xt7z610vt97d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vt97d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19701027  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1970 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1970 1970 2015 true xt7z610vt97d section xt7z610vt97d Tie
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1970


Kemtocecy ECemnel


Udall Expresses
Ideas on Ecology


Red River Area
Site of Project,



Kernel Staff Writer
Koomer Ridge Campground,
near Slade, Ky. will be the scene
of a massive cleanup and pickup
operation on Saturday.
Saturday's project is part of
an effort by the U.S. Forest Service, in cooperation with several
conservation or recreation organizations, to restore the famed Red
River Corge area to its natural
and cleaner state.
Dean Jaros, UK Political Science professor and a representative of the local chapter of the
Sierra Club, one of the groups
involved in this effort along with
UK's Environmental Awareness
Society, (EAS) said past projects
of this kind have been enthusiastically attended.
"This type of project is one
of our lesser efforts in the fight
to save our environment," said
Jaros, "but it has a value in
several ways. First of all, it gives
those participating a feeling that
they are involved in some way,
and they feel good because they
have helped. It increases one's
awareness of the conditions that
we are fighting. Also, children
have in the past come out and
worked amazingly hard along
with the adults. This is a good
learning experience for them as
well as their parents."
Several Croups Involved
At least 21 organizations, several Boy Scout troops and many
individuals have been invited to
participate in Saturday's cleanup. Activity will begin around 9
a.m. at the campground, which
is located on Kentucky Highway
15, about six miles east of Slade.
The Cumberland Climbers, a
local organization of mountain
climbers, will be present for a
special purpose. Many of the
Red River Corge's scenic overlooks have garbage glutting them,
and the Climbers plan to use
their mountain climbing equipment to descend these overlooks
and clean around areas where
litter has been thrown.
Continued on Pace 8, CoL 4

SG Committee


Kernel Photo by Dave Herman

Stewart Udall, former secretary of the interior under President
John Kennedy, spoke last night at Georgetown College and told
students and townspeople that there must be changes in government policy towards the environment if the ecology crisis is to be
solved. He emphasized that the weight of the changes rests on the
younger generation. Udall pointed out that one of the stands that
the environmentalists . should take would be to "fight progress."

'Advisory' Committee
Given More Power
student evaluations of professors.
Such participation of undergraduates in formal decisionmaking is rare at UK, but there
is a bill in the University Senate
which would make undergraduate advisory committees mandatory for all departments and
give the committees at least one
vote in departmental meetings.
Students Hold Power
At present there are four student votes in the department-t- wo
undergraduate and two graduate. As Dr. Jewell pointed out,
"Students may hold the balance
of power in tight decisions."
of the former
PSUAC, John Nelson, commented that "Participation in
these meetings gives undergrad
committee members quite a
change in perspective. It emphasizes the responsibility of giving
advice." Nelson also felt "students have a direct and substantial stake in their department, and while they do not
have the expertise of the faculty,
students should have at least
some say in the department's
Faculty Split
some of the sections in the stuDr. Jewell made it clear that
dent code," Willie Gates, a memdifferber of that committee, confessed. there were some serious
ences among the political science
"I'm not sure that it's worth it,"
underhe said in regard to the amount faculty as to whether the
the votes.
of time that is consumed in the graduates should have
He said he believed "some
weekly meetings.
a direct
five persons were on felt if we gave students
voice within the structure, they
to participate in the discushand
to distrust
sion that ranged from residence would be less likely
Continued on Pare 5, Col. 1
hall government to the subjects
of suspension and dismissal. The
meetings are open to anyone
wishing to attend.
The committee has made proForecast for Lexington and vigress, it says, but has been slow
in "covering" the entire code. cinity: Partly cloudy and mild
Last night's meeting produced today and tonight, mild through
only a few recommended revis- Wednesday. Showers and a little
ions of the manual.
cooler Thursday. The high tem"It's a slow process. We've perature today near 70; tonight,
been hashing and rehashing old 55; tomorrow near 70. Precipitamaterial for almost five weeks, tion probabilities today 10 perand we've only covered about cent; tonight, 10 percent; tomorthree pages of the student code," row 20 percent.
Cates said.


