xt7xsj19pt0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xsj19pt0j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 2005 2005 2005-02-01 2020 true xt7xsj19pt0j section xt7xsj19pt0j Tuesday
February 1, 2005
newsroom: 257-1915

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents





Celebrating 33 years of independence


Tareting Top 20: UK must
raise admissions standards
Page 4


Cats' SEC domination
leads to anticipation
Page 3




all that

reach out
to a devastated
with close ties
to UK

By Dariush Shafa
THE “mum mm

Half a world away from
Indonesia. UK faculty and
alumni are working to fund
the rebuilding efforts at a
university in one of the re-
gions hardest hit by the
Dec. 26 earthquake and

“It‘s unbelievable. but it
happened.“ said John
Ragland. a professor emeri-
tus in the College of Agri-
culture and one of the fac-
ulty members spearheading
the effort. “Those people
who are suffering are stu-
dents just like we were."

The University of Syiah
Kuala. also known as Un-
syiah. is one of eight In-
donesian universities that
UK helped by training grad-
uate students to be faculty
and staff there. Nearly 200
members of Unsyiah‘s staff
received masters and does
toral degrees from UK in
the 19805.

As part of the fundrais-


Charles Dougherty, a plant and soil sciences professor. points to a picture of Abdi Wahab. a 1986 doctoral
student of his. Wahab is president of the University of Syiah Kuala. which was hit by the Dec. 26 tsunami.

ing effort. e-mails went out
on Jan. 27 to over 13.000
alumni connected with the
College of Agriculture. ask-
ing for their help. Before
the e-mails even went out.
Ragland said. several thou-
sand dollars had already
been donated. and he ex-
pected much more to come

Charles Dougherty. a
plant and soil sciences pro-
fessor. taught Unsyiah’s
current president. Abdi Wa-
hab. and other students
from Indonesia.

“Of all the students. he
was as hard-working as I‘ve
ever seen." Dougherty said
of Wahab. Ragland said he
learned that Wahab sur-
vived the disaster, but no
other information is avail-
able because no one has
been able to make further
contact with him.

”It's about a community
of science. a circle within a
circle." he said. “We‘re all
part of the UK community.
and he's one of us."

Agus Hudoyo. an agri-
cultural economics gradu-
ate student. has a friend
who is the general secre-
tary of a damage task force
in Sumatra. According to
his friend. Hizir Sofyan. 30
percent of the buildings
and equipment on campus
were damaged. not by the
tsunami itself. but by the
earthquake. More than
5.000 of Unsyiah‘s 18.000
students are listed as dead
or missing. along with 247
faculty and staff.

Though hundreds of
millions of dollars in relief
are pouring into Indonesia.
Sri Lanka. India and other
affected countries. UK is or-
ganizing long-term help.
rather than immediate re-
lief. The project includes
bringing over 20 Indonesian
students. educating them.
and sending them back to
Unsyiah to restaff the uni-

“I expect us to collect a
quarter of a million dollars
to fund this re-education

and reconstruction for the
university." Ragland said.
“They are a sister universi-
ty. They’re wounded, and
we are in a position to help
mend them. and we are go-
ing to do it to the best of
our ability."

Ragland said that full
plans of how the money
will be used are incomplete.

“This is tentative be-
cause we have our college
director of international
studies (Mike Reed) in
Sumatra right now to see
first hand." Ragland said.
The donated money will be
held in a fund until Reed
brings information on how
the money is needed.

“They are alumni of
this university." Ragland
said. “Beyond that connec-
tion. this is an unbelievably
destructive natural disaster.
This is as big as disasters
get. Anyone who stops to
think of it will want to do


Agency plans trips to southeast Asia

By Ashlee Key

Students now have an
opportunity to travel and
volunteer where the Dec. 26
tsunami in Southeast Asia
hit hardest.

Local company STA
Travel and partner compa-
ny i-to-i have teamed up to
offer a community building
program to volunteers will-
ing to help with the disaster
relief efforts in the Dehi-
wala suburb of Colombo.
Sri Lanka.

