xt7z348gjc17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348gjc17/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1980 1980 1980-03-13 2020 true xt7z348gjc17 section xt7z348gjc17 l tt'kthld llh'h' bl k kt
‘ By JOHN CLAY needless to say. those fortunate ody started talking about how much 5"“ their tickets for them and they has been 5400 a “1-" from out-of-town" for his four sets of
SW" Ed'm' enough to have tickets and are looking they COUld 8C! for their “diets 1 WW” Ell/C me “00 ‘0 ‘10 ll." he said. SP'lhfl break was 3 major ("'0' in lower arena tickets.
Unless you happen to be blessed for buyers are probably in for a high decided chould use theVmoneyinsteVad "I‘ve got six sets oftickets laying here the decision to sell. said Stotts. “1 Another student said that he had
genetically and your fatheristhe presi- profit. of the tickets. Especrally Sll'ICC it's thataren t even mine that l'm tryingto bought them when they first Went on been offered $l00Vl0r his two upper
dent of Ashland 0“ Co. or some sim- Mike Cornet, a personnel manage- gorng to be on TV anyway.“ sell. A. guy called me from Louisville sale. I thought about the tournament, level tickets lortonight‘s games. Those
ilarcorporation.you have two chances merit senior, said he has been offered Gornet said he had received about and said that if 1 could sell his sets for but I didn‘t think about spring break." tickets are In row Z of section 232.
of getting tickets to tonight‘s Mideast as much as SL600 for his eight tickets 80 calls Tuesday and yesterday after Sl.000 he wouldn‘t go. He said he Recreation )UlllOl' Eric Edmonson Although. Kentucky basketball has
Regional games at Rupp Arena a in section 35. “And they‘re not pheno- running an ad in the Kernel. the Lex- WOUld give me SlQO plus any extra has tickets in Section 29(closerto mid- always had fanatical fan support. the
, , slim and none. menally good seats either.” Gornet ingron Herald and the Louisville money over $1,000 iflcould getit. I‘ve court than either 35 or 36) and has high demand for tickets has still sur-
Not surprisingly. the two-day your said yesterday, Courier-Journal. . already been offered Sl.l00." been offered SlSO for each of his seats. prised the sellers. .
nament, which includes the home- Gornet said he bought the [lckgts BCSldCS his own sets, Gornet said . Bill Stotts, an engineering senior, is In a survey of other students who “I yust can‘t believe the number of
standing Kentucky Wildcats as well as when they first went on sale for $30 a that he has had many offers to sell in the same posmon. “We‘ve had offers WCTC running advertisements, one stu— P¢0Plc who Will“ {0 58“." said Gornet.
teams from Duke, Indiana and set last Novemberwiththeintention of other people‘s tickets. “People have of about $200-$300.” he said of his dent reported thathe had been offered “And I cant believe the number of
Purdue. is completely sold out. And going to the games. “But wheneveryb- come upto me and “lied me in “Wild "Ch-"Si“ 5°“th 36-"Ourhl8hCSt0ller as much 35 $500 a 5‘“ by “someone P°°Pl° who want ‘0 hin either.“
Vol. 1.xxn. No. no Ker n 2] ”mm“ of “may
Thursday. MarCh l3. “’80 an independent student newspaper ‘ Lexington. Kentucky V
. '- - _'—_ '—— \—
I > Local merc ants com a a c ec s,
‘- . .. - , . g:;""'fj;§j{‘1':;:t-_§3;_'.V:‘* . . . .
. ; , ’1" ‘ Clte U K StUdentS as hlgheSt "Sk
I' ‘1: l , .4 ' VZI By TERRI DOYNE given notice of the intent to postand to to the cash registers. Employees cash
'- , ‘I I m l\ ” ;_ Staff Writer be given an opportunity to present his personal checks and checks for the
. , I' I 3; 5;; side. amount of purchase with student
. I V: ‘ .l i/ I The infamous “Never Club.“ a The Chevy Store gives students with identificaction.
