xt7xwd3q0118 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3q0118/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-09-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 2005 2005 2005-09-14 2020 true xt7xwd3q0118 section xt7xwd3q0118 FEATURES

Have a hot date this weekend? Check
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Wednesday. September l4. 2005

kyKe rnel


UK guadruples , funding for women's safety

$1.25 million will go toward

new campus initiatives

By Megan Boehnke

In response to the growing num-
ber of safety concerns for women
on campus, President Todd has
promised an additional $1.25 mil-
lion in funding for those efforts,

said Carol Jordan. director for the
Center for Research on Violence
Against Women.

The additional funding. which
is more than four times what is cur-
rently budgeted. will be used to-
ward initiatives outlined in a report
to be released today by the presi-
dent’s Women's Safety Advisory

“The University of Kentucky
chooses to take on the issue of vio-

lence against women, not just be-
cause it is a social issue or a justice
issue, but because it has a central
effect on a student’s ability to
achieve their potential while here
on campus," Todd said. “Every per-
son on this campus — students, fac-
ulty and staff — must be afforded
the opportunity to live free from

The 70page report includes not
only the recommendations to the

president. but also the budget for
the new initiatives. the council's
process of assessing the school‘s
level of safety, comparisons to
benchmark universities and crime

The report is in response to last
year’s study conducted by the cen-
ter. which investigated the safety of
female students on campus. ()f the
1,010 undergraduate and graduate
females surveyed. 36.5 percent said

they had experienced victimization.
including physical assault, sexual
assault and stalking, while at the
university. '

“We may be the same as other
universities as far as the number of
women or the prevalence of victim-
ization, but we're different in that
we‘re not okay with that.“ Jordan
said. “We feel we need to make
some major inroads in reducing the

See Safety on page A2


tunes into
relief efforts

By Shannon Mason
m: xrnrucxv mm

The first-ever Country for Kids Radiothon, spon-
sored by the Kentucky Children's Hospital and WLXX-
92.9 FM. hits the airwaves tomorrow.

The event, which has been in the works for nearly a
year, was originally planned to benefit Kentucky Chil-
dren’s Hospital, said Dr. Tim Bricker, professor and
chair of UK pediatrics and physician-in-chief of Ken-
tucky Children’s Hospital.

However, with the recent disaster in the Gulf
Coast, there has been a change in those plans, he said.

“We wanted to use the radiothon for the needs of
Children’s Hospital-New Orleans," Bricker said.
“There are some really overwhelming problems for the
hospitals and medical schools in New Orleans."

The decision to donate 100 percent of the proceeds
was made “on the second or third day after the flood,"
he said.

“It’s important to improve the lives and health of
children and the future of families," he said.

Normally Bricker said, the community in which a
children’s hospital is located will provide the support
for that hospital.

“These are very unusual circumstances," he said.
“The people of New Orleans won’t be able to reestab-
lish (the children's hospital).”

Bricker said the New Orleans children’s hospital
will not have to be completely rebuilt, but that there
would be significant costs and problems with infra-

Kentucky Children’s Hospital and WLXX are hop-

ifr w 1A .

mcu mm | surr
Ousmane Amadou lives in New York and travels to fairs across the country. He travels home to Africa where his family lives, and where he gets his
merchandise to sell.

i 1‘“


Cultural ‘Roots’

Seventeenth annual festival highlights
African heritage in Lexington

By Dominique Wales
m: xrurucxv mm

See Radio on page A2


background. Other cultures have found
a common ground through the festi-
val’s activities.

“(The African marketplace) re-
minds me of my home in India," said
Lexington resident Rita Basuray

What began as an event lasting only
a few hours has now become
a festival lasting three days,
with Roots and Heritage-af-
filiated activities lasting
throughout this month.

The 2005 festival began
with the traditional high-
stepping parade and contin-
ued the celebration into the
afternoon and evening.

