xt7xsj19ps1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19ps1k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-12-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1997 1997 1997-12-12 2020 true xt7xsj19ps1k section xt7xsj19ps1k  


new; _. .








By Mat Hanan

Campus [id/tor

“\Ve remember when sex was
safe, and pledging was danger-

To accounting iunior Scott
Einieseii and the other 50-plus
returning members of the Beta
Nu chapter of Kappa Sigma social
fraternity, this saying symbolizes
the lessons learned, the new posi-
tive influence and the great things
to come.

After meeting with national
officers in late September, Dean
ofStudents David Stockbam sent
a letter about a week ago to the






national headquarters in Char-
lottesville, \'a., saying the frater-
nity's UK cha iter could receive its
recognition back as a student

“Right now we're really excit-
ed," Einiesen said. “\Ve've worked
tip to this point; we‘re ready to hit
the ground running."

The new officers, including
presidentjereiiiy Nalli, vice presi-
dent Ryan Baker, secretary john
Tyler. treasurer and rush chair
'l‘ravis Erick. grand master of cer—
einonies Andrew Baughman will
begin recruiting new members
next semester froiiiJan. I‘l—Eel). (i
at the Delta Delta Delta social
sorority house, hold some events

in Student Center and talk with
students as they come and go from

Three members from nationals
— cha )ter consultant Toni 'l‘arat<
sas and executive assistants Antho—
ny Epp and Kenton Dunn — will
also be on campus during those
three weeks to “basically talk with
as many students as they possibly
can, find individuals who are par~
ticipating in other student organi-
zations," said Mic \Vilson, execu-
tive director of Kappa Sigma

“\Vhat we have found otit time
and time again is that you always
look for the busiest and dynamic
people to participate in reorgani—


. .... -mmm... ..


See Diversions, page 4.

ration," \\'ilsoii said.

Coming back to campus
doesn't iust consist ofshow'ing up.

The fraternity must go through
a yearlong re‘orieiitation period.
intist participate in at least five
community service activities, be
above the all—men's grade—point
average (about 3.8). show a suc«
cessftil recruiting effort. actively
participate in liitcrfraternity
Council and choose students who
have participated in at least one
other activity besides the fraterni—
ty, \Vilson said. It must also put
together a lot of their organi/a—
tioiial material, such as bylaws.

"It‘s like creating an operation
from scratch," said \Vilson, who

mm Snot.“ possible

today. high near 3 5. Cold and
clear tonight, 101." onU. Snou‘
tomorrow, high near 4!).

WHAT ‘ SCREAM l/Ves Craven returns

with the sequel to his mega hit ‘Scrmmf



said the chapter will operate \tllt-
staiice free and adhere to .i /cro7
tolerance policy on h.i/ing.
“\Vc‘rc looking for tl\'ll.lllllt iritli
\iduals to helpius do that."

l'nnersity officials kicked the
fraternity off campus foi lid/lug lll
the Spring of WW». Since then.
the remaining members liai e been
operating under the name Stai
and Crescent .-\ssociation. per
forming more than i()(l hours of
community service. liiiiicscn said

Stockham said although l ls
did not allow Sigma \lplii
Epsilon social fraternity to form .i
“stib-rosa group," the same stipur
latioii was not made for the Kappa



December 12, I 997

(am/wt 2 Uni/smut 4

\ (law/mm 7 Syiiiii V 3

f [1H ‘t'. m] 7 lituzl’ltlllll 5



pa Sigma returns next semester

"li tlttlltl lic \iewcd as an act of
had laiili. but it was iioi prohibit
L‘tl.“ llt‘ s.lltl

lllc l’lii Kappa l’si social fra
tei'iiitt. which occiipictl the old
Kappa Sig house after it had left.
sllll have .i sub—lease with its tor-
iuci iciiaiits that runs through the
lit-ginning ol \ugiist.

Kappa Sig will iiio\c back into
the house iic\t tall. l‘iiiiiescn said,

illicy have been fund raising
for .i new house but it won't be
finished until tall 19‘)". \o pl.iiis
are definite, but the group has
talked to .l San l'lJllc‘lsc'tt .irchi
tctts. l‘ill‘llt‘st’ll said.




I B o

date set


‘ for library

By Matthew May
Stuff ll 'I'in'r

The light at the end ofthe tun—
nel is finally visible.