,I" 0“ . a‘ I ' 7 . I a? 'I ,. posted list of overdrawn check writers, overdrawn checks plenty of time to “We have bad checks, but the prob-
"‘ l i .' ' ” , V is composed largely of UK students, present their side, Neville said. First lem is not that big when compared to
f ’ ”M” ‘ . . 3" ' _ ' '3 according to Charlie Neville, manager the checks are run back through the the percentage of checks we cash,“said
‘ I .I .. .: I of The Chevy Store on Euclid Avenue. banks in hopes that adequate funds store manager Robert Dickinson.“We
' ’ d : ‘s’WV I ,I i - ' V ' ‘3 ~33 “Our policy limits the amount of a have been deposited. If that fails, an maybe get l0a week. Often there is an
. y , \l- - . ‘ :- . . V ‘ V . . , V check cashed to $35 and requires stu- effort is made to contact the person by error in the banking procedures, so we
‘ i“ ‘ x _ 2 . * ' ’fiiyy ' ' dent identification. Then we just watch phone. As a last resort, the checks are run them back through.“
' J K. ” '. a ll y .3; of; .' our current bad check board closely,“ sent down to the office of E. Lawson Kennedy runs the checks through
/ ; :Ig w. v ,_' ~ . l ’Z‘jfl’f/2g , , ' .5; Neville said. King, Fayette County Attorney. the banks twice if neccessary and then i
l... '4 V W‘ ‘_ ”V .. V”5wi " ' "V 7 These lists raise the question of The Court House sends a letter to phones or sendsthe check writcralet- , -
” f V . '- «say/“3’6? . htig“ whether the posting of overdrawn the check writer and informs him or ter. Dickinson said this is approxi- '
_ ’t _ V 424% . " ' . check lists, visible to the public. is an her payment must be made within l0 mately a three-week period. if the
.s at . . I' ,z- ,“,,/¢ // .1 y invasion of privacy. According to Lee days. If the check is not paid. The checks still are not taken care of, the .
y}; , *fid . .- .. 7% ” l .,- Eckhardt. law professor atthe Univer~ Chevy Store has the legal right to names go on the list,and the cashiers .
2' . at, . st -. ' fiflzé 2/: * ; Sity of Idaho. it is. He said in an Idaho obtain a warrant for arrest. This is are instructed not to accept checks
V : , fig? 4 l newspaper interview that a person when the name goes on the "Never from those persons.
\- . ‘ I ‘ ’ ' I‘ l . . 4.5; , ”3; ’ a ' could sue the business for public dis- Club.“ “There has to be a lot of trust,“ .
. ‘. . ~ - " : gaffe/W I I closure of private facts, although this In acuality, Neville said, only one Dickinson said. “i don‘t look at eve-
, . 'Wt?’ . ‘ . statement is refuted by some. percent of their bad checks ever callfor rybody as a potential thief. Out of l0
. as T y ... sway... a: 3 Since research has not turned up arrest warrants. He said the owner of checks that are run back through, five
l. ’ ' ”WWW r .. any case law directly on point, UK law The Chevy Store has worked 01" 8 might me back again. My theory is .
_ V . . ”y; ”wwggmfiwafljfiwygyfi rrwwijéZ/AQ professor. John Garvey, cited Wiscon- good system (which he would not dis- that if a person gets on the list, it was
. :1I.jmws.mwccmm _. .1 @"gw __ WW“? : sin ti. Constantineau as a comparison. close) which has a collection rate of 99 probably done consciously. If they '
”vow“; Wai‘fia’e» V7 Constantineau, sued the state for post- Nevtlle admitted that invasion of taken care of the problem the firsttime
. “My ” . ,1” "W” ' :=:' .> ' ' inganotice in allretail liquor outletsin privacy may be illegal. but added that around."
' , 33 ( ”ESTER 5| BlihTT/Kernei Sta" Hartford. Wisc. refusing the resident writing bad checks is against the law. At nearby Tolly Ho Restaurant, '
. Sha ke’ rally and roll the sales .or gifts of “q“.or‘ too. And. he said, the names onthe list employee Vernon Tucker says 95 per- .
I. 1 It was tound that posting an individ- were too small for the customer to read cent of the restaurant‘s bad checks are .
‘ The Babylon Din“ Band, I punk rock group from Ballroom. The rally, which was sponsored by the ual‘s name will expose him to public from across the counter anyway. written by University students. The
Louisville, performed at a rally against registration and Lexington Committee Against Registration and the embarrassment and that it therefore be Kennedy Book Store posts lists con- restaurant also has an easily visible list .
the draft last night at the UK Student Center Grand Draft. also featured other bands and guest speakers. POlle forthe individual lNVOlVCd'ObC taining approximately [00 names next Continued 0" page 3
. , odayx .. .