The festival takes place
along Elm Tree Lane and is
highlighted by live enter-
tainment on two stages 10-

Country for Kids Radiothon

Broadcast live at Lexington Green's Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Tomorrow and Friday: 6 am. to 6 pm.
Saturday: 8 am. to 2 pm.
WLXX 92.9 FM

Events ranging from African art ex-
hibits to a football game to a step show
combine culture and history at Lexing-
ton’s annual Roots and Heritage Festi-
val, which kicked off last

Since 1989. the Roots and
Heritage Festival has been a
mechanism for showing
black history both in Lexing-
ton and on a worldwide
scale. said Chester Grundy,
UK’s student affairs officer
for multicultural students
and one of the festival‘s

"The purpose of a cultur-
al program is to help people
see themselves in their best





“We wanted to
design an
event to be a
mirror image
to show
aspects of our
true culture."

Euphemisms abound
in Roberts' hearing

By Dana Milbank

WASHINGTON ~ Early in yesterday‘s hearing

light.” said Grundy
Grundy said in creating
the event, he wanted to show

Chester Grundy

UK student affairs

cated on both ends of the
street. The African market—
place, another highlight of
the festival, has hundreds of

into his nomination to be chief justice. John G.
Roberts Jr. took the Senate Judiciary Committee in
an unexpected direction, praising Justice Robert

Jackson, who served as Franklin D. Roosevelt‘s attor-
ney general before joining the high court.

“As he went on the court," Roberts told the sena-
tors, “he took an entirely different view of a lot of is-
sues, in one famous case even disagreeing with one of
his own prior opinions. He wrote a long opinion
about how he can‘t believe he once
held those views."

The committee‘s ranking Democ-
rat. Sen. Patrick J. Leahy. D-Vt., was
puzzled. “Are you sending us a mes-
sage?" the senator asked. Laughter
bubbled from the gallery *

Roberts added that Jackson “rec- .-
ognized, when he became a member of M
the Supreme Court, that his job had
changed and he took a different per-
spective. And that‘s, again. one reason
many admire him. including myself. " A couple of the
conservatives on the committee looked up anxiously

The exchange was emblematic of Roberts‘ perfor-
mance on the first day fielding questions. Roberts.
star litigator, adviser to presidents and top-flight ju-
rist. showed that he could be something else: the very
model of an enigmatic nominee.

The Roberts who answered questions for eight
hours yesterday was very much the Roberts who
emerged in his writings released over the summer.
He maddened the committee‘s Democrats, delighted
its Republicans and charmed most of both.

He was sharp-tongued. When Leahy made a skep-
tical query about one of Roberts‘ Reagan administra-
tion memos, the nominee retorted: “Senator. you're

See Roberts on page A2

his culture in a positive light.

“We wanted to design an event to be
a mirror image to show aspects of our
true culture," he said.

But this year's event doesn’t just re-
mind African-Americans about their

vendors selling items ranging from
books, ethnic clothing and jewelry to
authentic artwork and food. Vendors
mum I 51»?

come from across the United States to The'Lakers Cheerleading Squad marched in Satur-
See Festival on page A2 day 5 Black Heritage Parade down Elm Street.





Downtown Arts Center
Adults: $24

18 and under: $15; must
have student ID

Friday Event: Basketball
Play: 'Crownsf, Tournament
8p.m. k... . , 8:45 pm.
Downtown Arum .. A: Dunbar Community
Adults: $24 1‘ - .' ‘ . Center
18 and under: 33 W

have student lg” for

Event: Lexington Heritage
Football Classic

Kentucky State University
vs. Central State

5 pm.

P. L. Dunbar Stadium
Admission: $15, $25, $50

Play: 'Crowns'
2 pm.
Downtown Arts Center
Adults: $24
18 and under: $15; must
have student ID


Event: Movie Hour
11 am.

Kentucky theatre
Admission: $1

Free soda & popcorn

Event: Step Sh
7 pm ,
Dunbar Community


Play: ‘Crowns'
8 pm





. www.rootsandheritagefestival.com

FMHIIMMMH“ mesa-ins


 mm | Wednesday,Sept.14,2005



Continued from page A1


prevalence of victimization."

These initiatives include
prevention education programs.
utilization of the recently estab
lished UK Women's Place and
alterations to lighting and land-
scaping around campus.

