xt7z08636d2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z08636d2h/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1937 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIII, No. 2, Autumn 1937 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIII, No. 2, Autumn 1937 1937 2014 true xt7z08636d2h section xt7z08636d2h 1* " !1\ - ‘ JL 1 1 B 1 · 1 1 The Quarter y u lct1n 0 0 l h F ’ N ' S ' I I T B 1’0Iltl€I' l1l‘S1Ilg €1'VlC€, IIC. 1 Q; E VOL. XIII AUTUMN, 1937 NO. 2 1 \*. _1 il 25* ‘ • 1%@@@@@@@@@@@%>@@@@ M · · . I Z*iZ.§’ ''#` 5: ' ` ’ I M1 ’ 1 eé ~ · _ V_ . ~·__ ___11— rgi;';;;;1;'lT·§e5;¤, “'i*~( Vx ‘ , 2¥¥’¥’ =“ ·’ " , 1 { , ‘ ' » ‘.~·r I j é · . ;~ _ ,_ _ . -V ~ · » 1 1 I · ,_ 2,; ;j . ·. · 1 ' ‘- . ;,¤:P‘-y E Tg? ·¢* 1 . ·. , 7 . 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SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR VOLUME XIII AUTUMN, 1937 NUMBER 2 _ "‘E7Lt87'€(L as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at ` Lexington, Ky., under the Act of March, 3, 1879.” E Copyright 1937 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. I 2 I : E , FROM A CHRISTMAS CARD j _l Very long ago a Child was born ; ’ at Bethlehem j j ` on Christmas morn, . ’ He brought pity — and peace to earth and joy to men ’ by His birth; beside the beasts He, unafraid in a manger _ lay and played; man as he worshipped was brother then to the ox and ass in their lowly pen. · Very long ago when His rule began Christ loved His beasts r { · when He came to man, . 5. ‘< $I ‘ r lest man should forget V in lordship grim the love of the least . that belongs to Him. · l M.B. _ L The Challenge Ltd. i ` . 92 Great Russell Street V London, W.C.1, England. 1 l 2 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN , THE NATIVITIE From the Great English Bible of 1539. M And it chaunsed in those dayes, that there wente out a com- l · . maundemente from Augustus the Emperour, that all the worlde `_ shoulde be taxed. And this taxing was the firste, and executed when Syrenius was lieutenuant in Siria. And euery man wente unto hys owne citie to bee taxed. And Joseph also ascended fro Galile, out of a citie called Nazareth into Jury, unto the citie ‘ of Dauid, which is called Bethleem; because he was of the house V , and linage of Dauid, to be taxed wyth Mari his spoused wyfe, ij J which was with childe. And it fortuned that while they were there, her tyme was come that she shoulde be deliuered. And l she brought furth her first begotten sonne, and wrapped hym 3 in swadlyng clothes and layde hym in a Maungier, because there was no roume for them in the Inne. And there were in the g same region shepeherdes watchyng and kepying theyr Hooke ` by nyght. And loe, the Angel of the Lorde stoode harde by L them, and the bryghtenesse of the Lord shone rounde about them, and they were sore affrayd. And the angel said unto 3 them, Be not affraid, for behold, I bring you tidinges of great · joy, that shal come to al people; for unto you is borne this daie V \ in the citie of Dauid a sauiour, which is Christ the lorde. And · take this for a signe: ye shall fynde the childe wrapped in é swadlyng clothes, and layde in a maungier. And strayghtwaye there was with the angel a multitude of heauenly souldiers, l praisyng God, and saying: Glory to God on hye, and peace on -; the yearth, and unto men a good wyll. Q_ l l , l i ~ FRONTIER NURSING snnvrcm — 3 ` ADVENTURES OF A CHRISTMAS BABY g By Bnssm WALLER, R. N. , ~ Little Johnny was a Christmas baby last year for the i _ Frontier Nursing Service Hospital at Hyden (although he was i $ 4, not actually born in the hospital) for he seemed to slip in with y " the Spirit of Christmas quite unexpectedly, when only a few j ( hours old. This is what happened: J Lizzie was giving Holly (the district nurse) some anxiety on the district. She had caught a severe cold which she was Q unable to throw off. At the same time she was trying to move Q her family to a house down the river. They had to leave their old home and for a time were living in a neighbor’s smoke-house a little way along the creek, a tiny wooden place not any more than nine feet square. Holly was hoping to get her into our 2 hospital for delivery, but Lizzie would not consider this until