xt7xwd3pwf56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pwf56/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19490322 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-03-mar22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-03-mar22-ec. 1949 2011 true xt7xwd3pwf56 section xt7xwd3pwf56 Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, IMarch 22, 1949. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi- ty of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 22, 1949. The following members were present: IIr. Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman; R. P. Hobson, T. H, Cutler, and J. a. Everett. Absent: Harper Gatton. Judge Stoll, member of the Board of Trustees, met with the Committee, and President Donovan and Secretary Peterson were also present. A. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of Jan- uary 21 and February 22, 1949, were approved as published. B. Comptroller's Report. The Comptroller made the usual financial report, with balance sheet as of February 28, 1949. He submitted operating statement for income and expenditures for all divisions and departments for the period ended February 28, 1949. He read a brief analysis of the report: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXI NGTON Offiroe of the CoLntroller Iarch 17, 1949 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of .entucky Lexington, I'entuchy My dear President Donovan: I attaach hereto a balance sheet of University funds as of February 2v, 194.9, together with su-pporting statements of fund o ,era- tions for the current -eDriod then ended. The balance sheet inCticates the financial condition of the va-ious University funcl grou-s ..s recor-ded on the general books as of th-le date of the re port. The Unacr-)iopriate C Gene.-ran-l Fund surolus was 4439,86a3.47, dis- tributed as follolws: Division of Colleges )1l33 300.68 A'gricultur7al ::-. eroirient Station -256,567.79 Combined Total 59 868.47 liestricted (Trust) Fund balances aniounted to 1, 234L,621.31. Included in the bDalances t fere funds invested amounting to ',03,744.05. Unexzended Plant Punds ar.iounted to ij3,196,035.60, of which ,2, 881, 565. 00 had been --mreviously encumbered in the form of ouv"2chase order-s o: contracts. The remaining t:5l4,518.52 represented p-lant fund appro-riatGion balances for bond rederm-otion and inte.est, con- struction of Service BuildinC, Fine Arts Building, Dai:ry Center, Animal '..holo,. Buildin-r, and other minor construction jobs. The StOudent Loan i3hund balance was .;74,38G.62, which included '66,297.31 desi-;nated as -o;rincioal and '1S6,O1..01 unexpDended inco-ie. Included in the balances were funds invested amounting to $263,000.00, and student notes receivable of ".1,402,50. The valuation -laced on the University endowpment fund .r.incipal was ,1l98 4-28.lS. Endowment funds invested amounted to $l%,081.96. Unexpended income from endowment investmients amounted to k1e2,143.12. The Agency funds handCled blr the University totaled $50, 52J.49. Agenocy funds iln the amount of ,.O15,000.00 vrere tem-, orarily invested in securities. Dr. H. L. Donovan March 17, 1949 Page Two The operating statements show that 8l.95 of the total estimated income for the year had been realized. 