xt7z0863869b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z0863869b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 2002 2002 2002-11-14 2020 true xt7z0863869b section xt7z0863869b Got the winter blues? Check out Scenel PAGE 3 College cup

Women's soccer
team heads to the
NCAA tournament
1 PAGE a.


oember l4 202

Advertising scholar
named JAT director

A new voice: Strong advertising background a first
for school’s newly-appointed ninth director

By Sara Cunningham
STAFF wealth

from idol dreams

A nationally recognized advertising scholar has ac
cepted the position of director of the School of Journal-
ism and 'l‘elecommunications. said the dean of the College
of (‘ommunications and ————-

Beth E Barnes. assistant dean for !
professional graduate studies at Syra- ‘



cuse ['niversity. has accepted the offer
and Will be the ninth director of the
school. pending the approval of L'K‘s
Board of Trustees. said Dean J. David
Johnson If she is approved. Barnes
will take over as director in July.

She is also the chair of the accredit-
ing committee of The Accrediting (‘oun-
cil on Education in Journalism and

"As chair of a national group. she will bring a lot of
visibility to the school and Hi." Johnson said. “She is in a
position where she can see whats happening nationwide
and bring new ideas to l'K."

While studying at Northwestern University. Barnes
worked closely with faculty members there while they
were building the integrated strategic communications
model. Johnson said.

UK‘s integrated strategic communications program,
part of the journalism and it‘lt‘t‘tilllllllllllCEiIlOIlS school.
was modeled after the ideas created by faculty at North-
western University. he said.

“She is a nationally recognized scholar in her field
and that adds to the school's national reputation in an im-
portant way.” said Buck Ryan. journalism professor and
former director of the school.

If she is approved as director. Barnes would be the
first director of the school with a strong background in

Having a director \\ itli a background in 18C would be
symbolically important. Ryan said. ()nly journalism and
telecommunications are represented in the school‘s name.
leaving out the advertising comjxment. he said.

”It will be a change as we haven't had a director who’s
not a journalism person." said James K. Hertog. a telecom-
munications professor "But I think the faculty. in general,
speaks quite positively of her.”

Interim Director Dick Wilson said Barnes' back-
ground is more than adequate for the job. Wilson was a









Jomt Miami mutt 51m

Journalism freshman Sasha Stave, who made it to the third round of competition for the television show American Idol. plays her
guitar in the courtyard near Blandlng Tower.

It was him
and me in a
little room.
He had told
a kid in
front of me
to never
sing again.”

- Sasha Stave,
Journalism freshman

Almost famous: Student makes it to third round
before getting cut by American Idol judges

By Emily Burton
stm mum

It was a midnight blue
Kia named Sophia that car-
ried three friends to
Nashville. armed only with
a pillow and UK blanket.
One passenger was sick. one
carried confusing driving
directions and one brought
only a voice and a song. But
all three had dreams of com-
ing home with more.

Sasha Stave and her
friends were starting out on
a road trip that would take
her to the American Idol au-
ditions in Nashville. Stave. a

journalism freshman from
Louisville. and her two sup
porters didn't know what to
expect when they set out on
a late October morning.

After getting lost and
surviving a dreary four-
hour drive, they arrived in
the Music City.

“We got there at 3 pm.
and had to wait about 18
hours.“ said Stave. who was
wearing a skirt and flipflops
for the audition. “At first it
was sunny and warm. but
later it was freezing."

Emily Wall. an unde-
clared freshman, accompa-
nied Stave to Nashville.

“It was really hard to
keep warm. We thought we
would be able to go back to
the hotel." Wall said. “We
started talking with people
around us and combined
blankets to keep warm."

Trey McKinley. a phar-
macy freshman. was the
third member of the group.
He was able to get the com-
forters off the hotel beds
and bring them to the two
freezing girls huddled to-
gether on the sidewalk. “I
was really sick. so I ended
up in the hotel sleeping."

After the long wait hud-

ed with strangers on cold
concrete. Stave found herself
next in line for auditions.

See mm. on 2



The Student Newspaper

at tthivey of K


_.. a-.__,g-_rl. _,.


journalist for as years.

“When I took the job many people were also critical
of my background." Wilson said. "But this is an admin-


Two students held
at gunpoint Monday

Robbed: After muggings at apartment complexes
near campus, police recommend safety measures

By Emily Hagedorn
srritrflwnitca 7 V H

Two l’K students were
robbed at gunpoint in their
apartment complexes earli
er this week. according to
police reports.

