Social Agency “ Chooses S t a f f All officers and six of the nine members of the executive commit- tee of the Council for Social Plan- ning were re-elected unanimously BALD-LEADER at the June quarterly meeting today THE LEXINGTON SUNDAY HE at the Lafayette hotel. Three other ‘ ‘ " ' persons were elected to succeed ‘ three who had declined to serve again because of the press of other Pro rams Are business. - Those re-elected and the agencies ' ‘ they represent were: The Rev. , n e Father George O’Bryan, Family e . ‘Welfare Society, chairman; Mrs. ‘Frank Murray, Public Health Cen- , . ter and Girl Scouts, first vice chair- Fayette Communlty man; Col. D. Y. Dunn, county , F board of education, second vice , CounCll Report or chairman; T. Aubrey Morse, Com- munity Y. M. C. A.; Mrs. P. K. June Issued Holmes, Fayette County' Children’s;‘ - ’Bureau and Family Welfare So-‘ ciety, and W. .L. Keller, individual member. ‘ ‘Mayor E. Reed Wilson, represent- ingthe City of Lexington; County Commissioner Austin Moore, rep- resenting the Fayette Fiscal Court, and Mrs. Frank L. McVey, a mem- . ber of the board of directors of the ' ». Community Chest, were elected unanimo’usly to fill the positions of Miss Anna S. Pherigo, city recre-f ational director; Dr. Charles DJ Cawood, county health officer, and Ed Wilder, executive secretary of the Board of Commerce. The officers and executive-com- mittee members were nominated by a committee headed by Mr. Morse. . ' ‘ Robert K. Salyers of Lexington and Louisville, state director of the National Youth Administration, was the principal speaker at the lunch- eon-meeting and discussed “The Youth Problem.” Explaining that he would con- sider youths of 16 to 25 years of age, Mr. Salyers stated that the youth problem in America could ' 3 be'. defined as “the lack of oppor- ' tunity for education, employment, sOcial adjustment and recreation,” and, that the solution was merely to provide the opportunity. ‘ The problem, he said, had been solved in some European countries, by the‘ establishment of labor' camps and the calling of “classes” to the army, but, he declared that these plans would not function in w‘the United States since the demo- cratic principle required that youth be permitted to refuse the 'oppor- tunity as well as to take advantage of it. _ Surveys have shown, he stated, that‘ODe-half of the young people who leave school leave because of financial inability to continue their education and that leave because they see no benefit to be derived from education. Sixty ' per cent of them, he said, do not ‘ find regular employment within a year after leaving school. In, Fayette county, he continued, the unemployment survey made last year revealed that there were 700 young people out of school and out of work and that there Were 500 others on federal emergency programs. « in»... ~. ' Mrs. Ham'mond Dugan, head of the Fayette county circulating li- brary, reported that the circulation of‘ books and magazines since es- tablishment of the project had passed the 40,000 mark. , , ‘» Father O’Bryaias‘WWWfifé'sided, read’ a letter from _Miss Margaret Devine, chairman, of the delin- quency committee, .in which she :stated that thefgroup would report at; the“ 'fall 'meeting, after? continu- s. Florence C. Fort, executive sexe‘tary of the Fayette Commuré: ity Council, yesterday issued a £01. port of the counc11’s activ1t1es 1 June which stated that tricrez’gi‘orilify 5 held in Sggggllsm were attended by more than 700 children. 11 cave eeting at the Russe _ sclji‘otolI tnhle Parent Teacher Associa- tion served ice cream, and a ha meeting at Shelby school the tea: ers’ group gave _a waterme otn party, the report said. Other mete1 - ings will be held throughout ec summer. The date of a meeting ad Linlee school has been change from Tuesday t3 Wedseiday be- Inde en ence a . call/Isfséli'ort also stated that a plan is in progress to establish a com- munity center and Circulating library at Athens 1n a vacant store building. Chairs and small tables are needed for the prOJect, the re- tated. poTth: report further stated that the free circulating library last month made a gift of 284 magazmes to the county infirmary. During the month the library received 3,890 magazines and 243 books as gifts, Mrs. Fort reported. The months circulation was 1,882.for books and zmes. ma‘giflose who attended a recent meeting at which the report. was read included: Mrs. Torn Dulin, J. Ed Parker Jr., Miss Carolyn Stew- art, T. F. Bryant, E. C. Handorr, Miss Donna Dever, Miss Ruth Lati- mer, Judge W. E. Nichols and Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. J. K. Shropshire, Ernest Hillenmeyer, S. J. Stokes, Mrs. G. P. Summers, Miss Jes51e Yancey and Mrs. Dav1d Young. Mrs. Dulin is president, Mr. Parker is executive vice pres1dent and Miss Stewart is secretary. - a. 3“ W . - “vWI—vm‘ T17“ WW , W M