xt7z348gj88p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348gj88p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1932 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1932 Vol.4 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, September 1932 Vol.4 No.8 1932 2019 true xt7z348gj88p section xt7z348gj88p .I‘5 J. :lJ J J J : 5 i: i . .4 J " 'JJ?" ‘ Th K t ck Press an IE 5;. . J 3 e 9 o J J . Published Monthly 0f, By, And For The Kentucky Newspapers ,. 55 :5 WNW—MW ._ -‘fi Volume Four SEPTEMBER, 1932 Number Eight 5 55 3, 33 5J ‘ J '.:1' 51% J. :- ~. g g: .l - 3 w . ‘“"?“ :J - flow To Handle The Correspondence ,5 . . 'J "J 5 1 "l": "‘ ' " " JJ ’5 5 J Forty country correspondents con- each correspondent. The following is be sent. Mention in your news as ' J5 2‘1! . tribute to the Memphis Democrat, embodied in this little booklet: many names as pOSSIble, slightmg no 5 5 .5 5 5 " weekly newspaper in Memphis, Mis— ACCIDENTS—Who was hurt; how; one. Write all names ‘plainly and 555 :5 5:5 J souri the seat of Scotland county. The when; is it likely to be fatal? Present spell correctly. Av01d usmg the same 5 5 , 55 5 5 J Democrat, always a strictly county condition of the person injured. If names every week. Do not mention :5 5- J 5 55555; 5 "' newspaper, is 60 years old. death results and an inquest 15 held, too many members of any yonelfam; y. 5: 5 .5 555 5.5 J The following extract from the Kan— give the names of jurors and the ver— Dont write Jokes. Dont p ay a- J 5 5 .5 555 ' sas City Star gives a brief history of dict in full. vcrites. Dont 1g110re persons "09032:; 55 55 555 J the paper: “The Memphis Democrat BIRTHS—Give names of parents, you are not on friendly terms WI 555 555 .55 was established in the fall of 1872, place of residence, date in full of birth, them. Av01d scandals, personal qua: 5 55 5 55 55 5% J and since August 26, 1900, has been sex of child. Don’t neglect to report rels, family difficulties and churc ~ 55 .5 ,5 55 ' under the ownership and management births. troubles. Dont use this paper to get :55 5.55 5 5 r55 of Roberts .35 Bumbarger. On that date CROPS‘REDOI‘t at intervals the crop even Wltb some one- The 6‘11“” d0 2 _' 5 5 ' J 4555.! . L. P. Roberts, who sold the Monticello conditions, prospects, yield, or any 1n— not use it for that purpose. . 55 55 .4" 55555 Journal, and J. V. Bumbarger, of teresting or peculiar conditions. Speak a good word for the paper . 55 J5 555| Kansas City, bought the paper from DEATH—Give the name of the de- whenever and wherever possible, and - .55 5 ; 55 5| the late Dr. J, c. Gristy_ The paper ceased in full, date of birth or age, get the people interested in it. ,5, ‘5 55 5| J ".5 was conducted by them until Mr. Rob— date of death, place of residence, cause Remember, no lists of presents, no 5 .5 5 5 erts’ death in December, 1919. of death, date and place 0f burial, Of- descriptions of the bride’s dress, no . ‘55 5' a5 5.5 5. “Since the death of the elder Ro- ficiating minister or speakers, also so- obituary poetry. This means that we 5 5‘5 5 '. 5.5 5 - berts, his son, Wallace H. Roberts, has ciety in charge, if any. Names Of Chil- want anything of local or general in— 5 .5 5 . 