‘ D b to team a/Ifies for national tournament
5...... e a qu ,
A BILL EXTENDING THE PERIOD of driver licenses in Kentucky . l
without any increase in the proportionate fee, was signed yesterday by d
. .-......... vector-coach fee/s confident of success
The licenses. which had cost $4 for two years. now will cost $8 for four
I The governor also signed two other bills 7 onethat bannedthecancel- By BARBARA WARD year's performance. are Harvard Uni- E 5. ., '-~ a ‘ Vwr; (1”,:
ation ofautomobile insurance policies solely because ofage.and another . n w . G N h . , . u. feta-i “s. . ; , M
that raised the amounts that can be handled in small claims courts from Sta m" VCrSity. eorgetown, or! western ti Micht ‘I II'I "I" I?” i" 'I
55001051800 and Dartmouth College. 6 V” "73.x ‘ a NM 2 a... -- »~
’ _ Although many may not know, UK “Only one team is distinctly better, f ; 3.5"”; 1 " ~ ' w
natlon has more than one team that competes and that‘s Harvard,“ said Patterson, a '2 3 ' g. V r. 4 _ _ II t . , W 1
V JOHN W. GACY JR.,whom prosecutors called the “worst murderer" With the best in the ”.a'm“ and it communications professor. He "id“ ii ‘3; .. IZ‘I I a . it ll - w y ,l I I
/ inthenation's history. was found guilty in the sex killings of33 boysand often comes out the VlCtor' , “th the Cl‘UClal factor influencmg .'§ . I‘ z” . .3 l - " I Ii
young men yesterday by a Circuit Court jury of sewn men and five The UK debate team does not enjoy their chance for success is the amount x. a l . Mi fi’II kg, " ..
’ women. Thejury deliberated only one hour and 50 minutes. the popularity of the basketball team. of work and effort that goes into prep- a... .V’ ' 3* _ 1,: - :5“! 5* »
The former building contractor was convicted of 33 counts ofmurder bl" one could argue that it has been aration for the tournament. 7% II VI , Iii. ‘ f l
. and of taking indecent liberties with a minor and deviate sexual assault. comparably SUCCESSfUl The top yaf- Jones said that he and Mancuso are ‘I ‘3‘ . x} 13w ,
Both those latter chargesstemmedfrom thedisappearance of IS-year-old sity team was recently invited to par~ researching a lot to prepare for the f if!“ _ "
Robert Piest. ticipate in the National Debate competition and are preparing argu- f ' tit g .3 3 I
i . _ , , Tournament. to be held at the Univer- mentsa ainst the other to teamsthe ; & I .. , ' I i
VU.S.BLSINESSES could be allowedto raise prices Significantly more sity of Arizona at Tucson in April. know will be there. P y ~ , M' ‘ a x”
this year than last if the Carter administration increases its voluntary Tw UK I b W J ff » ’ g ' - . “W“:
Price anidelme in Iockstep with the wage standard.agovernmcntdocu- J 0 ' eam mam "'5 ' -e Thc haithalCOllCSiatc debate topic ? . W7 -I I k a”! /
mcmshowy ones. busmess and economicsyunior, h a nuall This ear‘s to icfor j. s .., V/
in fact, if we sare llo d ‘ , and Steve Mancuso, a business and C anges n y. . y p "I 1’ i . "’I’I
, g a we to increase up to 9.5 percent this year.as . . debate concerns increasing federal ,.., it
has been proposed. the comparableallowable price increase forincrease CFOMm'CS sophomore ’ received government regulation of the mass - “Tm ”if“ he; . .
for businesses would be8.5 percent. bldS for thc national competition media Man debates are centerin it; WV” 7' t . "y 'g
This. is nearly 3 percentage points ahead of last year's price target. based 0" the level OfihCl" performance d y . - l 3 £42” : .I . t a. \I
arcording to a repon released yesterday by the president‘s Council on this debate season. which began last aroun questions conoeming "o. ence “.3 J". . . . .- . T , r
Wise ”id Price Stability September. The team won tourna- on teleViSion. obscenity.and the influ- " I ' ' .. “l '
t h ld h U . . fN ence ofadverttsrng on children, Jones 3! BARBARA “ND/Km" 5""
world 2“" s. ‘ a,” ‘ “'VF’S'W‘.’ °"“ said. The UK team willbeusingacase, STEVE Mmcuso J. w. ruransors and JEFFJONES
arolina, West Georgia Coliege and r 'tion advocatin the use of '
AYATOLLAH RUHOLLAH KHOMEIleesterdayurged hiscoun- Middle Tennessee State University. 0 I Now“ ‘ o 18- . be of argumentative positions.“ only state in the nation that has qua“-
trymen to “dash the hopes" of Iran‘s enemies. “especiallythe oppressive The team also placed second at the {chevls'ir ‘3 persutao Lilia: om- Mancuso credits “the depth of the lied three teams this year."Joncs said,
:‘esiy'isfxzrzmrzobylgfitlg::.Z::ls"hm:"“% :inl°1§t0morroltlv. Kho Georgetown University tournament in Edwin: dibaili: n s. p team" to their success, explainingthat adding that all three of the Kentucky
the Amman hos til“ we ii e sal e par iament wi decide Washington, DC. and wonthirVd place . the other five members of the debate schools have a good chance of placmg
Khomeini “rm theelection ofthose“who are faithfulto lslamand me at one held at Northwestern University UK has been represented bya quali- team “contribute meaningfully“ in the top l6.
