xt7xwd3pwd0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwd0q/data/mets.xml McClung, John A. (John Alexander), 1804-1859. 1832 books b92f517m11818322009 English L.F. Claflin & Co. : Dayton, Ohio Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Indian captivities. Indians of North America --Ohio River Valley. Ohio River Valley --History --To 1795. Northwest, Old --History. Sketches of western adventure : containing an account of the most interesting incidents connected with the settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794 ; with an appendix. text Sketches of western adventure : containing an account of the most interesting incidents connected with the settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794 ; with an appendix. 1832 2009 true xt7xwd3pwd0q section xt7xwd3pwd0q SKETCHES OF WESTERN ADVENTURE. CONTENTS. Page, Adventures of Col. James Smith, - - 14 Daniel Boone, - 48 Gen. Simon Kenton, 93 Gen. Benjamin Logan, . - 126 Col. William Crawford, 137 John Slover, .... 155 Capt. Robert Benham, - - - 169 Alexander McConnel, - - - 173 Robert & Samuel McAfee, 176 Bryant &, Hogan, - - - 178 McKinley,..... 181 David Morgan, - - 183 Adam Poe, .... 186 Mrs. Woods, .... 192 Davis, Cullrce & McClure, - - 193 Captain James Ward, - - 197 Francis Downing, ... 199 The Widow Scaggs, ... 202 Incidents attending the destruction of a young white man from a party of Indians, - - 206 Adventures of Mr. John Merril, - - 210 Ward, Calvin & Kenton, - - 212 Ward, Baker & Kenton, ... 218 May, Johnston, Flinn & Skyles, - 221 Captain William Hubbell, - - - 260 War in the North West, - 269 1 S K E T C II E 8 OF WESTERN ADVENTURE. CHAPTER I. TjfE English settlements in North America, until late in the 18th century, were confined to the country lying East of the Allegheny mountains. Even the most adventurous traders from Virginia and Pennsylvania, rarely penetrated beyond the head water? of the Ohio river, and the spot where Pittsburgh now stands was, for a long time, an extreme frontier point, where the white fur traders and the Western Indians were accustomed to meet and exchange their cojiwiQsu dities. All beyond was an unexplored v. iiuerness, which was known only as oem< riaiii degrees of latitude and longitude upon i!h> map. Shortly before the old French war of 1755, this spot was occupied by the French, and a fort erected, which, in honor of their commander, was called Du Quesne. The possession of this fortress was keenly debated during the earlier years of the war, and was soon rendered memorable by the disastrous expedition of Braddock and Grant. Omitting a regular detail of these events, which have been often related, we shall commence our desultory history with a detail of the adventures of Col. Jajies Smith, who subsequently removed to Kentucky, and for many years wag a resident of Bourbon county. He was the first anglo-Amevican who penetrated into the interior of the Western country at least the first who has given us an account of his adventures, and hi a succession of sketches, like the present, designed to commemorate individual rather than na-2 I 1 SKETCHES OF iional exertions, he is justly entitled to the distinction which we give him. If we mistake not, his adventures will bo found particularly interesting, as affording more ample specimens of savage manners and character, than almost any other account now in existence. In the spring of the year 1755, James Smith, then a youth of eighteen, accompanied a party of 300 men from the frontiers of Pennsylvania, whoadvanced in front of Braddock's army, for the purpose of opening a road over the mountain. When within a few miles of the Bedford Springs, he was sent back to the rear, to hasten the progress of some wagons loaded with provisions and stores for the use of the road cutters. Having delivered his orders, he was returning, in company with another young man, when they were suddenly fired upon by a party of three Indians, from a cedar thicket, which skirted the road. Smith's companion was killed on the spot; and although he himself was unhurt, yet his hijrse was so much frightened by the flash and report of the :';n-. as to become totally unmanagcble, and after a few I b.!!tr-.--. threw him with violence to the ground. Before he could recover hi< ll-ft, the Indians-sprung upon him, and, overpowering his resistance, secured him as a prisoner. One of them demanded, in broken English, whether ''more white men were coming upand upon his answering in the negative, he was seized by each arm, and compelled to run with great rapidity over the mountain until night, when the small party encamped and cooked their supper. An equal share of their scanty stock of provisions was given to the prisoner, and in other respects, although strictly guarded, he was treated with great kindness. On the evening of the next day, after a rapid walk of fifty miles, through cedar thickets, and over very rocky ground, they reached the Western side of the Laurel mountain, and beheld, at a little distance, the smoke of an Indian encampment. His captors WESTERN" AnVEXTUBE. 