xt7z348gjc2t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348gjc2t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-04-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1981 1981 1981-04-24 2020 true xt7z348gjc2t section xt7z348gjc2t KEEN I UCKY l

i J l'nitersili of Kcnlucln ' ‘-
¥::I§XK;:IIIZ,4N:)9.;:7 an independent student ncnspapu I'e‘inlitun' kentuck) ., '
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By BEN \'.\.\ HOOK/Kernel stari' . ,

You Win thumb Even though his horse wasn't in the running, Adam Peters displayed a wide variety of reactions during yesterday‘s Bluegrass Stakes. The five-year old New Yorker had hoped ’

' 0 0 to see his grandfather's Derby entry compete butthe track was too muddy for Tap Shoes to run. 1 1;, '

’ __-,_- _J .. -:

O O O I -
Wadi: m vestzgatmg report
M l t t k d tit fAfl t d 1'
ByNANCY KENNE)’ of a black man who frequented her lnnis, staff director of the Congress whom members of families of the person is implicated and that there of autht)rltlt’.\ ’ .: ~
Associated Press Writer neighborhood. But mothers of some of Racial Equality, said Wednesdav murdered children had seen cruising are others involved. He‘s a major " 1-

, of the other victims said they did not that his investigators had a through their neighborhoods. part of the abductions and murders tum“ mum ”"t t)“ ret‘t't't‘d “h “”m' 1
ATLANTA. — . Police and FBI believe lnnis‘ story and said he was “witness" who could direct police to He would not identify the witness of the kids." Mitchell said met" A -‘
agents examined information yeSteT‘ trying to salvage his reputation a SUSpect in at least six of the 25 or the suspect. But Larry Mitchell, a Innis has vowed that (out; in l’olicewouid not comment m detail .‘
day about {1 man who ROY Il‘mS through publicity. murders of young blacks being in- spokesman for Innis, told The New vestigators will arrest their suspect on him,‘ purported witness or
claims lwa: implied“ in the slaymfgi Meanwhile, mourners prepared to vestigated by a special police task Haven (Conn) Register that the if police have not apprehended the suspect M". “Hum FBI ”wkmman . ,
it; SIX b alc yo: .1 'Zpo esrngn th attend funeral and burial services for force.- . CORE suspect was a black man who man by l P-m- Saturday or made John Darko. who said only that the if
e C‘VI rlg ts ed er sal . 8 Joseph Bell‘ a ls—year‘Old the Inn's, Whme leadership of CORE Obtalned VlCtlmS to be murdered by significant progress In [heir probe bureau “'85 ”In the process 0f (‘llttCk- ', .
suspect was a black man who ob'tain— body was found in the South River in has been challenged by other whites. But police spokeswoman B Hem, mg the information 0m , ‘ . .
edvictimstobemurderedbywhites. Suburban DeKalb €011th on Sunday. members of the New York-based Mitchell said CORE tailed the Harvardsaidthatlnnis hadmformoh -{ ’. ~.
The Nth". 0t 9“." °t the “cm“ A medical examiner ruled that 391" group. called a news conference and alleged SUSpect for eight days before John Glover, head of the FHI's Atlan- Hart ard said it proiiatiit Mm ' '
said She had ‘deht‘heda Ph°t°graph who had been missing since March 2‘ waved an envelope which he said announcing its findings. (3 office, that he used the 72mm take police "two to nine dott- in f h 1
shown her by Innis supporters as that probably was suffocated. contained a PhOtOEI‘aDh Of a SUSPOCt “We are 99 percent sure that thlS ultimatum ”only to gain the attention checkout the stoi‘} told tw lniiis t. t
1 C O O , Ll ;"
Miners quzetfollo wm ambush' < '
‘ a . . . ~ t” ~", .3 g , “ht!" .~'.
. ~ . ' " J O "1
- . reinforcements not expected
* at” ;:;'. -‘ It." It 1 1’.
" u - any ' 'By CHARLES WOLFE condition following the shootout. the demanded more state poiice proiw .: " .