Kernel Staff Writer
The undergraduate political
science majors met Monday night
to elect the 1970-7- 1 Political Science Undergraduate
Committee (PSU AC). About 85
students attended and elected
15 students out of 33 nominees
to the committee.
The purpose of the committee is to provide advice to the
department chairman, Dr. Malcolm Jewell, and the director of
undergraduate study, Dr. William Lyons. More recently,
another committee responsibility
has been to choose' two undergraduate representatives to actively paiticipate and vote in
departmental meetings.
In the Political Science Dethese departmental
meetings are the forum for the
final decision making on such
issues as curriculum, luring and

To Change Student Code

Kernel Staff Writer
Suggesting changes for the
student code can be a difficult
task, according to the Student
Affairs Committee. At a meeting
held Monday night in the Student Center, a wide range of
topics was discussed and argued
by members of the committee, but
with no apparent success in sight.
The group, a Student Government committee, hopes that it
can revise the entire student code.
When finished, committee members expect their proposals to pass
in the Student Government. Then
they plan to take the recommendations to the University Senate. If they are approved there,
the committee will present the
proposed changes to the Board
of Trustees.
"We just don't have the legal
authority or counsel to know
what's right or wrong in changing

Vol. LXII, No. 38

Managing Editor
Stewart Udall, secretary of the
interior under President John
Kennedy, stated Monday night
that the nation "must do nothing
less than alter, redo and rehabilitate the American dream" in
order to revitalize the total environment.
He told an audience of approximately 400 students and
townspeople at Georgetown College that this is a "large order"
and "will be the work of a generation to do it." He emphasized
that the weight of this change
will rest on the younger generation.
Udall said he feels a "need
for a Ralph Nader-typ- e
organization (of young people) in every
state capital" to ensure that government and its officials remain
aware of the environmental problems facing the country.
He cited the two main features
of the environmental movement
as its being "holistic" and
"humanistic." Through these
two aspects, he said, the movement considers new developments in terms of how it will
affect the entire environment. At
the same time, environmentalists "insist that from now on,
we put man in the center" of
all controversies affecting the environment.
Environmental Crisis
According to Udall, this has
not been happening. At the same
time that America's "standard
of living" has been going up,
it's "living standards" have been
steadily declining. This constitutes the environmental crisis,
remarked Udall.
Part of this country's material


and technological successes have
come through what Udall terms
our "imbalanced performance,"
As a
our "overspecialization."
result of this imbalance, Udall
said that we have built "housing,
not communities, and cars, but
we have let our public transportation systems go down the


He said the environmentalists'
stand is one of "fighting progress, not because we want to
go back to Walden Pond" but
because they want to "enhance
the environment rather than destroy


Udall quoted a prominent
New York banker as having said
recently that Americans formerly
had taken the position that "you
can't stand in the way of progress." Now, says the banker,
"there's a generation saying, 'the
hell you can't' ".
'Elbow Room'
Udall, who is the father of
six, called for the "leveling-of- f
of the population" in order to
"buy us a little time, give us
a little elbow room" in which to
clean up the environment.
He also said that society
should allow women to play a
"dual role." He added, "We
need the very qualities that
women have compassion, kindness, gentleness." He termed
America's use of the female mind
as "pathetic."
Following Udall's lecture,
which was presented as part of
an annual lecture series on the
Georgetown College campus,
Udall entertained questions from
the audience. There was also an
informal rap session at the
Georgetown Student Center following the lecture.
































1970-7- 1

Fifty Casts


-- v





Controversial Cover
The University of Kentucky Directory, published by Student Government, raised a few eyebrows yesterday when it was released.
The unusual front cover, showing pictures of police arresting protesters and a cannon firing at the Administration building was'
designed by SG president Steve Bright. Bright said he received
calls from UK administrators Jack Hall and Robert Zumwinkle
""" Kernel Photo
By Dick Were
Concerning the Cover.

