xt7xwd3pzn5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pzn5j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19690225 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1969 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1969 1969 2015 true xt7xwd3pzn5j section xt7xwd3pzn5j M 11 EC EMTOCECY Tuesday Evening, Feb. 25, 1960 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON Vol. LX, No. 103 GraduateStudents Organize To Gain V Voice. On Campus By DOTTIE BEAN , ax Kernel Staff Writer general feeling that "graduate students have neither the advantages of the student nor the faculty member and have many of the disadvantages of both" has resulted in the tentative formation of a Graduate Student Association here at the University. According to Mason Taylor, "The parking problem means a graduate student in the sociology Department and one of a lot to some graduate students those with cars and nothing to the organizers of the association, the graduate students involved others," Taylor said. "The real issue is that graduate students hope to make the organization have a right to some say in the a permanent one inorderto"give the graduate student a voice in University. At present, in some instances, the graduates have less University and department affairs." power to change policies than the undergraduates." Taylor said the organization Taylor said Student Governbegan with a meeting of several ment "does not seem to represent interested graduate students Friday. They set up an ad hoc graduate students." committee made up of graduate "They are concerned with a lot of issues which don't seem to students from ten departments and two of the professional apply to graduate students since schools. many of their problems, such as Taylor said the idea for a teaching loads and requirements, graduate organization "came up do not directly affect undergraduates," Taylor added. simultaneously in several departments" and that the first meeting Continued on Page 8, Col. I was planned by several of the graduate students who had "been working with the idea within their own departments." He also emphasized that the Association would be an organization. Some of the issues mentioned at the meeting, Taylor said, inCesar Chavez, leader of the cluded the lack of campus-relate- d grapepickers' strike and originalbenefits for graduate stuly scheduled to speak Tuesday dents, the lack of procedures for two UK seminars, will not in some departments to air grievthis semester. without the fear of reprisal, appear Constance ances Mrs. Wilson, actand other problems related to ing head of the Department of e graduate and professional Social Work, said a letter from students. Chavez cited a back injury as Biggest Problem Parking the reason for the cancellation. Chavez was scheduled to But according to Taylor and two of the other committee memspeak in both the" Working Solutions to the Dimensions of Povbers, Melinda Buckman of English and Bruce Bower of Politerty" Colloquia and the "Nonical Science, the main issue was violent Way" seminar. Organizer the University parking situation. Chavez was to have spoken on As of April 1, graduate stuthe theme and dents will no longer be able to the Struggle for Social Justice." "The Nonviolent Way" sembuy permits to park in B areas. The graduate students said they inar is still scheduled for 7:30 felt the University could work out p.m. Tuesday night in Room 222 of the Commerce Building. an alternate solution to its parkwithout taking away There will be an open discusing problem the parking privileges of graduate sion on the topic "Nonviolence and the Dispossessed." students. A l , it- i 1 Tie Poinf 0 Tiis Sport . . Dr. Abdelmonem Rizk, faculty coach for the University fencing club, watches Mary Carr and Kay Wathen spar during Monday night's session in the Alumni Gym. The club meets from 9 p.m. every Monday and anyone, student or faculty, who has had a beginning course in. fencing is welcome to attend. UK's fencers will meet Van derbilt here March 9 and are planning to compete in the Tennessee Meet on Kernel Photo by Howard Mason April 5. 7-- . All-Colle- Cesar Chavez From Newark South To Tuscaloosa, Campus Demonstrators Dominate-Scen- e The Associated Press Black students seized a classroom building on the Newark, N.J. campus of Rutgers University and 200 Stillman College pupils barricaded themselves in a student union building in Tuscaloosa, Ala., as another week of campus protests got under way. Elsewhere, student leaders demanded a voice in the selection of a college president, foreshadowing possible new campus demonstrations. The eight or 10 black students who seized a Rutgers building were members of the Black Organization of Students, which has been protesting university admissions policies and admissions officers, both of which they have called "racist." Barricading themselves early Monday and forcing classes to be moved to other buildings, the black students threatened to destroy the school's switchboard communications "if the police come." They said they had enough food inside the building for 10 days to two weeks "if properly rationed." One black student leader told a rally outside the building Monday, "This university will not function until the demands are met even if it means bringing the 250,000 black people of this town down to this university." At Tuscaloosa, a confrontation neared