According to STA Trav-
el. the two-week program
will send anyone. including
students. to Sri Lanka to
help at refugee camps. Vol-
unteers will help with a va-
riety of duties. including
putting up tents. rebuilding
homes for 3.000 refugees.
and helping with health and

“1 would definitely go
with the volunteer group to

help the Sri Lankans. if I
had the chance." said UK’s
International Student
Council president Maiya
Delgoda. “This Would mean
a lot to the international
students here at UK and
also will definitely set an
example for the rest of the
students and the communi-
ty in Lexington."

The death toll in South-
east Asia has risen to over
200.000 people. and the
tsunami caused an estimat-
ed $14 billion worth of dam-
age across the 11 devastated

STA Travel and i-to-i in-
troduced the program in re-
sponse to the large numbers
of inquiries received from
people wanting to help in
the disaster relief efforts.

“Volunteer travel is an
amazing learning experi-
ence." said Lee Ellis. UK's
branch manager of STA
Travel. “You get to be an ac-
tual part of the country and

not just a tourist."

Volunteers are asked to
pay $895. of which $200 will
go directly toward the pur»
chase of building materi-
als and other needed sup-

The rest of the cost will
include food and accommo-
dation. insurance. airport
pickup and a brief orienta-

STA Travel is also do-
nating a portion of the fee
to a partner company. Net-
Aid. World School House.
which provides education
for the world's poorest chil-

Ellis says that even
though February dates for
the program are already
full. extended dates will be
available as soon as they
can be organized. So far no
UK students have commit-
ted to the trip. but Ellis said
some have shown interest.

“If students wanted to
go over Spring Break or do



STA Travel

I for more information on the
program to Sri Lanka or volunteer
travel in general, contact STA
Travel at 257-49Bl or email
uky®statravel.com. The office is
located in room 255 in the Stu-
dent Center



it as a summer thing. they
will have plenty of opportu-
nities." she said.

Sri Lanka is not the only
volunteer travel opportuni-
ty. Ellis said.

"Volunteers can go any-
where in the world." she
said. “It is a completely dif-
ferent experience: it is so
much more meaningful
than regular travel. You get
to see things you would nev-
er see as a tourist."




86 Senator begins
bid for presidency

Becky Ellingsworth vows to promote
student rights. change culture at UK

By Tricia McKenny

Emerging from the crowd accompanied by flashing lights
and blaring music. Student Government Sens. Becky
Ellingsworth and Kyle Burns kicked off their campaign for
SC president and vice president last night in the gallery of
the William T. Young Library.

Ellingsworth and Burns were met by cheers and applause
from about 150 supporters as they announced their candida-
cies and introduced the rest of the students running for SC
positions under what they called the UK Students First ban-

Before introducing Ellingsworth. Burns described the
platform as “a new way of life for UK students" and de-
scribed the campaign as the beginning of change at UK.

After thanking supporters and students for taking an in-
terest in SC. Ellingsworth. a communication junior, echoed
the description of her campaign‘s platform as one of change
and stressed her desire to put students first at UK by educat-
ing. empowering and elevating them.

é‘We have an opportunity to do great things." Ellingsworth
sai .

“Our candidacy and our mission throughout the cam-
paign is to bring about a cultural change at UK We are go
ing to change the culture by making student rights a priority
for everyone V students. faculty. staff and officials at the uni-
versity. city. state and national levels." she said.

Ellingsworth said she wants to educate students about
their rights at UK. empower students by ensuring them that
80 will be behind them and elevate students by focusing on
what it means to be a UK student.

Ellingsworth also outlined ways to improve safety. com-
municat ion and student services.

Some of the plans include providing online video of SO
meetings. improving the campus parking situation. creating a
student rights commission and expanding SafeCats and pro-
viding a free weekend taxi service for increased safety mea—

Ellingsworth later introduced the senate candidates run-
ning with her and Burns. and she said after the event that she
believes these candidates have the same goals and desires to
see these plans through.

“(The senate candidates) believe in the same things I do
and are people that are proactive.“ she said.

“I believe they will get involved and work toward the same
goals." Ellingsworth said.

