MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 3rd, 1902    page 102

      June 3, 1902 - Regular Meeting. Regular meeting of
the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College, held at the Presidentts office, on the College
Grounds,, Lexington, June 3rd, 1902.  at two-thirty P.M.

Roll Call - Present  - Messrs.     Fowler,
                                   Ramsey, and

      Mr. D. F. Frazee in the chair.

      Upon motion duly seconded and carried., meeting adjourned
to Trustees Room in Gymnasium Building.

      Upon motion by Judge Barker, properly seconded and
carried, all absentees were excused.

      Mr. Frazee announced that the first business in order
was the selection of a chairman.

      By Mr. Stoll:

      Chairman selected - It is moved that Mr. D. F. Frazee
be selected as chairman of this Board for the ensuing year,
Said motion was seconded, put to the vote and carried.

      The chairman then announced that the next in order
of business was the appointment of the standing committees.
The chairman announced that he had not made up his
committees, and said he would try and do so before
the close of this meeting, and thereupon the
matter was passed.