% -.-. ‘ Associated Press Writer most serious incident of Violence lll tion for coal trucks that hau- tiet-n '
" N" t‘ ‘ the 28dayold strike. State police moving targets lor armed pickets ',."I' :
t, t' - Gov.‘John Y Brown Jr. said Detective Robert Forsythe said no lX‘llttthhuttlllg (linknlht’t‘tidlllt‘ilh ,. '_
' ’ , ' . 3;. yesterday he did not plan to send the arrests had been made in connection' "We are going to \ lgtii‘titisi} t l‘. i, . 1
§ f 3% , Kentucky National Guard to help with the gun battle. He would not force the law.“ Brown said. 'tmt \U
' ' g ' - _‘ state police quell coalfield violence, comment on whether police were are not going to misuse tht‘ \tiitt'
W5, 55 1 1», ‘ but neither did he ruleitout. questioning participants or police ' . (,-
' ht": . .. “M” ‘4‘ V “We hope it never comes to that, witnesses. At Mar} Helen (bat to . the t'tilii ; 4.
\t» fgg but you don" rule anything out." But while the coalfields were pan} where the wounded tlrl\t*l‘.\ _' .
=1 6 t , Brown said at an impromptu news reported quiet yesterday, Forsythe worked. spokesman George harlot j .2 ,
\ s“ ': - . . '\ ‘ \ conference in Lexington. “We ade not predicted more confrontations when said. “We're not operating today i; (f. '
,“t 3, . ' . \t \\ going to tolerateany violence." coal trucks begin making deliveries You cant get anybody out to work ,2; ,i
‘ “R?'ittfirw§“fifl ' Z ' , t The National Guard is not yet need- again With conditions the u at they are v, 1 ,~ ,
Britt Brockman watches as President Brad Sturgeon addresses the Student Association earlier this semester. fiehhgrgsfgfi.ihtofltavsgsllglgg :33; a1.2203,:9221$13.2,nggggogit '21:: i it ‘ttncjtt'tttkqh State. ”that punt“ tit,“ I. .
o o 0 “according to what we‘re faced with. planned to resume work Monday éfnzlt‘i'im Tittilihjtiliidhis'tithrtii fifty: 3.7.? '. .'
Despite Internal dlsputes At the present time. we .certainly No resumption in contract talks ”9-5 Just ”.v'mp: to he, t,“ and m')', h“ f." ,
have enough"state troopers. has been scheduled between the aiivthiiig m1,” " , " '2' .
’ 1 1 Brown was criticized by coal 160,000-member [MW and the 7.“ he doesn't .m cm” there's to r it
turgeon S term avoraole operators in eastern Kentucky who Bituminous Coal Operators ASSOCL’L m t t _ . f kl ‘. ~ -. . t”. .- Y,"
. ‘ _ _ g o it some ll .ngs l‘arli) said .. -
. said he was ignoring the need for tion. ,
stepped-up security follwing a gun Several nonlunion coal operators in But (‘apt Morgan rllkins. coni “4,5" .'t
By PEGGY BOECK _—_'—."—‘—’ said “there was too much personal battle _ Wednesday between pickets the state said Brown has 'igi‘iored ap; inandcr of the-shite post pith“ 11h: 't‘t
. . . . . . and independent truckers that peals for greater state p0]l(t send his mtn (till do link lllOH rhai. . ,. ,
semor Staff Writer onOIYSIS qmbblmg gomg on instead Of ad- hospitalized four men resenceinthe'irea monitor the situation and react xi hen .‘.- .2
dressingan issue. Some members of The . _ ‘ , p , '. ‘ '. , .‘ 1‘ 1 , ‘1, ”h “kw , 1;:
—_..____.__—— . . gunfire occurred near Belfry Brown Sdld he had (ontcricd with tit (nu Nd . u .. ,
UK does Mt have a “student the senate tend to take things into in Pike Countv as a ltHruck convoy state police Commissioner Merion Brown said state police \touhi h," - . -,
government." . BUt the 81‘0qu as a whole, did get their own hands.” was returningtto the non‘union Mary t‘ampbell, who met with angry in~ “babysit: independent oix‘ratoi-s K'ti.’
.It does have a “student assoc1a- some things done, despite continuous .Indeed. the 5‘?“ faces were seen Helen Coal Co. after making dcpendentcoaloperators Wednesday Am use of force. whether by ‘
tion." _ . in-fighting. directing the important hetw'tta deliveries. nightin Pike County'. troopers or guardsinen. would put "
Thenameof UK‘S Ott‘cmhy elected Anexampleofin-fighting occurred throughout the year. ’ Sturgeon. The four victims. three truckers The independents said eastern the state iii a "nowm Situation. ".t . "
student bOdy was changed from Stu- With SA‘S court battle against Gov Brockman, finance director Bobby and one picket. were in satisfactorv Kcntuckv was a war zone and Brown said ".- ‘ 1
dent Government to Student Associa— John Y. Brown and General Clark and, prior to his reSignation, ' ‘ ; ~, >17.
tion this past year under the Telephone of Kentucky. Some of the administrative assistant Dean Gar- _ .7 ‘ , i ' ._ ._ .
