xt7xwd3pzx3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pzx3s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1981 1981 1981-12-09 2020 true xt7xwd3pzx3s section xt7xwd3pzx3s 3 1 . ? ' ,2 ' -? 23 . 2-. ' ”Ryvj;.‘:3.=7;35§;3t§.-¥r m:.v153‘
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temperatures today; higiu will be in [I ' 4 ,
3! the mid 30s it will be crystal clear ‘3; t D "
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Voi.LXXXiV.No.80 An Wt snident newspaper since 1971 University of Kentucky 5'.
Wednesday. December 9. 1981 Lexington, Kentucky 3.1;
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3‘ Photos by STEVE HENDREN/Kernel Conn-tutor R ' €33 . 3 R;;_g,3, 4: it”? ’1 23 3 . 33 3 . 3 3
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Urban Cowboys n..- ’3 -- “‘“ R c :3: ; -3 '3 '
Asteer that escaped from the Blugrass Stockyards gave someliexington wrangienalittle trouble _ R -'- " 8 3: i ' 3,; 3 ‘3; if i'
I yesterday. Above. an unidentified pedestrian-turned cowpoke helps to restrain the belligerent - ? ' -2 ‘? -- a g i " ' ‘ 7‘
4 bouvine until a sedative could be administered. Right, five men from the Lexington Humane ' 3 ' ‘ . Rm, _3 3 ' 4 ‘ V ‘ ' ‘
Society try to fence the stray steerinnear the remainsofthe Phoenix HotelmW.MainStreet.The ' "'" 3 ‘ . .. 3......3, . m ‘
? steer was eventually tranquilized without injuryandretumedtothestockyards. .., ”W“ 1 " ”1"” m“
Trustees form forest comm'tt t 'fts '
———_——._ conducting mining operations" in the messed interests in mining the P” any possibility of mining in the area should look at the property as a possi- received upon the closing of the
By KEN ALTiNE forest which was given to UK by the pcty.” was discmsed. ble way to “contribute to the allevia- estate.
A3800“? Editor E. 0. Robinson Mountainlfimd. Singletarysaid. however, thatthe The recommendation, passed tion” of some of the financial pro- Nineteen appointees to the
UK Prasident30tis Singletary said boardst have a set policy before unanimotsly, said that the committee biems facing the-University. UK/Business Partnership F0unda.
3 that the committee was needed to . I In other finanClal concerm, $500,000 tion Board of Directors were also ap.
Aspecial committee tcthe Board of establish a. board policy concerning commlttee to form “I: was accepted from William Shely. a proved. The board, which represents
Trustees was formed to study the the poss1bleuseof the 15,000 acrsof m y fellow with the University. The diverse segments of the business
possible surface mining of the Robin- forest land. 3 . money,3 donated in the form 30f world, isinvoived in generating funds
son Forest located in Breathltt, Knott A recommendation read to the f" secuntles and certificates of deposn. from mgm and industries for the
and Perry counties during theboard's board said that suchacommittee was me Imon or is earmarked for a student scholar- CollegeofBusiness and Economics. ?
3 } monthly meeting yesterday. 3 “appropriate because of two facts— The administration has no ship3 loan fund in the College of In other actions, the board approv- ‘
Theboard created thecommitteeto the severe budgetary crisisfaciilgthe By_DALE— G. MORTON tablished ‘delines r di Medicine. edcandidates fordegreesfor bothUK »
evaluate “the legal, envnomnental, UmverSIty and an nicrease in in- AasistantNewsEdit es 3 3‘” . egar "8 The board also authorized the nd the Co 't Coll te
' - ? - . - or Robinson Forest salt suggestedthe . . a mum y ege 5Y5 m
3 economic. and technical aspects of qulnes from third parties who have ’ . establishment of “ uasl- vedth n ' i f id
—_ Board form a comm1ttee to resolve endowments" from the estate: {Phil 22:;er e ' cmeration 0 pa -
0 an coupons. '
the problem. 3
R n sa 3 he can ’Iivo’ ‘ RR“ Rm“ WW “It R our belief RR R .1... cut E'Séfifii‘ifdmfi‘md‘i‘afi' “..me.d’°“°"“e ”"5 3"" C°“"°"s
eaga y toexaminethefeasibilityofmining Board policy should be adopted estate or 35683370 9‘30 3:3)“ 3: ret from paying agents from Ju-
' h d f‘ ' d - - mt. University-owned proverttiéd ti," prior to any discussions concerning scholarships for, graduate “gems; gigfi9nduuca°uglmdilgayfiggietzgtbwanyi
w «m eastern Kentucky was appom’ ' " . . ‘
It a [at esp‘te In Board of Trustees Chairmaz $118333“: gotgutsh? 332311.332" the Collfige of Agriculture engaged In chance of double billing or Payment.