conmmiommfiu ohcndmcimowudlm0mm“, mmowncd in Evanston. Ill. . lied team at the National Debate through their research and other help, UK maysend morethanone team‘to
{onheir good record and commitment m lslam.Thenation should know The UK duo and debate director- Tournament every year Since l972 and Jones, who Will be attending the Tucson if agricultural science Junior
nut to "fly from this impomm Islamic my would bemmmo Mm coach J.W. Patterson seemed confi- also competed in I960, I964. l967 and debate nationals for the third time, Lu Lohr and Condon McGlothlcn._an
and the country," His mm.“ to“ broadcast by Term" Radio. dent of their potential for success in I968. Patterson said. The debate was attributed the improvement of his arts and science freshman, qualify
weather the national toumament. held at UK last year. . debate skills to “excellent coaching through the District Tournamenttobe
“There are probably five top teams According to Patterson this year's over the years and the fact that lenjoy held this weekend at Mercer Univer-
WINTER MAKES AN ENCORE. Mostly cloudy today with rain in the nation, including us. that are team is quite comparable to past UK it.“ sity in Georgia. The district in which
‘hO‘Ym Rwlbly mixed with sleet. The high will be in the low 405. about equal; any of them could beat champions. He said despitethe fact the Other schools qualifying for the UK competes includes schools from
I’OIiII‘hIIWIuItIlbe breezy witthartialclearingwiththelowinthc uppcr205. each other at any given time." Man. two team members are not as expe- national competition include the Uni- nine southern states. Patterson said.
If y c 0 y tomorrow Wlth the hllh In the "lid ‘01 cuso said. According to Jones. the rienced as those on past teams, "both versity of Louisville and Morehead He said Lohr and McGlothlen are on
other top five teams. based on this are fairly creative in the development State University. “Kentucky is the equal par with the other competitors.

 . \
KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel
Miro! In (‘hlel Mark Green Klan Aubrey Thomas Chrk John (‘hy Gary [Alden '
Jay l-‘ossett Bob (‘ochrane Entertainment bdnor Spam Editor Director 0/ Photograph » -
(‘Iry Willis him lulr‘ Idiom Paul Mann
Managing Editor (‘lndy McGee s. l. Robinson lrlan Rlekerd David Maynard
Jacki Rudd 4 uiiiunl Auulanl Sports Editor Photo Manager
Steve Musey Lisa Dousard (up) Editors burnout/item Lduor
editagials & commnts (om/rm. tilt/or himmul [ft/Hm
‘ Ub/ dbdt d't [if "t' ‘
UK is suffering from an unbalanced budgetary diet dent is entitled to six square feet at the Student Center. currently under construction across from Memorial ter EXpanston, the amount of recreational space for I
too much here, not enough there. And not all the The odds that all 20,770 UK students will show up at Coliseum. The administration has said the plaza can students Will be Iahout the Size of a football field. .
V ' blame can be laid on inflation and tight money appro- the same time are almost nil. so arguments for serve as a “focal pomt" for North campus students as Recreational fIactlities, as well {‘3 5P3“, are rare com- 1..
priations by state government. On the contrary, a increased footage are ridiculous. well as addItoIthe “aesthetics" of the new Center for modities onthiscampus. Tothinkthataflagplaza net *
strong case of misguided priorities has led to much of The University could have chosen more wisely. the Arts htttldthg . only decreased theamountofrecreational spaceavail-
. ~ - . ~ . . Pretty soon, students from all over campus Will be able hit 8150 t00k money away that could have been
the tnd‘SeStIOh instead of adding to the Student Center, itcould have - . . . . .
