xt7z348gj800 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348gj800/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1978 newsletters  English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters Chem-news, October 1978 text Chem-news, October 1978 1978 2019 true xt7z348gj800 section xt7z348gj800 . , g .. . H .- 3.‘ " ‘Ae r” 253.2232».Y wwreee’ ERNIMJ'TTTTTTT;""5".""7’7 T'T’TT’T WWI—"T'Tflifiiai 27""152’???‘ “,
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‘ WWW Volume '1 Number ‘1 October ”1973
A Fr; .2 .2. 2. II N A W105 D V A r
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A M J SSEJQC ‘ 0 M IMI J =~22JW@I [I (Q ff!
I have just completed my second year of a activities and will in the next few newsletters ?
four-year term as chairman. It has been a ., i j: give brief biographies of our faculty, ‘
busy two years, learning all the new red tape fir _ (4y . starting with the latest additions. Our 1
of administration and trying to maintain the {44-2 e -_ 1 “; faculty is active in teaching and research
excellent standards set by the two past A ; I” 4.22:4 . . . and is receiving increased support from ,
chairmen, Drs. Kiser and Ehmann. l< :«13 fan, I / outSide funding. The UniverSity ad- q
We were pleased with the response of our 31‘ \ \ “(3/ 1/ , 3" ] ministration has been very helpful and ‘
alumni to our last newsletter and will in- ,/ 7: [4—25 / ii/ : generous in providing funds for equipment, }
clude your comments in this letter. {5'} ~ 5:7" W I”? j 7" f" i E particularly for our newer faculty for “start i
. . 2' , 5;: .. A . i ,1 . . 2. , .
The third and fourth symposia on {:2in rgij'; :3 ‘5. .5 up’ funds. We were espec1ally pleased to
. . t2. a 2 , 2 . .
Chemistry and Molecular Biology, sup— £55,! j ' I, ~ A 2 .2 a. receive a NSF grant for $61,300 which was .
ported by the endowment fund in memory {T/ =‘ i T M_.,22--~'g T matched by the University to purchase a
f 0f Anna 52 Naff, as usual were the highlights i 1,333,; i I ‘ Enraf-Nonius CAD 4/13 single crystal X-ray
‘ ‘ : , 2 ’ I . . ' i
of our program. The 1977 topic, “Studies on “‘4' ” ' ‘ W "’4 ’ ’* diffractometer. The proposal was submitted
the Conformation of Peptides and. Proteins N°bel laureate 1’1.”th N‘ 11‘?“qu Who gréd' by Dr. Carolyn Brock with the assistance of
. . ,, ‘ ua’ced from UK in 1941, ViSits with Dr. Marion _ . . ‘
“1 SOIUUOIL was PTESCDAEd by Nobd B. Naff at the 197s chemistry symposium. Drs. Attlg, Naae, and Sands. The Universuy
Laureate, Dr. Christian B. Anfinsen and also provided funds to purchase a $90,000
Dr. Allan Schechter from the National Stiles as a visiting scholar the past yearand Varian 13.109 Century Series ESR Spec- '
Institutes of Health. The 1978 program was he will continue this year. Dr. Stiles, on trometer, $18,000 for a scintillation counter
presented by Nobel Laureate, Dr. William leave from the University of Michigan, is a for research primarily under the direction of
N. Lipscomb and Dr. Thomas A. Steitz on former editor ofthejamnaloflhe American Dr. Butterfield, and $10,000 for a new ;
”Regulation of Enzyme Activity." Dr. Chemical Society, and is continuing his atomic absorption spectrophotometer for
Lipscomb received his bachelor’s degree writing and participation in our program as Dr. Q’Remy, Dr. Kiser is preparing a ‘
from the University of Kentucky in 1941. time permits.‘ proposal for a new mass spectrometer and ‘
Please send us your suggestions for speakers Ashland Oil Foundation, through the Dr. 5.14. Smith is preparing one for a high 1
for further symposia. efforts of their president, Paul Blazer, resolution super-conducting NMR_ If we are 1
We were sorry to lose the services of Dr. supported a graduate fellowship the past successful in obtaining these instruments we
. E.M. Hammaker who retired July I, 1977. two years for a student seeking a MS. should be extremely well equipped with , i
We still don’t understand how he taught all degree in chemistry interested in industrial major instruments for the immediate future. i
his classes and met all the administrative employment. The coming year they are The University was successful in obtaining i
deadlines and duties without a single generously supporting a program of four or funds to raise faculty and some staff salaries ,
complaint. In fact, we missed him so much five Ashland Oil Summer Fellowships to be to a more competitive basis starting July 1_ i
we persuaded him to return to teach split between undergraduate and graduate Our operating and travel budgets are still ’
- . . . - l
quantitative analy51s the spring semester students to work on research prOJects under below the levels needed to meet the
1978 which gave us the opportunity to “pick the direction of selected faculty members. dgmands’ and unrestricted funds to enrich 3
his brains" on other matters while he was The program also provides for visits by the our seminar program and other activities ‘ i
around. He and his wife, Evelyn, have participants to Ashland Oil plants in are very inadequate. i
enjoyed tours by freighter to Israel, the Ashland, Kentucky, and Columbus, Ohio, As usual, we encourage you to fill out the
Caribbean, and South America. and funds for the Department to enrich its enclosed information sheet to'keep us up to
Dr. Henry Bauer has resigned to accept activities. date on your activities and current address. '
the position of Dean of Arts and Sciences at Several of you have requested information We frequently get requests from your
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, effective July on activities of our faculty and information classmates for information and addresses,
1, 1978. on the newer faculty we have added. We are and we like to include alumni news in our ,-., y
We have been pleased to have Dr. Martin including a section on some of our faculty letter. 111,55 ‘
- u: 1

