xt7z348gjg4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z348gjg4n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 2008 2008 2008-11-12 2020 true xt7z348gjg4n section xt7z348gjg4n  





Plans for new Rupp location underwa

By Laura Clark

lclark @kykernel coin

The plans for the location of the iiew UK
basketball arena. as well as development plans
for the currertt facility. are underway. officials
announced Tuesday.

During a public forum hosted by the Lexi
ington ('enter. which holds Rupp Arena.
more than 100 people listened to officials
discuss a new center and asked questions
about a future development. tentatiyely'
planned to be built across the street from
Rupp Arena's current home betweert High
and Main streets.

Renovations to Commonwealth Stadium
and construction of a new onscamptis baseball
stadium are also being discussed. said UK
Athletic Director Mitch Barnhai't, Barnhart
said that plans for construction. which also iii-
clude renovations to Rupp Arena to allow for

other Uses. have only rust been formed and are
still iii the early stages

'We‘ re only at mile one or two ol a 267
mile marathon." Barnhan said.

Building the new athletic tacilities will de—
pend on private funding. as well as require re
search from marketing companies to deter
mine if this type of financing will be possible.

The research could be completed as soon
as January of 200*). Barnhan said.

Two companies. lMU (‘ollege and llltcl'v
national Stadia Group. were authoriIed by the
board of the Lexington (”enter Corporation to
conduct a study oit how feasible the protect
would be. The two companies are also iiiyesttr
gating how mtich private funding could be

generated for the design and construction of

those new facilities.

The project would be funded many differ—
eitt ways. said Steve Moore. president or North
and South America tor lSG. a research. sales

. .

and marketing C(ttttpi'fl} that has built a num—
ber ol soccer and tootball stadiums worldwide

Moore said that he hopes they can create
an arena that will "pay for itself." adding that
the study by lMU (‘ollege and International
Stadia (iroup wrll tell them if it cart.

The Lexington (‘enter Presi Jerri and (‘E()
Bill ()wen said the downtown master plan
was first brought to the table about three years
ago. and art emphasis was immediately placed
oit the importance of this new arena to remain

To keep this ”urban impression." ()wen
said the only space convenient enough for the
new arena is the surface parking lots between
High and Maxwell Streets.

lSG and [MG hay e partnered up with
sports entertainment architectural firm HKS to
work with [.eungton and [K on the design of
the facilities. Jerry l'awcett. senior \‘ice presi-
dent of HKS. said no designs have been made

Rupp Arena
current site 0 \\’b O,
Proluctud site o . \a‘p

at new arena \é'b,
' Rupp Aron. and \\‘

1M Warrior!

190le gum

\ E. c


since funding for the facilities has not been

"()nce there‘s a go for the funding. we’ll
begin the design work Fawcett said.


Mourning the faithful

V out?

Mourners out not to witt- H

Family. friends
remember students
who died Sunday

Ni’l‘l s ll T'ljllhy
lVlrl‘.’ Zn Nfii rfittii ‘lt iii). .5 ’.r :i". ld'.

about May
ties about their personalities and their


iav ind Bradley Hall tluiino a man. ili.il w
an iii tri' lif'.‘i‘.!‘ t‘y Mar crossed wit,” tho {”4


be in good condition 'l'uesday night
some crying and hugging. as spiritual

100 to 400 people listened.

students titlkctl
sharing memo

and tellot‘.
and Hall.

\ttllilltlllltc‘nl to (iod

By Rosalind Essig

ressrg Hwy“ 1 ri ~

llC\\_ H

l‘icttit'es ol two siitiling tollegc

taught inc

and Bradley both hay c
about sei'ymg arid taithliil
sud Robin Prichard. ('aly try

It iptist( llllsll s minister to colltge


‘lft' it C ii. rtl


students sparked iiieiooiies in the tel-
lowship hall llt (‘.i:\.u_\ Baptist
(‘hut‘ch Tuesday night during it sery
ice celebrating their hycs

Junior Thomas May and fresh
man Bradley Hall died alter a car
wreck Sunday when a car dii\cn by
May crossed over the grass median
of lnterstatcr75 near londoii. Ky .
and was struck by a ll'dLllll'll'illlL'l. ac
cording to Kentucky State Police.

