xt7z348gjd8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348gjd8w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-04-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1995 1995 1995-04-03 2020 true xt7z348gjd8w section xt7z348gjd8w ’R





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cloudy tomorrozz‘. lug/.7 ncwr 5i.
INVERSION: (ill/Mr t'.t‘/)t‘l'f.\' and vim/m

”note/iv Sr. ]o/.wny ea‘re/ on Ian's! ill/tum.

neitr ill. wordy

Chaney takes hneath, gets to work

By Stephen Trimble
liver/(II: e I'a/Itur

and Perry Brothers
,\'e:.'i ['a/IIt/I‘

After gulpitig the sweet taste of vic—
tory Thursday, the new Stticlettt (lov—
erttment :\ssoci.ition president took a
w eekeiicl-long deep breatlt.

Now it's back to work.

President‘elect Shea (Ilianey has a
full ageitcla for this week 77 including
today‘s ttieetitig L'K President (Iharles
\Vethington, starting the bltiepritit for
his administration and cleliverittg cut
some of ltis cattipaigii promises.

“\Vhat we've clotie is basically taken
some tiitie to take a breath," said
(Lhaney, referrittg also to his vice presi~
dent, Heather lIeiinel. “The work
starts (toclay)."

(Iliatiey said he would ask \Vething—-
ton today to reclaim the $20,000 S(i:\


staff assistant's salary from the stticleiit
goveriiittent budget. (Ilianey said L‘K
originally paid for the position until a
salary freeze iii 1093.

(:haney also described the organi/a
tioit of his executive staff, which will
become official .it
“'ednesday night's
Senate meeting.

“\Ve've LUHSHlltlcttA
ed, like. big-time."
(Ihaney said. More

than I; ciirreitt execir
tive committees will be
streamlined significant

Chaney ly itext year, he said.
The iiew changes

will increase responsibilities and

importance of committee leaders,

(:lianey said. He also said he is forming

an interviewing committee made tip of

next year's Senate leadership, Resi-
cletice llall Association representatives

and otlter student organizations to
assist naming the committee directors.

(:tll‘l‘t‘llt l‘ixecutive Director for .\ca
deiiiic .\ffairs r\vi \\'eit/.ittan. who lost
narrowly to ( ihaney last week. partially
opposed ( Thaiiey‘s plan.

"It is somewhat of a good idea. but
some of the committees are able to
work together for a common goal."
“cit/Juan said, "Take the enyiroii
mental and health
(ctillllllllteesf, they can work together
but they also work effectively apart on
different goals.“

\Vcit/iiian said he is ready to wotk
with (:haney. His name, however, w ill
not be iii the executive director pool.

“I wouldn't stay in the same position
.. that's stagnation," \Veitxman said
“I think I‘ll be iiioying on."

(:liaiiey plans to appoint three paid
executive directors, in contrast to two
this year, to manage the conlnnttecs. ln

concerns lsstlc's

iddition to the existing .\cacletiiic
\ffaiis and Student Sertices posts,
(.haiic-y will add a (iampus Relations
job to handle community college out
reach, diversity concerns, govt-i nnien
tal .lll.lll's, residence life and lobbying

\eithei‘ .\beriiathy nor \Veit/inaii
plans to contest the election or the
results. which left them in second place
by only I" \otes, but they would like to
learn more details about the claitiis
filed against a l.e\iiigton (‘oiniiiuiiity
(College poll worker on \\ednesday.
S( i \ lioarcl of (Ilaiiiis (,hairiiian
\latihew Thomas said more lliliil'lll'd’
tion about the l.(:(l incident would be
aiailable this week.

ls’eportedly, 51 students were
allowed to vote at the poll without
proper ID clearance, btit S( i.\ officials
said the disqualified votes would not
effect outcomes iii either the presiden-
tial or Senate races.


Taking time out IBI‘ the ehiltlne

Students spend n ditty
wit/7 Aspendnle your/7

By Perry Brothers
.\'c:."y It'i/Imr

Mack ( )weits stares across the green picnic table at
Ricky and says lie sees liititselfin these kids. lake all
ofthe children rtititiing around L'K's liaggin l'iield
Saturday, ()yvens grew up the projects.

He faced the temptations so many outsiders just
see in movies, but his family stepped in, aticl iii three
years he‘ll walk away front UK with a business

.\'ow he wants kids like Ricky Hill, an eighth—
grader who lives in Lexington's Bluegrass—Aspendale
housing projects, to see that you don‘t have to be a
drug dealer to succeed. That's why Owens and about
20 other L'K students took an afternoon off from
college life to participate in a Field Day with the

Bliiegrass—.-\speiicla le Teen (Ienter.


“\Vith some ofthem, they
look around and see this
dude on the corner making a
thou(sand dollars) a clay, and
they think ‘\\'hy? “'liy am I

Anytime you _ . y . .

