xt7xwd3q0004 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3q0004/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1994 1994 1994-11-11 2020 true xt7xwd3q0004 section xt7xwd3q0004  

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“gnuziugzuin‘n' .

IVhether using an old
manual typewriter or the


sc (my firmer or current




» ‘Kernelites,’ about what they like









The first few decades of
the student newspaper
saw continued growth

The Kernel ’s success in

construction of a new
joumalism building.

UK dropped funding for



and prosperity.

the ’40s led to the

the Kernel and forced

the stafi‘ to prepare for





From UK athletics to
the administration, the
Kernel always has kept
watch on the school’s
movers and shakers.



Newspapers on
computers and new
sources of information
are in the future of




Look inside the pages of
the Kentuckian and find

the story behind the
University ’s yearbook.







latest technology, the idea \"
of finding a “kernel of
truth” be: always ....................................................... - -
taken fim priority 'fi A graphic display of how
"‘ [1725711675. . .

PM» Illutnnmlgmm See KERNEL on M the (1861510115 are made
and put into play for
each day’s newspaper:

‘ i t ‘1 't

“in.“ ' ., -- (v 1-day» pr.» 7- .











. “m”-..





By Tyrone Boason

J.B. Nichols and OS. Lee had a gem
on their hands back in 1915. When then
UK Journalism School Director Enoch
Grehan opened a campuswide competi-
tion for the renamin of the student
newspaper, The Idea, it was their entry
that was chosen. The students’ sugges-
tion: the Kentucky Kernel.

Their prize: $2.

It was an inexpensive beginning to a
tradition that could have grown out of
such passed-over monikers as “The
Bluegrassette” or “The Kentucky

But the Kentucky Kernel — an allu—
sion to the ex ression, “a kernel of
truth,” had the dignified ring ofa class—
act journalism operation.

So on Sept. 16, 1915, the first edition
of the Kernel appeared. Student Editor
in Chief]. Franklin Corn managed the
staff. Grehan monitored the content.
(Journalism School directors were
responsible for approving all Kernel
content until 1964)

The paper, an eight~page tabloid,
published every Thursday.

In 1924, the paper became a full-sized
broadsheet. That year, Grehan used his
personal savings to finance a $2,000 lino-
tygw press to be housed in the basement
o Science Hall (now Miller Hall). Until
then, the paper had been printed by a
Lexington firm. A two-page hand—fed
press was added in 1925. In 1929, the
Kernel moved to McVey Hall.

By the ’305, the Kernel was publishing
twice weekly.

In 1938, an article in the Lexington
paper reported that the Kernel’s printing
facilities were among the most advanced
of any college newspaper.

Early Kernels had the exceedin l
vertical, gray appearance of today’s Vigil,
Street Journal. Stories were stacked on
to ) of each other in one-column form.
T ere were few, if any photographs.

Sports stories, which frequently ran
on the front page, often were a mix of
reporting and personal observation.
When the UK football team lost to Mis-
sis (ifpi A 8t M in 1915, an Oct. 21 story
rea : “Ninety-three degrees in the shade
and the unfamiliarity of a foreign field
were factors in state’s defeat. Yet we
have no complaint. The team was beaten
fairly and squarely.”


MISS MUE The ‘Sweetheart’ of Kentuclg journalism, Margie McLaughlin, shows offa

linotype machine during the opening of the r

The paper kept watch on administra-
tive ha penin .

“I on’t t ink they liked me very
much,” former editor Lawrence Herron
recalls. “(UK President Frank McVey)
wanted everything to run smoothly, and
we were a thorn in his side.”

One sore spot in the Kernel’s rela-
tionship with UK officials was its cover-
age of meetings between the athletics
department and then—football coach
Harry Gamage, who left UK after the
1933 season.