' __._.—_ William Sturgill yesterday. establishing the committee. rasearc - 3 3 the papers are to be incmerated and a
. By OWEN ULLMANN David Gergen disputed earlier The action came on the heels of a “It does seem to me that you (the 33352312: 35:33; i‘fif‘fi: cemf‘cate °f 5°33§°tl°n m“ bfimed‘
Associated Press Writer reports that Reagan had been handed WM W00 by the Board t0 Board) need to appointa committee University has already received ofAt3t3-eecommen ion to :men :0 311:
__ - the revised deficit figures last Friday, approve a resolution charging the that will raise the question. ‘Should $28 500 and an additional :3 000“” be mbggermtrfigula 3:235 0
. Gergen, who refined to discus canmittee With “evaluating th: we, under any circumstances, at- v , was w1 scuss .
WASHINGTON — Faced with specific figures, said the president Wimfimwwimmmlc an tempt to minethecoal under Robin- . -
_ record-smashing deficits that could saw the new numbers for the first toolmical “Poets ; 0f condustms son Forest? " hesaid. “Itcjould be Campus hOUSIng avallable
3 top $100 billion a year. the Reagan ad— time yefterdaymedgfigg :1 gecko-1e? Famine; PWEWE‘S“: the “03m" yes or It mdfim We $11k that ,
ministration now says it can live with presenta 10" 0" et 00 y om ’ - a . acres l,” question answer
its strategy against inflation and high Theadministration’s defiu’t outlook WtandPchnh§. tee focus its attention on several —______ 3 _ _ 3
interest rates. has worsened dramatically in the Appomted to the five-member points'l‘haseinclude: ByClNDY DECKER filloutallousmg 899110330" and 983)‘
in a turnaround from President past few months because of the committee by Stursill are: Steve wObtaining expert outside legal Senior Staff Writer the first "Emblem 0‘ 31093 when
l Reagan's longstanding assertion that developing recession and a signifi- Miles (chairman), president and council to gain the benefits of their _: A will be refunded if a student is not of-
- ~ 4 4 . cant reduction in inflation, trendsthat chid executive officer for First advice; '”' fered a housmg space. The in-
! defiuts areacause of inflation,senior 3 ; _ _ ; d l‘ . y . . . .
, White House economic advisers reduce anticipated federal revenues, Kentucky National Compratlon in wTo be keenly aware of the pro- 3Stu ents who want to iveianver- stallment is forfeited. however, If a
f s t yester day to downplay that White Home officials said. “He Louisville; Albert Clay, chairman grams inside the University that Slty housmg next semester probably student is offered housmg and refines
relatiomhip. One member of the (Reaganlacceptedthefact,"Gergat of the University finance commit- areusingtheforest; fian,3sald Jean Lindiey, director 0‘ "- d ts no t ‘de hall
? Council of Economic Advisers. said. 3 3 3 tee; forma' 8"me Edward T- .43Broaden those program areas gagence hall and G Pa e mi? en ‘1 Chaccep "5'; {ice 'th
William A. Niskanen, suggested the The administration plans towhittle BI'QIt-llltt, an atttx'ney for Southern to include input from various ‘ "Flash; 3,3 _ mg mus ooseamea panw1 _
connectionis virtually nonexistent. down the projected deficits fa- lm Railroad; Qonme Wilson. faculty groups and individuals outside the apartment spaces are avai a e or it. The plans are two meals-five days
The“ defense of deficits came in and 1984 througha newmundofdeep normative to the Board; and University who are concerned the spring becatzse of hlgeceihber aweek.two3rnealsseven daysafirrek.
the wake of reports from administm. spending cuts in domestic program. Homer Ramsey. an attorney in aboutthefuture otthetotest. 8mm” and 5"}3 ”“5 W WI 33"“ Weemwb-fwe days 8 “9°“ 0‘ ee
_ tion sources that a new. bleak But several aides and many [rivate WhitleyCltyfiy- 3 _ “The time has come fortheBoard return to school. We always 6" 3up meals-seven days a week. Students .