Senator at-large candidate Christie Mitchell. a communi‘
cation and musical performance freshman. said she is willing
to work toward these goals because she believes Ellingsworth
and Burns have a vision that will benefit UK.

"They are there to help students. and not just for name
recognition. They will be proactive and fight for student
rights." Mitchell said.

Being proactive and taking action are things that SG
needs. said agricultural biotechnology sophomore Brandon
()wen. “The potential for good things is there. but (students)
must feel that we are involved in 80." Owen said.

Burns said the candidates were very pleased with the in-
volvement from students and the response at the event.

"We received a positive response from students. which is
reassuring that we are doing the right thing for students."
Burns said.

Other candidates for SC positions. including SG president
and vice president. will be announcing their candidacies in
the coming weeks.

E-mail tmckennyui kykemelcom

Student Gov-
ernment Sen.
her candidacy
for SC presi-
dent last night
at the W].
Young Library
gallery. Sen.
Kyle Burns will
be her vice


Todd lobbies for more funding in trip to state capital

8y Troy Lyle
in: Human ktnuri

FRANKFURT. Ky. President Lee Todd
spoke before an interim Senate education
committee yesterday to stress the need for in-
creased higher education funding in the up-
coming General Assembly session.

“Higher education is getting the short end
of the budget stick." he said. “Last legislative
session we reached a plateau. and plateaus
are dangerous. If we don’t get (adequate
funding) in this session. the plateau will start
to decline."

The session formally starts today. with
Gov. Ernie Fletcher's State of the Common-
wealth address to the assembly at 7 pm.

As part of the push for increased funding
for UK. Todd and UK‘s government relations
department put together a list of priorities
outlining the university's needs.

The list includes additional operating
funds to support growth. increased bonding
authority and construction of a biological
sciences and pharmaceutical complex.

All three priorities are important. said
Steve Byars. UK's government relations dinec-


tor. but increased operating funds are critical
since UK has seen budget cuts in recent years.

The Consensus Forecasting Group. com-
posed of leading economists from Kentucky
universities. has projected an in:
crease in state revenues about
$622 million according to the state's
budget office but a lot of the
money has been claimed. he said.

“However. We are cautiously op
timistic the state will allocate some
of those funds to UK." Byars said.

Despite the recent budget cuts.
the state has put significant re-
sources into postsecondary educa-
tion since 1998. and Kentucky has
done a great deal to increase re-
sources in higher education. said Jim Apple-
gate. vice president of academic affairs for
the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Edu-

"But we're playing catch up compared to
other states and we‘re going to need more re-
sources from our legislators." he said. "We're
working hard here to make sure the state re-
alizes that one of the long term solutions to
Kentucky‘s problems. such as public health



“We're trying
to work our
way out of a

UK president. in an address to a
General Assembly committee

and economic development. is an increased
focus on higher education.

“Kentucky must have and retain more ed-
ucated citizens to be competitive in the fir

Kentucky's colleges and univer-
sities have to compete for national
talent. Todd said.

“We're trying to work our way
out of a hole." Todd said. “We des-
perately need the cash to make this
happen if we're going to achieve a
top-20 status."

Thomas Layzell. president of
the Kentucky (‘ouncil on Postsec
ondary Education. also urged the
committee to consider increasing
funding for higher education. “We're serious-
ly concerned that achieving this top20 status
by 2020 isn't going to happen." he said.

There are several indicators warning that
higher education is starting to suffer in Ken.
tucky. Layzell said. noting Kentucky's decline
in national affordability ratings as one exam-

Students are being asked to pay increased
tuition while their ability to obtain financial

Lee Todd


aid or grants is remaining the same or de-
clining. he said.

“Public education in Kentucky is still a
very good deal despite all these tuition in-
creases." said Todd. pointing to Kiplinger's
Magazine's rankings placing UK as the
fourth-best overall value among public uni-
versities in the nation.

Despite the magazines findings. the Coun-
cil for Postsecondary Education found that
between 1999 and 2004. tuition increased 10
percent while the state's general fund de
clined by 10 percent.