Sturgeon~Brockman administration. senators said they often felt they had ritson. o u: ‘ . f l , i ' .
It was outgoing President Brad been mislead by_ the executive of- At times it was evident Sturgeon ‘ t t Off S dV -_ . i ,5, t ,1 v. y. 1
Sturgeon and incoming President ficers. had ever exercised his power. en er er a 1% \ ; ‘2 i , .‘ 3 :5:
Britt Brockman's contention the Business and Economics Senator The Oct. 27, 1980 issue of the Ken- _ 1, ~ . _, 'g- i ‘ ‘ ,‘ I . .- >3. ,
previous title wasamisnomer in that Jack Heath told the executive of- tacky Kernel reported inacopyright . I ‘ ' t‘. ~ ,
SGdid not govern students. ficers, at one of the bi-weekly Mon- story that Sturgeon gave almost ex- ' . 1 f. . . f : 1- .
Changing the name to SA, as day night meetings, he was displeas- clusive and total discretion to Garrit- to a) use Stu ents ' l . ] _.“ ' i‘ ‘ __
Sturgeon and Brockman eXi’licated ed because he felt the senate had son to develop SA‘s insurance pro- ; . . 5,1: , I, - ' ‘ '1
in their 1980-81 campaign proposal. been misled in regards to the ap— gram despitea constitutional obliga- | i .‘x. . . i ‘. . . 3
was “symbolic of the change in at- propriation of money allocated for tiontodelegate any insurance plan to , , ., - . 1 a . . . ‘ ‘~ 7 5, '
titude we plantocultivate." the GTE case. the association‘s Commission on 3) MATT PATTERSON Psycn0l08y~ . , l " , i i , ‘ '
But changingtheorganization's at- Heath said he thought whentheex- Economic Service. Reporter Harman. 5““ the Stat“ ”t the _'J 1 . I: ‘ . , ‘
titude would be comparable to per- ecutive officers asked the senate for Sturgeon contended “those provi- ' . . economy ls causmg students to be - . ‘ i t L, . ‘
foming a miracle. No, it would be a money to fight GTE‘s 38percent rate sions of the constitution are inactive. Students Who have difficulty W‘th more coricerned about their career _ . _ i i 1
miracle. increase, the money would be As president [ choose to activate or academics. choosmg careers, or )ust choices. People want to besure they ‘ g 3 J ., , “
Members of political bodies often directed towarda single case, . deactivate them,“ ceping with life do not have to work are in a major where they can get a M..- -... . . . . ‘ .
find themselves representingavarie The senate had no idea SA would Garritson recommended SA ap- out the“ problems Singlehandedljv. JOb. he'sald. ' ‘ z .
ty of constituents, with different in- use a portion of the money to sue the prove a the insurance program More and more students are seeking . Vocational or career guidance con- . ‘ ‘ t. r _ . ‘ 1 .
forests and goals. In attempts to governor, said Heath, without prior examination by himself help from the Counseling and Twins srsts of counselors helping students ' ‘ ' . _ ~
meeuheheedflofthe“;constituemhv it was also the contention of or the senators. ln fact,thecompany Center. ln fact, over 11,000 people explore their interests, aptitudes, Turf Writer Marty ”(1191' report. > ‘
representative and executive officers several swamps that the executive was unwillingtoofferthepolicy Gar- cameinto contact With the center last values, and personality traits. Often, oh yesterdays running of the Blu- . .
continue to bicker and harass each officers did not instigate involvement ritson chose. year. ' students are tested in these'areas In (.rass Stakes. the last importan _ . .
other.This is evidenced frommecm- ofthegroup asawhole. NW SA claims the imurance .Dr. Robert Harmanr associate conjunction With the counseling. stepping stone to the hentucky Der ‘ 1 .
pensions] and executive branchaof “We just kept going to those program was justified asaservice to director and counseling psychologist Freshmen make up the greatest by beeps 4 - .