 . We wish to thank those who have con- University to be used by the Department of you would prefer to contribute to that fund
‘ tributed funds through the Director of Chemistry, please specify that the donation in his memory.
‘ Development earmarked for the Chemistry is for the Chemistry Development Fund for If any of you are in a position to aid us in
, Development Funds. These funds have been unrestricted use by the Department of obtaining support from your company for
used to support publication and mailing of Chemistry. graduate or undergraduate fellowships, we
‘ this newsletter, to furnish materials for our Donations to the Chemistry Development would appreciate very much your assistance
student Resource Room, seminar Fund may be sent to: in helping us to make the necessary contacts.
1 refreshments, and awards for outstanding We are always pleased when you Stop by
‘ graduate teaching assistants. These are Director of Development to visit us when you are in Lexington. We
l activities for which state funds are not 204 Administration Bldg. appreciate your continuing interest in our
l available, and other funds are limited University of Kentucky D6partment.
l especially since the Tennessee Eastman Lexington, Kentucky 40506
‘ Fellowship, which provided us with some
3 unrestricted funds, has not been renewed. We also have the Robert M. Boyer Fund William F. Wagner
If you wish to make contributions to the to be 115661 to assist undergraduate students if Chairman
F Faculty Profiles
‘ Dr. James R. Kincaid Will jom our _ =. $31,,” chemical generation of reactive intermedi-
i faculty this fall, replacing Dr. Bauer. He W J _ ates at low temperature, and information
l received his B.S. in 1970 from Xavier ‘ ’* . ‘, ,, . theory and spectroscopy. He has three
University, Cincinnati, 0., and his Ph.D. in , V i i all publications and others in progress. He has
1974 from Marquette University, Milwau- ‘1 e if)?!“ received grants from the Research Cor-
kee, Wisc., under the direction of Professor , a i A levy}, i a poration and the Petroleum Research Fund
Kazuo Nakamoto in molecular spectros- r ‘ . . a i ”i; 1&le to support his research. Laren and his wife,
copy. In 1974 he accepted a position as . . c,"‘ F .1 if Barbara, have two children.
Visiting Fellow at Princeton University, ;, , E 12—51%. ***
i‘ifléollaiborating With” Professor Thomas G" E if; :7 Dr. Steven W. Yates joined our faculty in ’
SP”? 1“ June 1975 ,he was granted a ' .. l; fall 1975. Steve received a B.S. in 1968 from
National Research Serv1ce Award from the f "5 wig i i the University of Missouri»Columbia, and a
National Cancer Institute on the merlt of an 5“ 1"", jg? i. Ph.D. in 1973 from Purdue University
original research 211339531 Wthh he had a 1 ‘ _.__§ :3? under the direction of Prof. P.J. Daly. He
Smeltte‘fl pr1or to jomlng Professor Sp1ros :__'—":%’,‘i_ i was a postdoctoral fellow at Argonne
group. His research at Prlnceton has focused , —-«-mr 3i; ' l- 1 National Laboratory from 197375. His
on th? application 0f the resonance .raman 2 97““ " =2"‘1"§V 7 research interests are primarily in the area
technique to the study Of heme Pmtems' He —‘“.’~+* if“, _ . % 1‘ of nuclear spectroscopy. He uses the
has eight publications andseveral others m iai Wm”? : I facilities at Oak Ridge and the accelerator
progress. He plans to continue hls research ”I A” A ”A y in the De artment of Ph sics for his research
on the bioanalytical potential of raman Laren M.Tolbert h' p y
. w lCh has been supported by a grant from
1 spectroscopy, heme protelns, and 'por— teaching is in analytical chemistry. His the Research Corporation. He has about two
I phyrins in cancer chemotherapy. He WI”. be principal interest is in the applications of dozen publications. His wife, Linda, is a
‘ teaching prlmarily ”1 the area 0f analyt1cal computers to analytical techniques, such as chemist in the nutrition laboratory of the
l chemistry. ' *** reaction rate methods using stop flow Animal Sciences Department.
' systems. He has recently received a grant ***