» ,OI‘ Id spending all this time in
we". I f school when he's making a
Will/171g ("Id thou a day?’ :\ith they want

to drop it, but things like
this (Field Day), let them
meet a wltole lot of males
who are in school and ttot
, V dealing," Owens said,
It." (1 bug" About 30 boys and girls
.Yllt‘c‘cs‘f. " from Aspenclale played kick~
v ball aitd volleyball, ran relays
Lezell Lowe lmd stumbled through threev
[MW/m, ”11.8”“ egged races with more than
. ' 20 members of Phi Beta
.Siqvnu ,. . . ,
‘ Sigma social fraternity, [eta
Phi Beta social sorority and
UK's Black Student Union.
Some of the youths laugh and talked, others
remained silent, btit that’s part of it, said ()wens, who
acts as an adviser to the fraternity"s Louisville-based
Big Brother/Little Brother program.

“Some (of the kids) are hesitant to open up to us
because it's not safe to do that where they're from,"
he said. '

Btit titost ofthe children opened tip by the ettci of
the afternoon, hugging their three-legged race part»
ners, saying thank you and goodbye.

Saying goodbye is the hardest part of community

(Liking when
are we going to
do flaring/1171
you know









PlAYIIIIB CATCH (filwnry II'liire, II physician} (Lizi‘iyrimtjmn0r, [ill/yr :: It/Jyoungxiw"7a/en firm ill/ring r/te fie/cl (/IIJ'

wit/a Bliu'grm:t-.‘prendn/cyouth .S'nruri/ny (I! Haggin Fir/(I.

work for Zeta member (chely Truitt, a telecoitiiiiu—
nications senior who participated in the Field Day.

“I was tutoring a little boy iti ttiath, and he looked
at me aticl said ‘;\re you coitiitig back?’ People come
and go iii their lives," Truitt said. “There aren‘t
many stable people around them."

The desire to do iitore, however, has prompted
the coordinators of Saturday's event to schedule aii
Easter Egg hunt iii a few weeks, aitcl as the students
moved the picnic tables back itito place several men
tioitecl that they wanted to do this again.

Sigma president l.e‘/.ell Lowe said that reaction

alone made the event successful.

“Anytime you see 10 kids smiling and asking when
are we going to do this again, atid 30 Istudents) doing
the same tliiiig you know it was a huge succ ess,"
l,o\ve said.

The day began with introductions atid .i game of
Red light, Green light, Kickball followed. atid after
a set'iesioffoot races. the entire group sat dow it to hot
dogs, chips and soft drinks.

"I loved the way we iiiteiactecl with the kids," said
\Vallice .\lalone.' a coiiitnumc .itions freslitiiaii. “l
hope they remember this w hen they get older."

Engineering senior wins national Eisenhower Fellowship

By Beth McKenzie
Sniff II 'r/Ier

Samantha Jones is engineering the road to success.

Jones, a civil engineering senior, is in “lashing—
toii, D.(I., this semester after receiving an Eisenhow-
er I‘ellowship frotit the federal government and is
working for the Federal Department

Joites was one of many students
from across the nation who applied
for the fellowshi ). She was the only
student selected rom UK.

Her collegiate career he ran with
aspirations of becoming a physician.
But things changed a little along the

During a routine visit to her doc-
tor, she watched all the patients coitte and go.

“I suddenly thought that I didn't really want the
responsibility oflife and death in my hands," she said.

But she really had no idea where she'd go front
there. It was her father, Richard Jones, who suggest—
ed she look into engineering.

”ceding his advice, Jones began her second year
at UK in civil engineering.

She narrowed her field of concentration to trans-
portation shortly after taking her first class under
civil engineering professor Nikiforos Stamatiadis,

. . .-. ___,. .., ,e ‘





who is also her project adviser in “'ashington.

Since moving to D.(I.,Jones hasn't had iiiiiclt time
to ttirn around. She requested a copy of accident
reconstruction reports frottt every state .tticl currently
is reviewing the reports for each state. The end goal
of the project is to set tip a national standard way of
reconstnicting accidents.

“I was hesitant (abotit the fellowship) at first, btit
I'm really glad I did it now," Jones said. “It's interest~
ing to see how engineering works at the federal

One thing she noticed itiittiecliately was the num4
ber of Women in her office.

“As a female, it's good to see other women in this
field," Jones said. “That's pretty uncommon at UK."

And there seems to be virtually no cotiipetitioit
between the employees.

“Everyone operates on a very professional level,"
Jottes said.

But before she reaches the office each morning.
she tackles a different challenge _, the ride to Work.
It's an hour's ride each way. Jottes takes the shtittle to
the Metro (the capital's subway systetti) then has two
train changes before reaching her daily destination.

"If you wake up late, you're screwed." Jones said.
“You just can‘t speed to class." She knows. It's hap

But the worst thing forJones has been finding a
place to live and getting apartment problems solved.


But she's been tip to the challenge.

“Samantha is definitely a snl‘\'l\'ttr. She always
keeps going.“ said Stisan Vest, a biology and sociolor
gv junior. “\otliing seems to get her down. She‘s
always calm and leveldteatled. In D.(f., that's a plus

“l’utting tip with iiiatiageitient and all the things
that go wrong is the pits."

But living iii the nation‘s capital isn't all bad.

“It's so excititig'" Jones said. “You see and hear so
ttiiich that vou don't living itt l exington."