Ben Neises. a finance
senior. was only 30 feet
frotn his door in the Royal
Lexington Apartments on
Virginia Avenue when two
masked men approached
hitn. threatened him with a
gun and took his wallet and
cell phone Monday night.

While the incident only
lasted 20 seconds. many
thoughts went through his
head. he said

“They looked a little
suspicious.” he said “i
kind of thought i should
run. but i didn‘t want to
take the chance A lot of
times. they let you go if you

just give them your money“

A female student from
the I’niverstty (‘ominons
on Red Mile Road was also
attacked Monday night. but
details of this incident were
unavailable at press time

“it happened so fast
and was so easy for theitt "
Nelses said “You're just in

l.t. Fred liisandy of the
Lesingtonli‘ayette l'rban
(‘ounty Police said the best
thing to do when mugged is
to comply with the attackers

“The majority of the
time they are after a quick

entuc angton

buck." Lisandy said. “Do-
ing whatever is said is the
safest route.”

Lisandy also suggested
running to a populated
place after the attack and
calling the police.

Neises ran to a nearby
Pizza But.

“i was assuming (the at
tacket's) were going the op-
posite direction I was." Nets-
es said. "And I wanted to get
as far away as i could."

To avoid getting into
dangerous situations.
Lisandy advised traveling
with a group. walking in
lighted areas and being as
observant as posSible.

He also said two attacks
in a week is not surprising.

"considering you are
dealing with a city of 250.000
to ammo people. id have to
say we have a low number of
incidences." he said.

Neises said he was at-
tacked by a black male ap-
proxmiately 6 feet 4 inches
tall and a white male ap
proximately 5 feet 8 inches
tall. Both. he said. looked
between 17 and 19 years old.

More information on
the suspects was unavail-
able at press time.

Lisandy. though. said
the chance of catching
them is likely:

"We have a pretty good
clearance rate." he said.
“Generally. (the attackers)
get greedy atid then sloppy
and then they get caught."







The Low-down



0.5. scours tape for information on bin Laden

WASHINGTON (‘1111111111'1111'1'111'1s111 officials 111111111 over
the audio recording 111111113'1111 to 1111 1111111 ()s:1111:1 11111 1.:11111111111
Wednesday seeking 1' 1111- 1s :11111111 11111 11111'1111s1 11111 f's 33111111
abouts and his intentions to s11 11111 \1'1111111'1 and its allies.
Offu 1als sai11111113133111'111111:11111141111111111.1s:11'11:111111 ss. '1111-
from :11-Qaidas missing 111: 11111 1131111 1.1111-1 l.\:11111.\':1111111:1l
.‘ Security Agency 1'111111111'11111 :1 11-1'111111'111 analysis of 111111:111e
aimed at further :1111111111111:11111;1 11.1’1'1s11l11111 Bush said 1111
was taking the mess: 1g11 "3"111 3 st‘ 1' 11.11s13 ‘ ‘\'1'1111113111'1111111111
tape out has 11111 11111 33111111 1111 111111111 3111 :111: 1111 111: 11 31'11'1'11 :11
war. the president said :11'111 .11:111111111111111111111':1t11111\\l11111
‘ House. Many intellige n1 11 1'1:1113s1s 11:13'11 1"11111111111111 11111 :11111111
tape almost certainly was made 113 11111l.:11l1111.s:1111:1senior
law enfor1ement offtc 1:11 s1111:1k111141111 11111111111111 11f :111111131111
:ty. Other [18.111111'1als33'111'1 111111'11 1'ons1 1'3: 111311. saying it
~ probably came 1111111 11111 11:1111111


, Iraq agrees to return of weapons inspectors two

UNITED NA'I‘IUNS 1111111111141 l1':111 was seeking 11111
_“path 11f peace." S:11l1l:1111 Hussein's 141131111'1111111111 agreed
Wednesday 111 11111 return of 11111-1'11:1111111:1l 33'11.'1111111s inspec-