x‘inorhei‘ strident. Ben (”iroley. was

students. during ilk sersiu.
lining and strong were words
t‘asey t)‘l)anicl. a Baptist ('ampus
Ministry trcshman loctis leader. Used
to describe Bradley Hall as he re
counted memories of Hall‘s faith and
humor. (‘lioktng back tears. ()‘Daniel
described Hall as compassionate and
" “More than being a physical gr
.iiit. Brad Hall was a spiritual giant,”


Print", av EMItr ooovmr
lit sititv tit/pill” ti rial!
\li‘lii ti; i‘rai‘tii’

.‘ tiirr‘h

7, 'ii‘ti ‘. is





lit (in:

l)‘l):rniel said

injured in the accident and reported to

zit: ii


Milt" ytttl' Kirstin,“

ltit‘bld.‘ t".’t‘l‘l'l‘i

Sm: Memorial on t‘tdttt‘ 3

‘tlfldct‘ iizitiriri ll‘t} ll'l‘l'lt)rlrll

serve up
ideas for
meal plan

By Allison __A_lvey

news®kykernel com

Students discussed what is -— and
is not . sitting well with them in a lo—
rurii on Tuesday

About 35 people attended a forum
co hosted by Student Government and
{'K Dining Sery'ices to discuss the new
meal plan system. which currently hm-
its students to a certain number of
swipes per week and unused swipes do
not carry over into the next week

Many students said meal plans
would be more iisetul it they cottld roll
t"'.k'l litttltt \‘L‘t'ls' l0 “Ct‘iy'. .'\l\(\. \ill»
dents said that it ilc\ dollars would roll
over through the each semester. tliat
\Httllrl be more ellicient

(ienerally. students did not w ant to
be limited to only haying a certain
number of meal swipes per week it
would be more eftectiye to have a bulk
sum and lust use it .it your own will
and take responsibility for regulating it
yourself. students said

No changes can be made to meal
plans inidy eat dtie to a binding con
tract that all l'ls' students who have a
meal plan signed, But changes can be
made for nest year. said l)a\id
l’utlioll. Sti‘s (‘iiiiiptis lite .r\d\l\ttt"\

9:“? Meal plan ii" odor- 3



8y Danielle Pritchett

news @kykernel Com

The Courthouse Area Design Re~
yiew Board approted changes to the
(‘entrel‘ointe protect Monday. which
included changing the designs of the


\ ftcr

By Sarah Eisenmenger
newsdkykvrriel i rriir


Kathy Stein plans to try
her hardest to lower the
cost of going to college

Stein. a Democrat. has
held her seat as rcpt't‘ss‘lltd'
tive With the 7§th District in
the state lltrtise ol chrcr
sentaiiyes for I: years and
is now moving to the state
Senate to represent the
ch district after her Not
4 wm against Republican
(‘huck lillinger ll.



cctit in


could go down by
raising the taxes on cigar
reties and putting that
money toward higher ed
titation. The state legislar
lure t'ctected a Isl ciga-
rctte ta\ earlier in the

Raising cigarette taxes
will potentially have an-
other benefit tor the state.
she said.

“If sales go down. oh
well. We Will be more
which is good for Ken

While Republicans in the past
haye claimed they would not raise
arty taxes. the recent 0 percent in
crease in tuition was it ray. \lt‘llt

lllt ky. too.“ Stein said.

Stein said she has always been
.r big adyocate for education at all
ages as well as good heath care for

first turn tru. Subsequent issue: 25 cm.


\ i t i
children. i ititig her tote .tt‘.tlll\l the
30th budget bcciuisc she said it
undcitttnded education in the areas
she tecls need to impiote

“llllt‘ in the House. she also
tought lot and .ichicycd many
health and education additions in
budgets and Will continue to do so
in the Senate. she said.

What csacily' Stein w ill do
when she takes on her new role has
not yet been determined. she said.
because it depends on which cont-
mittees she is assigned to serye iii
Stem did say she is keeping educa‘
iron and children‘s heath care at the
top of her list.

l‘K stittik‘nts will be alft‘ctcd by
almost every decision iii the Senate
in sortie way. Stein said. Because

(athy Stein

t'lx and its students are pair of her
constituency. Stein tries to keep tip
with the university and gets e mail
updates from the Kernel's Web site
to stay more in touch with student

In a meeting with the l'K (‘ol
legc D'emocrats last month. Stein
said she would be open and honest
as a member of the state Senate.