Dr. Floyd J. (Jim) Holler joined our from the ’ Petroleum Research Ffmd_ to Dr. Thomas G. Attig was added to the
faculty in fall 1977 to replace Dr. Ham- SUPP?" 1‘15 researsh. J“ and 1‘15 W‘fe’ faculty in fall 1975. His B.A. was obtained
maker. Jim attended Presbyterian College, VICkl’ have three Chll‘iien‘ in 1968 from DePauw University, Green-

-- Clinton, S.C., 1964-65, and received his castle, Ind., and his Ph.D. from Ohio State
# B.S. in Education with a chemistry major Dr. Laren M. Tolbert joined us in fall University in 1973, under the direction of
i» from Ball State University in 1968. He 1976. He received his B.A. from Tulane Prof. Andrew Wojcicki. From '1973—75 he
. taught chemistry, physics, and mathematics University in 1970 and his Ph.D. from was a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. H.C.
Ii . in Western Wayne Schools, Cambridge University of Wisconsin in 1974 working Clark at the University of Western Ontario.
1 City, Ind., from 1968-73 and received his with Dr. H.E. Zimmerman. He spent two Tom’s research interest is in the chemistry of
M.S. in chemistry from Ball State in 1973. years on a postdoctoral appointment with transition metal carbonyl complexes and the
He continued graduate studies at Michigan Dr. R.B. Woodward at Harvard University chemistry of organoplatinum complexes. He
State and received his Ph.D. in 1977 under before joining our faculty. Laren‘s research has published nine manuscripts in this area,
I the supervision of Drs. C.G. Enke and SR. interests are in the fields of organic photo and has received a grant from Research
Crouch.Jim has six publications and several electrochemistry, thermal and photochem- Corporation to support his research. Tom

, submitted. His area of research and ical rearrangement of carbanions, photo- and his wife, Carol, have two children.