a deadline. Although lr:111 .11'1'111111-1111111 111111411 terms. Presr
dent Bush 33".11111111111111a1l /,111'111ol111111'11" 1111:1113 11'1111 :11
tempts 111 111111 3311:1111111s11t 111 issr 1111 1's11 111' 111111 and s: 1111. ';1'111 111
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nine- page 11111111 of :111':11111 1111111 33"1s11'-11113'131111:11111.\11111111'.1'11
and anti ls1.'11111 s1:11111111-111s :1s 311 '1s 5111'1133:11'11'11114sf111'l‘..\'.
weapons in sp111'1111s 111111111r'1s1 11' .11s l N :111111:1ss:111111‘. 1\111-
of peac'e ' and its .1"1111 111: 1111'1 1:11.11 11.11111111111111113.11111'11s1131
tions Still tl11111:1rs11111111111111211111"111111411.‘11111s1111'f\:111
Sabi'i s letter 1111 N 81 1 1'1:11 1'3 (:1-11111113111':.\1111:111:1111lits
warnings about 111133 11:1;11111111 11311111'ts 111s11111'1111's to behave.
raised questions about 11':1_11's 112:11'.s 11- 1'111111111':111- 331111 11111
' resolution.

Compiled from wire reports.

1 Corrections

In an article 113' 11111 .1\s.s111'lfll1'1l l’i'1-ss 111 \3‘1-11111-s1l:13"s 11:1
per. the [hive 1'sit3 S1111:111 33'. 1s 1111[ 111111' 113 1' :1111111 11111 l':11' 11113
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tors, accepting :1 stringent 1'.\'. 1'1-solution 133111 11:13's ahead of



UK honors its
great teachers

Great work: Students can nominate teachers
for what UK calls its oldest award for faculty

By Katie Kramer

('laii' Hicks used to be
intimidated 113' the idea 11f

Yet after coming to UK
111 1111 1'11s1'111‘1'll 111 agricul-
11111: 1111111111111 himself in a

".\13 first 11:13'111' teach-
111411;:11111133'1111 11 pages 11f
notes and 111111111 11111 stu-
111-111s1111111:11h."s:1111 Hicks.
:111 :1g1'111111ur11 professor.

.»\1111.'11'entl3'. things have
changed Last year. Hicks
\3':1s 111111 of six winners 11f

1111- 1'13' Alumni Associa-
111111's (lreat Teacher

"Maybe l :1111 doing
«11111111111111 right." he re-
1'11111111 thinking to himself
after receiving the award.

1713' calls the award its
oldest. most consistent hon—
111' 14131111 to faculty. And
111:1113' say 11111 nomination
process makes it the most
special: ()1113' students can
1111111111:1.111 :1 teacher for the

113' is searching for its
1111.31 111111111 of \\.'lllll(‘i‘.\‘, A11—

111 H11'ks' case. the
award came after much
1.3111k11111n111113'11 111s 111:1111-
11114. .1\ '1'111 his first 113111111-
11111'11 111 1111111 111 the class—
room. 111 sli1131' 111 111.1111
techniques that reached his

’l'111l:13'. ll11'ks teaches
With only an outline so he
1':111 watch his students and
judge their reactions. If
they don't seem 11111111111111-
11111111 the material. he will
approach it in :1 different

1111 also keeps an open
door 1111111'3' with his stu-
dents. so they can come to
111111 331111 anything they
don't 111'111111'stand or are

$7: Studentactivitiesboa rd









Joel Meyerowitz

having problems with. even
problems outside the
course. Students at this age
really need a mentor. some-
times even more than a par-
ent. Hicks said.

These are the things
Hicks feels makes him a
good teacher.

“If you're going to
teach. you've got to do it
right," he said.

Doing it right can be
tough. Robert Gillette. an
economics teacher who also
won the award last year.
said teaching can be a diffi-
cult job.

“A lot gets asked of
you,“ he said. "I'm wiped
out after class.“

Awards such as these.
however. give Gillette a
great deal of encourage-

“It's a confirmation
that I'm doing what I‘m
born to do," he said.
"(Teaching) is what God
wanted me to do . . when I
close my eyes and dream
where I want to be I envi-
sion myself in a teaching

Other winners of the
Great Teacher Award last
year are David Miller. arts
and sciences: Nikiforos Sta-
matiadis. civil engineering:
Susan Scollay. education:
and Doug Damm. oral


Application forms are
available on www.ul1y.edu.
Nominations are due Nov. 15
at the King Alumni House.
400 Rose St. The alumni
house is open from 8 am. to
4:30 pm





Continued from page I

“I hadn‘t slept in like
two days," Stave remem»
bered. “There were five peo-
ple in a row in a single
room. Five feet away was
one judge.“ Stave. who sang
“The Cowboy in Me“ by
Tim McGraw. said she was
nervous going in. “Then I
heard the people around
me. and I wasn‘t worried. I
thought. ‘I can do this'."

Last year Stave used
her voice as Ado Annie in
the musical "Oklahoma."

