xt7xwd3q064s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xwd3q064s/data/mets.xml Cline, C. C., comp Melven, T. L. 1880 1877 199 pages, 14 cm. Call Number: BV520 .C54 1880 books BV520 .C54 1880 English Courier-Journal Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection Hymns, English -- Texts Sunday school music Popular Hymns for Church and Sunday-school, 1880, c1877 text Popular Hymns for Church and Sunday-school, 1880, c1877 1880 1880 1877 2023 true xt7xwd3q064s section xt7xwd3q064s  



32137315 3:11:92? 1?:


cmmn m
._ a. a. (3mm 71x1) '1". Ix. mmm: 51.
Assisted in the Revision by

j. H. HARDIN, State S. S. Evangc‘ist of Missouri,
and P. H. DUNCAN, State 8. S. Evan-
gelist of Kentucky.

COURIER—jOURNAL Ham; AND jon 3.100515 PRINT.


So great 113.5 the (IC 111' 11111 Ior 1’ ‘1“! 1.; 12 H1 .‘11\s gym
that we 11113;;1 had this cditiun «1131110111111. 1.11 111.3111 T15\\'
111,6 V - 1111'c thought bust [13 11111 note CFIH;ILL:TI-
tional singing 111r>r1 111111 the use of I’13111.\R Hi 31w, "
\\'ritcSah.11thcr33hr» “1::11111111 d1» v~it11011 1 than. ’ “1111
success of, :Lprotmctmi 111Lcting is .11111r1st 1:11.112 lntccd 13V
their use,’ ’11' rith the man '1 11st 1111011113. sold 11111111 reds


1n his InLctings. N11 L'11ur111 111':1111111c:111 11111: 111113.31: r
plead poverty as an Lxcnsc 1111' 11111 511313 13111: 2111 1311.1
Hymn Books. '1111'. CU MI [1 11h

P1111111 AR 1'1VhINS ishound in hoards scw Ld wiih wire,
strong and substantial, and is furnishL-d at the 1121111w~
ing rates C'lsh accompanying [11L (31(IL1:

1 Copy sent post. '1gc prepaid ........................ 15 cents
Ioo Copies, Rent .Lt expense of panhasL-r. $8 00
Less {11.111100 (13pics,scnt "11 cxans- . 13f pur-

Chasor ..... 10 L 1111s {31 1' copy.

Add rLSs I I 1.\I*1 & \IFI V 1".\ . , I 11111sv1111, Ky.

AIillIx’ 1"‘3'1:‘1'I‘I()\S I'IXI‘I UNFD.



1'~. ’1173-1’31'113111w . .1an 1.13 11S — 111311111131 Star.
(7. (‘111‘Istiz111 IIyanI. N.1..——NL1'.Iife.
I-l. ' ' I’.——1 31m.



F. 1’. G. —-—1‘ 1111: (.10111

(‘1. C.—~Goldcn ( c11s11r.1’r.——}’

(‘1.Ch.———(yolucn( 11' 1111. S K .w—van'g Kin".

1. R. —GoIdL-n R111L. — S. S.—Sil\'1 r S1113

‘1. S .-—(}Ospcl Songs. 5. Songs Sih'cr Songs.
1. H. -—(10spcl Hymns. S. of (L—Songs of Glory.
G.N.—G110d Ne\\s.1{. II_.—Rovz11 1)i:1dL'111.

J. &G. ——_Iaspcr and Gold. S. .I.—~S31'.1r‘kling .Icwcls.

Entered according to A1113H' 1111gr1ss 11'. the yL car 1877,
By C. L. (11.1N 1:11111'1‘. 1. 1\II‘,11V17,N,

In the Office of the 1.ih1';11'i:111 of Congress, in W’ash-
inglon, D. C.




1 Always Cheerful.
R. D. 82. Key of E.
I LET our hearts be always cheerful;
\«Vhy should murm’ring enter there,
\Vhen our kind and loving Father
Makes us children of his care?
REE—Always cheerful, always cheerful!
Sunshine all around we see;
Full of beauty is the path of duty,
Cheerful we may always be.