both the federal and state govern- meetings,“ said Chris Shaw, former students, there were indicatiom that for the center. said students vtstt the pmportion of clients at the center. . ,
merits. Arts & Sciences senator, In a “mm to pay the SA'S inflated center mat frequently for help With We see more freshmen because “Mk,- 1
The attitude of the Sturgeon- F‘ebruarv interview. "There was a administrative fee was the prime V0C8tl°nat problems. naturally they are more'undeCided ' ~ . ‘ . , ~ '
Brockman administration was, in lot of (us) trying to get things done, facttl‘usedinselectingacompahy. Nearly half. 0f the people who about career objectives Harman Looks like its gomg to he a me
essence. no different from student but the way it's wt up a few people But the Sturgeon-Brockman ad- sought counseling last year didsofor said 'eekend for LKI) ’Partty sunny, . - .
governments of the .pflt when it can tie things up." ministration, deeming the organiza- 50:"? for-moi V°°8tl°llal guidance. Personal problems are spread out reezy and cool today.‘with highs in '-
comes toworking together. Shaw was one of i. senator: who tion in a student representative. did A malt," “tablet“ '5 student: Wh° more Evenly . “we” the age Spec' the "M. t" “pp" 595 “new"? h“ 1
The fact is. this year’s SA recipieduiisacademic year. exponditsconventionnlredms. are “headed: ”'d hhrmah' That trumt' hesa‘dg 1 ".d q“'t°Mc°°: tomght' haw“ "t "
members had difficulty cooperative- RobTaylor, who resigned his yogi. Jim Newberry, former student (vocational guidance) 13 one Of the The Counseling and Testing . Id 305. : htSti; sutanyl an pleasan
ly’neociating amine tlialilelves. tion as an Arts & Sciences Junior, Continuedonp-gca malt" areas 0t counseling . (‘ontinuedonpageo WW 605'
P 1 .- _

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I I | I l VlckiPeole
. CO e s i Jat‘kiltudd Auietant Day Editor m?“ M“ elm u“. Wm . m-
i Dov Editor J‘. m Autumn Sport; Editor Aumont Entertainment Editor MAM .
. . the Amlurii ltd/not ‘3'l0l'lf‘ul llll|'\ and opt-Dole. [Mm-Idoplnlmuwm typed, Inpk- DIDGJIIHI
wand and lne‘llldl’ near n-udrnlr and proper identification ind-ding l I ID for uludrnl- and l I I MIDI-ll
"unicorn. lpller- should the limited to 2th ‘9'" and om 5“ to“... m 300 words. i SenierStqflWriterr
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Fensmns mounting again in Lebanon U S ma find ltse involved
. ’ O O - ‘
. - ’ Lrjlltl ."l‘. Lebanon —- Americans Only during short lulls in the battle thecrisis in Poland. political arm, Amal, has clashed he use its ports and profit fom its legal
. I- would not forget the frustrating glen do war-weary men and women dare There has also been talk among quently with the PLO in the last few andillegalmarkets.
. ' :s-izs they spent awhile back, scramble out to buy rice and bread. embunkered dilplomats here that the months. If the Syrians feared a potential
. . * ~ . limit in long lines for gasoline. & Many of the wealth have recently (1- Syrians timed their brutal attack With the PLO under fire here and Israeli offensive, their “preemptive"
~I; . s1.- .‘h nightmares may recur if events ed from the country. with Secretary of State Alexander its Arab allies busy on other fronts, strikes in hhle and Beirut have suc-
. ‘- . ‘ . t' I‘l’maiiioul ofhand. smalef But Beirut. whose Moslem and Haig‘s visit to the Middle East. Syria Israel and its Christian friends are in ceeded. But, in many ways, the
I . Llost college professors would pro Christian districts have been feuding may have been warning the US. that a relatively safe position to conquer Syrian offensive has backfired ~
' ' - .‘ . hi'iii)‘ flunk a quiz on the intriguing, / 3' I, for years, isn‘t the only battleground. it can't be excluded from future Mid- PLO guerilla strongholds as far north because it should ensure Israeli
' “will“ and seemingly ”MESS COh' / 'Neniy miles to the east. the Chris- die East peace negotiations. as Beirut and kick the Syrians out of countermeasures.
.I . . * t in Lebanon. But every American 4' ! tian city of Zahle (pop. 200,000) has According to our Beirut-based Iebanon. There's no way for an American to
. I I. should understand at least one im— been encircled by the Syrian army. reporter, Terry Wrong, however, the Had the lsraelis outguessed the understand the passionate intensity
.1 . . taut iact: This IS the scene where InthepaIst week, the Phalangists, a The shelling of the town began after Syrians' recent attacks were promp- Syrians, Prime Minister Menachem of the fighting in Lebanon. But we
I' . .I t, ‘. -i-t lit-‘Xt Arab-Israeli war COuid start "1310" faction 0‘ Lebanon‘s Christian the Christian Phalangists refused to ted by fears of a late-spring lsraeli- Begin’s ruling Likud Party would oughttotry.