Herron said athletics officials were
unhappy with Gamage’s performance
and were using the meetings to discuss
his fate. A Kernel staff reporter who had
been coverin the meetings tipped Her-
ron one day t at Gamage was on his way

At the time, the reporter’s hunch
wasn’t true. Herron discovered this just
minutes before going to press with the
front-pa e headline, “Gamage Out.”

The Kernel continued its aggressive
pursuit of news, often localizing national
concerns for the student readership.

Such was the case on Nov. 1, 1938,
when the Kernel ran two nationally ori-

ehan jourr alism Building.

ented stories: One dealt with a Kernel-
s onsored campaign to raise awareness
about syphilis. The other chronicled stu-
dents’ reactions to a radio broadcast that
sent Americans nationwide into hysterics
— HG. Wells’ “Worlds at War.”

The radio play, an account of an inva-
sion by a team of murderous Martians,
was completely fictional, “but the stu—
dents of Kentucky, ignorant of the fact
that it was just a play, went wild,” staff
reporter John Ed Pearce wrote.

“Numerous cases of temporary insan-
ity were reported,” the story added.
“One student who lives on Euclid
Avenue sat at a radio and slowly tore his
hair, all the while mumbling to himself."

“In those days, it was fun," the
columnist said. “It was a prestige thing
on campus. Anybody on the paper was
sort of recognized.”

Not only did Pearce write for the
paper, for a short time he helped run the
press in the basement of McVey Hall.
Most publication nights, which included
hauling 100 lb. metal brackets around
the press room, ended around 4 a.m.

“It was hot in there,” he said. “You
got blank-eyed from the heat.”

fl‘ "JN

Photo mums) of UK Archives

America’s involvement in World War
II took thousands of men, including
Pearce, out of schools and away from
their jobs, depleting the Kernel’s staff.

For women eager to enter the work
force, the war was a mixed blessing. For—
mer Kernel Editor in Chief Janet
Edwards Everbach still credits the short—
age of men for her rise to that position.

“When I first got in that editor’s
office and leaned back in that chair, I
thought, ‘What am I doing here?’ ” she

« said. Her wonderment quickly subsided.

There was a paper to put out.
“I thought, ‘VVe’d better have a good

paper or we’re going to be kidded all
. over the place, ” Edwards said.

Her predominantl female staff
worked around the c ock as deadline
a proached, performing tasks in both
t e newsroom and the press room. Too

l busy to stop for dinner, they often sur-
. vived on meager helpings of peanuts and
' grape soda.

The work of early journalism students
seemed to pay off. In 1939, UK’s jour»-
nalism program was listed in the top 10

Not only was the Kernel important to
the School of Journalism, it also acted as
a source of campus activism, challenging
leaders to strive for a better quality of
life at UK

The paper took a particularly strong
stand in the April 1, 1949, issue. On age
one was a story about a federal jud) e’s
ruling orderin UK to admit a back
Louisville school teacher into The
Graduate School. Lyman T. Johnson
became the first black student at UK.

An editorial that ran the same day
declared: “One of the most practical and
satisfying things that ever happened at
the University was the federal court’s
ruling Wednesday to admit Lyman
Johnson, a Negro, to The Graduate

As the decade closed, Kernel prosper-
ity continued. Money from advertising
and from printing contracts with the
University (poured in, fueling salary
increases an new equipment purchases.

The Kernel Press, the paper’s busi—
ness operation, put up $200,000 to help
build a journalism building on campus.
Another $425,000 would be paid using
revenue bonds financed through Kernel
advertising profits. The Enoch J. Gre—
han Journalism Building was completed
in 1950, and the Kernel moved out of



As Time
v-iualj Bi JJJ


The Cadet, the first UK
student newspaper, has
been dated two years before
the first yearbook was


The Record, which is the

second student newspaper

ends publication, and the
Idea begins printing.

The Idea is renamed The
Kentucky Kernel in a con-
test to find a new name for

the newspaper.


The Kernel purchases lino-
type machine and a print—
ing press for $7, 5 00.


