xt7z08635n5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z08635n5m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1946042 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-04-apr2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-04-apr2. 1946 2011 true xt7z08635n5m section xt7z08635n5m Minutes of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, April 2, 1946. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:10 a.m., Tuesday, April 2, 1946. The following members were present: Judge Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chair- man; Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, John C0 Everett., T. H. C1 tler, H. S. Cleve- land, Harry F.Walters, Robert Tway, R. P. Hobson, Iarper Gatton, H. D. Palmore, and John Fred Williams. President H. L. Donovan and Comptroiler Frank D. Petersonj Secretary of the Board., were also present. A. Thomas H. Cutler Reappointed Member of the Board of Trustees. Hon. Thomas H. Cutler, alumni member of the Board, whose term expired January 1, 1946, has been reappointed by Governor Simeon .7lllis as alumni member for a full regular term;n Mr. Cutler was present, duly qualified himself, and met with the Board of Trustees. B. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the Board of Trustees of December 11, 1945, and the minutes of the Executive Committee of January 19, February 15, and March 5, 1946, were approved as published. C. Report of the Comptrollers The Comptroller submitted financial report for the period ending February 28, 1946, and read the following analysis. March 28, 1946 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear President Donovan: I submit herewith the Financial Report of the University for the period ended February 23, 1946. g'eneral Fund The combined general income realized during the period amounted to $3,093,370.93. This amount is 2.2.9i% greater than the income realized during the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year and is 86.6% of the current year budget estimate of $3, 492, 307.96. A further analysis of income is shown below: Budget Realized - Income Estimnate Income Per Cent Fixed Items $2,887,356.96 $2,706,051.45 93.7% Variable Items 604,951.00 387,319.48 64.0 Totals $3 ,492,307.96 $3,093 370.93 a____ During the first eight months of the fiscal year 93.74 of the fixed items consisting of State Appropriation Allotments, Federal (Grants, Endowment and Miscellaneous Income, had been realized. During the same period 64.0% of variable items consisting of Student Fees, Sales and Services and Auxiliary Income had been realized. The increased enrollment experienced during the Winter Quarter is expected to be maintained or further increased during the Spring Quarter. Thc variable income which increases in proportion with student enrollment is expected to be fully realized by the end of the fiscal year. The possibility is further enhanced by the; fact that the Veterans' Administration has begun to pay its obligation to the University in connection with Public Law 346. Charges during the period for expenditures and encumbrances against departmental appropriations srmointcd to $2,145,095.51. The charges exceeded that recorded durin;r the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year by l3.6f, and amountcd