Q she had her family settled. Johnny, however, took the situation Y in hand by precipitating himself on the floor of the smoke-house, Y six weeks before he was due, and before Holly could get there ° to receive him. When Holly arrived she made them as com- fortable as it was possible with three other children and their . father Jim, in the tiny rough place, then returned and reported ' the case to our doctor who immediately said: "Bring them in!" ' The decision was not left to Lizzie any longer. She and Johnny , N were wrapped up and brought into the hospital on a stretcher J right in the midst of our Christmas preparations. We think Johnny was wise to choose the children’s own ? season for his premature arrival. It certainly seemed as though ._ he were guarded in some special way, for although weighing j only four pounds and having to be artificially fed, he thrived { from the first hour he came to us. We took him on his pillow 3 down to the Christmas tree when Father Christmas visited the ? Hospital children, and during all the thrills and excitement he Z looked so solemn and wise, as though he knew much more about A it all than anyone else. L . i ; z 4 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN J i S Lizzie was very sick for weeks, but was one of the most appreciative patients we have ever had. Her appreciation was ‘ not shown by words but by the look of contentment and grati- tude which she wore, and by the reluctance with which she left us—well on into the New Year——when Jim had found a proper · place for her to go to. g Q VVe Never Said It! Never Could We Do It! ¤ l "Carrying the sick six mules on stretchers through blizzards ip I and down mountain trails is all part of the day’s work with Mrs. " j Mary Breckinridge, director of the Frontier Nursing Service in , the Kentucky mountains .... " , Note: Our clipping bureau sent us in this notice under the title of l "MODERN WOMEN" from the TIMES of Orlando, Florida; the NEWS of J · Jackson, North Carolina; the WEEKLY RECORD of South Orange, New Jersey; the DEMOCRAT of Sapulpa, Oklahoma; the HERALD of Lublock, Texas; the l GAZETTE of Point Pleasant, West Virginia; the GAZETTE of Boston, Massachu- setts; the REPORTER of Washington, Illinois, and the REPUBLICAN of Rich- wood, West Virginia. More copies of this interesting legend are still pouring in as we go to press. The HERALD of East Moline, Illinois, and the NEWS of j Jennings, Louisiana state that we carry the "sick mules" onstretchers, but ' do not specify the number of mules carried. Herculean, indeed, is an editor’s concept of "MODERN WOMEN." We have been following with interest sketches of "Historic Royal Nurses" appearing in the British Journal of Nursing. We particularly like Elizabeth the Peacemaker, Queen of Portugal in 1271-1336. "She rode on a mule through the part of the field where the battle was thickest between the adherents of her hus- band and son, and then the men on either side laid down their l arms lest they should injure the ‘M0ther of Peace.’ " ‘ j j‘ I l T FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE 5 E { CLIPPIN G FROM THE DETROIT FREE PRESS E Sunday, October 17, 1937 3 A (Author’s note; It is not often that anyone has an opportunity for i such vain-glorious boasting as had one member of a party of three Detroit ‘ 2 travelers, Mrs. Henry B. Joy, Mrs. Francis C. McMath and Mrs. James T. ‘ Shaw, who left here a week ago Tuesday night for a five days’ sojourn in I the Kentucky mountains. They were on their way to visit Mrs. Breckin— 1 a, ridge’s work in the Frontier Nursing Service at "Wendover above Hyden." I There in the heart of the hills, in the wildest and most beautiful country, I life is being made livable for the mountaineer and his wife and children by “ i the work of a remarkable enterprise. l ; It must be confessed that the Kentuckian in the party insisted from · the first on taking personal credit for the scenery and later for such old- fashioned things as the courtesy and the corn bread met with frequently on the trip.) . When we reached Lexington at ten o’clock that Wednesday , morning, we found expecting us a delightful young "senior » courier" from the Frontier Nursing Service, who had brought i a car to carry us as