The Kernel takes over all
printing jobs for the







The Office of Student Media would like
to send a special “THANK YOU”to

the following sponsors for their

support in helping us celebrate
our 100th Anniversary:



College of Communications
' and Information Studies __



‘1' Jack Guthrie and Associates


The Kentucky Post


Ehe Emttierfilourual

UK Student Affairs








Host Communicatons



Meridian Communications

“We couldn’t have made it without you!”







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Revenues fi‘onz Kernel pay for
the constrmtion of Grehan
]ournalism Building.


Kernel becomes independent
from the School of



Kernel becomes a daily paper;
expanding to five issues a

UK cuts oflfitnding, and
Kernel is forced into indepen-
dent status. Kernel Press, Inc.
is formed to operate separate

from the. University.


First issue ofindependent
Kentucky Kernel rolls of the


Kernel undergoesfirst com-
prehensive redesign in more
than I 5 years.


CENTURY. Friday. November I I, l 994



TBGIIIIOIOQV marches 0|!

By Carrie Morrison
(.‘ENfURi'Sm/f ,

The mortar that binds the
bricks of the Enoch J. Grehan
Journalism Building was dried
by the winds of change.

The dedication of this build-
ing for journalism and publica-
tions in 1950 set the stage for
numerous changes in UK and
the Kentucky Kernel.

Before the idea for the build-
ing was conceived, the Universi-
ty purchased the Kentucky Ker-
nel's first printing press in 1924.
The NIH anthaler Linotype
cost about 7,500 to secure and
install in the Science Building,
which is now Miller Hall.

A history compiled by the
administrators involved in erect—
ing the building shows that the
biggest concern about the print-
ing press was something modern
news staffs take for granted:

“The Linotype is electrically
driven and it is the hope of the
Kernel that it will be able to
electrify the entire (printing)
plant when installed.”

In 1929, the press was moved
to McVey Hall. A composing

room was set up in the base-
ment. A Miehle press was
installed, which printed 2,000
sheets per hour. The machine
folded the papers, which elimi—
nated the tedious tactic of fold-
ing the paper by hand.

John Ed Pearce was in charge
ofthe duplex presses in the base—
ment of McVey from 1939 to
1942. The ink rollers still had to
be manually aligned, and the
frames on which the paper was
set had to be manually set onto
moveable clamps.

“We had a rather difficult
time getting that first issue out,”
he said.

Paul ()berst, a retired law
professor, has kept up with the
Kernel for more than 50 years.
He recalled how the press and
the Kernel office began to out-
grow McVey.

“The Commons at that time
was on the to floor of McVey,”
he said. “An when I would get
off the elevator, I would trip
over the rolls and rolls of
newsprint by the doors."then'

In 1950, R.VV. Wild, director
of public relations, wrote a state-
ment commending the progress


of the Kernel Press. At that
time, the Press handled virtually
all of UK’s printing needs.

“For the first time since I
have been associated with the
University all University pub—
lications have been printed and
made ready for distribution on
time. The Kentucky Kernel
deserves much credit for doing
the work well and doing it when
it is needed."

In July 1950, the Kernel
the rewards for its
efforts. The blueprints for the
basement press began to take
solid form.

The plan for the basement
press shop was expansive com—
pared to the cramped corner in
McVey. The Grehan building's
primary function would be to
facilitate efficiency in student
publications, instead of having
McVey‘s multi le functions.

“Where an how you printed
your paper is not as important as
how you write it, with those
freedoms and capabilities you
have,” said Pearce.

However, the extra space and
convenience in Grehan allowed
for technological improvements.


Offset printing equipment
was purchased in 3964, which
eliminated much of the manual

Nancy Green, publications
adviser from 1971 to 1982, saw a
great change Kernel methods —
the beginnings of electronic

“We had technology a long

#3”, ,

t~~ ~ . .
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’w'f- ~ t.


