xt7z610vth2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vth2s/data/mets.xml Rhode Island Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects. National Archives (U.S.) 1938 iii, 37 leaves; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number  Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.2/no.38 books English Providence, R.I.: National Archives Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Rhode Island Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Justice -- Archives -- Catalogs Courts -- Rhode Island -- Catalogs Archives -- Rhode Island -- Catalogs Public records -- Rhode Island Rhode Island -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series II. The Federal Courts: No. 38, Rhode Island, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series II. The Federal Courts: No. 38, Rhode Island, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7z610vth2s section xt7z610vth2s \\. M 31:3???{'“i’i‘ifT‘vT‘d‘J‘FT‘
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. ( Prepared by
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g The National Archives Froject
E Division of Women's and Professional Projects
‘ Works Progress Administration
5 The National Archives
3 Cooperating Sponsor
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_ 3
Providence, Rhode Island
,‘ The National Archives Rroject
;, 1938

The EEXEEEQEX“Q§_F?d§£§l_§££hl1§§_in the_§tat§§ is one of the nroducts
of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which onerated as a nation-
wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to
June 30, 1917, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the
Pistorical Records Survey, also operating as a nation-wide nroject of the
Works Progress kdministration, and a group of state or local projects of
~ that Administration. '
‘ The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as fOIIOWs: Series
I consists of resorts on the administration of the Survey, acVnowledgments.
and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal
archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information
secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a senarate series num—
ber being assigned to each of the executive denartments (excent the Desert-
ment of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within
each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and

. records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers con—
tain the inventory nrorer, senarete numbers being assigned to each state
in alohabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is
Yo. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for flrkansas No. 4, etc.

For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of re—

. lated records, is nresented in the following order: title, inclusive dates
("to date" indicating an oven file at the time the information was securcdh
general description of informational content, descriotion of the system of
filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frecuency and purnose of use,
form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.}, linear .

- footage, description of the containers, nhvsical condition of the records
(not stated if satisfactorv), location by room number or other identifying
information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this infor—
mation was originally recorded by a Survey uyorker and from which it was ab—
stracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives.
When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not

, been included in the mimeogranhed abstract, indication of this is given by
use of the reference "See addenda."

In Rhode Island the work of the Survev was under the direction of Mr.

' Torman L. Kilnatrick, with Mr. R. A. McLeod as his assistant from its in~
caption until June 6, 1957. Since that date Mr. Moleod has been in charge
of the project. This inventory of the records of the federal courts in
Rhode Island was prepared in the Frovidence office of the Survey and was
edited before final tynins by Dr. G. Philip Bauer of the Division of Re-
search of The National Archives.

R. A. McLeod, Btate Sunervisor

, Providence, Rhode Island The National firchives Project

April 18, 1938 in Rhode Island

District of Rhode Island
Providence _
Clerk ................................................... l
Referee in Bankruptcy ................................... SC
United States Commissioner .............................. ZZ
Probation and Parole Officer ............................ "Z

Federal Bldg., Exchange Place
Old Circuit Court Records

On December 4, 1790 the circuit court for the district of Rhode Island
met for the first time, with Chief Justice Jay of the United States Su-
preme Court presiding. From that date until the year 1867 this court sat
alternately at Providence and Newport. Thereafter its two annual terms
were held at Providence.

On January 1, 1912 this court went out of existence and all pending
cases were transferred to the district court. .

1. MINUTE BOOKS OF CIRCUIT COURT, Dec. 1790 — Nov. 1821; June 1894 —
, Dec. 30, 1911. Record of dated entries shOWS period covered, court day
number, names of judge or judges present, parties appearing before court,
Witnesses to Signatures, and of court clerk, record of appointment of
clerk, of bond offered with names of sureties and nature of oaths ad-
Ministered; list of petit and grand jurors, number of days served and
mileage allowance, and nature of other business before court. Records
from 1821 — 1895 are continued as "Docket and Minute Books." (Never.)
9 x 14 vols. (6) and loose-leaf books (3), 1 ft. 9 in., on steel shelf.
- Vault off R. 3-04. (54.4)

2. MINUTE BOOK, Dec. 1790 - June 1804. Record of dated entries show
period covered, court day number, names of judge or judges present, par-
ties appearing before court, witnesses to signatures, and court clerk,
records of proceedings and of bonds offered with names of sureties, and
nature of oath administered; list of petit and grand jurors with days
served and miles traveled, and nature of any other business before court.