“l'll ney er he to you knowing-
y ‘ Stein said during the meeting.
"And I‘m always ready to talk."


cap and the base ot the budding. said
Woodford Webb. president or The
Webb Companies. the company {level-
oping the plan

The original dewgn was more
modem than the new design is. Webb
said The changes giye the deyelop-
merit protect a more classic. tradition:
al look. he said.

“Lowering the podium makes
i('cntrel’orntel look more in keeping
with the surrounding buildings."
Webb said

The base of the budding wrll go
from fotir stories to three stories at the
request of Marriot. This change was
made to allow taller ceilings and in-
crease the un: of the large ballroom in
the .l.W. Marriot Hotel from 7.000
square feet to l0.000. making it the
largest in Lexrngton. Webb said.

Two rooftop terraces are now
planned. One will be for hotel uses
such as parties and weddings. The

other is slated to be a rooftop bar and
cafe overlooking Phoenix Park. Webb


See ControPoim on page 3

m 257-1915; My: 257-2872
; \


 PAGE 2i Wednesday. November l'.-‘ 31118












To get the advantage, check the
day's rating ill rs the easrcs1
day, 0 the must challenging
Aries (March 21-April 19) ——
Today is a 7 - Your hard \vo 1rk 15
starting to pay off Ker p doing
what you do i heerfully

Taurus (April 20- -May 20) ——
Today is an 8 ~Th1ngs go rela
tively smoothlv, up to the rest
minute Tempers flare on 1.1 pornt
you and your partner haven't
quite worked out yet Don't be
surprised if this all takes a lube
longer than expected

Gemini (May 21-June 21) ——
Today rs a 6 It's good to have
a quret day every once 111 .1

whrle You can get so busy v1.1.
barely have time to think R11 rrfy
that srtuatron by calling a ' hurt“
out" on yourself

Cancer (June 22-July 22) ——
Today IS an 8 They sav who
you know .3; as 1171portarttas
what you know But you‘re 21
good worker so you don’t rely 1111
contacts to get ahead That's
good. because two of your best












’ before yr

could be locked in a fierce argu
moot Don‘t tzrke sues do stay
out of s1gi‘1t
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —— loday
1s a 7 Caution is advised in a
v1.11irk-1elt‘rted matter Taking a
new assignment could disrupt
vour dorrrestrr: routine Better
talk it over wuh family first.
111 make your demsron
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today/12.36 let your fingers
11111 the 1.111.1lk1:1.11, llrrn 1. rate all
v11111e1’111t1l1ls l7 the-112111
Libra (Sept. 23- Oct 22) 1—

-v.‘«1/“.cl:"‘rlk tgardJr' . 1.1 ‘ 'r
".‘111'11. .1r2pears t-.' .311 .
‘1st. 1 tl= 111

(lltlli‘l. 10'); t11

Scorpio(0ct. 23 Nov 21) —~
'1._‘11~.’ry:a1 tors’rrr 11f
.1 11.1mm"; 1s also 1.111111 hes‘
.11.11‘1 ily out 111 11:11! 11111.1
;.111.11houvr1u;11 s 1.121. t. 1
7.31 1111mm (71112111111 v171e11vr1u
get y 2 11i11111:111.3 (1111131111:
1‘11 dot :krrr 11.1.1your ovvr

11111.1.11 a1 11' 11.1

l (
141‘11 1.