Phil Hoagland. chair of
the theater department at
Stave‘s high school. praised
his former student. “She was
always on top of everything
she did. She really stole the
show.“ Hoagland said.

Front Oklahoma 111

Nashville. Stave once again
surpassed her expectations.
making it past the first cut.
and then the second. Before
long, her father was driving

her down to Nashville for
the third round of cuts.

She sang for the execu-
tive producer that Saturday.
Stave said she was nervous
when she found out that she
was the third to last person
to sing that day.

“It was him and me in a
little room." said Stave with
a shaky laugh. “He had told
the kid in front of me to
never sing again. But he
said I had a tuneful voice
and let me go on."

Stave then sang at Wild
Horse Saloon, with all of the
judges. including Paula Ab-
dul. in attendance.

"Paula liked my voice.
and Randy [Jackson anoth-
er judge] did too.“ Stave said.

But Judge Simon Cowell
was not as impressed. “He
said I had a good voice. but it
was not unique enough for
him. So I got cut."

Despite Cowell‘s opin-
ion, Stave can still be heard
singing in Blanding tower.

“I didn‘t think I'd make
it past the first cut." Stave
said. “And I made it to the





Continued from page 1

istrative job, and if your
background is of any
facet 11f mass media.
you're going to have an
appreciation of all (if the
parts of the media repre-
sented here at UK."

Barnes said she doesn‘t
think her background
alone will change the
school that much.

“I really don‘t think
anyone should expect to see
any changes in terms of
how the program is run be—
cause of my background.“
Barnes said.

UK's programs are al-
ready strong. but she has
lots of ideas for improving
the school. she said.

When she takes over as

director, Barnes plans to
look into how resources
can be improved through
fundraising and enrollment
control. she said.

Barnes also wants to
get some more faculty posi-
tions filled and find a way
to get more alumni

“I would love to be able
to help re-establish some of
the connections between
the school and its alumni."
Barnes said.

Broadcast journalism
professor Scoobie Ryan said
Barnes seemed energetic
and the faculty is looking
forward to working with her.

“I think that all of the
faculty found her to be an
acceptable choice if not
their first choice." Ryan
said. “We are also pleased
that we have someone cho-
sen because now we can
move ahead."










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Curtis late
Assistant Scene Editor

Phone: 257-1915 | E-mail: curtmaticfllhotmailrom




Cold weather brings depression

Gloom: Onset of winter can dampen students' spirits

By Crystal Little

Winter is fast approach-
ing in Lexington——-the days
are shorter, trees are shed-
ding their colorful leaves and
the temperature continues to

With these changes
comes a rise in depression.

Susan Hay, a UK Mental
Health Service clinician.
said Seasonal Affective Dis-
order, or SAD, is a major de-
pressive disorder. It is caused
by the limited amount of nat-
ural light available during
the fall and winter months.

Hay said 14 percent of
the population suffers from
SAD, mostly women.

"Light reduction in fall
and winter causes the ‘win-
ter b1ues."' she said.

Psychology Professor
Thomas Widiger said SAD
causes a loss of energy and
influences individuals to
stay indoors, where they will
eat and sleep much more. In
turn. weight gain becomes
an issue.

"Individuals may feel
there’s less to do and (they
feel) more isolated," Widiger

Tara Kelley, an integrat-
ed strategic communications
junior, said she has suffered
from symptoms of SAD.

"I feel much less motivat-

ed as winter approaches,"
she said. "When it's yucky
out. I just want to stay inside,
forget about class and hang
out in front of the TV. watch-
ing movies."

But Kelly said she feels
rejuvenated during the
spring semester:

The sense of rebirth and
the promise of warm weath-
er are causes for optimism,

Kelly said.
Jason Reneau, a chem-
istry sophomore, suffers

from depression during the
winter. but said it's not nec-
essarily a bad thing.

"I view winter as the
equivalent to old age and the
last stages of life," he said.

“It's a time for much re-
flection on the past ~ I re-
flect on everything that's
happened to me over the past
year and everything I've

Michelle Crider, a vocal
performance graduate stu-
dent, said she always tries to
look on the bright side.

"I don't get depressed un-
less something terrible hap-
pens. and that includes the
winter months." Crider said.
"Sure, the weather may not
be perfect. and I want to stay
indoors a lot more, but the
winter holidays are always
something to look forward

Joe Lovell, a finance and

marketing sophomore. also
takes a positive view of win-

"It's a great opportunity
to spend time with my fami-
ly," he said. "During the sum-
mer, I barely saw my par-

Both Hay and Widiger
said there is hope for those
who suffer with SAD.