The university expects to
reach 7,000 students during the
fall semester through preven-
tion programs to be implement-
ed in UK 101 courses, residence
halls and the Greek community.
Jordan said.

UK Athletics also spent
$8.000 to join other Southeast-
ern Conference schools in im-
plementing a program called
Mentors in Violence Preven-
tion. The program will give
male and female athletes addi-
tional education about violence

Other initiatives include
$400,000 of the allotted funds to

make physical adjustments to
the campus.

The council spent four
hours walking the campus at
night to make observations and
suggestions for lighting im-
pmvements and landscape trim-
ming. It will also use existing
sidewalks to create a new “Cat's
Path" that will serve as a pre-
ferred path of travel for stu-
dents at night.

The path. which will run by
all the dormitories. the library,
the Student Center and other
main buildings on campus. will
receive extra lighting and patrol
by the UK police.

The funding will also pay for
the addition of a new police offi-
cer. a Victim Assistance Coordi-
nator to work with the newly
implemented UK Women’s
Place. and a victim assistance
fund. The fund will serve to pro
vide victims with crisis needs
such as transportation. hous-
ing. food. and other items.




Continued from page A1


vastly over-reading the memo-

He was quick on his feet.
When Sen. Joe Biden, D-De1..
fired off a series of questions
without allowing Roberts to
answer. the nominee finally
replied: “Well. i was about to

lay it out. You said you didn’t
want to hear about it."

The room filled with laugh-
ter. Biden did not smile.

And he showed flashes of
wit. Asked about an old memo
he wrote supporting judicial
term limits. he admitted: “You
know. that would be one of
those memos that I no longer
agree with. senator. I didn’t ful-
ly appreciate what was in-
volved in the confirmation
process when I wrote that."



Continued from page A1


ing to raise $100,000.

“This is our first year. so we
don’t know what to expect."
Bricker said.

Many young patients, who
were cared for at Kentucky
Children’s Hospital, and their

families will be on hand to tell
their stories.

Student volunteers will be
answering phones and taking
donations. Students are also en-
couraged to stop by Joseph-Beth
at anytime during the radio-

“Students are welcome to
come cheer things on," Bricker




Selected crimes reported to UK polce
Sept. 7 through Sept. 12

Sept. 7: Criminal mischief reported at the Student
Center parking lot at 12:04 am
Sept. 7: Theft reported at 401 Hilltop Ave. at l2:51 a.m.
Sept. 7: Terroristic threatening reported at 670 S.
Limestone St. at 11:37 am.
Sept. 7: Drug/Marijuana usage reported at Arboretum
Parking lot at 7:52 pm.
Sept. 7: Robbery reported at Commonwealth Stadium
parking lot at 11:52 pm
Sept. 8: Harassment reported at the Alpha Delta
Gamma house 12:37 am.
Sept. 8: Theft reported at the Student Center at 11:38
Sept. 8: Theft reported at the Health Sciences Building
at 3:46 pm.
Sept. 8: Criminal Mischief reported at 450 S.
Limestone St. at 3:57 pm.
Sept. 9: Suspicious person cited at intersection of
South Limestone Street and Maxwelton Court at 2:52
Sept. 9: Suspicious person reported in Commonwealth
Stadium Blue Lot at 3:32 am
Sept. 9: Theft reported at Nutter Training Center at
9:19 am.
Sept. 9: Bike theft reported at 121 Keeneland Drive at
3:13 pm.
Sept. 10: Assault reported at Chandler Medical Center
at 1:20 pm.
Sept. 10: Theft reported at Kappa Sigma house at 8:22
Sept. 10: Theft of automobile reported at 360
Huguelet Ave. at 9:30 pm.
Sept. 11: Suspicious person arrested at the intersection
of Virginia Avenue and South Limestone Street at
12:44 a.m.
Sept. 11: Suspicious car investigated at the intersec-
tion of Cooper Drive and University Drive at 7:38 pm.
Sept. 12: Assistance given to other law enforcement
after a black male wearing a pink mask carrying a
knife was reported committing an armed robbery at
the University Inn Motel at 3:50 am.
Sept. 12: Theft of mail matter reported at 767
Woodland Ave. at 3:13 pm.
Sept. 12: Drug/Marijuana usage reported at Haggin
Hall at 9:10 pm.