94.2% of State Appror-riations had been allotted by the State Department of Finance. Federal funds received were 93.4% of the budget estimate. Only 31.1% of the estimate of student fees were collected. However, the Veterans Administration has begun pe.yment of Veterans fees and it is expected that most of the budget estimate fors student fees will be realized during the re- mainder of the fiscal year. 95.3% of the budget estimate of other income had been realized. The operating statements reveal further that 56.9% of the total departmental aopropriation had either been encumbered or spent. The appropriation and charges by div.isions and the per cent of aipropria- tions charged are indicated in the following statement: Per Cent Ap!rojpriations Charges Charged Division of Colleges $4,921,707.55 $2,653,421.36 53.9% Agricultural Experiment Sta. 975,135.48 597,770.80 61.3 Agricultural E:-tension Div. 1,465,496.64 943,167.50 64.4 Total 7.362,339.67 "4. 194. 359.6656. 9,5 Current year plant fund budget transactions are summarized in the following statement: Plant Outstanding Approp. An rol. Expend. Encumb. Balances Division of Colleges $35,852a625.61 $725,714.62 $2, 816,483.61 $310,427.38 Agri. Experi- inent Station 1041, 809.99 69,715.92 31,002.93 4,091.14 Total $p3.9574355.60 795.430. 54 $2,847 486.54 a534 518.52 An analysis of charges in Plant Fund Surplus account is shown on Page 3 of the report. Tlhere were no surplus plant funds on the date of the report. Curirent year Restricted (Trust) Funds transactions are summarized in the following statement: Dr. H. L. Donovan March 17, 1949 Page Three Balance Balance Ju1y 1, 1C48 Receimts Disbursements Feb. 238 1949 Division of Colleges ~1,191, 337.26 1,530, 414.22 '1,616,896.07 il,104,855.41 Agr.Experiment Station 116,177.15 72,228 .46 78,058.34 110,347.27 Agr.ZExtension Division 61,027.55 87,939.91 79-,548.83 6_,4 418.63 Total ' ,368,541.96 ql1,690,582.59 $1,774,503.24 jj,234 621.31 A summary of ot'her fund transactions may be found on Page 27 of the report. Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson Comp~troller University of Kentucky B.'.LANqCE SHEET As of Feoruary 23, 194-9 A S S E T S Division AgLricultural Agricultural of Experiment Exten-ion Coller-es Station Division Current Funds: G-eneral: Cash in bank ',; Petty cash advs. State AllotmiientE Current Yr. Prior Yr. Revolving Fds. Invento:"i c 5 Deferred Chgs. Unreal. Inc. Receivables Total Gceneral Restricted.: Cash in bank,\l Petty cas'hd adl Investments Total Re- s tricted Total Cur- rent Plant Funds: Unex-,. -encleCl,: Revolv. Fds. Total Un- exDende d Construction authorized NI Investment in t, r.. 297,927.83 ,:; 73 5. 00 583, 45-3. 00 0, ' 304 . 12 785,517:72 496, 154.4:, 5 87,179.00 1, 073,4.'27. 77 3, 1 733.50 3 3 4 3, _22. 5 9 .0. 513, 387.58 2,325.00 593. 744.05 t' 131, 216.50 '423,) 29.35 ,. 43) 499, 79 882, 81 50, 000.00 57, 699.61 7.25 335, 307.91 33,940. 00 7, 677 50 146, 304, 37 712, 653. 1x 525, 211-.95 7L 95, 147.27 200.00 15.000.00 ', 69,418.63 R S57, 73. 63 735. 00 634, 342-. 4.0 9,374,.18 1, 120,3 G25. 63 550, 094.45 94,3856. 50 1, 270,3252. 14 10, o55.70 4, 579, 117. 68 ;77,953.48 -,325. 00 60, 7^-, . 05 1,109,756. 5 ; 1 69,418.63 ' 29.53 4,453,000.22 , 323000.41 ,6 5,330,640.21 ' 3,160,89,53 G 094.07 s5 ' 3,196,0.,3.60 3, 60 35,0907 9 3, 196,033.60 800, 000. 00 $; plant 14.,900,835.73 2,256,16.1.90 Total-Invest- ment ,\15,702,835.73 .:;22256,161..90 Total Plant ,;18, 863, 25.26 . 