5‘, 5:3 5 I. acquired his interest and the paper clren, names of brothers and sisters. terest, but no “roasts” and that this ,- J 55 J 55-555 has continued under the same firm If a child, give parents" names. Give paper is not a clearing house for fam— 55 5 5 5 55 name 30 years. name of surviving husband or wlifat. ily or 1neigfhborhoodnquarrels. k 5 V5 55 5 5 5 : H . If a rominent person, give a s or Be rie in sma news; ma e 1m— '3: I. 5 .5; . The Democrat tOOk a leading part biogralbhy. Poetry and eulogy not portant news complete. Say what you ,-' .. J J J J: 5 in advocating a new courthouse for wanted have to say and quit. .JJ 5 ; 5J ;; 5 . gagging fcgunl’f/yenagilisa 11;?ch 5:33;; IMPROVEMENTS — Improvements SPEC'IAL—Tf anything happens of J5 J "5% .°. " ,, " are always under way. Keep your espec1al interest on Tuesday or .: 5‘55 J ' proposmons were successful. eyes open for them. Importations of Wednesday, after you have mailed " 5‘5 5 * 5; ‘5‘5 5 5 The Democrats reDUtatmn 0f hav— good stock, improved methods of farm- your letter, telephone the informa- , J 5" J J mg a large number Of country corres- ing or handling stock—all deserve good tion to this office. If you do not have JJ ‘ J 5 5,5 ~. pcndents, has resulted m many inquir— mention. free exchange, we will pay the tele— . J J ,55 is; from several different states, ask- MARRIAGEs—Give names of con- phone expense. ' .IJ J '55; mg for details or the plan by Whmh tracting parties, son and daughter of These rules which have been set J ‘ 43 they .are handled. whom, residence, also bridal tour, and down for turning in correspondence ‘ JJ 1 J" J .. Sheets of paper 31/:X11. 01' half size where they will reside. Do not give from rural communities do not cover J J _ i if preferred, are sent the correspon- lists of presents. everything that might come up in the 5:1 '1 - , j ‘ ' dents 0f the Memphis Democrat. These MEETINGS — Picnics, socials, an- production of the newspaper. They J; 5 J l: ' sheets are “"1de as all the correspon- nounce proposed meetings of societies, have been used, however, and it has ‘ J5! ‘ J . dents use either pen 01‘ pencil. space picnics, entertainments, etc._ Give au- been compiled as the result of some 5'5 J I J." is allowed at the top of the sheet thentic reports of public meetings of experience in the field. No doubt oth— J J ‘ J for the name and address 0f the cor— unusual character and of social events. er methods have been employed with J ' 5 5255 respondent, no anonymous dispatches NEW THINGS—Mention new houses success. The suggestions given the 1:5JJ,, 53;», being printed. A150 at the bottom 0f new barns, new enterprises of any correspondents of the Memphis Demo— J J J 55" 5 the sheet is a place to be marked With kind. new machinery installed, espe- crat have been devised, Of course, for 5 . 555 5 5 51 ,' an X, if more paper or Bill/910985 are cially if a new kind or a kind not be- peOple who have no knowledge what— "J . J ‘. " needed. fore used in the community. ‘ soever of what the newspaper desires . J J 5 " The envelopes sent the country cor— SCHOOL — Note the opening and in the way of news. 5 J E", ._ respondents are stamped and contain closing of the schools, give the teachers’ ——-— ‘ 5 J J "i . ~. the return address printed in large names and where from, length of term. CLIO HARPER SAYS: ‘ J J ,‘ . J: type in some brilliant hue. The rea- NEW COMERS—Tell all about them. ———-— 5‘"; 5‘, son for this is that it has been the Names, where from, when did they If you don’t like your own stuff don’t J J" J J .. experience of the editors of the paper arrive? Friends or relatives already expect your readers to do so. " ‘ ' l 5 J» that if the address doesn’t cover the here. Where do they live? —————- "J J ’ J front of the envelope, some correspon- PERSONALS—Personals are impor— Some newspapers are easily worth J J dents will employ the envelopes for tant (but not a record of visits be— 25 cents a year. ? . 