2 \V'ith his gentle hand to lead us,
Should the powers of sin assail,
lle has promised grace to help us,
Never can his; promise fail.
3 Oh! the good are always happy,
And their path is ever bright;
Let us heed the blessed counsel,
Shun the wrong:r and love the right.

2 Come Let Us Sing
V. 52. Key of D.

Oll come, let us sing!

()ur youthful hearts now swelling,
To (lod above, a God of love;

Oh come, let us sing.
Our joyful spirits glad and free,
\Vith high emotions rise to thee,
In heavenly 1nelody~

Oh come, let us sing.




2 Oh swell. swell the song,
His praises oft repeating,
His 5011 he gave our souls to save-—
Oh swell, swell the song,
The humhle heart's devotion bring,
\Vhenee gushing streams of love do spring
And make the welkin ring
W'ith sweet, swelling song.
3 \Ve’ll chant, chant his praise—
Our lofty strains now blending;
A tribute bring to Christ our King,
And chant, chant his praise!
Our Savior, Prince, was erueitied,
“ 7'l‘is finished,” then he nieelxly cried,
And bowed his head and died——
Then chant, chant. his praise!

3 Come and Help Us.
E. S. x04. Key of A.
03115 and help us. friends of Jesus,
Come and share the faithful toil;
From the wrecks of sin and sorrow,
Help us gather preeious spoil.


Cull—{Rune and help us, CHZ‘HC and help 11:,
Come and help us, friends of Jesus.
Come and help us. Come and help,
Friends of Jesus, eome and help.

2 Come and help us work for Jesus,
For the love he bore to you ;
(ViIVC him hack in true devotion
What he bought with blood anew.

3 Come and help us if you love him;
Holy work will make you strong,
Bring you nearer to the Master,
Tune your soul to sweeter song.


4 Come to the Savior.
G. H. 62; Prize 5. Key of C.
OMB to the Savior, make 110 (IL-lay;
llt‘l‘t‘ in his word he’s shown us the way.
llerc in our midst he’s L'.t:1111li1‘1_1;' 10-day,
'l‘cnvlcrly saying, “ (111115 3 ”


(,‘111‘..—4loyfull, joyful will the meeting l)::,
\\ 111311 from 5111 our hearinmc pure 31.1‘. 1111‘;
And ‘-"6 shall .1311 111 Savior, with them,

In our ctcmul home.

2 " Suffer the Child 1111 f "‘ (1h lip-111‘ hii‘. voice;
inst L‘V’l‘)’ hcart lt'ill) forth and rejhicc,
And let us freely make him our choice;

Do not delay, but come.
3 'll‘111l.(111cc 3'; tin. 1111‘s with 11-. 11‘1l1’1y;
llcr tl 111m l1i~ l1lc.t (11::
Hair now lll3 accults tcnilcrly say,

“ \Vill you, 1111' children, 20111:: P ”


0 Coming, Yes, We’ re Coming.
8.} l48. l’xcx ;l E.
P (HIV wet: the tall cl merty,
1111 itinu u very ll- -11t
T013111111 111(l luh‘ (ii: 1 .‘ulOI’
3511:1011 lilu.‘ :.: 1.; (7.3111112;
"l‘is in 1‘13 Holv Eli l1l~
'l‘llcw I-“vt‘i‘ , \“Uirla \xt‘ :scc:
Forl‘itl ye not tl1t‘l‘=1lzlr;11,
But let them come 13 3111:.


R121“.—1Cr1r1‘1ing, yea 11!: re L11. Hing iii
lhtnr 52.11111” to aliy inltl.

2 Omly hiss-1:31.51 llk'lIi 11¢

'11! lino». :11.«l<3.1t'11t-1

T0 115.11; (1» l- 1 .r1111111.':1111‘

That 111: may sue lllt light;





The hlesscd light that shineth,
Along the n1n'1mr way,
And always grmreth hrighter
Unto the perfect «lay.

