1. Through a more mode n idea of disteibution. it brought readieg
of an infermetive and nlemeurable kind to thagsends of gewsons 1n the
county who had peevioeuly not Heed a public library .

organized .
3. The layette Library orgnaized the first book cente? eeQCCially for
negroee.The tenemegro workere did an excellent work With shufi—ina and

grouee of children.

5. The Library work mi the Kentucky Houeee of “eferm wee meet interest-
ing and important. Hiny people had felt t$et the children could not and
weulfi not take advantage of such service.and we found thet they Were
eager readers and most careful in the use of books. With books better
suited to their needeywith a wide? selection to ehoose frem,and with
better crgeinzqtion at the school and in the librery.the effects of
such a yregrem weald undoubtedly have accomplished great changes in

the swirit of the children of that inetifiution.

3. Boys” Reading Sluba,baeed an the theory teat children read better
e31 read more when they have access to beaks on subject in which they
are really interested, were very successful. we found,howeVer,that

our idea tended to duplicate work done by the 4H and Boy Scout argua-
izetione,end so we decided to try to etyplement their work rather than
te continue a seperate arojeet. The fact that the WPA personnel was
ehanged so often and so suddenly made it aard to provide adequate
leaders fer our work.

4. Fer ae leng as we were able we eooyereted With the elementary school
teachere in transporting books which they had selected frnm the children
ream of the fiexingten Lineary. And we attempted to keey up with the
work of the classrooms in order that we might eteply same eerichment
material for the eurriculfim. Eften,aftcr fihe eeming of the Fayette
Librery,ihe children were allowed to have reading periods in the
school’s beck centersena many of the teachewe felt that the children's
reading skills Were imyroved becauee of the library in the school. $6-
feund the faculties of every SGhQOl most enfihueiaetic about the library
and very helfiful and appreciative of our efforts.

6. Ehe librarian attempfied to make available a service to the Romeo
makere' Cluhepboth for their programs eufi for their wider reaaing

6. we made a exhitit for the annual Homemakers-Farm Bureau picnic
égEg?ge.The theme of the exhibit was: "A 300K FOR EVERY FARE’S EVERY