xt7xsj19pr36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19pr36/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1980 1980 1980-02-21 2020 true xt7xsj19pr36 section xt7xsj19pr36 vol. Lxxn. No. iii Ker e] ['“MT‘i't 0' "i‘mmio
Thursday. February 21. I980 an independent student newspaper . Lexington. kentucky
” “
, r . Future hope
. i P kl I t
_ l ar ing improvemen s
g , to get underway soon
.. g m
I . g V 22 (Editor '5 Note: This is the second ofa He added that planning is underway
V r 3. two-part series concerning parking on to construct a l29-space lot behind the
“V , , the UK campus.) laundry burlding. Work will begin
. ' ",w 2 when the weather improves and the
V a»??? it? ‘2. " By ANNE CHARLES new lot could possibly he in use before
, 4 ....‘% ‘ i a. . . Staff writer the end of this semester. lhe “rock pit“
. , .. Q ’g '. r: V : , lot that was considered temporary will '
" c _- V Y may , Despite the numerous parking also be retained because of'the concen-
« . . go, M gigs-fin. 22/” , . ‘, , . . ' s . . . .. ,. , .. '
: . , . . . a}. .. 'q a. ‘“ ‘é/yI/g/f problems chat beset students and tratiori of chiclts in the area. ht sVain.
; .9} %. ‘ :‘:= 1,2.th a 17?» faculty at (K. there is hope for the lhe proposed lot will be grastl at
‘ i l " '92? ‘2 u v' ' ‘ w W” future. according to several l‘niversity first. but will be paved and have light-
‘ f ' , k i ‘ ' “ officials. mg added later. said I'K Civil lingi-
_V if” i' 2 i i \‘ ~.. ' _. 2' Several improyements are planned neer W (1 forum. .lr He said room
1 3.. . we...” : =VV h; "z 1 . \t . ‘ and some are already underway will be left for ftrrther espaiision. and
' . . g ' t i 3.: WV .. A traffic and parking study on l K there will be landscape islands
,7 g f i 3V .r 3" ‘ " . has recently been completed by the throughout the lot.
in, f 3 ‘V: . 'V I. :1 ; 2" ' architecture and engineering firm of A parking improvement is already ‘
W it. 3 33V ‘. , . Harland Bartholomew and Asso- underway that will affect North (‘am-
‘ . V ‘V ‘ i -V 41"":1 . ”V crates. said Clifton Marshall. director pus. huston said there are plans to
., ' i ‘3 . “£4.74?" of I’K‘s Design and (‘onstruction Join the Rose Street and Iexmgton
”6 > 'i -. ‘ ' Department. The study devised both Avenue lots. located on (‘ollege View ‘
. I». " V ' , 2* as 2 short-and long-range programs and behind the Coliseum. I‘orston said, He
. I ‘ presented several plans f'orimplemen- said the two lots originally held 283
W ., tation. he said. vehicles but when construction is com-
' 9; ’ hf; g ’l he study recommended develop— P1636: m? new lm “ill “MN” 8‘ ( 2‘
. /,///%v,?//'z,5 .f'e’ m, ment of several parking structures in an . spaces. ,
., ,e/fmi/xé’ . . A Iseeneland Hall resident. nursing
‘ H i H . By IMHI) .\1.\\.\A\Rl)/Kernel suit part Of. the long-range Flammg stra- senior Robyn lrimble. has an R
‘ Flnger Of fate tegy. lhe most probable location ot sticker and says she doesn't baseman)
the proposed sites would be the lot in ’ , , _. .. .,
_ _ ,. , _ problems with parking. I can usually
These Wildcat fans. all engineering majors. indicate who they think is the sophomore (ircg Quillen.junior 'l‘ami Bakerandjunior Pam Price. Kentucky front 0f 1h? Wild?“ lodge, hi“ I K 5 find one (a ”1;,ch but i, takes If) mrn~
Number I basketball team last night in Rupp Arena. From left to right are heat Mississippi State 7l-65 in this year's last home game. D'WC‘QI OI PI‘bl‘C Safety lont Pad: utes and you end uptparkinglby Rose ‘
gett said conSIderation Ol plans wont Street. However. it's almost impossi- .