33 forecast prepared for the presi dent economists doubt the president can Mila saldthecommlttee wtu pro- to begin to grapple with that ques- at the (:2: of ufiofétlll semester glith who live in the Greg Page abpa mentj
last week showed the budget deficit make much headway so long as he bebly meet With!“ the "e!“ “V0 tion,“ he said. “If the board feels 50$“! 5‘ entsw OP Wt. Lin ey are not required “so uy m3:a3
surging to a record $109 billion in continua to rule out deepa cuts in weeks to “detertmne the 300W and that we should not consider mining 5‘" - till plans.0ff~cdmpui 53‘ enfsd mad “3
fiscal 1982‘ 3,523,311”. in 19338,“, 3162 Social Security, a slowdown in his set an agenda for cooling to a asapossibility,thenthc committee MW fflmfe Stud?” 8;” 333 any 0‘ ms‘emw “"531 k“? '0‘
billion in 1%. record buildup of the military W workable recommendation. But the need go no fartherBut. if the on the waiting lst or3spr'lng. s e sat a one meal-five days a wee p an 3
Sources said those numbers or significanttaxincreases. recommendation will probably not answer is yes then another subset the department am‘c‘i’am havmg 3 _ Students 3Wh° $9333; 111,? :2
already had been revised. though only Meanwhile, House Democrats vow- beavailable fora long time. 3 of questions needs tobeanswered. SW” for “(913’ studenth requests Umvem‘?’ mmg an “0 l e
slightly. by the time Reagan met with ed Tuesday to m an agreement “We’re3goilig to 3313;: all the time Singeltary said that the addi- Spring housing. as it; past years. The move todlfferent residence ha3lls next
his advisers yesterday afternoon on between Reagan and musical we need,‘ Mles said. “We have to tional questions included: “Under waitingllstlncludes reshmen and up semester can usually do so. 3 though
his upcoming budget plan. Republicans to cut an additional 34 have I total understanding 0‘ the what circumstances will we mine, perclassmen 0‘ both 59’“ and has "m0“ S‘Udems “”193 “'3“? to have
Chief presidential spokesman See“DEFlClT“onliIle5 lee-implications." and what will the funds be used #W‘mesame "‘"nbemfsmdems °“ already d°“° 5°t 5?“ “it“
Hesaid it was “just impossible to for?" it as last year’s spring semester Sutherland. administrative
3 - n . put any time frame on the issue. Singletary cautioned the Board waiting list. There is usually lessde- counselor 3
mll mm to be Inade 8” We’re looking at something that‘s members not to confuse these two mand for housmg in the spring. Students want to change residence
_ . . down the road maybe four or five issues“l do not think that this is Ligdley said: 3 3 hills toge closer to classes or ”XS-I3;
years." an nshrush 'ob3" ncampus lvlng IS more 5 e sat 3 Or sometimes, 5t n
am Ml“ 0f myan ”mm W to President Otis ghestions 2mm reporters afta- economical titan off-campus living, move to get away from their room-
- W» theBoardmust grapple the meeting regarding personal Lindley said. “A studenttaklng room mates "Sometimes they don't have
- -———————.—. promised any decision withintflnun with one main lune, “Are you will- views and/or hopes about thefuture andboard can certainly 113W better for the same values 0" study habits and
-' ”3’ WHEN“: "U" — but merely committed itself to lngto. . .minethefonstunderany ofRobinson Forest were avoided. leis money than residing!" town meycan‘tworkltout "
mm“! Press Writer delivering a status report one two-to- ctmnmtnncog?" “we propose not to talk about it" increased homing and dining rates Sutherland said the residence hall
__H three-month-oid review of us “We need to have a total until the Board has a set policy, could occur If there were enough life office encourages making
political and economic relations with mac-standing of the legal implica- Singletarysaid. vacancies in hotslng, Lindley said. changfi early and tries to schedule ' 3
? ' WASHINGTON — President Libya. tiorts."Mileasaid. The I t m m t . She also said. however. an increase them by “launching “Hoo3efully.
Reagan conferred again yesterday Gergen did not exclude the Famation of the committee is came i: 0:133 Sin Tie“ swig for thatreasonwas highly unlikely. we‘ve done3most of the movmg 3— .
with his security advisers about poeai- possibility that a decision would be jmtifled became of two major Si ngletar and reg}! infltloowthe 3 Lmdley said students interested unless there sareal problem. . , .If it ,
ble sanctions against Libya for its reached that quickly. He ma the mw‘mmWMQid record “13:30 not have an one] in oncampis housmg for next worksout l can move someone andl 3. .
