xt7z610vtn93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vtn93/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 2004 2004 2004-10-22 2020 true xt7z610vtn93 section xt7z610vtn93 Friday

October 22, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

first issue lree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.



er ne

Celebrating 33 years of independence



martini um:- I surr

John Arbegust, a German graduate student, struggled with anorexia. He ran up to 10 miles a day and
ate almost nothing. He sought treatment at the Kentucky Center for Eating and Weight Disorders,
which opened in Lexington in May and has treated 12 patients.

Taking steps
to recovery

By Kristin Hogue
lHE swam mm

For .lohn .\rbegiist. it
started out innocently

When he was an un-
dergraduate. he was eat
ing healthily and ekercis
ing daily liut soon. it splv
raled out ol~ control. until

he reached ilie point of

running up to 10 miles a
day and eiittitig back on
the food he allowed him
self to eat

liy 2001. he had almost
cut his weight in hall.
dropping 7.3 pounds from
his original ion-pound

Arbegiist is one of an
estimated 21 million
.»\iiiet‘icaii.s who Sllllt'l‘
from eating disorders. ac
cording to the Rent‘rew
Foundation, He's also one
of 12 people recently
helped by a new clinic in

Arbegust. a German
graduate student. said
food drove his decisions
and that led to endless
confusion during that pe
riod of his life He couldn't
see his true self.

“You don't know what
you look like when you
look in the mirror.
whether you‘re fat or thin.
ugly or attractive.“ he
said. “You really lose your
physical identity."

The disorders stem
from emotional issues that
typically develop in child-
hood. such as the way a
person deals with prob
lems. emotions and stress.
The eating issues may not
come to the surface until
the person is a few years

Arbegust said he be
came extremely restrictive
with the food he ate He
would slowly consume a
measured cup of Special K
cereal for breakfast. let-
tuce for lunch and sllllli‘f‘d
green peppers (sometimes

with a miniscule piece of
meat) for dinner.

He would spend hours
in the grocery store coir
templating what to buy. As
for the running. he eventu-
ally got too weak to walk;
he once passed out while
trying to cross South
Limestone Street.

“I felt like a con-
demned man whose sen-
tence could be coitiniuted
ll he cotild .itlsl figure out
a way to he happy again."
Arbegust said.

“And it felt like an im-
possible task."

That is. until he found
treatment Instead of re-
pressing his emotions and
tryingto he

ing Arbegust. are involved
with the clinic. It is the
first intensive outpatient
program of its kind to

open in the state
"Eating disorders are
very powerful. illl‘t‘lilisllm-
mg addictions that tend to
take over people's lives.
rob them of their quality
ol lite and place them at
dangerous risk for med
ical problems and even
death." said I’erry Brown.
a licensed clinical psyehol
ogist who leads a therapy
group session at the clinic.
[Gating disorders can
he treated. and people can
recover and live full lives
as long as they stay in


perfect. he
is learning
how to be
happy with
h i m s e l f
and figure
mg out
how to (.x.
press any
feelings he

i) r .
M a r k
W r i g h t .
who Arbe-
gust was
seeing for
his anorex-
ia prob
lems. rec

a/ltel. net


Eating Disorder

if you know someone with an
eating disorder, if you have an
eating disorder or if you'd like
more information about eating 1 h e y
disorders, you can contact the
Kentucky Center for Eating
and Weight Disorders at

851 Corporate Drive, Suzie 103
Let/noton, It Y 40503

Phone: (859) 279-8953

ll r o w it
said. But
ol‘ten. she
said. pa-
tleiits do
not stay in
as long as

should in
order to
fully recov

also said
people who
s t r u g g l e
with eating
tend to



that Arbe-
gust see Donna Foster.
who at the time was plan-
ning the opening of an
eating disorders clinic

Arbegust has been in
volved with the clinic
since it opened in May

“Your whole sell'~con
eept changes from anorex
ic to recovering anoreXic,"
Arbegust said

Since its opening. the
Kentucky (‘enter for Hat
mg and Weight Disorders
has given hope to 12 peo
ple. ranging in age from 22
to 27 Three males. incliid

keep it a

Just getting involved
with treatment can be the
hardest step. she said. but
it is possible. She said the
center provides a “safe.
trusting environment" in
which people with eating
disorders can overcome

According to the Reti
t‘rew Foundation. eating
disorders were tirst classi
lied as mental illnesses in
1080. genetics may even
play a part in the disorder.
(if all the mental illness.

See Road on page Z



Sophomore slump

plagues UK linebackers

Page 6


Reviewers like William Shatner,
Jimmy Eat World CDs
Page 3


Charity walk helps
children’s hospital

Dy Stacy Springer
infirmity mm

Since their daughter
Makenna died of a rare lung
disease six years ago. Greg
and Sheila David have been
raising money for the UK
Children's Hospital.

Their efforts will continue
Saturday. when the Makenna
Foundation is sponsoring the
Walk for the Angels.

“When you lose a child.
you not only worry that she
will be forgotten but also that
her dreams will never be ful-
filled.“ Sheila David said.

“We wanted to find a way
to help the children of the
community and give back to
those who helped our daugh-

The goal of the foundation
is to raise funds for UK Chil-
dren‘s Hospital to make it one
of the top children's hospitals
in the nation by providing
necessary equipment and as-
sisting in hospital expansion.

“It is hard to explain how
many people have given their
time and energy to this cause.
It has truly been a spiritual
act.“ Sheila David said.

The foundation is the
largest independent fundrais-
er for hospital.