to 63.4% of the current year departmental appropriations which have been authorized in the amount of $3,382,678.25. Re strictcd Funds The balance of Restricted Funds at the beginning of the fiscal year was $1,094,805,29. During the period there were additions to the funds aggirregating $1,660,922.45. Expenditures were authorized Page 2 in the amount of $1,466,408.87, leaving a balance of $1,289,318.37, of which $867,948.00 was invested in securities. The remainder was on deposit in University bank accounts. Plant Funds The Unexpended Plant Fund balance at the beginning of the year was $59,025.37. An additional $172,223.67 of Current General and Restricted Income has been allocated and appropriated for Plant Fund purposes. A summary of Plant Fund transactions follows: College Division: General Restricted Experiment Station:. Unexpended Balance General Fund $119,717.92 J2,505.75 59,025.37 20.000.00 ~~_241~9.04 Charges $ 89,090.88 32,505.75 4,617.46 18,944.37 Per Cent Balance Expended $30,627.04 54,407.91 1,055.63 $86 040.58 74.4% 100.0% 7.8% _94.7% _..J% .E, A further analysis of Plant Fund charges is ing statement: College Division; Payment on P.W.A. Bonds Dicker House Annuity Payments on Properties Purchased: Elliott Property $ 16,00 Gibson Property 8,00 Horsfield-LoStourgeon Property a.50 Cost of Acquiring Excess and Surplus Government Properties Expcriment Station: Animal Pathology Building Abattoir Building Total shown in the follow- $ 74,843.56 352.74 1.50 11.75 22.50 32,505.75 13,894.58 4,617.46 18,944.37 $145,158.46 Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson Comptroller Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Colle7e Division Budget Estimate Realized Unrealized to Date Balance Educational and General State Appropriations Division of Colleges College of Agriculture Summer School Repairs to Buildings Library Equipment Sci.Lab .Equipment Engineering Eauipment Home Ec. Equipment Research in Coal Vocational Education Subtotal Federal Funds Bankhead-Jones Act 14orrill4Nelson Tch.Act Smith-Hughes (Voc.Ed.) Int.on Land 0rant Bonds Subtotal Student Fees All Colleges except Law College of Law Auditors Late Registration Special Examinations Transcripts TA,.colied olic Tr.School-El. Tr. School-H.S. Univ. Extension Subtotal Less-Amt.Allotted to Plant (See Plant Fund Contra) .let Student Fees $1,026,300.00 26,400.00 11,000.00 33,000.00 11,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 11,000.00 8,250.00 $1,026,300.00 19,800.00 11,000.00 22,000.00 11,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 11,000.00 8,250.00 6,600.00 11,000.00 30.272.,0 6,168.03 24.104.47 $1.201,222.50 3.1159 518.03 $ 41 704.47 44,867.87 $ 44,867.87 $ 42,750.00 42,750.00 30,272.50 6,168.03 24,104.47 8644.50 4,322.25 4,322.25 126 534.87 938108.15 $ 283,000.00 $ 155,958.82 $ 127,041.18 2,400.00 1,889.35 510.65 150.00 616.50 466.50* 250.00 492.00 242.00* 50.00 40.00 10.00 450.00 1,112,15 662.15* 4,000.00 6,274.75 2,274.75* 8,500.00 7,938.91 561.09 15,500,00 15,918.50 418.50* 14,000.00 8,290.59 5,709.41 $ 328,300.00 $ 198,531.57 $ 129,768.43 11717.92 1 5 112,717.92 215,582.06 5 1770 1 *Income in excess of estimate. 