' 3 allqed plot to kill American leaders. reviewis “nanowingdownnow” and, "The severe budgetary crisis fee or related interests ex my; make semester SWd come “’3 the WINS think _It a legitimate mOVe. i ll COH- ,
and Senate Majority Leader Howard “We’ll be in a little betta' shape to lag the University makes it sure that the Universitp of Ken- office. 218 Peterson Serv1ce Building. sidertt." 32
Baker Jr. said ”There will be 8 Mi- talk to them (congressional leaders) wry to “he a “refill look at tncky mim the mtg! benefit . . .3333 . .
sion within the next at tote hours." in 24 totahours." thaseaaaeta of the University which from this valuable asset s d 37;; .
Baker, R-Tenn., said the options in- imports of Libyan oil already have might poulbly contribute to an ' .‘j-R" 3
elude a ban on further US. oil pur- shninlt to less than ale-ultra of the alleviation (1 this severe financial "Whether or not the mineral in _ " ‘ -
- chases from Moammar Khadafy's level earlie- this year. poblcn. Robinson Forest will be mined is a Yes. more basketball Victoria for both the 10d!" and flfltkmm . ' . 33
government. Baker said Reagan may soon ask "We havebegun toreceive an in- basic policy matter that should, and Seepageror stories and photos. 3 33 . _
Soon the Baker's statanent, Congreu to impose some mm m "limb“ d "Hum” from will, be decided by the Board of Alternatives to the inefficiency of PPD are examined in today's t.‘ ‘ ‘3
WC. White "M “Mm" 38‘th “WM but hid “m in m M ”Tu” Who hive “W Trustees of the University," he editorial. Soothe "Persuasion“page \ , _
. _ David Ga-gen summoned reporters meantime that legislators hold off lntu-aatlnminingpropeny.” said. -' ‘, '- 3
.. and said the administration had not accumulator-pasts r“ 3 ‘
D a t i -. i . ~ 3'33; 3‘
‘. 3 3,33 ; ‘. ”,{tfi‘fi
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\ Riot;- .
g 4‘ 3th2-.ssa toss-son. ,, . ? "r aw, . W3.. {W‘esx w R ' " ’ V I V ‘ . V t A i ‘ . V . .‘ ' .. . . .. ‘ ‘ .,‘ ‘ .“I "“WVR;’¥32:;;.
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33 3 3 ~ra£w$333333§3£3$523,333$“:EEJi(figf‘gfigrfigjzi-rfé434333.33),332%“; 3.3;,2333. ’3 3 1 3 . "tit, 1:34.33? 333 333 : E‘étfi 3323‘33“ 323§§3e if“; 3:333 3 fix‘fif’y3iKMéffiT’, ‘ 3h:3,‘33‘ 3 5‘23: r :3 : 330;?" 3,,33‘ ,V. "313’: 1. ,!'_3, 3 3“; '3 twg‘ik‘ealfig
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"’ “33’“,fi“ l H ‘ K t - FM" ' ..'..., ‘0"-1O-fia-b—N .. 0. ea. t sacral- a. 0.. a}. . . V 1.....- 4“ H W" ‘5” '7 533,3. ' U t u ‘~ U 1 " ’- " I". 3' ‘ 31" "3" ,3 4;. . ‘ 'V T' ‘, ‘ 1.9:" J! 3’34
p 3 1=t33va€31€§rhi§§j3 ‘ Wv-N .. .- 1 MM... 1 - , saw—m..-“ w.” fl “ -.1..-..-.. “.1“_3.~3 W............ ‘33 t‘ 1m.
“‘5; t
A. 1‘3“! (1» “at” “—_.—“y
;- “gift ‘ 3T ‘ Bill swiden atria Ash Pom lineal. Anne Charles Lin Wallace M. Chandler noun ;
‘13:;- . Editor-mun! uranium Jane-“llam- Sporusdnar Entertainment sailor "monitor 1
1..;.2T;:‘-’ 3'3 .3; . beheld-te- ' .
33f»: .111'3' ‘ . persuaSIon Jed“ Rudd uni Kadaba muse-uter- Steven W.Lowther [colic Michelson While"
“131;. - ' 3 ' MIIIQEGIW-Copy Copy Edltor AIIIIIIntSpu-taEdiwr Assistant Entertainment Editor WW I
vim -. . ‘ l l KrN'IWK"
3.3 . 3 3 . . KlrbyStephens
~ . . l Kernel I new» .............. '
3‘ I Anson-late Editor-Ne“
._ ;_____ ____.________._ l * -..___ ._____._,.__._____._ ._._
..... . 1. ~-3 , I I I W'e ;
- Budget crlsls requires »,
. 3&5" w ,3 , .3
ha 'n PPD' habits ll' ' 'i E ' ih i "
- c “999' 3 . es incosmo VerSInce e. i
it - a ll '
The Physical Plant Division, the Univer- tirely at fault. It’s common knowledge that cu an‘lc PU '6 6 er 6. S e
sity’s primary repair and maintenance opera- PPD workers aren't paid much, and some of I 33 ;
tion, has just been granted a $13.2 million the illogical procedures to which Wessels is 0 °
, budget for the coming year, more than 10 per- tied are mandated by University governing cmVlncC a"' e ‘ S m e 3 .