* 2--

KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1970


Record Review

Bootleg Album Better Than New Release

Out" by the
Rolling Stones, London NPS-By JIM SHERTZER
College Press Service
This has not been a good year
for the greatest of rockdom's
greats: the Beatles, Bob Dylan
and the Rolling Stones.
The Stones do have a new
album, though, that helps fill the
void. It's "Get Yer
a "live" re(London NPS-5- ),
cording of the Stone's concerts
in New York City taped last
November, just a week or so be- -


Ya-Ya- 's



the disaster at Altamont.
What this record amounts to
is an authorized version of the
bootleg "Liver Than You'll Ever
Be" disc that was secretly taped
at the Stones' San Francisco concerts and turned up in some record shops last winter.
"Ya-Ya'has eight of the 10
numbers on the "Liver" album.
The sound quality on "Ya-Ya'is, of course, superior to what
came off "Liver." But all in all,
the new album Just doesn't gene



rate the flash and excitement of
the bootleg disc.
starts with an enormous burst of energy, "Jumpin
Jack Flash." The Stones used it
to open most of the shows on
their last tour, and, as usual,
it really turns the crowd on.
Next comes Chuck Berry's
"Carol," slower and sexier than
the version the Stones did six
years ago on their first album.
Two blues members "Stray
Cat Blues" (the definitive
song) and Robert John- "Ya-Ya's-


Rccord Review

Loudon Album Shows Potential
"Loudon Wainwright III" by
Loudon Wainwright HI, Atlantic

College Press Service
If you haven't discovered Loudon Wainwright III yet, I suggest
you pick. up his debut album
"Loudon Wainwright III" (Atlantic SD 8260) -t- he next time
you have a few spare coins.

Loudon is one of the most
promising young folldes to come
along since James Taylor. The
debut disc has some ups and
downs, but it shows an awful
lot of potential.
Chief among the 11 original
numbers here are "Black Uncle
Remus" and "Central Square

The Kentucky





Yearly, by mall
Per copy, from files
Editor, Managing Editor .... 275-17Editorial Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sports .. 257-17Advertising, Business, Circula-

FURNISHED apartments for rent
Bedroom, complete kitchen, bath on
floor, near campus; utilities paid,
$75. One man. 260 South Limestone.
to 6
person units. $90 up. Adults. Special
rates for doubling up. Between
270-N- 2


of it come off with a sense of
beauty that's quite moving.
Other good numbers are
"School Days," a song about all
the changes Loudon and a lot
of the rest of us have gone through
in growing up; "Ode to a Pittsburgh," a portrait of Pennsyl-

vania's "smokestacked", "layed
in cobblestone,"
"trolley car
tracked" "western daughter";
and "Movies Are A Mother To
Me," a song all flick fans will



after 7 p.m. Qift, new, too
large; must seU.
quality, championship stock. Two
weeks old. $125 or best offer. Call
Barb. 255-01after 2:00.
ROOMMATE wanted to share furnished house. Inquiries may be made
after ft p.m.
WORKING girl needs female roommate to share 'furnished apartment.
Utilities paid. TurfUnd MaU Apartments. Call
after 10 p.m.
270-N- 2
Sundays, 7:30.
LOST Gold purse Saturday at UK
game. Please return, no questions
asked. Reward offered. Call Joe,
LOST 1970 Henry County senior ring
in surrounding Blazer Hall area.
L.A.S. $15
Ruby setting, initialed
270-N- 2
reward. Call

Norgetown Laundry





THEMES, theses, reports, stencils;
minor editing. 60 cents pp. After 6:00
p.m. daily, Saturdays, Bill Givens,



ACCURATE, dependable, rapid Typcents per
ing Service. Sixty-fiv- e
double spaced page, plus five cents
per carbon copy. Call
priced. Call
Mary Joan Dexman.