after 200 students of predominantly Negro Stillman College locked themselves in the student union building and defied an order from President Harold Stinson that all students leave the campus. Student demands for better To UK Campus food and service in the cafeteria, more courtesy from teachers and dismissal of an acting dean and a maintenance supervisor kept the college in a turmoil last week. At Rice University in Houston, Tex., the administration stood fast on the board of trustees' appointment of Dr. William H. Master son, now president of the University of Chattanooga, as the new president of Rice despite student and faculty protest. A demonstration by 1,200 persons on the campus Saturday was followed by lengthy discussions between Masterson himself and university officials on the one hand, and student and faculty spokesmen on the other. The protesters charge that Masterson is unacceptable and was named without consulting a faculty-studepresidential selection committee. nt Cancels Trip al out-of-st- at "Non-Violen- Community College Enrollments Rise Sharply Federal Gov't Plans To Subsidize College Press Service the end of the year, more than By two million students will be enrolled in community or d of the country's junior colleges. That is nearly freshman enrollment. Although community college enrollments have increased 15 percent every year since 19G0, less than 1,000 community and junior colleges serve this booming student population. Some cities like Detroit, Houston, Boston and Atlanta have no such institutions. The Nixon administration says it plans to make community college development a major part of its education program. Under the Nixon plan, the federal government will offer matching grants for construction schools in major cities. and operation of two-yeRobert Finch, secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, says the subsidized schools will concentrate on teacher training and vocational-techniccourses, "instead of the liberal arts syndrome." Monday, legislation was introduced by Sen. Harrison A. VVilliams, Jr. (D-J.) to spark the nationwide development of comprehensive community colleges. The would create a bill, which has some 24 federal Bureau of Community Education and would WASHINGTON-- one-thir- ar al Two-Yea- provide funds for development and implementation of state plans for higher education. After consultation with specialists, Senator VVilliams found wide agreement that the community college should be asked to carry a heavy burden in the future. "A new level of education is emerging," he said, "and my bill is designed to recognize the need and meet it." institutions cannot do the job Existing two-yeof them unless action is taken to "shore up" required educational process, the senathe entire tor said. for the "The community college seems tailor-mad-e hard educational tasks ahead. Its potentially low cost to students, its proximity to those it must serve, flexible admission policies, strong counseling services and varied educational programs make it the best clear hope for real community progress," Senator Williams said. The senator feels a new program is necessary to give community colleges a fairer share of federal money. Out of 24 current programs that aid colleges and unir colleges are eligible for participation versities, e in only six. Moreover, the percentage of students who take part in individual assistance programs is low. Community college students get only four ar post-seconda- two-yea- junior-colleg- Schools r percent of national student defense loans, six percent of educational opportunity grants and 15 percent of funds. Under the terms of the bill, states would admit a master plan for education to the U.S. Commissioner of Education. The master plan would be individualized to fit individual state's needs, but all would meet certain nationwide criteria: work-stud- y post-seconda- Required comprehensive curriculum plans that would include occupational-technica- l programs, adult continuing education, community service programs, remedial education, counseling-guidanc- e services and university-equivalecourses. Planned tuition-fre- e policy or evidence of adequate scholarships and grants to provide opportunity to those who need it. lower-divisio- n nt and personal development programs. The plan would provide funds for three years following the planning state for improvement of existing schools, construction and development of new ones and expansion and modernization of instructional and counseling techniques and facilities. Teacher-trainin- g * KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 19(i9 2-- TIIE The Living Theatre: Revolution On Stage Editor's Note: The following review of the Living Theatre is from College Press Service. The author is on the staff of the Chicago Literary He view. By GARY HOUSTON The Living Theatre is one of seventeen acting ensembles in the country (mostly from New York) which comprise the Radical Theatre Repeitory. According to the program sheet for "Mysteries and Smaller Pieces," all of these groups are "in the vanguard of a new pheno menon in theatrical and social history the spontaneous generation of communal playing troupes, sharing voluntary poverty, making experimental collective creations, and utilizing space, time, minds and bodies in manifold new ways that meet the demands of our explosive pe- only company with