3 Our Savior loves the children,

()n them his hands he lilltl,
\V'ithin his arms he held them,

Antl lilt-sscil them while he prayed;
Aml still his mercy calls thr-m;

just mm we hear him say:
I want yuur hunts, dear children,

I \xzmt your love tu-tlzty

(3 Hallelujah, ’Tis Done.
(l. S. 3; G. H. 4. Key of G.
" ‘lS the ;)l‘()lllltsr‘ nt' ( lutl full salvation to give.
lint” him who Ull jesns his sun \\ ill in-lieve.
C11. Hallelujah 'tis tlunc, l helim'c un the sun;
I run saved by the l)lOU(l of the L-rucitn-tl

one. r;

2 'l‘hn‘ the pathway be lonely and «hugger-nus
Surely jesus is able to carry me thruugh.

3 Many luvwl out-s hmc l in you heavenly
'l‘hcy are safe now in glm‘y, 11ml this is their
4 Little children I see standingr close l>y their
And he smiles as theirsong of sanntinn they
5 'l‘here’s :1 part in that chorus fur you and for
And the theme of our praises forever will he


7 Did You Think to Pray?
N. L. 90. Key of B.
FRI? you left your room this morning
4 I)1d you think to pray?
In the name of Christ our Savior,
Did you sue for loving favor,
As a shield to-day?
(All nrfiOh, how praying rests the weary !
l’raycr will change the night to day;
So when life seems dark and dreary
Don’t forget to pray.


\Vhen you met with great temptation,
Did you think to pray?

By his dying love and merit.

Did you claim the Holy Spirit
As your guidt- and stay ?

When your lit-art was tilh-d with anger
Did you think to pray?
Did you plead for grace, my brother,
'l‘hat you might forgive another
Who had croswd your way?


4 \Vht-n sore trials came upon you
Did you think to pray?
\thn your soul was lion-ed in sorrow,
lLrlin a-l‘ Gilead did you liorrow
At the gates of day?

8 I’ll Think of My Savior.
B. B. 84. Key of B.
I’LL think of my Savior when daylight is
Awayfrom the darkness and gloom of the
\thn l‘I‘cwll from his Slumber the sun is awaking
And gll‘tllllg himself with the armor of light.




CHO.——I’ll think of my Savior,
And trust him forever,
I’ll seek for his favor,
And hope. through his love,
With angels: to meet him,
With SL‘I‘ilpliS to greet him,
And praise him forever
In mansions above.

2 I’ll think of my Savior when daylight is

sinking, [so gray,

And blending its beams with the twilight

\Vllen bright starry eyes in the azure are
winking, '

And silence emhrtict-s the Cl0\L‘ of the clay.

3 I’ll think of my SaVior when sorrow is
llcr this}; robes of sadness around the
:rl»; toml);
If light from his presence 3 glory is liringing
"l‘will scatter its darkness and hide all its



9 I Wiil Love Jesus.
G. S. 7. key of G.
\VlLL love Jesus and serve him, for see
" How the dear Savior has watched. OVer me!
llow he has guarded and guided my xx ay!
How he hzt< kept me Ly viii-[ht and by day!
Cli0.«llim will l lore mnl his \'.ill I be;
All because he has lll'hl loved me;
Him will l love and his will I be.
All because he loves me.
2 Iwill love Jesus owl learn of his; \xill, [1H,
Trusting him our, through good and through
See {i 1; his blessing. where‘er I may he,
Knowing he cares for the gparrows and me.

 OPENING soucs. 9

3 I will love Jesus, and, sure of his love,

I shall be safe as the blessed above.

Oh! when he calls to the glory on high,
How we will praise him, the angels and I !

10 Jesus Loves Even Me.

U. S. 6; G. H. 25. Key ofA.

AM so glad that our father in heaven

Tells of his love in the book he has given!

\Vomlerful things in the Bible I see;

This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me.

CHO.———I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me;
I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves even me.

2 Though I forget him and wander away
Still he doth love me wherever I stray;
Jack to his dear loving arms would I ihe
\Vhen I remember that Jesus loves me.


Oh, if there’s only one song I can sing,
\‘Vhen in his beauty I see the great King;
This shall my song in eternity be,

“ Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me.”