Today’ 5
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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 , ~ You should have
a juicy goal. to art! as a rnntrvat
111g force The work is available,
all you have to do is make the
decision and the nonrrnrtrrrent.
Jurrio in you'll do well
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
today 1s a (2 You're In a snug-
gly mood There must be some-
body nearb.1 you can rrtvrte to
share th1s experience With you
Dogs and cuts C(lllfll by the way.
it can be hard to get llllpllsES and
kittens to snuggle

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —
ind iy‘ 1s a 6 ,, V'ou111ay not feel
Irkr dorng much but 1:.1drll1ng
111.111. and that's OK These cuddle
days are a natural part of every
ones irronthly ruutm

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —
Today is a 7 ,7 ‘11111 112 at the
point where you ll 11.11.11 '11. learn.
more to stay ahead 11‘ your stu-

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A source tells Hot
Stuff the pop star. 27. and
the actress. 26 - who have
lived together in JT’s sixv
bedroom LA. home since
the summer - are close to
closing on an apartment
in the Pcarlinc Soap Fac-
tory building iii NYC's
cchUsivc Tribcca neigh-
borhood. The source adds
they may combine units
on two floors!

Britney and Drew's
Scary Soiree

Britney Spears had a
happy halloween - with
the helpmf Drew Barry—
more! The pop star. 26.
ioincd Cameron Diaz and
Alicia Silverstone at Bar—
rymore‘s October 3|

__ygur dary dose of entertainment pop culture and fun WVQP

J .T. mTimc

Timberlake and Biel
‘II'Ie DiSI'l are going to Gotham


A relative confimts'
that the country star and
the former Bachelor are
in a relationship

Before launching into
the up‘tcnipo song "The
More Boys l Meet" at her
November I gig in Hous-
ton's Reliant Arena. coun—
try star Carrie Under-
wood lamented to the
crowd that she hadn't yet
found Mr. Right. joking.
“l have one man in my
life my dog."

Actually. the pooch
has some serious compe-
tition these days. A family
member confirms to Us
that the bubbly Oklaho-
ma-born American Idol
winner. 25. has been qui-
etly dating Nashville-

housc party in LA. (the
bash's. theme: Alfred
Hitchcock's The Birdsl).
A source tells Us that
Spcurs (dressed as a
wttch) didn't drink or
flirt. and spent much of
the night dancing. "The
only time she didn‘t
dancc was when the DJ
playcd ‘Womanizcr‘ and
‘Toxic."' the insider says.
"She seemed shy because
everyone was looking at
her." But Spears wasn't
bashful when she got
some love from Barry
more. 33. who dressed as
Tippi Hcdrcn‘s Birds
character — complete with
a white turtleneck. a
green suit skirt and pearls.
“Thcy complimented
cach other on their out—
fits." the source says.
“and Drew gave Britney a
big hugl"

New “

trained physician Travis
Stork. cohost of the syn—
dicated daytime medical
show The Doctors and
star of ABC‘s The Bache-
lor: Paris (his romance
with winner Sarah Stone
ended before the finale
aired in 2006). ‘Wc‘vc
been told it 8 pretty hush—
hush." Martin Pavell. fa—
ther of Stork‘s brother-in-
law. tells Us. adding that
he believes the two met
through friends. “Yes." he
says. “they have been dat—
ing. They are a lovely

Though their romance
is still in the beginning —
stages — "I first heard
about it at the end of Au-
gust." says one Nashville
insider — country fans
have already created a
nickname for the pair:
Cork. And while -Under-


hush-hush" ro—




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wood may not be ready to
flaunt her relationship sta-
tus on stage. during a
cozy October 20 dinner at
Philadelphia bistro Parc.
the singer referred to
Stork as her “boyfriend."
a restaurant source tells
Us. adding, "It was obvi-
ous they were a couple."

Underwood - who
dated Jessica Simpson's
current beau. Tony Romo.
in 2007 and split from
Gossip Girl star Chacc
Crawford in early 2008
—— has also been getting
regular visits from Stork
while on tour. including
at her September 30 show
in Topeka. Kansas. and at
an October 2 perfomizincc
in Illinois. (Based in Col-
orado. Stork spends three
days a week in LA. to
tape The Doctors.) “My
son is very private."
Stork's dad. Roger. tells
Us. “He's 36 and can do
anything he wants."