Photo tummy of I 'I\' xlvcbrvrs

PRESSING FORUM!!!) The (irehan joumulimt Building once housed a

printing press in the basement. where the Kernel offices are note located.

time before a lot ofother news—
papers. .Vlany commercial news—
papers didn't have electronic

“\Ve were in the middle of
never—never land," said 1976—77
Editor in Chief Ginny Edwards
said of the change in technology.

“But the changes are all for
the better.”


New lint! shows ‘Established 1894' wrong

By Tyrone Beason
CE.\"1'URY staff

The birth of student publi—
cations at UK is a mystery that

nameplate of today’s Kentucky

remains locked beneath

Kernel: “Established 1894."
At least that was the story.

But tucked in the Margaret
1. King Library’s Special Col-
lections and Archives were
issues of the University’s first
student publication, the Cadet,
dating as far back as fall 1892.

UK assistant archivist Frank
Stanger found the two 1892



Cadets while compiling docu-



ments for the 100th anniversary
of student publications.

It is possible the Cadet was
published in the spring of 1892,
but no known copies exist.

All that is certain is that in
this year, someone decided to
start a student paper to serve as
a forum and news source for the
campus community. Students
wrote the stories, and designat—
ed University faculty approved
them before publication.

The Cadet was short-lived,
though. In 1897, it stopped
publication. and there was no
student paper for the next three

Then in 1900, students
established the weekly Record,
operating with a small staff and
limited resources. On several
occasions students were forced
to suspend publication.

The Record, too, had a short
life span. (Publication ceased in

At the turn of the century,
journalism was still being
taught in basic English compo-
srtion courses.

To supplement this class—
room instruction, students put
out a weekly paper, which they
named The Idea, beginning in

The tabloid-sized paper had
the appearance of a magazine,
with a cover ofa classical Greek
figure perched between stone
columns reading a pamphlet.

The idea behind The Idea
was to provide students with a
regular update of campus news,
society items and commentaries
on various subjects.

The paper, which sold for 5
cents a copy, appeared every
Thursday and quickly became
regarded as the official campus

In a box at the top of the
opinions page was the paper’s
egalitarian motto: “Not devot—

ed to any one class. to any one
department, nor to any section
of society. but to every boy and
girl in our great University."

Much ofT‘ne ldea's success
can be attributed to Enoch

In 1914, the former news
editor of the Lexington Leader
and managing editor of the
Lexington Herald was named
head of the University's new
School ofJournalism.

Known affectionately by his
pupils in the school as “L'ncle
Enoch," he brought a range of
practical experience to journal—
ism theory in the classroom.

And he devoted a great deal
of attention to the development
ofthe student newspaper.








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CENTURY, Friday, Novemberll,1994 II

CEN'IURK Friday, Novernber it, 1994


Paper gives common purpose
From PAGE A1

from people statewide.

Beyond the network of former
wafers, the Kernel ’s role is one of a
campus activist of sorts. The
Kernel ’s first priority is finding


Dealing with older Kernelites
usually means competition with
other newspapers and media in the
area. Although the Kernel is a stu-

anybody who has been in the news-
paper business would tell you the
profession first got its books in them
at the Kerne .”

The Kernel has placed people in

Kernelites strive for helps solidifi/
the group that is putting out the

“It’s like throwing them into a
pressure cooker with others with a

friendships that last even after

“I’ve never had friends like that
before and since, ” he said. “One
constant memory is it will always

passed, ” Hawpe said. “I can see
someone I haven’t seen in years and
pick up a conversation just like we
left off. ”

Kernelites bond not only with

Richard Wilson, Bluegrass
Bureau chief for The Courier—
]ournal, said that fiir his genera-
tion, the Kernel served as a spring-
board for success down the road.