__ a a _

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Our faculty coiitii’tttes to be active in I ' .
professional activities publishing articles . A,
and presentingI papers at meetings, visiting l i’
c t t ,
neighboring colleges as part of our effort to J ,-
recruit graduate students, and so on. A few J '
items ofspecial interest: 3 V 1
Tom Attlg received a grant from 1—7” .. . a," .__...,..-......__.,_.___ aw
Research CoI'Por‘atioii to study the 3-”- CP—IOA P- 3303:: 3‘53 “-3 "50513039 0~ 5133 new hm"! 955591333691 93313 3175311 395‘“! dfifxaetometer.
palladium (Ii) hydrides with unsaturated
hydrocarbons. . . . , _ _ ,
, . . .. , ,. 7 . and was invited to s reak at international enabled him to srend full time on research.
After some five years or preparation, the l l
[CXJhOOJ ,(JiLCd J)" r;, 5.7 J,” my“, meetings in Levden, Holland, and Man Among his many publications and speaking
. _\ e. 1' gem LDcLJ’SL, on.“ J . . 'r‘ ' . . . , ,
Christian, and JV 07365311)" was published cnestei, .zrrgland. _ , engagements were papers delivered at in-
in jaiiu'ir J97” by "llr'n Ind “(icon ind is Audrey Corripanrozr Will be lruSier than ter‘naLional meetings in Svdnev, Australia,
(v o in, 2. u" L . , - _ . _ , J , f '
entitledlns/rtune/iln/ ”it/Myst; ever, having been apportrted Director ol and in Cambridge, England. He has
1J3 7,5,, m ‘ - J, U ~i ’b Graduate Studies injuly 1977. She serves on received a grant from NIH to support
Lent/i .oauct continues to tcacr a out , , \ w , , , ' , ,. , _ ,
the r (ch [\‘755 Monsters as vxell d5 about the advrsory board of the ACJ publication, research in Brain irace Element Analysis in
'__‘). ie" . ' , . . . . , - .
chemistrr H: J“ tall ((1 on ”Pam ince bV Chemistry, as alternate councilor in COMP Alzheimers Disease and Aging.
. .(1574. A...£. v . \ _ . .
Scicntists [0 pcientific DiSCOH r) thc (,15' division of ACE, as chairman of the Doug Naae Chaired sessions at a national
) ., a' ' . 7 *cize , , ,, . . . .
of the Loch Ness Monster” at Berea Fast President’s Advisory Committee on Com- ACE) meeting and at the Third Winter
Tennessee State AC‘S J 'rdies lViUht m puters in Research and Education, and Fluorine Conference as well as read papers
, _ , A. i .44. . a , _
. a, . ,, .7 lulhlled a term on the r‘evrew )anel for at several other meetin s.
Oltlanonra, a; neuronal ACE) student _ l _ _ , ‘
Aff'l" )V M ., . , H, t' Mb I v \ J.” H» postdoctoral lellowsl’iips of the National Kurt itirederrzu gave a plenary lecture at
ltldICb i_cttirrg at “at its LID, ivtiss. .tt I) .., ‘ J V_ , J ,J ’ ‘ u h , ) . , 'l
prizes his rec m 1 ction [0 ’ionorary th5LdTCh Council. Audrey is also Vice t c First Inttrnationa Congress on
;.' g ' e ee', i , , . . . . .
, . 7 . . . . , president of the Blue Grass Business and Inorcranic Heterocyclesrn Madrid, Spain, as
Companion of the Loch Ness Assocration of , J V , D , _ , ,
Explorers Professronal Womens Club, and still has well as a series of lectures at the fechnical
(pmroi Brae" has lJth appointtd found time to prepare a second edition of University of Wroclaw, Poland. His visits to
UL: ; t _. -1: . T’ ' f t . . I - . -
chairman of the Public Information her very successful book, (Jienizcal Borid— the latter university has led to further
, . 7 . , J, i r, . trig, cooperative enterprises including the ad—
Committee ol tllC American tirystallor fl. 1 h , . _ .. . _ _ _ .,
graphic ,xgs()CJ,JJJUn. touether with Tom DIL Lhmann was honored as University missron of graduate students from Wroclaw
rt. 4. , ,3 a r . _ . I A s A
AtTig Dr W; N J 1 ”1d Don ndfid shc w ‘5 Research Professor for 1977-I8 which and a possible exchange of faculty. His
___, trek 'LLC,L J ".o'ii s * z.
successful in getting a grant from NSF for
purchase of an X-ray diffractometer. ,, . .. 7". J 1
Ellis Brown, who presumably is retired, , , 3 , g _ // ,
. . . ~ ‘1.) r 4r «Lou:
was successful in ”(fitting a commitment to : j ) l . . /
b r J i / ~\w .J
have the 1981 ALS Southeastern Regional J . ‘ _\lj ,,_:‘,_'_:w::_.__::mw ' '
. . . . ‘ “A i ,
Meeting in Lexrngton. He Will serve as . -{._:-...a._._.4_aj
. . . , , j \t, ,3
general chairman of the meeting. He ‘ /{ “ “\‘t if
presented papers at the New Orleans ACS 7 ,.‘ _ . ‘ \'~\ J
. , , . \'
meeting and the Southeast Regional , , i _ ‘\ \
, , fl 7 ‘ , . J l ./ ,.v\
meeting in iampa, Fla. He also attended ’ q. ,- .. J J . /
the Conference on Free Radicals in Aixren— 5er , ,‘iyi' J J’ J' i
w h; i ‘ll ‘ , . >1 "9’ /, ~" , ‘ I I fit” ,
Provence, France. ' iJli u r - J J “J J w.“ ,
Allan Butter‘rield's work continues to J’JJ . J r . ‘ - ‘ ' f; -
. t a . , ‘ lil ' 4', J" . 2;
attract Wide attention. The Muscular ”3‘ ‘7 i M . /
Dystrophy Association of America renewed J i -» "'D— ‘ ‘ , .J J
his grant on “Protein-Protein and Protein- ‘ ‘l . i 1 3 /
Lipid Interactions in Erythrocyte Mem- J 7‘ .- l , / , l
branes in Myotonic and Duchenne Muscular J ‘ J ‘ 3 . 'W *~\_ _ _l
n . ‘ . J J , _ ‘ , L .‘ ~72 J
Dystrophy and he recerved a large grant l -/ _, J i ‘ /' " r, V, J \JL] J
' ‘ “5.5., ‘ v ,_ r‘ \_ my J, ,, . x _
from NIH to support research on Membrane f (:2 ’ J -, \ \J I' y 33-, ,
i J , \. ,r -, w . w J
. . , , . i ; J «_ _ » ~.« _ \u , _
Alterations in Huntington s Disease. He has Lw _ , ___ A“ ‘ a m, , ,, ' “ “a , ‘ l,
given many seminars around the country, Kurt Niodemu,right Altman Butterfield l
. l
. W , _V V, i____ .—.——___——