far as cars could go. She had, too, saddle- , bags to pack what we needed to carry "in" with us on our l horses when we must discard the car. Mrs. Breckinridge had Q assured us that we could be provided with riding breeches and 1 boots if we did not bring them. A nice Scotch F. N. S. nurse, who was starting on her vacation after a year’s work and who had welcomed us in Lex- _P ington, at once equipped Mrs. Joy with the attractive blue riding ‘ uniform of the Service. Having packed our absolute necessities in a pair of saddle U bags and a small suit case, we gaily set out in a car which, being the gift of Edsel Ford, bears his name. The excellent paved highway ran through the most beautiful country——hills and ravines, palisades and canyons, along by mountain Streams, the way seeming to grow too wild to be so close to civilization. Our iine little courier, Miss Helen Stone of Long Island i (whom we soon learned to know as Pebble) had to bring out I all the extensive information she had acquired in her six eriods D 6 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN l B of service as courier in order to answer our constant exclama- . tions and inquiries. Finally our 165-mile motor ride came to its end by the side I, of the road at the Head of Hurricane. There we found tethered Q in the underbrush four horses, brought up from Wendover by i another nice girl, Bernice Gaines, of New Jersey, Mrs. Breck- l inridge’s secretary, and by one of the men employees. Bernice 1 had riding clothes for the one unprovided member of the party, Mrs. McMath having worn her own. 1. 1 Turning the bushes into a dressing room, we were soon _ 1 ready to take to our horses. Pebble drove "Edsel" some miles ‘ down the highway to his little tin home at Hyden, for he never z 1 ventures over the mountain roads. A truck does crawl over W the road to Wendover once a week if there isn’t too heavy a rain Y or snow, or the tires don’t burst or the springs break. . . As Pebble would be riding her horse home from Hyden, ` Bernice took us in tow for our coming three and a half miles of 1 mountain travel. Such a ride as that was! The trail was largely . along the stony beds of streams, fording them frequently, up » » and down hill, almost always in the densest of forests, but occasionally coming out into the gorgeous sunlight for a hundred feet or so. 1 The aforementioned Kentuckian was more puied up than l ever at the loveliness everywhere. She hadn’t been on a horse in fifteen years and was very glad to ride a steady old lady, · “Flint" by name and nature, with a decided will of her own and an extensive knowledge of mountain travel. _ After three and a half miles of this wonderful ride, sud- ) denly our friend, Mrs. Breckinridge, and some of the Wendover household appeared from the trees to welcome us, and Wendover, a number of picturesque, rambling log houses, spread itself over 1 many levels against the side of the mountain before us. Mrs. Breckinridge herself built the first Wendover building I as a memorial to her little son and daughter, and this is the { administrative headquarters of all the work. Here live the * clerical force who keep all financial and medical records, the 1 supervisors and the couriers, young girls who volunteer for service as is done at the Grenfell Mission. ,1 1 3 l 1 1 - l i FRONTIER NURSING siamvicm 7 5 ' S The atmosphere of Wendover is perfectly delightful—such ‘ keen interest and pride in the work, such harmony amongst all i I the workers, such devotion. l We were going to see all we could of the wonderful working of the Service, so next day in the morning we started on our r E horses for the five-and-a-half-mile ride over to the F. N. S. ¥ Hospital at Hyden. Hyden is the county seat of Leslie County, l a town of possibly several hundred people. The highway runs I W through it on an excellent road but traHic is considerably com- i plicated by pigs and piglets. We saw two fat porkers snoozing Z . comfortably on the top front steps of the Courthouse, while { court was in session. The eighteen-bed hospital is the pride of the surrounding ` country and of the F. N. S., with nearby the home of the S‘ervice’s able physician, Dr. Kooser, the only physician in many ( miles. It was a joy to see