0 Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Colleoe Division Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unrealiz ed Balance Endowments (Current) Peabody Fund $ 1.000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ Sales and Services Locker Receipts $1 2,000.00 $ 2,101.50 $ 101.50* Misc. Maint. and Op. 600.00 1,119.08 519.08* Other Misc.Receipts 1,000.00 1,645.22 645.22* Rent of Insti.Prop. 4,000.00 4,475.00 475,00* Rent of Residences 2 000.00 3S421.47 1.421,47* Subtotal $ 9600 12.762.27 3,162.27* Total Educational & General $1,553,939.45 $1.469.2O0.02 i 84.019.43 Auxiliary Enterprises & Activities Residence Halls Men-Army $ 34,020,00 $ 20,406.95 $ 13,613.05 Women 225,531.00 154,008.79 71.522.21. Subtotal $ 259,551.00 @ 174,415.74 $ 85,135.26 Allotted to Women's Halls 7,000.00 7 000.00 Sulbtotal $ 252,551.00 7 174.415.74 $ 7 26 Post Office ,500.00 1,609.90 890.10 Army Sp.Tr.Program Bk.Store Commissions Total Aux. Enterprises & Activities $255.051.00 176,025.64 V 79.025.36 Operating Total $1,808,990.45 $1,645,945.66 $ 163t044.79 Plus--Revolving Fund Surplus 70,000,00 _ 70,000.00 Combined Total $1, 878,990.45 81.645.945.66 L 233,044.79 Plant Fund Student Fees Assigned (Sce Student Fees - Contra) @ 119,717.92 $ Zi 119,717.92 Restricted Income Allocated to Plant Fund 32.505.75 32,505.75 T 152,223.67 3 32,505.75 119,717.92 *Income in excess of estimate. Statement of State and Federal Allotments For the Period Endin; February 26, 1946 College Division Allotted to Date Division of Colle!es Personal Services $ 876,300.00 Y!on-Per.Services 40,000.00 Ictt.& Supplies 72,000.00 Other Current Exp. 16,000,00 Capital Outlay Subtotal Col. of Agr. Summer School Repairs to Bldgs. Library Equip. Sci.Lab.Eauip. Engineering Equip. Home Ec.Equip. Research in Coal Capital Outlay Subtotal Bankhead-Jones Morrill-Nelson Tcn.Act Int.on Land Grant Bonds Smith-Hughes (Voca, Ed.) Vocational Ed. (St.Dept.Ed.) Subtotal Combined Total Expendi- tures $ 632,509.53 $ 34,489.00 30,955.02 16,417.03 Encum- Free brances Balance $243,790.47 5,004.C0 507.00 9,214.81 31,830.17 417.03* 22 000.00 3,921.14 9 805.24 8273.62 $1,026,300.00 $ 718 291.72 $24.024q05 $283.984.23 $ 19,800,00 18,400.00 $ $ 1,400.00 ll,O0000O 11,000.00 22,000.00 22,817.50 817.50* 11,000.00 6,517.91 1,712.05 2,770.04 22,000.00 1,467.99 8,151.83 12,380.18 22,000.00 5,002.73 1,508,97 15,48d.30 11,000.00 405.50 10,594.50 8,250.00 2,376.10 215.10 5,658.80 $ 127.050.00T 67.582.23 $11,993.45 $ 47.474.32 $ 44,867.87 $ 29,878.20 $ $ 14,989.67 42,750.00 35,619.16 7,130.84 4,322,25 4,322.25 6,168.03 6,168.03 6.168.03 6 ,168,03 _____ $ 104 276418 77 3,42 442.76 p1,257,626.18 S 863,707.37 $36.017.50 $357,901.31 State Revolving Fund Balance Receipts to Date Expendi- tures Encum- Free brances Balance Colloce Revolving $ 495,921.20 $ 202,9O8.73 $95,723.27 $197,289.20 Bldg.Redemption Fund 74,829.17 74 a29.17 _________ 9________ Total $ 570,750.37 Q 277.737.90 $95,723.27 9197.289.20 *Expenditures and encumbrances in excess of receipts to date. Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 26, 1946 College Division Budget Estim ate Aiministration & General General Admin.Offices Bd..o Trustees $ 600.00 President's Office 7,820.00 Comiptroller's Office 6,748.50 Acct. Divislon 16,757.50 Purchase & Stor.Div. 9,050.00 Off, of Dean of Univ. 5,450.00 Off. of Dean of iRen 4,7t5.00 Off. of Dean of Women 10,110.76 Registrar' s Office Personnel Office Bur. of Source Mat Service Nens8 Surv Subtotal Student Welfare Lectures, Convo- cations, etc. Public EHalth Serv. Y!CA-YWCA Sub. Subtotal Public Relations & General Exp. Promotion & Pub. Alumni Assn. Alumni Publication Catalogs, Announce- mentss, Partyetc. General Expense (N.O.C.) Sten. Bureau Out-of-State Travel Alumni Postage Adm.Stv.te Vet.Sch. Subtotal Total Administrativ & General Expense t8 21,004.03 9,819.40 3,950.00 950.00 Expendi- tures $ 517.12 4,793.32 4, 770.05 11, 651.44 5,174.98 3,3513.69 2, 543.67 6,494.50 14,457.97 5,318.29 2, 865.43 721.08 Encum- Free brances Balance $ 185.62 124.13 44.20 36.50 94.76 12.34 10.19 2,195.43 30.49 $ 882.88 2,841.06 1,854.32 5,061.86 3,836.52 2,041.55 2,208.99 3,606.07 4,350.63 4,470.62 1, 284.57 228.92 97,025.19 624I54 2.735.66 $ 31 867.99 @ 2,300.00 $ 642.00 $ $ 1,658.00 13,990.00 10,883.24 397.56 2,704.20 5,442.00 3.513.75 1.928.25 F 21,732.0G 15,043.99 7 397.56 $ 6.290.45 $ 15,228.40 $ 7,916.74 $ 3,813.39 $ 3,498.27 3,500.00 2,529.01 63.53 907.46 1,000.00 538.83 14.00 447.17 A,500.00 1,466.30 1,432.92 3,600.78 5,000.OO 841.14 152.06 4,006t80 6,807.88 3,941.17 3.20 2,863.51 3,500.00 1,629.95 617.64 1,252.41 400.00 400.00 82.50 82.50* r 41.936.28 1 18,945.64 F_6.096.74 8 16,693.90 160.A93.47 9 96.411.17 $ 9.229.96 $ 55.052.34 *Expenditures and encumbrances in excess of estimate, e .I Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 College Division Budget Expendi- Encum- Free Estimate tures brances Balance Instruction Colleqce of A&S Adm.& Div.Expense Anatomy & Phys. 4.t Ancient Languages Anthro. & Archaeol. Art Bacteriology Botany Chemistry Eng.Lang.& Lit. Geology German Language Hi story Journalism Library Science Math. & Astronomy Military Science M4u sIc Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Pub.Health & Hyg. Romance Languages Social Work Sociology Zoology Geography Total-Arts and Sci- ences 8,966.66 11, 899. 00 3,275.00 7,165.00 12,860.00 26,200.00 12,840.00 51,123.00 47,321.79 19,167.12 10,675.00 40,,344.70 14,090.00 10,245.00 35,144.52 2,504.30 27,233.90 6,490.00 26,465.00 36,165.00 16,280.00 29,158 *06 4,100.00 16,194.00 9,625.00 12,323.34 16,961.25 12,675.34 $ 5,659.48 7,252.53 2,260.00 4,603.58 7, 685.99 15,427.29 7,949.61 28, 745.34 23, 079. 1.1 9,930.40 7,243.78 22, 836a21 9,393.42 6,478.89 21, 29 '. 59 1,203.65 150630.95 3,625.32 14,865.11 22,619.69 9,322.53 17,049.23 3,127.20 11,853.79 3,595.10 6,044.16 10, 109.94 5,654.35 1,: 3,I 2, 1, L28.62 $ 3,178.56 63.65 4,582'.82 1,015.00 127.94 2,433.48 24.00 5,150.01 156.52 9,616.19 225.64 4,664.75 368.05 18,514.61 15.99 19,226.69 B00.61 8,436.11 35.96 3,395,26 41.50 17,466.99 6.00 4,685.58 1,24 3,764.87 13,844.93 4.15 1,296.50 179.69 11,363.26 5.00 2,859.68 444.10 11,165.79 670.71 12,874.60 6,957.47 228.02 11,880.81 972.80 4,340,21 6,029.90 3.30 6,275.88 ,648,655 69202.76 510.87 56510.12 6 529. 496.98 T 309, 611.24 12 190, 11 .207 6965.63 *Expenditures and encumbrances in excess of estimate. Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending, February 28, 1946 College Division Budget Estimate Expendi- tures Encum- Free brances Balance College of Engineeri Admi & Div.Expense LabiSupervision Instruction Research in Coal Total-College of Engineering College of Commerce Administration Instruction Bur .Bus.Research Total-Col.of Comm. College of Agricultu & Home Economics Admin.