Still. friends of the
two approve of the match.
describing them both as
down—to-canh and not
into the celeb scene. "She
seems to be a laid-back
girl. That’s what he
needs." Stone. Stork‘s‘ cx-
Bachelor girlfriend. tells
Us. indeed. Underwood.
who is set to tour through
December 14. has said
she wants a man who will
"treat me like l'm nor-
mal." As Bachelor host
Chris Harrison tclls Us.
“They seem to share the
same values. They make
a great couple.

in) Tribune Med1a Services

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student Ill



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 ”UV 1 2 2008 Wadnesday, November 12, 2007 | PAGE 3 3


(BA with Nominees for mtvU Woodie Awards


Bands talk about life, music and award show glamour

Matt Murray

Students are the judges. Producers,
labels and prufi’A‘A’frmu/S mean nothing.
[he mtvU Wimdie Awards are “the defin-
itive awards in college "attic" and (m
.‘Vuv. 19. students will have their voices
heard. The Kernel had the opportunity to
\l‘(’ how nominated artists felt about be-
ing a part ot'such a progressive awards

Vampire Weekend: Ezra Koenig

Q. Just a year ago you guys were
trying to tour and get your name out
and now you’re on the Woodies. How
does it feel to be blowing up the music

it: » A lot has changed since the begin~
iiitig of the year. It's still hard to fully
comprehend it. We've beeit very happy
with the amount of people that come to
shows We get people who are main-
stream. we get people in their 60s and we
even get kids. so a lot has changed in that

9. How did you all incorporate all
0 the various styles in your music
without having the differing elements


is i It came pretty natural. We all kind
of grew up listening to the different
styles you hear in the tnusic. At the saute
time. you get an idea that two things can
sound good together and then they don't.
We don‘t want anything to sound forced
so we just kind of went with the things
that came together quickly and naturally.

. How was your experience play-
ing with Crosby and Nash?

It was incredible. We were playing
for Music for Democracy and we knew
they were going to be there. and they in»
\‘ited its to play With them. We grew up
listening to them and getting to meet
them backstage and getting to play a
song with them was really great. They
came out of the '60s. which was a really
politically active era. and with such an
important election on the horizon. it was
cool to be able to be a part of that with

All Time Low: Alex Gaskarth

Q. Do you guys ever get tired of


For the most part it‘s just a really
good time. I tfiiiik it just takes a certain
breed of person to be touritig all the time
like any hand does. btit for the riiost part

we just make a great time out of every-
thing. At the end of a two—month tour
you definitely get a little homesick. but if
that's the worst part of your job then it's
not too much to worry about.

Q. What challenges did you guys
have getting a record deal straight out
of high school. and how has that expe-
rience turned out for you?

\ i The biggest challenge at the time
was convincing our parents to let us do it
and not go to college. [is a big scary de-
cision for a parent to sit back and make.
Like “Am i really going to sit back and
let my kid take this much of a risk?" But.
I think we've been really lucky that it all
came together. but I think making that
decision was one of the biggest steps for
us as a band.

. With all the extensive touring
that you’ve been doing. has there been
one particularly crazy moment or ex-
perience that stands out?

it‘s so hard to pick just one sce—
nario. It's just so hard to believe I get to
totir for a living. I feel like i tricked
someone into letting me do this. One of
the craziest things that happened was that
after one of otir shows I think- we man—
aged to cram about 30 people into the
front lottngc of otir bus. which I don‘t
know if you know how a tour bus is lard
out. btit they‘re pretty narrow. We literal-
ly had people standing on countenops.
the couches arid the table. and we were
jtist having the biggest dance party ever.
It was relatively unsafe l think.


. If you could create your own
tour. who would be on the bill?

There are so many tours that wotild
be so fun. l have always wanted to play
with Dey‘o because they are like my ulti~
mate favorite band. That‘d be an ideal
tottr. But at the same tiiiic id love to go
on tour with friends. [just did a tour with
the Bcastic Boys. Norah Jones. Jack
Johnson and Sheryl (‘row for "Get Out
and Vote" aitd I had so much fun because
I wanted to be like the Beastic Boys
when l was little. not to mention that the
tottr was based around such an important
topic. like what we thought about the
election. I just low that it was fora \ital

Q. ‘You've done so many collabora-
tions. Do you think that has had an ef-
fect on your sound?

An artist collaborates for all differ»
eiit reasons. Whenever you collaborate

with a friend it‘s always a great experi-
ence because it's relaxed and you're just
kind of hanging out. I did something
with David Byme front Talking Heads,
so that was very different because you go
in trying to be yery professional. There
are different things you value from each
collaboration. As far as how they evolve
my sound, I don’t thirik they do because
within a collaboration it takes you out of
your element and you kind of have to
find yourself within the collaboration and
stay true to your style.

