xt7xwd3pxf3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pxf3j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1976 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt University, November 6, 1976 text University of Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt University, November 6, 1976 1976 2014 true xt7xwd3pxf3j section xt7xwd3pxf3j Est. Price .95
$1 °00 Tax ........ .05 1 V
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{__` NOVEMBER 6, 1976
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CAWOOD LEDFORD brought to y0u by: I -
brought to you by: Whayne Supply Company ‘
Kentucky Fried Chicken Lincoln Income Life Insurance
Webbers Sausage I
Monarch Equipment Company I
brought to you by: I I
Jim Cooke Buick
· I
Kentucky vs. Vanderbi|t—November 6, l976 E `
sr A _1
UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad-
dress—Memoria| Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506. . ~ V
Editorial Staff: Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift and Ellsworth Taylor, advisors; Jack Perry, » ° _ V
Asst. Slo ’ M .RI eye A
l Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, James Bradley. L V `
l National Advertising Representative: Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue, “ A.
New York, N. Y. l0Ol7 V ~
l . i ~ . • l E I .
CONTENTS a · ;-T__ Pjij
I . ·g..!"‘
Governor Carroll .r.....................,................,....................,................................,....... 3 c l ` Y
President Singletary .............................,........,...,..........,...,......,.....,........................... 9 _ · . _V._V V VV
Athletic Director Hagan .........,..,.,......................................,...........................,.......... 9 VV
Coach Fran Curci .....,....,....................,.,....,.............,................................................. l4 _ g··;¤y·., . . ‘V “ ""··-· ·._g
_ The Country’s Best Basketball Teams .........,......................................,.........,........... lt 5;;*
SEC Basketball Preview .........,......,....,...................................................................... 4t . C"` i `Jll ` _VIY°""’” ":"‘,‘f'·`_I
Rugby ........................,........,....,.................,...........,.............,..............,.................. TOT I [_,;g_, I i` Z "
··“' {tits-at - ' · tm . ° .
· Facts About ul< ..........,...,.............,..........., . ............................................................. 29 t. V I ._ ·
~ Jim Stuckert, Alumni Association President .......................... . .........,................... 30-3l Slo` - if .
Wildcat Assistant Coaches ..........,....,,,.....,....,,,,,,,.,.,........,.......,.............,.................. 32 Reiuxed dining in an ALL AMER-
Meet the Wildcats ..................................................................................,....... 33-34—35 V {CAN Gtmosphem Select Choice
UVl< Roster ........,.,............,...............,.............,......,..........,.............,.......................... 36 western Beef Steuki Wutch them V
Llneups ...............................,........ . ...........,............................. . ........................... 38-if? S_i_z_z_‘_eV on our Open heurth
V Visitors Roster ...,....,........,................,...,.........................................,....................... l Charcoal grin Choose from Over
Visitor's Picture Pages .,...........................................................................,.......... 42-43 26 Condiments for your Salud
. Wildcat Marching Band .... V ............. V .............................,........,.,.....,............................ V435 Temptmg Beverages! Served from
The Band Plays a Big Part in Today s Events ............... . .....,.,..................,................. t 4 pVmV to H- pVmV. for GH home -
` Round-Up of SEC Spring Sports .....,...............,.,...r,...,........................,...................... l6t V games
` Field Position ....................................,........,.,..,....................................................... l9t
. Blue-White Fund .......................,.........................,..,.........,. 61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68 V V ’
Alumni Activity Line ................................,......................................................,........ 76 N °
F It M b Alumni Members _
I CCU Y EIN ers I _ I 94'I Winchester Road ‘
Deon Marion E. McKenna, 76 Dr. Ralph Angelucci, 78 Lexington Kentucky
Prof. Daniel R. Reedy, ’76 Thomas P. Bell, '76 phony &53_0-,50 V
Dr. N. J. Pisacano, ’77
Dr. Stephen Diachun, ’77 Ex Officio Members · Franklin Squaw Mull
Dr· €l¤¤rl€S Ellinoen ’77 ot. one A. singletaty, chairman F,¤,,k;,,,,I Kentucky .
