 0‘ tion thathewas content withtheoutcomeof The'final hurt to the Bearcat coach was "We had trouble at quarta'back and they Greater t‘incmnun 1s twin: 1n.- 1-11.1~1, 5-111... 11-.111..1~-.11’.u»11-~ 1.1 . 1.11m... ..11
. of the the missed wyard field goal by Mike Mor- had trouble running the option The option football breeding .trt'u 11. m.- ...1111111 1.11 1..x 1.11.1.-
[ajatya ' to." Wlth ‘7 mom-k Windmills in the game. had hurt us the last couple of weeks and this the Beart‘ats are unh .mli- 111 “.41, m.- 1.11:... \1 .. «1.1mm; p... 3““, .m. ,. 1111.1' .mr
easteni “Hell n0, there's no satisifaction at all,” ButBrownfaultednooneforthemiss. wasn't done in jmt one week's time I ers from Now 11...... \i1t~t1.g..1. ..m «1011.. . - 11 111-11111 ”kn! 11111.11 : 11111.1 1 K .1
grown said. “We didn't come down here to “i (3.311“ 3.5k any more than that 0‘ 62 thought it kept their defense very confused State [K has [first lilellt‘tt'\\lalll) Z11 rank: '1..- iii11vuz,.~1\ Print»- rant: .1. at II‘ in» »1 1:1.
tie. We came down here to wm. I even guys, including Mike Morton who gave all in the first half. along with an unbalanced corms-tent lm’lk‘tds 11111. 1 1111 11111.11. .1114 11.11 ..‘ 11-1.“ .. «..':

_ called timeout with msecontk to go so that he could give me and it just didn’t work linewekeptrunning." not been able to sign the- 1.111111111-«t1111 ,1..1-, :1 . 1.11 .1111 +1 .1-. gin-l .1. . 41' urn-1.1.
E— ifwe did ml“ it: hope t“El/"d 0111)de inter- out." The only justification in the tie may be the PrSlnlLs'tlwnfitalt‘H‘ul 111.11111 1..-..1 111.11 i111; ..t gin-l ... _. t. . 1: . .2... is...“ g...
M . ception,andwe’dgetanothershotatlt-f: Most experts had given up hope for the close correlation between the two programs But now. for Brown. hr: 1:. 1x111 1111111131111 “.1111 1..“ .11. 1.1 m1 1.1 m: 1.... «NM 1. m1

The Bearcats have played a forrmdable Bearcats when Troy Bodine suffered a bro- Both Cincinnati and UK have not been pow in winning and building up hrx .. 1. 1 1
_ W, . ‘
5442 Lady Kats breeze past weekend opponents 1.1.-11....1.............1..... . . . .
. . . The Ladv Kats tcntm tmm tlmt-tl 11111 111. ': .1 ~-t 1 - . '. l
ByJASONWILLIAMS kee ma b 1 here - t ' . ' ' ' ' ' ~
SeniorStaffWriter Prose. lung 18 cam“, weun hxilggat‘gufinvgldg’ydmgiif: fall season With a 5-4 lU\\ l0 \llllncxnln HRH ‘ ll 1' hi .J‘. 1 f w I ' \iJ'» ."‘ .t11.! i
“We’ve 1 ed 'th nia at Santa Barbara, ranked 15th day at the Seaten (enter mum l11 \Hl‘ilt'“ \ ' 1 1 1 l l ‘\.111 .t... \'- I1 “112-. .
RICHMOND—Afters weekendof the best team in aficmgyalglq‘zl 1 and 19th in separate polls. 157, 17- matches t‘lare Kuhlman (UK) dctmtt'tl Rd“ 11 1 1 u ' . 1 “11.11:. 1
three straight threesme matches -- 1 - '- 15 15-11mMemorial Coliseum. . 1 1 1. ‘
in which the reserve players had Hawaii earlier this month), and 1f 1 Coleman --6, 7-5. 1-1. tl.1.1d1.1 limb «\111111 i . !
theirchances tostand out the Lady wecan make another bigleapin the Freshman blocker J11] Ackerman d. Jamie Plummet in n 3' “I “M.” \ nl~ mite truss country tttlt‘ i
’. (NCAA tournament) regionals then saw plenty of action in the tourna- - 1- - ., ~ , 1.1. . 1 111.. 1 1. _-1..-,..1.11 i '
Kata voll ball team ma fmall be . . , (Minn.) d. kristin Btithatmn (1 L. (1 l. \l|\\1 ..
ey y y f the
l tilt the . IF it wecanglveanyteamarun or 1r mentmatches,asdidtheotherplay- , ,, .. ._ a 1. . 1.11.11-111 1--1 1. .1: 1111- .
coking e Fina our team money .1 as who m u ha been Evans (UK) d. Betsy um...“ 11-. -, 1.1 1 .
”Waywanlfitobe- . l 1 im Mmtsnth); beveh thic Waddcn (Minn) d \tlxdtt Kt'litilt‘i I11. I. k1~1‘-.1.i\ H " ' ..‘” l k “"1 “H" "““ ' ‘“ 1
.“We’ve worked hard and made a Sixth-ranked UK’ 384’ downed argey reega nc ' 4' Ann [cmicux (Minn ltl lititl11\l11~1i1:. 11. “V 1‘1“? 1* '1' 1111“ 71‘ 1111.1111- ' i
higleap again,” Lady Kat associate Tennessee Tech 15-8, 18-16. 15-12 and “It does us good." she said. “If 6:3 6-0 ‘ ' 4 .‘r . 1 1. 1 :_; . ..‘.“ 1... 111111.11 \.11..11 ]
head coach Mary Jo Peppler said Amgpalactuan State 15-3, 15-6, 15-6 in the starters get hurt it amounts to 1 ~ it \ 11 1 ii 1 . \11'1 ‘ ' 1 1 _
aftertheteam finished ySatur— EKU tournament using several t‘ the be' rid . ,- . " “‘ '1 ’1 11111111 w'v'w 111:1:
day at the Eastern Kenghliky Uni- different lineups, including a 5-1 of- g: gage to :1: grammvgo “BH SOCCCI' Clllb “Ins tournament idol Ailments. Lil's Missy \aughn finished
versity Volleyball Invitational in fem with middle blocker Marsha you're only as good as your 11110151 LOUISVILLE — The ~11" tom-1 .1111 - ..1 . 1.1... .1 11.111
EKU’s Weaver Gymnasium. “We Bond trying a hand (or rather two player.” ______,__-,_-_,,_1, _ I
9 ‘ I
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”“5"...“ 1.9. Independent Since I”! ' . V ‘ ‘e.’j. t .
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AndrewOppmann LlnlS.Kadaba '. , ' " hi“ 3
Editor-in-Chiol Executive Editor \ 6 fl‘ @; , 00h“ Tgfldnas
.l ' . are C c

. . I

John ormin John Vodwh' Jame A.sooil %‘ , .‘ r¢ri
Managing Editor NW“ Editor Editorial Assistant 'I’ f l ' *he“ we _q 1 \
_ ' E3. ; publlcj set: ,‘ e. ;
/ ‘ )n' ;l . t ruling Mitt! era. ’(‘3‘ r.
. \ ml. M '/ This is) n

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