xt7xwd3pzz3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3pzz3b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1988 1988 1988-10-04 2020 true xt7xwd3pzz3b section xt7xwd3pzz3b  

Vol. XCII. No. 39

Forum for

Staff Writer

A forum featuring
the 13 candidates for
Student Government
Association freshman
senators will be held
at 7 tonight in the
Donovan Hall lobby

The purpose of the
forum. sponsored by
the Freshmen Rep-
resentative (‘ouncil, is
to introduce the can-
didates to the freshmen, said Senator at
Large Paige Foster. Each candidate will
receive two questions from a panel of four
people. she said.

The 13 candidates are: ('arol Von Yount,
Sheryl Beasley. Lance Dowdy. Thom


Prohibitive policy

is finally

Established 1894

Payne. Shannon Morgan, John Wedding.
Catherine Monzingo, Joey Spalding, Kenny
Tinnell. Allan Putnam. Michelle Ortego.
Erik Young and Jim Barton

Four of the candidates will
freshman senators.

Senators from the (‘ollege of Nursing,
College of Library Sciences, (‘ollege of So-
cial Work and the Lexington (‘ommuniiy
College also will be selected this week .

Sf‘l‘Vt‘ ilS

Voting will be Oct. 545 at various polls on
campus, including Donovan Hall. the (‘Otlt
plex Commons. the Student ('enter and thc
M 1. King Library.

()nly freshmen may vote for freshman
senators and only people in thc repi‘csenttr
tivc colleges may yote for their colli‘L’t'

Studean must have a y'alidatcd Stiidciit
II) to vote


by administration

By JAY Bl..»\.\'Tt)\
Editor in (‘hiet

t‘K students 21 years of age or older are
not allowed to drink alcohol in their doriiii
tory rooms. according to the t'iiivers‘ty til
cohol policy released yesterday

But the policy leaves the question oi
whether studean who arc of legal age can
drink in fraternity houses up to thc indiy'id
ual housing corporations. which have
leased fraternity liousc property from the

Although the alcohol polity differs little
from the prohibition of alcohol on campus
the last two years. lllf.‘ l'f‘lt‘ilSt‘ of ycster
day's policy marks ttic first. tormal
statement of the t'iiiycrsity‘s stance to
ward alcohol on campus

An alcohol policy has been discussed loi
more than two years by a committee and a
task force. both of which recommended
that students 21 years of age or older be
allowed to drink in their dormitory rooins

But Art (lallaher. chancellor for the l,c\
ington campus. said that since on percent
of the students in residence are underage
allowing students ‘2! years of age or older
to drink would cause enforcement prob
lems by forcing Resident Advisers min t
“police role more than they are now "

There “w as no compelling reason to pro
Vide a conyciiicnce for to percent of the
faculty ‘Sltltlf‘llls that was going to cause
its fairly serious problems in monitoring
the other {to percent. the chant cllor said

Although the state attorney general
ruled two years ago that :i l'iiiycrsity dor
mitory room could he considered a private
living place. (lallaher said that opinion did
“not take precedence oycr the prerogative
of the landlord to set rules for what took
place in there ‘

(‘yndi Weaycr last years Student (loy
ernment Association president. said having
a policy allowing students '31 years of age
or older to drink would not be a greater en~
forcement burden

“We‘re not talking about inherently a
different situation than we have in the rest»
dence halls now." said Weaver. who
served on the task force l'nder the more
"liberal" policy, if a minor was caught
with alcohol in the residence halls. they
would be disciplined. while a student who
was of age would not

“That seems to me to be a pretty simple
policy . " Weaver said
In fraternity houses. how'cycr. enforce-

ment becomes an entirely different tSStlt‘
according to the alcohol policy

U;tlldltt‘t‘ said that alcohol in tratcrnity
houses required different legal consider
atioiis than the residencc halls

in residence halls the t llt\i‘l‘sll\ has a
housing contract with the student.
Gallaher said in fratci'nin-s 't'l\' docs not
deal with the students in housing. but with
the indiyidiial litiltsttlz'. "Itl'ltittJlttil‘ thinnyl
ii leasi-

Although thc thaiicclloi' "\pf'tlm in:
housing corporations to enforce the pola .
the t'iiiycrsity does not hayc eiit'oi‘ci-inint
rights ill the fraternity (LAWN-i