From the time she was \ery youtig, Jones receiyecl
a lot of praise .iiicl eitecwiragetiicnt front both parents
and grew to enjoy the good feelings associated with
success. And those feelings of .iccottiplishiiteitt have
kept her going.

“'ith her fellowship at the halfway markulones is
looking ahead to this fall and later ~ graduate

“Berkley, .\l,l.'li., Texas :\ c\'.\l and [K Honors
(iraduate Program are all ptissibilitics,"Jones said.

ller family kids her about eventually going into
business with her brother. Richard. who is a graduate
student in Harvard's architectural program, but she
said there's no truth to the joke .tt least itot now.

Jones said living iit \\'ashington has been a great

“Everyone who has the opportunity should try it,"
Jones said.

“But it will be nice to get back to UK."

s )







WEATHER nmiy c/om/y mint

[ugh In lozz‘er T/li', .t‘lto:."c/:\ like/y
' tonight, 11):."


April 3, 1995

In: t'l‘i‘lHl/i 2

\lillli 4


o (flirty/firth 7


(fir/m. 8

f, I now/I'd 7

I in. point 5






‘ Strike will end;

Opening Day I8 AIII‘II 26

(.l il( \( i() Baseball is backl

()wnci‘s accepted the players‘ ltack’to—woik‘
olfc r yesterday, never even taking a lockout you-
that would have prevented real major leaguers
from reporting to spring trainingr camps.

"It feels good to talk about the season starting.
talking about baseball. \Ve are back .incl will open
g\pi~il 3o," acting commissioner
Bud Selig said.

If tl‘ey liacl Voted for a lockout,
it would have been a clear indica<
tion they didn't want peace *7 at
any price," said iiiiioit head Don

Still to lie resolved in the back r
torwork agreeiiieut are matters F

~ . . . ehr

such .is dates for reoffering coli—

tracts. salary arbitration filing and other issues.
lawyers for both sides were in contact throughout
the day. l’lay'eis ended their strike Friday after
lflS. District Judge Sonia Sotoiiiavor slapped
owner~ with an injunction and restored the old
work rules. ['ncler the tentative agreement, each
tc-iiii would play H-l games. lh’ fewer than the
original st liedulc. Regulars would hay e just three
weeks of workouts under the schedule being dis
cussed, the same .is iti 1900.

FBI: 76 olticet-s killed in '94

\V:\Slil\'(i'li( TN ”v Sev'eiity"six law enforce-
tiieitt officers were killed while on duty in 1994. six
more than the previous year, the FBI reported yes>
terday. Thirty—three officers were wearing body
artiioi when killed. Six were slain with their owti
weapons, and all btit one were killed with a

“ lillese grave losses show again the great need
to find more effective ways to protect law enforces
ineitt officers." l‘iBl Director l,otiisJ. I‘ireeh said.
“It is another wrenching example of the nation’s
lack of progress in the fight against crime."


Tax not hill heading to House floor
\\V.'\Sl ll\'( iT( )N ~ House Republicans prob-

ably will send their tax cut bill to the floor for a
vote this week without resolving .iii intra‘party
dispute on r how much the wealthy should better
fit, llotise Speaker Newt (xiiigricli said yesterday:

"\Ve don‘t hay e a compromise yet \Ve‘rc still
arguing, and I'm itot sure w e‘ll get to a compro~
mise." (iiiigrich said on ;\B(L's “This \Veek with
David Brinkley."

Republicans are at odds over provisions iii the
bill that give all families earning $300,000 or less
annually a SS00-per~chilcl tax credit, More than
I00 Republicans, siiiarting front Democratic
claims that the bill mainly benefits the rich, have
signed a letter saying the ceiling should be reduced
to $05,000. ‘

19-year-old will he own lawyer

>\ l‘l year-old man whose only legal experience
is a ninth—grade civics class at I.UlIIS'\lllL“S (ientral
High School has decided to represent himself in
his murder trial.

“I feel that I can‘t trust the system," Joel
DcSh-aw'n Brmyn said last week front a cell iii the
Fayette (iounty Detention (Ienter. “.-\nd the
strongest person who can fight for me is me."

l’rosecutors are seeking the death penalty
against Brown, who is charged with murder and
robbery in the fatal shooting of a Lexington titan
last April. The trial was scheduled to begin today.

may Accidental iiiasi hills 6

(i.‘\7.‘\ (If Y, (iaza Strip Islamic extremists
preparing a bomb set off an accidental blast y'ester
day that tore through their ltideoiit, killing six
people, including .i top militant on Israel‘s most
wanted list. .-\ngered by the explosion, l’l.()
(Ihairttiaii Yasser Arafat ordered an arrest sweep
against llamas. the group to which the militants
belonged. llamas blamed Israel and the Pl (I for
the bombing and vowed “swift and painful" retali~
.itioii. The group has waged suicide aticl shooting
attacks against Israel to thwart the W”1 peace
agreement with the l’l.( ).


He's a ‘10' — tons, that is

l.( )S .\.\'(il“l,l:.S -— Bo Derek w attted small
.iiicl fun and light. She got one otit ofthe three in
(Ihris l-arley. Derek, who tickled Dudley Moore's
fancy as a perfect “III," is playing the stepmother
to the beefy Farley iii the new
movie, “’l‘ommy Boy."