cent of the University’s 1981-82 share of state regulations. . '
General Fund revenues. The real problem lies in the way the Univer- “ ll ,/
And most of that money will go to pay its 824 sity distributes funds for maintenance and e 0 0 M3,, yiwfl 3 3 3
_ employees, enough to staff each of the 136 repair. Every dollar going into PPD’s coffers 1 an l ‘ 15 53,3 ‘E 3 1
“ buildings listed on the official campus map for work performed on campus buildings ° t,
with at least six full-time workers. comes from University funds allotted to each We ,3 _ 3% 3 3
With the money and personnel at his department for that specific purpose. If a ‘ fie ' g
disposal, it would Seem that PPD Director department can’t afford to pay the price PPD ~———' ec‘ ? gin?
James Wessels could run a top-notch opera- charges, it can do little more than complain. yeti“ '
tion. Most people familiar with this campus, And if its complaint is not satisfied, it has no 3 fmem .re“r
however, can recall being directly affected by other recourse than to let the needed repair “M”; ‘ w ‘3“ ’ ivti-g‘fi
3 . at leastone PPD screw-up. work ride — a situation that has led to the in- . ,5 Q: 63+:
creasingly shoddy condition of many Universi- .. - ., ;3 ' pg {
Perpetually bumed-out dormitory light ty buildings * . ‘ 3 , / {,3 I
' bulbs, slipping elevators in the Patterson In short, the PPD saves the University 3 33 \\ "”5‘. 3‘
Tower, trees planted one month and pulled up money by prohibiting University departments ” 33 1. 3 3 3 3 my > . @333 0‘32; i
the next; electrical connections with exposed from ordering repairs because of its excessive “‘““"““‘"-‘**---*~‘-~'-33‘ 33 "#25533" 1m. g - \ -33 ‘3. ;‘
Wires. $140 billings for plywood bookshelves, prices. And that’s only going to cost more in m " {ti—fig fig ‘ I
~ . - . ~: ~’_'——'— ‘1 . ‘
3 four men sent to do a one-man Job — all have the long run. In a time of budgetary cnsxs, ' Amtififimfi 'fiaf
been documented by the Kernel in the past boondoggles—suchasthe PPD obviouslyis— rkwmmmm, «I 5- '23:; a I
811d. most likely, will be in the future. should either be reformed or replaced. (CW '- redraw... C .. "ii I
Wessels demes his department is inefficient, Certainly, it would seem more logical for the © é/tW {8/ 5
and 3Jack Blanton, vice president for business University to contract privately with outside ‘ j
affaus, has gone so far as to call the stories firms to perform the services PPD presently . _
; “all has.” 3But PPD employees lounging provides. Such contracts could be bid com- How umes have Clam (fa me WNSt)‘ : .3
around Job Sites for hours at a time are a com- petitively, assuring the lowest possible cost to ' ,3
'mon snghtoncarrgpugand Wessels admits that the University, and if the work performed 1K 1 .1
some of the diVlSlon’s methods are less does not meet certain standards of quality, a m meets [Beds 0f “mm i-
\ “prodlactlze” fig: they could be. replacement can be found —— unlike the PPD, I . _ 3
It’s on tful PPD administration is en- the only game in town. 0f MI W 3-
. In terms news coverage. ng ‘,
1 ‘ i ‘ {is ' - . .
- '- . . “ ' " Thlslsmy fmal Kernel column. The forts or should the tobacco industry
’ -. .3. ,{x' WW 3‘, .- ‘ demands of becoming a physician m itseln
_ - . .. ' - GONNA ;‘l- .9 have finally becom too pt'essixlg to ' ' e At times. the Kernel has seemed
-.7 1-2“; 11‘ l“ M FOR ;,", _..- ' .9 8110‘” me to take these biweekly Soitisinevitable there is some ele- nottokmwthebasic structureofthe
. ”2?.- . gm y 3,: lyifl‘ M jaunt-s «aside the world of the merit of “old-timer’s complaint" in University.
