xt7z610vtf0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vtf0h/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; the National Archives and Louisana State University, Cooperating Sponsors; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.), University of New Orleans; iii, 21 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.8/23 books English New Orleans: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series VIII The Department of the Interior, Number 23 Mississippi text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series VIII The Department of the Interior, Number 23 Mississippi 1941 1941 2015 true xt7z610vtf0h section xt7z610vtf0h ‘ > III I'I'II”7III°III‘E"I ~¤~Y ; I I IIII IIIII I II IIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII»IIII · I EI EI'-IE5 LIEEIBHLIB D I I I I INVENTORY OI FII r‘r“ r“r r ra I~»~ I IEIDEIIAL AIIOFI II/;;I I Yai? I I i I I IN me STATES I I I I SEIPNIESVIII, I I · N - , N N Q I THE DbI’P\R.TI*’IENI OI IHE INTERIOR 2 - ,. , I NO L3. I IN _, — MISSISSIPPI I ~, :· · ` I I O U" U I = I I1 I I ‘ I E I SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES I; WORK PROJECTS ADIIIINISTRATION DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE PROJECTS ~ I NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Y » .1/‘ . ` . » · ‘“ . ’ / / ` ¥ i i < 1 § 3 3 1 Q . t · 1 é 4Q , _ , Y _ *_”_m __ _A__, , INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Professional and Service Projects ` _ 1 Work Projects Administration The National Archives and Louisiana State University Cooperating Sponsors SERIES VIII, THE DEPARTWENT OF THE INTERIOR No. 23. MISSISSIPPI New Orleans, Louisiana The Survey of Federal Archives 1941 in The Survey of Federal Archives tp Philip M. Hamer, National Director y Stanley C. Arthur, Regional Director for g` Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and ¥~ Tennessee f George E. Schilling, State Supervisor A 2 1 Y} Division of Professional and Service Projects 'E Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner $ Ethel Payne, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADWINISTRATION Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner V Roland B, Wall, State Administrator · P £ 1 ri; ii PREFACE The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation~wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January l, 1956 to June 50, 1957, and has been continued in Mississippi since that date as a state project of that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, ac- knowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory , form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government, Within each series No. l is a general intro- duction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, in- clusive dates ("tc date" indicating an open file at the time the in- formation was secured), general description of informational content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satis- factory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was ab- stracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives, When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In Wississippi the work of the Survey was under the direction of Mr. Stanley C. Arthur, regional director for Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee, with Nr. George E, Schilling as state supervisor, until June 50, 1957. From that time until April 1959, lk. Schilling was in charge of the state project. This Inventory of the records of the Department of the Interior in Mississippi was pre- pared in the New Orleans office of the Survey under the direction of Mrs. Norris Fazekas, editor—in—chief and assistant state supervisor, and was edited by Oliver`W, Holmes, Chief, Division of Interior De- partment Archives of The National Archives. Stanley C, Arthur, Regional Director Survey of Federal Archives for New Orleans, Louisiana Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana March 24, 1941 and Tennessee iii CONTENTS S Page THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE l Jackson Office of the Surveyor General, Mississippi District • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Aberdeen Water Resources Branch (Southern Division) . . . . . 10 Office of the Observer . . . . . ..... . . . 10 THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Jackson Branch of Historic Sites and Buildings . ...... 11 Office of Resident Historian .......... ll Branch of Planning and State Cooperation (Regional Office) . . . . . . . . . ll Vicksburg National Cemetery .... . ...... . .... . l2 Office of Custodian .... . .... . . . . . 