11 Have Mercy on Me.
M. S. 44. Key of A.

I’M sinful and wen-etched; from sin :iml irOm
1 sorrow,

O Lord! well thou knowest, I fain would be

free ;

No hope can I cherish; save, Lord, or I perish,

0 Jesus, have mercy on me, even me.
CIIO.~IIave mercy, my Savior, on me,

I'IflVc mercy, my Savior, on me;

No hope can I cherish ; save, Lord, or I perish,
0 Jesus, have mercy on me, even me.




2 Before thee I’m lying in tears and in anguish,
N0 helper unless thou my helper wilt he;
Then hear my petition for peace and for pardon,
0n me, Lord, have mercy on me, even me.

3 l_ hear thy (lear welcome, oh, can I helieve it?
Ye sinful and weary, oh. come unto me!

I’m sinful, l‘m weary. l eome, for thou eallest,
For thou wilt have mercy on me, even me.

4 My glad heart rejoiees, my l)l11‘(l‘\‘ll has failt n:
Prom sin’s grilling letters my soul is ret free;
0 Lord! I will praise thee, forever l‘ll praise
For thou hast lliltl merey on me, even me.

'12 More to Follow.
(E. S. 32. Key of E.
1 AV E you on the Lord helievetl?
Still there’s more to follow;
Of his grace han- you reeeiual 1’
Still there’s more tn lirrllnn.
()h the grace the father shows
Still there’s more to follow!
Freely he his grave lnrstmrs,
Still there's more In l‘ulinw.

(lilo. , More and more. [Lul‘t‘ antl more,
Always more to follow 3
Oh his l'natel'tless. hountlle» love!
Still there‘s more to follow.
2 llave you felt the Hm ior near?
Does his blessed presence «‘heer?
()h the love that lesus shows!
Freely he his love liestou's.
3 llave you felt the spirit's pmver?
Falling lllIHI‘)‘,
Of him who was slain;
Sound his praises, tell with gladness
lle liveth again.

2 Rejoice and be glad! for the blood hak been

Redemption is finished, the price hath been

3 Rejoice and be glad! for the lamb that was

O’er death is triumphant, and liveth again.

4 Rejoice and be gladi 'for our king is on high,

lle pleadeth lor us (in his throne in the sky.

5 Rejoice and be glad! for he emneth again;

He cometh in glory, the lamb that war, ~x'lain.

16 Ring the Bells of Heaven.
G. $1.21. Prize 129. Key of H
RING the bells of heaven 3 there is joy to—day,
For a soul, returning from the wild ;
See! the father meets him out upon the ua),
\Veleomint,r hi» weary. wand’ring child.


CHO.——-Glo1‘y! glory! how the angels sing ;
Glory! glory! how the loud harps ring;
"I‘is the ransomed army, like a mighty sea,
Pcaliug forth the anthems of the free.

2 Ring the bells of heaven! there is joy to-day,
For the wand’rer now is reconciled;
Yes, a soul is rescued from its sinful way,
And is born anew a ransomed child.

3 Ring the bells of heaven! spread the feast
Angels, swell the glad, triumphant strain!
Tell the joyful tidings! bear it far away!
For a precious soul is born again.

17 Ring, Ring the Bells.
R D. 46. Key of C.
RlNG, ring the bells over ocean and shore,
Jesus the risen shall suffer no more;
Jesus, the risen, is mighty to save,
\Vhere is thy strength and thy Viet’ry, O grave?
REE—Ring, ring the bells, ring, ring, ring the
Ring them joyfully, joyfully; lift the voice
and sing,
Death is vanquished, and the Lord is king.

2 Break from your bondage of winter, 0 earth,
\ante to a spring—time of music and mirth;
Blossom and sing, for your darkness is done,
jesus hath risen, thy life giving sun.

3 Ring, ring the tidings with joy in the chime,
Down thro’ the shadows of error and crime;
Ring to the spirit of bondman and free,

Jesus is risen, and liveth for thee.