”7353f, : THIS!" l] ”3“,! If , / MedioalCenter. my comments (though in few places It has, for instance, ignored the
, . . . . H. 3, 3 . I‘D 19- »; Afta- contributing in one form or otherthantheKernelcouldfiveyears University Senate this year; there
- _ .;1-. film i“ ‘ 3 anouialormu-eflianfiveyearsto oiworirqualiiyoneasanoldtimer). have beenfew stories about that
. ’ .. t 0'6? 7, 5.17 - v the pages 0‘ the Kernel. this is pro- Familiarfacesaregone; comfortable body. Yet, the senate sets the
.- _ a " i: 7" 3 . bablythelasttimemybylinewillap- routinehasbeenchanged. academic policy of the school. It
an ear - ‘ l ' n J ' 1 pear in this newspaper- It is a bit- None of that, however, can change makes nuts~and~bolts decisions about p
' ' r a -3. (5* _“.';’. 3'. . _ 7:5,: tersweet Wen - fond nostalgia thefact thattheKemel—or moreac- everyday concerns of students and k ‘
‘ - ‘ é " f“ “1.- -'.‘,-1;"‘ H . lit/‘3‘ - fortheKernelofthepast,disappoint- curateiy, those who run the Kernel faculty members suchasgrading and .
I 1‘ ' . if 1:" , ‘ :3: ment WiththEKerneIOf today. have lost sight of what this withdrawal policis. Yet the Kernel
t . (fix .-: i a ‘31 ; ' . ,1!!! i \a: FirstJhisneedstobesaid: someol newspaper’s role is. At one time, if has ignored it. it is as if the
I ‘ _ % gs. .- ' - 9‘1"»? ,‘ . "i thebesttimesofmy life have occur- onewantedtoheanactive, informed Washington Postdecidednottocover
‘ g 5“ fi 95*” ”LEA . . r 'I , , 1‘“ red within this paper’s offices; 1 memberofthe University communi- theU.S.Congress.
' I ‘. -' .. fa;- " ”M R "1‘ ' --\. formed friendships with co-workers ty, it was imperative that you read ’l‘hereareotherproblems.
' ‘- . ‘ " £33.. , B7“ Bic; / W . / 1.315% here that Will endure a lifetime. We the Kernel. That is no longer true. Theeditorial page,onceboutinga
3 3 3.3;}. ', 1; , _. 33 \. 3. .5935}, /3\ , 3. 3 ' ‘- Acre-ear 3 werepeopleengagedinadlfficultjob Sadly,thereportingoftheKerne3lhas large contingent of student colum- :y
1 ,3 ,W' eh. : ‘. -‘ "'2 '1’ ii..- 3'" ,, 1 x that. few Others understand: declinedtosucha point that it IS no msts, has been mcreasmgly filled
" . THC... [W . t- 1 -.“ - ”'1‘ \ . 2? ‘1. '13 1 pllbllshlngadallynewspaper.Andwe longerevenpossible. with the work of syndicated colum- 3
1 ' ”j 3‘41" 31, 5333.92.1trg": - '- ‘ ,"‘\' /o . div 2 ‘0 were workim againststiff odds —we Reporting is a newspaper's most nists. And only one of the four 5
.- m --'1 ~. " I? *zrf. ‘ "" '- / '_ ' 9‘ ‘ were all full-time students. “05¢ are basic job, and it is thejob the Kernel students who appear rqularlyon the s
‘ - 3 infiewfii 543%. oi , - 7‘ 1-3."? re ‘ ’ 1 ' ’12 ~ the circumstances that produce hasdoneleutwell thisyearfl‘hedd'i- page this semater will return next ‘
3 33 _. V 33 54‘ I333 {“53 33333 as .1 W am bonds and vivid memories, ciaiciegmbroadandglafing. semester. The quality ofwriting has , $
., _13-2 11, 3,343 {L’I‘ET‘V ,‘ ‘1 3; _.,3- e ®3u3m\3‘3333333 memories thatcanbemagnified with .e They begin with the failure to continued a slide that began several 8
“'3 ‘ 1': ‘5' "7"". 1.“ ’ ' ' ‘79.” " * " WW” VMSrv-w- time. report simple matters of Public years ago. Technical errors of jour—
recordofinteresttotheUKcommuni. mlism abound. 33
. ty, The front page of the Kernel bears 3
For example, the imtitution of a the legend “An independent student 3 S
u new crosstown bus route linkim UK newspaper since um." 'lhe Kernel g
with the Versailles Road area was became an independent paper 3.