3333 Totes Creek Pike







Memorial Coliseum


Activity Card.
bership card.

students by ID and
All others by season meme


For contrast, the Stones next
do a fine version of "Honky
Tonk Women," giving us a
"Little Queenie" many years and
older. Tuta thousand
these two songs together
was a touch of inspiration.
The last cut is "Sheet Fighting Man," which the band used
to close most of the shows on
the tour. It's good, but like most
of the other numbers, Just not
up to the version that happened
at the San Francisco concert preserved on "Liver".
If you're lucky enough to have
the bootleg, you really don't need
If you don't have
"Liver," though, you'll find "Ya-Ya'worthwhile.





faculty recital will be presented
by pianist James Bonn on Wednesday,
Oct 28, at 8:15 p.m. In Memorial HaU.
The public is invited to attend free

of charge.
The Air Feree Officer's Qualification Test (AKOQT) will be administered In room 200 of Barker HaU
at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, Oct 28
and Thursday. Oct. 29. All students
wishing to take the AFOQ.T must be
present for the Oct 28 session. The
Oct. 29 test will be limited to the
flying portion only for students Interested in flying.
A general Food-Coo- p
meeting will
be held at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Nov.
4. in room 243 of the Student Center.
All Interested people are Invited to


The Stadcnt Mobilisation Committee
to End the War in Vietnam (SMC)
wUl meet Wednesday In room 243 of
the Student Center, at 8 p.m. New
people and new ideas are welcome.

Dr. Richard LaBreeqne will speak
on "The Kelevance of Marcuse to
at the ColloHuman Development"
quium on Issues and Methods In the
Social and Philosophical
Study of
Education, to be held Oct. 29 at 1:30
p.m. in room 37, Dickey HaU.
Dr. Paal H. Stelsea. of Oak Ridge
Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
Tenn., will speak on "Coulomb Excitation" at the Physics Colloquium,
Oct. 30 at 4:00 p.m. In room 153 of
the Chemistry-Physic- s
Kentacky artists will exhibit works
at the Shakertown Autumn Art Show
and Sale, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 from
9:30 a m. -- 5:00 p.m. at Pleasant Hill, on
U.S. 68 between Lexington and
is $2.00
Ky. Admission
adults. $1.00 students, and Includes
outdoor art show and village tour.
For lunch and dinner reservations call

Students may register for appointments with representatives of the following corporations by contacting the
Placement Service, 201 Old Agriculture Builduig. at least two cloys in
advance of the date specified. . Telephone


Monsanto Co. Locations:
December, May, August
graduates. WiU interview. Juniors, seniors, and graduate students in Accounting and Engineering for summer
employment Citizenship.
Oct 28. Department of Forests 8c
Waters Check schedule book for late
Oct 28.
Engineering Co.,

The Committee en Militarism will
meet Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 7:00 p.m.
in room 109 of the Student Center.
All stndeats Interested In the
housing survey should report
to 'room 113 of the Student Center
Tuesday, Oct 27 at 7:30 p.m. This
meeting will commence the foot survey, and wiU be of great Importance
to the outcome of the program.
The I'K Phllesephleal Clab will hold
an Informal discussion entitled "Philosophical Investigations of Undergraduate and Graduate Education" on
Tuesday, Oct. 27 in room 214 of the
Student Center.
Tickets fer UK's first student production of the 1970-7- 1
year, "The
are on
of Innocence,"
to 4:30 p.m.
dally at the Laboratory Theatre,
Fine Arts Building. The play will run
Oct. 23-3- 1
and Nov. 1. Curtain for
aU performances wlU be 8:30 with an
added 2:30 matinee performance on
Oct. 31. Admission 1 92.00, $1.00 for

UK Placement Service

classic, "Little Queenie," the onthat is not
ly cut on "Ya-Ya'on any of the Stones' previous
LPs (except "Liver"). Jagger does
a beautifully timed version that
stands well beside the interpretations of Berry and Jerry Lee
Lewis and creates its own image
Juke-bo- x
of the teen-ag- e




8:15 p.m.


Rabbi Oscar Gronor, Assistant National Director of the B'nai B'rlth
Hillel FoundaUon. will be the guest
of honor at a reception-ope- n
of the
Chapter of Hillel,
at Temple Adath Israel, 124 N. Ashland Ave., at 8 00 p.m. NoV. 1. Jewish students, faculty and staff from
both UK and Transy are invited to
attend the evening meeting.
Sorority Open Rash extends unUl
December. All Interested girls wishing
to sign up are asked to go to tlie
Office Tower Room Ml. Go Greek-Bec- ome
Involved I


Thurs., Oct 29


especially appreciate.
Some of the other members
don't quite come off. But still,
one senses a fine new talent
ripening in these grooves, and
the disc is well worth the time
it takes to get into it.