 {(4314: m1 1 51'? . _ 1 . a
_ i Hmmotuoma
~ 1;... - 7 . .. " ""' Dr. Robert D. Guthrie was promoted to
' J . ' full professor july 1, 1977. Bob joined our
" faculty in the fall of 1965. He received a
1 { B.A. from Oberlin College in 1959 and a
1 g a . Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in
41:,»— ' ' \\\ ’ . " , ' l 1963. He was a post doctoral associate with
,- we: , 1 \ . Dr. D. j. Cram at UCLA from 1963-65. His
J\\\\ 1': ' .; .“ ' research has been supported by grants from
‘< i 7 _ the Research Corporation and the National
\ g; X) \ , i " \ "t Science Foundation. He has 22 publications
7.1L,” " A“? . in the area of organic chemistry. His in»
\/ W , . terests are primarily in mechanistic studies,
y’/,// i ,/ _ and electron transfer in carbanion reac-
; // I ' ' tions.
1; / 1v; . . .;;‘__;_;;. ewm.‘ ***
Audrey Companion and Steve Yates
Dr. Carolyn P. Brock was promoted to
grant from the Tobacco and Health Stan Smith was married in May 1977 to associate professorjuly 1, 1978. Caroljoined
Research Institute for research on pyridyl Dorothy Thompson. Among many talks and our faculty in 1972 after receiving her PhD_
amino borancs has been renewed. seminars he has given recently were those at degree from Northwestern University under
Jim O'Reilly has received two grants the R & D Division of Ashland Petroleum the direction of Dr. J‘A. Ibers. She
from the Institute for Mining and Minerals Co., in which all members of the Organic graduated from Wellesley College with a
Research for analysis of whole coal by Division participated. B.A. injun61968. Her research interests are
atomic absorption and emission techniques. Among many papers presented by MAT. in molecular geometry, crystal packing
Don Sands continues to serve halftime as Smith was one at the joint ACS—CIC forces and solid state structure deter-
associate dean in the College of Arts and meetingin Montreal. mination. She has received support from the
Sciences, and will be acting dean of the Steve Yates has also given many seminars, Petroleum Research Fund, Oak Ridge
;... College the fallsemester. co-authored a paper delivered at the In, Associated Universities, and recently was
l Paul Sears, at his own request, did not ternational Conference on Nuclear awarded a NSF equipment grant for an
run for another term as a faculty member of Structure in Tokyo, and attended the automated X»ray diffractometer. She has 12
j the Board of Trustees. He continues to serve Gordon Research Conference in Nuclear publications and several others in process.
1 as a faculty assistant to the President and Chemistry. Carol teaches courses in physical and
l carries a full-time teaching 1021(1 in Our general chemistry. Her husband, Louis, is
j' Department. an associate professor in Engineering
' Mechanics.
5’ 11¢” 9 “.7; , ; ***
j ( 5"}; j§'_:_;F;j " i 1 . i’ 1,, . ‘ ' Dr. D. Allan Butterfield was promoted
4. 1;} . , . .- .4 . ? ~ j to associate professor With tenure july 1.
19TH“; [j , i . . ' ’ ’ Allan joined our faculty in the fall of 1975.
Ff if; fi‘l‘f l j a .. - . He received a B.A degree from the
:53: I... _ ,>'~’"l:~ " l "\r 3 ' University of Maine in 1968 and a Ph.D.
“WV Hf;&3\:’1:v_,z‘ 171:3; ,. ,I . 1“ ._ 1 degree from Duke University in 1974 under
j «*3? ‘wx'ij‘fiw L" 1 ‘ i" 7""'\._,J “9’. the direction of Dr. D.B. Chesnut. He
' ’/« l“’=~~\..,>\\f;," iii 1 , continued his research at Duke as a NIH
35,:1’1‘:\ 'j '1; i .' ' postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Chesnut and
E’é’f—yijé ' "3?: l V x," ,.-i .. ' / Dr. Stanley Appel. From 1968 to 1971 he
1) ' . [’2 ,‘ , 277.")! « served as a high school teacher in Mrewa,
. , .1 ": » : [fajfl’jexfj-;./\\/i/ Rhodesia. His .research centers on the
\ \(r - , , \1 ‘, , 3,1111%???an ’ ~ , j biological applications of electron spin
‘ if»: _, / I} l y‘,/ fl/if, . j .- resonance and biophysical chemistry of
crfif i. f . l 1,??? ,1 // >7 \} J (1 membrane systems, particularly as applied
T1 l 1 . {f i ’ fi.1z’"'{‘\('1 1“ ' ,3; \ 1 ‘J' to diseased states. He has received liberal
Q .1 ati" ’ '7 2. I" "' ' __,-/"’«{~C) ,1 ' «<5; " ‘1 funding for his research from the Research
l Egg/x ., -‘ E”: “fem/J V' ‘ \; " __ Corporation, Muscular Dystrophy
j ER /’ "1‘15 \3 ' , 'i‘r , ' KR; Association and the NIH. He has authored
I , im;;2k\: i , - s11 . l .. ‘ 19 publications. Marcia, Allan’s wife, assists
/ , Wj‘a’ifd '11 l it, '3 \“x' . ’ , , .1 him in his research. They have one child.
Paul Sears Stm Smith W
———__ A