The new “CT. Young Library
will partially open to students in
late March, with official grand
opening ceremonies set for April 3.

Paul “'illis, director of CK
Libraries, said he is excited about
the ribbon-cutting of the new
structure, even ifit only parts ofit
are accessible to students during
the spring semester.

“\\'e have to take it day by day,"
VVillis said. “\Ve hoped to open
earlier. but we don‘t want to rush.
\Ve’ve waited a long time, so it’s
OK to slow down. It‘s worth the

The L'K Alumni Association
dam to turn the building over to
LTK in januarv, \Villis said, then
UK will install the technological
aspects of the new facility, such as
computers, microform reader-
printers and copiers.

After the installation of the
technology, \Villis said UK will
go forward with plans for the first
part of opening it to students.

“It will be a phased opening,"
Willis said. “It looks like March 23
(the day after Spring Break) will be
the first opening date. It will
include the computing labs, meet—
ing rooms and audio/visual areas."

“’illis said students will have
access to both the new library and
Ml King Library at the same
time. In addition to computing
labs at Ml. King, the new library

for the



will offer students a chance to
check out laptops and take them
to any location in the library to do
work; Classrooms equipped with
PCs will also available for student
and faculty use.

“King will still be open, the new
library will iust be an additive this
spring," \Villis said. “\\’e are offer~
ing some new options such as
being able to check out a laptop
when you enter the library, then
taking it to any of the 3,000 to
4,000 network connections that
are available."

Students said they are excited
about the options the new library
will offer, btit sortie are still pes-
simistic about whether it will real-

_ly open this spring.

“It may not be that big a deal,"
said Belay Nichols, a civil engi—
neerin freshman. “lt will defi-
nitely help as far as cramping in
the old library is concerned, btit
they told me it would be ready for
last fall, so who knows."

Communication sophomore
Anthony Summers was a little
more upbeat about the new

“The accessibility of the equip-
ment in the new library will help a
lot," Summers said. “It will be a
plus and should benefit all stu—
dents in their success at L'K."

Willis said the rest ofthe library
will tnost likely open in time for
next fall due to the confusion caused
by trying to move all the materials.

“It would cause a lot ofproblems
to try and move all the volumes
from King to the new library while
students still need to have access to
them," Willis said. “W'e’re looking
at next fall for that phase to open."

ALI. Kin will shelve some spe-
cial materia s, he said.

“King will haie special collec—
tions and archives," “'illis said.

He said King North will house
a new science and engineering
library, and two floors will house a




I‘Iil/tlt l‘ii'iltll'cl.
.i W/ji't'ili‘Ao/il
mm. c. :‘uluu
ft‘t‘l't‘il to help
.‘filfiifll t/tt
.\l.l. Klug-
[alum/n in they
r/wnge to the
Llhmn' ill.
(long I 'i'.\.\ Sys-
tem, lire/{Jo
Himes (l't'lotz')
illsrl lie/[it'll
tiigiiilizi‘ rm-
!l’t' More to the
ll i'li lit/mg


help organize library move

. ‘.. “a... Q»

gton residents

By Jill Messer

Several projects are underway to pre
pare a smooth transition into the new
“IT. Young Library.

One of these projects is changing all

the books and journals to the Library of

Congress System. which is more detailed
and expressive, said Becky Ryder. a
preservation librarian in .\largarct l.
King Library.

Althotigh several steps make tip this pro—
cess, the filial step is changing labels on the
books. The library has many volunteers
helping with the reclassification process.

One of the volunteers is Edith Erankcl.

Frankel, a 90—year—old Lexington resi-
dent, said she likes to volunteer. She has
ties to UK through her husband, who

attended l'K. and her father—m—law. who
taught here. l‘rankel is also .i neighbor to
Young. the iiaitiesake of the new build—

"\thn I first came. I was at the L'nL
\ersity .ill the time and now lam glad to
be back." l’rankel said.

l’rankel took .in occasional class at l'ls'
after she married her litisbaiitl._laiiies. and
moved to Lexington. l7raiikel was born in
\ashvillc and attended \\'esley College.
w here she earned .I degree in literature.

She w .is married the day after she

llcr first husband died in \Vorld \Var
ll. During that time. l’rankel worked at a
defense plant. She trained to be a skilled
machinist .iiid worked as one for two or
three years .ifter the war.

See LABEL on 2



Fine Arts Library.


