xt7xwd3pwc2b_20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29.dao.xml unknown 0.3 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 46m29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Fayette County Library Project records African Americans -- Kentucky Bookmobiles. Libraries and community -- Kentucky -- Fayette County. Libraries -- Kentucky -- Fayette County Libraries -- Kentucky. Library extension. Public libraries -- Kentucky Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwc2b/data/46m29/Box_1/Folder_20/Multipage136.pdf 1938-1939, undated 1939 1938-1939, undated section false xt7xwd3pwc2b_20 xt7xwd3pwc2b mitt-Leann Social -- Personal UNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1938 PAGES SEVENTEEN TO TWENTY-FOUR {d For chncland Races ocial Calendar exington Country Club. C. A., 3 to 6 p. m., Mrs. Robert E‘. Speer, , speaking at 3 p. m. in the auditorium, fol- Neal’s informal tea at their home, for their .11, Mrs Patty J. Riley and Mrs. M. J. Speer .b meeting in the Red room of the Lafayette vell’s informal evening party at the Lexing- hostess to her book club, 3:30 p. m. ials, Central Kentucky Fox Hunters Associa- Mothers Club meeting at the chapter house, p. m. . liott hosts for the dinner meeting of the Uni- nni Association executive committee. uncheon in the Green room of the Lafayette an’s luncheon in the Colonial room of the La- Club meeting with Mrs. Earl F. Shropshire, m. 5 Club meeting with Mrs. Walter Faulkner, 151 linen shower and bridge party at the home of aggoner, for Mrs. Thomas E. Shuck. s at Keeneland. lub and Faculty Club reception for new mem- allroom of the Student Union building, 8 p. m. inner, Colonial room of the Lafayette hotel, ncheon, Green room of the Lafayette hotel, \ o Hunters Association meeting in Carlisle. the evening. I. C., meeting with Mrs. Elodie Helm Lewis, \ 1 al Women, luncheon meeting at the Y. W. Mrs. Preston Johnston (above) is -8, O. E. S. meeting at the Masonic temple. . U. W. meeting at the Student Union build- Fall Meeting Will Attract Visitors The fall races which will open Tuesday at Keeneland will attract to LexingtOn scores of turf devot- ees, and will be the occasion for many house parties and much en- tertaining. Mr. Thornton Helm will be club- house manager this season. Among the boxholders for the event are: Mr. Clyde Van Dusen, Lexington. Mrs. Charles Mitchell, Lexington. Mrs. V. H. Marrs, Lexington. Mr, E. Gay Drake, Lexington. Mr. Jack Howard, Lexington. Mr. Curtis Willmott, Lexington. Lafayette hotel, Lexington. Mr. Thomas B. Young, Lexington. Mr. Edward M. Meyer, Lexing- ton. Mr. Thomas 5. Scott, Lexington. Mr. Harrie B. Scott, Lexington. Mr. John Wesley Marr, Lexing- ton. The Lexington Quarry Company. Mr. W. H. Courtney, Lexington. Col. E. R. Bradley, Lexington. Mr. Leslie Combs II, Lexington. Mr. Brownell Combs, Lexington. Mr. J. Lindsay Nunn, Lexington. —Pcpiot Photo the chairman of Friends Of The Fayette Library, a group which is being formed in the interest of the new Fayette county branch of the lexington Public Library. as hostesses, 3 p. m. 12a). Woman’s Club dinner, Gold room, Ia- Arrive To Attend Keeneland Races Among those who will be guests at the Lafayette hotel during the fall races are Mr. Jack Clark, New Orleans; Mr. M. M. Buck, San Diego, Calif.; Mr. L. O. O‘Donnell, Anchor- afe; Mr. J. B. Respess, Erlanger; Mr. Burt Hallenberg, Nashville, Tenn; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight, Chi- cago; Mr. William Berri, New York; Mrs. Charles Bacharach, New Or- leans; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Calgy and Mrs. John Branham, Gallatin, Tenn.; Mr. J. R. Shepley, St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Collins, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. George Krehbield, Mr. Owen C. Foster, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Morgan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Gedion Wade, Nashville, Tenn; Mr. Cleveland Putnam, Beverley Mesa, ting with Mrs. D. G. Bauer, 314 Henry Clay Mary Ellice Spratt of. Mt. Sterling and Mr. burg, at 4 p. m. at the home of the bride’s Spratt, Mt. Sterling. i