Classified advertising will be attested
basis only. Ads may be
a a nre-paplaced In person Monday through
Friday er by mill, payment Inclosed,
111. Jenrnalism Bldg.
Kates are $1.25 fer 20 werds, $3.00
far three eenseeaUve Insertions ef the
same ad ef 20 werds, and $3.75 per
week, 20 werds.
The deadline Is 11 a. m. the day
prler te pnblleatlea. Ne advertisement
may cite race, religion er naUenal
rlfln as a qaallfieaUen fer renting
reams er for employment.

The Kentucky Kernel, University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky 40506. Second class
postage paid at Lexington,
Mailed five times weekly Kentucky.
school year except holidays during
and exam
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
Begun as the Cadet in 184 and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1815.
Advertising published herein Is Intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The Editors.


"Remus," which runs a scant
two and a half minutes, is one
of the most compact numbers
I've heard this year. In it, Loudon fuses the Negro stereotypes
of Joel Chandler Harris with the
horrors of the black urban ghetto. The result is simply overwhelming due largely to the frenzied drive behind Loudon's acoustic guitar and the incredible
tension created by his lyrics.
"Central Square Song" is one
of the weirdest yet most haunting love ballads in months. It
really gets inside the psychological mechanics of a "redneck romance" and does so without
the slightest bit of snobbery..
Even the somewhat ugly parts

son's exquisite "Love in Vain"
(one of Jagger's best adaptations
of Negro blues material) follow.
Next come the Stones' two
big production members "Midnight Rambler" and "Sympathy
for the Devil."
Of all the cuts on
"Rambler" comes the closest to
capturing the incredible power of
the "Liver" album. The studio
version on "Let It Bleed" was
staggering. But here, backed up
by howls and cheers from the
crowd, the song comes over with
an even greater sense of menace.
J agger has seldom, if ever,
sounded harder, meanerand more
terrifyingly alive.
"Sympathy for the Devil"
isn't quite up to the studio version on "Beggars Banquet." But
it still packs a wallop. (Blood,
Sweat and Tears ought to be
made to listen to the Stones'
version until their ears fall off.)
A heavy version of "Live With
Me" follows and then the band
gives us two portraits of rock'n'
roll sirens. First comes another Berry




Inc. Civil E. (BS). Location: Indianapolis, Ind. December,
May graduates.

Oct 28.
Botany-Zoolog- y,
Chemistry, Microbiology, Public Health, Radio-TV-Fil(BS); Business Administration,
Economics (BS, MS). December, May

Oct 28. Schlumberger

WeU Service
Check schedule book for late information.



State Farm

Insurance-Comp- uter

Science, Mathematics,
Business Administration, Accounting,
(BS, MS); Law. Locations: NaUonwide. December graduates. Citizenship.
Oct. 28. Union Carbide
Division. Check schedule book
for late Information.
Ernst 8c Ernst Accounting, Business
Administration (BS,
MS). Locations: Kentucky, primarily
Louisville and Lexington. December.
May graduates. Citizenship.
Mead Johnson 8c Co.
Check schedule book for late nlfor-matio- n.