5 5 ." ' their own personal correspondence by tween persons in the same locality). — ; : J ‘ JJ :" marking over the printed name of Tell where the visitors from a dis— Trust in a good ad, but keep your "‘J , Ji «‘ the paper on the envelope. Naturally, tance are from, when they arrived, eyes on the cash register. 5 5" '"" it makes it more difficult to do this whom they are visiting, intended — 5 J J 5i 5 5' when large type is used. length of visit. In noting social gath— Many a truth told in jest keeps you “ ._ f 5 3‘: A pamphlet of suggestions is sent to erings, names of those present may in hot water. . , JJ 55' 5;; J ‘JJJJ f I 1 ':J r r 5 , 5.5 é ' J "1' J " t t" J J5 , 5i . 5 - 5 J J, 5.4: H mm": .J J" " " 11.19“». 111.11. 1 1 1 I 1 :41. ref? ' 111‘ .1 '3511 151111 ‘ ‘ . '1111 11 :I 1 . .; _; .11: 51 2:11 11‘1 ‘1 ' 1 1111‘ r1 3.1 1111 ~.. 2 .1 e 11“» 1111 1 ~11 111. 1:11; .; _;1 .111, Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS September, 1932 ' 1 .;1 1 11'. _____________________._________. 111. 1 11 1 . 11 1111.1 . . 11x 1- 11 1 The October issue carries a front- annual event,” Mr. Gozder said. In 1 111 it 1111‘ The Remind“! Press page feature, “Smiling Over the Tele— the WOI‘dS of one who has had the . 112111 1. 11 11.151 1 ——————————— phone,” that every newspaper pub— pleasure of partaking of the hospital— 1 11,1 ‘. 11; Z11 Official Publication or The lisher should read. The association lty of M1“- and Mrs. Gozder, “If Jodie 1 1‘ 1 ;. ‘11 1111 Kentucky Press Association has occasion to call the officers of va- and his ‘Mahag‘ing Editor’ happen to ' 1; 1.; i1 11 1 . rious members by telephone. It is in— invite you, don’t miss it. brother, don’t 1111‘- 1 11 111 1 Victor E. Portmann Editor-in-Chief teresting to note the manner in WhiCh miss 111111 1- 11...; '1 11 1-11 1 ’ those calls are handled. To some of ————-——— 1 11 E11 ‘1 _'—‘——‘——_ th blishers e hav su ested that 1 1.1 .1 .1 1 . e Du W e as “I . 1. 1 1 1.»; 11 1 PuhllShEd by they some day step out of the office Be 011 Your , atch; , 1‘; 11. :11 3111 ; . The Department of Journalism and call their newspaper from an out- For ThlS SOhCltOl‘ 11 11; ; 111.11 ‘1 ; University of Kentucky, Lexington side phone. .Ad—Fax has the following ' _ ‘ 1:1 11:1,»; 111 11 ; Printed by The Kernel Press to say about “Smiling Over the Tele— Dear Portmann: 11 1; 1 ‘11:»; ;' —___._._._— phone 1 . . , I wish you would call attention to ‘ ;. 1; 1 E: '1" 1 1 PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS "11119; 291513110“ 15 I: Yltal 100131”? a fellow giving his name as A. B. 1 ' .31 l 1. f. 1 1 conac e ween any usmess an e - .. - .. 1 1 1 =1 ‘1 1 1 JAMES T. NORRIS u lic. Ri htl used it is a real: Ram?" Wh" 1.5 WOrkmg. some °f. 9‘” 1 . 1.111 11 ;_ 1.1 . 1 . p 13 g y g publlshers With a speClal advertismo . 1:.;;.;1 ;;:; 13 ; 1 Ashland Independent Presrdent builder of goodwill. Conversely, .‘it scheme according to Joe Costello O‘f’ " : ii. 1 e :1 :- . . n s , :1 1' 1 ”.1 1 can tear down more good-Will in five h C th' De . 1 in, 111.11. 11». :1 1 LAWRENCE W‘ HAGER. minutes than can be built up with a t e~rt yn lana mocrat, who has 11151 11 111 1.; 1:31 ..;1 ;; Owensboro Messenger—Inquirer ear’s advertisin WI“ en to me, suggesting that I get 11 1.1;: 1 1;: .11 ; Vice President y g. _ out a bulletin on him. I think a no- 111 ; ,1: ;1 ,; 1 “N0 successful busmess man has to tice in the Press will be sufficient. 