15- now fired their guns, and raised the scalp halloo! This is a long yell for every scalp that has been taken, followed by a rapid succession of shrill, quick, piercing shrieks, somewhat resembling laughter in its most excited tones. They were answered from the Indian camp below, by a discharge of rilles and a long whoop, folbwed by shrill cries of joy, and all thronged out to meet the party. Smith expected instant death at their hands, as they crowded around him; but to his surprise, no one offered him any violence. They belonged to another tribe, and entertained the party in their camp with great hospitality, respecting the prisoner as the property of their guests. On the following morning Smith's captors continued their march, and on the evening of the next day arrived at fort Du Quesne now Pittsburgh. When within half a mile of the fort, they again raised the scalp halloo, and fired their guns as before. Instantly the whole garrison was in commotion. The cannon were fired the drums were beaten, and French and Indians ran out in great numbers to meet the party, and partake of their triumph. Smith was again surrounded by a multitude of savages, painted in various colours, and shouting with'delight; bui demeanor was by no means as pacific as that of the last party he had encountered. They rapidly formed in two long lines, and brandishing their hatchets, ramrods, switches, &c. called aloud upon him to run the gauntlet. Never having heard of this Indian ceremony before, he stood amazed for sometime, not knowing what to do; but one of his captors explained to him, that ho was to run between the two lines, and receive a blow from each Indian as he passed, concluding his explanation by exhorting him to "run his best," ns the faster he ran the sooner the affair would be over. This truth was very plain and young Smith entered upon his race with great spirit. He was switched very handsomely along the lines, for about three-fourths of the distance, the SKETCHES 01* I stripes only acting as a spur to graater exertions, and he had almost reached the opposite extremity of the line, when a tall chief struck him a furious blow with a club upon the hack of the head, and instantly felled him to the ground. Recovering himself in a moment, he sprung to his feet and started forward again, when a handful of sand was thrown in his eyes, which, in addition to the great pain, completely blinded him. He still attempted to grope his way through; but was again knocked down and beaten with merciless severity. He sooti became insensible under such barbarous treatment, and recollected nothing more, until he found himself in the hospital of the fort, under the hands of a French surgeon, beaten to a jelly, and unable to move a limb. Here he was quickly visited by one of his captors the same who had given him such good advice, when about to commence his race. He now enquired, with some interest, if he felt "'very sore.'' Young Smith replied, that he had been I; raised almost to death, and asked what he had done to mer-it such barbarity. The Indian replied that he had done nothing, but that it was the customaryr greeting of the Indians to their ptisomsrs that it was something like the English ' how d'ye lie:" and that now all ceremony would belaid aside, and he would.be treated with kindness. Smith enquired if they had any news of Gen. Braddock. The Indian replied that their scouts saw him every day from the mountains that he was advancing in close columns through the woods (this he indicated by placing a number of red sticks pararallel to each other, and pressed closely together) and that the Indians would be able to shoot them down "like pigeons."' Smith rapidly recovered, and was soon able to walk upon the battlements of the fort, with the aid of a stick. While engaged in this exercise, on the morning of the 9-, he observed an unusual bustle in the fort. The Indians stood in, I: western" adventure, 17 crowds at the great gate, armed and painted. Many barrels of powder, ball, flints, &c. were brought out to them, from which each warrior hel])ed himself to such articles as here-quired. They were soon joined by a small detachment of French regulars, when the whole party marched off together. He had a full view of them as they passed, and was confident that they couJd not e&ecd four hundred men. He soon learned that it was detached against Braddock, who was now within a few miles of the fort; but from their great inferiority; in numbers, he regarded'their destruction as certain, and looked joyfully to the arrival of Braddock in die evening, as the hour which was to deliver him from the power of the Indians. In the afternoon, however, an Indian runner arrived with far different intelligence. The battle had not yet ended when he left the field; but he announced that the English had been surrounded, and were shot down in heaps bv an invisible enemy; that instead of llyingatonce or rushing upon their concealed foe, they appeared com-. pletcly bewildered, huddled together in die centre of the ring, and before sun down titer.; would not he a man of them uihv '. ;.. :.