Omega meeting with Lambda Alpha chap- house, 321 Lexington avenue, 6 p. m. - Club meeting with Mrs. Howard Weath- s. . Rol Ratliff of Winchester entertaining :0” m of the Lafayette hotel, 1 p. m. unters Association meeting in Carlisle. armory. cVey’s tea for University faculty and stu- c. m. 4. Women’s Club, Inc., fellowship luncheon -tte hotel, noon. ncheon, Green room, Lafayette hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harter, Mr. (Page 19, Column 2, Please) Mrs. Stickel Gives Announcement Party Mrs. Robert Stickel entertained with a bridge party Saturday after- noon at her home in Versailles to announce the engagement of her cousin, Miss Martha Cleveland of Versailles to Mr. William Koch of Louisville. The house was attractively de- corated throughout with autumn flowers and the hostess was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Sidney Pickard of Miami Beach, Fla, and Miss Emily Cleveland of Versailles, cousin of the bride—elect. Novel tallies in bridal motif bore the announcement of the bctrothal. At the conclusion of the games, prizes were awarded and a salad course was served. Guests were Miss Cleveland and her mother, Mrs. W. S. Cleveland; Mrs. Harry Taylor Mobyes, Mrs. Howard Mastin, Mrs. Wallace Bos- ton, Miss Betty Nuckols, Mrs. Jack Cleveland, Mrs. Lawrence Blevins, Mrs. Eugene Barnes, Versailles; Miss Sidney Chappell, Pineville; Mrs. Mary Willoughby Scott, Georgetown. Make Your clothes Give Longer Wear 1, Georgian room, Lafayette hotel, 12:30. at Florence Crittenton Home, 2:30 p. m. 'ica entertaining with a dinner in the Student Union building, 7 p. m. ' Association meeting in Carlisle. ng at the chapter house, 2:15 p. in. rnity meeting at the chapter houSe, 1' egistered Nurses’ annual meeting oon for ex-service nurses. General 'um, 8 p. m. ssociation meeting in Carlisle. ‘mal supper dance for new girls oman’s Club, with Mrs. Virgil \ rs. H. S. Campbell, 1045 -tion of Registered Nurses, , 6 p. In. of the Lafayette hotel, Frequent dry cleaning by Hempel’s will bring longer life to your clothes. Dirt cuts the threads in deli- cate fabrics. .Hempel’s dry cleaning removes all dirt, grease and stains, making your Coat, Dress or Suit look and feel like new. Simply phone us. Bring last sca- son’s clothes up- to-date by having us dye them a shade that is popular this sea- son. Our more than 50 years of experience is your assurance of sat- isfaction. SPECIAL ATTENTION T0 MAIL ORDERS MPEL’S uthern Dye Works IVE CLEANERS AND DYERS 380 East Main Ariz.; Mr. Allan Long, Los Angeles;, Mrs. Johnston Heads Ne" Library Group 1VI=‘ . Preston Johnston is chairman of J’cicnds of the Fayette Library, a gruup that is being formed in the interest of the new Fayette branch of the Lexington Public Library which is sponsored by the Fayette Community Council, the Fayette courly board of education, the Lex- ingtrn Public Library and the WPA. Members, to date, of the group are Mrs. Johnston, chairman, Mrs. Ar h L. Hamilton, Mrs. 'Cecil Can- trili Mrs. J. H. Graves, Mrs. Virgil Siced, Mrs. Robert Meyers, Miss Josephine Simpson, Mrs. Edward Wilder. Mrs. Thomas R. Underwood, Mrs. W. D. Blanding, Mrs. Rodes Eslill, Miss Frances Field Coleman, Mrs. John H. Roser, Miss Susie Dar- naby, Mrs. Halley Lisle, Mrs. James Park, Mrs. Barckley Storey, Mrs. James M. Todd, Mrs. Joe McDowell, Mrs. Ben F. Crimm, Mrs. Piatt Steele, Mrs. Herschel Weil, Miss Elizabeth Daingerfield, Mrs. Scott Breckinridge, Mrs. Higgins Lewis and Mrs. Robert Lee Stout. The Fayette branch of the Lex— ington Public Library, which is the first one of its kind in the United States, has just completed its first month of existence with a Circula- tion of 1141 books and magazines. Seven centers have been opened in the rural schools and churches of the county and in the Fayette coun— ty courthouse. Mrs. Hammond Du- gan is supervising librarian. l\"lrs. Todd Will Welcome Club Mrs. James M. Todd will entertain hcr book club at 3:30 o‘clock Mon- day afternoon at her home. Dr. E. W. Hagyard, Lexington. The Gentry-Thompson Stock Yards Company. Mr, John G. Stoll, Lexington. Mrs. Silas B. Mason, Lexington. Mr. Horatio