Her first scene is a spoof on
“l0," where she rises front .t pool
in slow-iiiotion wearing a skimpy

“I had said to someone here
that I might want to ro back to
work but that I shoulcfstart with
something to see what it's like ——
soittething small and fun and
light." Derek said. “So I was in Hong Kong, got
the call .iiicl came to work two days later."

uTommy Boy," which was the weekend's most
popular movie, stars Farley and David Spade,
coitieclians front NBC‘s “Saturday Night Live.”
It's only Derek‘s fourth film since “III," which was
made iii 197‘).

( amp/led from wire r‘t’pm'fl.




 2 Hominy. .

Kings drift to acclaim

LIiiiLii' iIiLI (.iilsiI Kings.
mind in LIL mil iiiiisiLI L .iii .ipiiiLILIiitLI \\ Ii.ii is LIssLInti.iII\'


IIIH/ i, I'Wi. I\iIutriJw I\i'IIrii.

Seats Still Av









3" %'

world music genre
By Kevin Cullen

Slut] (III/Ii

iIi irtinLI \\ ()rItI \IiisiLI \rtist HI WWI

;\nLI the Kings I].I\C Ii.iLI .impILI m.itLI
tIi.iI irom \iIIiiLIIi to sLIILILIt in piILiLIiiLILI this
iii-ii rLIILIiisLI with six LtII)lllll\ iinLILItI iIiLIir
IiLIIt sinLILI IUI'8'51JIIl)Ii\\'IHLIlrt‘llldllttill
iIiLI [til/JILHHIJ I’Llp I..itin LIi.iiIt in this LI.i_\.

I .iIL'inLI LIII Lit this into LriiisirILIr.itiLm.
.Irln't \iiitLI tIiLI (iipsi KiiiLIs IlIiI .is sLiiiiLI
triimliLIt tiltinLI LIIiLILIIL HI \Lliith .\mLIIti
LI i.ii tiII.IiiiIiiLILitirs in suiiiIliILiIos .inLI lIHllL”

IIiLIIsi I.Iiiis iiIIL LILiIiiimL (iiIiisiLIs IiIiim
iIiLI smith oi IiIiiiiLIIL inLI sing in their
min tIl.lItL‘l.(i|l;lltL‘,

'I IiLIii miisiLI is LIri\LIii In i \\ iII LII»
i.LIniistiL LIiiitiiiIs I‘II iiLILI \iith i iiIIIitnL ss
th. it in ii Ii.iiLI its Fruits in iIiLI IiLt tIi. it .it


tripLI .inLI iILIsts iiiiun i in ILILI.siiI iii LiiiI. .tIlIV.
I I.i \(llllilIS()IlI1C (iipsi Rings .in iiiIIti
cm: I In iIiLI ILlIIL' miisiLI HI Spain Ir.inLL

Real nomads conquer

Don't I‘CL‘I th Ii.iii it _\:»ii'\ LI nLI\LIiI IiLI.iiIiI .it lIlt‘
(iipsi Kings, IiLILII.iiisLI iIiLI iiLIii .iiithuILlLIiI I‘l't' liiII/ w/
t/tiI (ll/Iii ILI/ILII :IIiIiUl'tIS I.iii LI\LLIIILInt opportunity in
lnlll'MIULL‘ _iIiiiirsLIII to [fill/”um! m.iLI .i/.mLI s IiiIIIiL st

\llltt‘ .ll1)'tlllt‘ \\llII .lIl UPC”

t'LiII; musii tIi.it triiiisLILInLIs Ii.iL kiiLIiLILI L.itLI:_{oiIi/.itiL>ii.


for instance.

\riii II iiiIIiLi' ILan \\Il.|l[IlL\L'L'll\sltt'sl1l1L‘lllL’ .iIiLiiit

LtIiLiiiLIIi I m siii‘L its not i I I\llltilllIll
iri\ tlt \ILMLiIls I{L""\t\


\LilL'It Lillt\L'\\ [Hurt

iiiLI .imiiLI tIi. iii Ill\lI]ll1‘J \Hll II IiLI i.i «in InL iI i .iLIiLi.




"I‘IJLI Ber! oft/Jr
(iipsy Kings‘
( [1pm I\ingi
(.Vollr’i/lr/J KL t Int/i)


I Iii .IIIIlllll s :iiiLIiiiiiLI ti iLIL.
sum] it mLulLI. \\llIl Roi-Ls LIL st itiL \LiiLLI IiiLIILLILI iiphi
iiitiiL.itLI LIiiit iis .mLI sLimLI LI\LLIIILIiit II.Iss \\UI'I\I)1\
(ii-i.iiILI I’i'LIiList. LLnLI Ill iIiLI ILI\\ IMHLI iiiLIiiiIiLIiIs uhri's‘

“Illrilii I)]LiIi._i ‘ sLIts LI

tint .I II.It‘i Ill [ItL‘ I.iltllI} II‘LILI

II\LIii it 1\llll‘l't’
irliii' llIllltI \HII IiLI IiiiiiiiLiiiLI LIILILIiriLI
iiiiiiiiIsLIs :iiILiimiI In iIIittIiiii tr; iIiLI
lt'. tLII;.