12 National Military Park . ........... . . . 15 Office of the Superintendent . . . . ..... . 15 THE OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Philadelphia Choctaw Indian Agency .............. . 2O Office of the Superintendent . . ....... . 20 1 THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE _ JACKSON OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR GENERAL, M SSISSIPP1 DISTRICT New State Capitol A surveying district for the area "South of Tennessee" was estab- A lished by an Act of Congress approved March 5, 1805 (Stat. L., II, 229). » This district embraced the present states of Alabama and Mississippi, and by an Act of March 2, 1805, was extended to include the Territory of Orleans. The first Surveyor General for this district was Isaac Briggs (1805-1807) who established his office at Washington (near Natchez), Mississippi. His successors were Seth Pease (1807-1820) and Thomas Freeman (1820-1822). In 1817, during Pease's incumbency, the name was changed to the Mississippi District, and by Act of April 20, 1818, Alabama was made a separate district. The Mississippi District apparently inherited most of the records of the district “South of Tennessee,“ and when the Surveyor Genera1's Office for the Mississippi district was closed, October 51, 1849, all records in its custody were delivered over to the state authorities, They are at present in the custody of the State Land Com issicner, subject, how- ever, to inspection by the Federal Government. All records listed below relate to the surveys of lands and not to their sale or other disposition. The records of the disposition of the public domain in Mississippi were transmitted to the General Land Office in`Washington when, in 1925, the last local land office in I Mississippi (located at Jackson), was closed. They have not been re- turned to Mississippi because the state legislature refused to appro- priate money to cover the cost of transportation. 1, CORRESPONDENCE COPY BOOK, 1805 - 1815. Manuscript copy of cor- respondence of Surveyors General in Mississippi and Louisiana with the Secretary of Treasury and others. (Never.) ll x 15 bound vols., 1 in., in steel drawer. Brittle, torn, damaged by careless handling, bindings broken, and yellow with age. R. 114. (62) ‘ 2. CLAIMS EAST OF PEARL RIVER IN MISSISSIPPI, RECORDS OF, 1805 - 1827. Book C, original U. S. Surveyors’ plats and grants, pages 1-585. Indexed. (Never.) 15 x 19 bound vol., 2 in., on steel roller shelf. Damaged by careless handling. R. 114. (44) 3, FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1805 — 1852. Book 19, for districts east of Pearl River, east and west of U, S, Commissioners swamp lands, and counties and township maps, pages l-580, 1-5 mutilated and torn, 85 pages missing. (Rarely, official.) 17 x 19 notebook and maps, 2 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) Q General Land Office, Jackson 2 4. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1805 - 1846. Book 88, with plats or maps of U. S, Public Lands South of Tennessee in state of ` Mississippi, Choctaw Cession. (Occasionally, official.) 5 x 7% and 6%·x 8 books, plats, and maps, c. 2 ft., in bin. Ink faded. R. 114. ( @7) 5. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1805 - 1876. Choctaw Cessicn for territory south of Tennessee in Mississippi. (Occasionally, of- ficial.) Variously sized notebooks, c. 2 ft. 6 in., in bin 68. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) 6. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYOR, 1806 — 1821. Original field notes covering various sections of the state, especially the south- ern and southwestern parts. (Occasionally, official.) 6 x 8 leaves riveted together, 10 in., in bin 76 cf steel cabinet. R. 114. (55) 7. FIELD NOTES, MAPS, AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1806 — 1852. Book 21, for district east of Pearl River, U. S, Commissioners swamp lands, pages 1-528, é of page 1 missing, also contains county map?. (§cr;;y,‘c£ficia1.)d 17%bx 19 notebook, gé in,,don stieé roller she f. ri e, orn bin ing roken ink fade and amage y care- less handling and faulty containers. ,R. 114. (58) 8. FIELD NOTES OF OLD CLAIM RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1806 - 1852. Book 25, district east of Pearl River north of 50 1atitude,‘ U, S, Commissioner of swamp lands, pages 1-455. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 17 x l9%~notebook, 2 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) . 9. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYOrS, 1806 - 1844. Of Choctaw Ces- sion south of Tennessee in state of Mississippi. Indexed. (Occa- sionally, official.) 8% x 15 index, 4i x 10 folded plats, and 6 5/4 x 8 notebooks, c. 5 ft., in bin 82. Ink faded. R, 114. (57) 10. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1806 - 1845. Choctaw Ces— sion, for east of Pearl River and private claims and list of claim- ants on Island Petit Bois. (Occasionally, official.) 10% x 10% notebooks, c. l ft. é in., in bin 100. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) 11. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1808 - 1854. Territory south of Tennessee in Mississippi. (Occasionally, official.) 6%-x 10% notebooks, c. 1 ft. 6 in., in bin 74. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) 12. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1808 — 1849. Book 85, of survey of public lands south of Tennessee in state of Mississippi. (Occasionally, official.) 5 x 7% and 6% x 8 notebooks, c. 1 ft., in bin. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) 15. TOWNSHIP MAPS, WEST OF BASIS UERIDIAN, CEOCTAW DISTRICT, 1809 - 1851. Book 2 maps and charts. (Rarely official.) 17 x 22%·bound vol.,,2 in., on steel roller shelf. Dimaged by care- ~ less handling and binding broken, R. 114. (40) V 1; General Land Office, Jackson 5 I 14. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS WITH MAPS, 1809 - 1857. Copy of original maps of land grants to individuals, original survey made by Spanish Government January 21, 1788. This copy made by John C. Turner, U. S. Deputy Surveyor, Feb. 5, 1851, also contains copy of ` original claim of 1200 acres of John Burnett, Jr., from Spanish Government July 8, 1810. (Rarely, official.) 8% x 10 folders and bound vols., 1 in., in steel lock bin 85. Torn, bindings broken, ink faded, brittle, and damaged by careless handling. R. 114. (59) 1 15. FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1809 - 1841. Book 18, for east district, west of Pearl River, pages 1-452. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 17% x 19% notebook, 2% in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R, 114. (58) 16. CERTIFICATES FROM BOARD OF UNITED STATES C0WNISSI0NER,1VEST OF PEARL RIVER I0 SURVEY LANDS FOR INDIVIDUALS IN CITY OF NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI, Nar. 15, 1810. U. S. Surveyors' notes and maps of sur- vey for individuals who evidently had land patents and wanted the original survey checked and verified, certificates numbered B-6, 7, 8, 11, 19, 58, 49, and 50. (Rarely, official.) 5 x 8 folders, é in., in steel locker bin 85. R. 114. (45) 17. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1810 - 1852. Book 22, for district east of Pearl River, north of 51 latitude west, U. S. Conv missioner's swamp land, pages 1-595. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 17 x 19 notebook, 2% in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) 18. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1810 - 1844. For territory south of Tennessee in state of Mississippi, Choctaw Cession; Field Notebook 46, showing Choctaw boundary from Black Creek to Arkansas with interesting log or diary in connection with survey notes. (Occasionally, official.) Variously sized notebooks, c. 1 ft. 6 in., in bin 65. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) 19. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1820 - 1846. Book 25, east of Pearl River, south of 51 latitude, pages 1-505 with some blank. ( Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 17 x 22% notebook, 2 in., on steel Y roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) 20. CLAIMS EAST OF PEARL RIVER IN MISSISSIPPI, RECORD OF, 1820 - 1848. Bock A, records of claims east of Pearl River in Mississippi, original grants, pages not numbered. Indexed. (Never.) 17 x 20 bound vol., 2% in., on steel roller shelf. Damaged by careless 1 h8.I1d].:1.1'lg• R• 21. FIELD NOTES AND PLATS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1821 - 1825. Town- ships and ranges east of Choctaw District, pages l-557, 19 and 20 ( missing. (Rarely, official.) 16%-x 19 notebook and plats, 2 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, scattered, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers, R. 114. (es) ‘ _ lég General Land Office, Jackson 4 FE Eff 22. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1821 - 1825. Rook 1, origi- @1 nal, Choctaw District, west of Pearl River, townships 1-15, ranges QQ _,» 1-6 west, pages 558-649. (Rarely, official.) 