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Ct, r‘;5:,2~;:2;-22t n -?='>,-‘, ' r -' ' 2. ‘ 1’ ”T'str’fiME , ,5. 7”:'3‘.):$E,- a341, .r.~ g 22 :2; . . ‘32,, :- LLJIJI...‘ mar i . : . M, Labia“ - ”I - qrquiggegx _2_a 2 I 52: Z ”Qt—wfiyt, :: A ##4#- k—WVM-fl-fl’“ fr; 2:, 5%» “ . ~55; 2 ‘ . 11‘,- " 1;,” , :5.:?I""A‘ figfif. .14 5,;,A—.~——»—-—e—‘"“"" :5; ’~ ew‘fi ”We“ \22V‘An‘,,,-Iz’/tcr . ,0» ‘72...;’J¢,;,.-;>‘:s-~,a ‘ WWW Volume '1 Number ‘1 October ”1973 A Fr; .2 .2. 2. II N A W105 D V A r A -e , ~ 1 e» W” “t i If , ~ are net '1 A M J SSEJQC ‘ 0 M IMI J =~22JW@I [I (Q ff! I have just completed my second year of a activities and will in the next few newsletters ? four-year term as chairman. It has been a ., i j: give brief biographies of our faculty, ‘ busy two years, learning all the new red tape fir _ (4y . starting with the latest additions. Our 1 of administration and trying to maintain the {44-2 e -_ 1 “; faculty is active in teaching and research excellent standards set by the two past A ; I” 4.22:4 . . . and is receiving increased support from , chairmen, Drs. Kiser and Ehmann. l< :«13 fan, I / outSide funding. The UniverSity ad- q We were pleased with the response of our 31‘ \ \ “(3/ 1/ , 3" ] ministration has been very helpful and ‘ alumni to our last newsletter and will in- ,/ 7: [4—25 / ii/ : generous in providing funds for equipment, } clude your comments in this letter. {5'} ~ 5:7" W I”? j 7" f" i E particularly for our newer faculty for “start i . . 2' , 5;: .. A . i ,1 . . 2. , . The third and fourth symposia on {:2in rgij'; :3 ‘5. .5 up’ funds. We were espec1ally pleased to . . t2. a 2 , 2 . . Chemistry and Molecular Biology, sup— £55,! j ' I, ~ A 2 .2 a. receive a NSF grant for $61,300 which was . ported by the endowment fund in memory {T/ =‘ i T M_.,22--~'g T matched by the University to purchase a f 0f Anna 52 Naff, as usual were the highlights i 1,333,; i I ‘ Enraf-Nonius CAD 4/13 single crystal X-ray ‘ ‘ : , 2 ’ I . . ' i of our program. The 1977 topic, “Studies on “‘4' ” ' ‘ W "’4 ’ ’* diffractometer. The proposal was submitted the Conformation of Peptides and. Proteins N°bel laureate 1’1.”th N‘ 11‘?“qu Who gréd' by Dr. Carolyn Brock with the assistance of . . ,, ‘ ua’ced from UK in 1941, ViSits with Dr. Marion _ . . ‘ “1 SOIUUOIL was PTESCDAEd by Nobd B. Naff at the 197s chemistry symposium. Drs. Attlg, Naae, and Sands. The Universuy Laureate, Dr. Christian B. Anfinsen and also provided funds to purchase a $90,000 Dr. Allan Schechter from the National Stiles as a visiting scholar the past yearand Varian 13.109 Century Series ESR Spec- ' Institutes of Health. The 1978 program was he will continue this year. Dr. Stiles, on trometer, $18,000 for a scintillation counter presented by Nobel Laureate, Dr. William leave from the University of Michigan, is a for research primarily under the direction of N. Lipscomb and Dr. Thomas A. Steitz on former editor ofthejamnaloflhe American Dr. Butterfield, and $10,000 for a new ; ”Regulation of Enzyme Activity." Dr. Chemical Society, and is continuing his atomic absorption spectrophotometer for Lipscomb received his bachelor’s degree writing and participation in our program as Dr. Q’Remy, Dr. Kiser is preparing a ‘ from the University of Kentucky in 1941. time permits.‘ proposal for a new mass spectrometer and ‘ Please send us your suggestions for speakers Ashland Oil Foundation, through the Dr. 5.14. Smith is preparing one for a high 1 for further symposia. efforts of their president, Paul Blazer, resolution super-conducting NMR_ If we are 1 We were sorry to lose the services of Dr. supported a graduate fellowship the past successful in obtaining these instruments we . E.M. Hammaker who retired July I, 1977. two years for a student seeking a MS. should be extremely well equipped with , i We still don’t understand how he taught all degree in chemistry interested in industrial major instruments for the immediate future. i his classes and met all the administrative employment. The coming year they are The University was successful in obtaining i deadlines and duties without a single generously supporting a program of four or funds to raise faculty and some staff salaries , complaint. In fact, we missed him so much five Ashland Oil Summer Fellowships to be to a more competitive basis starting July 1_ i we persuaded him to return to teach split between undergraduate and graduate Our operating and travel budgets are still ’ - . . . - l quantitative analy51s the spring semester students to work on research prOJects under below the levels needed to meet the 1978 which gave us the opportunity to “pick the direction of selected faculty members. dgmands’ and unrestricted funds to enrich 3 his brains" on other matters while he was The program also provides for visits by the our seminar program and other activities ‘ i around. He and his wife, Evelyn, have participants to Ashland Oil plants in are very inadequate. i enjoyed tours by freighter to Israel, the Ashland, Kentucky, and Columbus, Ohio, As usual, we encourage you to fill out the Caribbean, and South America. and funds for the Department to enrich its enclosed information sheet to'keep us up to Dr. Henry Bauer has resigned to accept activities. date on your activities and current address. ' the position of Dean of Arts and Sciences at Several of you have requested information We frequently get requests from your Virginia Polytechnic Institute, effective July on activities of our faculty and information classmates for information and addresses, 1, 1978. on the newer faculty we have added. We are and we like to include alumni news in our ,-., y We have been pleased to have Dr. Martin including a section on some of our faculty letter. 111,55 ‘ - u: 1