> ieii like a thunderbolt upon Smith, who now saw himself irretrievably in the power of the savages, and could look forward to nothing but torture or endless captivitv. He waited anxiously for further intelligence, stil I hoping that the fortune of the day might change. But about sunset, he heard at a distance the well known scalp halloo, followed by wild, quick, joyful shrieks, and accompanied by long continued firing. This too surely announced the fate of thn daiy. About dusk, the party returned to the fort, driving before them twelve British regulars, stripped naked and with their faces painted black! an evidence that the unhappy wretches were devoted to death. Next came the Indians displaying their bloody scalps, of which they had immense number's, and dressed in the scarlet coats, sashes, and 18 sketches of military hats of the officers and soldiers. Behind all came a train of baggage horses, laden with piles of scalps, canteens, and all the accoutrements of British soldiers.. The savages appeared frantic with joy, and when Smith beheld them entering the fort, daneing, yelling, brandishing their red tomahawks, and waiving their scalps in the air, while the great guns of the fort replied to the incessant discharge of rifles without, he says, that it looked as if H 11 had given a holiday, and turned loose its inhabitants upon the upper world. The most melancholy spectacle was the band of prisoners. They appeared dejected and anxious. Poor fellows! They had hut a few months before left London, at the command of their superiors, and we may easily imagine their feelings, at the strange and .dreadful spectacle around them. The yells of delight and congratulation were scarcely over, when those of vengeance began. The devoted prisoners British regulars were led out from the fort to the banks of the Allegheny, and to the eternal disgrace of the French commandant, were there burnt to death one after another, with the most awful tortures. Smith .stood upon the battlements and witnessed the shocking spectacle. The prisoner was tied to a stake with his hands raised above his head, stripped naked, and surrounded by Indians. They would touch him with red hot irons, and stick his body full of pine splinters and set them on fire drowning the shrieks of the victim in the yells of delight with which they danced around him. His companions in the mean time stood in a group near the stake, and had a foretaste of what was in reserve for each of them. As fast as one prisoner died under his tortures, another filled, his place, until the whole perished. All this took place so near the fort, that every scream of the victims must have rung in the ears of the French commandant! Two or three days after this shocking spectacle, most of the Indian tribes dispersed and returned to their homes, as is WESTERN ADVENTURE. ill usual with them after a great and decisive battle,. Young Smith was demanded of the French by the tribe to whom he belonged, and was immediately surrendered into their hands. The party embarked in canoes, and ascended the Allegheny river, as far as a small Indian town about forty miles a-bove fort Du Qucsne. There they abandoned their canoes, and striking into the woods, travelled in a western direction, until they arrived at a considerable Indian town, in what is now the state of Ohio. This village was called Tulli-has and was situated upon the western branch of the Muskingum. During the whole of this period, Smith suffered much anxiety, from the uncertainty of his future fate, but at this town all doubt was removed. On the morning of his arrival, the principal members of the tribe gathered around him and one old man with deep gravity, began to pluck out his hair by the roots, while the others looked on in silence, smoking their pipes with great deliberation. Smith did not understand the design of this singular ceremony, but submitted very patiently to the man's labours, who performed the operation of "picking" him with great dexterity, dipping his fingers in the ashes occasionally, in order to take a better hold. In a, very few moments Smith's head was bald, with the exception of a single long tuft upon the centre of his crown, called the "scalp lock." This was carefully plaited in such a manner, as to stand upright, and was ornamented with several silver brooches. His ears and nose were then bored with equal gravity, and ornamented with ear rings and nose jewels. He was then ordered to strip- which being done, his naked body was painted in various fantastic colors, and a breech-cloth fastened around his loins. A belt of wampum was then placed around his neck, and silver bands around his right arm. To all this Smith submitted with much anxiety, being totally ignorant of their customs, and dreading lest, like the British prisoners, he had 20 sketches 01' been stripped and painted for the stake. His alarm was increased, when an old chief arose, took him by the arm. and leading him out into the open air, gave three shrill whoops, and was instantly surrounded by every inhabitant of the village, warriors, women and children. The chief then addressed the crowd in a long speech, still holding Smith by the hand. When he had ceased speaking, he led Smith forward, and delivered him into the hands of three young Indian gir!s,-who grappling him without ceremony, toweil him off to the river which ran at the foot of the hill, dragged him in the water up to his breast, and all three suddenly clapping their hands upon his head, attempted to put him under. Utterly desperate at the idea of being drowned by these young ladies, Smith made a manful resistance the squaws persevered and a prodigious splashing in the water took place, amidst loud peals of laughter from the shore. At length, one of the squaws became alarmed at the furious struggles of the young white man, and cried