Students asses

By Elisabeth Mohr

Contributing lVritt'r

, _ Students looking for information
about their loans and grants can look
no further than the information super—

, [The Kentucky Higher Education
Assistance Authority has created a web
site for students to get the most cur-
rent information about their financial
aid accounts.

- Grants, teacher scholarships, work-
study programs and loans are all
administered by the authority.

When students access the web site,
all they need to do is enter their social
security number and birth date to get
the latest information on their loan or
grant applications or the balance on
their loans. Students can also contact
staff members through 'e-mail for
questions or problems they might

l ' '


“It sounds like it will make it a lot
easier for students to get information
on their financial aid status,” said Stacy
Shadburnc, a forestry senior.

“They won't have to wait in line to
find out when their aid has one
throu h or if their check has been
mailed." .

Another benefit to the web site is it
alloes the schools and lenders who par-
ticipate in the authority's programs to

rocess Federal Family Education
ann Program applications over the

“This will probably make the whole
financial aid process faster," Shad-
burne said. “Plus it may cut out a lot of
tri 5 back and forth to the financial aid
0 cc.”

The web site also includes links to
several other sites that give informa-
tion and applications.

‘ ,n




()ne link is to the Department of
Education, where students can fill out
an a lication to receive financial aid.

“ he amount of information that
will be available to Kentucky stu-
dents is grcat,” said Ron Diivall, a
Kentucky Higher Education Assis—
tance Authority staff member who
works on the project. “It can benefit

Not just students will benefit from
the addition of this web site.

Parents, guidance counselors,
school financial aid staff and lenders
can all find information that will be
valuable to them.

The site provides information on
eligibility criteria for financial aid, 3
page exp aining the financial aid pro-
cess step b step, student loan coun—
selin an answers to fre uently
ask: questions about financifi aid.

“When I was a freshman, I didn‘t


3“ With Internet

have a clue about financial aid and how
it works." said Adrienne jones, a
microbiology senior.

“It’s good that incoming students
and their parents can learn about the
financial aid process first."

The authority realizes submitting
social security numbers over the Inter-
net can be risky for students.

But the site is secured, Duvall
said, which takes away a lot of the

Some students, though, such as
Jones, might still have a problem using
their personal information on the

“I think it would be a great place to
get information, but I wouldn't access
my own information that way," she

“I just don't feel comfortable sub-
mitting my social security number on
the Internet.”



Former student
rewrites IITSIOI‘V

By Tonya Tiarlts

(.‘ontrI/iutmg ll ritri'

Many people think once it‘s in the history
books. it‘s concrete.

Steve Bailey. a L'K alumnus who graduated with
his master‘s degree in W76, is challenging that belief.

Currently writing a new history of Eastern
Kentucky from his research ofthe Big Sandy River
Valley, Bailey said he hopes to expose what he has
found in his years of studying the region.

The book. titled Aline l'or'n and the Truth. is the
first-ever work that covers the region from pre-
history to present day.

“The history of the valley has never been written
properly,” Bailey said. He also said the local histo-
ries of Eastern Kentucky usually merge into
genealogies, which he said needed a different angle.

“Practically everything out there is written with
charts and long passages about Uncle Bill and Aunt
Jo, but l think that they have missed out on the large

Sec BOOKS on 2
















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Former UK student
helps rewrite history
From PAGE 1

trends and issues that got us where
we are today," Bailey said.

Bailey was born in Paintsville
and lived there until his eighth
grade year, when his family moved
to Lexington. Bailey said many of
his relatives still live in Paintsville
which keeps him tied to the region.

Steve left Kentucky to teach at
the Navajo Indian Reservation in
New Mexico after receiving his
masters at UK. Steve said that for
the most part he has stayed in the
northwest corner of New Mexico.

Bailey’s interest in Eastern
Kentucky began through his
hobby of genealogy, which he
researched in the Family History
Center (Mormon) Library in his
home of Farmington, N.M.

“What started as an interest
turned into a hobby, which turned
into a compulsion, which turned
into a passion," Bailey said.



“With more than 300 typewrit-
ten ages, the book digs into
untold facts of the history of the
region. Bailey discusses subjects

like the archaeology of ancient '

ruins, the exploration of the
region, the naming of its land-
marks and the abandoning of the
region after World War H.