‘ ' . I . the kind of war that could easily community (Israeli-backed), has halt construction of a road connec- Christian offensive against the have pulled off an ingenious election- The crucible of conflict here is ~
= I _ war the United States to the side of been fending off an intense ground ting Zahle with heavily-Christian Palestinian Liberation Organization eve surprise. heating up again, and could erupt in- '
' . .. -‘ uii.‘ . isl'at‘i and air attack by the SOfaiied western Lebanon. (PLO) strongholdsinLebanon. With the PLO neutralized, the to a fill-scale war involving every
. . ( sin-era! years mm. there‘s “peace-keeping“ army from But why should a highway right-of— It's no secret that, despite its stan- United States also might have con- Middle East nation. And that would
‘ ' .' ' can sporadic fighting in this other- neighboring Syria (Soviet-backed). way squabble erupt into an interna- ding in the Arab world, the PLO is in vinced Jordan's King Hussein to disruptthelifeofevery American.
‘ . - ‘1 pliffidlSical Mediterranean The once-serene Beirut. former tional incident, which has already troubledwaters. assume leadership for a Palestinian
. ‘ . .t Jr,- -— lots of it In many gem of the Mediterranean. has left more than 200 dead and over 700 The Palestinians have never been state —a responsibility he has so far
. 7 . ' - “NS lht‘ VOiatiie “X‘XiStehce 0f become 3 24-hour 43-day heii- While woullded‘.’ popular with the dominant Christians refused to take. The Camp David
n t miiLion Moslems and ChI'iS- Syrian and Christian militias have The US. and European press, in Lebanon. More recently, the PLO peace process might then have been Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer
' . ‘ . - 21 an area half the size of been blowing up buildings with which has sympathetically reported has brought suffering and death to revived. are nationally syndicated colum-
. f .»..achusetts has made Lebanon rocket exchanges, civilians have the struggle of the beseiged Chris- Shi'ite Moslems, Lebanon’s largest Landlocked Syria and its Russian nists. Their column appears every
‘ . - I -» . world‘s most explosive country. been huddling in their basements tians here, has speculated that the minority,whch has harbored them in friends have no interest in a U.S.- Friday.
_ , I 2- Consider its 450,000 Palesti- without adequate food, water or Soy'let-backed Syrians started the villages near the Israeli border. The managed Middle East peace. They'd
- . , tn. the fuse. plumbing. fight ‘0 my"! world attention from Shi’ites three-year-old military and rather continue to occupy Lebanon, (9 1981 Field Enterprises, Inc.
' 3 I I All contributions should be delivered to [14 Journalism Building. University of Kentucky. Lex-
ington. Ky.. «506. The Kernel reserves the right to edit for grammr and clarity and to eliminate _.
' . ’ 2 ft 2 rs to in e e d Itor libelous material.andmay condenseorrejectcootrlbutlm.
» - ii: 'ld ad Some people have argued that because these drugs making 18-yearolds serve inIthe armed forces and not people behind the stage, but to direct them upward to
’ " are ‘safe‘ and ‘harmless it does not matter if they are allowing them the right to drink. lbelieve it is time for the conchoursie, Vale were ignored, shoved, and told, “I
3 , '» I ' ._ . . . sold in this manner. These ca sules contain e hedrine somePr ressive Reform measures. ave to e p on ui ment.” Most of the “ ui ment
J v I" Tim relating my impreeswns 0‘ the recent awcefi sulfate and phenylprOpanolanllne. two drugs cilammonly 0g .loaders," it seeing, Slade their way to theefiiogrs in-
' ' " f . ‘I'np Keme‘ by IAkers Pharmaceutical, Inc., “in found in many over-thecounter decongestants in lower Kevin Terhune stead. One person, when he and his date were asked to
. . e orders to ship interstate stimulants and sleep-aids doses. According to the A. MA Drug Evaluations Accounting freshman - leave via the concourse, pushed past, declaring, “I’m
. ‘ ’ 3“ “I’m” 0‘ 1,000 to members of the Univermty com- Manual (4th editionl, these compounds are very effec- Delta Tau Delta, soldon’t have to.”