But it a fraternity iloc~~ yllllillf‘ the ,u;
repeatedly it can hc illllll‘illt‘tl
registerid student organization. the it;

l't' going to ie
ccrned it the law tor example i~ .'ttll'1l:‘tl it
ly \ioleitcd in letting alcohol rlou fr‘i‘cix
those under 2t

tik :i l‘t‘llt’i that the polity has
.iiinounced f \{tttl Edwin Hendrick
dent of the lntrat'ratcrnity "oiincil l'in
lust glad it's out Finally it's on paper l"
nally at teast grceks and people in iltlt‘lil‘s
and everybody know what .t .s .iiii :hut
can make it work

Hendrick said he know .«lizit
type of policy each t'ratcriiity . nousmc
torporation will enforce out he and there
is a national 'ri-nd of ti'atcriiitics 'o tic ill“,

St};\ PY‘t‘S‘ltlf‘lll James liosc said ‘iigl‘
this point Housing corpoi'atiom
really taken part in i‘lllttl't'lttL’.
alcoholpolicies ii‘iti‘.itcrii:t‘-,

Placing the burden of enforcement itl‘
fraternities :s .i tremendous :‘espoiisil ii:
I)". said Rose .i ‘itt'tlllit't‘ at \lptizx
(lamina liho ii'atcrnity

Vice t'hanccllor tor \riministr.ition .lzick
lllantoii said he and 'y'ice i'liaiicclioi‘ 'or
Student Affairs James Klltlt‘l' would talk to
each housing corporation ilioiit the polio.
within the next 60day's


~57 t‘t’ . i

‘l . I ‘i
t 'ltttl .Mtiti H"



Iltws :iot

'1.t‘ii 'itt'
noha‘. tt‘l‘Jtl


The policy also leaycs ipeii the tttiSr-lltill
'y tor haying alcohol tilt ‘.‘ prop-
erty for private events Sllliit't'l 5o 'he t ix
administration's approval. lutttttlt: 'ltlt’S'
tions about the possibility oi i‘SlélltllslllllL‘. l
campus pub in the Student toiitci‘

tin t‘l‘Stl‘.


Vice ('hancellor for Student \tfaii's
James Kuder said the possibility of .l giiib
in the Student t‘ciitei' .s iii >Sllt' itiniit

\t't "(H H \. ticks "in

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

All names and Social Security numbers
will be called in to a central office before
the student Will be allowed to vote This is
to avoid cheating and voting tWice. said
George Hagan, SUA election chairman

"We're really tuned into controlling
cheating this year." said Hagan

At a meeting Wednesday night the Stu
dent Senate lteyiew ('oinmittee voted 13-8
to throw out the freshman and special clcc

“If we did not change the ruling wi-
would haye had to postpone the election or
the students could hayc protested the yal
idity of the election St-tiatoi‘ at
Large Ken l’iiy ne

"it had to he dropped or the Judicial
Hoard could have i'iilcd the election as in
azilirl,‘ llagans‘aid

(‘aiiipaigii results
"i p in "liiii'sda'.


‘.‘.tll tic iltillttlllltt‘tl at

Independent since 1 971



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Tuesday. October 4 1988 .

freshman senator candidates tonight at Donovan



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“spams "i



Opening exhibit brings out art in


See Page L


settling in.

See Page 3


New UK women‘s tennis coacn





 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. October 4. 1008


' Dinneen settling in as new UK coach

Hy SALLY Vl:\(‘\
Staff Writer

As an assts
tant to [K
women's ten»
ins coach Sue
ltudd last
year John
llinneen “as
iirem much
.illowed to do
is he pleased
iiir‘ the trip in
. .‘lll_\ Kats

\‘ue gHH' IIlt' free reign to do
what I could do, Dinneen said
'S‘iir tuisrit reeling threatened
ind m: r‘callj. worked well togeth-


\iler Rudd resigned as coach
list summer. Dinneen was given
he chance to run the program
his time as its head coach

He s made the must of it

Dinneen a 1983 Harvard L'niver»
at} graduate VHII] a bachelor's de-
gr'ee .n marketing. said he is deter

mined to make something of the
already successful Lady Kat team.

A native of Winter Park, Fla.
Dinneen has an extensive back»
ground in tennis

But he said he never thought
about teaching tennis. especially
after being named the 1983 Most
Valuable Player in the Ivy League

“I definitely didn‘t plan on a
coaching jni) in the beginning,"
Dinneen said 'After I helped them
(Harvard) for a few months after
graduation. they eventually asked
me to stay on and assistant

Dinneen was the assistant \'al‘Sl-
t} coach and head coach of the jug
ruor varsity teams at the presti-
gious school until 1986

During the time he spent there.
the team went to the NCAA tourna-
ment, a feat which had never been
accomplished before by any coach

Dinneen's next stop was Univer
sity oi t‘alifornia at Berkeley.
where he spent one season There


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“Ideally we hope to be
in the top five in the
nation. We have the
talent to do it if we
John Dinneen,
UK tennls coach


he served as full-time assistant to a
top Division I school.