‘ Notation in front of book, "the entries in this book are apparently cop—
ies from.two volumes serving entries from Dec. term 1790 to June term

, 1807, signed Thomas Hope, Clerk, U. S. District Court, Mar. 3, 1922."
(Never.) 9 x 14 vol., 1% in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (6503)

3. JOURNAL, Dec. 1, 1906 - Apr. 12, 1912. Entries of equity and law
cases showing date of entry, case number, names of plaintiff and defend—
ant, and fees received and paid. (Never.) 8% x 14 vol., 1 in., in wooden
box on steel shelf. vault off R. 304. (361)


4. ORDER BOOK Nov. 1849 - Sent. 1862. Record showing names of nlain-
tiff and defendant in case, number of case, dates of filing, appearance,
and filing of answer. (Never.) 8 x 13% vol., 2 in., on steel shelf. Vault
off R. 304. (541)

5, DOCKETS, Dec. 1790 — Nov. 1821; June 1894 — June 1898. Record of ens
tries for each case that comes before court during term shOWS period covered,
case number, names of plaintiff, respondent, and attorneys, and notations as
to disposition. Records from 1821 — 1894 are listed as Docket and Minute
Books. (Never.) 9 x 14 vols and loose—leaf books, 4 in., on steel shelf.
Vault off 3. 5504. (545)

5. DOCKET AND MINUTE BOOKS, June 1822 — Nov. 1893. Record of dated en—
tries, shows neriod covered, names of judge or judges present, parties ap—
pearing before court, witnesses to signatures, and court clerk, records of
nroceedings and of bonds offered with names of sureties, and nature of oath
administered; list of netit and grand jurors, number of days served and
miles travaled, case number, names of plaintiff, respondent and attorneys,
and notations as to disposition of case. These records were kent separate-
lv as Yinute Books and Dockets except for the period covered by this serial.
(Never.) variously sized vols. and loose—leaf books, 1 ft. 10% in., on
steel shelf. Vault off R. 504. (5304) ,

7. MISCELLANEOUS DOCKET, Apr. 2, 1894 — Dec. 11, 1911. Entries of mis—
cellaneous papers in the clerk’s office, including appointments as clerk of
court, oaths taken on qualifying for clerkship, recommendations of attor-
neys for admission to the bar of this court, subpoenas for witnesses before
grand jury returned by marshal, papers pertaining to criminal cases appear—
ing before court, and other matters pertaining to function of this court.

. Original papers are contained in envelopes endorsed "Circuit Court Miscel—
laneous No. 1", etc., according to notation on front page of this volume.
(Never.) 8% X 14 vol., 1 in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 504. (468)

8. CASES DISPOSED OF, Nov. 1792 — June 1912. Records of disposed court

, cases showing fees collected by marshals, clerks and attorneys, indictment
nroceedings, and final disposition of case; balance of records kept in
vault off room 304. (Never.) 5% r 8 bundles, 57 ft. 5 in., in tin cen—

‘ tainers and on steel shelves in metal cabinets. Some of papers brittle.
R. 301. (525, 527, 528)

9. CIRCUIT COURT FINAL RECORDS, Sent. 1790 — Oct. 8, 1912; Nov. 1914 —
May 1924. Equity and law cases, trade mark violations, natent infringe-
ments, and trespass actions, showing names of parties involved, equity or
law number, proceedings, disposal, and disposal number. (Never.) 11 x 15
and 11% x 16 vols. and bundles, 10 ft. 1 in., on steel shelf. Vault off R.
504. (348, 466)

10. UNIDENTIFIED PAPERS, Apr. 1, 1894. These papers were found scat~
tercd in various places in the office-of clerk of circuit court on Apr. 1,
1894. They include a copy of "Judgment of Lands", Superior Court, 1779;

. bills of sale of boats; papers and writs on equity cases; copy of charter
and amendments of the Washington Fridge Comnany, 1792. (Never.) 3% z 9
loose sheets, 7 in., on shelf in metal cabinet. R. 301. (535)