. take place for several years. ble to find a spot during the day on a '
One method the studv recom— .. , .. k _ '
-. weekday. she said
. U K freSh a n rete nt '0“ rate d r0 S mended to fund such expansion was a I'K now me all the H t
I I I . . . . p.t pery on
gradual increase in parking and tow- l ‘ rht “dc of ('ollc'e \‘i-w and the '
. . . ing fines. Padgett said thev have no “L nt‘ ‘. .E‘ I I. ,
By VICKI POOLE 7° “”5253: 5“""d If“ Re'em'm R1"? previous years. but many students still I' d g h .. _ "W‘d “V Vioinmg o. the two formerly separate
m2,“ Wm... 535534353535 155553335533 h” ““h"”" ( ”m“ claim financial reasons for leaving pansto oso.V (NUVLI “ t on 1" lots has proiided 94 new spaces that .
:;:-:i-:-:-: -:;:;':;:;:; .. to make money. he said. ltsitowrng . ._ _ . . , .. _ ,
. #33153 53:33:: 5 :-:l:-:i:-:3 school . d ticketin ’ slm l\‘ a deterrent .. are already in use Itic second phase of .
A look at the freshman classes since 5 74 i {if 4"? 31.3333 335325 He said that academic preparedness an g ‘ p ' ' the improvement plan my olv es
' ' I973 shows a gradual drop in the E 1 2-33 fif f, and motivation arctwoimportantfac- "WWW "0“ I“iIVSIatiCI’Id?Wl0PI"8 incorporating the Kill‘i‘ri’ Kappa
. number who return for their second {3. ' -" $352235; -':':'l:I:Z-Z «535333 ii,” m student retention. our recommendations out of the Bar- (iamma sorority lot with the large lot
. . t. ’2 “0n renting the do m mathematics. ohmic.“ “no 1 he "Who W and “i“ add ms. '3“ in!» .
. cent-rant. 25 punch or n rrcshmnn “it dwurhhh wherh or hudhhh “.2“ the, “W W ”"1.“ wmdn New “2* ed
g‘ class do not return but that number is 5 1 _, oi: “at riot well-prepared." Ire said. He added feasible. Vhdld I adgctt. . ) . liniversity will construct another lot .
' increasingaccordrng to Keller I)unn. g 70 I; 1% 2:5- that he thought math weeded out Ihe residents of the (ireg lage Sta— for the Kappas beside the sorority
, associate dean of research and a; 3 3 Fr ‘ i freshman more than other courses. diumV View Apartments have been house. ‘
P'unmnh E. ‘ 3232252222? t and mum“ me be a 'aoor- “P““h‘mg b‘h’ WM“? ““9”" . “nothh‘r'mrfmcmh‘t‘t “"1““ mm"
Dunn has conducted a study 0" ya- (,3 I; i E/ {.3 “You'u‘ 3m [0 have the brainpower crowded parking conditions. Ihere side of campus is the acqursitron of the
- enrollment pm... or each enicnng a z é and the rhth roger up in are pram,- 376 paved him and n “9’?” hr int-r. has worded {SO ‘
, freshman class from I973 to I980. He 5 i7 s :Eaigiegsgags 3333525555; 553555f3§5§3§ the morning and go to class Some State] '9‘ ”W “0'4” “Pme‘ma‘CIF ”dd.”"’“f‘l 5W“ “comm? ‘0 l K
. . recorded the retention rates of these 66 "2'9“”: i'fi'i: ‘3'” 34"" -"'""'" classes. like ph}sics. can't be self— If)“ Vt‘thlt‘M according to Ruth “35' PM“ W“ PM” ”RUIN"; .