Dinneen helped lead the Bears to
its finest season in 1986-87, winning
the Pacific Athletic Coast Confer-

“I was very happy there, but I
was hopeful of a spot opening up
here (UK) which is why I made the
move." Dinneen said.

The 1987 summer kept Dinneen
busy -—- he coached the United
States Tennis Association Junior

.0 ,9

Q \

’b ’9



Federation Cup women‘s team —
until the break he‘d been waiting
for finally arrived.

UK contacted Dinneen and noti-
fied him that an assistant coaching
tennis position was open. He came
to Lexington right away.

“I liked the program here be—
cause I knew Mike Patrick and Sue
Rudd quite well," Dinneen said.

Patrick was a former women‘s
assistant coach.

It wasn't until the summer when
Dinneen got the official head
coaching job, but he found his work
already cut out for him.

In the Volvo Tennis Collegiate
rankings. UK is ranked eighth in
the nation.

Dinneen said he felt that UK has
the ability to move up as high as
the No. 1 position but also had the
chance of slipping to 15th.

"Ideally we hope to be in the top
five in the nation," Dinneen said.
"We have the talent to do it if we
try "

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Mon Thur 8 n m *8 p m

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Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor


Staff Writer

UK senior Olen Grant stands
five strokes behind Ohio State's
Chris Smith after 36 holes in the
prestigious Butler National.

Grant fired a par 72 in yester-
day's second round for a two
day total of 148 — good enough
for ninth place among the 90

The Wildcats' Steve Flesch re-
bounded from an 81 in Sunday’s
opening round to post a one-
under 71 yesterday. UK‘s low

With a 36-hole score of 152, the
Edgewood, Ky., left-hander has
climbed to 19th place.

As a team, UK is tied for
eighth with host and 13th-ranked
Illinois. Oklahoma leads the 18-


Cats tied for eighth
in Butler tournament

team field of strong competition
withatotal of 589, 13 over par.

Ohio State (594) and Washing-
ton (600). each tied for the 20th
spot in the latest rankings, are
second and third, respectively.

Duke and Tulsa (602) are both
fourth, followed by Missouri and
Virginia (6%) then Illinois and
Kentucky (610); South Carolina,
ranked 18th, rounds out the top
1081. 612.

After 36 holes of play in the
Memphis State Women’s Invita-
tional, only one shot separates
lSth-ranked North Carolina and
Nth-ranked UK for the second-
round lead.

UK, who led UNC and Duke
by two shots following Sunday‘s
opening round. looks to overtake
the Lady Tarheels in today's
final round in the 17-team field.




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The Kentucky Kernel

- i"..‘ f.,.i ill CI‘ili‘I
Iiw .iii~'t‘ Edit-.1
A.»‘1C‘(.iiili} III-1”

‘ I UIIQIlilI I.'\I|I“‘I
Arts Editor

’ Sports Ldilrr

: lr‘liolo Ldliifl

' Advertismg Director

' Assrslaot Advertising Director
Production Manager

The Kentucky Kerriei is published on class days dar on firm

Jay Blanton
ltioriias J Sullivan
Jim White

C A Duane Boniler
Rob Senq

lam Spalding
Randal Williamson

Mike Agin
linda Collins
cleft KuerZi
bcott Ward


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The Kernel is printed at Standard PUbIISh'I‘g and Print “ft 554 Buck»
. nan St . Sneptierosvim, KY 40165
Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky wa. Roam
35 Journalism Blinding. Umversrty of Kentucky. Lexirigts' . KY
05060042 Phone. (ROM 25 72871

75¢ WINE










Architecture is depicted
as art in new exhibit

Staff Writer

The Lexington Council of the
Arts, Inc. and the East Kentucky
Chapter of the American Institute
of Architects are cosponsoring
“The Architect as Artist“ exhibit

The exhibit features a wide vari-
ety of art mediums. including
sculptures, photographs. wood-
working, paintings and stained
glass by Kentucky artists.

Several large-scale sculptures
that catch the visitor's attention
are about six feet tall and are con-
structed of wooden blocks with
some chicken wire and metal. The
sculptures are abstract in form and
also are featured in photographs of
outdoor settings.

()ther photographs are of people.
furniture and rocky outdoor scenes.
One interesting work was created
by cutting several large photos into
strips and alternating the pieces
creating a long abstract work.