Coming on the heels of a hiring freeze for
UK staffers paid through general funds. Todd
said UK is doing everything it can to make
the campus more efficient to offset costs.

“We want to earn the respect from you the
legislators and the citizens of Kentucky." he
said. referring to the fact that he and all the
presidents of Kentucky's colleges are doing
all they can to maximize efficiency

"We are trying to keep tuition increases
down and use our money wisely“ Todd said.
“So don‘t ignore higher education when fund-

ing time comes."
Email tlyle@kyk¢rn¢Lcom



 m: 2 | Tuesday. Feb. I, 2005




The President's Commission on
Diversity is seeking nominations for
tliie 2005 President’s Award for Diver-
S t)!

UK established the President's
Award for Diversity in honor and ap
preciation of those who have demon-
strated outstanding efforts toward ad-
vancing the university's mission of
embracing diversity while maintain-
ing academic excellence.

The President’s Award for Diversi-
ty will be awarded in six categories:
UK student, UK staff member, UK fac-
ulty member. UK administrator. UK
unit or department, and other indi-
vidual or agency from Kentucky.

Recipients of the President’s
Award for Diversity will receive $500
and a plaque in recognition and ap
preciation of their achievements.

A public award ceremony will be
held April 1. Deadline for nomina-
tions is March 4.

Award criteria and nominations
can be found at





In yesterday's article “Todd bans
staff hires to save money," the 3,000
staff positions affected by the hiring
freeze are strictly “general fund posi-
tions." In total, more than 10,000 staff
members work at UK, including those
at the hospital. The article failed to
mention that the hiring freeze does not
affect the Chandler Medical Center.
since the state government does not
fund the majority of its staff positions.

Also. the Staff Senate has not taken
any action on the December 2004 report
cited in the article, and questions re-
main about some of its findings, said
David Ellis. chairman of the Senate.
The figure of 61 percent of staff mem-
bers living below the “Lexington living
wage" is therefore incorrect.

7b report an error, please call the
Kernel newsroom at 257-1915 or e-mail



Yesterday's article “Senate revisits
cheating rule" made several incorrect
statements. First. under the proposed
policy, any punishment the instructor
decided to apply to a student caught
cheating would need approval from the
department chair.

Second, the proposed “XE" or "XF"
marking on that student‘s transcript
would only be applied if the instructor
thought the offense deserved that spe-
cial marking. If that is the case. the in-
structor then must get the approval of

that college's dean in order to do so.
Otherwise, the failure of the class
would still show up as an “E" which is
the current policy

Finally. if a student is caught cheat-
ing or plagiarizing more than once, the
minimum punishment will be denoted
on the transcript as an “XE" or an

To report an error, please call the
Kernel newsroom at 257-1915 or e-mail


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The Muslims Among Us:
Danger or Asset?

Thursday, February 10, 2005
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Center Theatre

‘Homeland Security’
and the Experience of

Internment and Terror: The
japanese‘American Experience
and Threats to National Security
Wednesday, February 10, 2005

3:00—4:00 p.m.
Center Theatre


The japan in japanese-American
Thursday, February 17, 2005
12:30—I :45 p.m.

Center Theatre

Assessment of Homeland
Security Laws and Policies and
Their Impact on the American

Muslim Community


Tuesday, March 1, 2005
8:00-9:00 p.m.
Center Theatre

The Corruption of Patriotism
in an Age of Terror

Tuesday, April 5, 2005
7:00—8:30 p.m.
Center Theatre

War, Terrorism, and Our
Global Environment: Feminists
Take on Homeland Security
An all day symposium

Tuesday, April 12, 2005
9:00 a.m.-—5:00 p.m.
Worsham Theatre

Alternatives to Garrison Cities
in an Age of Terror: Resilient
Cities and Sustainable Cities

Tuesday, April IO, 2005
7:00—8:30 p.m.
230 Student Center

All events are free and open to the public.

For more information, please visit



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By Ben Roberts


Florida head coach Billy
Donovan and his Mississippi
State counterpart Rick Statis-
bury both learned this season
what it's like to compete with-
out a key player.