classes for their second through eighth I97} 1074 1975 Isms W77 I978 taught." he said. tie. I'K Parking Department Man— Hairlhtméflld lht‘ “tilt" I:qucation V
years, Retention means students who 76.09; 75.99; 74.60; 72.20} 74.2“} 695“} ('ochran said another trend among tiger. Ihereare 6’44 sIUdcnts residingin Budding-Dickey Ila” ”Cln”) isone 0‘
' I are returning or graduating. so reten- “m freshmen I5 '21 “5mg number 0‘ finds“ the apartment complesu cheVarVeas “Pf“: l. k WlVlch d:‘)IhCVm.05[
tion figures include all students except the I978 freshmen returned this past of freshmen who quit school may be “(It‘d ”MW”- “Ihere‘s nothing wrong “When “9 “IE“Cd UP IOI ”“3 apan- ticketing PM“? .m [h‘ concentration ,
» for those who have withdrawn from fall. attributed to :i lack of motivation. “I‘ll 1h?” toexploref'ieldsaud make ment we were [Old there “Wld be m faculty and staff there. Whead‘igd
school Dunn said that declining retention "I‘\er'y time I hear a reason (for 11 “I5“ dCCN‘m hUI.‘011L‘an“a'H00 ample parking. I here “f9 "18h“ when that (the "9fo purchase f’ll the I lc:
0f the group who entered as fresh figures may be a response to a peak freshmen qurtting school) I think. ‘Is “mil-H ”C Mild students need ‘0 53‘ Ican't even find a 590‘ m the tenipor- I“ l?! has [Lllt\td the pressure qurte
men in 1973.76 percent returned the reached in the earl} I970s. lie said siu- that an escuse‘.” I‘ve seen students sick goals. and "it would bctothestudcnt's ary lot. so I park illegally and move in a h”
next year. lhat figure declined by .i dents at that time weretryirigiostay in in bed doingtheirlioiriework. If you‘re advantage to declare a major at the the morning." said apartment “#1de A ”9“ parking WWW” '5 planned
percent from I973 to N74. by I} per- school to avoid the draft going to lea\e school. you‘re going to end OI the WCOnd year." Dawn VKoopman. electrical engineer- 10U415“"WWW“d'ng'nmCMCd (en-
, CW“ from 1974 10 I975 and by 3.3 per- Dunn said that because state unrvci- find a good enough excuse. \ ou might Barbara Mabry. director ”I Arts & mg iunior _ t6" area and F" handle parking for the
cent from I975 to I976. hom l976to sities attract a less selective group of say your dad had a bad business ven< SCICM‘C‘ Academic Advising SCT‘IC95~ Jack Blanton. vice president fl” proposed Primary Ambulatory bu'ld'
I977. howcwr. the number of fresh- students. they have higher attrition true and not that \ou iust got two I- ‘s ‘dld ‘hC did not think ”W “‘lV-B business affairs. said the University mg. Marshall “‘l'd' , _
men who returned rr‘sr' ltrzv t' rnr It)" winks om. ‘2 ‘ I turi.‘ -. .rriircidcd rriaiors ls contrl- simply “ran out of money and syn- lhe structure, which will be located
. I” 197x. Ill“ number lldd d“‘I‘Ped suited for colls‘ge ‘oliilc fie ddnllllmi hice i’rcsrdtrii to: '\L'iltIL’fIlls ‘\ll£tlt\ buting I“ d“ 'nCWi‘W ”‘th number “I chronllation" and that caused the behind the I’orter (‘hurch Building. I
HEW“ 743 hereent of the WW first- many leave school for financial rea- lcwis \V (‘oclrran said more students freshmen leaving hChOOI. ”I think it is parking problem at the apartment will haveapproxrmately 25llspacesfor '
yearclass returried.and 69.5 percent of sons. Dunn said that the rising number are now receiving financial aid than in ('ontinued on page 3 complex. ('ontinued on page 3 i _
. 0d a s It is estimated that the \o\ zets now haw lfltl Ittlfltroops in R0 Tc prOfessors say threat 0f drafl
Afghanistan Western diplomats iii Kabul speculated the
- Kremlin Illii\ be IUILl‘tI to send additional nreir here to fight
state \Iitslt'm rCht‘ls to have Illiflle I, eflect on ,0 ram
V A BILL TO LIMIT the lieutenant goseinoi's pLrwers when fill-i l)|-.Ll (.II IV IIII- “ISI forced hundreds of p g
the governor is out of state was reiectcd b\ the Senate State PWPIC from ”1"” “mm" "‘ ‘V'lf'nil f-V‘ICHI‘I.‘ “h'lc .