'18 Singing and Praising Forever.
B. B. 38. Key of A.
' ‘llRO’ the new Jerusalem,
Lineil with fairest flow ‘rs,
Flows a pure and crystal stream,
\Vat’ring the heavenly howers;
On its banlis we hope to stand,
Close hy the heautiful river,
There to join the ransomeil band,
Singing and praising forever.
CIIO.—~Hinging and praising forever,
Close hy the beautiful river,
'l‘here to join the ransomml hand,
Singing aml praising forever.
2 There are saints in rolits of white,
\Vho have gone before us;
\Vith the angels they unite,
Swelling the heavenly chorus;
Aml with them we hope to stainl,
Close his the heantilnl river,
There to join the ransomed hand,
Singing filltl praising forever.
3 They who long the cross have home
Cast their crowns before him;
luzlrtyt‘s, with their harps of gold,
Singing with joy adore him;
Soon along the verilant hanks,
Close by ll‘H‘ heantifnl river,
\Ve shall hail our Savior King,
Singing and praising forever.

19 The Children’s Welcome.
V. 35: S. ‘l. 42. Key of F‘.
E have come rejoicing on this happy (lay,
In our Sunday-school we dearly love to stay;
And with voices blendingr in a sacred song,
We the Savior’s praise prolong.


Clio—There we shall never grieve him more,
But with the angels on that shore,
Strike the harps of glory in a sweeter strain,
And ever with them praise his holy name.


'l‘hrough the week he’s kept us, and his
smiling face

Still is beaming on us in this happy place;

And the gracious Spirit from his holy throne,

'l‘ells us of a better home.

20 There’s Room for All.
G. Ccn. 5. Key of E.
“ OME to me all ye that labor,
lleavy laden and oppressed,”
These were the precious words of Jesus,
“ Come, and I will give you rest.”
CHO.—~"l‘is a father’s love, ’tis a father’s call,
In his house above there is room for all,
Yes, there’s room for all in my father’s heavenly
Yes, there’s room for you, there’s room for me.
2 “ Take my easy yoke upon you,
Leave the wrong and choose the right,
Come learn of me the meek and lowly,
You shall find my burden light.”
3 (luartl us by thy kind protection,
Purify our every heart ;
O teach us, Lord, and make us humble,
Meek, and lowly, as thou art.


Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.
Key of E.
l‘leflTOMlC, welcome, Welcome,
\Ve welcome you dear friends,
In this our opening lay;
Welcome, welcome, welcome,
\Velcome, here this festal day,




2 Many are the sorrows, many are the tears;

Many are the joys, and many are the fears,

That have crossed our pathway since we last
did meet,

But we’ve come again, our kindred and our
friends to greet.

3 Many are the conflicts, many are the snarcs‘;

Many are the trials, many are the cares

That we’ve home through Jesus, since we last
did meet,

But we’re here again, our brethren and our
friends to greet.

4 Many are the pleasures that we here shill

Many are the treasures we must homeward

That we may be true till we the Master meet,

‘Chen we’ll come again, our loved ones and
our friends to greet.

22 Welcome Voice.
J. 8: G. 13:; G. H. No. 63, and No. 40 in OH. No.2.
Key of It

I HEAR thy welcome voice
That calls me, Lord, to thee,
For cleansing in thy precious blood,
That flowed on Calvary.
CHO.—I am coming, Lord!
Coming now to thee!
\Vash me, cleanse me in the blood,
That flowed on Calvary.

2 ’Tis Jesus calls me on!
To perfect faith and love,
To perfect hope, and peace, and trust,
For earth and heaven above.

 OPENING sioxos. I7

3A11d 110 the \vitnet ' frives,
lo loyal hearts and free,

That every 11111111ise i» f1111111ed,
If f; 1111 111111111115 tl11 plea.

4 All\h:1il, atoning 11100111
\Il 11311 redeeming: ”race!

Al1l 1:111 11 1e 1:1 f'tof Christ the Lord!

Our strengths 11111 righte wusncss.