Oct 29 Aetna Life and Casualty.
Accounting, Business Admnistratlon,
Economics (BS). Locations:
May graduates.
Oct. 29. General Cable Corp.
Electrical E., Mechanical E., Metallurgical E. (BS. MS). Locations: Nationwide. December, May graduates.
Oct 29. Naval Ordnance Station.
Check schedule book for late information.
Oct. 29. Republic Steep Corp. Locations: Canton-Massilllo- n
area. December, May graduates. Accounting,
Business Administration
(BS); Chemical E.. Electrical E., Mechanical E.,
Metallurgical E.
Oct. 29. A. O. Smith Corp.
Agricultural E., Metallurgical E., Computer Science (BS); Mathematics (BS,
E.. Mechanical
MS); Electrical
(all degrees). Locations: Milwaukee,
Cleveland. Mt Sterling, Granite City,
Arlington Heights, Others. December,
May, August graduates. Citizenship.
Oct. 30. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Business Administration (BS, MS).
Locations: United States. December,
May graduates. Citizenship.
(ComBusiness Managemunity Colleges
ment Technology),
Oct. 30. Travelers Insurance Co.
English, History, Journalism. Political Science (US); Business Administration, Mathematics (BS, MS). Locations: United States, Canada. December, May graduates.
Oct. 30. Arthur Young 8c Co.
Check schedule book for late information.
Oct. 30. Atlanta Gas l ight Co.
Civil E., Electrical E.,
Mechanical E. (US) Location: Georgia.
May graduates. Citizenship.
Oct. 30. Avco Electronics Division.
Physics (BS); Electrical E., Mechanical E. (IIS, MS). IrfKatlon: Cincinnati.
May graduates. Citizenship.
Oct. 30. (Jeneral Foods Corp.
Locations: New Jersey, New York,
Indiana, Illinois. Michigan, etc. December, May graduates. Citizenship.
Electrical E., Mechanical E. (BS. MS).
Bualneas Administration,
Oct 30. Ohio Department of HighCivil K. (US, MS). Locations:
Ohio. December, Mayl graduates. Citizenship.
Oct. 30. KadlaUon. Inc.
schedule bona, for late Information.





The Enemy Within

Corruption, Inflation Could Ruin


Associated Press Writers
South Vietnam
that American troops are phasing out of
is not the same country they entered in
force five years ago.
A sudden, subtle and totally unexpected social revolution has changed the
face of the countryside. The water buffalo
is on the way out. Urbanization is the
way in. Already GO percent of South Vietnam's 18 million people live in cities,
compared with less than 40 percent when
the big troop buildup began.
The sound and stench of the motorbike, for better or for worse, are everywhere in the land, even in remote highland provinces where the roads six months
ago were impassable to an armored battalion.
Spreading pacification and soaring inflation have combined to bring prosperity
of a sort to a people w1k can hardly
remember what it's like not to live under
a wartime economy.
Television Antennas
The tiniest Delta village glitters with
rooftops of U.S. tin and is thickly forested
with television antennas. Two million dollars worth of tractors, mostly from Japan,
are sold every month in Vietnam.
A new; middle class of more than 250,000
skilled and semiskilled workers, trained
mostly by the American contractor firms
that give .Vietnam the finest deepwater

Urbanization outstrips
Vietnamization as tear ends'
ports and jet air fields in Asia, apprehensively eyes the future when all the
war contracts will be done.
Anew Mandarin class of civil servants,
pushed, into. democracy Western style, is.',
moving out into the villages and hamlets '
under the even more apprehensive eye of
the suddenly well-pf- f, farmer.
Can the new Vietnam, the one that the
Americans are leaving militarily, make it
on its own economically? Or will it fall
back, as fast as the troops pull back,
into its ancient Asian ways of collusion,
corruption and graft?
Inflation is the key to everything: the
rnain reasons for the peasant's unexpected
prosperity the main incentive to bribery
among public "servants whose salaries
seldom keep pace with the skyrocketing
piaster, the main reason why America
pays more than three times over legal
rate: 118 piasters to the dollar, black
market rate, around 400 for every yard
of dirt it puts iii a construction project,
for every import, salary, box of ammuni-- ,
tion it underwrites.

Economics Minister Pham Kim Ngoc
speaks openly of what almost everyone
at the U.S. Embassy concedes privately
that the American dollar will be needed
for a long, long time to shore up the Vietnamese economy.
Minister Ngoc points out that the national budget for 1971, the first year of
Vietnamization, will be 300 billion piasters, more than double last year's budget.-