\Lil L\L“t\ sLiiiII Lill lIils'
.ilhimi is IiI LILlii.iIIi IiiLIIi Llii.iIii}I.
nLii.iIiIi “(‘IiLIiIL) Salli-r." Illll thLIiILI .irLI
sumLI mtti IittILI LIittiLIs on this LIisLI.

\rlmLI ill. iIiLI LLIms IiILILI “IIIsLIiiLIha
\ILI." .i \\ iImit \iitIi .i iILILILIiLI Ii.iLIIL' IiLIiit.
ian “IILIm IlLI m. \I. iiii "
thing to HTML .iI I .itiii iiiiisiLI (til the
.iIIiiiiii.mi_i sIltitIIL\UU\\I1LH\HU\IHI)
in tIiinILI i.IlLliit Iii-ii iiiiiLIIi you re
LIiiiLiiiiiILI .lltJIIllllllII1VJIl‘.llttIL)I‘(i'\'p-

tiiit LillLI tti L..lnL’LI.

sti (ii




iIiLI LILiiIIL Lit iIiLI IiiiiLI .IiiL I\Ui iII.ILIitLLI sLIis RATINGS In .i tmiLI \ihLIn .irtists I.iiILI rLILIiILIIinLI
L>I I-intIiLIiIs. **** IV'II‘I’IM" tIiLIii srliiiiLIs I‘ll! “I'llllIiiuilLLI” iIIiunis

'I IiLI RLIiLIs :inLI Ii.iIiiirLIrl I.imiIiLIs LIle *** "”II Mid nut iI\\ .i\s LIninLI i IILiLlLI ioIi til it
IiinLI ltl lirLiLIiiLILI I.i sLiimLI tIi.it rIsLIs .IIHH'L‘ ** I‘I’” \'()Il tI IiLI \iLIII .iLIiisLLI lll LIiiLI .i “start
iIiLI LiiLiIImirLI HIS” miiLIh \\'L>rILI .\liisiL * I’m" ll) .i IHIILI tIi.it s iiiI.iLILI its iniIttinLIs

\\ itIiLiiit iIiLI .iiLI Lil Ln LIiI—.iiii})IiIiLILI
silimLIs. LI.IllllttL’ \\|>rI(I II.imLI in the pro—



Mid hLILIL it \Hll LIL-t ‘.1 MM Ii.iiiI Ill) \Liiir. um
I.iIiniLIiLIr \tlll L .in iiist triiLIIL' tl\(‘l ltl \ILriIiIIi'iIILI.
In:I., (III .\piIiI 3‘) to we th:- in .it Stir I’I.i/.i. It might
lint he .i Ii.iLI iLILI.i.

and North Anita‘s Moorish LIiiIiiirLI. 'I‘IIL' rLIsiiIiiiiLI
\Hllllti is ()Ilt‘ tIi.it LI.iii Imih sLiLithLI I.iiiLI LItiIii’LIn iIiLI Il\*

Don‘t iLILII tIi.it _\Liii Ii.iiILI to like “

last: S'EII l'ir'i iiiiniti Lil Iiintull sllldtlllt
SliIllI lit .Iinrrul public

I‘kth'Alidhitth’KlKVSIUdtnIttnltr OCOOOOOOOCIIOOOIOOOOOI...I..............0...I0.0....0.I.I...IIOOOOOOOIIOIOOOC
i.i.ti‘Ii'iILt IF'-i£l' .it;.L:'liiiitniiitiiiiutlLtL - _
V -

the Works ill- iILIsiLILIiii I.iiItists now
through .I\])i‘lI {it 'I'hLI works :ii‘LI 1 _
paintings. \inLiLI LII.ir\mLIs. RLILIit.iI I I.iII. 'I iLLLIts are 55 I.iiiLI
.sLIiintiirLI. LIquiiiLI iii and \\t)()iI 5*. Ci“ 3§_~-I‘)_“) for more
hiirninLI piLILILIsI. (I.iII ((illni 5+ IllI‘lil‘IllLtlittlt,

5501 for more inILitIniatioii. V’I‘IiLI L'iiiiLIrint'iI Art Museum
V'l‘hLI Brahms SLIriLIs LILIvniiniiLIs \\'III ILIzitiiiILI iIiLI C(lltL‘L‘lHU'JIISl
tomorrow with .i pLIrILiiIiiizinLIL: It_\ posters iiiLILliitLIiiiiiririiry Russian
[7K instructor I.iiLIiLIn Stark on I.Iiitist ( )ILILI \'.i.IsiIL \ Ii.isLILI on
piano with I'K \ILlLIiIists. 'I'hLI poi-tn Iii \ sLiIoILnI .\LIILIrI.isILi\.
concert is inirt loin Lit-.i lIlI‘CCA I hL lithLlLIr- I.iiih LI\hiI)it wiII he I.it
year proiLILIt to pLIrtoriii .1” 2th iIiLI iniisILIiim ILiLI itLILI m iIiLI
Brahms songs in :iIisLIi'iIaiiL LI Lil SinLIILIiziriI ( ILIiitLIiI, imiiI .IUHC 4.
the lllllih anniversary LII his .-\LIiiiis.sirin is IT‘L‘C, (:LIII 357—5716
death in 1897. 11111 LIiILInt \i'iII IiLI {HT ”1011' Ililin‘lt‘lfllifll].