23 We are ( oozing. (No. I.)
G. Cen. 17. Kcyof D.
'\'\/71§V are hcoming blessed Saviour,
\"w 1*31'1115‘gen11e voice;
\\ e would he thine forever,
And in thy love rejoice.
CHO.—«—\Ve :11“ conning, we are coming,
\\ 1. .1re coming, 11113511611 Savior,
“1 111:1:1111111111, we are coining,
“10111211 thv g1): 1tle \010C.
2 “'1? are Coming; blessed Savior,
To meet that happy 11.11111,
And sing)r with them forever,
And in thy presenee stand.
“"0 are coming, &e.
To meet that happy hand.
3 \Ve are coming, blessed Savior,
0111‘ Father’s house we see——
A glorious mansion ever
For children young as we.
“'6: are coming, Lie.
()ur Father’s house to see.
4 \VC are coming, 111esse1'l Savior,
Thutl mopy home is ours;
lfhere ve gain 111} 12101
We’ll much those fragrant bowers.
\Vc are coming, Sac.
That happy home is ours.


 I8 OPENING soxus.

5 \Ve are coming, blessed Sax’ior,
T0 crown our ‘lesus King,
And then with angels ever
His [')t‘.’1l‘§€§ we will sing.
We are Cuming, 5'0.
To crown (iur ‘lesus King.

24 What Shall the Harvest Be?
G. S. 126. Key of (I.

‘(HVINU their seed by the daylight lair,

Sowing their xeerl in the nimntitlc glare,
Sowing their SCOil in the {ruling light,
Sowing their seed in the solemn night.

()h, what shall the harvest he?


Smx'n in the tlzirknms or wwn in the light.
Sow): in our weakness or mini in our might.
(hithereil in time 0r eternity.
Sure, 11h sure, will the harm-5t he.


2 Sowing their seeil hf; the ‘.\:i}'ni«lc high,
Sowing their wed all the rwelgx in (he,
Sowing their :seeil Where the tl'mrns will simil,
Sowing their seed in the fertile mil.

Oh, what ~\hall the harvest he?

3 Smring their seed with an achingr heart.
Sowing their seed while the tear-tlrups atmt,
Sowing in hope. till the. reapers eumr,
(Vllmlly to gather the harvest hnme.

Oh, what shall the harvest, he? 2“

25 “I Am The Vine."
M. F 4 Ref: of D.
I AM the, vine, and ye are the branches,
Bear precious fruit for Jenna try—(lay;
The hrilmh that in me no fruit ever heareth,
jesus hath said, “ llc taketh away.”





CHo.———l am the vine, and ye are the branches;
1 am the vine, be faithful and true;

Ask what ye will, your pray’rshall be granted;

“The Father loved me. so I have loved you.”

2 Now ye are clean, through works I have
Abiding in me, much fruit ye shall bear;
“Dwelling in thee, my promise unbroken,
Glory in heav‘n with me ye shall share.

3 Yes, by your fruits the world is to know you,
Walking in love as children of day;
Follow your Guide, he passed on before you,
Leading to realms of glorious day.

26 Whosoever Will.
G. S. 29. Key of D.
“\V IIOSOEVER heareth,” shout, shout the
sound 3
Send the blessed tidings all the world around,
Spread the joyful news wherever man is
“VVhosoever will may come.”
VVhosoever will, whosoever will,
Send the proclamation over vale and hill,
"l‘is a loving Father calls the wand’rer home.
“W'hosocver will may come.”


\Vhosoever cometh need not delay,
Now the door is open, enter while you may;
Tesus is the true, the only living way.

“ \Vhosoever will may come.

3 “\Vhosoever will,” the promise secure;
“ \Vhosoever will,” forever must endure;
“ W'hosever will,” ’tis life forever more.
“ Whosoever will may come.




27 Who is Ready?
J. S; G. 12:. Knyot'E.
V AI'I‘ING is the golden harvest,
\Vniting -s the g<111lr3n grain,
\Vhile the Master calls {111‘ renpcrs
From the hill-side and the plain!
RElr‘.-~ \‘ullO is willing? who is ready?
\\'h11\\'ill go 2111rl work tO- (luv. 3
See the gnlrlL 11 ham est \1 1111.1h ;
\\ 1111 “ill hear the sheavcs away P
2 Truly is the harvest plcnteous,
But the laborers are few;
Pray ye that the Lorrl of harvest
Hcml furth \vm‘lrmvu triwl 11ml true.
“ill the Master hold us guiltlcss,
If the work he left undone?
lf 1111‘ lGCh of labor perish

Previous souls \1'1- might have W011?