enough money and prestige to go on tour. The Living Theatre also called "Le Living" has just returned from a tour of Europe where its legend percolated back to the States for four and a half years. European Recognition riod." In this respect its leaders, Unfortunately, the only en- Julian Beck and his wife, Judith semble in the Repertory which Malina, have taken the old route has been able to really be in of the American artist who could this revolutionary vanguard has in America only get been the Living Theatre, the afterrecognition it across the receiving Atlantic. And before the sensational ascendance of its name in the circles of moneyed American "DAZZLING! Once you sec it, you'll never again picture supporters, the Becks and their company did not have an easy -4Romco& Juliet' quite the way you did before!" y (me of it. ... They began in the late forties PARAMOl NT HCiTRKS and produced their first series HI v of plays, at New York's Cherry Tkr Lane, in 1951. They stayed there for a year, taking the narrative, Product km of theatrical pieces of Stein, Rexroth, Eliot, and others, and trying to physicalize them beyond the imagination of the texts they were working with. For eleven years they resided in two oher theatres in Manhattan (one on One Hundredth Street and the other on Fourteenth Street) and they were carried, in their theatrical sense and format, along a conveyor belt which took them farther and farther away ' from the use of words in the meg conveyance of meaning. I am not merely punning when I emphasize "convey." One gets the conveyance of meaning or meanings from a particular play; but in a sense prophets and revolutionaries (scientific, Utopian, and religious) appreciate, the conveyance of meaning is temporal, and the language Beck talks of MHO CSHEA MICHAEl his company going through PN mm i m I natasha parry robert Stephens various stages of its own awareness of the nature of men (and of how they can be aware of I themselves) indicates that the most meaningful moments of the Living Theatre's experience are yet to come. When asked how the Living r life . ,.rr-nt- 4 HHK Franco Zeffirelli word-depende- nt Romeo cTJULIET :, twas-je- mail ii lJX No ordinary love story.... ' OLIVW HUSSEY LEOPiARD WHITlMG YORK mm Now Showing! (gh' ADOLPH RUPP AND KENTUCKY WILDCAT . MEDAL YOUR CHOICE! STERLING SILVER 12 BRONZE SIZE: Slightly larger and thicker than a sil- ver dollar. s475 Ea. Ea. STOnIy Only 3000 Available Nvm6r4 A Strvck la Proof Conditio The first sterling silver medals will go to the UK coaches and players. Struck V ALL MEDALS SOLD ON FIRST COME-FIRS- T 400ft Available ft Proof Like Condition J SERVED BASIS One side of the medal will carry a likeness of Coach Rupp commemothe other side will carry actual game scene, rating his 800th win commemorating UK's 1000th win. All prices include postage, handling and sales tax. Delivery Date: Late March, 19G9. MEDALS MAY BE RESERVED NOW BY SENDING OR MONEY ORDER TO: CHECK COMMEMORATIVE MEDAL CO. P.O. Box 5402, Lexington, Ky. 40505 Theatre will ever be able to communicate with the majority of Americans, Beck has said: I think this problem represents our next important work. We have to get out of that (commercial) theatre which caters to the bourgeois elite which has the habit and advantage of going to the theatre today, the cultural elite. That is, we have to get out of that architecture; we have to begin to get to those people who are damage, repressed by the whole system into believing the theatre is not for them, that they are too stupid to go, that they cannot understand it. Our work is to find them, to get them and have a meaningful dialogue with them." Suburban Ghettos According to one's breadth of inclusiveness, the "damaged" ones are just as likely to be the great mass of in white American suburbs as it is the black and poor stuck in the urban slums. It is no longer facetious to say that both segments of our people one in misery, the other in boredom-dw- ell in ghettos. I hope that troupes like the Becks' are up to the task, but I am cynical enough to know that it is a task too great to be done in one "stage"; it will take ing generations beyond the "... ed rs Becks-assum- that theLivingTheatre and groups like it can keep abreast of the changes in milieu caused by an expanding and evermore sophisticated technology. And what is their effect on the prime turf the urban middle-clasthe academic and freestyle intellectuals, the radical young and white, the Jewish bourgeois (Beck's own background), and the members of the s, liberal Establishment? The Living Theatre played in New York, Boston, Rochester and other cities before coming to Chicago's Hyde Park. In Boston, a riot was almost created at the end of Paradise Now when the cast, stripped to the legal bra limits, exhorted the audience to go out with them and "free the streets" as the cast had freed the theater. Paradise Now, as a result, had been considered a success there. People did things. Was it successful in Chicago, where it was too cold outside for anyone to demonstrate in the streets? Temperature, temperament and action: no dramatic criteria have been developed to answer such a question. But, to go deeper, what of the intention to destroy the audience's distance from the actors in Paradise Now? Western man, as McLuhan and N. O. Brown believe, orders his power structures, perceptions and everyday life