The book not only discusses the
history of this part of the Com—
monwealth, but also the problems
the region stru gles with today
such as the lac of educational
opportunities. The book even
devotes a section titled, “How to
Talk Like Yor Mamaw,” that
focuses on Appalachian English.

Bailey dedicated a large rtion of
his research on the life and);reer of
John C.C. Mayo. A Paintsville, K .,
multimillionaire coal operator w 0
controlled more than 600,000 acres
of minerals, Mayo was worth more
than $20 million when he died.

In his book, Bailey oes in
depth about some of the allacies
that have been told about Mayo.

“I guess nobody in the country
can claim to know more about
Mayo than I do, even eople who
have written about im in the
past,” Bailey said.



90—year-old woman
volunteers in library
From PAGE 1

She then worked as a nurse’s aid
until she met her second husband,
James. She married James, and
together they founded the Lexing-
ton Aural School in 1960, which is
today known as the Lexington
Hearing and Speech Center.

“Edith Frankel is a charm,”
Ryder said. “She works hard, ana-
lyzes the process and even
recruits. She is cheerful and an

The project Frankel is working
on will help smooth the move to
the new library from four differ-
ent libraries: M.I. Kin , Biological
Sciences, the Chand er Medical
Center and Agriculture.

The books will be labeled with
color—coded stickers under the
Library of Congress System to
make the move more organized.
The Biological Sciences Library
will be completely phased out,

while the Medical Center and
Agriculture libraries will become
infomiation centers.

“The agriculture library will be
more dynamic current and rele—
vant,” Ryder said. Older materials
will be stored at the new library.

Ryder said 33 volunteers have
helped with project over the last
four weeks and put in 260 volun—
teer hours. Eleven staff members
have put in more than 100 hours
on the project.

The labeling process is expect-
ed to take three months and be
finished at the end of January.
The volunteers come from a vari-
ety of Lexington and UK groups,
Ryder said.

Some of the unique collections
labeled by the volunteers include
19th Century medical books,
Kentucky literature, child devel-
opment books, government publi—
cations, census collections, peri-
odical collections, the audio/visual
collection and several reference

One part in the new library
Ryder said she is lookin forward
to is the conservation la oratory,
where artifact restoration and
material preservation can take


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Seminar looks
at consumers

By Jennller Bristoo
Contributing Writer

A two-day conference on
educating consumers will take
fiace Dec. 15 and 16 at the

yatt Regency Hotel down-

The conference, titled “Con-
sumer Education, Reliability and
Safety as We Restructure Our
Industries,” will focus on how
consumers will be affected by
restructuring and corporate
mergers within the utilities

The Kentucky Public Service
Commission and the Interna-
tional Business and Management
Center at the Carol Martin Gat-
ton College of Business and Eco-
nomics will sponsor the two-day

Some of the topics that will
be featured at the conference
include consumer education in
the new environment, reliability,
safety, the media and competi-
tive metering, billing and collec-

This is the fourth conference
of its kind sponsored by the
Kentucky Public Service Com-
mission and the International
Business and Management Cen-
ter at UK.

Don Mills, who is in charge of
the conference, “Every year we
try to focus on different topics
that are important to the utilities

The focus of this year’s con-
ference is to educate both the
consumer and utility companies
regarding the deregulation of

“Kentucky has not passed a
deregulation bill for uu'lities as of
yet,” Mills said. “The idea is to
get people ready for what I

elieve will happen eventually
and that is the deregulation of
utility companies.”

Mills said, “Peo le do not
realize that everybo ’5 pocket-
book is affected by utility compa-

If Kentucky passes a bill
deregulatin utilities, customers
will have t e choice of which
company to purchase electricity
and as from, as they do now
with ong distance callin .

The conference will kickoff
with two keynote speakers, the
first of whom is Gov. Paul Pat-



ton. .
He will be followed byi
Jolynn B. Butler, the president:
of the National Association of:
Regulatory Commissioners and:
also the commissioner of the;
Public Utilities Commission of'
Ohio. A

After the keynote address will
be a session dedicated to con-I
sumer education in the new envi-f
ronment. ‘

William Schulte, from the,
California Consumer Services
Division of the Public Utilities-
Commission will speak.

Linda Breathitt, commissioner
for the Federal Ener Regulato— .
ry Commission in flashingmnfl
DC, is scheduled to speak at the ‘
luncheon. j

The mid-afternoon session'
covers reliability. Speaking on
this subject are Kay Guinane of
the National Consumer Law
Center in Washington, D.C.,.
and John Partridge Jr., the senior
vice resident of Public Affairs.
and ommunication.