, . . . . able to rally around the four flags to be flownthere — used to Upgrade current facrlities is depressing.
- The $4.l million Student Center expansion is a used that money to increase book volumes at the .
. _ . . , . . . the United States and Commonwealth of Kentucky , . . . .
good example. Universny offiCials have said the library or construct more classroom space at the much fla s will be there for sure debates are still in session As the state s mayor universrty, UK has an obliga-
expansion will be necessary to serve increasing maligned Commerce Building, home ofthe College of g . ‘ tion to its students to provide the best, most needed
. . concerning the other lucky two. As for the Center for . . . . . .
‘ amounts of students. lt would also, they say, put UK Busmess and Economics. . . . . . . facilities first. Much like a consCientious eater evalu-
. . . . the Arts building, Just how much beautification work . .
» 0" an even keel w‘lh benchmark ‘hShtthhS' These improvements are also needed 7— not to men- can one do? ates hls dietary needs and budget, UKShOttld evaluate
But the baby and student ' boom is over, and tion increased faculty salaries * and could h?” After all, numerous plants and shrubs have already students: needs and try to fulfill these as well as possr- ‘
exorbitant costs of construction under a shaky and added much to the total welfare of the Universny, been placed around the building, as well as what ble Withln budget constraints.
' inflated economy do notlusttfya “keeping up With the moreso than additional space for students to eat and resembles a couple of art sculptures. If something is By so doing, UK could have eliminated “junk food" '
Jones‘ " attItUde. loner. ugly. it‘s ugly, no matter how much make-upis added. construction such as the Student Center expansion
‘ - Besides, under current enrollment figures, each stu- Another needless project is the $l04,500 Flag Plaza Furthermore, with the Flag Plaza and Student Cen- and the Flag Plaza.
Marijuana at Buffett concert I.-_H-,-,__z_,. V~~~~ —H————~—~% ‘ i
' l
" Columnist warns concert-goers of their ; mum. l
‘ , «t M ‘ -~
I I I I 1 Q g
. rights, especrally illegal search, seizure , .. . / f
. . 1‘ By MARK KOOPMAN “intensive visual scan.“ seized and des- destroy pot. He also stated that there ‘ _ t. J 1
' troyed cannabis found on concert would be an investigation into the l / i '\
, Of all the intangibles surrounding patrons. Although the corporation reported incidents, and that approp- l l &\s\\\\\ \ l\ \\ l
, our lives. love. knowledge. and free- and the authoragreethatweapons and riate instructions in this area would be .‘ ‘ * ‘ \ $\\\;\ I
‘ dom are probably the m05t sought bottles should not be brought into a impressed upon the security guards. l “EX \-=H§\ .
i; ' - after. At some point in each of our concert,it is distressing that the Arena . l w T
' ‘ lives one or all of these will inevitably should allow knives and guns to be After speaking to Mr. Humphrey,l l & CM ‘1 M“
. . ' . be the force behind life itself. Even tagged and returned after the concert. would offerthis suggeIsttontotheLex- ‘ l - ._ '7' lFA‘tKeD I p \l .
though we. the good people of ”King- while marijuana is confiscated and ington concen-goer; if you intendIto I . w 1'. WA MD ' t .
, Ion. would certainly encourage the —-——-—-—— consume substances ataconcert which j 5; .1. " t ,
~ i individual‘s claim to what our fore- . are not yet legal or universally i ‘ *rfif: « h 1‘me 4/
V fathers termed "the right to life. lib- paSSIVe attaCk accepted by _SOC'ety‘,C0hceal them 'ha ‘h/ [65:1 / '
I. . > erty, and the pursuit of happiness." small container Wh‘Ch could not be i . firth/.1” /
' ‘ . , —___—____ consrdered as dangerous (as a proyec- 2 \ll" 1: , y /
' there gems to always be someoneIor destroyed. Before the letters start tile). lfhowever. you are searched and . h I l t": ‘7 ' /
' ' something Sthhd'hg 1h the way. For pouring in from our various and consequently requested to open your -: I U h ; .fifiha ‘
' - those 'h search oflovIe,theinsurmoun- sundry religious organizationsstating stash, upon demand you should be 1 ,5: \ WK“ wk ' . " ll" l‘ “4%
, . . . table obstacle can still be race, sex,or that pot is illegaland should beconfis- able to have this unopened object t IAIN. ‘ . i n! it A MOE). ,
, . . .- economic status. Forthosetn search of gated let me remind you that carrying tagged and returned to you after the C" v .4 l \ a .