Alumni News

Robert H. Baker (B.S. '29, M.S. '31, William R. Conway and Robin L. coordinator for New Providence School
Sc.D. '68; Dean Emeritus, Graduate School Triplet! (both 3.3. '74) were married last District, NJ. He supervises the science
and Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, year. Both are employed in the Louisville program for the district and also teaches
Northwestern University) is now living in area as chemists, Bill with the State Police classes in the high school. In 1971 he
Bowling Green, Ky. (705 McElroy Ave.). He Crime Lab. married Paula Hunt (Ed.D ’72).
reports doing some “pseudo-farming"on the Wayne L. Cook (Ph.D. ’74) is senior Joseph M. Fisher (M.S. ’66) is atomic ,
property of his brother, W. Marvin Baker, research associate with Michigan Chemical absorption product specialist with Perkin
B.S. '29, M.S. ’31. Corp., Ann Arbor. His first child, Rebecca, Elmer in Cincinnati. He is currently 7 i

Eugene M. Barnes (B.S. '65) received his was born in February 1976. president of the Ohio Valley Section of the
Ph.D. in biochemistry from Duke ('70) and Bobbie P. Cooper (M.S. ’65) is assistant Society for Applied Spectroscopy.
is assistant professor, Biochemistry, at professor of Chemistry at Dalton junior John O. Fitts (B.A. '66, M.D. Vanderbilt
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. He College, and working toward an Ed.D at '70) spent three years as intern and resident
received a Research Career Development University of Georgia. in internal medicine and two years as fellow
Award from NIH(1975-80). Richard H. Cox(Ph.D. '66) was associate in cardiology before entering private

Jerry E. Berger (M.S. ’57, Ph.D. ’59) is professor of Chemistry, University of practice at the Graves-Gilbert Clinic in
senior staff engineer with Shell Oil Co. in Georgia. He is now at National Institute of Bowling Green.