in the same fashion his language is ordered, according to a "subject-object- " dichotomy, in which the two are of necessity two distinct entities. The subject is not also the object in a sentence; it is not in action. This dichotomy has been attributed to the invention of the printing press, to the awareness of sexuality (where the subject is male and the object is female), and other phenomena. But the Living Theatre could . very well believe in a cosmology which says all beings are aiming at total awareness of a single organism in which they are but (Whitehead). In components such a cosmology, men are not divided by real barriers, but by illusory ones which conceal the true nature of reality. Such a barrier is the habit of preferring privacy or detachment to participation. The spectator's anger is his exorcism of inner tensions and the beginning of his own revolt against a powerful system which constricts the outflow of his emotions, which restricts his freedom. Judith Malina says: "It is going to come out in great spurts of emotional, psychosexual, political revolutionary diarrhea; and, as in medicine when a person is severely tied up this way, I would consider that a very wholesome effect." Now. The BIG question: Does it work? I am skeptical. Beck is not worried if people are bored; it's rather what he expected, he would say. People were bored, yes. But you can be bored just as easily by staying home and not seeing Paradise Now as you can by attendingits performance. As for the other emotions stirred up by the performance, can they be harnessed into a real revolutionary effort? Maybe they can. But these emotions are n usually stirred up in and I am tempted situations, to say they end there. Is a man in the audience so stupid that he will participate in a great social and political upheaval because an actor got with him and called him an unfeeling ass? because, they might say, although he cannot logically relate his anger in the theater to large-scal-e revolution, he will have broken the barriers, in expressing that anger, which had hitherto made him impotent and passive in responding to the System. ' man-toma- eyeball-to-eyeba- ll Plastic Bag But with a compassion for the complexity of human beings which I hope is akin to the Becks', I wonder if the spectator is the plastic bag (capable of being filled up to a certain level, taut enough to burst with the application of pressure) which the Becks perhaps think he is. A human observer, because he knows he is watching a performance (something deliberated upon and rehearsed by actors and directors), is not merely caught between socially imposed norms on the one hand and emotions on the other." Being intelligent, he knows that an actor is an actor (yes, even if the actor is black). If he is bothered and uncomfortable when an actor shouts at him, it is not simply because he has a tolerance level which is being approached with each successive indignity. It is also because he wants to know what is the dramatically suitable way to respond without hurting anyone; because he wants to know what no one will tell him what's he supposed to do? What's his place in the script? If they tell him, metaphorically, that he must write his own script, Continued on rage 3, Col. 1 The Department of Theatre Arts Presents xBadi of fthe Moon' Directed by Charles Dickem GUIGNOL THEATRE . V february 21, 22, 28; MarcH ' 1, 2 Admission: $2.00; Student; (with I.DV$1.00 Boi Office opens at noon daily. Coll Eat. 2929 * THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Feb. 25, l9-- 3 Movie Review Cassavetes' 'Faces:' A Brilliant Nightmare Of Mental Nausea By JACK LYNE Kernel Arts Editor "Faces" is a nightmare. "Faces" is about things that don't work-li- fe styles, marriages, jokes, Joints, arms, legs, organs. "Faces" is a Kafkaesque pile of psychic stench, portraying eleven miserable people who somehow never manage to bring their open, angry wounds together for healing, who somehow talk to, scream at, paw, push, bed down, and brutalize each other without ever really touching. "Faces" is McCarthy, a greasy, paunchy executive, fighting to keep his whore, turning to her in his one moment of honesty to babble, "All these lousy years for a big house, a big wife, and a kid who wears tennis shoes," then mussing his hair, rumplinghis clothes, pulling out his shirt and down his zipper, he bounces down a corridor, raucously affecting satiated gaiety, anxious to convince his business partner of his nonexistent sexual conquest. Four Years Editing "Faces" is the culmination of John Cassavetes' sedulous efforts, three and a half months of snooting, four years of splicing and editing. Cassavetes has brought back from the cutting room one hundred and twenty nine minutes of horror. One hundred and twenty-nin- e minutes of being alive. He utilizes a deceptively innocuous, almost shopworn plot, a explosion of a fragile conjugal gestalt, sending Richard Forst out rummaging around for play for pay, while Maria Forst heads out to the local pub to pull in a professional stud.. Using for the most part handheld cameras and harsh, hard lighting, Cassavetes and photographer and Associate Producer Al Ruban relentlessly follow the action, focusing sharply and closely on the features of the cast, creating in the viewer an Writer-Direct- one-nig- uneasy sense of closeness, a desire to stand back from these rather average