Compiled by staff writer Megan Boehnke

E-mall mboehnkeOkykemelmm





Continued from page A1


showcase authentic African

land." said Maryland resi-
dent Shandolf Yienayi. a
Ghana native. Yienayi was
one of several vendors pre-
sent at the festival selling his
own work of African wood-
carvings. inspired by his own
family tradition. This year

events. Grundy notes that
history and education are at
“the roots" of all the festival

“The purpose of history
is to teach us our possibili-
ties and capacities for great-
ness. Education is preparing

artist Larry Brown, a golf
tournament and “Soulful
Sunday“ during the Sept. 9
kickoff weekend.

The festival closes with a
comedy show on Sept. 22 and
a Walk-A-Thon and ball on
Sept. 24th.


It's Better Live
"K m

“Which-cum“ hum.an

mM—Wmamm l‘cxonly nunyoucannc
cutout": Muwyufip-em Ryan-announ-




e need honest hard working team members
who take great pride in their work

f\\‘\‘\“i \N \‘YRSQN:
'2 \‘2 “Hit. SKY \‘KW‘!

. :i\ W HMUHM WI ll! W
\l' allow. \.i“‘."l (twill.



Carpet Charting 5;.


merchandise. as well as to
share their own heritage and

“Artwork links African-
Americans to the Mother-

marks Yienayi‘s third time at yourself to do service,“ he
the festival. said.

While this year's festivi- This year's festival fea-
ties include a wide range of tured an art exhibition from




j a I’ I}
w s. 3&5 figs; #5

Hand-carved stat-
ues from Africa
were sold at
venues at the
Black Heritage
Festival on Satur-










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Student Center










Sept. 14. 2005


Derek Poore
Sports Editor

Rate: 51-86 | EM Wan



By Derek Poor:
in: xmucxv mm

There were no panic attacks when UK fell
behind in the second game of last night’s vol-
leyball match against Morehead State.

Instead, the Eagles were the ones being at-

The Wildcats (5-2) rallied from a seven-

point deficit in game two and went on to
sweep Morehead State 30 at Memorial Colise-
“We just got really mad." said senior out-
side hitter Danielle Wallace. who had a game-
high 19 kills. “We just knew we couldn‘t let
this happen."

The Wildcats started hot, and a Wallace
kill followed by a team block gave UK a 19-8
lead, forcing MSU to call a timeout.

Afier doubling the Eagles 30-15 in the first
game, UK played the in-state rival toe to toe
early in the second game.

Then MSU (4-7) went on a rally behind
freshman outside hitter Ashley Doscher's 14
kills and sophomore outside hitter Kelsey
Cornin's nine match digs.

With the Eagles up 28-21, the Cats fought

“We had our backs against the wall. but
we kept at it,“ said head coach Craig Skinner.
“I was most impressed with that. That come-
back in game two is huge in rally scoring.“

A 50 run finished by another Wallace kill
pulled UK within two, 28-26.

An attack error left MSU on the losing
end of game two, 35-33.

In the third game, UK scored early; lead-
ing MSU 3-0 and keeping a two- or three-point
lead most of the final game.

Junior libero Jenni Casper led UK with 11
digs and junior outside hitter Julie Gagnon
added eight.

Wallace said she was happy with the win.
but still stressed UK’s need for added intensi-

“We have to work out picking that up."
Wallace said. “We need to have fun about all
the little things.”

Skinner said UK still had a tendency to
play “good for four points" then slack off.


mum scum | STAFF
Middle blocker Oueen Nzenwa receives a set from
freshman setter Tess Edwards against MSU last night.

“We'Ve got to focus more on each point."
Skinner said.

The Cats travel to Evanston. 111.. this
weekend to play in the Northwestern Tourna-
ment. They'll face Brown at 6 pm. Friday.