The final session of the day'
will look at safety.

The speakers include Linda
DiMascio, who is the vice presi-
dent of Human Resources at
Kentucky Utilities, David Pane ,
from the Health and Science ‘
Department at the University of '
Louisville. and Mike la ars,‘:
who is the Manger of Sa ety at?
Bell South Utilities. ‘

The conference will recon- .
vene on Tuesday morning with a ,
session entitled What does the-
media want to hear from us? Al
Smith, host of KET’s Cements <
on Kentucky, will be the modera-
tor for this session. .

The speakers are Pam
Luecke, editor of the Lexin ton '
Herald-Leader; Virginia ox,’
the executive director of KET; '
and Frank Ashley, vice president _
of Public Relations at Creative -

The registration fee is $125-
per person. This fee covers the L

eynote luncheon on Monday,.
continental breakfasts and ‘
breaks, and the program packet. _
The fee for members of not-for- ,
profit organizations is $75. ‘

To register or obtain more'
information, call the Interna-
tional Business and Management .
Center at 257—8746 or (800)



Expelled Kappa Sig:

return new, improved
From PAGE 1

Most of the remaining mem-
bers have lived off campus or in a
residence hall after the group’s

Wilson has talked with Jay
Jones, president of the fraterni-
ty’s house corporation and said
he encourages our house corpo-

ration to do that. “We have been
talking about his all along,” Wil-3
son said. “There’s a time when
the six houses will not be there.” ;

The fraternitgs hilanthropy,
will be the U disability, its
flower lily of the valley; the col-‘_
ors are emerald green, white and’
scarlet red.

When it returns to campus,
the UK Kappa Sig chapter will.
be the biggest in the state. The
cha ter is one of 2 16 nationwide;
Wi son said. The fraternity is the?
fourth largest the country in;
terms of the number of chapters,
and sixth in the number of mem—‘
bers. .

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By Jonathan Gent
Sufi (it‘ll/1

lhis being the non— —spoilL'r review of

.8 rill”, _ it will be quite safe to re.1d11'ith—
out 1111rr1 111Lr about .1111' does 111 11 ho the
killer might be

ll11s1s 1.ll the plot th1t will be given.
\s L-xert film geek Randy says: Some-
mm s out 111 cash 111 all the horror mo\ie
hoopla." l hL horror movie L.111s1nLr.1ll thL
l1oopl11s the film \'Lrs1on 11l(i'.]lL \\ L ath—
oLLur'renLL-s ot thL lirst 111111'1L. .811 what
we l1. 11L ls .‘11111111L‘ about somLonL tr1111g
replicate wh1t hapans 111 .1'1111111L- based
on. 1.1111111L .\111l all of this is about 7—1.1~
Lla _. movies. (.11nfusetl. (11111Ll. At least
1111 one knows who the killer is.

(Ir.11en has this 11111viL-111111.1ting lne-
111111.11111L11111111Ldown p.11 817111;": is his
thud go around and hL just keeps getting
bLtIL-r \ot onl1 1s there the false 1111111L
(calied 81.,1l11 but 81111111' (.\L1L (. .1111p-
bell) is majoring 111 theatre, and her first
111.11111' role parallels her life (111 .1 (ireek

tragedy kind 11f way). The sick part is,
with how difficult that is to describe, the
movie comes off without a hitLh. It’s bril—
liant. Now, anyone who saw the first
Stream knows about the rules.

New movie, new rules. These rules are
for sequels, and although barely dis—
cussed are followed closely lhe two
111.1111r rules are this: 1) lhe bod1 count is
1.111.11s bigger; and 2) The death scenes
are much more elaborate Both of these
hold true throughout.

One of the best things about the first
film are the sell- referential properties in
which the characters seem quite knowl—
edgeable that they are in fact, in a movie
()bvious exceptions are the heroes Gale
and Sidney. The sequel has a larger cast,
and some of them falter on carrying this
(1\ Lr but the majority nail performances
lth 111d tight. loo many to name but the
best performances given are David
\1'quette (.1.g1in as DLwey Riley), Jamie
l\L11ned1' (Randy), limoth1 ()lyphant


The entire cast of


Stab must also be


Phutm fiinwhnl

II! MILES Of "It am New Campbell and Carotene)l Cox (alto: 1') star in H 11' (' 1711' in 1'


included (yes, even Tori Spelling). Most
sequels fail to surpass the original film in
quality, and this IS also something dis—
cussed in the film, which even includes a
debate over the subject (and James
Cameron tans erupt) Ilow,ever this film
does fail to follow through on one thing
as well as the original Sn eam did.