that spotless and efficient little hos- A pital. Its Scotch head, Miss MacKinnon, is trusted by the whole countryside in a manner marvelous to anyone who knows of the dread of a hospital felt by many people. "Mac" was trying to clear out her hospital cases for a "tonsil clinic" on Monday when sixty of the worst pairs of A tonsils in the section around were to be removed by a surgeon A coming from "outside" to do it. Alas! Hyden had two "acci- . dents" Friday night when one man was killed and several others "shot up." While the Frontier Nursing Service is first for women and children, emergencies must be faced. As the children are kept at the hospital three days for tonsil care, Miss Mac- `) Kinnon’s dilemma may be imagined. On our third day of glorious weather we went to see one of the nursing centers, the Clara Ford Center on Red Bird River, I given by Mrs. Henry Ford. At each of the eight nursing centers g operated by the F. N. S. one or more nurse-midwives is stationed, l with a cook to look after the house. There, night and day, in any { kind of weather, a nurse with saddle bags packed is on call, ready l to jump on her horse and reach the patient at the shortest notice. Women don’t go to the hospital to have their babies unless H there are some unusual complications. The confinement fee of five dollars, which includes every item and often some nice little l 1 i ‘ L 8 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN baby clothes, too, is most carefully paid in labor or produce, H oftener than in money. I Miss Betty Lester, the nurse-midwife of the Red Bird Cen- ` ter, showed us all its comforts and told us of the garden she hopes to have next year. Then we had a good luncheon and went up the road to see the home of the Fordson Coal Company and its ’ manager, Mr. Queen. ir Our last day it was fortunate we had planned to stay at Q j home and see all of Wendover. The rain fell all day in a manner H which made us think doubtfully of miles of horseback travel on T the morrow over wet, slippery stones, through bottomless mud · holes and rising "tides" (mountain floods). . We went through all the buildings in Wendover——the Big House, the Garden House, the Upper Shelf, and the Lower Shelf fi ——two eyries far us the mountain side in the tree tops, where some of the girls sleep. The real wonder is that every inch of " l space is so perfectly utilized and occupied. N Next day it was as bright and beautiful as if it had never ` known how to rain. We rode away from Mrs. Breckinridge and . from our new friends with great regret and with the ego of the Kentucky visitor permanently inflated. . We were guided to the Head of Hurricane by two of the Il girls, and there were met by our faithful courier, Pebble, and "Edsel," whom she had brought over from his Hyden home. The l V ride back into Lexington was as beautiful as we had remem- i bered it. If we never go back to Wendover and see it and those nice people again, we will at any rate have a delightful memory of P) great work wonderfully done. _ I ' Signed by: VIRGINIA W. V. SHAW i (Mrs. James T. Shaw, l I Grosse Pointe, Michigan) QUOTED: The world is like a blanc mange in the hands of a nervous waiter. i I l I I [ FRONTIER Nrmsmc. smzvicm 9 i 3 TOWN AND TRAIN . This Bulletin is a wee bit late in getting to press because its A editor is also Director of the Frontier Nursing Service. In this i , capacity, she has been meeting a string of engagements which ’ °» began October fifteenth, and got her back to the hills just two Q , days before Thanksgiving. T r These engagements were so enthralling and the joy of meet- L ing many old friends again was so great that I shall drop the ` editorial we forthwith in telling about them and become, not us, but me. The first thing on my docket was a talk using our new col- ored slides to the Kentucky State Nurses Association at its an- i nual meeting at Covington. The nurses were dears and the Methodist Church was jammed with them. My cousin, Mrs. George Hunt, at Lexington, had sent me over in her nice roomy A car, driven by her valuable Mac, and I was able to fill the car to overiiowing with Lexington nurses on the return trip that ‘ night. . After an Executive Committee meeting at Louisville, I went