Donovan lost starting for-


Tuesday Tim Wiseman
Feb. 1, 2005 Sports Editor
PAGE 3 m; 251-95 | EM
Sl<.( . .\ i-.\\ s .\.\l) .\( )l l‘b sec Standings ;
usr ‘
- SEC u 1
may 1-o 16-2 l
l'lorlda 5-1 13-4 1
menu 3-4 M ‘
..'. 70mm 3-4 lit-lo ‘
Vain-rein 3-4 12-. l
cousi- 1-6 1-io ;
wrsr '
Alabama 6-1 17-3
Louisiana State 4-2 M
WSW 4-3 l6-5
Arkansas 2-5 14-6
Mississippi 2-6 11-10
m H 10-9

ward Matt Walsh to a
sprained ankle days before
the beginning of conference
play. Stansbury had to do
without starting guard Win-
some Frazier after the senior
leader fractured his left foot
Jan. 8 at Ole Miss.

But when the two teams
meet tonight at Humphrey
Coliseum in Starkville. Miss..
one coach will find himself in
a little better shape.

Walsh retuned to limited
action Jan. 19 against Ten-
nessee and made his first
start since the injury Satur-
day against South Carolina.

But Frazier wasn‘t as
lucky. The Bulldogs learned
shortly after Frazier‘s injury
he likely would miss the re-
mainder of the season. and
Stansbury has struggled to
find a replacement.

Mississippi State is
since Frazier went down
including a 49p0int loss at Al-
abama " and the Bulldogs
have slipped out of the top 2%
for the first time this season.

Donovan said other Mis-
sissippi State players would
have to step up to compensate
for Frazier's versatility and

“Frazier's one of those
guys that is very athletic and
can score in a lot of different
ways." he said. “He can shoot
threes. He can put it down.
He’s an experienced guy that
knows what the league is all

Walsh. who like Frazier
can play multiple positions.
has seen his numbers in-
crease in the three games
since his return. He averaged
7.5 points and two assists in
two games off the bench be-
fore scoring eight points in :91
minutes in the Gators‘ 80-72
win over South Carolina on



Donovan said he is
pleased with Walsh‘s

“I felt like Matt played a
great game against South
Carolina." he said. “He was
patient; he didn‘t force shots
— he had very good looks.
The thing that most ini-
pressed me about Matt was he
made the extra pass and did-
n't try and force the offense."

Bass earns honor

LSU sophomore forward
Brandon Bass was named
Southeastern Conference
Player of the Week after aver-
aging 20 points. 11 rebounds
and five blocked shots per
game in two home wins last
week. The Tigers defeated Ole
Miss and Mississippi State to

improve to 1H; overall and 4-2



tice in
in the SEC. Bass has averaged
17.2 points and 8.8 rebounds
per game this season.
SEC players on award list

Mississippi State senior
forward Lawrence Roberts
and Alabama junior forward
Kenneth Winston were
named to the list of :ii) mid
season candidates for the 200.3
.lohii R. Wooden Award yes-
terday Roberts leads the con
ference in both points per
game (liiii) and rebounds per
game (11.1) Winston is aver
aging 17.8 points and 3.7 re-
bounds per game for the .\'o.
11 (‘rinison ’l'idi-

SEC in the rankings

[K and :\l.'ll)lllll.’l are the
only two Slit teams in the
new top 3.3 rankings released
yesterday [K is No. l in the
l‘ISl’N I'SA 'l‘oday l’oll and
No. 15 in the .-\ssoeiated l’ress
Poll. and the (‘i'inison Title is
ranked No, 11 in the
ESPN l'SA 'I‘iidai Poll and
No. 11 in the Associated Press

lilSl‘N's l’iracketology puts
the (‘ats as the No. 2 seed in
the Syracuse bracket of the
NCAA 'l‘ournament .»\labania
(No. ii in the ( ‘hicago bracket).
Mississippi State (No. 7 in the

. _ .JM'I'IIAM unit. I smr
Floridaaunior forward Matt Walsh (44) injured his ankle during a prac-

ecember, but he returned to action Jan. 19.