(iovcrnment ('ommittce m a 4-3 vote yesterday Southern ('alifornians got a brief break between \Itlfnls By DALE (i. “()RTON “obtaining leaders" While the did“ I8 , .
lhe brli approved by the House 70.37 earlier one month Damage estimates ciimbeif to more than SW) million \le “Flirt interested in “obtaining manpower." _ I I I
stemmed mainly from a special legislative session called in M INN 3" I‘L‘W‘l“ I‘d” d'L'sl ”1 M‘Udl'm‘ rCl‘IIL‘d I" If" The basic quality needed for an H If i ;,
l97h by then»l t.('-:i\ Ihelma Stovall intheabsenceofthen- storms ”1 Iht‘ PRN “WK Insilldmll 30 ”1 (iéllflf‘fmil. 10!" I" I he possibility of reinstating the officer Is a college education. accord- 2- ff"?
(iov Julian (‘arroll Anions. and three Americans visiting lriuana. Mesrco draft “i” have “W“ little effect" on mg [0 Mitchell. “I think it‘sa Sm fora VS}; \‘\
lhe measure proposed that a lieutenant governor would VA chain of five rainstoriris in eight days left fashionable I'K's Reserye ()fficer Itainlng pro- young man who graduated from COI-
have to make a good-faith effort to contact an absent (alifornia communities in rrrudds shambles and built new grams. said II. (of. Jack Mitchell. a lege to 30 into the army as a private. . V
governor before achieving certain powers as acting floods in I‘hoenn. ‘\Ill \cslenldy With the \ational . V . ,. V .V V V . . . ..' . . . s ~.'
governor Weather Service warning that a sistli storm was espected to “C“lvdrerd professor ”l Mllltar) h 5 .d “as“? 0' time. MIIChc” said. ‘
. It also defined a governor‘s absence on the basis of hlt‘“ In Iromthe Pacific todto orearls tomorrow. norelref Science. addlng’ Personally. l “R the all- I l if} i. *9 \
whether it was an “effective“ absence rather than iust a “3‘ m Wm u“ might stimulate more people to volunteer Army. n has given us as Iv 3 . %
‘Physwaf‘ absence. work, in”! ROI C.” Mitchell said. who ‘was good of soldiers as we need.“ ‘ . w ,
Forthclieutenant governorto gainthe power toactinthe assigned to [K last January. MIIChC“ said he JmnCd lhc Army ‘ I '
governor‘s place. the absence would ham to render the SH'RETARY-(il-ZNERAI. Kl'RT WALIHHélVI Howeyer. Capt. Charles Mudd. a through the ROTC program at South
gmernor temporarily incapable of performing some .H‘hlcrda.‘ delars'd ”“3 dCPamm‘ of it \pt‘flfll II N Military Science professor. said the Dakota State University in I962. to . ~
V governmental act that had to be executed immediately investigator) commission to Iran until the weekend and said “Vietnam syndrome“ [S to er and the avoid the draft, “I Stayed in the Army . .1:- .
V . Iranian authorities wantthe commission membersto talkto ROTC program has increased m because It was interesting.” Mitchell y s
natlon “'6" ”WV "VILW‘fmmmcR ‘0 Amm”: hwugj‘ :1" “hm” enrollment since the draft was discon- said. i I \.
, "'3 “ .e "3 ““mff'w‘m "m“ ““ ‘3' ‘ "r“ “‘3‘ a ‘ .~ v . . . . o. Iotalcnrol- “()neof'themvthsofR )r' ‘isthat .