2G 291 ,255.97 .,? 800, 000.00 17. 158.997. 63 g1,950 9,97. 63 ';21. 155.031.23 ', Other Funds: Cash In bank Notes fleceiv. Investimlents Total other Funds Total Assets Loan 4,986.12 I; 1 402,50 EndowVment Azeno',r 2,489.54 ; 35,521.49 y,; m ot al 42,996.95 1),4102. 50 G Q!000Q00 193,031.96 15,000.00 281,081.96 _ '; , 74,583.62200,571.30 a, 50,521.49 $325,481.41 27,3L 2. 2 085 1.I University of Kentucicy BALANCE SHEET as of ?ebruairy 28, 1949 L I A B I L I T I E S Agricultural Experiment Station Agric ultural Extension Division Current Fundcs: General: Res.for enctimb: Current Yr.,, Prior Yr. Res.f'or inven- 272, 871.20 Z:; 43,661. 07 tories 496, 154.45 Other liabilities 78,979.00 Unapprol ,sur lus 183,300.68 Ap Drox, bals . Total C-en Restricted: Outstand. cke. Re str. bals. Total Restr, lotal Gurren 44,327.69 "; 452.98 882. 81 33,940.00 256, 567.79 4. 317,1.911.89 4-4, 996.86 530, 094.45 70,97C.00 439, 360.47 2,268 286.19 377 364.68 522,329.14 3, 167,980.01 t 3,343,252.59 712!563.14 T523,211.95 7 579,117.68 4,901.22 $ 4 $4,901.22 1, 104 855. 41 110,347.27 69 418. 63 1, 284, 21.31 ';, 1,109,756. 63 110,347,27 , 69,418.63 , 1 . 29,322.53 lt 4,4530022 52 823,000.41592,630.58 06 5.836840.21 Plant Fund.s: Une-:cended: -es.for encumb: Cura:ent Yr.6$ 2,816,403.61 '' Prior Yr. 34,078.54 Appro xD Bal. s 310, 4 7. 38_ Total Unex... pended I3,160.989.53 , 31,002.93 $ 4.091.14 35,094.07 ? 2, 84-7, 486. 54 54, 078. 54 314. 518. 52 Q 3.196.083, 60 Investment in Plant: Bonds )ayable' 1,931,000.00 Net invested 13 S10 7 Total In- vested , , 835 Total Plant Other Funds: Bal,as to principal Bal.as to income Total other Funds C. 256.161.90 '4, 1, 931, 000. 00 16,0 27.,9 97.65 '117, 953, 997. 63 '13,863, 85.26 . 22.91 255.97 ' L? 155, 001.23 Laoan Endowmrnent Agency 56 ,2^97. 61 (p 193,42`8.18 " 254, 725.79 103,09,1.01 2,143.12 50,521.49 70,755.62 = 074,3.62200.571,30 0 149 325,481.41 Total Liabilities Division of Colleges Tota. 0 r, 3,19,202.85 6 2. 2 5 6. 1 6 1. 0, 0 """) Statement of ChaanL;es in Jna otmro-priated Surplus and Surplus Plant Fun.ds For the Pei-iod Ended Feb:'uar 28, 1949 Colle, e Division General Plant Total Balances, July 1,1948 Additions: Proceeds of Boncd Issue Net gain on encumb.licuida. Transfeirs from other funds L'stimatecl Income (net) Deductions: Decrease due to encumbrance li auidation Transfers to other funds DevDt.and Plant Approps. Balances, Febrursry 28,19t9 670,331.68 391, 961,065.87 2,650, S404,,z7z7.55 8 802, 083.36 $A? 8G02,083.36 89 5, 7B7. 21 395, 70.7.2 21 120, 069.17 120, 009.17 4 547 692 37 73 620.00 4,621,12.37 620.00 4 62 50 1- y 47, 692. 37 ;:U 89 1559,74 9*.74 518,07405 3 85, 6'25 61 ,070, G69 . 66 , 4,247.37 ) 4,247.537 10,8318.45 108, 818.45 4,921,707.55 3, 852 625 61 8,774,.33.16 p5,034,773.37 8,852, 625 61 _$8, 037, 39. 98 ( 183, 300. 63 183,500.68 Ex-cri-rent Station Division General Plant Total Balances, July 1,1948 Additions: Net gain on encumb.liouida. Transfers from.i other funds Estinated Tncome Deductions: Transfers to other funds De Dpt.and Plant Apo)-ro-,ss. Balances, Februa-urvy 28, 1949 8 291,0834.46 $ 9 219.27 v; 300,303.73 25, 831.33 , 86,4920.72 112 ,374. 05 9, 098.00 9, 098. 00 933,8 35.48 933,835. 48 t; 959, 716. "31 95, 590.72 N,1 055,307.53 1,j250,801.27 L, 104, 809.99 M1, 335, 611.26 ; 19,098.00 , $ 19,09a.00 975, 135. 