people who seem much too much like you and me. No Exit However, the only egress left open by Cassavetes and Ruban is the Downtown Cinema's front door, but the camera eye stays at that seamy, sweaty, distance, revealing each twitching muscle, each facial flaw. Against the harsh, unyielding realism of the camera work is juxtaposed the meaningless rhetoric of Cassavetes' dialogue, conversation that is always believable, sometimes inaudible and often senseless. The way you and I talk. Though what they are saying and doing is intentionally devoid of almost any feeling or meaning, Cassavetes' cast turns in an almost flawless performance. All purportedly agreed to work without fixed salary, consenting to perform in Cassavetes' experiment for only a percentage of the film's receipts, an almost unheard of arrangement. Cassel's Cameo Their commitment is obvious. Seymour Cassel's portrayal of club hustler, is Chet, the o a magnificent cameo. John Mar-lewith a craggy roadmap of a face, is quite effective in projecting Richard Forst' s jerking, ambivalent search for meaning. Cena Rowlands (Cassavetes wife) as Forst's whore and Lynn Carlin as Maria Forst are equally good and equally believable. For that matter, the entire work is much too believable for comfort. The pace drags at just such a humdrum, "believable" rate in the early stages, lulling the viewer into the offguard passivity inherent in viewing the mundane. From this blandness, howof ever, comes the "Faces," creating in the audience a suspension of disbelief, an involuntary relinquishment of the self-financ- good-nature- g, Indeed, you may find"Faces" quite funny. Reactions to the film have been remarkably diverse. Forces Reexamination More likely, however, you will find yo ursel f di st u rbed wh en leaving "Faces." You may be quite reluctant to talk to, much less touch, another human being. When you do, it will be with perhaps more honesty than you thought still possible, for"Faces" forces reexamination, whether you're sheathed in Villager or army surplus, hooved in Bostoni-anso- r boots. John Cassavettes has barged out past the danger signs on our nerve endings, out to the edge of the unspeakable, the unthinkable. He has brought back brusquely and, yes, brutally, barbs to tear off the artificial fabric each man builds around him, forcing one back down the dark corridors of the mind, back to that level we all at one time discover, a level that is our own individual "truth," a level of living that long ago proved much too painful, much too vulnerable to maintain. Never fear, though, we won't remain in that naked, dissonant state long before again we're all go-g- o madly playing our games, mar ning our defense mechanisms, defying our personal gods, theorunning rizing, rationalizing, hard and fast from the often inseparable nature of honesty and pain. But if you've played Cassavetes' game with him, "Faces" will still remain tucked back in the attic of the mind, like some nauseated idiot child left to die its mad death. This is a very significant motion picture, but one that part of the battered self demands be shouldered back, pushed down and smothered, for "Faces" is a nightmare, and therein lies its great value. The Kentucky Iernel The Kentucky Kernel, University Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. Mailed live times weekly during the school year except holidays and exam periods, and once during the summer session. Published by the Board of Student Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986. Begun as the Cadet in 1B94 and published continuously as the Kernel since 1915. Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any false or misleading advertising should be reported to The Editors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $9.27 Yearly, by mail Per copy, from files $.10 go-g- y, super-realis- in m Le Living Paradise Now? Continued from rage 2 The Becks and their company sincerely believe that he will, d he resorts to humor and and if that playing-alondoesn't cut the mustard, why then, he'll leave because he's sorry, he just doesn't understand the game. Those who do get violent and excited are doubtless the good, histrionic raging people the Living Theatre likes, but they aren't the ones it wants to reach. Some emotions are gut emotions but, cursed as we are to be intellectual as well as emotional and visceral creatures, we will always come out with those dramatically ineffectual, embarrassing remarks and reactions which can ward off or deflect the Living Theatre's onslaught. Frankenstein Monster People are getting damned clever and hin, each in his own way, and they are hard to fool. The mass media have accomplished that. We can keep our cool; we can remain uninvolved; we can stay insulated. Tragically, we are not unlike the Frankenstein monster. We do not receive a quantity of emotional and conceptual electricity which each of us will one day exorcise in a tumultuous revolution. O: do we? If we do except in more intricate and subtle ways than I have given Beck credit then we must for prophesying await an even grander exhibition of "symbology" and effort from the Living Theatre to pro rigid delineation between actor and audience, a sluggish realization that what is happening on the screen is no longer received as some reflection of reality, having instead become that reality. Laugh In fact, the weekend's crowd at