Prof. Cl‘lC.rl€$ Roland, /78 Q,-_ ROY Hgrmbgck . phone. 2272380
D¤ Rlclwtd Robe. '78 ot. R. G. zumwmkle
T M b Dr W- l—· MGHPEWS Louisville, Kentucky _
’"“""’ E"' €’$ €l¤¤<¤l€ H¤mm<>¤<¤l #1 Humbouma Park
George Griffin, ’78 Dr. Donald B. Clapp (502) 425_04]g
Frank Ramsey, Jr., '77 Jack C. Blanton V
Columbus, Indiana
Members-at-Large Student Members 25% 25th Street
Albert B. Chandler, '76 l·lal l·laering V Phone: (8I2) 376-64IO
S. T. Roach, ’77 Ann Einstainer
Clarksville, Indiana '
5I3 E. Highway I3}
Football Fans: ,
The emergency vehicle service extended those needing a wrecker on stadium parking lots is a
courtesy of "OK Garage."
l .
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HIQES 00 EQIII 0 00 0 IIB W0l S I
WAMX-FM Ashland *WHLN-AM Harlan WFMW-FM Madisonville WPAD-FM Paducah
WYWY-AM Barbourville WKIC-AM Hazard *WWXL-AM Manchester WSIP-AM Paintsville
"WBRT-AM Bardstown WSGS-FM Hazard 'WMJL-AM Marion WSIP-FM Paintsville
WCBL-AM Benton WSON-AM Henderson WCMT-AM Martin,TN WPKE-AM Pikeville
WCBL-FM Benton WKDO-FM Henderson WCMT-FM Martin,TN WANO-AM Pineville
WLBJ—AM Bowling Green WKCB-AM Hindman WMSK-AM Morganfield WDOC·AM Prestonsburg
WKDZ-AM Cadiz WKCB-FM Hindman WMSK-FM Morganfield WPKY-AM Princeton
WKDZ-FM Cadiz WHOP-AM Hopkinsville 'WHJC-AM Matewan,WV WPKY-FM Princeton
WNES-AM Central City WHOP-FM Hopkinsville WFTM·AM Maysville WHRZ-AM Providence
WNES—FM Centra|City .»WETE-AM Knoxville, TN WFTM-FM Maysville WCBR·AM Richmond
WAIN-AM Columbia *WLBN-AM Lebanon WMIK-AM Middlesboro WCBR-FM Richmond (
WAIN-FM Columbia WMTL-AM Leitchfield WMIK-FM Middlesboro WAKO-AM Russellville
WCTT-AM Corbin WMTL-FM Leitchfield WMST-AM Mt. Sterling WSFC-AM Somerset
WCTT-FM Corbin WVLK-AM Lexington WMST-FM Mt. Sterling WSEK-FM Somerset
'WCPM-AM Cumberland WVLK-FM Lexington 'WNOP-AM Newport WLKS-AM WestLiberty
WHIR-AM Danville 'WFTG-AM London *WNVL-AM Nicho|asvi|le’ *WEQO-AM WhitIeyCity
WIEL-AM Elizabethtown 'WFTG-FM London ./WATO-AM Oak Ridge,TN WTCW-AM Whitesburg
WFKY-AM Frankfort WVKY-AM Louisa WOMI-AM Owensboro WTCW-FM Whitesburg
WAXU·FM Georgetown WHAS—AM Louisville WBKR-FM Owensboro WWKY-AM Winchester
WKAY-AM Glasgow WFMW-AM Madisonville WPAD-AM Paducah
' Day Games Only I
”S°`°°`°°G“'"'” BROUGHT TO YOU ON I
umvenslrv or kentucky spoms
I mas lu; oN,k mu
{ "*°"‘ °’ ’*°“'“'““"’
l —v= ,»` ;- ,V Ashland on co, ............................................ 75
I Bell Construction Co. ,................................... 74
J Ben Snyder’s ____,,,,,,..,..,, . .,................... . .......... 5
V Carey-Adams, lnc_ ,,,,..,................................ . 74
Cassano’s Pizza .,,,.....,...........,.......... . ........... 5
{_ _. _‘» i
l ` _ J. j QC? V,·7 Cats Pause ............,.,..................................... 69
l I I Q `“·4 Z`. _I I I Chevrolet .................,.................................... 37