out earnestly several times, "no hurt you! no hurt youf Upon this a-grwiblf intelligence, Smith's resistance ceased, and these ;: ; ' : under : scrul - bed him from head to fool with equal Zealand perseverance. As soon as they were satisfied, they led him ashore, and presented him to the chief -shivering with cold, and dripping with water. The Indians then dressed him in a ruffled' shirt, leggins, and moccasins, variously ornamented, seated him upon a bearskin, and gave bim a pipe, tomahawk, tobacco, pouch, flint and steel. The chiefs then took their seats by his side, and smoked for several minutes in deep silence, when the eldest delivered a speech, through an interpreter, in the following words: "My son, you are now one of us. Hereafter, you have nothing to fear. By an ancient custom, you have been adopted in the room of a brave man, wliohaS fallen; andevery drop of white blood has been wash- WESTERN ADVENTURE. 21 ed from your veins. We are now your brothers, and are bound by our law to love you, to defend you, and to avenge your injuries, as much as if you were born in our tribe." He was then introduced to the members of the family into which he had been adopted, and was received by the whole of them with great demonstrations of regard. In the evening, he received an invitation to a great feast and was there presented with a wooden howl and spoon, and' directed to lill the former from a huge kettle of boiled corn and hashed venison. The evening concluded with a war dance, and on the next morning, the warriors of the tribe assembled, and leaving one or two hunters, to provide for their families in their absence, the rest marched oft" for the frontiers of Virginia. In leaving the village, the warriors observed the most profound silence, with the exception of their leader, who sung the travelling song, as it is called, and when some distance off, they discharged their rifles slowly, and in regular succession, beginning in front and ending with the rear. As soon as the warriors had left them, Smith was invited to a dance, in which the Indian boys and young unmarried squaws assembled, and entertained themselves for several hours together. They formed in two lines facing each other, at the distar.ee of about twenty feet. One of the young men held a gourd in his hand, filled with pebbles, or beads, which ho rattled in such a manner as to produce music, and all the dancers singing in concert with their leader, moved forward in a line until (he parties met then retired, and repeated the same exercise for hours, without the least variation. Young Smith was merely a spectator in this scene, and his chief entertainment arose from obseiving the occasional symptoms of gallantry and coquetry which diversified the monotony of the dance. Heads were often bent close together as the two lines met, and soil whispers, ogling glances, and an occasional gentle tap upon the cheek, oon- J 23 SKETCHES OF vmeed Smith, that Indians arc not so insensible to the charms of their squaws as has been represented. An Indian courtship is somewhat different from ours. With them, all the coyness, reserve, and pretty delays are confined to the gentlemen. The young squaws are bold, forward, and by no means delicate in urging their passion and a particularly handsome or promising young hunter, is often reduced to desperate extremities, to escape the toils of these female Lotharios! Smith was uniformly treated with the greatest kindness, and was for sometime particularly distressed by the pressing invitations to eat, which he received from all quarters. With the Indians, it is uniformly the custom to invito every visitor to eat, as soon as he enters lhe]wigwam, and if he refuses, they are much offended, regarding it as an evidence of hostility to them, and contempt for their housekeeping. Smith, ignorant of this circumstance, was sometimes pressed to eat twenty times in a day, and observing Uieir dark and suspicious glances when he declined their hospitality, he endeavored at length to satisfy them at the risk of stuffing himself to death. Making it a point to eat with all who invited him, he soon found himself in greatfavor, and in the course of a week after his adoption, an old chief honored him with an invitation to hunt with him. Smith readily consented. At the distance of a few miles from the village, they discovered a number of buffalo tracks. The old Indian regarded them attentively and followed them with great caution, stopping frequently to listen, and rolling his eyes keenly in every direction. Smith, surprised at this sin-singular conduct, asked him why he did not push on more rapidly, and endeavor to get a shot. "Hush!" said the Indian, shaking his head "may be buffalo may be Catawba !" Having at length satsified himself, that they were really buffalo he pushed on more rapidly, and on the way,, assigned his reasons for his hesitation. He said, that the WESTERN ADVENTURE. 