Houston, and is attending law school at Environmental Health Sciences at Research John P. (Jack) Fletcher (B.S. '50, M.S.
night. Triangle Park, NC. ’52) is project scientist, R & D, Union

C. Kenneth Bjork (Ph.D. ’53) is now Paul E. Cranley (M.S. '74) was promoted Carbide Corp., S. Charleston, W. Va. He
manager, Bioproducts Section, Patent to research chemist at Dow Chemical Co. has been on the. subcommittee on
Department, Dow Chemical Co., Midland, His daughter, Kristine Elizabeth, was born specifications for the ”Food Chemical
Mich. He joined Dow as research chemist in January 1977. Codex" at NAS for five years. jack continues .
1953, subsequently transferred to the Patent John David Craycraft (A.B. ’62) to enjoy playing the trombone.

Department, and has held his present received a Master of Divinity degree from Anthony L. Gable (B.S. ’65) took an
position since 1970. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in M.B.A. at Loyola and is product manager

Michael R. Boyd (B.S. '69) is research 1970. He is chaplain at the U.S. Coast for Foster Grant Co., Leominster, Mass. His ,
associate in the laboratory of Chemical Guard Training Center, Cape May, NJ. wife Michele Cleveland (B.A. '65, UK; M.A. A

#7 Pharmacology, NIH, Bethesda. He received Alvin Ray Crook (B.S. ’72) is working in ’76, Northeastern) is sales representative for
M.D.and Ph.D. degrees from Vanderbilt in the Analytical Chemistry Department at Pitney Bowes. They have two children, 4
1975, Oak Ridge National Laboratories. Brian, 11, and Carrie, 6.

Jack B. Boylan (B.S. '54) is manager, Thomas A. Dale II (B.A. ‘67, M.D. '72) Amar N. Garg (Postdoctoral ’74~76) is
Graphic Arts Group, Emery Industries, is physician and assistant professor at the assistant professor ofChemistry at University
Cincinnati. His son, Kevin, is Currently in UK Medical Center. of Udaipur, India 313001.
the UK College of Business and Economics William Lightfoot Dowden (A.B. '65, Charles A. Girard (M.S. '61, Ph.D. ’70)
preparing to study law. M.D. ’70) is now in private practice as a is associate professor of Chemistry at Centre

Frank M, Brower (Ph.D. '54) is now plastic surgeon with Holloway, Playforth, College. He spent most of 1976 at ORNL
manager of Environmental Services with Archer and Nighbert in Lexington. and is continuing cooperative research there
DowChemicalCo. James Duffy (Ph.D. ’66) is manager, while teachingfull time atCentre.

Willard B. Brown (Ph.D. ’60) is R & D, Hooker Chemicals and Plastics Lowell D. Grinninger (Ph.D. ’61),
Safeguards specialist with the U.S. Nuclear Corp., Niagara Falls. research associate with Chemical products
Regulatory Commission in Washington Paul Marvin Dunn (B.S. ’32, M.S. '38) Division, Chemetron Corp., Chicago, has '1
D,C. retired in 1975 after working over 30 years been there for five years after a period of 12

Jerry F, Bryant (BS, ‘65) is production in pharmaceuticals sales with Pitman-Moore years with U.S. Industrial Chemicals Co. He 1
manager with Amstar Corp., Dimmitt, Co., later taken over by Dow. He is enjoying reports that his son L. David is “studying to I!
Texas. retirement by staying busy with Rotary and become a chef, just like his father." 1 i

* “be" H Bum“ (M-S- ’55) is mmmf‘mfy affairs: and applying his S‘j‘les Marshall Beck Guthrie (B.S. '40) is '
president 0f Farley Chemical and Solvent CXPCTUSC' in an entirely new field for hlm’ director of Experimental Therapeutics with
Co., Akron. His daughter, Betsy, enrolled at costume jewelry. HIS son, Phil, a graduate of Smith, Kline Corp. in Philadelphia. He
UK in f3111975. UK and '0f the Culinary Institute 7“ received an M.D. at University of Penn-