& Gen.Exp. Agronomy Animal Industry Ent. & Botany Farm Economics Home Economics Horticulture MIkts. & Rural Finar Short Course Animal Pathology Total-College of Agriculture College of Law Administation Instruction Total-Law ng w 50,236.00 $ 13,436.67 79,960.9l 16,669.39 $ 2,656.23 $ 30,910.38 8,896.51 4,540.16 44,712.49 35,248.42 8,250.00 2,902.18 215,10 5.132.72 - 151,833.58 $ 73,180.57 $ 2,871.33 $ 7=,831.68 $ 6,353.33 $ 5,495.84 $ 1,026.11 $ 168.62* 50,353.67 24,192.89 26,160.78 7,080.00 3 746.49 - 3,3.3351 $ 63,787.00 6 33,435.22 1.026.11 $ 29.325.67 ire $ 5,8K0.00 $ 4,105.92 $ 20.70 $ 1p763i38 17,475.00 10,030.87 110.85 7,333.28 25,096.00 13,122.15 369.00 11,604.85 3,800.00 2,472.64 1,327.36 12,070.00 2,915.10 9,154.90 45,045.00 19,210.31 827.44 25,007.25 7,310.00 4,081.75 65.81 3,162.44 ice 6,070.00 1,866.60 4,203.40 810.00 75.00 735.00 - 2,850.00 1,480.00 1.370.00 $ 126.416.00 $ 59,360.34 t 1,393.80 $ 65.661.86 $ 5,565,00 $ 3,524.44 $ 341,54 $ 1t699.02 29,540.86 16,610.70 462.91 12.467.25 $S 35,105.86 6 20,135.14 - 804.45 j6 j 1416.27 *Expenditures in excess of estimate, Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 College Division Budget Estimate Expendi- tures Encum- Free brances Balance College of Education Admin. & Div.Exp. $ Agr. Education Bur.Sch.Service Business Education Distrib.Occupations School Admin. Ed, Psychology El. Education Univ.El.& H.S. Hist. of Ed. Home Ec.Ed. Phil. of Ed. Placement Bureau Secondary Ed. Trades & Indus. SumSch.Spec. Total-College of Education 9,938.83 26,190.46 16,410.00 2,805.00 5 ,080. 00 3,150.00 3,199.26 8,239.09 57, 678.16 1,680.00 17,225.00 5,940.00 2,770.00 10, 681.00 11,721.77 4.620.00 $ 4,683.36 15,375.07 8,265.01 1,683.51 3,228.03 1,960.00 1,156.12 4,890.24 29,454.04 1,120.00 9,618. 8 2,744.55 1,5.29.19 5,969.92 7,320.76 4.449.54 $y 2 3, 24" 1 1,20 6.10 $ 5,229.37 4.05 10,811.34 L1.22 4 903.77 1,121.49 1,851.97 1,190.00 3.60 2,029.54 1.32 3,347.53 2.35 27,021.77 560.00 7 606.12 6.35 3,189.10 1,240.81 4,711.08 4,401.01 170.46 ! 187,328,57 $ 103,448.22 $ 4,494.99 $ 79,385.36 Graduate School Total-Graduate Sch. Greenhouses Botanical Garden Educa. Conf. Univ.Exten.Adm, Univ,Ext.Instruct. General Libraries Total-Related Activities Total-Instruction & Relat.Activs. 2.400.00 $ 1.391.59 A 13.00 $ 995.41 . 2 400.00 $ 1.391.59 13.00 5.41 $ 150.00 $ $ $ 150.00 10250.00 1,250.00 735,00 735.00 25,53 0.00 20,849.29 257.02 4,423.69 10,530.00 665.74 9,864.26 73,560.45 38,973.72 5,635.57 28,951.16 $ 111, 755.45 60.483.75 C 5,892.59 $ 45,374.11 $1.208.L73.44 $66L1251.07 328.686.38 $518.435 99 $ Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending Februnry 28, 1946 College Division Budget Estimate Expendi- tures Encum- brances Balance Operation of Physical Plant Administration $ Police & Watchmen OP. of Bldgs. Maint.-Bldgs & Enquipment Special Appro.for Steam Line Maint.Rent Prop Maint.-Grounds Utilities & their Operation Property Ins. Gen.Trucking Exp. Op. of Cent.Stores TctaJl-Op. of Physi- cal Plant _ Auxiliary Enterprse Mien' s Res.Halls Ments Res.Halls Ann Women's Res.Halls Post Office Total-Aux.Enter- prises Combined Total Lex 15,244.00 7,020.00 48,680.00 64,690.00 4,500.00 15,678.00 68,840.00 20,000,00 15,300.00 $ 9,324.18 $ 3,972,49 37,186.92 53,705.25 3,537.72 9,79 9,015.72 43,603.82 17,466.35 9,912,34 94.72 $ 166.90 375.00 5,825.10 2,880.61 11,118.08 20.09 ;0,964.66 962.28 9.79* 425.50 6,236.78 18,477.07 2,850.91 6,759.11 2,533.65 2,536.75 259,952.00 $ 187,734.58 $22,410.19 $ 49,807.23 34,020.00 $ 151,039.75 6. 