11.11.; . g 3 3 1 GEORGE A. JOPLIN, JR. be ‘sold’ on the idea of greeting his I quote from J08 letter: 11 ,1“. 1 3 ‘ 1 3 1 Somerset Commonwealth, Chairman of customers properly. Yet some of them “0 . f . d F. ' 15: 111 1 . 1 . Executive Committee frequently forget that courtesy is just “I 1116111 ’ WZarren .ISher’ has 111 111,1 :11 1; .1 1 ' as essential over the telephone as in had a disagreeab e experience Wlth 1‘51 1' ‘ 31 a1 1'3; 2 J- CURTIS ALCOCK: personal contact. In fact. telephone an advertlsmg promoter by the name i 111 1 ‘1 1 :11 3.“ ; 1 Danville Messenger, Secretary-Twas. conversation is doubly important be_ Of A» 13- Raleyv and WhiCh COSt War— t: z ,1“ ‘11"? | 1 1‘ . q' . ' ' 1:11.; 1111 j: .1 1 -———————-— cause the party at the other end of “in conclderable; adveltlsing and . 1 15:11 ; . 11;: f _1. 1 the wire judges you solely by what p-aced hls paper 1111 abad llght Wlth 1. 1:1 .1 ; ; ; 3 you say, and how you say it. He can’t a few; advertisers until they became. 1 1:1 111 1 l 1 1 . MEMBER @113 see your smile. You have to put it acquainted Wlth the facts. R3161, 1 3111111 ' 1.1 . 1W into your voice.”——Southern California also gypped 1.15 for $5 and I thmk ,. 3.; 11 -; . 3 1 1 Editor. it would be w1se to warn other Ken- 1, '1 . 1;? 1 3 1 ‘ ___________ tucky publishers who might become ; 11.11! 1‘ 1‘ 111 K TUCKY PRES CORRESPONDEVT’S PARTY Victims. Raley goes into a town 1. 11;; 1 1' .11 1— ASSOCIATION ‘ and from his boarding house calls 11.;11 ;:; ; 15; 1:. ORGANIZED 11' H TO BE ANNUAL EVENT advertisers, making it appear that 2.: ‘; (f, .11 ’1 . ’1'” "”9 —— it is a long distance call from an .11 1; ”1‘11 1; 11 —-—————————-—— J. P. “Jodie” Gozder, editor of the adjoining city; he will tell the ad- 1. :11; “1;! 1:151 11 ISSUES OWN ALMANAC Campbellsvflle (Ky.) News - Journal, vertiser he represents the paper and 11111113,» ‘1; 1 has announced that he intends to is getting up an illustrated edition 111.111; . ; 1 ; —‘ make an annual event Of a fiSh fry and will print several thousand ex- 1111!; g f1 : The Southlngton (Conn) News is- for correspondents of his newspaper tra copies. He takes the copy to the 1' 111.11 1 : sues an annual almanac WhiCh 0011- because of the success of the first one newspaper and contracts for space to 1 11.11 = ,3: " 11 " tams 311 the important itefins 0f 111- held Saturday. September 19, at his be paid for when the issue is print- " .. 11111-1; ; .' formetwn oil. the old-fashioned 1211- Camp Laurel Crest on Green river. So ed. He asks the publisher to make 1 ‘ 1 .1 : manac, Wlth a number of modern 301- far as could be learned Mr. Gozder is out the bills to the advertiser and 1 1'. ‘5»; :3 ; dltions There are pages devoted to the first editor of a Kentucky weekly tells the advertiser to make the . ,1; 1 3; 5 advertising, to facts; about Southing- to plan an annual get—together for his check payable to the newspaper. In 1 .11 :1 j ton and to the seerces performed by news representatives. Warren’s case he evidently cashed : 1; 311 .1: 11. ‘ . . the News. A revxew; of the features Fifty-three guests signed the regis— the checks here, because so far as .1 .1 .1: '_ and departments which are regularly ter at Mr. Gozder’s log cabin, which is I know he has never been heard 11; . M carried and contribute largely to the on the bank of Green river, approxi— from since leaving here. 1 1' '11-111 1 ‘ reader 11111611951? 