Mina L- (Koym) (Lingenfelter) Car- Amerlca, 15 chef at the Coach House m sylvania in 1943; holds diplomate 0f the
nicom (B.S. ’56) has been a staff member Lexlngton. , American Board of Dermatology and
“31th Sandla Laboratories, Albuquerque, Ben M' Edwards (EMA 69? [00k an M'D_ Syphilology, is Fellow of American College
since graduating. _ at West-Virginla 91.1””qu m 1975 and 15 of Physicians and Philadelphia College of

James C.W. Chien (M.S. ’51) ‘5 professor now 're51dent phy51c1an at Charleston Area Physicians, and writer-editor for Consultant vi
0f Chemistry and 0f Polymer Science and Medical Center, W. Va. ' . Medical journal. He has been associate in ‘
Engineering at University Of Massachusetts, Wolford M' Ewalt (M.S. 41) works in dermatology at University of Pennsylvania i
Amherst. sales -and marketing‘ w1th Shepherd Medical School since 1955, and Colonel, ‘

Balfour Y' Connell (B'S' ‘38) was Chem1calCo.,Cinc1nnati. U.S. Army Medical Corps Reserve since
recently PromOted ‘0 P131“t manager, Thomas Fangman (Pb-D. ’69) has left 1967 (c.0., 3615t R & D, Norristown). He
63‘6”] Tire and Rubber C0" Wabash, the active ministry and works as science is vice president and president-elect (1977- '.
In .

 78) of Pennsylvania Academy of Der- Thomas Keough (B.S. ’71) obtained his student in the Department of Molecular
matology. M.S. and Ph.D. at Purdue (1976) and is now Biology at University of Geneva, Swit-
Robert Habermehl (B.S. ’49) is regional Senior Research Chemist with Hooker zerland.
sales manager for Agricultural Chemicals Chemicals and Plastics Corp., Grand Jere M. Marrs (B.S. ’63) received Ph.D.
with BASF Wyandotte Corp. in Parsippany Island, N.Y. at Florida State University; is now research
N.J. Athena Yonkos King (B.S. '49) received chemist with Tektronix, Beaverton,
Fred M. Hawkridge (Ph.D. ’71) moved her M.D. at Women’s Medical College of Oregon.
from the University of Southern Mississippi Pennsylvania in 1953. She was head of the Edward Martin (AB. ’57) took his M.D.
to Chemistry Department at Virginia Department of Radiology at Longview State from U of L in 1961; holds diplomate of
Commonwealth University. He has a grant Mental Hospital from 1958 to 1967 and has American Board of Anesthesiology and is
from the NSF and his work is proceeding on been assistant professor of radiology since Fellow of American College of
pace; soon to be aided by a “floppy disk for that time at University of Cincinnati School Anesthesiology; currently chief of Depart-
his mini." of Medicine. ment of Anesthesiology at Kings Daughters
Donald G. Hicks (M.S. '58), associate Wendell R. Kingsolurk (B.S. '48) is in MemorialHospital, Frankfort, Ky.
professor at Georgia State University, is practice as a physician in Carlisle, Ky. William Taylor Mattingly (B.A. '69) is l
spending the 1977—78 year working at UK (Route 2, Larkridge, 40211). His M.D. is assistant resident in surgery at Vanderbilt l
with Prof. O’Reilly on methods for analysis from University of Michigan. University. i
of coal. He has won two national teaching William H. Kipp (Ph.D. ‘69) is now Gerald G. Maxwell(B.S. ’77) is currently 1
awards, was twice authorized by AC5 to analytical lab manager, Dyestuffs Division, stationed at the Wright Patterson AFB, 0., '
write college chemistry texts, and has Verona Division of Mobay Chemical Corp., where he does work in technical intelligence. i
conducted two nationalACS lecture tours. Charleston,S.C. He plans to pursue further work in !
Charles F. Hood (B.S. ’48) is production Albert C. Kovelesky (Ph.D. ’67) is chemistry at Wright State University this i
foreman, Organic Division, with Emery assistant professor at Southwest State fall. 1
Industries in Cincinnati. University, Marshall, Minn. James W. May Jr. (AB. ’65) received his i
Thomas McC. Hooker (B.S. ’60) took an James A. Kuhlenschmidt (M.S. '72) is M.D. from Northwestern in 1969. He in- ‘
M.S. at University of Missouri—Kansas City, production supervisor for immunology terned in general and in plastic surgery at i
and Ph.D. at Duke, and is now