A contemporary wood-and-giass
coffee table is being displayed as
well as several stump carvings
which are mounted on candle-stick

\‘arious paintings also are fear
lured in the exhibit. There is a se-
ries of abstract landscapes done in

By I \.I It. \ h. SI TTOV
Stat“ ililt

\\'ITII.\'.\II. .\\'I)|
Rated It
(‘annon Video

"Withnail and i” is a British
comedy-drama about two out»ofr
work London stage actors trying to
cope with the end of the 1960s

.-\t the beginning of the film.
these would~be thespians find
themselves "drifting into the arena
of the unwell ” 1 'Paul {\icGannl
tries to deal with his disillusion-
ment and unemployment by inter-
naily commenting on his situation.
which ey eryone does
Withnaii tRichard E Grant i. his
surly. pompous friend. chooses to
find solace in the bottle no more
constructive, but at least we‘re not

blue and green watercolors. Other
paintings are done in acrylics and
oils and feature blue-brown
abstracts to blue-green bottles and

The exhibit represents a wide va-
riety of artwork while combining
with it the principles of architec-
ture. There are many drawings
and paper pieces that solely reflect
the architectural style.

The local chapter of the AIA cov-
ers the eastern third of the state.
which includes Lexington. It is a
professional organization featuring
more than 200 licensed architects,
associates, professional and stu-
dent affiliattes. The organization is
designed to sponsor technical de—
velopment programs. professional
development seminars and special

All of the works are by licensed
architects or graduates of architec-
ture schools. The works were
judged by the East Kentucky Chap
ter of the AIA by artistic merit.

The exhibit opens tonight with a
reception from S to 7 pm. at Arts.
Place Gallery, 161 North Mill St.
Music will be provided by the
Bruce Lewis Group. The exhibit
will be featured until Oct. 17

Gallery hours are 9 a m. to
4: 30 p. in. Monday through Friday
and 10a. in t02p m Saturday




burdened with a complete analysis
of it

For the tiresome first half of the
movie, the two spend their time
musing about insignificant details
of life and describing them with
complete non sequiturs such as-
"Even a stopped clock gives the
right time twice a day " They do
this. of course because they can't
deal with life‘s more pressing prob—
lems lie. the economy. the advent
of the 19705. etc i.

The two decide to get away from
the decay of the city and move into
Withnaii‘s uncle‘s farmhouse i'm


Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. October 4, 1988 — 3

Rob Song
Arts Editor

5 Bruce Lewis Trio employs
an expansive style of music


Wooden sculptures like this one are part of a new exhibit at Arts
Place that demonstrates the art in architecture.

Lively second half, addition of third character picks up ‘Withnaii And I’

sure this was supposed to be the
humorous part of the him you
know, two effeminate city boys
roughing it in the country but
humor in writer'director Bruce
Robinson‘s script was lacking here

Yet JUSI when i had pigeonholed
"Withnail and i" into the overdry.
pseudo-intellectual European llop
category. 1 began to like it Signifi
cantly. this was about the same
time a third party came onto the
screen to divert my attention from
all the whining and pettiness going

Richard Griffiths is particularly
notable as Withnail's rotund. tlame
ing homosexual. 1,'nc1e Monty His
presence immediately livens the
film and adds a dose of iiiitch
needed humor. especially when he
has designs on the unwilling i

As a side note. i could never ile-
termine anything concrete about
the nature of Withnaii and 1‘s

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‘ budil .'

11111 :cruiutl \

lsil t a typiral


basically all female thlii“lt"t‘i\ are

suspiciously missing froir ”11‘

screen tin the other hand iiotb

Inert seem to be too much 3" Me


Contributing ('ritir'

The Bruce Lewis 'i'rio l> a 11110“
year-old tau ensemble hust‘tl 111
Lexington. They usually can be
heard playing on Friday evenings
to a steadily growmg audience at
The ("heapside liar Although Elm
trio also peitorms throughout tilt
region. jazz. patrons can sometime»
catch them at The Main tyros~ 'l an
em upstairs at liefs'iivii's res-um

All the itit.‘iill)t'i.\ Brute 1.1".\1.\
on gu1tar. 'i‘om t'ovelio or. Miss and
Tripp Brattoii on drums coiitrili
ute to the total and soiiewiihiig
duties. Lewis. however
most of the lead \ vical w oil.