200. 00 6,622.61 1,531.64 81,991.02 A. 476.80 $ 76.90 $ 27,320.49 1,531.64* 12,943.39 56,105.34 1.723.20 $ 190,259.75 $ 93,622.07 $13,020.29 $ 83,617.39 $1.819.078.68 $1.038.818.89 $73,346.82 $706,912.95 *Expenditures in excess of estimate. Free Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Plant Funds Budget Estimate Expehdi- ture 8 Encum- Free brances Balance P.W.A.-First Bond Issue $ 63,047.92 $ 58,609.17 4t $ 4,438&75 P.W.A.-Second Bond Issue Dicker House Annuity Elliott Property Gibson Property Excess & Surplus Property Hors field-LeStourge on Property Total Plant Fund 8 152. 223.67 $ 114. 313.14 7 283.49 30. 627.04 *Expenditure in excess of estimate. 16,234.39 268.74 14.39* 84.00 16,220.00 450.00 16,001. 50 8,001.75 40,000.00 8,502.50 16,001.5 0 8,001.75 97.26 6,695.09 7,199.49 8,502.50 26, 105.42 Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Experiment Station Division Budget Realized Estimate to Date Unrealized Balance State Aporopriations Geneal Tobacco Research Service Laboratories Nursery Inspection Princeton-Sub-Sta. Quicksand Sub-Sta. Horticulture Strawberry Mktg. & Lab. Subtotal $ 55,000.00 $ 42,375.00 7,500.00 5,865.00 23,1OO.00 17,443.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 17,600.00 13,445.00 17,600.00 13,525.00 10,000.00 8,455.00 1.500.00 1,125.00 $134,300.00 R103,733.00 $ 12,625.00 1,635.00 5,657;00 500.00 4,155.00 4,075.00 1,545.00 375.00 3 30.567.00 Federal Funds Hatch Adams Purnell Bankhead-Jone s Subtotal $ 15,OOOt0 15,000.00 60,000.00 81,533.00 $171,533.00 $ 11,250.00 11,250.00 45,000.00 66.245 .85 $133,745.85 $ 3,750.00 3,750.00 15,O0O.OO 15.287.15 3 37,787.15 Sales & Services Serum Sales Seed Inspection Fees Fertilizer Tags Feed Insp.Tags License Foos Farm Sales Nursory Insp.Fees W.Ky. Misc. Pub.Analysis Misc. Subtotal Combined Total $ 1,000,00 36,000.00 73,000,00 91,067.00 10,000.00 40,000.00 2,100.00 10,000.00 i263.167.00 U569.000t $ 294,86 $ 705.14 17,693.60 18,306.40 82,891.25 9,891.25* 90,878.04 188.96 5,804.82 4,195.18 42,319.59 2,319.59* 1,370.00 730.00 16,538.67 6,538.67* 181.00 181.00* 257 971.83 1 195.17 Z495.450 .689 ;73549.32 *Realized In excess of estimate. Statement of State and Federal Allotments For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Experiment Station Division Allotted Expendi- Encum- to Date tures brances State Appropriations General Appropriation $ 42,375.00 $ 36,745.83 Tobacco Research 5,865.00 4,636.53 Service Laboratory 17,443.00 15,101.79 Nursery Insp. 1,500.00 1,333.36 Princeton Sub-Sta. 13,445.00 12,031.32 quicksand Sub-Sta. 13,525.00 12,869.07 Horticulture 8,455.00 5,282.22 Strawberry Mktg.& Lab. 1.125.00 Subtotal $103,733.00 $ 88.000.12 $ $ 5,629.17 238.95 989.52 102.44 2,238.77 166.64 319.53 1,094.15 14.75 641.18 167.81 3,004.97 1,125.00 -843.48 $ 14 889.40 Federal Funds Hatch Adams Purnell Bankhead-Jones Subtotal Combined Total $ 11,250.00 11,250.00 45,000.00 66.245.85 41335745,&5 $237,478.35 $ 9,324.13 9,983.22 37,540,13 58 235t97 $203,88.7 $ $ 1,925.87 1, 261. 