' knowledge. our Shem-V. bundles the aconcealed weapon is alsoillegal,and concert. 3 (”N ° 29 '3' § 3,, . g ’ '
, Y means and [he deterent ”ho one heat poses a substantially greater threat to h — — — ‘— *. -— -* H 5 ——~—— 1 \ " "' “é ‘
' ' package, the university And finally. - . . , Purchasing a ticket to a concert ‘ —- - — l", '1 '."I .—'-‘- 1' 9‘ . “I '9' - -—' 1 .1. '
I . audience, performer, and socxety than . _ _ __ ._ ,_ 1— _ . 4,, lI _. i .i _ ‘,. .
. , for those who search for freedom, big does any given quantity of cannabis should not be legalgrounds for search , , llfl' !_! bl .— , -. / .
~ . , busmess, the government, and a sativa. Also, an attack against pot and seizure of illegal substances. 3 to -
, , numberostoCIetalinstitutionsconsist- smoking on ethical grounds would be Anyone interested in counseling I .
.’ *I antly prowde an undaunted effort questionable considering the extent of unsuspecting concert-goers at future I 1 ~o- '
. . towardahomogeneousand controlled beer sales and consumption at Rupp performances by tmformtng those I» 1%,“;3, 3H5; _ , .
.' . population. Arena concerts. being searched at the door should , ‘r‘ I" "13‘, ‘&\‘g (its .5,"
_ 'I ‘ leave a message at the Kerneloffice for , l M h "' 51.129 ' ’5
' . Some readers may have seen a Mr. Humphrey. a representative of me. And finally forthose who survived I e l i l ,' . ‘ ll " ‘
' ' ' - rather serious Violation of the individ- the Lexington Center Corporation. the preceding rhetoric and outrage, it‘s 3 I 0‘ . if h ‘ ,l l \l
‘ ’ . ual‘s rights Tuesday night at Rupp has assured those concerned that it is spring break so party hearty! ‘ l l . ,. 3 . h’ . ‘
. . . I Arena upon entering the Jimmy Buf- not the policyofthe Arena that secur- l ' l I (If: r 9 ‘ h" I (QED l
' . . tett concert. Security guards 0f the ity guards act as a law enforcement Mark Koopmanlsa graduate student l h I his? ‘ -, I tiff l L 1
‘ . ‘ .' lexmgton Center Corporation con— agency, and that theintent ofthe pre- at UK. His column appears every l l . ~' é\ '3! 9/ 'ih l
. , ducting what the corporation calls concert inspection is notto discover or other Thursday. i \‘f‘ t i 1"; l , I k . l k
- - which ' N) Walt -
- . ti. ~~ -\ x , Asa- l ,
‘ —‘ '5 '_.‘l ., . i ‘ ‘2 h " -
. . L l y I ~ .lm'filgi. ”($3. '. , _ k. I
66/290 6 II' ‘ “9-"
I -, l x, N) ~ ‘ .
= Mai titres“
I .' seen a front page article on that yet). item that belongs (if anywhere) in a i ‘ . a“ i .
I. SChOOI prOb'ems Others are refugee-immigrants, some tabloid or a gossip column. Panicu- 1 I “Ashl““%h“h "fitl" \ ‘
. f- ' , lhank you for your editorial of of whom don‘t yet have a mastery of larly disturbing was the fact that the i 7—] — —— “ g ’7 1'" “ "—~ ——,—— (4/
. _' . March 5 on our \t't'lt‘s about the the English language let alone Ameri- writer chose to include the full names l "'_im sad-i
. . ‘ . Fayette (‘ouno schools In pointing can customs. Some of us are working and titles of the two men, perhaps in f , - , .__....‘ ,.‘~*_.___;_.a;_=~§, )
_' a ‘. ~ _ out its strengths and “witnesses. l at two or more jobs trying to make slavish dedication to the principle of l i 7‘“ 1‘ l) t
. ‘I ,- .. think you understood the series tar ends meet for our families. And to top the five “W‘s" and the “."H 1 l. . Ii ‘ a ,
.II . I I . better than almost any other written it off in a time of spiralling inflation I . . i l‘,‘ 0 ’III t
’ .~ . ., ‘ -. . comma-no I haw wen so for (what. I9 percent this year?),allpariti- I 9““"0h .‘hc ““6 {9’ 'hch‘d'hfi i ll.“ .,,. " -
i. 9 _‘ ‘ As to the scries‘strcngths. we will let mcrs are getting paid below minimum SUeh ”ttormatlon. 0' for lhelUdmg the i $47771; T— :f T ?.?W?/ 3 h
I '. . I them I cak ltl' tht‘mwh w I\ t I th- wage (not uncommon, We heard, at article atall, and lregretthat you have . ‘ :1: .