0f the NEWS pays a mately 12 miles from Campbellsville. “A warning to Kentucky publish- 11 1 é ; j high tribute to serial stories, news for the fish fry. ers to get their pay in advance will 1‘ ‘ »- 1 ,1 pictures, radio programs, fashion ar- The entertainment for the corres- : 1. . . e . c e. . 1:15. 1 _. 1 ticles, TOdRY’S Geography and the .pcndents included a quartette com- Pavle them work and loss 0f spac. . 1;}; . 1. 7; . L ; . a ey ls about 40. weighs 180 or 190, 1. 11 .1‘ 3 ;. kitchen Cabinet department. The posed of Misses Irene Caulk, Ellzabeth five feet ten inches dark complex— . 3 11; '3 . l ‘ publication also carries an editorial Hackley and Margaret Edith Harding . ‘ ’ . 1 1 . 11; .1 .11 . . _ . 0 ion, and has a scar on left side of 1 ’1 ‘1 “ '1 1- ‘ laudatory 0f the Community Welfare and Mrs. Vlrglma COX' Floyd COX ac— face' is convincing talker and will 111113; 1. 1 _1 campaign and the spirit of co—ODBra- ccmpanied them on the bah-juke. Pro- take1you in before you know it.” 11‘1_. 1:; ; tion which It creates. fessor Victor R. Portmann, instructor J CURTIS ALCOCK 1 1-1' 1; -1 E .___.__.__.——— in journalism at the; University of 1 . 1 " ‘11 :1 ; ; Kent k t1' (1 t t . . d Sealetary of K. P. A. 1‘ 111; j DOES YOUR TELEPHONE 11‘? y’ 0.11 ”.18 . en er ammg an ——-————— ' ; I: ; ; 1 1;. BUILD GOOD WILL" educational instluctions as to the du— . . 1 1311.; 1.; ' ties of correspondents. Donald Mc- A $0061 news story 1s today’s best ; 1:11: ”i j 1 :11" - — Wain of the Courier—Journal and The seller—and 500119519 forgotten. 1 11 11 ‘ :3? ‘- ‘- ‘ L. Ad-Fax, the monthly house organ Louisville Times was given a few min- . —— - . 1; 1.111111» .1; 1 published by the Long Beach Press- utes to discuss news sources for cor- Half a StiCk 0f type has fattened 1. 1 1 11‘ ‘ 1.: . _1 Telegram, as it says, “in the interests respondents. The short speaking pro- many a R8110 lawyer. 11.1" :1 ' 1 of its friends and advertisers, for the gramme proceeded the fish fry, after . ——-— 1-. 11 , ' 13,1 11 discussion of mutual business prob— which there were running and hop- Head—lines may 13611 greater lies than 7 _ P; ; ;. 1' lems, particularly those of advertising ping races, horseshoe pitching, swim- epitaphs. 1 .11; 1 ;‘. 1' 11 and merchandising,” is a very clever ming; and other forms of entertain- —— » 1;.1 .11 .3 1 1 .. publication, chock full of interesting ment. _ , Politics is the life blood of a news- «.- 1‘111111111 ; 1 1 things. “We hope to make the fish fry an paper, often at high pressure. . ' 3?: 111111111; i' 1 '1 ' - 1~11“; r 1.11 1.111 .~ 1 ‘ 1, _11 :. 1 3:1 ‘1 :1 '- a»; . 5.1.».-.1n1 l ; , . ‘ if?” . ‘2 “'5 2‘2 .2‘ 1. :j 2;: 5 as . '5: ‘55 t5 _ 5 September, 1932 l‘HE IxE1\ iUCKY PRESS Page Three . 1 . 5 5 2., 5;, 5 ”WWW: , 2 . =5 51.5. 1 . I . I ‘ 5 5' .57 5 M1d_W1nter Meetlng to come into Western Kentucky and to run for a year or longer past the ‘ 2 55 5 5‘5. 5 J I spend some time with each newspaper, due date. Every business man sleeps ' 5 5 if- , anual‘y 9, 20, and 21 holding schools fq’r advertisers and better with his money in the bank 2 5 5 5‘} 5 :5 —————— salespeople and the general public, instead of on his books. Publishers 55 At a meeting of the executive com- winding up with an advertising school are, or should be, business men. '1 j‘v, :5 5 mittee of the Kentucky Press associa- for all the newspaper men of the dis- Probably the best effect of the cash 1 5 5 g, 5 5 5| ticn, held in Louisville, Saturday, Octo— trict at Paducah, was discussed at the —in-advance system is in its tendency ‘: 5 ' g‘f 55 her 8, it was decided to hold the an- meeting and a committee composed of to improve publications. The publish- 5 5 5 5‘ $55M 5, nual mid—winter meeting of the asso- President Robbins and Ed Mammon, er knows more accurately how much ’ '5 51 H 5} 5 ciation at the Brown hotel in Louis— business manager of the Sun-Demo- money he can depend upon from sub— . 