16%·x 21% notebook, _ QQ 2 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink Mf faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (se) ¥g 25. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1821 - 1827. Book 56, for 11% Choctaw District, townships 1-15, ranges 1-2 west, pages 1-568. }pj Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 15 x 19 notebook, 2% in., on steel £{’ roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged }§_ by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) 1* {NY 24. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1821; 1825 - 1855. Pertain- SN ing to Choctaw Cession, territory south of Tennessee in state of QE Mississippi, west boundary of old Chickasaw boundary of 1821. (Oc- [J casionally, official.) 7 x 8 paper-back notebooks,1 in., in steel 1f` bins with lock. Brittle, bindings broken and ink faded. R. 114. <56> 1, if 25. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1821 - 1844. Choctaw Ces- yf sion, south of Tennessee in Mississippi. (Occasionally, official.) fl 10% x 10% notebooks, c. 1 ft. é in., in locker bin 69. R. 114. (57) i 26. FIELD NOTE RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1821 - 1846. Book 24, é for district east of Pearl River, south of latitude 51 west, U, S, § Commissioners swamp lands, pages 1-487, 590-405 blank. (Rarely, of- ft ficial.) 17%-x 19E notebook, 2é·in., on steel roller shelf. Brit- pi tle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless hand- l§ ling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) 3% 27. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1825 - 1845. With maps of Qg Choctaw Tession, south of Tennessee in Mississippi. Indexed. (Oc- YE casionally, official.) 10% x 10% notebooks, c. 1 ft. 4 in., in bin Vs. Ink raced. R. 114. (sv) ti 28. JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF U. S. COMMISSIONERS WITH CHICKASAW ii, NATION, Oct. 15 - Nov. 8, 1826, Unbound manuscript copy of attempted J} treaty between the United States Government represented by Thomas §€ Hinds and John Coffee and the Chickasaw Indians represented by Levi °§ Colbert, Em-mubbic, J. NcC1ish, Nartin Colbert, and others. (Never.) k 8 x 15 bundle, 1/8 in., in steel drawer. R. 114. (68) id 29. JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS WITH CHOCTAW INDIANS, Nov. 10 - § Nov. 16, 1826. Unbound manuscript copy of attempted treaty between ti the United States Government represented by Thomas Hinds, William iQ; Clark, and John Coffee and the Choctaw nation represented by General ,5 Hummingbird, Nittuckacchee, John Garland, J. J. Pichelyn, Israel 1. Folsom, J. L. McDonald and others. (Never.) 8 x 15 bundle, l/8 in., Q in steel drawer. R. 114. (67) Qi 50. RECORD OF CLAIMS EAST OF PEARL RIVER IN UISSISSIPPI, 1827 — 1; 1851. Book B, original maps and record of claims in Mississippi, ]# basis meridian and Mobile, Ala., pages 1-58 west of basis meridian, t2Z = lg General Land Office, Jackson 5 3, pages 112-115 (blank), pages 59-111, city of Mobile, Ala. Indexed. ly (Never.) 12 x 17% bound vol., 1% in., on steel roller shelf. Dam- §* aged by careless handling, R, 114, (44) _ gi 51. CORRESPONDENCE COPY BOOK, Apr. 4, 1828 - Jan. 7, 1859. Manu- § script copy of correspondence of surveyors general in Jackson, Miss., gl and the commissioners of the General Land Office in Washington, U. C., §» concerning lack of system in keeping records, policy of many surveyors Q general in carrying off records when dismissed, settlements of claims, g` corrections of errors in reports, circulars, salary delays, vouchers, i § living expenses of period in Mississippi, and low value of Mississippi Q bank specie. (Never.) 9% x 15 bound vol., 1% in., in steel drawer. E Torn and brittle. R. lla, (69) -§ 52. FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1829 - 1849. Book § 20, for district west of Pearl River, pages 7-679, 447-488 blank. _? Volume index. (Rarely, official.) 17; x 20% notebook, 2% in., on ;y steel roller shelf, Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and ,_§ damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) M 5 E 55. NAP OF SURVEY, Feb, 5, 1851. Of land grants issued by Spanish E Government in 1795. (Occasionally, official.) 10% x 10% map, c. 5 § in., in pasteboard box, R, 114. (57) l E 54. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1851 - 1852. Books 25, 86, { and 92, of survey of public lands south of Tennessee, in Mississippi. 5 (Occasionally. official.) 6 5/4 x 8% and 8 x 12% notebooks, c. 2 ft., é in bin. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) jg; s % 55. FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1851 — 1854. § Book 5, Choctaw Cession, east of basis meridian, pages 1-451. (Rarely, EQ official.) 17 x 19% notebook, 2 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, 1;% torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and ,F faulty containers. R. 114. (58) gi 56. FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1851 - 1854. ;5 Book 7, Choctaw Cession, pages 1-590. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) f` 17 x 19% notebook, 2 in., on steel roller shelf, Brittle, torn, bind- Q_ ing broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty ~£) containers. R. 114. (58) `§ 57, FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1851 - 1855. Q g Book 7, U. S. Commissioner swamp lands, pages 1-557, 460-482 blank. 1 Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 17 x 19; notebook, 2g in., on Steel I E roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged fz? by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) i 58. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1851 - 1859. Book 90, Choc- R taw Cession, in territory south of Tennessee in state of Mississippi. 1 NV (Occasionally, official.) 6 x 10 and 7% x 9 notebooks, 6 in., in iv bin. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) gi 59, FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1852 - 1857, Of township ii and interior section lines, E. basis meridian, south of Tennessee in l;§ (wg General Land Office, Jackson 6 W §h Uississippi, some contain maps, applications for, and applications p issued. (Occasionally, official.) 10% x 10% notebooks, c. l ft. »yI %~in., in locker bin 64. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) .1%. I § 40. FIELD NOTE RECORDS OF U. 3. SURVEYORS, 1852 - 1841. Book 5, Q1 Choctaw Cession, ranges 1-4 east, pages 1-557, 17-125 blank. Indexed. Q (Rarely, official.) 17 x 19 notebook, 2§·in., on steel roller shelf. g. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless gr handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) Q 41. FIELD NOTE REOORDS OF U. 8. SURVEYORS, 1852 - 1854, and 1844. 3 For Chickasaw District T. S. 1-20 range 16 east pages 1-206 and pi 207-427 containing record of township 9, range 7’west, east of Pearl g River. Basis line Choctaw District, also township 5, range 18. Re- g survey intersection lines of township 18, range 16, east of basis 1 meridian, made in the fourth quarter 1844, township 1, range 18 east g of basis line of Choctaw District was re-surveyed July 25 and 26, % 1809. (Rarely, official.) 5 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, p torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling l and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) l 42. FIELD NOTE RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1854. Rook 8, é Choctaw Cession, U. 3. Commissioner of swamp lands, ranges 15-14 east, { pages 1-422. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 17 x 19% notebook, 2 in., g on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and 1Q damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) i 45. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1854. Book 26, basis pd meridian, in state of Mississippi, Choctaw Cession, pages 1-494. Q Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 12 x 17% notebook, 2% in., on steel ll roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged Qyi by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) li “§ 44. FIELD NOTES JF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1855. Of interior gf district lines, Choctaw Cession, basis meridian, (Rarely, official.) l§ Loose leaves, 2 in., on steel roller shelf. Torn, brittle, scattered, ,§ ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. s. 114. (ss) g 45. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1855. On interior sec- ? tion lines of Choctaw Cession, south of state of Tennessee in Q Mississippi, pages 1-428. (Rarely, official.) 15 x 17%-notebook, § 2% in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink R faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. g; R. 114. (ss) Q 46. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVsYORS, 1855 — 1855. Book 50, interior F; section lines east of base of Choctaw Cession, township 1-17, ranges fi 5-4 east pages 1-629, 656-659 torn and missing. (Rarely, official.) Et 17%-x 22% notebook, 5 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, fi binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty {Y containers. R. 114. (58) n t {Y:) rr . Qé General Land Office, Jackson 7 w i jg 47. FIELD NOTE RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1855. Book 52, ff Chickasaw Cession, east of Chickasaw base line, surveyor's office, (QQ Pontotoc, certifying to transverse boundary, Tennessee line between §{ Tennessee and Mississippi, pages 1-626. Indexed, (Rarely, official.) @1 15 x 17% notebook, 5 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, bind- yai ing broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty ,Q4 containers. R. 114. (58) f* 48. FIELD NOTE RECORD BOOK OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1857. For fp state of Mississippi, Choctaw Cession, interior section lines, S90- 5% tions l-10, range 8-15 west, pages l-616. (Rarely, official.) ,fy 15 x 17%·notebook, 2 5/4 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, tern, lif binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and y§¤ faulty containers. R. 114. (58) § 49. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1857. Book 28, east Q, of Choctaw Cession, base interior, section lines, townships 1-16, Ia, ranges 1-2 east, pages 1-544. (Rarely, official.) 12% X 17% n°tO“ ¥» book, 5 in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding broken, ji ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (ss) ple 50. FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1859. @1 Book 29, Chickasaw Session, west of Chickasaw base line and notes of V interior section lines, pages 4-566, 577~428 missing, (Rarely, of- } ficial.) 15 x 17Q-rotebook, 5 in., on steel roller shelf. BFibb19, 3 torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and yi? faulty containers. R. 114. (58) ll? 51. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1845. Book 17, re- 1% cords of Choctaw Cossion.west, pages l·605. (Rarely, official.) YQ; 11% X 16 notebook, ?§~in., on steel roller shelf. brittle, torn, §' binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and sanity cmntainers. R. 114. (se) IK 52. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1844. Book 6, records, dY Choctaw Cession, of U. S. Jommission, swamp and overflow lands east C of Pearl River, pages 1-558. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 17 X 19 `W notebook, 2%·in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, binding ¥ broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty con- gfr tainers. R. 114. (58) il` 55. FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. 5. SURVEYORS, 1854 — 1855. llfl Book 54, for Chickasaw Cession, of interior section lines, ranges 5-8 [i’ west, sections 1-12 west, pages not numbered. (Rarely, official.) ;f“ 12 X 17 notebook, 2% in., on steel roller shelf. Brittle, torn, lfl IIII binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by careless handling and faulty i1' containers. R. 114. (58) we ll) 54. MAP OF LINE DIVIDING CHICVASMN AND CHOCTAW CESSIONS OF U. S. *1, SURVEYORS, 1858. (Rarely, historical.) 6 x 9 2/5 roll, 1; in., on {ff steel roller. R. 114. (41) 1 2 Q4 General Land Office, Jackson 8 : fl lpj 55, MAP 0F BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN STATES OF TENNESSEE AND QQ MISSISSIPPI. U- S· SURVEYORS, 1857. Showing townships and ranges. jd (Rarely, official.) 10% x 68%-roll, 2 in., in steel drawer. Brit- Ylf tle and torn. R. 114. (42) ipe 56. CORRESPONDCNCE COPY BOOK, 1841 - 1845. Journal of correspon- llj dence divided by years from commissioner of General Land Office and $3Q others to surveyor general at Jackson, Miss., showing that surveyors ’§g general were engaged in mddng re-surveys, settling claims, and check- jjf ing funds expended. (Never,) 8 x 12 bound vol., l in., in steel YQ; drawer. R. 114. (56) lil ».` 57, FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1841 - 1844. Book 95, sur- pgf vey of public lands south of Tennessee in state of Mississippi, Choc- Jpl taw Cessiun. (Occasionally, official.) 7 x 10 notebook, c. 5 in., jf_ in bin. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) Ai 58. U. S. LAND GRANTS AND PATENTS TO STATE OF NISSISSIPPI ON ST. pyi STEPHENS, WASHINGTON, AND CHOCTAW MERIDIANS, MISCELLANEOUS, 1842 - lt, 1909, Records of swamp and overflow lands conveyed to the state of `fll Mississippi and subject to disposal by Mississippi legislature. ,f‘ (Rarely, official.) 