48 104,309.99 1, 07S 9 95. 45.7 99/5, 25-3. 48 i 104, a00.99 :4,1 099,105 47 2'53,5G7.79 p 25S567.79 NOTE: The Agricultural Extension Surolus on July 1, 1948 of $,1,267.76 was ,vro-oooriatbed in current year budget. Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ended February 28, 1949 College Division Budget Estimate EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL: State Ap-ro;oriiations General Appro-priation Colle.-e of Agriculture Summer School Repairs to Buildings Library Eciui.pment Scientific Lab. Eauipment Engineering Equiioment iKy. Geological Survey College of Pharmacy University Research Vocational Education Subtotal Federal Funds Smith-HuEghcs - George Dean Act Bankhead.Jone s Act Morrill-Nelson Tch.Act Subtotal Student Fees Al1 11olleges except Law College of Law Auditors Late Registration Special Ex:ariinations Transcr1bOts Applied lIusic Training School: Elementary High School University EXtension SubtotCl Less Amount Allotted to Plant Net Student Fees ,;2, 100, 000. 00 60, 000.00 16, 50C.00 60, 000.00 12, 500.00 50 000.00 27, 5Q0. 00 25, 000.00 50, 000.00 60, 000.00 34. 000.00 Realized to Date 'e2, 100, 000, O( (V Y 45, 000. 0c 16, 500. OC 60, 0003 .0C 12, 500, 0( 50,000.0C 27, 500. 0( 21,375.0( 37,500. 0( 60,00 OCO( Unrealized Balance e,' 15, 000.00 3, 625.00 12, 500.00 34 .000. 00 p2, 495. 500. 00 2 430, 375. 00 65, 125. 00 34, 000.00 ' .? 34,000.00 44, 867, 37 44,867,87 42,750.00 42,750.00 .1, 617. 87 ,87, 61787 3,Q00.00 $,1, 538,073.75 $ 591,31G,06 '946,757.G9 25,821.25 16,249.50 9,571.75 300.00 293.50 6.50 2,100.00 1,216.00 884.00 180.00 142.00 33.00 2,200,00 2,026.91 173.09 12,000.00 9,276.00 2,724.00 10,000.00 9,264.00 736.00 16,500.00 13,553.50 2, 946-. 50 15,000.00 2A. 080.41 9,000.41* %?l,622,175.00 iT 667,417. 88 ,p954, 757.12 66,620.00 66,620.00 ;'i,5-55,555.00 ,i,-- 600,797.88 as 954, 757.12 *Realized in excess of' estimate. Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ended February 28, 1949 Collelze Division Budget Estimatp Reali zed to Date Unrealized Balance Endow'ment s Peabody.Fund. ' 1,000.00 Interest on Land Grant Bonds 8,644.50 Subtotal , 9.644.50 Sales, Services and Rent'als Locker & Pivileke Fees 2,800.00 ii isc.iHIaint'.Z; O~erations 600.00 lMiscellaneous - Gerneral 8, 000.00 ,Ky. Geoloical Survey Rent of Institutional oP-o erty 5,000.00 Rent of .esidences 3,000.00 Subtotal ? 19 *'00.* Total 2E,.ucational & General "?4,201,717.37 1, 000.00 ., 4.322.25 4,322.25 ! 5,322. 25 &; 4 ,32,2. 25 ', 2, 871. 50 71. 50* 90.40 509.60 5,439.79 2,560.21 736.15 736. 15* 3,565.00 1,4 35.00 3 , 245.00 o4500* W t. 15,947. 84.- 352.16 ;3,140,0 60. 41, 051. 656. 5, Auxiliary Enterprises & Act"ivities Yiesidence Halls: Men Women Subtotal Less Amount Allotted to Plant Subtotal I Post Office Total Auxilli ary Enter- prises & Activities Total General 4.' General Income Assigned Total Plant Total General & Plant 64,975.00 281, 000.00 345,975.00 7, 000.00 33C!, 975. 00 7. 000. 00 64,762.81 270,029,36 334,792.17 7, 000.00 327, 792.17 6.411.59 '; 212.19 10,970.64 ',, 11,182. 83 "I', 11,132.83 508.Al _34z5, 75.00 o 334,203.76 ( 11.771. 547,692.37 tr3,474,264.60 .l, 073,427.77 Plant Fund : 73.620.00 6 73,620.00 i 73,620.00 .i , .4_6 . _ _A32 1 3 ';83, 547 , 304. 60 ;;1 .. 073., 1 27. 