There is a commonness among “Most of us were the first mem— very similar mission,” l/Vilson said. he with me.” .. [d . .l‘ he their co-workers dent newspaper, that doesn’t mean it newspapers all over the country and what is best for UK students.
college journalists that bridges both hers of our families to go to college, “The people on the Kernel are Hawpe said U _ K _ STU D E N T P U B L I C ATI O N S but also with is not aiming for professionalism. the world, and it has other alumni “The Kernel has exercised the role
generational gaps and personal poli- and we we re independents. The enduring one ofthe formative “P9" the friends be m n I f r,/ staffers who In fact, it has taught many of who are successes in fields like public of what a daily in any community
" my, Kernel became our fraternity and rience in life, and they are doing it made while 1894 \ "'-., 1994 precede and fol- those who are in the professional relations or law. has done, ” said former Kernel
The long hours of work and end- sorority, ” ”5150" said. “kl/e didn’t together,” Said Courier-j’ 01477141 edi- working at the ‘\ low them. world today. That pipeline of alumni has given adviser Nancy Green. “It has been'

vocal in terms of what the govern-
ment has done, and he has been a
leader in terms of society. ”

tor David Hawpe.
fay Blanton, editor in chief in
1988—89, said the Kernel builds

paper are special because that bond
never goes away.
“It is just as if no time has

“A lot of really good people have
come out of that institution,”
l/Vilson said. “The bottom line is

the Kernel a special place at the
University. Any attempts to quiet

the Kernel would be faced by anger

have time fiir much else. Some
would say even our education. ”
l/Vilson said the common goal that

“I learned some history as editor.
Ybu can’t help but not, ” Blanton
said. “They’re around to tell you a

less excuses given to instructors all
seem to be common characteristics of
Kernel stafirers.










Paper has kept watch Oll "K officials

By Lance Williams

Independence became battle OVGI‘ ideas

By Lance Williams



it," Green said, “but we never
went in the red.”

She credits Michael Wines
with helping keep the Kernel
afloat during the struggle for
independence. Wines served as

der," said former Gov. Albert
“Happy" Chandler, who served
on the board and was a strong
opponent of the Kernel.
Despite the political prob-
lems and bad feelings between



Whether asking for the res—
ignation of a football or basket-
ball coach or chasing the

A battle over ideas became a

I battle over money.
In the late 1960 and early 705,


Reprinted from the April
29, I949, Kentucky Kernel.

A faint death rattle has
been heart from the thinnish
ranks of the All Campus
party and this should come as
no particular surprise.

Although several of its
members have struggled
mightily to bring it up to
amount to something, it was
a feeble Changeling from

The deceased is only
about a year old. but it first
saw the light of day in none
too promising circumstances.


incentive of activity points
and competition among
groups backing candidates.

Certainly, if the incentive
to become a representative is
to “revitalize SGA“ (and
how many times have we all
heard that phrase‘?), the
results are not noticeable in
SGA achievements.

It would be quite a task to
“revitalize SGA” because
there is pathetically little to
revitalize. UK students give
it a decent burial every year
to the tune of a dollar apiece.
and it rests in'peace the

the Kentucky Kernel had caused
the administration and state
government some problems
with stories and editorials that
had been written.

The administration didn’t try

to censor the paper, but the con-

troversy ended with a split

.- between UK and the Kernel.

The Kentucky Kernel was
regarded as more of a liberal
voice on the campus, while the

. Wildcat, another student paper
‘ was regarded as the conservative

paper. In late 1970, the VVildcat

. and went before the Board of

Trustees to ask for the same
amount of su port from UK
that the Kernel) received, which
was around $45,000. ,
In April 1971, the Board of

the two sides, the Kernel had to
shift gears and study the true
financial side of the newspaper
for the first time.

In August 1971, UK hired a
new student publications advis-

er, Nancy Green, who helped
found the Kernel Press Inc.,
which was designed to oversee
the financial operation of the
Kentucky Kernel corporation.

Green, a former Kernel

staffer, came as an adviser under
tough Circumstances, she said.