‘ 11. INDEX TO FINAL RECORDS, June 1790 ~ June 1890. Alphabetically
listed record shors names of plaintiff and defendant, dates of term, and
1 book and pace numbers. (Never.) 10 x 16 vols., 2 in., on steel shelf.
‘ Vault off R. 304. (548)

show title of case, names of plaintiff and defendant, number of case and
form of record, i.e. Record T. Arranged alphcbetically and numerically.
(Occasionally, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 5% in., in wooden card cabinet.
R. 503. (567)


15. CIVIL DOCKET - LAW, June 14, 1894 - Mar. 31, 1923. Cases 2240 —
2980. Record shows docket and disposrl numbers, names of plaintiff, de—
fendant and attorneys, plrintiff's and defendant's cash accounts with
dates of entries, debits and credits and reasons for some, nature of pro—
ceedings and findings with dates of same, amounts of clerk's fees, and
amounts reported in emolument returns.> Alphabetical index in front of
book. (Never.) 8% x 15% and 15 x 16 vols. (5), 5% in., on steel shelf.
Vault off R. 504. (466)

14. EXECUTIONS RETURNABLE, Dec. 4, 1790 — Oct. 24, 1887. Records of
debtor’s bills given to marshal for execution and then returned to court;
balance of records kept in vault off R. 504 are listed under the district
court. (Never.) 3% X 9 bundles, 2 ft. 4 in., on shelf. R. 301. (524)

1830. Testimonies of plaintiffs and defendants concerning damage done
during the great flood of 1815 when the Woonsocket Dam "nd Blackstone
River overflowed. (Never.) 8 X 10 vols., 1% in., on steel shelf in
cabinet. R. 501. (535)


16. CIVIL DOCKETS a EQUITY, Feb. 5, 1842 — Dec. 31, 1915. Record
shows docket "n3 disposal numbers, names of plaintiff, defendant and fit-
torncys, plhintiff’s and defendant's cash account of dated entries, with
:mounts of debits end credits and reasons for same, nature of proceedings
and findings, amounts of clerk’s fees, 9nd amounts reported in emolument
returns. Several cases dismissed Dec. 1, 1911, in accordance with orders
issued Oct. 15, 1911, were filed on that date. (Never.) 9 x 14 and 15

‘ x 16 vols. (2), 3% in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 504. ((516)

17. EQUITY REGISTERS, Nov. 1831 - Oct. 6, 1862. Records show names
of plaintiff and defendant, nature of case, defendant's answer to charge,
decision rendered, C=nd subpoenas served, and signatures of plrintiff,

defendant, attorneys and court officials. (Never.) 10% x 16 vols. (10)
5 ft. 8 in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 504. (546)

‘ 18. TESTIMONIES AND EXHIBITS — EQUITY CASES, Apr. 1?, 1916 - Nov. 1,
1935. Dated testimonies and exhibits in connection with equity cases
show nature of plaintiff's and defendant's testimonies, referee‘s re-
ports, amounts of court fees, exceptions and disposition of case. Cases
started in circuit court and continued in district court sitting as a
circuit court, according to-Judge John C. Mahoney; records tie in with
exhibits on file in vault off R. 304, and are kept for an indefinite pe—
riod. (Occasionally, official.) Variously sized folders, covers, loosew
leaf books, packages, and tin containers, and 8 x 11% vols., 22 ft. %
in., on shelves of steel cabinets. R. 301. (530, 529)

13. DISPOSED CASES — EQUITY, n.d. Cards show names of plaintiffs
and respondents, and equity, disposal, and indictment numbers. (Never.)
3 x 5 cards, 1 ft., in wooden card cabinet. R. 505. (565)


20. INDICTKENT DOCKET, June 17, 1893 — Nov. 15, 1906. Record of
dated entries showa name of defendant, docket number, proceedings, dis—
position of case, and dates of return of indictment and of arraignment.
Forqrcords after this date see entry titled "Criminal Dockets". (Never.)
9 x 14 vols., 2 in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 504. (515)

- 21. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, June 5, 1907 — Nov. 17, 1911. Record shows
indictment and disposal numbers, names of defendant and attorneys, ab—
stract of prosecdings with dates and nature of same, and amounts of
:ash received and disbursed. Records are a continuation of entry titled
"Indictment Docket." All undisposed cases on Jan. 1, 1912 were trans—
ferred to district court by operation of law. (Never.) 15 X 18 vols.,
5 in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (452)

(United States Commissioner)

