mitt-Leann Social -- Personal UNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1938 PAGES SEVENTEEN TO TWENTY-FOUR {d For chncland Races ocial Calendar exington Country Club. C. A., 3 to 6 p. m., Mrs. Robert E‘. Speer, , speaking at 3 p. m. in the auditorium, fol- Neal’s informal tea at their home, for their .11, Mrs Patty J. Riley and Mrs. M. J. Speer .b meeting in the Red room of the Lafayette vell’s informal evening party at the Lexing- hostess to her book club, 3:30 p. m. ials, Central Kentucky Fox Hunters Associa- Mothers Club meeting at the chapter house, p. m. . liott hosts for the dinner meeting of the Uni- nni Association executive committee. uncheon in the Green room of the Lafayette an’s luncheon in the Colonial room of the La- Club meeting with Mrs. Earl F. Shropshire, m. 5 Club meeting with Mrs. Walter Faulkner, 151 linen shower and bridge party at the home of aggoner, for Mrs. Thomas E. Shuck. s at Keeneland. lub and Faculty Club reception for new mem- allroom of the Student Union building, 8 p. m. inner, Colonial room of the Lafayette hotel, ncheon, Green room of the Lafayette hotel, \ o Hunters Association meeting in Carlisle. the evening. I. C., meeting with Mrs. Elodie Helm Lewis, \ 1 al Women, luncheon meeting at the Y. W. Mrs. Preston Johnston (above) is -8, O. E. S. meeting at the Masonic temple. . U. W. meeting at the Student Union build- Fall Meeting Will Attract Visitors The fall races which will open Tuesday at Keeneland will attract to LexingtOn scores of turf devot- ees, and will be the occasion for many house parties and much en- tertaining. Mr. Thornton Helm will be club- house manager this season. Among the boxholders for the event are: Mr. Clyde Van Dusen, Lexington. Mrs. Charles Mitchell, Lexington. Mrs. V. H. Marrs, Lexington. Mr, E. Gay Drake, Lexington. Mr. Jack Howard, Lexington. Mr. Curtis Willmott, Lexington. Lafayette hotel, Lexington. Mr. Thomas B. Young, Lexington. Mr. Edward M. Meyer, Lexing- ton. Mr. Thomas 5. Scott, Lexington. Mr. Harrie B. Scott, Lexington. Mr. John Wesley Marr, Lexing- ton. The Lexington Quarry Company. Mr. W. H. Courtney, Lexington. Col. E. R. Bradley, Lexington. Mr. Leslie Combs II, Lexington. Mr. Brownell Combs, Lexington. Mr. J. Lindsay Nunn, Lexington. —Pcpiot Photo the chairman of Friends Of The Fayette Library, a group which is being formed in the interest of the new Fayette county branch of the lexington Public Library. as hostesses, 3 p. m. 12a). Woman’s Club dinner, Gold room, Ia- Arrive To Attend Keeneland Races Among those who will be guests at the Lafayette hotel during the fall races are Mr. Jack Clark, New Orleans; Mr. M. M. Buck, San Diego, Calif.; Mr. L. O. O‘Donnell, Anchor- afe; Mr. J. B. Respess, Erlanger; Mr. Burt Hallenberg, Nashville, Tenn; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight, Chi- cago; Mr. William Berri, New York; Mrs. Charles Bacharach, New Or- leans; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Calgy and Mrs. John Branham, Gallatin, Tenn.; Mr. J. R. Shepley, St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Collins, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. George Krehbield, Mr. Owen C. Foster, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Morgan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Gedion Wade, Nashville, Tenn; Mr. Cleveland Putnam, Beverley Mesa, ting with Mrs. D. G. Bauer, 314 Henry Clay Mary Ellice Spratt of. Mt. Sterling and Mr. burg, at 4 p. m. at the home of the bride’s Spratt, Mt. Sterling. i Omega meeting with Lambda Alpha chap- house, 321 Lexington avenue, 6 p. m. - Club meeting with Mrs. Howard Weath- s. . Rol Ratliff of Winchester entertaining :0” m of the Lafayette hotel, 1 p. m. unters Association meeting in Carlisle. armory. cVey’s tea for University faculty and stu- c. m. 4. Women’s Club, Inc., fellowship luncheon -tte hotel, noon. ncheon, Green room, Lafayette hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harter, Mr. (Page 19, Column 2, Please) Mrs. Stickel Gives Announcement Party Mrs. Robert Stickel entertained with a bridge party Saturday after- noon at her home in Versailles to announce the engagement of her cousin, Miss Martha Cleveland of Versailles to Mr. William Koch of Louisville. The house was attractively de- corated throughout with autumn flowers and the hostess was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Sidney Pickard of Miami Beach, Fla, and Miss Emily Cleveland of Versailles, cousin of the bride—elect. Novel tallies in bridal motif bore the announcement of the bctrothal. At the conclusion of the games, prizes were awarded and a salad course was served. Guests were Miss Cleveland and her mother, Mrs. W. S. Cleveland; Mrs. Harry Taylor Mobyes, Mrs. Howard Mastin, Mrs. Wallace Bos- ton, Miss Betty Nuckols, Mrs. Jack Cleveland, Mrs. Lawrence Blevins, Mrs. Eugene Barnes, Versailles; Miss Sidney Chappell, Pineville; Mrs. Mary Willoughby Scott, Georgetown. Make Your clothes Give Longer Wear 1, Georgian room, Lafayette hotel, 12:30. at Florence Crittenton Home, 2:30 p. m. 