. ’ 3‘ A ~1 -. series‘vhcaknes‘st‘s not llil:ln is: 11:16”; the University). Nasty, discourteous'.’ seen fit to draw unneeded attention to It ‘2‘-
. . ' I I: h. or teachers to comment tin school HaYkl harp“ tobthln; tIhe PeZPlthl the sadness 0f two human beings. l . - Egg; t/ _ l . ‘
. ‘ - ‘ . ... , “ wor WI area unc omcrei e, t 'x\ } ‘ ,‘. :
g. I ‘ . ' $I:?J:::h::””\xSELXTECSFLE) h“ miraculous people. I feel honored to Patrlck Buchanan J" i “““\_ i h)‘ \ y‘ ’
. i , ‘ . ”‘h’ ' Library Science graduate student 1 \ ‘ A” , <— '.—' , t, -
. I I I . teachers. teachers groups. Pl As. work With them and have learned a . \\\“K“ kg; . J \ J‘
» - I -. -. student councrls and others soItCittng great deal from some Of them about i " $V“\\\\\‘ \§3§ ‘\\ \ /
.- . I t I therresponsCs We hopetouirsome of grace under pressure. I work “hm sounds Strange ‘ _ K a“ it“ “e y -I‘7."._€Uj‘n
t .' .,I, . II. the“. m ”K. wmmg “a,“ these people now not out of necesSity, . i -. .- ~— _ 7‘ v ,7, {- \‘ I. , __
_ . .. .' ' ' but out of choice. lt‘s a fantastic edu~ Sure, handguns “L b‘" 5° do “'5‘ t \ ‘~‘ ‘
1 , . x We haw 811W chimed rt‘ztdlng ths‘ cation. Try it some time, like before Cars and drivers are registered and l i
. I’ I recent Kt'rm'l series on ltrc prohlcmsai you write your next article. licensed. With handgun legislation l M’”"' L"
I '. . . [K and on the l Kl’l) passed who would enforce the law? lyfiqfififizw ..,,v,,_ _,A.W,__,-__.__-—————_——————~—-———
' ' . . I,” K h R K John M. Joy Will the penalty for possession of an -
. I a ~ - I, ennet . urtI Soelal Work n u unregistered gun carry a greater un- .
. I .1 WIKYT-TV. ( hnnnel 27 News Cashler. UK 2;”: ate student ishmentthanacrime committed w‘hha Letters pal/0y \
I . , .' Director . registered weapon? Gee, that sounds ‘
. f ' Part t- k Great dlstaste strange. The Kentucky Kernel welcomes all contributions Lettem .
. , y ‘ Ime WOT ers It was with great distaste that 1 read Of course the law would require that from the UK community for publication on the editorial Should be 30 lines or less and no more than 200wordl.
. , lam qurte distressed by your recent your article concerningthc UK profes- all crimes committed with handguns and °Pihi0h P33“ They should concern Phi-huh" issues. concerns or
. , , articles concerning the Wildcat Grill. sor and staff member who were must be committed with registered Letters, opinions and commentaries must be typed events relevant to the UK community.
. . , Some of the people indirectly alluded arrested and charged with fourth- handguns only. Now it‘s beginning to and triple-spaced, and mu“ include the writer's signa- -
. ' ‘ . g to as “nasty" or atleast‘discourteous“ degree sodomy(which was so helpfully make sense. The crude “Saturday “I“. address and phone number. UK students should Opinion: . . .
. ‘ . people are my friends. Many of them defined for me in the article). My dis- Night Specials” would be outlawed. include their year and major and University employees Should R90 lIII'IIeI or less and should give and explain I;
are people courageously facingincred- taste derives not from the act or acts (Are those not illegal already?) I see, 5h°“'d h“ their homo“ and department. ‘ P°3'"°h pertaining to topical “w" of interest to the
, ibly difficult circumstances. Many of themselves, but from the editorial phi- the problem is solved, we just register The Kernel may condense 0" reject contributions,and UK community.