Albuquerque bracket) and
Florida (No. 8 in the Syracuse
bracket) are the other three
SEC teams projected for the

Happy birthday...

'l‘o Mississippi State assis-
tant coach Mark White. who
turns 11 'l‘hursday White was
born in Riissellyille. Ky. and
served as head coach at (fen-
tral Hardin High School in
(‘ecilia Ky. from zoooii‘z.

Say what?

l'K head coach Tubby
Smith on the bond between
fans and teams:

“With the media and the
way it is today. with a punch
of a button you can get all
types of information.

“'l‘hroughont the course of

history. fans and players have
had that type of relationship.
Starting with the Greeks on
through the Romans. we all
wanted to compete. it has
manifested itself that we have
come so close. basketball espe-
cially. because it is such a per
sonal game, We haye seats
across from our bench that
people pay to sit in like they
do at the l.akers game.”
hroherrs ii A‘_\‘}rcrnel.conl

Kentucky 68, at Arkansas 67
at LSU 69, Mississippi State 62
at Florida 80. South Carolina 72
at Vanderbilt 73, Mississtppi 51
at Auburn 62, lennessee 59

Sunday 3 game .
at Alabama 75. Georgia 47

Today's game
Florida at Mississippi (ESPNZ). 8 pm.

Louisiana State at Georgia. 7:30 pm.

Auburn at Mississippi.

8 pm.

Tennessee at Vanderbilt (JP Sports). 8 pm.

Arkansas at South Carolina, 7:30 pm. l

SEC Statistical Leaders


l. Lawrence Roberts. Miss. St.
2. Anthony Roberson, Florida
3. loney Douglas, Auburn

Kennedy Winston, Alabama
5. Earnest Shelton, Alabama
6. Brandon Bass. LSU
1. Ronnie Brewer. Arkansas
8. LeVi Stukes, Georgia
9. lan Young, Auburn

Carlos Powell. South Carolina

l. Lawrence Roberts. Miss. St.
2. Brandon Bass, LSU
3. Chuck Haves. UK
Glen Davis, LSU

5. Jermareo Davidson, Alabama

1. lack Minor, LSU
2. Gary Ervin, Miss. St.
3. Ronald Steele, Alabama
4. Patrick Sparks. UK
5. C.J. Watson

1. Steven Hill, Arkansas
. , Ill
3. Chuck Davis. Alabama

1. Ronnie Brewer. Arkansas
2. Sundiata Gaines, Georgia
3. Ralon Rondo. 011

18.6 ppg
18.2 ppg l
17.8 we 1
17.8 pm 1
17.4 we 1
17.2 ppg ’
16.4 ope
15.7 ppq l
15.3 Dog |
15.3 909 l


11.3 rpg .
8.8 rpq i

8.7 m i
8.7 rpg

8.6 rpg

5.4 apg
5.3 apg
5.2 apg
‘n’ m l
4.8 apg

2.6 bpq

2.1m .
2.0bpg i

3.0 spg
2.7 spg
2.5 spg

Withcats railing in SEC.




everyone looks ahead

Tubby Smith never looks
ahead. but that doesn‘t mean
we can‘t.

'l‘ h e
UK head
coach nev-
er strays
from the
a t - t i m e
script. and
that‘s the . ' '
reason his Tlm
‘ 9.8 ”1.5 Wiseman
maintain SPClTTS EH10; '
the same
s i n g l e -
minded focus.

But for fans. it's hard to
keep from looking ahead
let's just do this.

After another hard-
fought. gritty win on the
road over Arkansas last Sat-
urday. UK stands at 7-0 in the
Southeastern Conference.
And since the SEC is far
from its usual strong self.
one begins to wonder if the
Cats can run the table in the
rest of league play. (My
apologies to Coach Smith .
this is just talk. innocent

Georgia head coach Den-
nis Felton would not be sur-

“1 think it is realistic."
Felton said. “Kentucky has
been that type of team in
this league forever. They
have routinely had the type
of team and coaching that
could possibly run the table."

That we can even throw
this idea around on Feb. 1 is
a testament to Smith‘s skills.