“This was during an era of

student unrest. The National
Guard had been on campus the
“There had been a lot ofturmoil
on campus, and I looked like a
sorority girl."

before," Green said.

Editor in Chief for two academ-
ic years from 1971—73.

The Kernel survived and
flourished after several years of
growth in the mid-705. During
Green’s tenure, revenues for the
paper grew from $40,000 a year
to over $400,000 a year.

The independence of the
Kernel is one issue that divides
former staffers. Alumni who
worked for the Kernel feel that
the Kernel still had an indepen—
dent voice before the split and
said the School of Journalism
offers something to the students
working on the paper.

“(My hope) is for the paper to
have a closer relationship with
the (School of Journalism), and
it always annoys students,” said


Student Government
Association for mismanage-
ment, the Kentucky Kernel
seems to have always played a
major role on campus.

~ Jack Guthrie, president of

Jack Guthrie and Associates in

Louisville, knows the impact
the Kernel has not only on its
own readers, but also outside
the area.

He still keeps a book filled
with hate letters he received
during his tenure as editor in
chief in 1962-63 when the
newspaper called for the segre-
gation of Kentucky athletics
and the entire Southeastern

He said
stood behind its editorial and

the newspaper

Portions reprinted from the
Sept. I0, I990 Kentucky

The University of Kentucky
is at a crossroads. For years, it
was considered by many as
simply a good state university
that granted diplomas. But after
a decade of strong leadership,
innovative plans and a lot of
sweat. it is on its way to becom-
ing a great University.
Unfortunately, the events that
have transpired since last
November concerning UK’s
presidential search have left
many wondering where UK
stands as it approaches a new

To many, the presidential
search has been less than a seri-

dole out patronage and repay
political allies.

Therefore, we believe UK
should reopen the presidential
search. Charles Wethington
should remove himself as a can-
didate for the presidency and
Foster Ockennan should resign
as chairman of the UK Board of

When UK began looking for
a president. Ockerman
promised the University com-
munity and citizens the com-
monwealth that a fair and open
search would be conducted to
find a replacement for Roselle.
However, he had done little to
reassure us that the presidential
search is not a veiled attempt to
railroad Wethington into the

is Wilkinson, who has been a
disgrace to this state since he
entered office.

It should be little surprise to
many, then, that the quality of
candidates for president has
been substantially worse than
what the University had in
1987, when it was looking for a
replacement for Otis A.

. When Wethington was
asked earlier this year why he
did not remove himself from
the search, he said that with the
General Assembly scheduled to
meet in I990, it was essential
for him to represent the
University in the halls of

this University. then he should
have taken himself out of the
search to avoid creating any


said, is a story of missed oppor-
tunities. The University of
Kentucky has the opportunity to
become a great regional univer—
sity and one that, given the
proper guidance. can lead the
state into the let century.

search is reopened, Wethington
removes himself as a candidate
and Ockennan steps down from
the Board of Trustees, the
University will have taken a
step in the wrong direction —— a

that the deck was

. Kentucky, it has been

But unless the presidential





, I
. '- l

I, ‘


from the best of the affiliated
and non-affiliated students.
Ideally, this would have been
a lovely, high-planed situa-
tion. Actually. things didn’t
work out so nicely. So the
party has folded, and nobody
is too astonished.

It just brings up the ques-
tions of how long any cam-
pus so-called political group
would last were it not for the


from absolutely decaying,
but that’s about all. Their
efforts are practically always
met with a profound indiffer—
ence and often a tomblike

It used to be though that
the “government associa-
tion“ was merely lethargic.
but the conclusion to be
reached now is that it is pos-
itively moribund.



free student press, rather than
being parentally restricted to the
whims of a University adminis—
tration or a Board of Trustees.
Now, unlike the usual publish
oszerish policy, we did publish
an some politician want us per-
ished,” said a Kernel editorial
following the board’s decision.
Indeed, three board members

': wanted an immediate cutoff of

funds to the newspaper.
“This (decision) is only
manslaughter. I wanted inur-

door. I also put a candy bowl on
my desk,” Green said. “I figured
the best way to reach students
was through their stomachs."