Light therapy is the most
common treatment. It expos-
es individuals to high inten-
sity light. giving a boost to
their hormonal systems.

Hay also recommended
simple. everyday techniques.

"Open the curtains or
the blinds to what light is
available or take a walk in
the fresh air." he said. "Just
getting out can be an immea-
surable help."

And those who can es
cape to sunnier places are
encouraged to.

"If possible. a Florida va-
cation is also a fantastic al-
ternative." Hay said.

Signs of SAD

Loss of energy

Lethargic attitude
Reluctance to go outside
Anti-social behavior
increased amount of sleep
increased food consumption
Weight gain

Need to make a counseling
appointment? Cali UK Mental
Health Service at 323-5511.







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(“Pill (MINI

Week of November 11-17

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Activities. Re istered
Student Orgs. and UK Depts. can submit information for FREE online ON WEEK
PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at: httpi/vvwwmkymdulCarnpua

Calandar. Call 257-8867 for more information.
Thur 1 4
'Convaraational Engliah Claaa, 7 30pm, Baptist Student Union
'SVnargv. 8:00pm. CSF Building

'Arnnaaty lntarnatlonal floating, 7:009m. Student Center, Rm 228





‘lnatituta of Kalloion: Niatorv of Tho Church at
Jaaua Chriat of Lattar-dav Saints. 12:00-12:50pm, UK
Medical Building 3'“ Floor

'Dwotlona D Lunch, 12:00pm. A29 Columbia Ave. $100
'Fraahrnan Poona. 7:30pm, Baptist Student Union



'Iapinnlng and lntarrnodlata Japanaaa Marina. 8:00-9:009m, Voung Library,
check the circulation desk for the room

'Franch Tutoring, 3:004:00pm,Keeneland Hall Lobby

'Math Tutoring. 12:00~5:00pm, Math Resource Center 063 Classroom Building
'lntarviawlng Tip- for Educatora. 3:30-4:30pm. Career Center


‘UK Bhaolin—Do Karata Club, 5~6:SOpm, Alumni Gym Loft
'Wornan’a Rugby Practica. 4:45-7:00pm, Rugby Pitch

'UK Orchoatra Concart. 7:309m, Singletary Center, Free!

'Kappa Alpha Wu Phi Epaiion-Dodga Iall
‘ Alpha Kappa Pal Bowling. 9:009m, Southland Bowling


'Elactiona for tha ISC Sparta Coordinator and .

Voluntaar Coordinators. 5 00pm, Conference Room in F“ 1 5
Bradley Hall, Rm 207

‘Ravival Bible Study, 7 00pm, Student Center, Rm 245



'Math Tutoring, 1.00 5 00pm. Math Resource Center 063 Classroom Biiilding

'La Raaidanca trancaiaa. 56pm, Keeneland Hail


'Taa Kwon Do practice, 5 30 7-00pm Alumni Gym Lott


'fluaaian Muaic, Edward Laa, pianist Department of RuSSiari and Eastern Studies.

12 00 Noon, John Jacob Niles Center for American Mu5ii., Rm Lucrlie Caudill Little. Fine
Arts Library

‘Rasdall Reception, "Minda Wida Open”. 7 00pm, Rasdall Gallery

' Opaning for the UK Art Dapt. Faculty Exhibition, 5 00pm. UK Art Museum Free'



“UK Football Gama va. Vandarbilt. 1‘30pm, Commonwealth

'Noraa Show Iwaatarnl. Morehead State University

'Taa Kwon Do practica, 11:00am-12:309m, Alumni Gym Loft


'Intarnational Student Bible Study. 6 30pm. Baptist Student

'Alpha Kappa Psi Exacutiva Board Moating, 7 00pm. Student
Center, Rm 203


'Math Tutoring. 800 IO'OOpm, Commons Rm 307

’Math Tutoring, 6:00 10:00pm, Holmes Hall Lobby

'Phyaica Tutoring 211/213, 7 00 9 00pm, Commons 307
'Chamiltry Tutoring 105/107. 7 0079 00pm, Holmes Hall Lobby
'Biologv All 100-lavol, 7 00 9 00pm. Holmes Hail Lobby