Since he came to UK. the
Cats are 95-24 in SEC play.
Florida has the next best



record over that same span


The key to this success
has been the ability of
Smith‘s teams to win on the

“The commitment that
the rest of us need to make is
that championships are won
on the road. not at home."
South Carolina head coach
Dave ()dom said. “it’s a giv-
en they (UK) are going to
win at home. but they will
win and compete on the road

the rest of us look at it as
we are almost whipped be-
fore we go on the road.“

Over the last seven sea-
sons. Smith's Cats have gone
42-18 on the road in the SEC.
a winning percentage of .700.
The SEC average for the
same period is .330.

When asked about it.
Smith shares little. letting
his record speak for itself.

"We try to focus on get-
ting better that particular
day." he said. “It is a pretty
good record against pretty
good talent."

There's an understate-

Smith has owned the
SEC since he came to UK.
and he has a chance to add to
that legacy this season. If
any coach can pull off the
third undefeated SEC season
in the last 50 years. Smith
can (he had one of those two
in 2002-03). He just knows
how to win in this league.
that‘s all there is to it.

It's probably because he
refuses to look past anyone.
That‘s boring. but only in the
way a 160 SEC record is.

twiseman 1a kykernel. com




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A ..


-UK Green Thumb Meeting.

429 Columbia Ave

-UK Berean Bible Study.

8:00 PM.
Student Center 228

OFF Campus
-UK Anime Club Meeting.


"TNT”. 7:30 PM.
429 Columbia Ave
~UK Fencing Club Meeting.

File". 6:00 PM.
1 4 Student Center _
ntral KY FCA Meetlfli


6:30 PM. Student Center. Room

Baptist Student Union's English
Conversation Class. 6:00 PM.

8:00 PM. Student Center. Room

Leftist Student Union Meeting.
-UK Water Ski Club. 8:00 PM.
6:00 PM. Center Theater. Student

'Baptist Student Unions presents

8:00 PM. Buell Armory/Barker Hail
-Vine Book Club. "The Bowder

Commons Market

9:00 PM.

-"The Rock". 900 PM.
Columbia Ave

Keenland Room

Den. Student Center



800 PM. Upstairs in the

-Lutheran-Episcopa|. Campus
Ministry Worship Service. 505 PM
-WildWaletCats Pool SeSSlOD.

’UK Judo Club practice.

500 PM. Alumni Gym Loft

-Table Francaise. French
conversation group. 300 PM.
Student Center. Room 231
Comedy Caravan. 8 00 PM. Cat's

Dragons 1976. 9:00 PM.
Mecca Dance Studio. 209 North

Limestone St.


Lancaster Aquatic Center
Baptist Student Center on
-UK Relay for Life- Committee

8:00 PM. WT Young Library-

-Lavender Somety Meeting.
7 30 PM. Student Center. Room

~Cat‘s For Christ Meeting.
700 PM. Student Center. Room


7:00 PM, Student Center.


"'Make the Most of Your
internship" workshop. 3:30 PM.
Stuckert Budding

'UK Climbing

7:00 PM. Johnson Center

Climbing Wall

-Wesley Foundation's Focus
Worship Meeting.
7:30 PM. Student Center. Center


-UK Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law

Meeting. 5:00
Room 05

Baptist Student Union's
Freshman Focus Group Meeting.

7:30 PM.

429 Columbia Abe

-CSF Presents "S nergy".

8:00 PM. CSF BUi ding.

corner 01 Woodland and Columbia
-lnternship information Session.
2:00 PM. 101 Stuckert Building.
~UK Fencing Club Meeting.

8:00 PM. Buell Armory/Barker Hall

-UK Green Thumb Meetin . i



Club Meeting.


PM. Student Center.


Dialogues on Race. 2:00 PM
107 Breckinridge Hall
'lCF Dinner and Fellowship. 7:00

St. Augustine Chapel. Rose ST.
°The Word and Tsunami of

7:00 PM. Worsham Theatre
'Applications for Singie's Game

4:30 PM. 203 Student Center




. ~ m.—-. .