. us, for example, are parttime workers losophy which considers this type of guns, knives, forks, ladders, Drano, frequent writers may be limited. Editors reservethe “3’“
(one of the most oppressed “classes'Of article to be front-page news. alcohol . . .alcohol'm No, maybe not '0 “1h {0' correct spelling, grammar and clarity, and 0".me . .
people in 0‘" CUIthe). Many of my Granted that hard news items may alcohol.there were problems with that may delete libelous statements. Should be ”hm °' '9“, '"h M more ""9 m
- g , ' friends are also Iranian (not a very be scarce around the UK campus, and before. Well anyway. let‘s do some- Contributionsshould bedelivered to Roomlum- words. TheIeeIarticlesarereaeIrved forautharawho.inthe
' popular thing to be right now in the realizing that as basketball season thing. even if it‘s wrong, right? nah-n. ”3"”! 0' Kentucky. 14".“!th KY- “5." editor‘s Op'hh’h' h": W' credentials, experience,
,. Home of the Free and the Land of the draws to a merciful close 50 percent of For legal reasons, contributors must present a UK ID training or other qualifications to address a particular
Brave). some even are financial hos- the Kernel news will disappear, it is Jon! Manatee): before the Km", Wt" be able ‘0 accept the material. subject.
tages of the US. government (haven‘t still a shame that you would print an Tdceonndeatton Hos ——__-—-"
fire-I AA—u A. IAI- Anl —

 IIII I\I \ll ( I\\ IsIRNII.. Ihursdtt). \Iareh ll. I9ttll-t .2
I l i. . ..
Dana/n Isawa ill, 1 JM .
By CLAUDIA SCHMIDT with her‘ teacher when in high graphy pieces she puts Atter high school. Bannister olog) as minors then sports director at AH(‘ tall into that stereotype f . i. ' in
Reporter schothhehas playedsurnmcr together. 3 went to the l‘niyerstty ot 'len~ At l‘ I, she worked with a Ardledge is now president ot Despite all the time and 2
' . stocksltn New Mexrco. Iexas, While Bannister said she nessee and then completedtwo dance company. was a cheer- ABC news and sports Ihat ettort she expends on danc.- i . '1 i .4}
. For most people. danCtng is Georgia and Maine and pres- enjoys being ditterent and years in graduate school at the leader lor three years and was contact eyentually led to her Bannister said it will no it.“ Q, ; f.’ '
yustanotherform ofrecreatton, ently travels regularly to New thtnksotherseltasanartist.she l niserstty ot ()regon. She was on tlte gymnastics team until appearance on national telesi~ dominate ttet lite ll ‘1 t:- i:
For Judy Bannister. tt hasbeen York tor dance workshops, added that her tastes may not ot‘tered a trial schol‘ h t h .. ‘ : : 7 L U u ‘ ' I" "
- : ars tp or er senior year. lhat was the sion during the [92 Ohm tcs interests ‘n'l d: b' l 2 '
a way of life for almost 20 _ be accepted locally ”mam“ at K I St: b 1. t . - . . -' , - p ‘ ’ L u ‘ ‘“ ‘pd‘l‘m! '. a
“When I was etght a friend _ . g_ , . en : dtc‘ ut as! o mmpettttye gymnastics In a promotional spot cross-country skitn re'd " 2" 3“ '
years. She teaches four classes ‘ . Home tor Bannister ts had to turn it dow h l - t h h , , . - ’ 3: “ ”‘8 ‘2 -' .4 ‘2 s ‘ I
. wanted me to 80 to a music . n w en ste or er. ut she uses her tum— announelng the Upcoming col- Poetry and WulL‘hlIl' ‘) ix ' ' ' -'
of dance at UK and co-dtrects . Erwin, a small town in eastern hurt her ba‘k d - « . bl kl . . , , - A“ p“ p ‘ '1 .- '. l '. :‘
( the UK D 'th D tt With her but she saidwewould ‘ : 1 . e 4 emonstratmg tng s tls in her dancing, and lege lootball season \ow in her second ‘eat d, .1'. ."'
s R' k ancers WI 0 ye have to wait until at'ter her Iennessee She said she spent a stunts tor her tathervone day now teaches a beginning gym- Following that. she was I K Bdnmm, wd ,hc'hm m, ’ . r31...
. 1c 5. 4 3 ‘ 3 dancing lesson .. Bannister yer) happy, athletic childhood She spent six weeks in a back nasttCs class at l'K in addition uttered the position ot spurts» dettriite l‘d'ls t si ti . t - "