. What is it like to be awarded by
a s ow where winners are determined
solely by college students?

‘x‘i I think it's great because unfortu»
nately a lot of award shows are so far re-
moved from the pulse of actual music lis-
teners. It seems that way to me because
all of the people on award shows are so
tied into the money world of music. You
get anists front Disney shows and Amer»
ican ldol. It‘s just not very iti touch with
what's really going on iii music and bub-
bling tip. You don‘t get a diverse per—
spective of artists. so when you have col—
lege students decide. they are right on the
pulse of music and are far more in tutic
to the underground stuff. As a result. you
get a more accurate picture of where mu~
sic actually is and it’s excellent. How are
we supposed to compete with Miley
Cyrus. is that her nainc'.’ None of us have
otir own TV show.

She and Him: Zooey

. Most award shows involve opin-
ions from professionals in the music
industry while this is based around the
opinion of college students and their
voting. How do you feel about the dif-
ferences between these two elements?

I tlitiik it's great because i tliiiik
people are finding their unique \oices at
this stailc in their career. I think it‘s c‘\c’llr
trig just to be recogni/cd by people who
are well educated but riot necessarily in
the profession. it‘s a big honor.

Q. How do you feel about being
nominated for a "Left Field Woodie."
which basically means you're in a gen-
erally unclassifiablc category?

1 take it as a great compliment. 1
think. as art artist. the more yott kccp
your blinders on and create without
thinking about what people w ith think of
you. the iitorc you trcatc things ottt of
the ordinary and the more satisfying it is
as an artist. There's a plat c for gcnrc and
categories. but he Lli\\;t_\\ found If to be
most rewarding to ticatc for sclfrpt'olcsr





Continued from page l

There will also be changes to the cap of the
building. which will include a spire at the top of

tire building.

Office space has been reduced from 80.000
square feet to 30.000. while hotel space has in-
creased by Shot) square feet. Also. the w alkway “”‘1'
connecting ('entrcPointe to a thrcc—lcvcl undcr-
grotirid parking garage in Phoenix Park will be a
tunnel rather than the pcdway‘ originally pro-


Thc number of condominiums increased
frortt 77 to 8‘) and will iitcltidc one-bedroom op,
trons. in addition to the original two- and thi'cc-
bedroom plan. Large pcnthouscs will also be

ayailablc on tltc top floor. Webb said

Continued from page 1

Board director

would be really useful.

5U wants to start making
progress on bettering Dining Scryv
ices for studciits for out year. he

8(i iii-embers li;i\c considered
proposing a takeout system
Sbarro to Dining Scrytces. l’uthoff
said. Students could place aii order
and Use a meal plan for pi//a .rt
(‘ommoiis Market or Bla/ci' (life.

Most students at the forum
agreed that htoing iill\ option

Puthoft said that it I\ niipoitaiit
for students to know cyerything
about the dining plan that thc\ can
because it is .in~t~suc that directly
affects thctii

Thr- mcal swipe forum was a
way for Mi to hear from students
what cfiangcs they wanted. Ptithofl

The suggcstions will be taken
1"" directly to thc heads of Dining
Scryiccs .it the ' iotithly nicctinc iii
.1 couple weeks to kil\cl.l\\ lillllgls
happening on campus. l’uthoff
said ll.i\ing torunis likc this are
important i‘-k‘c.llfsc‘ w ith the library
tortiiii we wcic able to change
things for c\cryonc. l’tithoff said.



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The desrgri changes will not affect the duel-
opriient schedule. Webb said. and no further
changes will be made to the design.

"Vic arc here to help students
make that change and make a
change that we‘re all wanting."

“We‘re not trying to attack the
meal plan “etc trying to improte
It." l’uthotl said

75V >11:

7‘ m' stricter C‘“ ~



Putlioff said.