22. COMMISSIONERS' CRIMINAL DOCKETS, Nov. 5, 1891 — Nov. 8, 1902.
Serially numbered docket shoWs names of defendant, commissioner, plain—
tiff and marshal, dates of complaint, violation, issuance and return of
warrant, and arraignment of defendant, nature of violation, plea of de—
fendant, records of fees paid and of bonds posted with name of surety.
These records are of Commissioners John T. Blodgett (Nov. 5, 1891 —
June 24, 1897), Samuel T. Douglas (Apr. 8, 1892 ~ Aug. 25, 1896),
Charles C. Mumford (Aug. 27, 1896 ~ Nov. 8, 1902). For records after
this date see entry entitled "Commissioners' Criminal Records" listed
under the district court. (Never.) 10 x 15 vols., 10% in., on steel
shelf. Vault off R. 504. (506)


23. CIRCUIT COURT NATURALIZATIONS, Nov. 15, 1802 - Sept. 3, 1001. Dated
records Show name, address, age, and oath of allegiance of petitioner, af-
fidavits of witnesses, and court order admitting petitioner to citizenship;
records support books of petitions. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 9
pockets, 25 ft. 6 in., in metal document holders. Vault off R. 304. (4(0,
402) .

24. NATURALIZATIONS UNDER THE LAW OF JUNE 29, 1906, Mar. 20, 1902 - .
Oct. 6, 1904. Records of naturalization under law of 1906. These are
first papers filed during above period, but since final papers came un-
der the act of 1906, the clerk, in accordance with the judge‘s order,
filed them under above serial title; records support book of petitions.
(Never.) 4 x 9 pockets, 4 ft. 6 in., in 4 metal drawers. vault off R.
704. (401)

31, 1897. Dated declarations show name, address and birthplace of declar—
ant, name of country renounced, and signature of clerk of court. (Occaw
sionally, official.) 10 x 14 vols. (2), 5 in., on shelf in metal cabinet.
R. .501. (551)

26. PETITION FOR NATURALIZATION, Nov. 26, 1904 — Sept. 15, 1906. Peti—
tions show name, address, occupation, age, and place and date of birth of

' petitioner, places and dates of arrival and of filing intention, names and
addresses of witnesses, country renounced, oath of petitioner, and signa—
ture of clerk of court. (Occasionally, official.) 3% x 8% loose sheets,
3 ft., in metal containers on steel shelf. R. 301. (450)

27. PETITIONS FOR NATURALIZATION, Oct. 1, 1906 — Nov. 25, 1911. Se«
rially numbered petitions show name, address, occupation, date and place
of birth, and signature of petitioner, dates of arrival in United States,
and of declaring intention, affidaVIts of petitioner and witnesses, oath
of allegiance, order of court admitting petitioner or denying petition,
record of and reasons for any continuances, number of certificate and ‘
date issued. Cases 1 — 3400. (Occasionally, official.) 12 x 18 vols.
(15), 3 ft. 11 in., on shelves in metal cabinets. R. 309. (403)

28- RECORDS OF NATURALIZATIONS, Nov. 15, 1842 — Dec. 51, 1892. Rec-
ord shows name, address, age, place and date of birth, and signature of
petitioner, date and place of arrival in country, dates of first papers,
petition, oath and of granting petition, and signatures and dated state-
ments of witnesses. Records have original papers attached. (Never.)

9 x 14 vols. (12), 2 ft. 9 in., in bookcase. R. 303. (6301)

29. RECORDS OF NATURALIZATION, Jan. 2, 1893 ~ Sept. 3, 1901. Record
shows name and address of petitioner, name of country renounced, and date
petition granted. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 14 and 10 x 14 vols.

(6), 2 ft., in bookcase and in locked steel cabinet. Rs. 303 and 301.
(5502, 449)


TRICT OF RHODE ISLAND, Dec. 4, 1790 — June 23, 1908. Record shows list
of names of attorneys and date of admission, original signatures from
Mar. 3, 1879 — June 30, 1894; from Oct. 23, 1894 - June 23, 1908 oath
administered appears above signatures of attorney and clerk of court;
list of district court officials from Dec. 1790 — Nov. 1905. (Never.)