· ei __ _ »``7 Q I , I · Cliff Hagan’s Ribeye ..............,..................... l
¤ , ‘ ·*··· r II E; V=L_ I_ I_ Coca-Cola Bottling ...................... Center $pf€GCl
SI Cftw · I h »» I I Columbia Steak House ................................ 8
if I I Committee of lOl ..................,..................... 47
. ‘ c ., < .. `·i·‘ _
I ` — Cross Gate Galleries .................................... 47
¤ JI A _ Dawahare’s ,.,,...,............................. . ............ 4
ji i First Security ................,................,..,........... 7l
c °i` i _ ` - rsrop ...........................,................................ I3 ‘
i i` Ié · ° Greenstreet’s ...............,................................ l2
’¤ ..` -.···‘*
V I _ — Harrod-Carter ,,.....................,......... . .............. 73
‘ ` . ‘ Heritage Galleries ........................................ l3 "
, Hilton lnn ...................................................... 69 *
i l . Kendall Realty ......................................,...,... 74
i" Kennedy’s Book Store .................................... lO
M, . Kentucky Central Life .................................. l5
I ‘ Kentucky Group Banks ................................ IBC
Lexington Tennis Club .................................. 44
I I me honcmbie Kentucky Utilities .......................................... 74
iF · I ................................... 16
JUUAN M. CARROLL Long John Silver s ....... 40
GOV€_mOr Of Kentucky Magnavox .................................................... 12
» Oliver’s ..........................................................
Juiicm Mmmm Cmmii became Kentucky/S 58th gOV_ Postlewaite's Tavern ...................................... l2
ernor on Dec. 28, l974, succeeding Wendell H. Ford, Second National Bank ....... . .......................... 44
7 whe WGS €'s¤*sd TO *h€ U5 $sh¤*€- €¤rr¤'* `~¤S shiiiiids ........................................................ is
elected to a full four—year term as governor in Novem- S, P_ 75
her i975 Ghd WGS ihciugumied ih December Oi thm ir izza ...............................,..........,.............
year. BOm in Mccmckem COUNTY in iogil Ccrmii S|eepy—Head House ........................................ 70
attended Paducah Junior College after graduating Springs Motel ................................................ 6
hem h*e¤th hhah $¤h¤¤'· he W¤$ ar¤¤r¤s 5h€¤'<€r¤* the H¤¤S€· wrms ........................................................ irc
He is an active member of the Optimist Club and a . 46
iormer Jaycee. HQ Gimihed the highest Office ih Whalen Erecting Co. .,..................................
Kentucky {Or [Oy!-men Of The Cunqbgrlgnd prgsbyfgrign WlldCGl l\v -·
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F\/l0iIT©:D0w<;1h<1r©s . ·
W8415A|@><<;1mdric1 Drive, L@>
;}· the Italian one!