V THE (V'ARTER ADMINISTRATION said yesterday the ‘V‘gentlcman sagreement that the hirstageswoirld befreed as ::::f1 :1 63:82:11; dientuckv State you are committed immebiafely." he LT. COL. JACK MITCHELL
l nited States m“ offtcrally boycott the Moscow Olympics a result of their mission lht timing of the release remained [V . . t V ROTC ' , said “1.th Is a m fh Id We! ell .. St d l h . H mm ob'ectivc
this summer and that l' S (‘Iympic (‘ommitteeof'ficralsand "MM” howewr lnncm) programs m 5pm.“ ' I I l y .. l 0 ”m ‘ u en 5 ave a.. e 'l
alhlm‘ an, expemd m mm“ “m th l979 was 222 cadets. lhe twouniversr- natc the best I can. he added. assessment ofROTC today. Mitchell
Mme Home mum] “Md (mm made Vt Clem that [ho wen 6r ties currently have 398 cadets enrolled. Mitchell said students do not have said. “They'll Sit down and listen.
committee. which oversees l' S particrpation in the games. TIIF “ARMIVG TRI VI) “III (()\TIV| I. It will 264,“ whom are at UK” to make 3”? commVrtmentthoVyorn the Scholarships covering all books.
is being relied on to abide by President (‘arter's decision be cloudv and warmer today with a chance of showers and "Iberc ls no correlation between the armed scn’lccs um'l me" Jumor year fees and “mm“ plus SIOO PCT month
(‘artcr served notice in a nationally broadcast address on thunderstorms lhe high will be near to (‘ontrnued cloudy draft and Wha‘ we‘re doing Our I0b '5 (or third year 0‘ ROTCI- are available through all four years
Jan. 20 that he was giving the Soviets 30 days to withdraw tonight and tomorrow with a chance of showers and to train qualified officers." said Mit- He stressed that students do not in ROTC. Mitchellsardthe best part is
from Afghanistan or risk a l' S. boycott lhat deadline thunderstorms lhe low tonlghl will be near 40 lhe high chef]. who holds an MA. in history mayor in ROTC. Instead. they are “you don‘t compete each semester."
Wm“ ye‘mdat tomorrow will he in the lower 50s from the University of Miami. He encouraged to pursue another field Thirty cadets are under scholarship
added that R()'l(‘ IS in the husrncss of that they may be interested in. this year. Mitchell said.

KhN TUCKY Debbie McDaniel
' hit/w In i luv! Mark (ireeri Kim Aubrey Thomas (‘Iark John (‘hy 6"! Landon
J.) I-‘ossett lob ('ochrane L'ntermrnmenl Edi/or .S‘po/It Editor “WW” 0/ PhO'UXmP’“
( ary Willis iiiot rule ktlrmri Paul Mann
- ii. Iiuglng Miro, (‘indy McGee Slit Tarhan Brim Richerd DIM Mun-rd
Jacki Rudd Airman! AMLiIunl Sports Editor "'0'" Manager
_ .I htere Mane) [in Domrd ('upi- Hilton Entertainment Edi/m ‘
editorials & Commnts (uni/tut lililzir Lilrlurtul kdtlur
i i I . I . / t. d l 3
Oh, no . Mr. Sluggo says It s time for more 86 e at: Ions an campaigning
innuluuh,” (,,,,,. ,/,.,,,,,,1 ,. Wino W A“, iio. -_——_——__— means. do it); job last year as publicity and public relations chairman for I
. Chump act deaf; SG. lncluded among his mighty feats «» from hence he gets i
Ir .\ Avg/mu, m, h mm“, (W ,Ihk. .I IIIIHN Sta” column tell the soltcrtor that theorher candidate is your brother his nickname -— was the printing of the SG-Student Center
pm. i“ (hm 5mm” or Sister. Board newsletter. Focus. which featured the presidential
For those of you who are veterans of SO elections. this platforms of only two candidates. who happened to be 50
h-\ getting h, be ”my mm. H, m” “A”, t. .3 .I, it“. mid. _————————__— year promises to be a good one as practically nobody has incumbents. Four other candidates. who had never been in
sing. the trees sprout leaies arid the Student (ioiernnient candidate you never heard of. And the cheapest posters of announced their intentions for the office save Brad 50. were not mentioned. Ofcqurse. Sturgeon claimed the .