23 Catawbas had long been at war with his tribe, and were the most cunning and wicked nation in the world. That a few years ago, they had secretly approached his camp in the night, and sent out a few of their spies, mounted upon buffalo hoofs, who walked round their camp, and then returned to the main body. That, in the morning, he and his warriors, perceiving their tracks, supposed a herd of buffalo to be ahead of them, and moved on rapidly in pursuit. That, they soon fell into the ambuscade, were fired on by the Catawba's and many of them killed. The Catawbas, however, quickly gave way, and were pursued by his young men with great eagerness. But the\r had taken the precaution to stick a Dumber of slender reeds in the grass, sharpened like a pen, and dipped in rattlesnake's poison, so that as his young men pursued them eagerly, most of them were artificially snake-bitten, and lamed. That (he Catawbas then turned upon them, overpowered them, and took the scalps of all who had been lamed by the reeds. The old man concluded by shaking his head, and declaring, that "Catawba was a very bad Indian a perfect devil for mischief." Smith, however, was so unfortunate a few days afterwards, as to fall into discredit, with these simple people. He had been directed to go out and kill some venison for the squaws and children, who had suffered for several days, during the absence of the greater part of the warriors. As this was the first time that he had been entrusted with so weighty a commission alone, he determined to signalize his hunt by an unusual display of skill and enterprize. He, therefore, struck boldly into the woods, and at a few miles distance, falling upon a fresh buffalo trail, he pushed on for several miles with great eagerness. Despairing, however, of overtaking them, as the evening came on, he began to retrace his steps, and as he had taken a considerable circuit, he determined to cut across the hills, and roach the village by a shorter way. He soon be- 24 SKETCHES OF came inextricably involved in the mazes of the forest, and at dark, found himself completely bewildered. lie tired his gun repeatedly, in hopes of being heard, but his signal was unanswered, and he wandered through the woods the whole night, totally unable to find his way home. Early in the morning, the Indians, probably suspecting him of desertion, started out in pursuit of him, but observing the zigzag manner in which the young woodsman had marched, they soon became satisfied of the truth, and their anger was changed to laughter and contempt. Smith's rifle was taken from him, and a bow and arrow (the weapons of a boy.) were placed in his hands; and although he was treated with undiminished kindness by all, yet it was evident, that it was mingled with compassion and contempt, for his ignorance of the woods. He was now placed under the particular care of Tontileau-go, his adopted brother, and a renowned hunter and warrior. With the aid of his directions, he soon learned all the mysteries of hunting. He trapped beaver, killed deer, bear and buffalo, with great readiness and in the course of the winter, rose considerably in reputation. The warriors were still absent, and the women arid children depended on them entirely for subsistence. Sometimes they were three days without food; particularly, when the snow became hard, and the noise which they made in walking on the crust frightened the deer, so that they could not come within gunshot. Their only resource then, was to hunt bear trees; that is. for large hollow trees in which bears lay concealed during the winter. The hole is generally from thirtv to fifty feet from the ground, and they are often compelled to chmb up and apply lire, in order to drive bruen out, who obstinately maintains his ground until nearly stifled with smoke, and then sneezing and snuffling, and growling, he shows himself at the mouth of his hole, for a little fresh air. The hunter stations himself below, and fires upon him as soon as he ap- WESTERS ADVENTURE. 25 pears. Towards spring, the warriors generally return, and game is then killed in abundance. We shall here pause, in our narrative, to mention some traits of Indian character and manners, which, perhaps, will be interesting to many of our readers, who have not had opportunities of informing themselves on the subject. The lives of the men are passed in alternate action of the most violent kind, and indolence the most excessive. Nothing but the pressing call of hunger, will rouse them to much exertion. In the month of August and September, when roasting ears are abundant, they abandon themselves to laziness, dancing and gaming, and can rarely be roused even to hunt, so long as their cornfields will furnish them food. During this month, they are generally seen lying down in idle contemplation, dancing with their squaws, playing at foot-ball, or engaged in a game resembling dice, of which they are immoderately fond. War and hunting are their only serious occupations, and all the drudgery of life devolves upon the squaws. Smith gave high otlencc lo the warriors by taking a hoe into his hand, and working with the squaws for half an hour, at a time when they were engaged in planting corn. They reprimanded him with some severity for his industry, observing that it was degrading to a warrior to be engaged in labor like a squaw; and for the future he must learn to demean himself more loliily, always remembering that he was a member of a warlike tribe, and a noble family. They are remarkably hospitable, always ottering to a stranger, the best that they7 have. If a warrior, upon entering a strange wigwam, is not immediately invited to eat, he considers himself deeply affronted, although he may have just risen from a meal at home. It is not enough 