P. Mason, Lexing- ton. Mrs. W. S. Barnes, Lexington. Mr. Louis E. Hillenmeyer, Lex- ington. Mr. Thomas Piatt, Lexington. Dr, Charles A. Vance, Lexington. Mr. W. R, Embry, Lexington. The Thoroughbred Club of Ameri. ca. Mr. Howard Oots, Lexington. Mr. Hal Price Headley, Lexington. Maj. Louie Arnold Beard, Lex- ington. Dr. Fred W. Rankin, Lexington. Mr. T, H. Kirk, Lexington. Mr. Lucas B. Combs, Lexington. Mr, George W. Headley Jr., Lex— ington. Mrs, Christian de Waal, Lexing- ton. Mr. J. O. Keene, Lexington. Mr. J. E. Harting, Lexington. Mr. Thomas Carr Piatt, Lexing- ton. Miss Martha Lawson Brown, Lex- ington. Mr. R. A. Beazley, Lexington. Mrs. Louis Lee Haggin, Lexing- ton. 1: Mr, Joseph A. Goodwin, Lexing- on. Mrs. J. H, Reed, Lexington. Mr. C. F. White, Lexington. Mr. C. Kendall McDowell, Lex- ington. Mr. W. E. Hupp. Lexington, Mr. C. Reginald Ryley, Versailles. Messrs. P. A. and R. J. Nash, Chi- cago. Messrs. J. E. and Doc Bond, Ver- snilles, Mr. A. L. Ferguson, Georgetown. Mr. J. W. Parrish, Midway. Mr. Charles T. Fisher, Detroit. Mr. W. E. Smith, Louisville. (Page 18, Column 4, Please) 4 Star Uplifts BRASSIERES Used exclusively by Paramount Stars in Paramount pictures. l.50 to 3.50 Emily Rix Frazer CORSET SHOP Kentucky Hotel Bldg. Phone 2467 Viaduct Ent. Platforms are the most amazing style d a v e l o p m e n t in years. These new arrivals in Black Suede with wine colt platform sole exemplify the type now in vogue in smart Continental Europe. Also LOUISVILLE EAST M THAT GlVl THE SHOE 'A NEW, Dl'M‘ENfitON ‘ SHOES OF DISTINCTION AIN —- NEAR LIME PAGE 4 W'— THE LEXINGTON HERALD (Established 1870) Published Daily Morning By LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER W THOS. R. UNDERWOOD. .................Editor FRED B. WACHS ...... ...General Manager ”W Entered as second-class matter at the postofiice at Lexington. Ky.. under the act of March 8. 1875. WM ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all the news dispatches credited to it, or not otherwise credited to this paper and also the local neWs published herein. __ W ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED PRESS ..._.....,.._.._.____.___.____————-—-—-—~——" SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL DAILY HERALD OR. LEADER AND SUNDAY HERALD-LEADER . BMos. 3Mos. lMo. In Kentucky ., . $2.75 $2.00 $ .75 All other States . . 6.00 3.00 1.00 DAILY ONLY HERALD 1 Yr. 6 Mos. 3 Mos. 1 Mo. In Kentucky ........$ 3.50 $2.25 $1.50 .60 SUNDAY HERALD—LEADER er. 6Mos. 3Mos. 1M0. In Kentucky ..... ....$ 3.00 $1.50 $ .75 S .25 All other States . .. 4.80 2.40 1.20 .40 Mail orders not accepted from localities served by delivery agents. . ' CARRIER DELIVERY Sunday Herald-Leader only .......... 50 per week Daily Herald or Leader and Sunday Herald-Leader 20c per week The Lexington Herald will not knowingly pub- lish a. fraudulent or dishonest advertisement. Any unsatisfactory dealings with advertisers should be brought to the attention of the publisher's with full details, and every effort will be made by the pub— lishers to'seeure an equitable adjustment. Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person. firm or corporation will be gladly corrected upon due notice of some being given to the publishers. THE LEXINGTON HERALD OFFICES LEXINGTON. 237 W. Short st. NEW YORK ...500 Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. .30 N. Michigan Ave. DETROIT. General Motors Bid . ATLANTA. .22 Marietta St. KANSAS CITY. .1002 Bryant Bldg. ALLAS Republic Bank Bldg. PHILADELPHIA ..260 E. Broad St. SAN FRANCISCO ..Monadnock Bldg. HERALD TELEPHONES Private Branch Exchange 4800 All Departments ___________._____.._———— Country Life The American Country Life Association which is meeting here th week brings 1.0 Lexington educators, sociologists, econo- mists and farm and home Leaders to cuss one of the most interesting subjects before the American people today. Ten or twelve years ago when a boom of industrial mass production based upon a false pros- perity wés under way a national “Back-lo- thp-Farm” movement was launched with lit- ,tle success. The American people are re- lmarkably rkeen about. separating