'Omicron Dalta Kappa Fall Initiation, S‘OODm, Student Center, Small Ballroom


Memorial mm
Eatllrlltil flzilflnm


Student )

wwwuksga (om




Travis Hubbard
SportsDaily Editor


Phone: 2574915 | Email: kernelsportsOyahoo.com




4i THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 2002 | Narrow Neuron

Cats await Cincinnati
in NCAA first round

Tournament bound: Resilient Cats receive NCAA bid
after SEC Tournament semifinal loss to Tennessee

By Donnie Meihaus
STAFF warm 7

In a season of highs and
lows. the l'K women's soccer
team reached its emotional
peak to (late after receiving
an zit-large bid to the N(.‘.AA
(‘ollege (‘up Monday,

It is the (‘ats' second (Tilli-
secutiye trip to the tourna
nient. Their first round match
is against No. ‘_’»l l'nwersity of
(‘int inn iIl iritlay in
Klit)\\lllt' l’e mi

The in i‘ll ket is full of
quality teams with teams
like UCLA. North (‘arolttia
and Tennessee standing in
the way ot the (‘ats' champi
onship hopes

"Its not going to be an
easy game whoever we face."
said l'K coach Warren Lipka.

Although the teams in
l'K's group present a tough
task. Lipka is happy with the
draw. citing both his first
round opponent and the

“We only have to go a cou»
ple of hours down the road as
opposed to playing at (‘ieur
son last year. a team we were
not familiar with since they
were not out of our region."

The (“ats will not be tak
en by surprise when they
face Cincinnati. The two
«tries met during the 2000 sea
~‘(ili in Lesington l’lx' shut
out the liearcats 2 o with cur-
rent forward Elizabeth Rant
sey scoring the second goal.

“We know the history of
them and we are familiar
wuh them.“ Lipka said of the
t‘iinference-(NA champions.

The (‘ats struggled early
in the season. and things
only got worse because of in
Juries, Senior AllsSi‘It‘ for-
\\artl Keri Royce was lost for
the season Sept. i:1 because
of a knee iniury

But UK
is heading
into the tour-
nament with
Lipka has re-
peatedly said
in the last
few weeks
that his team
is currently
playing its best soccer of the
year. The (‘ats have won four
out of their last five matches
with an extra time loss to
'l‘ennessee in the
semifinals of the Southeast»
ern ( ‘onference ’i‘ournament.

(‘incinnati is also com-
ing into the match with con—
fidence The Bearcats have
won their last five matches,
including the conference
tournament. Their last
defeat was 2—(l at St.
Louis l'niyersity.

Lipka said if UK
is to beat (‘incin-


nati. it must put
forth a strong

team effort, Lead-
ing the offense
will be Ramsey.

who was
named to the
A l l . S E (

first team.






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The defense will be lead
by freshman goalkeeper Liz
Butler. who was also named
to the all~c0nference team.

The Cats‘ defense must
stop a UC offense that has
outscored its opponents 113
in the past five games. Lipka
said defense is one of his
team's strong points.

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""‘i’l’i’l’? l’it‘ii'

group defense.“ he said. “We
haven't given up as many
goals in the last four games."

The Cats will have to be
careful not to simply set back
in their defense. a mistake
made by many soccer teams
in high-pressure tournament
games, Lipka said.

“We won't simply play
defensively." Coach Lipka


“Teams tend to do that
in big games and hesitate.
We our going to go out and
play offensively, score goals
and win games.“

‘ Jews


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 UK riflers shoot for upset of Mountaineers

Ouick trigger: Rifle Cats try to improve 2-3 record
when they host West Virginia Saturday at Buell Armory

8y Brooke Lucas

coutmautmo WRITER

The UK rille team is tra-
ditionally one of llK‘s most
successful sports. btit after
starting 12-11. the (‘ats host a
West Virginia team it has
only beat once in the last two

The ritle team has begun
a bit slower than normal.
which does not reflect the tal-
ent of the men and women
on this squad. said l'K coach
Harry Mullins.

"Other schools have just
gotten a lot better.” (‘oach
Mullins said. He's coached
the rifle team for 1.3 years.

While the season has
only just begun for the team.
there have been some impor-
tant matches that have al-
ready taken place. l'K lost a

close match to Army and ar-
rived back in Kentucky on
Nov. 1 from a slittllltlt‘l‘lt)‘
shoulder competition with
No, l AlaskaFairbanks.
Junior Bradley Wheel
don said the close early-sear
son matches will help ease
the pressure on the young l’K
team later on in the season
Wheeldon has experience on
the collegiate level and has
confidence in his teammates.
“Hard work is going to
pay ol'l',” Wheeldon said.
(‘oach M