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_ ` ©CASSANO`S1NC. 1976
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;§_ { `ig"I`he Fran Curci Show ii? \ /%
i ...._ _ ` 'i}Sportsline 59* ‘ k__._-, J"
" ‘;:'}i;§::_P with Rick Shaw 8; Jim Green U ·_ . ·
? a `—-——--%*5 Q·. ·`,·‘.- ;·_-1} .·_· ;‘_;·.·._:_.j.;;;;_-_-;;‘;;:_=····"
'V i "Your **1 Spot {or Sports" Lexington, Ky,
1 li'! II B P | I . -
to it nnrrstna s u u
4/ TheSpringsMotelisawinnerineveryway.StopbyTheSpringsbeforeor S
¤ h [/’ after every Wildcat game. Exquisitedining.Music by the Bob EcklerTri0. i A
( `\ R€lI‘€Sl'IlTI€l1tS. NlOd€I’|’I, l'€StfUl dCC0l‘¥1IT10d£1tl0l’lS. Ample l’00l'TI f0I’ l
/ private parties. Special Sunday morning buffet. i
o\ g ` ' ‘ ‘ i
`fjti 22
A Bluegrass tradition for y
. %..··' g
L more than 25 years. 5 L
2020 South Broadway
E il
ll/éilllé GPS l tl
Kicks off the Fall Season i “ g * __
with a winning team A
of great looking high §> ’ .
fashion shoes for Q ~ ’ °
guys and gals. \$ lggvq i '''’`` L r A
[0 § A. r___ M _ F
/ S, »
%x @.1*
‘$°’ ®
6 —;§
' @1976 McD0naId's Corporation
- s M aworld E&Il\0\IS
t t
Some of the most Or when you want rnexpensrve drnner,
famous d1nner restau- to brmg a whole lot stop at McDonald s.
rants IH the world have of chrldren. The world-famous
, · a .
{ a great b1g setofGoIden Or when you re tggtgutgnt m yguf
4 Arches rn front of them. too trred to cook. mgtghbgthggd
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201 North Lime &
1425 Alexandria Dr
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i it President, University of Kentucky
` [E? •. K V * .,q Dr. Otis A. Singletary came to Lexington in l969
§ l \ g 2 Y S. ~ »’ ‘ as the eighth president of the University of Kentucky,
Q., I sy which was established in 1865 under provisions of
VM i` the Morrill Act of l862 as the Agricultural and
M Mechanical College of Kentucky University, ln l878, —
j K it » the school separated from KU and became an inde-
i` , _, pendent institution supported by the State. It has
_{ its been known as the University of Kentucky since l9l 6.
° ai; 4;, Prior to assuming the UK presidency, Dr. Single-
_ tary was executive vice chancellor for academic
\ ‘ ·` affairs at the University of Texas, Austin, He earlier l
had been director of the Job Corps program for the
. Q, >_M__ Office of Economic Opportunity, and chancellor of
· , U the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. l'll$ I
if i A many honors include the UK Alumni Service Award— ~
W a recognition rarely bestowed upon a non-alumnus of l
the University. ‘
. gg gg tit W ’ W.€f"’~;'.i
` t A { li ` _K_ I
i · _ ( it g, .
l CLIFFORD O HAGAN ·c t A ? · ·’ '
E · ix r E .; rv lr `;£>"’Y‘<$ i
Director of Athletics _"“~~»~;i. _ }
‘¤-. .~ D .=·· "'·~ —"» +;-1.
2* · ,..f1>¤;
Cliff Hagan returned to his alma mater January l, _ A _ ;‘‘ ‘ Q W ‘ Q; ,.§,~*.1
l l972, as assistant director of athletics and then was w` "“‘ i ‘ F iu. ,~_» wg; i`.
` named athletics director July l, l975. One of the _ ' A
all—time great basketball players at UK, he played ° "~`v.
on teams that won 86 of 9l games and an NCAA i ` i
championship (l95l). The l954 team, undefeated
in 25 games, elected not to play in the national _ `.{
E . tournament. Hagan set a dozen SEC records and an . V ~ ` r
NCAA record of 528 rebounds as a junior. He it .i 2
I i averaged 29 points a game, led the nation in re- . }li
l bounding, and scored a then—UK record 5l points Mw i
l against Temple in l954. i I i i .