‘ » ‘3 ; unity, I deplore thatIthe Kernel would accept “Chan tive for that purpose. bi“ should "0‘ be considered Editor‘s note' In a letter submitted last week, Mr. Let “5 say in conclusion that individually many
. . riandlwould worry if students, faculty,orstaff would ‘harmless.‘ In some people they cause severe high Terhune made several references m Republican Greeks are fine people. However, when gathered as a
'3 ' i citrhase drugs products from this firm. Here are my blood pressure and heart ar r hythmaia. both possibly ideologies and practices in a less-than-serious light. He group, Greek society 163V” "web to be desired. If
- ' ' . :vasons. fatal. A recent arllClt' ill the April 3, 1981 J.A.M.A. wishes tokclarify that he is not supportive of Republican Thursday night’s audience was typical of Greek socje-
' ‘ ' ' r mi, 1 would seek professonal help if I really thought reports a death from cerebral hemorrage (ruptured Iicies and is a liberal Democrat ty, then we are proud to remain what Greeks refer to as
. .. ‘ . ‘ati a health problem requiring stimulants or sleep- artery in the brain. attributed to phenylrg'oIpIaInolanéine. po ' GDIs —g--d-~« independents.
.. , ' . . .1». Ph .icians and/or harmacists could hel a - We do not feel that the Kernel s 0 con one
. .rizwithysviilchajudgemeng. p per stimulant use, which l‘. does iincontlnulng this ad. PrOUd to be a GDI Dan Cottle Michael Hunt
' Wond‘ [ have a profound respect for the pillar There are other stlurcstiol advertising money which are Microbiology freshman Business Administration
. I, : . M0108"; action of drugs and the W of un- more in the interests of I K students, Although the After having the dubious honor of working security freshman
. . . -:»v:t.ssary uSe. misuse or abuse. Most users have very Kernel may “d: haze “ Ifgl'i obilgatloInogiIIegfiflgIdetglzcnh {3' the Chégdllgfiga Ghee? Sing 0" Thursday, April 9, we
' w ‘I .,,p - companies‘ a ‘, l ocs .iiiw a mom I - ve reac ese conc usions: 0
‘ . ,, ~ :1" m::;fo:i;u3:s fiflflgmevgfin’shzigfi courage the responsibfe (131’ {if pharmaceuticals. 1) There are many talented performers within the Real ChOICC comes before
- I ' fl ' “dons" This letter was signed by seven l'K medical students guessed???“ '13:: 'fifigrgfifil?gsixicfgfidogs$ This letter is in response to the “Freedom to Choose"
I . ' " Third, rarely do legitimate users need drug products ‘ ’ ‘ a winnery g g J 8 g article submitted by the UK Chapter of NOW on April
, ~ ‘2- containers of 1,000. The s estion I receive through 0 0 ‘ - 10-
. . . v“, ad is that these cammgugfid tablets could be ”M Something IS wrong 31 A better performalIiIge, however, was Ewen by the 1 think the major question to ask ourselves is when
~. I IIIIIII .. hich I re ard as an unsafe and unsav a . I I a ence. Never before ve either ofus ever observed (10% the freedom of choice take place. From the posi-
. ‘ w . . g . . . ory p- it IS evxdent to me that something is wrong when 18- an audience With members as arrogant, overbeanngi . - - - .