Continued from page t

Hall had a big smile whereyer he
went. Evan Markert said. Markert. who
attended Baptist Campus Ministry with
Hall. said he was a w‘chonic presence in
the ministry

“He was constant. he was always

around.” Markctt said

Funerals for both Hall and May will
be held later this week.

Hall‘s fuiicral will be Thursday at
noon at Clear Fork Baptist Church in
Rockficld. Ky. May ‘s will be Thursday
at Ill am. at Kcnwood Heights Christian
Church iii l.0lll\\ ille.

A visitation for May will be trorii 3
to 8 pin. on Wednesday at the Joseph ii.
Ratteriiiaii a Son Funeral Home at 73%

Southsidc Drit c in louisy ill-c

Tltc sudden dcdlits of .\la\ and Hall
wci'c difficult to comprehend partly be
cause both were so young. stud (ircg
Sthardein. an electrical citginccttng sen
tor. May was a lot of fun to be around
and always there for you. he said

"He was just such a happy. ioyial
person." Schartlcin said. “He spread that
to t‘\'ct'_\ottc he was around U


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\ovciiilwi I.’
Page 4


Smoking survey
results should
be questioned

Anything that helps lower the number of smokers in the
state. whether it be public service announcements that actual—
ly work or rising costs preventing people from buyiitg more
cigarettes. is commendable.

So a recent study by the Us (‘ollege of Nursing that re-
ported an ll percent drop in college smokers since I990 is a
great step. But in a .state where tobacco has been part of a tri»
umvirate of vices. any reported decline in smoking should be
further reviewed.

In a Nov. 7 article. many students pointed to higher costs
in other areas of life as a potential reason for not smoking.
()ther students jUst expressed the need to become a lot thrifti«
er when it comes to buying cigarettes.

"I can‘t afford to smoke." Charlie Lockhatt. a music per—
formance ~iunior. said to the Kentel. "Smoking's not a necessi—

Lockhart is exactly right; smoking is not a necessity for
many. despite what they actually think. But the recent report
is questionable.

First. when the survey was last taken in 2004. 900 people
were surveyed. For the most recent round of surveying during
spring of this year. less than 500 people where questioned.

Four hundred people could be a very reasonable explana-
tion for an 1 1 percent drop. more so than crunched budgets
arid smoke-free environments. People who smoke. not just
the “weekend warriors" or students who casually smoke.
can't just quit the habit. Everyone has that family member
who has used the patch. the gum and jUst plain willpower.

Chances are they might still smoke. And budget cuts
won‘t help that matter. but instead probably increase it. There
are few things that would facilitate a much-needed cigarette
more than realizing rent is due and your credit card bill came
in the mail.

Maybe ll percent of stttdents did stop smoking. If so.
congratulations and let‘s push that number down another If
percent. But before arty celebration is started. let‘s survey the
same amount of people at the same time of the year. maybe
more. Follow around the same group of smokers arid rioti—
smokers arid see who quits.

It doesn‘t take a statistics whiz to see the data could be
skewed. Maybe iii 2004. a lot of upperclassmen smoked.
Now. with those students gone. a new batch of students de—
cided cigarettes aren't for them. Wide ranges of variables are
in play when it comes to this study.

Not to rain on anyone‘s parade. because it‘s awfully hard
to light tip in a downpour. but with Kentucky‘s history and
the current economic atmosphere. anyone who says that the
number of people who smoke has decreased should expect to
draw skepticism.


U K has taken ()bama
effigy incident too far

This is ridiculous. Right before Halloween. a couple of
guys hang a scarecrow with a Barack ()banta mask on in a
tree on campUs and what is it called"? A questionable Hal—
loween decoration'.’ A joke in poor taste'.’ No. here at UK.
it's called aii effigy. and it seems to be JUSI about the worst
thing ever.

Here is what “effigy" means. as taken from
dictionarycom: "a crude representation of someone disliked.
used for purposes of ridicule.“ How is that different from
Will Ferrell playitig (ieorgc W. Bush on Saturday Night Live.
which was running the satiie iirglit the effigy was hanged‘.‘ It‘s
not. except that on television. as called satire and it's ftinny.

Don‘t get me wrong. racism is not funny. And hanging a
scarecrow w itli a presidential candidate mask on. even if i