i down to Little Rock, Arkansas, for the annual meeting of the S Arkansas State Nurses Association—a splendid body of women T with whom I have many endearing old ties. The progress they ” have made during the past years has been stupendous. It was thrilling to meet old friends again and to see the eager faces of the young nurses facing towards the future. Before I put up ¤; at the Marion Hotel for the convention, I spent twenty-four happy hours with Mrs. J. Merrick Moore and met a number of i old friends. One of the high lights of my visit was a dinner l given by Miss Erle Chambers whose wonderful work in tubercu- I losis and various other phases of welfare, captured my friend- H ship long ago. The various men and women who came to this g dinner are leaders in the state and it was an inspiration to meet i them. After that came a week-end, which I spent with life-long , friends in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and from there I went up to ' Minneapolis. _ i In this great city of the far north I have always a nesting- I l i I 10 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN I place with our chairman, Mrs. George Chase Christian. She had arranged a full program but allowed for occasional hours in ' which I could rest my ailing back. Our annual meeting was held in her house in that long room that is almost a lecture hall. We also had a meeting of the Minneapolis Committee for lunch- ‘ eon in the lovely country home of Mrs. Harold O. Hunt. I spoke over WCCO the first day. The second day I spoke three times. = Besides the annual meeting in the afternoon, I spoke with slides in the morning to the splendid Northrup School where I always I go with such pleasure, and in the evening, again with slides, at y the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority’s annual meeting in their own ·` chapter house at the University of Minnesota. Besides that, I l several friends had me in their houses with smaller groups just for fun. On the twenty-ninth of October Mrs. Christian drove . F, me out to Carleton College to speak to that eager young student if body, and to lunch afterwards with the delightful president, Dr. J _§ Cowling, and his wife. H From Northfield we drove over to Rochester and stayed . overnight for a tea given by the nurses of the Kahler, and to l speak at St. Mary’s, with slides. The Sisters had us to dinner I . first and were everything that was hospitable and kind. It was i a big thrill to go over the Mayo Clinic for the first time in my I life and to have a little talk with Doctor Will Mayo. One feels y W as if one had made a pilgrimage to a shrine. , A On Monday, the iirst of November, I stayed with Mr. and A Mrs. Edwin D. White at Saint Paul and in their hospitable home we had an enthusiastic meeting of the St. Paul committee and members and friends of the Frontier Nursing Service. I took a train that night for Kalamazoo, via Chicago, and the evening of D the second spoke to a crowded hall under the auspices of the Kalamazoo Branches of the Altrusa Club and the American As- sociation of University Women, and the Kalamazoo Business and · Professional Women’s Club. We made new friends and I re- ceived personally more kindnesses than I can relate. My room ~ at the hotel had flowers, magazines, fruit—everything to refresh a tired traveler. Our big annual meeting in Chicago was on the morning of November fourth in the ballroom of the Drake Hotel, as has . been the case for so many years. Mrs. Frederic Upham’s intro- * I T Faonrmn Nunsmc smnvrcm 11 Q ` = I duction linked up the work of the Frontier Nursing Service with the earliest beginnings of William Rathbone’s support of district nursing in Liverpool in mid-nineteenth century. Our Chicago ’ chairman, Mrs. Donald McLennan gave a lovely luncheon after I - the meeting, to the Committee. It was such fun seeing a lot of V the old couriers again, and to know that hundreds of people . would come out in Chicago to hear the report of our work, in I spite of the many counter-attractions always on at the same hour i i in such a great city. I was in Chicago several days and spoke Q I out at the University to the social service group of my cousin, { 7 Sophonisba Breckinridge, and out at Northwestern