propagan—_ (is from action, even though they may oo- casionally take a radio program too seri- ously and think Mars is attacking. “The logic of events,” however, is incon- trovertible. Depression sent hundreds, yea thousands, who had left the country to hear the call of high factory wages, back to their home lands, where a living always could be eked from the soil. Since that time many things have hap‘ pened that have altered entirely the pic- ture which the boy or girl who left a rural home in the Coolidge days carried in his memory to Detroit, Chicago or some other big city. Rural road programs such as that which is one of the outstanding accom- plishments of recent years in Kentucky, have taken place in all the states. Farms are no longer isolated. General use of automobiles, rural electrification programs through the REA have brought electric lights and electric power to relieve much of the inconvenience and drudgery of farm life of other days. Radio, telephone ex- tensions, water extensions. rural school con- solidations and many other things are fur‘ nishing the reply to the question once asked in the song, “How’re you gonna keep ’em' down on the farm?” . Furthermore, boys and girls who' are ambitious, progressive and forward-looking ‘ and who could readily go forth and make for themselves certainly a good living, it not fame and fortune, in cities are realizing that on farms they can make more certain rewards, they can be more truly their own masters and can be building, all the while, a foundation for security. There is small wonder that books like “RFD,” ,“Fifth Avenue to Farm” and others heat of this subject, for so many are turn- ing to farms as offering the ideal place to live. Unquestionably rural life in America stands on the threshold of becoming the most attractive mode of living that civili- zation has ever produced. This attracts not only those who pride themselves upon being “country farmers” but also those who have been successful in business or the profes- sions and also the progressive youth of the United States. London in terror of air raids, digging trenches and fitting gas masks on children, and New York panicky and jittery, evi- dence the need for spreading out the popu- lation of the country and for avoiding the metropolitan monstrosities that were grow- ing up before the Depression. Those who view these matters through their experience and scientific learning or through direct contact with the problems do well to meet in Lexington and the Blue- grass, for here truly is found “the cradle of a beautiful civilization." They are wel- comed and have ever good wish for fruit- ful deliberations and consideration of sub- jects close to this section whose rural life is known the world over. . .___§._—_ Scooped ’Em On It. “What is so rare as a day in June" Why, a day in Ociober, for then come , ‘wingi-n' M. ( 1 “Tennessee Valleyls Greatest Newspaper” (tribunal that of The ltnnxhille Enamel, CHAS. 8. SMITH JR. Vice-President Let's Not Forget—"Constant 1 Vigilance ls Price of Freedom" Capitalize on East Tennessee's SATURDAY Tourist, lndus’rrial Opportunity, JULY'I, 1939 ROY N President LOTSPEICH ‘ and Publisher IRA A. WATSON Vice-President HENRY C PAGE General Manager GUY L. SMITH Editor ”And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom titty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.” (Today's favorite Bible quotation suggested by Rev. H. L. Harrison of the Church of God. Tomorrow, Rev. Q. A. Davis of the Association of Fundamental Ministers will suggest the day’s quotation.) GenSis T8126. If Court Holds Tax Rate Down But Hikes County’s Bonded Debt-Then, Taxpayer Is Not Getting Anywhere On the front page of today’s J our- nal is a full account of the plan, approved by the County Court’s Fi- nance Committee, to spend $50,875 of the taxpayers’ money by the easy, see-you-Saturday plan of financing ' which has made the New Deal fa— mous and Federal taxes higher than at any time in‘the country’s history. Thelpretty thing about this plan is that it doesn’t show up in the tax rate -——-now! What the taxpayer needs to keep in mind is that it will show