77 *Realizcd in e-:cess of estimate. . . Statement of State and Federal Allotments For the Period Ended February 28,1949 College Division Allotted to Date_ Elxp endi- tures Encum- brances State Allotraents G;eneral Appropriation: Personal Svs. (:2, 0G0, 000.00 $4,640, 097. 67 Other Curr.E.12is. 40,000.00 3,456.02 SubDtotal L 2,1000, 00 'l, 643. 553. 69 Ky. Geolo-ica.l Survey: Personal Svs. s$ 10, 875.00 "; Non-Pers,Svs. 7,500.00 Mats.& Supolies 1,200.00 Other Curr.Ex;s. 1,300.00 Subtotal i 911 2375.00 9, 082, 42 1, 893.12 858..65 106.41 11,940. 60 '1 4193902.33 356, 543.98 , 456,446.31 1, 017.33 160.93 44.75 1, 223.01 F"' C- 1,792.53 a,539.55 100. 42 1, 643.04 8,2,11.39 College of Agr. 45,000.00 Summer School 16,500,00 Reps.to Bldgs. 60,000.00 Library Ec'uip. 12,500.00 Sci.Lab.EIIui O . 50,000.00 Engineer.Evui-b . 27,500.00 Univ. Research 60,000.00 Coll,of Pharmacy 37,500.00 Subtotal ', 309, 000.00 C' 40, 000. 00$ 16, 500. 00 60, 000.00 11,458.70 16, 738.66 16, 182.29 12, 783.11 34,728.81 203,.441.57 " Federal Allotments Int.on Land Grantr. Bonds 4, 322.25 ". Bankhead-Jon es Act 414,857,87 HIorrill-Nelson Tch. Act Subtotal . 3'2,951.50 ,, 4.,5322.25 11, 916.37 42,750.00 41,984.76 765.24 , 91, 940. 12. 74, 936. 26 7 17 00.6 Total Al- lotmonts ,2,522,315.12 1 93 2 2 599.84 5645.16 State Revolvinr- Fund Balance Receipts Expendi- Encum- Free to Date tures brances Balance Coll.Revolv. ,502,9-89.14 ;, 475 973563 2 T84,422.68 F 744,592.83 Ky.Geol.Surv. 7, 226.77 2, 975, 89 4,2503.88 War lMem.Fldlise2, 575, 426.91 333, 289. 01 2,220,622,317 21,515.73 Fine Arts Bldg, Constr. 852,230.49 508, 992.01 553,6623.86 9,614.62 Dairy Ctr.Constr.31,330.09 20,359.69 4,036.26 6,834.14 Bldg.Redem-.Fcls. 84,120.00 34,716.25 49.402.75 Total Rl- volv.Fd. 8.5,053. 323.40 $'1,174,306.48 $3042,754.97 $336,261.95 Free Balance '? 5, 000.00 630.15 26,071.5 5 9,879.05 8,796.08 45,376.83 411.15 7, 139.79 1,i 43. 66 33, 4,20. 81 2, 771.19 55. 181.60 9 Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ended February 28, 1949 College Division Depart. Administration & General General Adrnin.Offices Bd.of Trustees 1,400.00 President s Office 17,530.00 Office of Vice Pires. 11,975.00 Comptrollerts Office 13,698.00 Accounting Div. 27,4a85.00 Purchase 6Z Stor.Div. 20,120.00 Off.of Dean of Univ. 12, 945.00 Off. of Dean of I'en 12,240.00 Off. of Dean of Women 15, 550.00 Registrar's Office 56, 930.00 Personnel Office 35,594.13 Subtotal Q225,_517.13 Student 'telfaare Lectures, Convocations, etc. I., 2, 300.00 YMCA-n-MA 6,218.00 Subtotal V 8 ,518.00 Expendi- Encum- tures brances '? 610. 83 11,9A0.80 7, 776.23 8, 474. 94 15,113.22 13,403.31 7, 534.76 8, 378.68 10, 725.65 33, 525.96 20, 913. 25 ',138. 397. 63 ,n 8, ; 707.00 4,132.14 V 4, 039. 14 Free Balanc e .'? 789.17 5, 69.20 4,190,77 433.17 4z, 789. 89 150.00 12, 221.78 6,716 .69 5,4 10. 24 154.40 3,706.92 4, 824;.35 448.04 14, 956. 00 638.25 14,042.63 823.86 I; 77,295. 64 '. 1, 593. 00 2,085.86 ', 3, 678.86 Publib Relations & General 3:;zyense Public ..ellations .? 15,350.00 9, 598.98 Alumni Assn. 6;920.CO 4,222.G8 Alumni Publications 2, 000.00 1, 265.72 Catalogs,Announcements, Party, etc. 12,500.00 3,519.08 General Exrpense (N.O.0,A2,o00.00 2,720.81 Stenographic Bureau 10,375.00 6,386 57 Out-of-State Travel 7,000.00 4,535.34 University l~adio Sta. 14?,550. 00 8,597.20 Subtotal .) 81,203.00 j 40,846.38 Total Admin.& General Expense {315,2358.13 ,'.184,083.15 481.93 ,~ 5,751.02 2, 697. 