University ' I to the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, and met with various small I groups in other places. Old friends like the Dempsters, Naomi , Donnelley, and my cousin Mrs. John A. Carpenter, and the presi- I dent of the Alpha Omicron Pi, Mrs. Drummond, and Mrs. I Franco-Ferreira, the Kenneth Boyds, Mrs. Charles S. Frost, I Dr. Fred Adair, and many others were unendingly kind. Sand- wiched in between these meetings came a week-end which I spent out at Madison, Wis., with my cousins, the Agards, and I met again a number of delightful people. From Chicago I went to Cleveland and had the joy on the . evening of the thirteenth of speaking at an open meeting for p nurses at Western Reserve University, where I was introduced I _, by Miss Howell. Here I found our own Charlotte Dugger and I it was so nice to go to church with her on Sunday and then to have luncheon quietly together. On the night of the fifteenth came our annual Cleveland meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Livingston Ireland. We had a splendid meeting and so many I people came that our hostess had to seat them all around the swimming pool, as the big room iilled up early. Mrs. Ireland and our'Cleveland chairman, Mrs. John Sherwin, Jr., certainly - know how to draw a crowd. Here again, in Cleveland, it was a joy to see old friends like Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss Baldwin and , Doctor and Mrs. Weir and our old courier Marion, but it is al- ways a sadness to miss familiar faces. Since I was in Cleveland last, our beloved first chairman, Mrs. Leonard Hanna has died, and also the secretary of our Cleveland committee, Mrs. Perry , W. Harvey, in whose home I always stayed and who had been * from the earliest beginning a most loyal friend. I also remem- I l ‘ l ` 12 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN I ` bered her faithful chauffeur Sam, who for years seemed a real { part of Cleveland to me. He was always so smiling and kind. ; ' From Cleveland I went to Detroit, and there at the station . to meet me, straight from a church bazaar, was my hostess and friend, Mrs. Henry B. Joy. In the rest and peace of her home I gathered strength (because my back had been getting rather mean and I was seedy) for the last meetings of the autumn, and l they were splendid meetings. At the annual meeting of the De- , troit Committee, the members and friends of the Service had the p hospitality this year of the lovely place of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Schlotman at Grosse Pointe Shores. Before speaking I had a few moments rest alone in their library. If one always could have a room like that just a little while before speaking, how y i refreshing it would be! The soft andquiet tones, the marvelous , autumn chrysanthemums blending with the colors of the room, ig the lovely pictures and in particular a misty and beautiful Tur- ner—well, no one can know what a room like that means to a [ person who has been crowded in halls and trains and who has .. a biting pain in her back. Something of beauty for the spirit H does rest the mind and does help it to overcome the body. Our only regret at the annual meeting was the absence of our chair- man, Mr. Gustavus D. Pope, and of our vice-chairman, Mr. g Charles H. Hodges, Jr. Mrs. Francis C. McMath introduced me 1 ' with one of the most sympathetic and beautiful little speeches I ever heard. A big blizzard was coming on and kept some ' friends away, but some ninety people, including many old I, ·friends, did get through the storm. Here, too, I was saddened , by the losses of three who had almost never failed to attend a A meeting and had never failed in their loyal interest over many years. These were Mrs. Walter R. Parker, Mr. Henry B. Joy and Mr. Charles H. Hodges, who had all died since I was last in Detroit. But it always helps to see the faces of the young things, whose interest is just awakening. Our courier, Deedie Dickinson, and some of her friends gave a note of gladness to the meeting. On the afternoon of the nineteenth I spoke at the Woman’s Hospital, with a charming introduction by the president of the Board, Mrs. Holt. The superintendent of this friendly insti- tution, bound by so many