Of this, he said, 180 billion will have
to come from taxes "and the rest from the
printing press," meaning deficit spending underwritten by Uncle Sam.
But this plainly is an optimistic view
of how much of the tab the Vietnamese
will be able to pick up.
Tax Collection
A senior American official, just below
ambassadorial level, admits that the Vietnamese government collects virtually no
taxes in the lush Mekong Delta, where
the Viet Cong tax collector had his greatest success.
The same official says corruption in
the past year has become so "widespread
and disorganized" that outside investors,
especially American firms, prefer to locate
in Bangkok.
The rush to convert the shaky piaster
into hard goods has lined the sidewalks
of Saigon three deep with parked motorbikes, littered the streets with thousands
of stalls selling smuggled and black market luxury goods ranging from TV sets
and toasters to ice buckets and toy telephones. With peasants and refugees flocktl
ing in from the countryside, the
French colonial capital is a nightmare of congestion, smog and dangerous
noise levels.
Other cities Can Tho, DaNang, Long
Xuyeri, Qui Nhon have had similar but
less dramatic population explosions. Almost uimoticed, the urbanization of Vietnam followed the pattern of the war and
eventually the slow progress of pacifica;.
Dependents followed their ARVN soldiers to new outposts, whole hamlets and
villages moved on to secure areas to escape the fighting areas, others were moved
by the government away from free fire
zones, whole families moved from the
paddies and the highlands to the cities
in search of money, jobs, security.
Attitude Change
In 19G5, when Vietnam seemed in
danger of collapsing as province towns
in the highlands fell one after another,
winning the loyalty of the peasantry
was deemed essential to the survival
of the country.
But after the Tet fighting in 19GS,
when the peasant failed to heed the
Viet Cong's call for a general uprising
even if he still remained aloof toward




Crossing from the United
States into Canada or Mexico is
perhaps the easiest step in a fu-

gitive's journey, government

sources say, because of hundreds
of miles of borders guarded by
only l.GOO Customs and Immigration officers.
For those on the radical left,
the sources say, a sort of informal underground railroad exists.
It is believed Cleaver and Leary
used such a pipeline.
For fugitives wlose political
views might not mesh with those

'Corruption is so widespread
that industries now prefer
to locate in Bangkok9

"What has been needed all along,"
says Gerald Hickey, urbanologist for the
Rand Corp., "is not some futuristic plan
for winning minds and hearts to democracy but some solid, interim planning for
taking care of what is happening now in
Vietnam as the war winds down. Urbanization of society is rushing ahead
of Vietnamization of the war.
The angry uprising of the disabled
war veterans from their squattertown shanties in recent months may augur future
discontent as the big civilian payrolls
begin to run out and the bubble bursts
for the newly skilled middle class.
.'Mighty Headache'
' What makes, us think
"We've left this country a vast resource
and a might)' headache," said RMK-BR- J
we9ll be out of Asia
general manager John B. Kirkpatrick
of the 200,000 Vietnamese his construction
before the year 2000?9
consortium has trained in skills ranging
from stock clerks and plumbers to dredge
aged by prohibitively high import licenses
operators, draftsmen and computer proon machines and raw materials needed
to sustain a business, confusing laws, a
"They could form the basis for a bright
burdepsome, corrupt bureaucracy that sur- industrial future, if industries come alongt
vives'on ".speed money' a 'government
or they", could be the power base for a ' attitude of distrust of all
foreigners and,
disgruntled, unemployed .middle class." . most disheartening of all, the unrealisti- -'
So far; industries have, not come flocktally pegged price of the piaster, which
ing into Vietnam, except for the contract
triples the cost of labor and materials
firms directly paid by the United States,
and prices their products out of the market.
but as security increases and the war subSurprisingly, as the dark economic
the natural wealth of Vietnam and
clouds of disengagement gather, the farmitswargained ports and airfields are drawer rides high above it all on his own
ing interest.
inflationary carpet.
'Luxurious War'
Whether the piaster continues
Double cropping in the Delta, the new or hits the bottom, it will be Uncle
Sam waiting at the trampoline. Barring
miracle strains of rice, the largely untapped fishing ami timber resources are another social revolution or an even more
all on the plus side for the future, but
unlikely full military solution, there is
taken all together under the most opno other reading available from American
timistic forecasts they can never sustain or Vietnamese sources of the economic
Vietnamization nor absorb the manpower
"We're not out of Europe yet, a