UK returns home Sept. 23 to host the
Auburn Tigers.

E-mail dpooresa kykernel. com




UK hockey opener put on ice

With UK hockey fans Wildcats go

to bat

Sower hosts Georgetown (Ky.)

counting down to a face-off
against Louisville Saturday.
the Cool Cats hit an unex-
pected snag yesterday — the
Cardinals can’t field a team.

“We’re talking to other
teams, such as EKU and
Northern Kentucky," said
UK hockey general manager
Ian Ward. He said UK also
tried talking to West Vir-
ginia. but scheduling con-
straints prevented the Moun-
taineers from making the
trip to Lexington.

“They would like to
come.” Ward said, “but there
were concerns about starting
their season too early." Ward
said the team will continue
the search for a season-open-
ing opponent this week.

for Katrina victims

As the country funnels
support for victims of Hurri-
cane Katrina. the UK basee
ball team is contributing di-
rectly from the diamond.

UK will donate for auc-
tion an autographed base-
ball. two t-shirts. a free week
of UK’s winter baseball
camp. two UK-North Caroli-
na basketball tickets and a
UK license plate.

The package is part of
hundreds of auctions from
around the country with pro-
ceeds going to Habitat for

For more information:

The UK men's soccer
team returns to the UK Soc-
cer Complex tonight at 7:30 to
host Georgetown. Ky.

The Wildcats (2-1-1) left
last weekend‘s Corvallis.
Ore. Stephen Hensor/Joe Za-
har Classic with a 3-1 loss
against Gonzago and a 2—2 tie
with Oregon State.

UK outshot Oregon State
23-12, including 14 shots on
goal. but failed to break the

This weekend. the Cats
travel to Ann Arbor. Mich. to
take on Michigan at 2 pm.

Compiled from UK
Athletics and staff reports



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,o '


September 23- 25, 2005
Highlights include:

Pre-Game Tent Party
Tasty BBQ
Live Music
Silent Auction

Great Giveaways

UK vs. Florida
Football Game

Sunday Brunch at
Spindletop Hall

For a complete schedule of events and
ticket inibr1nation,visit:
www.uky.edu/ StudentAffairs/ Parent Association








. Sept. M. 2005

Editorial Board

Adam Sichito, Editor in chief

1irn Wisernan. Managing editor
Andrew Martin, Opinions editor
Brenton Kenllel. Asst. Opinions editor


Chris Johnson. Asst. Sports editor
Crystal little. Projects editor
Derek Poore. Sports editor

Doug Scott, Features editor
Elizabeth troutman. News editor





Limiting enrollment a good step for UK

UK knows when to say stop.

Following five years of record fresh-
man enrollment, UK reduced the enroll-

ment for the incoming class of 2006.

In the past five years. freshman enroll-
ment had jumped 31 percent. but the
school decided to cap the number for now.

This year‘s class has 3.844 students. 143

less than last year's.

The growth has been good for UK. but

there had to be a limit.

As it is now. the school just cannot sus-
tain more increases with its present facti-

ities and staff.

“There‘s a point at which we felt that
the quality of education would begin to
suffer if we admitted more undergraduate
students without building that capacity.“

said UK Interim Provost Scott Smith.

UK’s growth must continue to be about

quality and not quantity.

after all. these freshmen

And its focus must not drift from the
entire undergraduate population, because

ty-eight percent had a high~school grade
point average of 3.8 or higher, up from 35

percent last year.


must share a campus
with thousands of up-

At the moment. UK’s
campus cannot handle
more growth without
hurting the entire un-
dergraduate population.

As enrollment has
grown over the last five
years. the quality of the
students has risen.

After unprecedented
growth, UK needed to apply
the brakes to avoid hurting

undergraduate education.



the quality of



The top 26 percent of
this year's freshman

class scored 28 or higher on the ACT. an
increase from 24 percent a year ago. Thir-



about this year's freshman class is not im-
pressive at all —— the falling number of


These are important
numbers, because better
students mean a better
reputation for UK. Pres-
Lee Todd has

scholarships — such as

and Cover-
nor's School for the Arts

those for

succeeding in
bringing more talented

black students entering UK.