ties with the Frontier Nursing Service, I H FRONTIER NURSING smnvxcn is g l is Miss E. C. Waddell, and she is as much of a Scotchman as , our own Mac at the Hyden Hospital, and that says a great deal. E Mrs. Fred T. Murphy sent gorgeous flowers. The last en- I gagement in Detroit was an open meeting in the big auditorium _ of the Ford Hospital under the kind auspices of the superin- I tendent, Mr. Peters, the chief surgeon, Doctor McClure, and the _ l Directress of Nurses, Miss Moran. In spite of the storm the Q place was jammed by hundreds of people, which was inspiring, i , and Miss Moran introduced me in a most sympathetic way. A After that I caught a night train. ` ` It isn’t possible to mention all of the personal kindnesses W of old friends but I did love spending a night—my last night in , Detroit—at the Merrill-Palmer School, whose hospitality is ever open to me. Also I had an evening with that redoubtable pair of friends, Lyda Anderson and Winifred Rand, and a lovely luncheon that Mrs. James T. Shaw gave me where there were just a few of us—she and I, Mrs. Henry Ford, Mrs. Joy and Mrs. McMath. And now the tour is over and I am back in the mountains `with the snow whitening the precipitous slopes and the ice in _ the still parts of the rivers. When I got out of the car at the ' Head of Hurricane there was the courier, Elizabeth Duval of . 1 New York, with the horses shod with ice nails, and there was ` Kermit with the sled pulled by old Bluey, the one-eyed mule, to A i carry the luggage, including some new Rhode Island Red roosters v and a box of food from cousins in Lexington, for a Thanksgiving A feast. Even before I left the highway for the trail, I got news from passing mountaineers that the Wendover nurse had just A been thrown from her horse and that the horse went in the wrong direction, the direction away from home, and had been caught, and that nurse and horse were all right—in fact everything was all right everywhere. MARY BREox1NR1DoE. A WELL-WISHER We acknowledge with grateful thanks the receipt of fifty dollars anonymously from A Well-Wisher. I: A CHRISTMAS IN ONE OF THE OUTPOST CENTERS T, We asked Stevie at the Jessie Preston Draper Memorial A Center last year, to tell us everything done at the Center in the l — way of festivities over the Christmas holidays. Each center arranges its own Christmas program and we give this as a L. typical one in any year. 2 . The first entertainment was a baby party of eighteen babies l i sprawled on blankets, with two of our couriers, Babs and Sally, q t entertaining them while their mothers ate pie and drank cocoa. Every baby got a new knitted jacket, and one baby of six l I months received the prize of a lovely quilt for health and care including clinic attendance. The two couriers stayed over to help unpack the wagon that had come up from the Hyden hospital attic, with the supplies T, for the Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Center. Babs, as Christ- mas secretary, had packed everything so well that nothing was broken, although the roads were very muddy and slick. Mr. Carl , Farmer, from the neighborhood, gave the services of his wagon and team to bring the supplies in. Next came the regular . _ Wednesday clinic, and the people who attended helped the Cen- V 5 ter maid and one of the neighbors to make seven hundred and I i fifty ginger cookies. The waiting room was decorated, the tree T put in place, all the gifts were laid out and, Stevie says, "a whole clinic bed full of dolls looked very good to us." , On Thursday at eight o’clock the real Christmas party ., started. First, Christmas carols were sung and then cocoa and , ginger cookies were served to everybody. The children picked out the toys that they most wanted, with knives always a first favorite for the boys and dolls for the girls, and little red wagons, trucks, cars and mechanical toys greatly in demand by the smaller fry. An attendance of two hundred and ninety-three enthusiasts doesn’t include the fathers and stray young men who drifted in to be helpful. "On Christmas Day," said Stevie, "I played Santa Claus. ~ A few of my old ladies live down the river and I took them their 5 F il V r1>.oNr1Erz Nuasme smzvroiz is packages along with dolls for D