The trio also picks up Litlt‘sl wit.
ists from time to limi- ii‘.1ii.pi-'t'
Al Hood and Lamar iii-auto:-
well as saxophonist itmk iii-Lin“
periodically Jtiiil int 'i .
night t.‘i'ti.’,uilclilt‘.i.>

ii twill»

All the members 111:21
studied music (fought arm
from the ilerklee Sr 1i’111
and isra’toii attended 1 ll
of Music 1A‘\k'l~s \11'1 "
formal will} iii lilie.’ ..
hm; Tilt"lilit'1il'siit'!"i .
1ft \i-zi. ’ '

"11"“; ‘2'. .,.






1’t‘l\ltilt’t'\ oi ml 1 isiiioiicrl


11011 >»\ >11

E\."t'tifttli'l\ 1\t T“t

expansive He said that
Latin. burn and African styles
hate .iilluericed the trios style
Vie don' Just play mainstream

111115“ r1"

is group otters something
different from other JdLL exist-iii
tiles said "lltir feel for ed.

"it 1001 .~ t;111111"f"'GIL/111111111111


lii .1ittti'.oii ‘v per
)11111‘7.‘ .0111 ‘1lt' '1“;

fort: .111: others
writes 'ii‘igi
11 parts with 13"“ That acct-Ti
' .alt- 'i.i- posi' RM 1110 ittrat'
.t riiiritis ‘:.i toy '11 illt‘
;...t_ 1t‘(1111:r.," 111:1 '.~r.g‘ii'er nub

W's ‘th ltru'.‘ llai .I.;'1:'tioli:1'iit\.



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 a -— Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. October 4, 1908


Rose and McCain
should be willing
to help the Senate

The Student Government AssoCiation Senate review
committee decided that campaign expenditure limits can
not be set on the freshman senate election race just lo
days after the Senate passed an amendment setting cam
paign expenditure limits.

The amendment was a violation of an April Judicial
Board decismn in which campaign expenditure limits were
declared unconstitutional. but some members of the Senate
and the executiy e branch pushed for it nevertheless

Aside from confusing people. the incident raises the
question as to who in SGA has the final word regarding
constitutional issues.

SGA President James Rose. Vice. President Leah
McCain and Senator at Large Penny Peavler have made
no secret about their desire to place a limit on campaign
expenditures. and the way In which they have subverted
the constitution shows they will stop at nothing to accompl
ish their goal.

When the Senate naively passed the amendment at its
last meeting some senators were critical of" their col
leagues for not being aware of the constitutional raniificar

While the Senate certainly should have been aware “I
the legality of the legislation they also should have been
able to trust their president and vice president.

When Rose and McCain entered office they both saw;
they wanted senators to feel comfortable coming to then.
about any issue and they would bend over backward ’

Now it appears they will be willing to help only it it is
convenient for them and if it does not run contrary to :iii-n
personal agendas

It is bad enough that the two highest members oi if r
executive branch refuse to cooperate with the Senate. lair
what makes Rose and McCain's recent actions etc: ".
inexcusable is they lied about the constitutionality or tiii

When one senator asked Rose if the amendment contra
dicted the Judicial Board‘s decision his response was I‘r-
ported to have been: “That was last year,"

When Rose was approached about the issue he sac ’ .
did not know all of the details because McCain w as ham
ling the situtation

That‘s strange. because when McCain was asked ahoiii
it she said Rose was the person who knew the most

Rose is setting a dangemus precedent by trying to over
turn the Judicial Board's decision

If the Judicial Board should rule on another issue he
does not agree with. will Rose try to find some way around
it like he did on campaign spending limits" Or will be i d
here to the constitution like he said he would do when he
ran for president"

And if a senator has a problem with a project or pier-t;
of legislation. will they be able to turn to Rose or \It-r‘ain
for help if they have disagreed with them in the past "

When Rose announced that he was running for president
he said he almost decided against it because of all the pet
tiness and politics in SGA

It is a shame he has sunk to a level he aspired to rise

How to legalize
expenditure limits

Since some in the Student Government Association Ill
sist on having spending limtations placed on campaigns
and cannot appear to find a way to do it legally. here‘s a

The US. Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v \‘aleo that
it is unconstitutional to limit how much an individual can
spend on his or her political campaign because it is a re
striction of freedom of speech

There is. however. a regulation that limits how much it
congressional or presidential candidate can spend on a
campaign without violating his or her constitutional rights

At various points during a campaign a congressiona.
candidate is eligible to receive matching funds from ”It
federal government It a candidate chooses to take int
money he or she is limited as to how much they can spent;
on their campaign

SGA should implement a similar program if it wants to
limit campaign expenditures Every five or 1o dollars
someone spends on their campaign should be matched by

The money could come from the general fund. and since
SGA has been in the habit of ending the year with a sur
plus it should not put much of a strain on the budget

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