'ica entertaining with a dinner in the Student Union building, 7 p. m. ' Association meeting in Carlisle. ng at the chapter house, 2:15 p. in. rnity meeting at the chapter houSe, 1' egistered Nurses’ annual meeting oon for ex-service nurses. General 'um, 8 p. m. ssociation meeting in Carlisle. ‘mal supper dance for new girls oman’s Club, with Mrs. Virgil \ rs. H. S. Campbell, 1045 -tion of Registered Nurses, , 6 p. In. of the Lafayette hotel, Frequent dry cleaning by Hempel’s will bring longer life to your clothes. Dirt cuts the threads in deli- cate fabrics. .Hempel’s dry cleaning removes all dirt, grease and stains, making your Coat, Dress or Suit look and feel like new. Simply phone us. Bring last sca- son’s clothes up- to-date by having us dye them a shade that is popular this sea- son. Our more than 50 years of experience is your assurance of sat- isfaction. SPECIAL ATTENTION T0 MAIL ORDERS MPEL’S uthern Dye Works IVE CLEANERS AND DYERS 380 East Main Ariz.; Mr. Allan Long, Los Angeles;, Mrs. Johnston Heads Ne" Library Group 1VI=‘ . Preston Johnston is chairman of J’cicnds of the Fayette Library, a gruup that is being formed in the interest of the new Fayette branch of the Lexington Public Library which is sponsored by the Fayette Community Council, the Fayette courly board of education, the Lex- ingtrn Public Library and the WPA. Members, to date, of the group are Mrs. Johnston, chairman, Mrs. Ar h L. Hamilton, Mrs. 'Cecil Can- trili Mrs. J. H. Graves, Mrs. Virgil Siced, Mrs. Robert Meyers, Miss Josephine Simpson, Mrs. Edward Wilder. Mrs. Thomas R. Underwood, Mrs. W. D. Blanding, Mrs. Rodes Eslill, Miss Frances Field Coleman, Mrs. John H. Roser, Miss Susie Dar- naby, Mrs. Halley Lisle, Mrs. James Park, Mrs. Barckley Storey, Mrs. James M. Todd, Mrs. Joe McDowell, Mrs. Ben F. Crimm, Mrs. Piatt Steele, Mrs. Herschel Weil, Miss Elizabeth Daingerfield, Mrs. Scott Breckinridge, Mrs. Higgins Lewis and Mrs. Robert Lee Stout. The Fayette branch of the Lex— ington Public Library, which is the first one of its kind in the United States, has just completed its first month of existence with a Circula- tion of 1141 books and magazines. Seven centers have been opened in the rural schools and churches of the county and in the Fayette coun— ty courthouse. Mrs. Hammond Du- gan is supervising librarian. l\"lrs. Todd Will Welcome Club Mrs. James M. Todd will entertain hcr book club at 3:30 o‘clock Mon- day afternoon at her home. Dr. E. W. Hagyard, Lexington. The Gentry-Thompson Stock Yards Company. Mr, John G. Stoll, Lexington. Mrs. Silas B. Mason, Lexington. Mr. Horatio P. Mason, Lexing- ton. Mrs. W. S. Barnes, Lexington. Mr. Louis E. Hillenmeyer, Lex- ington. Mr. Thomas Piatt, Lexington. Dr, Charles A. Vance, Lexington. Mr. W. R, Embry, Lexington. The Thoroughbred Club of Ameri. ca. Mr. Howard Oots, Lexington. Mr. Hal Price Headley, Lexington. Maj. Louie Arnold Beard, Lex- ington. Dr. Fred W. Rankin, Lexington. Mr. T, H. Kirk, Lexington. Mr. Lucas B. Combs, Lexington. Mr, George W. Headley Jr., Lex— ington. Mrs, Christian de Waal, Lexing- ton. Mr. J. O. Keene, Lexington. Mr. J. E. Harting, Lexington. Mr. Thomas Carr Piatt, Lexing- ton. Miss Martha Lawson Brown, Lex- ington. Mr. R. A. Beazley, Lexington. Mrs. Louis Lee Haggin, Lexing- ton. 1: Mr, Joseph A. Goodwin, Lexing- on. Mrs. J. H, Reed, Lexington. Mr. C. F. White, Lexington. Mr. C. Kendall McDowell, Lex- ington. Mr. W. E. Hupp. Lexington, Mr. C. Reginald Ryley, Versailles. Messrs. P. A. and R. J. Nash, Chi- cago. Messrs. J. E. and Doc Bond, Ver- snilles, Mr. A. L. Ferguson, Georgetown. Mr. J. W. Parrish, Midway. Mr. Charles T. Fisher, Detroit. Mr. W. E. Smith, Louisville. (Page 18, Column 4, Please) 4 Star Uplifts BRASSIERES Used exclusively by Paramount Stars in Paramount pictures. l.50 to 3.50 Emily Rix Frazer CORSET SHOP Kentucky Hotel Bldg. Phone 2467 Viaduct Ent. Platforms are the most amazing style d a v e l o p m e n t in years. These new arrivals in Black Suede with wine colt platform sole exemplify the type now in vogue in smart Continental Europe. Also LOUISVILLE EAST M THAT GlVl THE SHOE 'A NEW, Dl'M‘ENfitON ‘ SHOES OF DISTINCTION AIN —- NEAR LIME