18%-x 24% loose-leaf books, 10 in., on closed steel roller Sheives. R. 114. (47) IQ, 59. U. S. LAND GRANTS AND PATENTS TO MISSISSIPPI FOR SCHOOL PUR- ily POSES IN CHICKASAW AND CHOCTAW CESSIONS, June 1845 - Feb. 1895; Nar. 1L' 1897 — Feb. 1899. List 4-207 of lands granted to Mississippi within 7%% Choctaw Cessiono in lieu of Act June 15, 1842; copies of land grants ;£V and patents to Mississippi for Industrial Institute College for white (fl girls, Feb. 4, 1899, Choctaw Cession, 21,920.32 acres; copy of land wl grants and patents to Mississippi, Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical I? College for colored people, Choctaw Cession, Mar. 4, 1897, 22,228.50 §}Y acres; list 2 of selections of lands and patents accepted by Idb Mississippi, granted by U. S. Government Feb. 20, 1895; Agricultural ld- and lbchanical College for white people, Choctaw Cessicn, 22,809.80 (@1 acres; list of Chickasaw School Lands granted Mississippi under Act IS} of Congress, June 15, 1842, by sections, townships and ranges, with ng, dates of location, 1842 - 1844, pages not numbered. (Rarely, offi- ISY cial.) 12 x 18 and 18 x 22 loose-leaf books, 1 in., on covered lj steel roller shelf. R. 114. (46) if§Q 60. FIELD NOTES OF U. S. SURVEYORS, 1855 - 1858. On swamp lands IQYI granted to state of Mississippi by Act of Congress, Sept. 28, 1850 IF' with council proceedings between Choctaw Indians and U. S. Commis- g§f sioners, 1826, (Occasionally, official.) Sitx 14% and 10% X 10% pif notebooks, 1 ft. é-in., in bin 101. Ink faded. R. 114. (57) $I° 61. PLATS AND GRANTS OF GULF AND SHIP ISLAND RAILROAD, WASHINGTON tdé NERIDIAN, NISCELLANEOUS, 1895 - 1915, with the following years miss- iff ing; 1894, 1896, 1898, 1905, 1905, and 1912. Grant list pumberp 1-12 E;‘ `(I" approved with 5-7 and 9 missing. (Rarely, official.) 18; x 245 Ido loose-leaf books, 10 in., on steel roller shelf. R. 114. (48) Ii; {3* ;,g Qgg 55- if N Q L Y. KQ General Land Office, Jackson 9 ( wi daz. FIELD NOTES AND RECORDS OF U. S. SURVEYORS, n. o. Book 15, jd Choctaw Cessicn of U. S. Commissioners* swam lands, pages l-550. (Q; (Rarely, official.) 17 x 19% notebook, 2 5/E in., on steel roller Q Q shelf, Brittle, torn, binding broken, ink faded, and damaged by IQQ careless handling and faulty containers, R, 114, (58) w ig 55, FIELD NOTES OF U. s. SURVEYORS, n. d. or boundary lines be- · f: tween Choctaw and Chickasaw Cessions. (Rarely, official.) l in., on R32 steel roller shelf. Brittle, tern, binding broken, ink faded, and fi; damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 114. (58) 64. MAPS ARD CHARTS OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTIES, U. s. SURVDYORS, n.d. }j* For Augusta District, Choctaw Cession, Indexed as to township and {fl ranges. (Frequently, Official.) 15% x 17 bound vols, (2), 2 in., on E, steel roller Shelf in filing case. Damaged by careless handling. R. 114. (as) +3 15 * W-I °~ vi » i i i WIS z? # 10 li 'IIIE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Ixg ABBRDEEN I if _~_“-—-— Ia ; ig§ WATER RESOURCES BRANCH, (SOUTHERN DIVISION) VN? ·N_ Office of the Observer IQ; North Franklin Street I;) This office of the Observer for the Southern Division River Gage §Qj observation station was established about 1890 and was located in gui the residence of O. L. McKay, observer, until 1900, when it was moved {QE to the residence of L. D. Godse observer where it remained until ( , .,, Y! I lg? 1914. Since 1914 the office has been located at the residence of the rji ` present observer on North Franklin Avenue. A record is kept of the {df river gage readings, taken twice daily, accompanied by reports show- tgi ing change in last twenty-four hours, amount of precipitation for the {TQ preceding twenty—four hours, amount of snowfall, and weather condi- ily; tions. Copies of reports mailed daily, weekly, and monthly to wpf Washington, are retained on file in this office, 65. RECORD OE DAILY RIVER, GAGE, 1890 - 1956. Reports or daily Ida a e of rise and fall of water. Filed as official record. (Never.) (F E E éjg 4 x 6 and 8 x 10 bound vols. and bundles, 2 ft., in.wooden box, {ij Dirty and damaged by careless handling. Spratt residence. (46) &’ IT `; iQ *£; ucd I I tix I is y it I? A v; { M I; if rpg THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE di =`‘ ii i M ; Tz é V asian {Bj BRANCH OF HISTORIC SITES AND BUILDINGS §j Office of Resident Historian I}? Tower Bldg., corner S. Roach and W. Pearl Sts. pig This field office of the National Park Service, Branch of Historic gg Sites and Buildings, was established in January 1956, and has occu- id pied quarters in its present location since its inception. However, if preliminary surveys for the Natchez Trace Parkway were begun in ign January 1955, but only temporary headquarters were maintained at IE} places convenient for the surveyors, Associated with this office in ]fQ the Natchez Trace Parkway project, are the