up later, with a Whole litter of interest .. ,1 fl 1 payments One of the things that ails the whole country is beautifully and xaccurately illustrated in the com- mittee’s plan, and that is the Wide- spread feeling among officials 0f the inferior levels of government that any time the Federal government offers “matching” funds it’s their bounden duty to issue‘bonds orlevy taxes to “match ” The test of spending 15 no longer ,“Is this something that we simply ‘_ can’t get along without?, ” but “Will the Federal government put up 45%. ' *of these funds if We put up 55%?” We submit that this is about as v -/ “-t'-adopted. In acting upon this basis 1 . our officials lose sight of the fact ' that- we’re not _really ahead the famount the Federal government puts up because the same’ people that pay 'itaxes in Knox County also pay them "directly or indirectly to the New Deal and this group includes every man (. and woman. in the county ‘ . it 1s to house ”the Wel re Depen- all been functioning for. Several years. “Can it be true,” the taxpayer asks » 'himSelf, _“that heretofore these em- ployes of the county have been forced ' to Carry on their work out under the :v-ault of Heaven, with never a roof to protect their heads from winter’s chill winds and bitter cold?” . But dry those tears! The'Welfare Department is housed at the present ‘ : . time, and all of its various depart-.1 , merits but the Social Security‘JBureau , are ho’u’sed‘in county property. It is ' true, that the countyis paying $110 rent per month for’ Social Security quarters, but does that. fact justify the expenditure of $15,125? This. is» one example in the list which would call for expenditures by the county to the total of $50,875, and is not singled out because ’it appears to be the least _ necessary expendi- ture in the list but because it appears to be most likely to find favor with a large number Of magistrates. We think that Knox County tax- payers should be considered by the Finance Committee and by the Court ; itself as being ofgadult mentality. We believe that’ith’e Court should recog- nize that the taxpayer has sufficient understanding to recognize that there is no difference between spending his money through a tax levy or by simply placing a first mortgage on his property in the form of a bond issue. _ In most respectful terms we would ’admonishv‘the members of the Fi— nance Committee to go over this list - of proposed building projects with the question in mind. “Is this building something that the people of Knox County simply can’t get along without for another ,year?’,’,. That._'should.1be.. the-test and“ the only one to be applied to every case. ' Then, when this question is an— swered as to every building proposed, let the Finance Committee and the Court have the nerve to say to the people: 1 “We consider these buildings abso- _, lutely essential to you, but we’re not going to attempt to put over an “in— visible” spending campaign on you- ‘...ound a basis for dcc1d1nr> whether- , Or not to spend as could possibly be , 1 "spending machine in Washington; . , the offices of , 1 the County Health Department and -' the local State We [are organization .‘rand his time with a zeal that inspired ‘ ' 1 ,many others interested with him in .. where these agenc1es have been housed in the past, since they have ' we’re going to simply add the neces— "sary appropriation tothis year’s tax rate and if you don’t like it, see what you can do about beating us the next time we run for office!” A course like that, in the language of the day, would be “laying it on the line” for the taxpayer in a way he could not fail to comprehend. For, after all, the taxpayer knows that there is no secret formula in the hands of government officials who spend money; when they spend it, pop? Wilt Ila-Voila paydtiback! ' Let’s not kid ourselves about hav— ing a $1.53 tax rate if we’re going to spend five or six cents more and 'issue'bonds for it. MCMillan Retires, Bonner Takes Over E. J. McMillan stepped down yester— day as president of the Knoxville Community Chest, marking the close of What probably will be the most important year in the history of the Chest as well as in the history of ~ many of the agencies within it minis- tering to the city’s needy and under- l‘rw‘lcgcr . . .1 . -. Under Mr ll. " the 1eorganized Chest Was a success from itsvfirst day. Not only. was. ample money raised to fill the urgent » needs 0f relief agencies, but the money Was carefully budgeted so that it Covered a 13-month period. 