- never reported. because it was a vital paper, actively _
Help national defense. Turn on a sional spin-off like Teflon, but that'sa get hurt, It’s only dangerom if ““3 Wt °‘ 3 may in “We“ ”PM“ “d cmenfine °" “W“
“5"" 9"“ Y?" may. use an m steep price to pay togetoutofscour- something goeswrongn' But it’s the w'mfil'f'gamdm‘msf’dfi mefifigjlmgmaegam'g 3‘
electric appliance. Since we 0 I I 0 I I I 0 I IMMMtemlet-S- bomb you should demonstrate 9. use Cri was m (m cess ‘
Amencansareinclinedtoplaythe Inthesameveinisthesls-plus agaimtJt’sonlysafeifitdoean‘t Campus me "3’.” never; Theft t ofi tex- l
, partofdoltiah lumps when iteomesto it into enough electricity to light up billion president-commnder-indlief work. At least the power plant isn't explained — WM 3"” the m- . " 5“” mg: the 3
matters nuclear. it maybe months Los Angela for a year." Now they wishes to spend on a new military mewe- wj” he ‘ ‘Wtiakme a“! a“: :tencel rgefinzncsiaiumle 'val was
before the government's new policy say there is no proof that any communications system, most . crimes supposedly e 913°“; W 0‘9"”: ti N am ” the
onnuclearpowerwutesinlnl in. American nuclear planthasever kill- notably the charmingly acronymed ©igi by King Features Syndicate “firm“; :1: :30?“ Kt"? inhg’“ on. 30”“ thougl: the
Again, we can thank the guys with ed a single person. Not yet, btlt if the ELF (for extremely low frequency) arres a on”! UK m" . “begun prosper3 eat
the Coke~bottle3 eye glasses, the local power plant 3n supplying radio network with its preposterous Mend... m Hoffman mi... 0,, W153? we?“ {53mg out?! Is maxilla. new ethsptgm
nuclear engineers. for the radioactive ammunition while lt3‘s 56-mileantennae. mug. of national importance in his mimm Pm? my“ a of :63 fifim'w-mmnume offices
breakthrough winch has made our toasting your bread, that is In a pu-iod so grotaque that ac- svndlcatedcolumn. “Ty sex ma . 3°“ PBS 3 338'! art the K 1 3
newut nightmare possible. They wickednesssufficialtlmtotheday. curate reportage is a form of satire, theft In UK WW6 W88 never Perhaps 11“ comf . "M 3
have figured out a way to take the (Incidentally, for thoee interested this naughty ELF has gotten less at- 3 W1 _ has becane canflacent. This pug: ,
radioactive fecal matter that com- in learning how typical this latest tendon than it merits. Nevertheless, a ' my 3 w M Include the malect 30! has ruggfimfi 3332.3 - -,
merualnuclear generating plants put curve is in the way nuclear energy thepuhlicly stated purpose dElJ-‘is m "8e? ques ions 0‘ University 9"" Y — 3° i 3
out and suck the plutonium out. has always been handled, I mom to make it enig- for our high can politic and issues. The paper seems lifeless.
Plutonimniswhattheymairehomh. mendTheNuclearBaronebyPeter mandtorunmemicleuhoiocamtin mmtmmueflIe‘ wwwaflmmflmtatesother 'Ihinsmtwbemtmeduaper-
outot. Pringle and James Spigelman; Holt. anexpedinnaly,aaliconmuad man- autoimmune-unread"..- mwsrapm to mm unmnt mm! at“? 3:30 the 3mg and
We'regoimtomdalotofthestuff Rindlart and Winston, New York, net-.ELFwill make it poggibietokin mtypdnewumm iaeuuoftldscampm.Anexamplez $228?“ tfrierlgsmlhthi mm
became, after we’ve made the $165.) . morsoOmillionpeopleovex-apa'iod edhuulleJe-Ieh- nae-gun.“ The Kernel he! been content to Month! V9 and t3 k ‘39-
thomantt of warheads for the The only way commercial atomic of several weeks rather than in one one. print waresewlce summations 0‘ This is 'duteedi‘h “0339;300‘3 3 3
_ neutron artilleryand bazooka shells, power- generatial can be pulled on seven-hour spasm of destruction. W l'" W M “-“v "' “he; maps“? 3m“ 3°th ‘12: ’ "1 root: roots that are too ‘\
3 we’ll needmulbigbomb meta-is] the power buying public is if real always provided,ofcoursewe’verun transom-Immune". mm'hfimt’b‘ecgle 3 ea Wetterflnthecantantl ““3 13.,
, fel'tllefltimtedlt.ooo—yat,tilat’s coatsareldddenbytakingthemwtof our frittes «nigh to supply them «Wummm1wm fleece . “Y e W"! . ya? ‘ that y ly 5..