4 linstc ‘7),l1astcn williusr \1'orkc1's,
S1'iftl1 s1 L04 1911 hour 5 away:
Hamcn tr» the Mnstu s “31111112,
“ V1 ork 111.\h1lctis called today.”

28 Who's on the Lord's Side?
(In 5?. 713. Key 01'1“.
\V E'l\l{1‘11:1rcl1i11r1 to C anami \1i1l1l1111111c-111m
\.\CIL‘S'1llL141‘3‘11llSUdt0 f1 1l1t gainst the 1.1‘1‘1011
3111.10“? 111 the (1011‘liLt r1111 stirugth shrrulrl
\Vc ask. \1l10 311111111: us ison the lxml‘s sirle?
C110~~—j:(i)l1. ‘11'11r1 is there 111110111; us, the truc
and the tricrl;
\Vho’l stnnrl l1} his colors—who’s on the
Lord‘s side ? :1:




The sword may be burnished, the armor be

For Satan appears as an angel of light;

Yet darkly the bosom may treachery hide,

While lips are professing, “ I’m on the
Lord’s side.”

3 ()h, heed not the sorrow, the pain and the
wrong, [song;

For soon shall our sighing be changed into

80, hearing the cross of our covenant Guide,

\Ve’ll shout, as we triumph, “l’m on the
Lord’s side!”


29 We’ll Praise Him Forever.
N, L. 53. Key of D.
IN the Sunday-school army our names are

And we follow our leader, all steadfast and
bold; [may see;

On the Sunday-school banner his name you
It is jesus, our Savior, who loved you and me.
(,‘Ho.~«\Ve‘ll praise him forever, 51;}
\Vho loved you and me.
2 In our Childhood we come, if no ripe sheaves
he ours, [and flowers;
\Ve will garland his pathway with l)lOSS()il]S
We will go forth at morning his gleaners to be:
He will Welcome us, smiling, who loves you
and me.
3 \Vhen the vict’ry is w m, and the conflict is
o’er, [bright shore:
\Ve will close ’round our leader on Canaan’s
Then we’ll sing on, exulting his glory to see,
For we’ll dwell with him ever who loves you
and me.




30 Battling for the Lord.
S. S. 42. Key of F.
x' E’VE ‘listed in a holy war,
Battling for the Lord!
Eternal life, eternal joy,
Battling for the. Lord!
CHO.——V 'e’ll work till jesus comes,
\Ve’ll work till ~lesLis comes,
\N'e’ll work till Jesus comes,
And then we’ll rest at home.

2 l7nder our Captain, jesus Christ,
\Ve've listed for this mortal life.

3 \Ve’ll right against the powers of sin,
ln favor oi our heavenly King.

4 And when our warfare here is o’er.
This strife we‘ll leave, and war no more.

31 Bringing in the Sheaves.
N. L. 30; S. of (l 29. Key of (I.
O\VING in the morning, sowing seeds of
Sowing in the. noontide and the dewy eves;
\Naitingfortheharvest, and thetimeof reaping,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the
(knife—Bringing in the golden sheaves,
Bringing)r in the golden sheaves.

2 (it) and tell the nations, now in heathen
Tell them jesus died~vnow no excuse he
Bid them come to Jesus; thus prepare the
You shall come rejoicing, bringing in the


m/ w






3 Rowingin thesunshine sowingin the shadows,
i“L‘r‘Al.ill£{ ueitl'ier L‘lOlltlr. nor winter’s chilling
ly and by the harvest, and our labors ended,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the

32 Come Near Unto Me.
P. G. 102. Key of E.

LOATING down thro’ the sunlight that
brightens our way,

A sweet voice has sounded, is sounding

“0, ye weary and troubled,” it softly says,

“come ;
\Vhy longer in pain and unrest will you roam ?"


RICE—“Come near unto me,
(Some near unto me,
Ye weary and troubled,
Come near unto me.”

2 “Are you weary of sin, of its weight and
its pain?