32 252. 35 3, 391.53 5, 589.39 1,773.15 0,006.04 3,938.43 736.30 1,728.36 190.00 5!770,80 -6 572.91 335,783.71 $ 16,396.77 (e1143758.21 Stateriient of Appro-priations For the Period Ended February 28, 1949 Collepe Division De.art. Expendi- tures Encum- brances Instruction Collere of A&S Adm .e Div.Exx Anatonm- & ?hysio.. Ancient Lan-s. Antlhro olog~y Art Ba-,.cteriolo Y Botany Chemistu'ry Eng.Lang.&, Lit. Geology Ky. Geol. Su, veZ G-erman Lang. History Journalism Libriry Science Hath. & Astronomy Military Science Mfusic Philo so-hir Physical Ic]lucation Physics Political Science Psychology Pub. iealthla ai yg. Romance Lan,,s. Social iUor!: Sociology zoolorg Radio ArtYs Geogra phly Foreign Language Conferences Total-ArIts el Sciences ; 22,760.00 ' 16,405.38 30,475. 00 20,2)03.30 10,234.00 6,807.86 20,200.00 12, 595.78 29, 140.00 17,7609.24 59,500.00 34,515.18 24,240.00 14,437.80 130, 2-,00 7," 465.01 145,702.00 83,928.88.S 4-5,) 270.00 23, 649.14 25,000.00 14,916.49 27,655.00 17,365.21 5, 331.00 42,535.90 27,370.00 17,693.91 19,720.00 12,578.79 91,790.00 55,360.26 5,155.00 2;990.76 50,2381.00 29, 610.65 15,760.00 11,069.63 67,157.89 42) 602.71 103,595.00 51,647.31 50,600.00 30,827.78 59, 320.00 36,387.18 ,5'20.00 6,051.20 45,274.94 26,673.67 12,385.00 6,856.27 28,542.00 16,958.33 38, 4-0,00 16,620,02 41,44-2.00 2,633.70 2,1,410.00 13,8051.42 12.70 U 6,341.92 789.02 9,4,82.68 3,47G.14 7,604.22 84.20 11,4A6.56 2,360.01 22, 616.81 193.53 9,600.67 9,017.52 46,745.47 6.48 61,766.64 2,291.83 19,320.73 523.01 9,560.50 10,209.79 22,795.10 10,176.09 30.55 7,060.66 198.78 30,)20.96 2,174.24 552.50 20,117.85 5,690.57 705.23 23,849.95 4,956.55 46,791.14 19, 772.22 309.60 22,623.22 35463.80 24.77 10,576.50 6,023.73 11,583.67 2,349.13 19,470.85 1,308.30 186.97 7,371.61 ___ _101.26 101.26* ,1,233,357.83 p,7 57,950.32 "' 24,650.38 .,5C5,757.13 *,Expenditure & encumbrc.nce in excess of approp. or negative figuwe. Free Balanc e Stater.ment of Approprilations For thc Period Ended Februarv 28, 1949 College Division De-oart. A -Omro- . Exoendi- Encum- tures brances Fre e BJ.lanc e Colleoe of En,,.:ineerinp, Ad.mini strati on ' 44-,4-14. 00 Civil Er.gineering 50160.00 Electrical Engineer. 57, 360.00 iMechanical n;ineer. -9, 710.00 ivi n in; g^ l'tllurgica~l Engineering 4;6,3800.00 A.--lied i.iochanics 2338 811. 00 Engineerin!- Drw!ing 24, 350.00 Engineer.1iachine Shop 1, 050.00 Engineer.Achllinis. 8, 940. 00 Engineer. Spta. 30, 000.00 Total-Coll.of Engr. i465.00 i2 30, 566.50 23, 576.26 37, 380. 19 27, 215.52 30, 333.71 12, 633.06 15, 732.89 13, 448.76 819.80 11, 000 21 ,.207, 706.,90 2,3 63. 39 1, 53U. 10 2, 719. 77 3,040.00 3, 660.24 1, 254. 00 97.70 453.24 1, 871.67 ~17 54 11 ' 10, 94.11 1 I 9905. 64 17, 260. 04 19, 454. 48 12, 006.05 !D 95.94 ), C)19. 41 5,148.00 8,120.20 17, 128. 12 31'9.709 99 Colle~-,e of Cor-merce Adrministrati on Instruction Bur.of BusELes. Total-Coll.o f Comm. ',, 13, 037.00 127, 06. 16 22,900.00 21G5, 575.16 'i 9 281.71 77 535. 23 11., 865.07 ,, 9 0,, 4' 83 .0 1 N , 3,805.29 50, 050,93 11 ,0391.1 9 q ';- Gs 8931- 1-0 9ollere of ArGriculture &- Horme Economi-c s Adrmin. , CGen. Exp . ; 17, 855.00 Agronomiy 29, 019, 00 Animal Industry 49,DS 026. 00 Ent.& Botany 5,850.00 Farm C10conoieics 15, 270.00 Home Econorm.ois 54, ;055. 00 Horticulture 16,970.00 Miits.