78 7,459.87 8, 009.88 6 - la. 657.40 6 84T.-48 33.546.~80 State RevolvinF Fund Balances Receipts Expendi- to Date tures Encum- brances Free Balance Experiment Station $404,319,24 $157,210.84 $ 35,484.46 $211,623.94 Animal Pathology 56,831.05 420.24 4,197.22 52,213.59 Post War Adj.Expenses 60,000.00 60,000.00 Repairs & New Equip. 109,958.00 109,958.00 Abattoir Bldg. 20,000.00 680.00 18.264.37 1.055.63 6 18311.08 2 57.946.05 $434.851.16 Free Balance Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Experiment Station Division Budget Estimate Expendi- Encum-j tures brances Free Balance Hatch Admin. & General Animal Husbandry Chemistry riorticulture Pub.& Library Subtotal Adams Fund Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Subtotal $ 7,880400 1,200.00 2,300.00 1,200.00 2,420.00 $ 15 000.00 $ 4,850.00 4,400.00 5,750.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 4,764.13 $ 800.00 1,600.00 800.00 1.360.00 $ 9.324.13 U $ 3,125,79 $ 3,445.67 3.416.76 $ 92688.22 $ 3,115.87 400.00 700.00 400.00 1,060.00 - 5.675.87 $ 1,724.21 954.33 2.333.24 $ 5,011.78 Purnell Fund Admin. & Gen. Agronomy Farm Economics Mkts. & Rural Fin. Home Economics Pub. & Library Subtotal $ 600,00 $ 29,485.00 22,815.00 5,900.00 1.200.00 $ 60.000.00 19,185.81 14,672.38 3,681.94 37$54.13 $ 600.00 10,299.19 8,142.62 2,218.06 1,200.00 1 22.459.87 Bankhead-Jones Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Entomology & Bot. Markets & Rur.Fin. Horticulture Dairy Pub. & Library Poultry Subtotal Total Fed, Funds $ 37,464.00 $ 29,218.30 $ $ 8,245.70 5,950,00 3$518.45 2,431.55 9,200.00 5,816.52 3,383.48 4,900.00 1,560.89 3,339.11 5,430.00 3,420.32 2,009.68 3,385.00 3,221.69 163.31 5,030.00 4,049.32 980.68 2t475.00 2,592.13 117.13* 1,089.00 1,089.00 6,610.00 4 838.35 1.771.65 81.533.00 523 297.03 S17l.533.50 $1508_45 . 0 56,444.55 *Expenditures in excess of estimate. Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 26, 1946 Experiment Station Division Budget Expendi- Estimate tures Encum- brances State Revolving Funds Administration Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Entomol. & Botany Horticulture Quicksand. Sub-Sta. W.Ky. Sub-Sta. Dairy Publica. & Library Creamery License Feed & Fertilizer Public Serv. Lab. Poultry Add. & Betterments Subtotal Plant-An.Path.Bldg Plant-Abattoir Bldg. Subtotal $ 39,878.00 39,952.00 13,931.00 6,342.00 4,331.00 30, 340.00 6,255.00 $ 21,333.23 18,470.42 16,699.78 5,307.78 1,332.96 18,438.63 4,484.666 $ 141.47 3,640.98 126.60 80.32 114.48 523.91 10,120.00 4,893.38 2,754.54 14,670.00 10,601.60 2,198.00 9,560.00 2,814.29 617.00 11,000.00 7,691.97 64,325.00 39,253.12 17,260.71 263.00 108.84 4,380.00 4,016.74 69.95 7 800.00 1,763.44 i263.167.00 S157.210.84 27.732.9-6 420,~24 4j197,22 23O0.00 t 660.00 18264.37 8283 1617.00 1 58.311.06 -50 194.55 $ 18,403.30 17,640.60 2,895.38* 1,034.22 2,917.72 11,786.89 1,241.43 2,472.08 1,870.40 6,148.71 3,308.03 7,811.17 154.16 293.31 6,036.56 ' 78-223o . 0554.6137 'State Appropriation Administration Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Entomol. & Botany Mqkts & Rur.Fin. Horticulture Robinson Sub-Sta, W. Ky. Sub-Sta. Dairy Publica. & Library Pub.Service Lab, Poultry Subtotal Total Stste Funds Combined Totals Funds $ 12,998.00 12,900.00 8,430.00 3,653.00 13,419.00 6,680.00 1,600.00 11,400.00 17,600.00 17,600.00 1, 300. 