the Downtown Cinema virtually became members of the cast, laughing uneasily at their fellow faces' frantic efforts at creating some semblance of being alive. Laugh while Marley spiels off a long, corny monologue of bedroom jokes, trying to cover with contrived mirth the abyss between him andhisbunkmateof fourteen years. Howl while Louise, Billy Mae, Stella, and Maria circle like some madly salivating voluntary harem, surrounding Chet, the prize brought back alive, a chance for each to swim back into the vortex of youth. Giggle while the four fondle him with their eyes, leering, and yet all the while maintaining a measure of the reserve and decorum that characterize all Civilized Beings. It must be funny because you and I act like that, and, well, it's just funny, isn't it? Isn't it? voke us to revolution before that company goes from legend to cliche. Paradise Now has not done it even for those who congratulate th? company for its concept and objectives. The congratulations themselves, though at least temporarily cannot be given too heartily. mA iaAiiffffji? m3RB If mm (WUT5TI& n MS you're tired of using two or more separate solutions to take care of your contact lenses, we have the solution. It's Lensine the lens solution for com- Lensine exclusive for proper lens hygiene. It plete contact lens been demonstrated cleaning, and soaking. Just a drop or care-prepa- ring, twoof Lensine before you insert your contacts coats Bacteria cannot grow in Lensine.aCaringforcon-ha- tactlensescan beascon- Murine Company, Inc. surface making it smooth- self-sanitizin- n mm 4rx V CtMCMMMV( f wu3c1he HI non-irritatin- Cleaning your contacts with Lensine retards the buildup of foreign deposits on the lenses. Lensine is sterile, and antiseptic making it ideal for storage of your lenses between wearing periods. And you get a removable - venient as wearing them with Lensine, from the and lubricates the lens er and s g, that improper storage between wearings may result In the growth of bacteria on the lenses. This is a sure cause of eye storage case on the bot- irritation and could seritom of every bottle-- , a ously endanger vision. few * 'My Word, Mr. Laird, You Certainly Do Make A : YCUJ Tower Action Proponents of the reverse dorm "boycott" movement got a boost Wednesday when the Kirwan Tower Governing Council voted to give its official support to the measure. The fact that Kirwan Tower would put itself on record on this controversial matter indicates there may be hope yet that dorm governments can be meaningful affairs. It is to be hoped that other dorm governments will arouse themselves from their apathetic drowsiness and also come out in support of the Student Forceful Argument!' until the priority deadline. SG President Wally Bryan vetoed this bill, however, and the assembly ended up passing another bill asking students to submit the applications on the earliest possible date to register their displeasure with forced housing. Since then Dean of Students Jack Hall has told dorm residents that there is no such thing as an earliest possible date for submitting applications. Boycott supporters have agreed by consensus, however, that April 1 is to be the day applications should be submitted by students wanting to register opposition to the new housing pol- Government-sponsore- d bill. certain amount of explanation is in order, however, on the boycott itself because recent events have confused the issue somewhat. The boycott was a weak measure in the first place when it asked students to hold their housing applications A icy. Who knows, though, what it will take before the administration here really begins to listen to the The Kentucky Kernel of Kentucky University ESTABLISHED TUESDAY, FEB. 25, 1894 1969 Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University. Lee B. Becker, Editor-in-Chi- ef Ban On Democracy President Nixon seems to have laid his preparations quite thoroughly for his European tour-ev- en to the point of having his advance men arrange for a ban on demonstrations during his visit to West Germany. It seems that our President is worried about his personal safety, a most legitimate concern. But when this concern is of such a degree that the man running this country, supposedly the bastion of democracy, is willing to have suspended m the normal rights granted by free governments, what kind of impression can he expect to make? Ironically, Nixon says one of the reasons he wants to make his European tour is to sound out the pulse of opinion among European people. This seems highly doubtful, when along with his ludicrous hand-picke- d group teas, he does not want to run the risk of bearing the brunt of dissent in the street. Kernel Forum: the readers write if Student's Warning d, To the Editor of the Kernel: How much longer can one university, so prestigious, and with such a moral and academic responsibility, continue to press the students echoes of condemnation and outrage beneath its bureaucratic thumbs of apathy and red tape? The University is growing but in a different direction than that of the students. The housing policy is, only smoke where a fire is spontaneously crouching. A head-ocollision is imminent unless the administrators recognize the students as a function of this huge machine they run. Not just an incidental function that the administration can replace when it doesn't work right or wears out, but r