& Rural Fin. 16,4'50.00 Short Course 1, 200.00 Animal Patholo-y 5,290.00 RPural Sociology 14,260.00 Dairy Center Qcluip. 5. 63 Dairy Prod.Dlclg.Ecuib. 53, 690.20 Total-Coll.of Agr. - .&2302943.K3 College of Lawr Administration Instruction lotal-Coll.of Lazw 3 9, 24L. 78 19, 473. 020 26, 456.22 3, 758. 59 9, 683.23 27, 534. 00 10, 049.69 8, 014. 64 50.0C 3, 11 .95 5, 365.00 3.63 468.62 w1 .2, 230.37 "I 93 559.40 3 5, 3(3,27 . 60, G59.55 37 095,15 7 .,81_ .0 __42 , 9 _33.4 -- 7 O3 ,16. S0n5 I I-6.4 ' 2 ,615 3. 22 109.70 9 ,36.23 702.00 21, 867.78 2, 091. 41 5 58G, 77 3 41. 50 26, 12 9, .50 48.50 6,071.31 3,4515.36 1,150.00 1,87G.05 895.00 C! 1,201.70 " G'622. 05 973.30 53, 22S3. 58 145-,53 iD4. 76 '; 3 069.08 '22 590. 60 3 25,65j. 68 Statement of Appronriations For the Period Ended February 28, 1949 College Division De-,art. A,) l.ro-o. Expendi- Encum- tures brances College of Education Administration Agricultural Ed. Div. of School Serv. Distributive Occupa. School Adminis. Div.of Instruction & Plac erment Foundations of Ed. Home Ec. Educa. Industrial Ed. Summer School Total-Colle-e of E duca"tion College of Pharmacy Adm.& C-en.E Ix-;ense Instruction Total-Collete of Pha:rr.acy Graduate School UniversitA, Research Lrg.Activities, Univ. Ext . & Libraries GEreenhouses 1S 13033. 11 35, 400.00 26, 847, 00 5,900.00 14, 020.00 135, 071.55 28, 100. 00 14 , 125.00 .2, 830. 00 2, 000. 00 ' 8, 892. 41 20, 232.48 15, 079.86 3, 635.99 9,436.23 83, 318.26 14, 539.91 3, 276.53 7,999.60 C$, 9, 14-0. 70 15,167.52 '2, 510.31 9, 25G6. C8 2, 264.01 4, 583.77 2,182.64 49,570.65 13, 560. 09 145. 00 5,1703.4Z 7 76.10 4,754.30 _ _ _2000.00 -2S2,03,.66 ';171,411.27 ) 4,914.05 ,1l3 001, 34 31 196.00 ; 18,092.62 , 470.21 12 633.17 63,285.00 25, 920.11 9,524.51 27, 040.38 , 94,481.00 &o 44,012.73 $ 9,994.72 40,4t73.55 9) 7,941.01 4; 4,754.04 o 3,l86.97 30,000.00 e 2,232.18 4, 62. 03 9 22,905.79 .;; 350. 00 Botanical a-ardens 3,3 00.00 Educa.Conferences 1, 500.00 University Press 14-, 285.00 Univ. Extension Adm. 57, 734. 89 Univ. Zxt. Instr. 11,650.00 Northern E}xt Center 20,05.o00 Libraries 232, 970.00 Bur.of Source Hats. 4,920.94 Audio-Visual Aids 5,900.00 Ky.State College 10,000.00 Total-.0,r,.Act ivities3 363,1s5.83 Total-Instruction & Related Activi- 350.00 3, &00. 00 1,345.17 154-.83 1,325.38 52.02 12,907.60 39,031.44 222.93 18,480.52 10,573.32 1,076.68 12,132.66 198.22 7,754.12 118,745.41 5,369.92 108,354.67 3,350.87 1,570.07 30.30 3,827.90 2,041.80 2,_474_53 _ 7,525.47 Q189,009.08 p 10 170.99 tC;164,013.76 t i es 2,9933,806.27 ,60 832.32 $ 7, 937 83 1, 2172900.12 Free Balance Stat ement of Apo ropriationfs For the Period Ended February 28, 1949 ollepe Division, De .t. E-oendi- Encum- tures jbrances Maintenance & Ooierations Maint., 0 Dera. of Physical Plant ('5%0, 475. 84 Special Aooro . 225, t85.31 Norwood Hall Loss Total-1.aint.& Qo. Op 7,.mn.I5 ,301,458.74 $ 59, 092. 3S 60,294.02 51,031.03 6, 853.36 11,0918.19 "?3 8 0 . 2 :;f2,*0 1., * SI;220 , 9'2-. 74 114, 010.21 13,771.55* ..,.2. 163. 0 Work in Pmoress Pe- volvin, General Stores Stores Revolv. Excess & Sur"D1us Govt . Propoerty Total-Stores Auxi iaiy 3Ente;-Drises I~Ien s RIes.Halls Ments kes.HIals- iinnex Women's Res.:alls Sayrne Collee Hall Athletics Equip. for various Bldgs. Post 0f'fice Total.Auxilirc.y Ent erpri ses 555.000,00 $ 29,585.84 7,447.95 1179 66.21 , 50,000.00 17,307.03 ; 31,078.09 '; 36,313.94 50, 000.00 9,905.86 250.00 3 4, .14 q100 000 . 