‘ campaign Sillhdl-‘C hmmm I”, hmmhwmh ‘lcmh d. all will just 1m names. “Hocus-Pocus. where ts Focus" Sturgeon. Although Stur- other candidates didn‘t turn their materials in on time. The
' . .pnng claim”. m” But these posters will be only the beginning as many of geon hasn't“officiallyannounced.“the SG rIuIesltrIntt“cam- candidates disagreed.
i‘or “hm. 0, you tmhmcn and “an“, mum,” H “,H be the hidiopefuls trek about the campus shaking hands and patgning“ to several weeks before the April electrons, you Because of the inadvertent omission. 50 had to recollect
a new experience. a sort or ideierilighteririient \ on will wit- talking a lot (often with a nasal twang)while breathing hot. can bet his name wtll be in the hat. I almost 2,500 issuesthich had already been distributed.
. ness an overnight hilt/kr.cy_‘. with posters all kinds of stinky bursts of carbon dioxide on the (un)for1unate who Besides already approaching some Kernel editors about Too bad, it was a niceIlooktng issue.I
posters appear-r e in est-rt iiiagiiiable nook .indcranny cross their path. If the idea of being accosted by one ofthe running a fair campaign. why else would Sturgeon srt Yes. this year promises to be exciting as new. possibly
. lhe more tort-arm .i. tit-r .rt t'\pt‘l1s|\t' posters may show candidates sounds appalling. you can try a variety oftech- through an 80 meeting and let a bill pass “thanking“ him more spectacular feats can be achieved by Sturgeon and his
candidates sililllllti.’ ht :iit- ioiiiirairi pla/a. eoais draped ntqucs to avoid the approach (by no means are these the for all he‘s done for 50'? Gosh. instead of Speaking up and fellow compatriots. No telling what may happen.
riser their shoulders as "r i. iead arm the sunset attera long only methods use your imagination”: tellingthe other senators that it was a stupid bill which had
dd“ “I“ a“ like you‘re haying an epileptic iii; no business being on the floor. he satin silence and letthose Steve Massey is an economics major who disguises him-
. ' l he cheaper hill setrr ;;.y in it: practical posters. riiay buy some take vomit.stufl itinyour mouth and spit it up hard-thinkingIstIudent senators give him his just due. selfas Kemelcampus editor. Rumor has it that he may run
' contain a few l.iics statirii.r the position and platform ot a as you are approached (if you can do the real thing. by all After all. this IS the same guy who did such a remarkable for 80 President.
.  * \ w Lttrtothe dl r
. g . oo __________.________
3.55;;.II-~.-_.I_.t7”.tgr f ‘I V} I, - " l . produce . children 8058 With a Should the policemen enter the
. . _ K II-:;:;.;.Ia-I..I,IiI;_.II.-I_I-.IIIIIIIIII (5‘ . ”J?" l , . IrrespOflS'ble responsrbtlity to raise them. But the pharmacies to destroy the morning-
" II “'1” . .I f ~; {34,5 ‘ ' . PTOI‘lIllCFSI mean that the rightItoIsIexual after pills and enter bedrooms to pull
, ‘ I _,..-I .4 (91. III For the young woman who has acttvrty implies the responsrbtltty to out intrauterine devices?
" ’ ' " ‘ r in. ’-.- . . 7’ s‘ . s .. iii'f’oei” 2'32” 135”"? $2152"? ‘3? 52°33? awcié'dii§Z§e§°'2fJ§i?§i"ii “”1" W." ”Mani ”‘6 °“'Y