It was very possible to watch Stream
over and o1er again,tr11ngto find anoth-

‘St'ream 2. The sequel opens this Friday and 11 almost a: good as the 0'; iginal.

This film doesn't have as many of

those little “things,” and that is a grave

Scream 2, howe1er, is funnier scarier
( ou will jump), and a little smarter than
the first film.

They cover up the murderer .1 little

This film will by no means end up in
sequel Hell with Hal/oz; em 3: Season oft/11
ll itthor 7111071 Goes to Hell, or even with
Nightmare on Elm Strict 2: lruldv 1
R1? enge It s .1 smart funny, scary film
that works as a 11 L11 made film, and also as
a top— notch horror film.

(Hickey) and Laurie MetLalf (Debbie

inside joke.

er little clue, or cameo, or horror movie

better, so it’s not as easy to pick out just

who did it.

It only suffers front being one movie

too late.



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still playing!

Like John Lee Hooker and the
\ el1 et Lnderground, \loondog is
one of the unsung forces of. \mer-
iean music. Over the decades
Moondog has refused to conform
and has continued to experiment
with music in every possible way.

”is latest release confirms his
status as a musical L'ult hero. Sax
Paxfin' a Sax is an experiment in
saxophone ensemble.

\Vithout .111 ()11, 'l'rimba, L'ni
or Tuii (all instruments Moondog
invented), Sax Pax for (1 Sat is a
collection of 15 baroque- -like
\loondog compositions played


Moontlog QBIS

discogra by nearly 20 albums
long and) a musical legacy dating
bac o1er 50 years, he is exactly


Born Louis Hardin
in 1916 and acciden-
tally blinded in 1932,
Moondog received his
first musical training at
the Iowa School for
the Blind during the

He moved to New
York during \Vorld
“'ar lI, befriended
then-conductor of the
New York Philhar—
monic Arthur
Rodzinskj, began per-
forming music on
Sixth Avenue and
picked up the
moniker Moondog.

Moondo was “dis-
covered" 1y gonzo
musicologist Tony
Schwartz in his urban


and Benny Goodman.
By the end 11f the ’50s, \‘loon~
dog had released seven albums,

been f'ollowed around for several



(m 1fflve)

‘ ‘Squt


sion of Bird 5 Lament,"

weeks by Marlon
Brando. collaborated
with Julie Andrews

and appeared in (lon-
rad Brooks~ impres~
sionist film Chappaqaa
with \Villiam S. Bur—
roughs and Allen

Now .1 resident of
Germany, .\loondog
has toured across
Europe numerous

Moondog's experi-
ences in Europe have
inspired many of the
tunes on Sat Paxfor 11
Sat including “Paris"
and “New Amster—
dam." Perhaps the
most rhythmic of the
pieces is an all- -sax ver-



l’hnto funlnhul

"OWL“, “I "E M00" Saxophone

fiend. Moomlog, show that he i.\'.1'till

going strong at age 8 I with his
newest release.

but sax ~ sa1e the occasional
piano and drum — get a little old.
In his Lontinuing pursuit of musi-
c .1l experimentation \loondog


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MA 109
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Brought to you by






with the jam. timbres and bar-
monies 11f as many as ll saxo-
phones at a time.

Though the name Moondog
doesn’t exactly conjure 11p 1111a es
of .1 world-class musician, wit



Ullvcriq of
Kmucky Campus







field recording albums in the early
’50s. Soon after his recording
debut on the streets of the big
apple, Moondog won the admira-
tion and curiosity of such musical
giants as [eohard Bernstein,
Arturo loscanini Duke Fllington

\loondog wrote in 1958 in honor
of saxophone legend ( harlie

T hough Sill Pa; for a Sat 5 At 81
tunes are all unique and individu—

ally themed, 21 tracks of nothing

undoubtedly is on .1 quest to push
the envelope 11f modern art

years old, Moondog
assures his fans, “The excitement

is unending."





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