, . . punch to distribution of medlcmes. People should ids f . ed t I . . ll .1. t . . n] and disrespectful of rules and security as the audience tion of pro-abortion groups, this choxce occurs after the
. ‘. . because our government wants to prove itself to the for this event. bef . 't - ch - of hethe t t
' - . ' ~ Add never take 8 chance 0“ <30“th drug world To further expound on number two, let us relate ore pregnancy, ' ’39 one w r or no 0
" . I" lilicalsprowded by unauthorizedpersons.I Wars solve nothing that w“; not already Scing to several incidents WhiCh occurred as we attempted to 9183.38 m sex “nth or “mt blrth Iconh‘ol. I believe
'. . ..' stump one ought always have confidence m the pro- come about naturally The ditty being drawn u b enforce regulations, the task for which we were hired thS is the most important chmceI and is generally taken
. , g I. “I of medicinal products I have never heard of Fem on and defense; Weigh. i3. ludicrous, An ”mi by Chi Omega. At the rear of the auditorium are doors far too lightly 1‘ birth control is not used. Pregnancy
. - .‘ hers Pharmaceutical. inc. I would not entertain the with "gm Russians will result in fluclear retaliation at which open into the parking lot. Due to fire codes, these usually results. Therefore, If a couple doesn t “”5" to
. ‘~ . - . of purchase of medicines for human use, from an come pom, ‘ ‘ about:I cagnbft be lIocked during a perIIfIgrsztIiIice. This led “figsldabgh‘f' ”fieffiggsmfiaflefi? :9m’3:
. -. '- o'rcani t' n or whi hldon't hav upporti in- " . ' . . to emo Greeks enteri au 'torium with 5 C 039"- C 0'99
. - "r-frrlatfirifwlio knofvs the managigsoffl :he comgzny, ”311 ‘0 agree With the theory that “'9 have tomcrIease alcohol), which they could not g2? past the front door. whether or not to create another life. Since birth control ~
: "‘. m, . - - . o armaments ‘0 be able ‘0 talk Peace With the Russnans. When we closed mm doors which could not be fled deVices and information are available to almost every
, ‘ '" motives, andthequallty ofwhat they sell. Both Sides are willin to talk ce if the will on] - ' . ope ‘ '
g ”a y y are member: 12 "areas. and rxmmmawmmmedm
.‘ . ~ . 4 . . , , . sororllesw re-o n em oaow eir r-aen ,
I . i : .i‘ irghcvouzxnypfimuv SUPPOthg a dictatorial Nglme in any Part “I“ friends to enter. pe seem far better than abortion since abortion is not
. ’ .i ‘ dWOI‘id (30% "8‘ £188!) IWG at? trying ‘0 IrInake lttia A smoking prohibition within the auditorium was available to those who cannot afford it and/or aren‘told
' ~‘.. ' . . . _ emocracy. ‘13 0“” regime? are 11" emocra c another rule blatantly ignored by most Greeks. When enoughtoobtain it. '
; .' . '. “floral Obhgatlon because the leader "5'35 the military to 59‘ UP the smokers were asked toextinguish the cigarettes or go If birth control methods were widely used, it seems to
_ , . gorvernment. The People have "0 58y. unless 8 counter to the concourse, where smoking is permitted, many me a lot of unnecessary worry and pain could be avoid-
. .3. - iv is rlrdical student: and future doctors, we are con- ie‘lotlhmon 931381095 N0 leader has “‘89 elections if they woulItIid put out their flame, only to relight as soon as we ed and the need for abortions would beeliminated.
., . IIII it: .c:i a ee ele ose. mov away.
“Wmmm assist: maintenance“
l -»~r,;,I . ' ' ‘ i“- ‘ . a ' - . V1 1 a W Marketin senior
:II. .I -- TJ-iI-Zl zygantdohihttZilafisdizgsnfihfi $2332: Arabia, or IIJIiberia. In PI‘l Salvador, IvIve are training ltIheir ‘ . g .
' -' _ ; ’l 'Cllélt‘tl ‘egally \vlthout a prescription. The com‘ m1 ltary‘ w oreported y "1355?”? an_1nn°cemw age I k ’ . . . .
. » . , I. , I. .l.»ot-rcvlila (is dupinglar e uantities, at ficfi about two weeks ago The Situation lll Saudi Arabia g tt y . y
‘1 .27. ~ . Line from $8 if) $33 A The avgergge college stpudent shows many signs of tilt-early involvement in Iran. We smo 6 C1 are es, Sa S r l ls,
. \‘itl‘ildilo‘ need any stimulant besides caffeine, and cer~ knOW I‘l’hat a tragedy ihti' was In Liberia, we have ‘ ’
., I’ .mh should not need 1,000 of these ca ules. One con- spec-la troops to back the government of a military th 1 t f t ' -
7 w ,-- ‘ l-l'I'l IS obvious- the company hopespsto find people coup that was set up last year. Police the world, but ere are a O O yea reasonSe
.3 ml buy .n qllanllly for resale as the illicit drugs forget about fecdingthem: .
2 ' .. ~ '. l'llllnlL There is also something wrong with the injustice of lsmokemgarettes. All “we, is the Spooks Mentholua '
_ ‘. , 5'. ' A 10‘ 0‘ people I know smoke greyphlegmua, the menthol
- 3 ;. . cigarettes. 1 know a lot of great cigar-9mg Menthol has that perky
': :I_ . reasons to smoke. " mint flavor that’s as good as candy.