1 Today the Chest, which Was incor— porated at his suggestion, is an acanWIedged success, and the ease with which the quota in the second reorganized Chest c a m p a i g n was lems His Sympathy With the sick ‘7 the handlcapped has prompted him we 1bera11y bath of his fimds the Chest’s Work. - The community can make no more 5,cordial wish for H. ,G. Bonner chosen . president and. other Chest officials Yelected yesterday than that , their administration shall be as successful as was that of the- retiring president 1 and his colleagues on the Chest board. ' W. C. Adams, Columbia, S C. _tu1y Club—48 Degree); , New York City, 94; C. P. Schmalz young _mangled! 'THE RIGHT WORD , By W CURTIS NICHOLSON , 'Set' And 'Sit A reader writes. “Would you please explain the differ- ence in meaning between ‘sit’ and ‘.set’ would you apply ‘sit’ or ‘set’ to inanimate objects? For example, does a table sit in the dining- -room or does it set theie?” Answer: A table sits in the dining- -100m You may set the table in the dining- -100m, i.‘ 6., you may place it there. But after you have placed it there, it sits. You may set a vase on the mantel, but after you have done this, the vase 511.501) the mantel Do not let a distinction between perSons and inanimate objects determine whether you should use sit or set. The same 1u1e ap— plies to lie and lay. A hoe lies on the giound. It does not lay on the ground. HONOR ROLL The Hon or Roll of the Spring Test con— tinues with the following names: Nellie Goode, Dallas, Tex. 97; M. A. M., Hoboken, N. J. 100 (Century Club—17th Degree); M15. R. E Gibby, Towanda, Penn, 94; J. R. Van Metre, Columbia, S. C. 100 (Century Club—28th Degiee); Mrs. 100 (Cen— Agnes Owens, Hopkins, M0,, 100 (Century Club—F11 st Degree), Polly Hawkins, Jersey City, N J., 91; C Leioy Somidts, Union City, N. J., 91; Mayme Douglas, Winnsbmo, S. C., 100 (Century Club—16th Degree); Pony O. Castles. New York City, 97; Mrs. Frank K. Barnsweathei, Utica, N. Y. 91; XYZ, Binghamton, N. Y. 91; Mary 0. B1ian, St. Joseph, Mo., 97, Helen K, smalley, Dallas Tex., 97. The Honor Roll will be continued. ._0_ So the Veisailles Tieaty was twenty yea1s old this week?’ How magic! So . yet so honibly battmed and POINT-ED PARAGRAPHS If it weren’t for bachelors there would be no flirts and vice versa. A divorced. woman is entitled to the name of widow, but she can’t keep off the grass. >11 >11 it After a woman has had five husbands in as many years, the task of making a name for herself begins to grow monotonous. \you may bet'your last nickle that the 5’, cM illan’ s picsidencv ‘very, able and far- -reaching ‘ HRIFICING for it is not an ea“ T . ful for the aid t addi ess, . famous Park Horse Libraiie. THEY WROTE TO TH E JOU RNAL Republican-Resents ’ Farley Pronouncements Editm of The Knoxville Journal. - I 1ead with much inter est and anxiety film The Journal, June 6th, the text of the Dem0c1atic Women’s club , Paiticulaily conspicuous and absurd . .. his accusations t h a t th e Republic ignored the many fine points of the Rouse- velt administiation and that the Republi'~ ’ can Paity had failed to pioduce a leader of national dimensions When he icieri ed to the fine points of the administ1ation,l wonder if he had In = mind the increase in the national debt by twcn ty—i’ivc bill 1011~1eie--.the;.~MIAMI-M‘ic in appropriations. ‘He surely did for thdy seem to be the only things the adminis-l- tiation has accomplished. Very few would call such retrogression fine accompliSl§~. ments. When he declares the Republican paiiy has failed to p1 oduce a leader of Nationgl...‘ dimensions I will agree if he ‘pecuniaiy maniac” who cou stupendous sums as the osevelt Admin— istration and still ddo}; e prosperity. Mr. Farley mad just anothei stamps.” of the p1esident’s“rubb