(‘ome near unto ine,I can cleanse its deep

Does the thought of your guilt make you fear—
ful and weak?

(‘ome near unto me, your full pardon l‘ll speak.”

3 “Are you weary of straying? my own hand
shall guide

Your feet in the way where no ill Shall betide;

Are you hungry and thirsty? your soul shall
be. fed

With the \Vater of Life and the Heavenly





33 Draw Me Nearer.
No. 5 of G. H. No. 2. Key of A.
I AM thine, 0 lord, I have heard thy voice,
And it told thy love to me;
But I long to rise in the arms of faith,
And be closer drawn to thee.
IQEI’.7I)1‘I‘LW me neurer, nearer, lJleS>C¢l Lord,
'1‘!) the eroxs where thou hast died ;
Draw me nearer, nearer. nearer, blessed Lord,
To thy precious, bleeding side.

2 (Lnnseerate me no“ to thy sen iee, Lord,
By the pmv’r of grace (li\ ine:

Let my soul 11ml; up \\ ith :1 t hope,
And my will he lmt in thine.

3 Oh, the pure delight (If :1 single huur
'l‘hnt bet-ore thy throne l spentl'

\Vhen I kneel in pi'rayir, and with thee In) (10d,
i emnmune 11:: trienrl v. ith friend.

4 There are depths mt love that I (all net kntm',
Till I eroxs the narrow sen;

There are heights of juy that I may not reach
'l‘ill I rest in peace with thee.

34 Draw Me Closer To Thee.
J. (016.17. Key of A.
LOSER to thee, my l‘nther, (lraw me,
I hing for thine, emhrnCe;
Closer within thine arms enfold me,
l seek it re‘ting plare.


CHO.—-‘ : Closer with the cortlsof love,
Draw me to thyself above;
Closer (lruw me to thyself shove. :l

2 Closer to thee, tny Sayior, (lmw me, ‘
Nor let me leave thee nun-e ;

Sighing to feel thy arma nmuntl me,

And all my wand‘rings o‘er.




rRAtsic, worm A'_\'l) ntrt'r'ruc SONGS. 2‘

3 Clmer by thy sweet spirit draw me,
Till I am wholly thine ;

Quicken. retine, and wash and cleanse me,
Till pure my soul shall Shine.

3:; Every Day And Hour.
G. H. 49. Key of A.
SAVIOR, more than life to me,
‘ I any clinging, clinging Close to thee;
Let 'l‘hy precious blood applied,
Keep me ever, ever near thy side.
REFxA—Every day. every hour,
Let me feel thy cleansing power;
May thy tender love to me
Bind me closer, closer, Lord, to thee.

2 Through this changing world below,
Leadine gently, gently as I go;
lrusting thee, I can not stray,

I can never, never lose my way.

Let me love thee more and more,

Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o‘er,

'l‘ill my soul is lost in love,

In a brighter, brighter world above.

36 E ve n M e.
G. H. as. Key of A.

URL), I hear of showers of blessing

Thou art scattering full and free
Showers, the thirsty land refreshing;

Let some droppings fall on me—
liven me, even me,
Let thy blessing {all on me.


2 Pass me not, 0 gracious Father,

Sinful tho’ my heart may be ;
Thou niight’st leave me, but the rather
Let thy mercy fall on merveven me .



3 Pass 1110 not, (if) tender Savior!
Let inc low: and cling to thee ;
I an) longing for thy fiUOI';
\Vhilst thon‘rt culling, 0h, call me!

4 Pass me not! thy lost one bringing,
Bind my heart, 0 Lord, to thee;
\Vhile the streams of life are springing,
Blessing others, 011, bless inc—713.1111 me.

37 Follow Me. r’No. I.)
l‘rize 130. Key Of C.
III‘::\R Illt.‘ l)lL'>.\-fi‘rl Savior my,
Follow me, follow mc.
In the darkness and the tiny,
hollow, follow me.
Follow, thlt‘,1‘:1‘cpal'cs,
llc rcstorcs my snul, he knows my youth,

Antlgives triumph in answer to prayers.

3 He will feast me still with his presence dear,
1\11(l the low: hc so {rt-sly