: "I_ 'l iI .. There‘s a certain kind 0‘ feeling 1 CON ‘ in Just like the magazine ads indicate, '
.I ItII get from sucking the fumes of burn- 4, A; " menthols make me feelasthough I'm
~ ' ins plants ““0 my lungs that just . hiking through the mountains and j
, s 'I can't be duplicated. It’s such a rous- W'Is m splashing my face in pure spring -
ifk- 1, . .a/TBT‘; A II 1 ing sensation when that first puff hits water.
.. ' I ,v (1.1;. innatjfvg". .3, III WI.» _ , , _ . thebronchialtubqs I ' Andan I smoke the right brand,
.' i" . '-. ~ 1.; Ln ’ L«, f'- l; 1* '7, ,1}x - 1.49-3.53 , W." 3. The he“ mormng '5 eren ”PM"? . beautiful, buxom women approach
. I- . , L“ 'fl. - r II ~ 'IZL. t ~ ’ ,1 - j ,A coughing 80d wheezmg is a meintheir adorable little hiking out-
.'-.‘. .‘.- I I . . i a: if»: N .— I’I' "a ,QW’ifIx. refreshing waytostarttheday. It’s hard to put down tobacco pro- fits with identical cigarettes and
. . i .i . F«. a; II' 4 4. " c lfwftfi'lnt} III. II, ~ And you know how everybody talks ducts, knowmg that they constitute identical goglginlife, »
‘1'. ~- I . . I4 ~ . . I ._.' . r ' ~ .. abouthowmgarettes helprelleve ten- such a large proportion of Ken- Also, when I smoke the right ~
I- , ~_ . . . L. - ‘1 ' . I .. " . “9"", . ,3»; . , “ sion and nervousness? Couldn‘t be tucky’s agriculture. I’m proudtoaay brand, 1 envision myself driving a .
.- , II I . . REAR”: , i w . ,. . - . ' " SW“. . , more true. When l’m uptight about I’m from Kentucky, one of the few Porscheatmpspeed, wearing expen- 3
I. - , .. ’ . 'I ‘ ,. v; P: v. ’2 I‘;"‘\;~;'r;; ‘I ‘ " ‘ . ”51$“? ,I.2'-II; F' something, all I need to do is pop a states where subsidies for lung give clothes and listening to quality
.' .'7 I ,’ , ‘. / “L - '_ 2- In I 'q '. n" ‘I I." \ x. it n. R I. n,{ , . 1,, . 'fnr'," {Inf/f .1 filter king in my mouth and soon my disease are sowidespread. And buy- music. Myhairhaabeenperfected at
. - -, ". I , /:,p_ .I N11“ ,, 8t ’1», a h -‘ ,_/.-«,";:,_ Ft it" ~, 3. ~ 7373.333 “RH ”it cares are gone andlamamellow be- ing a pack of Kentucky-grown the Hairy Guy Analysis Clinic, and,
. ,' . // ,4. ‘- ,nx't'kh, 1;! ., I, /‘ , . I ,, ‘/._ «. I,‘ 1.; RATE "I“ ”A ing. I'm carefree, relaxed and confi- cigarettes gives me a rare kind of oops. . . sorry, my car telephone is I
I. , / II“, p- n.3,IgIgI.IIII;~/g .. «.‘Q .. A“. ~ '3 I It, ”I a dent. patriotism that is only paralleled by ringing.
I. , . . . II , i . N ,i 7%,. 44.1, k , “ " " , 1~ " II . ‘ n Smoking lets other people realize losing money at the state’s “Hello? Yes,thisiahe.0h,yes,l’m
_,. .1 . II I A n.3, . ‘. ”.14 t I” ,9 I“ ’s. , N ' f" A I'm mature and sophisticated. That racetracks. smokim Inhalem cigarettes. They :
I . II A r "p K,» N I 11‘ I‘ . ‘I n I way they know 1 can handle adult Sometimes I hum “The Star- what? Cause cancer? That’s okay,
,, , . ,. x ”w A I . o. _ ._ _ ,_‘ __,_\.. a tlungs, and besides, I never look Spangled Banner" or “My Old Ken- I've got plentyofmoney for doctors.
, .‘ I. -I.I . . 5° A II II .. I n A , Q ‘n bored when I smoke. I probably tucky Home”aslbuy them. When! What? Ishwldlookwhere I’m driv-
:I', ‘ J ‘ , ' I _ * - - ‘ ‘ y I weLCOine A fascinate people became I seem like light one up, I can almost see Gov. ing?ohno,