00 ., 7.491. 17it, , 3 78,163.08 M 84,935^o. 00 36,205.22 ; 1,435,00 27;294.7E 236, 260. 00 8, 277. 00 6, 250.00 416, 17 116, 338,.36 7, 688.72 4,166..64 10, 661.05 4113.17* 109, 260.59 20, 583.28 2, 083. 36 356,500.00 2, 036.90 362. 25 354 100. 5 9, 580..00 6,231.89 10.63 3,337.48 U7014 802. 00 173,083b, 90 12468.93 ;515. 24 9.17 Comobined Total'&, 921, 707. 55 750.16 ;264, 671.20 ;,a,2,268,286,19 *iEx-oenditures & encumlrn:ances in excess of aiDpro-p. or negotive figluoe. Free BaL-.nc e Stattement of Appropriations For the Period Ended February 28, 1949 Plant Funds Dept. E.;: endi- tti:e s Encum- brance s P.W.A.First Bond Issue 8 35, 935.00 ; 4, 032. 75 $' P. WT.A.Second Bond issue 15,500.00 Dorm.FRev.Bond Issue21, 685.00 Fldhse.Bond Issue 11,000.00 Dicker House Annuity 500.00 Fieldhouse 2, 575, 436 D. 91 333,295.417 2, 2,20 622.17 Serv.BldG.gCons-4tr. 218,540.40 21, 509.27 218, 5C0.40 Fine Arts Blag. Cons tr. Dairy Centor 852,230.419 31,330.09 303, 992.01 20, 359. 69 533,623.86 4, 086.26 14 en Is R es . 11Z 1 Constr. 1 Telephone E:ch. Install. 8 Activating FW.A. Facil. Underground St eami Lines Surveys & Soundings - Journalism I, 20G,6. 18 ? 754.80 80. 38 6 975,. 51 89.57 8, 754. 80 8396.36 975.51 39.57 Surveys & Soi.nCings-Add. to Coll.of Iducation 67.25 Add..to Dairy P.'rod. Bldg. 13, 975.15 McLean Stad. Im prov. 4, 4446 . 90 Sprink)leir rsteili SO. 000. Q0 TotalPlant Fd1. -5,2.6175746 28G.8.l.50475 Free Balance I 01, 902.25 15,508.96 4,252.50 0.96 11,0 00.00 '16.48 17,452.50 143. 52 140.00 9, 614.62 6, 0334. 14 2, 511. 68 1 22 5. 50 67.25 10,470. 53 , 444. 90 14.93 3j 504. 57 54. 506.75 5.470.32 Total-Plant - FdW-"3. 852. 61"15. OR 725.714.62 32,.BIG.483.61 !') 3,10, tt,38 Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ended February 28, 1949 Exoeriment Station Division Budget Realized Unrealized Estimate to Date Balance State ApDrowriations General Service Labo:atories Nursery Ins-pection Princeton Subo-Station Quicksancl Sub-Station Horticulture Strawbe;r:y ltC.& Lab. Dairy CattGle Improv. HolDe-Flannagan Subtotal Federal Funds Hatch Adams Purne 11 Bankhead-Jones Hope-FPannar;an Subtotal '. 75, 000.00 ', 57 025, 00 27,500.00 21,015.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 22,400.00 17, 680.00 22,400.00 17,020.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 1,500.00 15,000.00 11,250.00 95,300.00 70,300,00 V$275, 600.00 =',210,790,00 15, 000. 00 15, 000.00 60, 000.00 95, 122. 25 31,913.23 ;.:267, 035.48 I, 17, 975. 00 6,4-35.00 41, 720, 00 55 3o.00 1, 500.00 , 750,00 25 000.00 ?- 64,310. 00 .; 11, 250.00 ? 3,750.00 11,250.00 3,750.00 45, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 71,341.68 23,730.57 63,159.93 13,753.30 .,202,001.61 ') 65.053.87 Sales & Services Serum Sales Seed Insiection Faes Fertilizer Tans Feed Insrection Tags License Tees Farm Sales Nursery Inspection Fees W. Ky7. ilisc. Publ.Anqljsrs llisc. Subtotal Combined Total 500,00 , 23, 55 5 271, -5 40,000.00 21,117, 20 18,032,0 148,000.00 194,739.92 46, 73S.92* 120, 000,.00 31;460.23 33 539.72 9,000.00 7,774.47 1, 2,2'5, 53 56,000.00 48,354.44 7,64-5.56 500.00 865.00 365.00* 16,400.00 18,312.24 1., 91224 000.00 1,337.40 5S7.40* :3391,200.00 ',374. 29.50 9 .16,960.50 933,335.48 $787,031.11 4 S.o304. 37 *Reallzed in ez:cess of estimate