light — mm niiclenr pop. for the malthly electric hill and hidng withtheplutaiiuintodoit. mumuum.-ew-u We Wm - 1‘ lt with ‘0' ““8 ”um” ”I“. ma
3 WM'aMXmi-flept'o tilerninthetaxbilldfthelocalpublic Onceitwaapouibletosaytothe melamine-Ital“ suchanimtitutialtoconductvalid, ”m'm‘d' MW; theft. “'3- ‘.“ .
mm.0h,andbytheway,evenaftc utilityhastopayandpasonthecoets peopleupetova-TlreeMile Island. minimum-'1 Wt research when it i‘ he "0:“ bill to m" 3m.
3 we'vegottonellhornbgndemnit otgettiagndalimtornicmtee.the Diahlociiayonorwhicheyerreectar mxwme-ruu-um M“"“""’°f"‘°"'“°“°”‘° "’ a; '3' d "u” u
1 oltheeomma-dal reectore' wuta, monthly bill for a two-loom apart- isnextdoortoyou,“book,umu ”lunfirItya-llefiafltem tobacco Mitt)“ Should the tax- mm” m w "
t we’uetlnheetuelrwithtomuldtme mentmitthtsotoaoo. unswhoojiemhmbody’smto Wuw- payer- mmwwme“ m tun; Known”?
_ g :radoective ads-nae that we'll Whetwillheppuliathetthebqiert- m2: some.m gated 2'3.
- E vetoetoreeomewha-e. Motheruwillpickuptheeosta there ' 3
3' 3 .113 ,: ‘l‘hepeetacmpliatmmthceu ofrqiroceneingeothetthedlarges, m mm ”mm dfiwx-mgfmgh'
. 3 3 towlpeoutthelinedlvidl'commc- wildlwillbelnuemrillnotappeerm ”“3 I" m 3, 3‘: “mm on V“
33 . .1 cial from military ms of atomic thewarmwhowedefememaany mm m ”A W mm I.” that m. u for the
33 3;»_.3 3 W.NOMIMIWM. mire then they do at your momth m- m, 3 It ”’7 “3‘” m I“ mm 1 3°". .3 .03. ’3'
’ t Immhtflhhtnisoot try “‘“h”&”m mud- 1‘3 “it" ' ”a H: am. I I ” Ines” m. mmmtodhumybehmly' -
at: i. i... a... W‘ on a. ‘" m 3" “‘- ' ' ‘ \ ' m“- “mm““m'”
._.3:.3,3.3;3,._.3, never tp to its moor . one- mnenl lie-06M \ \ i whoha reedtlliecol lot-ti- i 1
. in good and has always unseeded its from who] atomic may, the at. ‘ / .3 ’/ '- 3 ,3" ‘ YW‘ V‘ m unm Join
”Mr «petty ferret]. My yea-em it separating war W from peace ,\ ‘3. 3 3. (:1. .1 1m, 3;; .35 animal.“ m3 . Iran 3
Ma meddaethteellldogthetwoud WJndmaclmfrompaece e ’ 51;...33l‘e " up. 3 ‘v -- ‘ ‘ i, 331. 3 3‘9; ‘ “a l “a “mums, bid m M”.
.1 31,; it make electricity "too chem to solace. Thi- NASA i sold in as a '\ ,‘ ’ 't 3 or ' ‘3 1i . .- k? ‘4 3’ W“ In a [“3 I “my. made an
.. 3_ 3 meta." dvtllanmeerdlmam, what it is ‘1 \Nfl,: "71'3“; ‘ t ‘1‘ 3‘3.\{“ ‘2. 3".v,‘ m". be“, Mum“, 13
.; . 11» W em and to MWmem-Ak MM, ,/, , . 7 mm- . N’ mallard McDonald la a mud-year -
. ~ _ .2: M-thmhm mewmmFW-“m ......-..‘..-.:..... ’ -._.....~;. ”Wm-..“ - -.-...-.............. medical random and former Kernel ‘
3 33 3 1““mdummm {ammty,fiflmm- tea—u... ‘. ‘ D'_I-i. —l-———-... h‘.—_ Wudtw- '
13 ‘ e u I' ‘ . ' ‘ ‘ 3
i. _