On the business side, Green

began looking for typesetting
equipment and other materials
nee ed for production.

For the first couple of

months of independence, the
staff worked for no salaries to
make sure that the aper would
be able to pay its bifis.

“\Ve didn’t have much prof—

get better down the road.

However, people who
worked at the Kernel after inde-
pendence take a strong sense of
pride in their status.

Jay Blanton, who served as
Editor in Chief in 1988—89, said
he feels the tradition of an inde-
pendent is very important to
today’s students.

“How many truly indepen-
dent newspapers are out there?”
Blanton said. “There is nothing
in the world like it.”

National GOIIlllOtS lllt llOlllB on "It's campus

By Carrie Morrison
C ENTUR Y .ctafl

During the world’s major
conflicts of the ast 100
cars, editors ofthe Kentucky
ernel have fought the battle

With the pen. 0nd 1' t t ‘ T If the University is to live up ,
The were rintin ages Tgeu enanfs 3,11% C. to its moral obligations and When people think of the Bradshaw had used to disu—
. M H l’ .e era 0 e ietnam , , K K 1’ . d l h' t am

m C ey a S stu ase- \Var instilled a sense of bold— m make Significant progress as a dfrilctECkriIiosteriiieeininiBefpfh: p lrLeoui: Donohew who was

ment trenches, and on the
frontlines, covering impas—
sioned campus demonstra—

The main mission of the
battle was not only to make
UK aware of wartime events,
but also to localize these

A September 1917 editori-
al focused on young men not

requested that colle e men
pursue their studies w enever






Photo courtesy of UK Archives

Kernels you )ut out.”

UK’s RO C had one of
the largest mortality rates in
the country, Caldwell said.
He knew four Kernel staff
members who were killed in
World War II. All were sec-

ness in publication, 1968-69
Editor in Chief Lee Becker

Becker pointed out that
most students thou ht they
would be in the my, in
prison or avoiding the draft
out of the country. “These
were very intense times,” he

sai .
“The Kernel had a very

ernel reported on students’
concern for loved ones.


BISWB lllllll Expansion on South Campus began in the early I 970s. Blanding flower was one of the earliest pro-

jects on this part of campus.


l- I?!

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I .




Reprinted from May 27, I 915.
issue of The Idea.

As Messrs. Owen S. Lee and
1.8. Nichols both submitted the
winning title, the prize of $2.00
offered by Professor Enoch

by the fact that ninety-four
names were submitted by the stu-

were selected as being the most
suitable for the college paper.
These titles were "The Kentucky
Cardinal." “The Kentucky
Colonel" and “The Kentucky
Kernel." The first named was put

“Cardinals“ and Cardinal is their
college color.

mitted to THE [DEA Board of
Control at their next meeting for
executive action and if they so
decree, next year's edition of
“THE IDEA“ will appear as
“The Kentucky Kernel."

gested by one of the fair co—eds,
and some of the boys turned in

Trustees meeting after his term
when UK announced it would
be the first SEC school to
desegregate its athletic teams.
Courier—Journal Editor
David Hawpe recalls a story he
did about the “lackadaisical”
attitude of the ROTC pro-
am, of which he was a mem-
er. He wrote that the rogram
lacked rigor and discipline, and
he expected to be in trouble
with his commanding officer.
To his surprise, he was
called in for a critique and was
named outstanding cadet, and
his column helped begin a

had the most impact is in deal-
ing with University athletics.

Jay Blanton was editor in
chief in 1988-89, right in the
middle of the NCAA investiga—
tion of the UK basketball pro-
gram. The Kernel stepped into
the fray by asking for the