2 5 5 ,3 5" Egg 5% ville, January 19, 20, and 21, 1933. crat at Paducah, was appointed to go scriptions and is in better position to ' ' 5 5 525 5 Brainard Platt, of the Louisville into the matter more fully. spend it to the advantage of the pub— ‘5 5 ‘ f”, . Courier-Journal, was appointed chair- Another plan to buy cuts of news lication. He must also issue a better '. ' i, 5 j i 55 2' -‘ man of the program committee. Oth- pictures of interest to all «Western page than otherwise if he would hold . 5 5 2‘ 5 5'13. 5 ers named on the committee are R L- Kentucky through the central organ- readers and obtain renewals. f , I 5 355: 5 ' Elkin, 0f the Lancaster RECOI‘d; JOB ization and develop a series of feature __._._#_———— 5 5 5 5 5 ~ Gozder, 0f the Campbellsvilie NEWS- articles on various points in Western . 4552 5521-55 , '1‘ . . MAILIN AMPLE COPI . . ., 2 ~~v.-. 5 Journal, With PreSident J. T. Norris, Kentucky, which, wouldnhe” rotated“ . . G S ES 2:, 5 1 ,' 555:? 5 Of the Ashland Independent, and Sec- among the: ‘Zaé'ioid? -;n§W§pdpflefirS,:WfiSE ”ailment questions sent to a field sec— ., 5 5 5,55» 5.55, 5 , retary J. C. Alcock, DanVille Messenger, also discussed arm :a “committaemorha . _ . , . ., 2 55 .1 5 )5; 2, ex-officio members , R b' T retary by a membei publisher in . 5,5 ‘l, 55:, 5 The pro ramvcommittee will In et posed (5f Rresiderrt 5 pbcfigliidflgem ‘ :Miqhigan were so pertinent and con— 55 5 55 5 551. later and gcom lete aran ements :0 Lovett, Mnrnary, T511555? Earl ”“C‘. E: : Gain 5553555555551 such valuable information, that -' 5 5 5 =5 5555 ‘ - . p - g . r E‘ E' Wards-air” £55352” 955.51 y. ' 5the questions and answers are includ- if 155‘ 55 513,355 the meeting. The editors Will meet zette of Clinton. were, appomtedunto .. . 1', ,1 -5 ”A 5 . , , . , , M . n ,. ed here, Just as they were asked and A, 2 15,2; , Oh the evemhg of January 19th. when take the matter up anaemia _cut;2the; answered . 55 .2 ' 3 ti." they Wln register and be guests Of details. . . ,, 1. What percentage of your circu— ' : 5. 5 5-55 :5 the Brown hotel at a buffet supper. Round table discussmns. on The . ,. ‘l ,5 «2' ,' . . . . . lation can be sent out as sample cop— ,1 . 5,;1 Busmess sess10ns W111 be held Friday Personal Touch ” in the news columns . . . i5 =1 r4 2 . , : , , ’ 165 through the mail? Answer. Ten 3, l ;.: 2 2 morning and afternoon, January 20. in ertan locals and personals, was ,2 ,s '1 . «xv. . . . 3 . per cent of the total poundage sent - 5 , . {‘22 5 5‘ and again 011 Saturday morning, Jah- led by Col. Henry R. Lawrence, editor _ . . : ,. 3 5; ,,.: , - . through the mail, during a calendar 5,, 2, 5 5 5 uary 21- Those ”1 attendance at the of the Cadiz Record and dean of the year to actual subscribers -2 55 , .5 33,. 5 , meeting will be given tickets to the newspaper men of Western Kentucky; ’2 ’ What rate does it pay" Answer' , 5 5. .,5 5:22, 5 .. Brown theater and a banquet dinner on “Promotion" was led by Joe T. Lov- ‘ . ' 1, ' . l 5 .5 :f 5 5' will robably 'b 'iVen dunin' the T' d Led er Readlhg matter, any zone, 1/: cents 555 2 5 i 5 5 .p e g g Ett 0f the Murray 1mes an g .’ and second zone, 11/, cents; third zone, 3 2 ‘5. 1; 5 ". .65- ' meeting. and on “Local Features and LOcal Edi— 9 cents fourth zone 3 cents and so : - ,5 5. ,' 5 Keith H. Hood, of the Bedford lmfials” led by President Robbins. iortli ’ " 5 5‘5 5:25 5 Dforifgéih cgozuni'rrnnfitleefi 231:1: ng‘fizgapg 5 5 5 ....._ 55 A 3. IS thisra percentage "o'f*y0ur en- : 5‘ f.‘ 5 5 p ’ . . ' ' 2 PAYMENT IN ADVANCE tire paid circulation, both carrier and 5r 5 5‘ ‘25. 1 Stark, who has been working With Mr. . . . . g : .5 5 l 5,. 5 , Hood on the ro osition made a re— ———— _ mail, or only of mail Circulation? An- . .2 55 l , i‘ V p p: ’ . Prepaid subscriptions eliminate much swer: Ten percent of mail circulation 2 25 2 a l 55:5 . port to the executive committee, sug— . . . l - l 52») estin' that re ared advertisements bookkeeping and correspondence, save only, on which poundage was paid _ 5 ‘ .5 5:5 , g g p p time and annoyance and reduce DOSt- during a calendar year, meaning from 5 5 ,. ,1 :7: .. be sent to- members of the Kentucky . - 5 ’1 ’5; m ‘ I . . . . age bills. They have put the busl-_ January 1 to December 31. . 155, A Press assoc1ation, advertiSIng the . . a . . . - :5 l‘ w;- ' - ‘ - 11355 0f DUthhlng a country newspaper 4. Is it possmle to send out a large 5 .5 5 55 or, 2. newspaper and Job printing busmess. . . . t d _ . : .5 1:, . . . on an effmient baSiS and crea e re number of samples at one time, more , ,. , , It was deCided to wait till the first of . . , - , ,L ' . ‘l : 5‘5 the ear before startin ‘ the work and spect for the calling. The ragged, than the permitted Percentage 0f 111513 ,1; 5 5 5n the 3éommitte will coitinue to work dcwn'at'the'heels Imbhsher Whom that daY’s circulation. but have part of '2 ,5 '5 5 . 0 the 1 11 Band submit same at the everybody “stood off” has disappeared, it count as samples against some other 5,: , 5 {‘35 wrilntar £136,311 wherever the cash-in—advance plan time? Answer: Yes, samples can be . 2 5 5 .5 5‘ 5 ‘ President Ngrris a ointed J C Al— has been put into effect. sent at any time, not to exceed ten .5 5 pp '. ' Th e expiration notice supersedes percent of the total poundage in a 5; 5 5‘ cock, Carl Johnson, Geo. A. Joplin, Jr., * . H ,, ,. . 5,2; , ,r , G B Senff Fr d B Wach and Jon the old-fashioned dun and gives less calendar year, sent to actual subscrib— 1,5 5 :. 2 .‘ Gamer 0 ,an : dvertisin :bmmitte': offense. Postal 1.egulations require that ers through the mail, not more than 2 55 5 5 5,5: . , the M r358 of which igs to advise a “dun” or statement of account must three sample copies to any one person 5 5‘ i :5” . . p p be enclosed within an envelope and during the year. .5 5 5 55,. ,members of the K. P. A. about fraud— ~ ~ , L; , t ulent advertisers and to kee them carry a two-cent stamp. An expiration 5. In othei words, can you send out 5,5 2; -. .5 2 posted on hOW to et advertisgn notice can be sent on a one—cent card. during the year, say at monthly inter- 555 5 5 5!: . 5 2 g g There are no disputed accounts where vals, enough samples to total one-tenth 55 ‘ ;i .1555 :_ —————————"—‘ payment is required in advance. (or whatever it is) of your entire cir— » ,5 5 5 55,55 . WEST KENTUCKY BODY ‘ __ Many people subscribe for news— culation for the year? Answer: Send 5 £12! ‘2. “E‘ELEUTS “ODBINS papers because of some present inter- at any time. but only ten percent of 5 5‘ i5 5 ' ' est or to obtain an immediate ser— total poundage mailed to regular sub- 5 5' 55 5 f A Robbins, editor and publisher of vice. The interest or need may have scribers in calendar year, not more 51 . 