8% x 10 vols., 1 in., in wooden box on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304.
(454) '

31. CLERK'S CASH BOOKS, Dec. 17, 1906 — Dec. 30, 1911. Record of
dated entries shows amounts received and disbursed, from whom received,
to whom disbursed, and docket and page numbers. (Never.) 15% x 18 vols.,
2%-in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 504. (354)

32. BOOKS OF-EILLS OF COSTS, Nov. 1812 - Sept. 22, 1875. Record of
dated entries shows names of plaintiff and respondent, amounts and nature
of fees, and other costs. David Uowell was examiner at this time (1812).
John Pittman's signature (district judge, Dec. 13, 1826) is on some of
the papers. (Never.) 6% x 8 covers, 11 in., in pasteboard boxes on
steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (471)

- 33. REGISTRY FUNDS, June 21, 1889 - Jan. 1, 1912. Record shows nature
' of property held by court until disposition of case, names of participants
in case, value of property held, to whom delivered or paid over and reason,
' signature and title of judge of circuit court issuing order for disposi-
tion of property, and signature of receiver of property or his representa-
tive. (Never.) 12 X 13% vol., 1 in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304.

34. ACCOUNTS OF MARSHAL, June 1871 - Dec. 1885. Records of current
general expense accounts of United States marshals, including compensa—
tions to grand jurors, petit jurors, witnesses and marshals; fees of
jailers; expense of supporting prisoners and expenses of court. (Never.)
3%~x 9 paper packages, 9 in., on shelf in locked cabinet. R. 301. (522)

1911. Record shows date of entry, title of case, page number of marshal's
record book on which case recorded, amount received from marshal, number
of clerk's receipt, amount deposited by clerk, and date and number of car—
tificate. (Never.) 10% 7 16 vol., 1 in., on steel shelf. Vault off R.
304. (509)


. 36. MISCELLANEOUS CSSES, Dec. 7, 1791 - Dec. 30, 1911. Record of
criminal complaints, applications of attorneys for admission to bar, 1e«
turns of grand and petit jurors, recognizances, summons, citations, man-
dates to jailer, notifications to jurors, transcripts of proceedings,,
emolument accounts, affidavits, clerk of court reports, and other rela»
tive papers. (Never.) 5% X 9 paper packages, 6 ft., on shelves in
locked metal cabinets. R. 501. (519)

37. RULE FCOKS, Aug. 5, 1822 - Nov. 1839. Record shows date of ruling,
names of plaintiffs, defendants, and attorneys, and nature and disposition
of case. (Never.) 8% x 13% vols., E in., on steel shelf. Vault off R.
504. (542)

38. RULES OF CIRCUIT COURT June 25, 1898 - Feb. 2, 1903. Rules and
amendments of circuit court of United States for the first circuit. (“ev—
ver.) 3 x 1? vol., §.in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (359)

3?. COPYRIGHT REGISTRATIONS, 1790 - 1867. Records of applications ‘
for copvrights showing date of application, names of persons making ap—
plication and whether as author or nronrietor, full title of book, song,
system of bookkeeping, liniment, or whatever article may be, and signa~
ture of clerk of court. (Never.) 9% x 14% cover, 2% in., on steel shelf.
Vault off R. 304. (554)

40. CIRCUIT COURT PETITIONS FOR PENSIONS, June 9 — Nov. 1792. Record of
petitions of individuals to be placed on pension list. (Never.) 9 x 14%
vol., 2% in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (549)


41. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, Mar. 4, 1891 — Dec. 28, 1911. Cor-
respondence between clerk of court, various government officials, attor-
neys and individuals pertains to motions for preliminary injunctions,
submittal of entry fees, rendering of accounts against United States,
filing of affidavits, statement of accounts, requests for copies of citi— -
zenship certificates and of opinions in certain cases and other matters
relative to court proceedings. (Never.) 9 x 11 covers, 2 ft. 5 in., on
steel shelves. Vault off R. 304. (475)

' District Court Records
The district court for Rhode Island was established in 1790. Its
, jurisdiction has always been coextensive with that of the state, but its

sessions until 1312 were held alternately at Newport and Providence.
Since 1912 Providence alone has been its seat; The court's records are
substantially complete from the February term of 1791 to the present