00 1,500.00 23,100.00 2,220.00 $134300,00 417.467.00 589,000,00 $ 10,639,33 $ 8,600.00 4,766.56 21073.24 7,974.99 4,453.28 6,215.50 12,869.07 12,031.32 866.64 1,406.40 14,621t79 1,480.000 3 88,000 12 - g246.311.20 ;^,361.399.5 a I $ 2,358.67 4,300.00 3,663.44 1,579.76 218.95 5,225.06 2,226.72 1, o0O.00 122.31 O,062.19 14.75 4,716.18 234.83 5,333.85 433.36 91.60 52.44 8,425.77 740.00 643.28 8 45.656.60 a37.8-3 17207 837.83 3176.762.52 *Expenditures in excess of estimate. Free Balance Statement of Departmental Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Experiment Station Division Budget Estimate Expendi_ Encumm- tures brances Free Balance Combined Totals of Z~perlment St$atiton Adilin.& Gen-. Exp. Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology ChIe ni stry Dairy Entomology & Botany Farm Economics Home -economics Horticulture MIkts. & Rural Fin. Poultry Publ. & Library W.Ky. Sub.-Sta. Creamery License Feed & Fertilizer Pub .Serv .Lab. Add, & Better, Robinson Sub-Sta. Animal Path. Bldg. Abattoir Bldg, $ 6i,356.00 90,Z16.00 34,361.00 23, 595.00 30, 700.00 18 445.00 42,450.00 29t 485,00 5,900.00 23, 885.00 27, 700.00 13, 210.00 15,789.00 27,720.00 11, 000.00 64,,325 .00 23, 363.00 7,800.00 17, 600.00 20 000.00 U39 000.00 $ 36,736.69 56,286.72 28,910.58 16,643.21 15,885.60 14,060.37 26,312.23 19,185.81 3'681.94 15,549.48 17,894.07 1O,335.09 5,582.69 16,924.70 7,p69.97 39,253.12 14,730.63 1, 763.44 12,869.07 420 . 24 . :O. 00 ) 361,392-6 ;W;5 $ 141.47 $ 24,477.84 3,840.98 30,186.30 126.60 5,323.82 6,951.79 299.27 14,515.13 2,198.00 2,186.63 114.48 16,023.29 10,299.19 2,218.06 651.22 7,684.30 9,805.93 69.95 28304.96 617.00 9,589.31 2,989.37 7,805.93 3,308.03 17,260.71 7,811.17 52.44 8,579.93 6,036.56 14.75 4,716.18 4 197.22 4,617.46* 18,264.37 8 1 055.63 50,837,83 4176 762.52 *Expenditure in excess of estimate. Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Extension Division Budget Realized Estimate to Date State APropriation General Federal Funds Bankhead-Jones & Smith Lever Capper-Ketcham Bankhead-Flannagan Subtotal Combined Total Unrealized Balance 5170.500.00 $127.875.00 5 42,625.00 $625,981.63 $625,981.53 $ - 37,387.96 37,387.96 160.730.10 160.730.10 $824,099.59 $824.099.59$ 5994,599959 $951,974.59 j 42.625.00 Statement of Federal Allotments For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Extension Division Allotted Expendi- Encum- to Date tures brances State ApPropriation General - Personal Services $127.875.00 $107E510.21 $ $ 20.364E79 Federal Funds Bankhead-Jones Sriith-Lever Capper-Ketcham Bankhead-Flannagan Subtotal Combined Total $625,981.53 37,387.96 160 730.10 5824.009e59 $9 51. 9 r74, 59 $394,005.89 $ $231, 975.64 37 387.96 105. 314 09 - 55 416.01 $536. 70Q794 a $287 391.65 _644_218_15 $ 6.4307,756e4 Free Balance Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1946 Extension Division Budget Expendi- Encum- Estimate tures brances Smith-Lever & Bankhead Jones Fund Administration Publications Public Information County Agents Home Dem.Agents Clothing Foods Junior Clubs Agronomy Dairy Animal Husbandry Markets Farm Management Poultry Horticulture Veterinary Science Agr. Engineering Farm & Home Conven. Home Management Rural Sociology Forestry Admin.Reserve Su