Overall minority enrollment remained
steady, but only 151 black students were
admitted this year, down from 256 stu-
dents last year. That is a decrease of 41
percent. and it deserves as much attention
as the academic successes of this year's

Clearly, UK must do a better job in at-
tracting and recruiting black students.
Todd and Smith must work to create a
plan to address this issue and solve it.

The administration deserves credit for
attracting the largest and most talented
classes to UK. as well as for knowing
when to stop growing.

They've brought thousands more to
Lexington. and now they must ensure
every student — freshman and senior
alike - gets what they were promised.


and they

key stat





wane, some my to oven,


rov- oue W 0‘3“!






Sinister developments here and abroad

Being a coward. I couldn‘t decide
on a column topic this week. Instead. I
offer some potpourri:

I I‘m all for capital-
ism. but I couldn't
help but feel dirty
when. at the UK foot-
ball game Saturday. I
repeatedly heard
public address an
nouncer Carl Nathe
say. "Anti that‘ll be



enough for a Thorn»

. ton's. first down Ken-
Mania tucky."


ton’s" over the loud
speaker for all 16 of UK's first downs
was torture. made even more painful
for everyone who was reminded of cur-
rent gas prices at every interval.

I Commenting on potential replace-
ments for Supreme Court Justice San-
dra Day O'Connor. Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Arlen Specter. R-
Penn.. told The Washington Post that it
should be a woman.

“Two women are. I think. a mini-
mum." but Specter added he does not
favor a “quota" for the court.

Quota a number or percentage.
especially of people. constituting a re-
quired or targeted minimum. (The
American Heritage Dictionary of the
English Language: Fourth Ed.)

Everyone. please remember the
Pennsylvanians victims of an ap-
parent dictionary famine.

I The first two days of confirmation
hearings for Judge John Roberts as
chief justice of the Supreme Court
marked the beginning of a judicial
war. indeed. In the first battles. style
defeated substance. arrogance crushed
humility and apathy trumped concern
for the country's future.

Monday. Sen. Chuck Schumer. D-
N.Y.. delivered his opening statement.
which contained 49 first-person refer-

The delivery came a day after he
held practice hearings in his office.
with a Harvard law professor playing
Roberts. according to The New York
Times. Schumer. who is in charge of
Senate elections for the Democrats
next year. has used the confirmation
hearing to raise his profile and. of
course. money. He also suffers from a
severe case of narcissism.

Other senators invoked the history
of the Senate Caucus Room and the
plight of the victims of Hurricane Kat-
rina all very lofty sounding. but re~
ally disingenuous attempts to use TV
face time to boost the image of the Sen-
ate or the senator.

Meanwhile. Sen. Tom Coburn. R-
()kla.. (I suspect furiously) worked a
crossword puzzle before making an
emotionally charged statement about

In his first round of questions
Tuesday. Sen. Joe Biden. D~Del.. pep-
pered Roberts in a sickeningly
pompous manner.

It's ironic that Biden. a titan of a
blowhard even by US. Senate stan-
dards. would inundate us with his
knowledge about constitutional law
and then deny Roberts a typical court
room nicety such as a chance to an-
swer the question.

He finally relented when Chairman
Specter told him to stop badgering the
witness. After wasting valuable time
whining about the court's striking
down some of his legislation. Biden
complained repeatedly that he had no
time left to question Roberts.

Note: If anyone at your residence is
a political idealist. you might want to
lock up the medicine cabinet.

I President Bush told reporters yester-
day that he takes full responsibility to
the extent that the federal government
failed to adequately execute the Hurri-
cane Katrina rescue effort.

It's nice that the president isn't
shunning responsibility. but even at
the federal level. it‘s unlikely the fault
is entirely that of the executive


In fact. much of the bureaucratic
red tape was enacted by Congress, and
members of that body need to take re-
sponsibility as well.