'on these occasions that ordinary food, such as venison or homony, is offered. It is thought rude and churlish, not to set before their guest, their greatest delicacies, such as sugar, bear's oil, hon- 3 26 sketches OF ey, and if they have it, rum. If there is no food of any kind in the house, which is often the case, the fact is instantly mentioned, and is at once accepted as a sufficient apology. Smith was so unfortunate, as to incur some reproach upon this subject also. While he, and his adopted brother, Tonti-lcaugo, were encamped in the woods, hunting, there came a hunter of the Wyandott tribe, who entered their camp, faint and hungry, having had no success in hunting, and consequently, having fasted for several days. Tontileaugo was absent afthe time, but Smith received the visitor with great hospitality, (as he thought) and gave him an abundant meal of homony and venison. Shortly after the Wyan-dott's departure, his brother, Tontileaugo returned, and Smith informed him of the visit of the stranger, and of his own hospitable reception. Tontileaugo listened with gravity, and replied: "And I suppose of course, you brought up some of the sugar and bear's oil, which was left; below in the canoe?" "No," replied Smith, "I never thought of it it was at too great a distance." "Well, brother," replied Tontileaugo, "you have behaved just like a Dutchman! 1 can excuse it in you for this tune, as you are young, and have been brought up among the white people but you must learn to behave like a warrior, and never be caught in such little actions! Great actions alone, can ever make a great man!" Their power of sustaining long continued fatigue is as extraordinary. Even their squaws will travel as fast as an ordinary horse, and pack an incredible quantity of baggage upon their backs. In the spring of 1756, a great quantity of game had been killed, at a considerable distance from the village; and all the inhabitants, including squaws and boys, turned out to bring it home. Smith was loaded with a large piece of buffalo, which, after packing two or three miles, he found too heavy for him, and was compelled WESTERN ADVENTURE. 27 to throw it down. One of the squaws laughed heartily, ami coming up, relieved him of a large part of it, adding it to her own pack, which before, was equal to Smith's. This he says, stimulated him to greater exertion than the severest punishment would have done. Their warriors, for a short distance, arc not swifter than the whites, hut are capable of sustaining the exercise, for an incredible length of time. An Indian warrior can run for twelve or fourteen hours without refreshment, and after a hasty meal, and very brief repose, appear completely refreshed, and ready for a second course. Smith found it more difficult to compete with them in this respect, than any other. For although he ran with great swiftness for a few miles, he could not continue such violent exertion for a whole day. While he and his brother Tontilcaugo were encamped at a distance from the others, they were much distressed from having to pack their meat from such a distance, and as three horses were constantly grazing near them,(for there was grass under the snow,)Tontileaugo proposed that they should run them down, and catch them, it having been found impossible to take them in an)- other way. Smith, having but little relish for the undertaking, urged the impossibility of success. But Tontilcaugo replied, that he had frequently run down bear, deer, elk and buffalo, and believed, that in the course of a day and night, he could run down any four-footed animal, except the wolf. Smith observed, that, although dcer..were swifter than horses for a short distance, yet, that a horse could run much longer than either the elk or buffalo, and that be was confident they would tire themselves to no purpose. The other insisted upon making the experiment, at any rate; and at daylight, on a cold day in February, and on a hard snow several inches deep, the' race began. The two hunters stripped themselves to their moccasins, and started at full speed. The horses were in high order, and very wild, but 5W SKETCHES OP contented themselves with running in a circle of six or seven miles circumference, and would not entirely abandon then-usual grazing ground. At ten o'clock, Smith had dropped considerably astern, and before eleven, Tontileaugo and the horses were out of sight; the Indian keeping close at their heels, and allowing them no time for rest. Smith, naked as he'was, and glowing with exercise, threw himself upon the hard snow; and having cooled himself in this manner, he remained stationary until three o'clock in the evening, when the horses again canie in view, their flanks smoking like a seething kettle, and Tontileaugo close behind them, running with undiminished speed. Smith being now perfectly fresh, struck in ahead of Tontileaugo, and compelled the horses to quicken their speed, while his Indian brother from behind, encouraged him to do his utmost after shouting "chako! ehokua-nough!" (pull away! pull away my boy!) Had Tontileaugo thought of resting, and committed the chase to Smith alone, for some hours, and then in his turn relieved him. they might have succeeded; but neglecting this plan, they both continued the chase until dark, when, perceiving that the horses ran still with great vig