42. MINUTE BOOKS, Aug. 1790 - May 1803; Aug. 1810 — Feb. 1865; May 12,
1891 - May 21, 1934. Dated entries show period covered, day number, names
of judge or judges present, parties appearing before court, witnesses to
signatures and court clerk; records of appointment of clerk and of bonds
offered with names of sureties, nature of oath administered, list of petit
and grand jurors, number of days served and miles traveled, and nature of
all other business before court. Records from 1870 - 1891 listed under
entry entitled "Docket and Minute Books." Records after Nay 21, 1934 are
continued as "District Court Proceedings." (Never.) 9 x 14 vols. (15)
and 9 x 14 and 10 x 17% loose-leaf books (5), 3 ft. 10 in., on steel
shelves. Some damaged by vermin. Vault off R. 304. (546)

43. MINUTE BOOK, Aug. 1790 _ Nov. 1800. This volume is apnarently a
cosy of the first volume of the above entry. (Never.) 9 x 14 vol., 1%
in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (465)

44. DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINGS, May 22, 1934 to date. Minute book of
district court nroceedings in naturalization, criminal, and civil cases
shows nature of nroceedings, time of onening and closing court, names of

_ all persons concerned in cases, and names and addresses of jurors drawn.
(Daily, official.) 10% x 11‘;— loose—leaf book, 4 in., on steel shelf.
» Vault off R. 304. (366)

45. COURT DAIRIES (DiY BOOKS), Ian. 4, 1885 — Sept. 19, 1896; Jan. 2
1900 to date. Dated record shows names of judges, plaintiff and defend—
ant, nature of case and notations of proceedings. These records are for
both circuit and district courts until Dec. 30, 1911. (Never.) Vari«
ously sized vols., 3 ft. 11 in., on steel shelves. Vault off R. 304.

46. DOCKETS, July 1800 — Oct. 1805; Feb. 1812 - May 1835; Apr. 1865 —
May 1875; Nay 1890 - Aug. 1898. Record consists of entries for each case
that came before court during term showing period covered, case number,
names of plaintiff, respondent, and attorneys, and notations as to died
position of case. Records for the 1875 - 1890 period are listed as "Docket
and Minute Books." (Never.) 9 x 14 vols. (2), 5% in., on steel shelf.
Vault off R. 304. (472)

47. DOCKET AND MINUTE BOOKS, Mar. 1870 — May 1891. Dated entries show

- period covered, names of judge or judges present, parties appearing before
court, witnesses to signatures, and court clerk, records of proceedings
and of bonds offered with names of sureties, nature of oaths administered;
list of petit and grand jurors with number of days served and miles trav—
eled, case number, names of plaintiff, respondent, and attorneys, and no—
tations as to disposition of case. Records nrevious to and following

these dates were kept separately in books entitled "Minute Books" and
"Dockets." (Never.) 9 X 14 vols., 2 in., on steel shelf. Vault of“

a 304. (6305)

48. JUDGXEMT DOCKET, Dec. 17, 1930 to date. Record of disposed cases
shows surname of judgment creditor, case and docket number, dates and
amounts of judgment and of costs, and date of payment. Alphabetical in—
dex. (Quarterly, official.) 13 x 17 vol., 2 in., on steel shelf. Vault
off R. 304. (463)

49. MISCELLANEOUS DOCKETS, Dec. 12, 1888 - mar. 31, 1927. Record of
miscellaneous cases pertaining to drawing of jurors, admittance of lawyers
to the bar, oaths of special assistants to U. S. attorney, and accounts
of U. S. commissioners show dates of entries, case numbers, nature of com—
plaints, number of papers filed in each case, names of jurors drawn, law—
vers admitted to practice, special assistants to U. S. attorney and par—
ticipants in cases. Alphabetical index in front of book. (Never.) 9 x
14 vols., 2% in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (467, 459)

50. DISTRICT COURT MISCELLANEOUS CASES, Nov. 1, 1790 to date. Dated
records consist of applications for and certificates of discharge of poor
convicts, mandates to jailers, petitions and orders for removal of pris—
oners, final decrees, writs of attachment, warrants, monitions, claims,
agreements, executions and libels in criminal cases, search warrants, ao-
pointments, oaths and accounts of commissioners, admission of attorneys
to bar, writs of vinire facias for petit jurors, and other relative pa-
pers. (Older records, never; current records, daily, official.) 4 x 10
paper bundles, 66 ft. 4 in., in 46 metal document holders. Brittle,
dirty. Vault off R. 5504. (475, 534)