He was All-American at UK, All-Pro with the St. _ j _'
V I Louis- Hawks and player—coach of the Dallas Chap- .·
arrals, He was named the l968 Texas "Professional J,
CO°°l” Ol the YES"], __`i1Ef§?*:}§>;g—I;§$
, .»_. " *125 i;Ei.€}i§@§j¥i&€3“"i J;;:_<,j`Tis`i?i§S¥S§é}§E®
t fl‘ "‘ii`'' s¤l NIi{-1l‘§
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, · ’ I , ) f {Jill) ';:l 1,,, ,, `· K1`, §,ll 'i| l `I l` l` I I,
·I··I*’II.1 ’ 2¤¤." In I ··: .. I. , ' .· .l.,‘ I *.1 r·II:·"=‘ . ‘ · ‘·
" ·°i•l°ib"`*`°i *1 ii I" lll `III II IIiI“Flli*li‘ I · nl I Illilll llllllllltl I · I ‘ -
l . ~ "l_{,{;lml)f·|"I{;i*gg., {Ig, ;I>l·;I_ [ I, i·liil;,{ _ ];_5.lll·li5WIlI7| _;; 1`{,,Ig‘[§‘.,· _- ¥ --,,,,4;,4,,, CNQ" `ml t .
{ ,, ',1__]'. '*'“ ',_§,é 5,... .. ?. ..·-¢¤ ' { , ‘,,' . {I _. _ ~_? L,`;¢ —A,: ,2,5 ._ ,
I ` L {Ile ·~ \ ’;;:-
I __ \ FY) ··' I `
l i i 'l'_J___ _. ..-4~-——-··‘“‘ ‘- Q L M- [ ’ · ‘ _ I , I
II,. ~—- T;;‘TJ.T'·—-··;;.1;:»T¥e?%E?';*:......... $ 3.95 Wildcat" ,,.,....,..,...i..i..,ii...i,.,i4.i,.i.i,.i.i,, $ 1.95 _,
2) PENNANT—-Royal/Colored Wildcat 23) HA`l`—Cowboy Royal w/White K $ 6.00 33) FOOTBALL _]ER$EY—Yauth,
Head 6x18 ,V.,..v....V....i.........,... . 4i.,. . ,i.., S 1.75 24) TENNIS VISOR—R0yaI and White X5, 5, M, L, Navy .. ___..i.t....,................ 5 4.95 I
3) PENNANT—R0yal/Colored Wildcat w/Ky. Wildcats .. ., ...,....,... .. 4.....l,....., S 3.95 34) $WEATSH|RT__Y°uyh, Xg, 5, M, |_,
Head 9x24 . . .. .,.,,..,........, ...,. . 4...,.l 5 2.25 25) LIGHTER—Bic Clic w/Ky. Wildcats .._. $ l.49 Navy, White 0, LL 5|u€ __,____,____________ 5 4,75 (
4) PENNANT—R0yal/White University 26) LlGHTER—Zippo w/Wildcat ....,..,,.i, $ 5.95 35) ·{-_S{_{{R-{·;YOu{,{{ XS S, M, L,
5, ,§{‘*,jL,;§,,j**°,-,,I-{-{-E--·,, ·t-·---·I- { ·e--»- { ·-··· ···$ 250 "I $$**5,,5 P.§,’?[f,EjW“"° W/“'"€ S 2 OO wha. OI Navy X _l..._. T ,...._....__...,.,..,_,_,... 0 3.00 .
—— X 0I' UTOY, 0yU 0I' EH UC Y I CO S .. .............i.........,.. . h . 4, 6, 8, {0,
Navy with Wildcat . ,..,.........l0.,i,.i,.0.I., $ 4.50 gg) r-5H1RT-Ada|t 5, M, L, XL, 36) WOO, °ut ’S`Z€S ,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,, , ,,,, $,,95 {
6) BLANKET—66x90 (Twin Size) Royal Nqvy or Royal