Amidst the media‘s Katrina
blitzkrieg. and subsequent profiting as
prophets of doom. I can‘t help but won-
der why so many outlets seem so sloth
to levy criticism at state and local offi~
cials. who are equally responsible and
culpable for everything that‘s gone

I An independent committee led by
former Federal Reserve Chairman
Paul Volcker concluded that the United
Nations‘ Oil—for-Food Program. which

ran from 1996-2003 and was supposed to.

provide food and aid for Iraqis living
under Saddam Hussein‘s regime. was
rife with corruption. fraud and waste.

At least $50 million was misappro-
priated. and it was concluded that
some of the oversight was directly the
negligence of the secretarygeneral‘s

Other scandals. involving bribery.
money laundering. sexual abuse by
peacekeepers in West Africa and other
financial scandals have surfaced.

But no one is calling for the resig-
nation of Secretary-General Kofi An-
nan. who has used the opportunity to
call for “reform" for the third time in
his tenure. Annan has flatly told re-
porters he will not resign.

This certainly is foreboding. given
the UN. operates in a clandestine fash-
ion. is ineffective. corrupt. has mem-
bers looking to consolidate and expand
its power with an international tax. is
hostile to states that defend them-
selves. and is beholden to its authori-
tarian delegations. even though they
only constitute a very vocal minority.

No matter. The American left is
more concerned with the character
flaws of UN. Ambassador John Bolton
and his resemblance to Yosemite Sam.

Andrew Martin is a journalism and political sci-
ence senior. E-mail opinions®kyiiernel.com.

Response effort shows
America's contempt
for welfare recipients

This column was written in response to Josh Sullivan’s
Sept. 12 column. "Katrina offers US. many lessons."

In life, you are given many challenges to overcome
and lessons to learn. Some people be-
lieve that “Hurricane Katrina offers
U.S. many lessons.“ Yeah. lessons on
how screwed up this world is and that
racism still exists. The only difference
between now and 40.plus years ago in
Birmingham, Ala.. is the greater effort
to conceal and sugarcoat it.

Hurricane Katrina opened my eyes
to a lot of sadness. I was dumbfounded
when President Bush took days before
coming on the scene ‘ after all. vaca-
tion takes precede t over national cata-
strophes. Evidentll, Laura Bush must
have pressured him to return to his
duty as the leader of the free world and
tend to the rising water and body count that was destroy-
ing the Gulf Coast.

Many fortunate citizens of America feel that because
a great number of those affected by Hurricane Katrina
are poor blacks. they should be expected to act out in
ridiculous ways. Last time I checked. we were all equal.
That sounds good. but in the eyes of many Americans.
the blacks affected were of little concern prior to the dis-
aster. and are only slightly more important now.

Barbara Bush said. “This is a benefit for some peo-
ple.” I guess so. According to Kernel columnist Josh Sul-
livan. the looting and violent outbreaks should be expect-
ed because so many of the victims receive public assis-
tance. I wonder if Sullivan would expect widespread riot-
ing in the event of a natural disaster in Eastern Ken-

Many people look down on those who were looting,
but some people would have done the same. regardless of
race. Even fellow policemen were in on it. It’s easy to
blame those on welfare when you haven’t looked at the
big picture.

According to Sullivan. “America is a welfare state.” It
seems Sullivan needs a history lesson in American poli-

It‘s easy to point the finger at others when you have
not looked at the big picture. Here’s a start: Hold a race
back for 400 years and then emancipate them with little-
to-no skills to succeed on their own. How can they be ex-
pected to catch up without some sort of assistance? They
have no land. no doctors and no jobs, so year after year af-
ter long. hard year. they fall further and further behind.

Contrary to Sullivan’s belief. it‘s not due to laziness
and a lack of self-worth that some people are in the situa-
tion they are in. The system was built to keep some on
top at the expense of others — in this case. the victims of

Some people are more privileged than others. Many
blacks are thankful for the so-called “race pimps" like
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. To call them parasites is
clearly the statement of an uninformed person who has
little knowledge of the services these two men have per-
formed in and for the black community. No one is perfect.
but they are far better than Sullivan gives them credit for.

Lesson one. as Sullivan points out. is only half-true.
Americans will always rise to the occasion in the midst of
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