3 ;; . , the Hickman Courier at, Hickman, was vanished before the expiration of the than three copies to any individual. 55 5 g 5 t unanimously re-elected president of subscription, leaving the subscriber cold All answers based on Section 421, 5 " 1 ,5 r the WeSt Kentucky Press association to the matter of payment. Where Postal Laws and Regulations.—Wash— _ 5 2r: 5 for his fifth term at the fall meeting cash in advance is required his inter— ington Newspaper. , , 1 5:5 -‘ held in Paducah Friday, September 23. me is more likely to continue. Then __——————I— ; 5 i 5 J' R' Bradley, editor. and PUhHShel' 0f there is the matter of subscribers who SURE TO BE CAUGHT . 3| 2 5 l the Enterprise at Providence, was move away during thelife of the sub- The publisher who tries to sell any— 5 ‘ 55.4 :5 elected vice-president of the associa- 'scription. No money is lost on these thing he does not possess is headed 5‘ , 5 5:5 5 “1 “on, While M155 Corrine LOWTY: Of ‘5 nayment in advance is exacted. for destruction. If he tries to sell the . ,, : . 5,: ‘ Marion was re-elected secretarY- When payment is the rule no pub- best printing on earth and doesn’t 5 ,3 3‘: . treasurer. lisher ever breaks the postal regula- produce it, he is bound to lose the con- , _ ,2 ‘55 ' , A plan to retain an expert on re- tions and thereby risks getting into fidence of the people with whom he , r, 5 ,5] tailing advertising and merchandising trouble by permitting a subscription has to deal. :5 ‘55 5 .5 :51, 2 \ ‘ ‘ 555 5 2, a“? . 55 5.5% «2 2 .2-.. . »- v- ' .. ,_, #_g_ . A 7 7 , v';g,,4_,m,,_,“ M'wmrsm‘: . j v, 11'" 1 :1" 1111 :- 1.. 1 1 1111 r1 V111. 11; 31 ‘1 ‘1 -1 ' ‘ 1111 1 11 1‘ 1 1., .1 1111-11 .. 31 11.3 :1 £11 1’11 3 ' ' -. .—=-;..-_ g‘i:71:i:f::1;.g...«=:2131.1131 _ . ; l1 11‘ 1 1 _ . . 1’ w-f - .. _11 1., 1 111 ~ _. 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'1‘ 1, 11111:; 111' . whlch sets both text and dlsplay from 1ts s1ngle key- 11- .‘ 1‘1“». 1'1“ 11 1'1‘11 . ' 11111111 :311 . ‘. I1 31 1 111 1 board. On It you can set your body matter, your heads, 1 1111112 21' '11 ‘ '1 11 1 1‘11:- 1 1 1 1 - 111 :g-1 1 , 1 1 1 11.: 111 1: 1 1 your ads, your Job-work. 1 . :. 1' ‘- ‘: "11 ' i ‘1 '1 '1» 1:11:11 11 , 1 1 1. 1 1 ~- 1 1'11 :1 1 ; Thlnk of the speed. 11 ' 1 31% ‘11 1 > 5 (‘11 . “5'1 Thlnk of the economy. ‘ 1 ; 11111 11': . l1 1 Think of the convenience of being able to set all your - ' . .111 ‘ .1 1 1 '12 1" 1" 1: . . . . 1’1 '1 1111 151 ,1 1 .1 composulon on the Llnotype. No runnlng out of sorts, f 1'.“1 11 11| 1‘ 1' 1 1 ' 1“ ' 11:112~.‘1 "‘ 1 ‘ '51 - 1 '71 .‘ 11 1 1 " . . . 1 :1 2’1. . 1 11 111 1 _ no worn type, no new type to buy, no dlstrlbutlon. 1111' 1:1 . 1 1 . 1111 :‘ 11 :1 1112131 1 1 .. 111.. .1111 .1: 1 1 .1 1,11; MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE 1 -- 111111 1 '31'1 COMPANY ° BROOKLYN,N.Y. ’ . 1 ‘ 1 '1 ‘1 ‘ ‘ -. "' 1 ‘1117 51-111 SAN FRANCISCO - CHICAGO -. NEWORLEANS ‘ ‘1 1 : '1 1 1‘ '1 ,1111;'11 1 CANADIAN LINOTYPE,LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA .. 1 2 1 ~11 111 1. 1 11 .. ‘ Representatives in the Principal Cities of the World Linotype Bodoni Family and Metro No. 2 1 1 ' ~11}: :11 v1 11 ~ - 1 ; . 11:1 1: 1 1:1 1' 1. ' .‘1 1 2 1 131211311 1'1 1123' 1 1 1 - -..‘:'1211:‘1 .1331, {111 .‘12 s. 2 ' 1