51. DISTRICT COURT CASES DISPOSED OF, Apr. 20, 1791 - Apr. 17, 1888. ‘
Records of disposed cases pertaining to claims of money owed and paid to
individuals showing name of claimant, and amount and disposition of claim.
(Monthly, official.) 4 x 10 paper packages, 37 ft. 6 in., in 32 metal
drawers. Dirty. Vault off R. 304. (475)

52. AUXILIARY PAPERS IN DISPOSED CASES, Dec. 12, 1918 to date. Dated
papers consist of receipts, triplicate order books, sealed papers, can-
celed checks, blue prints, depositions, and plaintiff's and defendant's
testimonies in admiralty, criminal and equity cases with numbers of same.
(Occasionally, official.) 10 x 15 envelopes, 5 ft., in drawers of wooden
filing case. R. 303. (571, 6565)

Dated entries show name and address of person against whom search warrants
were issued and file numbers. Numerical index to search warrants. Pre~
vious to Jan. 1, 1922 warrants were filed quarterly under miscellaneous
papers. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 vols., 1% in., on steel shelf. Vault
Mr R. 304. (7549)

54. SEARCH AND SEIZURE WARRANTS, Jan. 22, 1922 to date. Records con—
sist of applications for warrants, supporting affidavits, and search and
seizure warrants. Dated applications show names of applicant and commis-


sioner, description of premises to be searched, and affidavits of com~
. plainant and commissioner. Dated warrants show similar information

together with date of execution, quantities and description of articles
seized, certification of executing officer, and signature of commission—
er. Records previous to this date are filed under miscellaneous cases.
(Daily, official.) 4 x 10 loose sheets, 11 ft. 5 in., in 8 metal docu—
ment holders. Vault off R. 304. (335)

55. SEARCH WARRANTS, Jan. 1, 1923 to date. Card index, alphabetically
arranged, shows name and address of person or place against which warrant
has been issued, dates filed, issued, and served, warrant number, and
initials of commissioner issuing same. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards,
5 ft. 6 in., in drawers of metal card cabinet. R. 303. (6328)

56. DISTRICT COURT FINAL RECORDS, Feb. 1791 — June 1927. Dated en»
tries show type and number of case, names and titles of court officials
present, names of defendant and plaintiff, record of proceedings, period
covered, date of hearing, amounts of expenses incurred, disposal number
and nature of disposition. Obsolete file. (Never.) variously sized

- vols. (l8) and loose sheets, 4 ft. 3é-in., on steel shelves. Vault off
R. 304. (1245)

57. RECORD OF BONDS FILED, Oct. 8, 1917 to date. Dated entries show

case number, names of persons involved, trustee, and bonding company or

' personal sureties, and date of execution and amount of bond. Alphabetical
index in front of book. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 10 and 8% x 9%
vols. (5), 5% in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (363, 461)

' 58. CASH BAIL, Sept. 30, 1918 — Apr. 25, 1922. Alphabetically ar—

' ranged index cards show indictment number, amount of bail, dates received
and disbursed, and bondsman’s and defendant's names. (Never.) 3 x 5
cards, % in., in drawer of wooden card cabinet. R. 303. (568)

, (Law)

59. CIVIL DOCKET, July 3, 1896 ~ Jan. 9, 1908. Record of fees and
expenses, receipts and expenditures of U. S. marshal. (Never.) 18 x 18
vol., 1 ft. 6 in., on floor in corner with other records and exhibits.
Vault off R. 304. (563)

60. CIVIL DOCKET - LAW, Jan. 22, 1907 — July 21, 1930. Dated entries

*show disposal and docket numbers, title of case, names of attorneys, ap-
pellant's and appellee's accounts with dates of entries and amounts
charged and credited to same, record of proceedings, amounts and nature
of fees charged, amount reported in emolument return, and remarks. Rec—
ers for cases 1—1104 missing. Records after this date entitled "Closed
Law Cases." Alphabetical index in front of each book. (Never.) 15 x
15% vols., 2 ft. 11 in., on steel shelf. Vault off R. 304. (1898)


61. CLOSED LAW CASES, July 22, 1950 to date. Dated entries show dis—
posal and docket numbers, title of case, names of attorneys, appellant and
appellee, record of amounts charged and credited to their respective ac—
counts and of proceedings, amounts and nature of fees charged, amount re~
ported in emolument return, and remarks. Alphabetical index in front of
book. Continuation of serial entitled "Civil Dockets - Law." (Daily, of~
ficial.) 10%