I..itin" miisiLI tLi


.it H pin. in lIIL‘ ( liis -\.

V’I'IiLIrLI I.irLI stiII LILiiliI seats 1
Smulrttri Center for iIiLI .I\rts

.iiI.iiI;iI)ILI I‘()r[I1L'_I()I‘Illl1_V(lush
concert on 'I‘Iiiirsdiiy I.iiiLI iIiLI
(i.ii‘i'rli Trip concert ()1) Friday
(Iioth I.it MemoriaI Coliseum).
'I‘iLIILILIts are available Lit thLI
.StiiLILIni (:L‘HTCI" Box ( )iiiLILI.
johnny (i.is'h tickets are $15 for
stiiLILInts I.iiiLI $1750 for iIiLI
LILInLIiIaI piiIiIiLI, (idrrfll 'Iirip
tickets are $750 tor stiiLILInts I.iiiLI
SI i I.i)r iIiLI general piililic.
V.I\i‘tisis‘ Attic, ILiLI.itLILI U“ the
fourth floor ()l-\'I(‘lf)rikin Square
.it 401 \V. Miiin St. is showing

L- . _w.

Brought to you by your Student
Activities Board Concert Committee







Gallery-King Library North FREE

-SAB presents Carrot Top. 8 00pm.
Memorial Coliseum; Student Tickets
$7.50, General 815

:UK Theatre: "Fools." by Neil Simon,
8:00pm, Briggs Theatre. Fine Arts Bldg ,

-4th Annual Day of Jazz: Finale Concert.
8I00prn Concert Hall-Singletary Ctr;
Paid AlellSSlOlT

swam [IUENTS

Catholic Mass at the Newman Center.
6 00pm


mll IINGS f. ”(IURES

Ct in Con ii. tatinnal Soiences pre-
L:t I’s Siizaniu Sniitt "Time- Frequency
Analysis I Ljirur. l res Exhibiting
Nonlinear Modal Interactions." 3.30pm.
R TI ’ 27 Mch-y Hal! tReception at
tilt); m)


A A tworksl E Wed. 500 m. Rm
4 N1..w111111 C11 W ry p Deadline tor applying tor admtsSton to a
SAB H1 11111111 Hg1'111’1’1‘1TS111111e—7 00011—1 ' program in The Graduate School for the
H11. 2011 111111.111 Ctr 1995 Summer Sessmns, Applications tor
R:: I Idem: e Hall Meeting-B 66.57:: #fi” readmissmn. post-baccalaureate status
R111, 1.11111 H 3.1 L‘Ibbi and vrsmng student status WlII be accept-
SPViTCilgnil IUI NIS ed alter the deadline

-All‘t..’lll American Studies 8. Research
p1w1111111w111111es1111buA Tribute To -Contra Dance New England Style Barn
W111111111 01A111m11. Descent .. One Day Dance, 8:00:11.00nm,\Arts Place lbt N
CnII‘IIrrIricn 8 305 30pm. Rms. 357, M'“ SI . $3 50 ($2 50 Student). NO part-
;1g1r1 11111 Old 81111111111 C11 25773593 net/experience needed. All dances are

“ ‘ 1 "'"T ' "W "T T’” taught. Live musm. Wear soft-soled

shoes 323- 2181

RI (RI nllllN

-AlKl(ItI Class, 8 (With. Alumni Gym Lott.
257/{l88 , . 1 ,
" ""‘ " ITS“ UK Women 5 Tennis vs LSU. 2.30pm,
SPHR Lexrnqton KY
-UK Men 5 Baseball vs LSU 7I OOptnf—


intramural Tennis Doubles Tournament
(thru 47’QT‘IJ7797()Oam,I 2576584

UK Gymnastics NCAA Regionals: TBA

UK Men‘ s Baseball vs. LSU. 2: 00pm:

ILeXington Philharmonic Orchestra WIIIl
the Lexmgton Singers. 8.00pm. Concert
Hall-Singletary Ctr. Tickets $257 FREE
for lst 120 UK Students. 2334226

SP[(Inl [Ul NIS


The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organizations
wishing to publish meetings, lectures. special events and sporting events. must have all
information to Student Activlt'ies room 203 or call 257%867 1 week prior to Publication.

mflNDny ll 3 I 1' i .1 i I j“, I. t " UK Men ' Bas: ball vs Morehead.
I 1‘ .. , f 1‘ 11 Baton Rouge LA.

1.... ’ iiiiiiini‘ SATURDAY ‘i/B

mus LE. mflUIf S
SAB presents Johnny Cash In Concert. ~UK Theatre: IIFooist by Neil Simon
8:00pm. Briggs Theatre. Fine Arts Bldg.


nRTS E. mUUlfS

Faculty Recital Davrd Elliott. French
horn ft OOnm. Concert Hall-Singleiary
C77tr. EREE77____777 _7777__
Choral Concert UK Me_'n s Glee Club 8.
.._ Women s Chorus, 8 00pm. Recrtal Hall-
gngtetary Ctr; FREE

SPI (Inl [ Uf NTS
Catholic Mass at the Newman Center.
9 OO 8. 11.30am, 5:00 8. 8:30pm


-Aikido Class. 1 009m. Alumni Gym Loft;





IUK Women's Tennis vs. Indiana.

11,00am; Lextngton, KY

. . . . :1 ii f . I ‘ I ‘ 8 Mont. Memorial COIISBUTTT Tickets -UK Men's Baseball vs. LSU. 1:00pm:
'. ‘ .' ' ‘ “.' ,. , $178 eminent 8. i150 Public Baton Rouge, LA

I . . i , I. . I i. ‘ I" I I 1 If I‘" .- I" ’ UK Theatre “Fork," by Neil Simon. _ 11 777

‘ i , i I I i I . ' ' i ' ' 8 00pm. Briggs Tin; itre. Fine Arts Bldg. . ’I

' I M ' S-‘I .,
" mllllNGS f. ”(IURIS

IWhen the Classdieds Don't Work The
Creative Job Search, sponsored by UK
Ii.ironr Ctr 3 00 3 501m Rm 201
M; itliIIvys Bldg; 27.“ )7 .3756
1 _' i, lllll(iI on Aging Di inovan Scho' its
.. " ' :' " ‘ Pr Hiram pIesents F’Ierson S Olive Jr

"' Columbia As | SLILI It. 4:006 000m. Rm
230 Student 7C_tr _25 7-_8:73_l:17
. - I . . I 1. SAB PR Campiis Network Committee

I I lIII I\I/“21.5.3011“ 77Rt717i7 20.377Sflidgit77c7tr _


last day for candidates for a May
iizgrne to schedule a final examination in
The Graduate School _77 7A 77


Intramural Tennis Doubles Brackets
posted by 4 0.9931- _, _
Intramural Golf Doubles Tee times post-
ed by}? 999mm 22-. ______L
UK Men 5 Golf M l'S hall UniverSIty (thru

1tl8)1 HLJUILDQIOD W7\7[ ‘
I I I '- UK Outdoor Track Texas Relays.
,. . - . ALlFllll1TX






Sl’l(lnl IUINI»




13.... . r ‘ ' ' I- 1
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‘.lIl ( In!
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,‘i1in1 . 1 1V“: , 1-i


I‘l/ 14M“


{IRIS I. {lllIUllS I ’. RI‘RInIllIN

- ’I' i: A
Vl‘BllLk—ritI/VIL I 111‘. n,“ a I " FI‘VIIH

‘irvI‘ . (f' 1"..‘

[11_.._ “11»;
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[“13” ‘1‘171. 1 . I. 1 1 . .1

111471111.. “1.1.. ... v .. I ' ‘- . IV.
.irJIi.y,1v1.-v t.,,~ : “ I II HII’MJ

fnllllNGS 5. ”(Hints i ’1'. . l i
1 1.... ‘1Lil'it.>‘\1 I1 n

,1.1,r.,1 Kay. 1 AIIt‘iIlrvllgIIr

II;I'lIl imam i... .11 =»»- r... nut II MIMI.

1 ,. mus f. mnuuis
I It MIN ._ ,. ,

1 _ 1 17 t l; 1, It . II t"..’ t:’ Gallery Series Music of Ravel 8.
.111 I 'J 1-. »l . . .1 1 1 1 11 .1111. 1 Ohms, Niles Quartet. 12 OOnoon. Peal




7.1 v yr}."
it». II:yI" .i...-1: _;;11

1,111,. (1.,

Eriday , April '(‘tli at 8 pm. in 5Kcmorial Coliseum
(Tickets: $7.50 students. $15.00 general public


'4’ i"! w.













 Readithe Kernel
l Diversions page
for the best in

really Ivor/‘2’!

St. Johnny canonizetl tor rifts

()n .i song like “Blueliutl.”

By Alex DeGrand

I'L/riwmi't .lllut/IIJ

\Vhile grounds {or sueh a (UHF
Iie IUlIntI In

uithuut killing a sense HI lite, :\

, MTV—“Tfi







Ilill \\VIHIIL'II. the \ntalist. Lilli
tai‘ist autl ei'eatixe tune lieliintl Sti
‘Iulinut‘. tlaiins he is triinparetl

parisnn iua}
\\'hitteii tlelners stings in a thin
\ltlLL‘ that talks Illltt't‘ than sings, a
liettei' ttiiiipaiisuii \\uultl lie to

l).i\irl littHlt' lake linuie. \\iltlts
ten has an aitsi sense tiu inusit

eiitllesslt tn larti Reetl.





STRUMMING SAINTS Ni, 7rrl'mri NW I't'lt'rltt’i/ lair ~r ii/lwm. ’/ er It (mm:

/)r;:.“1i.' :L'liit/t pm; er t/a' lull/ll tn lie t i/teri m girl/tn imi/ ”Mt/e} ml the tire/i /.

giant pltis when one ttiiisitlers the
turgitl ai‘t experiments of l‘iiuei‘
sittl‘ l,ake autl l’aliuer,

\\Vlutten is a \Illtlltt geek, lle
lm es m ertlults aluinst as uiueh as
[he t‘ttlittril ll'eaks Ill
l)et l.eppai‘tl 'l'he
tltiultslilc tr) silClt .l
haltit is that till a snug:
like "\\lilliiin I)(Ill.|r
liet." on the neult'
i‘eleasetl [.el Ir (MM/e
I)r/L'l.’. an entire gospel
L'Itrtll' tan he s\\.ll
ltm'etl up in all the
strange unise \\lutten
\\ith in;

slalts Illl
liriiliin til \\rtt‘tl

llte tipshtut, hrm




‘14'! It (fume
“021‘" '
5r. _7n/‘/im

\\Vlllliclt‘s singing .llltl sriiignrit
Ill}: i'etalls the prmei pup int lint
Star "I let 'I eenagei‘" has \rtlllt'
tititstautling _‘,Hll[.tl' \\tilk‘ ut the
\\lilie lint l'tiuk iiietal \\lt'lt'i} that
tlt‘st‘l'n‘s .l llle‘lt,


CUT) still:
i \\ui‘ks. antl \Ulllt‘ Utlltt'
l .
‘ ()II as tlull, let. the

peaks are higher than
the \.lllt'_\s :ti‘e tlt‘ep
‘l he rest tilitlte lulks in
\t luluint are first rate
l1)ll\lt'|.lll\ \\hti \ttllllll
great eien \\ hen a ten
talrle llliitiltiain ttl sill
tIllI mei'tlulis are
tluinpetl tin trip. lint
e\auiple, St, _Irihnn_i‘s
pi.iiust._liiii Ifllitit. atltls

exei‘, is that he eaii (Ur/felt) .in rtlt'kilter tiielmlit

make mine iiitisie one " (l|.llli‘s tn the iiiusit

\\‘nultl lie II.II|_I pi‘essetl RATINGS Illllk h. like th it I‘Itttllil
. HM ital/rm . ‘ .

tr) s.t\‘ the} \e IM‘JHI tit (NJ in .\I.i//_\' Star ltur

lietrii‘e *1. pm \\huin St. _l«ihnu_\ has
Surprisingly the t [1,“, lteen an ripening: attl,

e.\teiisi\ e \Illtlltt \\itl'ls
«Irrestt‘t stille the "" '
lmiseness inherent in

the songs 'l'het \‘Illlltl tresh u lieu
by all rights the) shuultl suiiiitl
like eiiilialinetl iiuiseuiu pieees.

"Seulna l)i\inti" the
.lllllllll anil, .it first listen. it seeuis
iim twist .llltl ilisui'tiaui/etl .\ltei
elusei' llt\l)t‘LIl4ttt. ltii\\(‘\t'l'. rune
ean make out the srtlltl sun: sti'ue
ttire antl izieltuly that
makes all the songs HI] the allniin
quality in their nun (Itsl‘uner
tinnal \\at‘ as "pup "

“Settlia ”Hing" is similar in
that “J.“ to lahelinate Nitxana.
Nirvana's III (View ripening tiaek,
“Sei‘te the Serxaiits” shares a ltlllll
antl alirasiie sense «it ineltuli \\ iih
“Seulta l)i\iiif_'."



sense til

\\hile ”til .i tpiiet
ltantl, St. johnny is nut
Illt ne\t hie thing liti'
arena ruek. llie pi‘ritliietiriu
tiirnetl the etiitais tip liiit \\hit
ten‘s piteh aiitl ilelnei'i.‘ is hm ke_\
in a lllallltt‘l’ ieiuiuistent tlIiNItIL’IKUI'
superstar I;l'\_ It,

tleset'llit.‘ SI.
taken as

‘lt'l'llls usetl tn
vlttlillll} \llrtltlllll" lie
tlttltirtus piaise or as a seiies wt»
hat kh IillIL‘tl eninphinents. l'sual
It, \\ lien titlt' speaks nit an alliuin as
Item; “e\periiiiental” tine thinks
ttrttee linuse a\aut tiaitle trap that
tan with lie ,ippiet‘iaterl \\ltlt a
tlegree in Illl|\lLt)lti}f}'. \\hile nut
\[Ttllg’lllullltfilil rriek ‘n’ roll. a la
(inns .\ Ritses‘ \t Inhnni‘ is a
Bull.” liantl tirst .iii»l luieiumt

i\itll a pie”) grrrnl trite tint.



By Claire Johnston

.luttraul i Int I’d/[m

\lnre than “(I \\Ht‘k's lit the late
plintnerapher lx’ultert (I .\l.it LIIIlI
more than 3‘) iinaees trnin ,\la_\‘s
persrinal photograph enlleetinn
\\lll lie slitmn thi‘rtugh .Itll'\‘ It: in
the [is .\i't \luseuin.

.\l.i_\g a littl'lllcl‘ insti'uetrtr ul‘
pltrttngraphi at lils' and a lull,”
tune ll;e\l eiiiplntee. \\as liest
knrmn trtr his teehnrrlrigieal
knrm leilge in printing.

“,le his ileatli. .\lai \\ as lea
turetl iii the lime late l’linttt
\eries in Iani During h