“The Makenna Founda-
tion has been a tremendous
asset to this hospital.“ said

Ame Sweetall. director of de—
velopment at UK Children‘s
Hospital. “They will continue
to bring hope to the children
and families of Kentucky be-
cause of their desire to make
a difference."

The foundation has raised
more than half a million dol-
lars in the past four years.
Sheila David said. The foun-
dation has created a 3-D mur-
al wall to welcome visitors to
the hospital, purchased a pe~
diatric bronchoscope and ren-
ovated the sedation and thera
py room.

Currently. the foundation
is working to create Ken-
tucky’s first Pediatric Emer-
gency Center. The goal is to
have a safe. kid-friendly place
to bring children to in emer-

“People often take the hos-
pital for granted. especially
the nurses. doctors and staff
who give endlessly of their
time." Greg David said. “The
hospital needs money and it
is very fulfilling to be able to
help even in a small way."

Members of Sigma Chi
and Pi Beta Phi will be help-
ing with tomorrow morning‘s
Walk for the Angels.

“Most students are not
aware that UK Children's
Hospital is a large portion of
our campus." said Brian
O‘Dea. Sigma Chi Philan-


Walk for the Angels

Registration for tomorrow's walk
begins at 8:30 am, and the walk
begins at 9 am A minimum con-
tribution of $10 is requested and
sign-up is available the day of
the event at the Nutter Center
Field House. The event includes
food, refreshments, prizes and
vendor booths. Anyone unable to
attend the walk but who wishes
to donate can call 422-2010. For
more information, visit




thropy Chair. “This is a great
way for us to support the hos-
pital and the children in this

Greg David said he's ens
couraged by student partici-
pation in the foundation.

"1 have been very im-
pressed with how the young
adults in this community
have gotten involved with this
event and been so giving of
their time." he said.

One way students can do
that is to participate in the
Walk for the Angels.

“We would like to involve
UK students more." David

E-mail newsukykernelcom


College GOP, Dems debate

By Hillary Canada


The war in Iraq. immigra-
tion. and health care were a
few of the topics the College
Republicans and College De-
mocrats debated last night in
the Student Center Ballroom.

Moderated by political sci-
ence professor Steve Voss.
each debate team had the
chance to discuss and defend
the beliefs of the candidates of
their respective parties.

In his opening statement.
Democratic debate captain
.lohn Padron said the Republi-
can emphasis on values is
misguided because the ques-
tion of whose values to use al-
ways arises.

"The only true defense of
our liberties is the defense of
freedom of choice." Padron

Republican debate captain
(‘hris Hunt disagreed.

“Democrats think that lib-
erty is secured by govern-
ment." Hunt said. “Govern-
ment didn‘t make our liberty
greater. but by definition.
weakens it."

Derek Hall. a Republican.
argued that the war in Iraq
was progressing well and that
America needs to stay the
course to win the war

"We have :sti—plus nations
fighting alongside us in Iraq."
Hall said. “We have to be the
leaders. and we have to stop
those such as Saddam Hus-

“What did we trade Sad-
dam Hussein tot""‘ asked l)e~
mocrat Mike Richardson.
“The 113.000 insurgents who
ate now killing our soldiers."

Padron replied: “There is
no terrorist expert who be.
lieves that just because we are
fighting a war in lraq. we're
less vulnerable to a terrorist

Voss asked the debaters if
the war in lraq showed arro
gance and a disrespect of soy-
ereignty that America would
not tolerate on its own soil.

“I believe we're showing
great respect for people by
freeing them from a dictator
who killed civilians to make a
point against democratic ex-
pression." Hall said.

Richardson argued that
Bush has been lax on prose
cuting big businesses that ex-
ploit immigrant labor and
that his immigration policy
was a “fliptlop” fmm the one
he promoted in his 2000 cam-

soonLoimn | srm

Derek Hall (above) of the Republicans debated with Krista King (below)
at the first annual College Democrat vs. College Republican debate last
night in the Grand Ballroom of the Student Center

Asked why their party
consistently blocked legisla-
tion to raise minimum wage.
the Republicans responded
that a raise in minimum wage
would cut the total amount of
jobs available in the US.


Democrat Harry Neak
said that under President
Clinton. the minimum wage
rose and 20 million new jobs
were created.



 muff/Ali 3.21-3994, .

Continued from page 1

eating disorders
have the highest
mortality rate.

The center

psychiatrist a
clinical psycholo—
gist. a licensed
clinical social
worker and a li-
censed nutrition
therapist. They of»
fer one-on-one nu-
tritional and psy~
chological assess»

The clinic re
quires each patient to attend
three group sessions a week
for a total of nine participa~
tion hours.

The groups cover topics
such as food. feelings and life

Continued from page 1

“The economy is such a
huge engine. you can't say
one issue ~ like increasing
minimum wage is respon-
sible for increasing jobs."
Hunt said.

The Republican team ar-
gued that the president‘s tax
cuts helped each tax bracket
accordingly and did not favor
only the rich.

“Taxes are a user fee.”
said Republican Ryan Quar-
les. “You‘re buying into pro—
tection and public safety."

Quarles also said To per
cent of Americans said they
would be willing to pay more
taxes if they felt their money

“You don't know
what you look
staff includes a like When YOU
look in the mir-
or. You really
lose your physi-
cal identity."

John Arbegust

skills. Brown said.

"This (the clinic) has
been a godsend." Arbegust

“It‘s helpful to encounter
others who suf
fer. front the
same disorder "

Foster. the
clinic's founder.
said the group
sessions are
key to the heal
ing process.

"The goal
here is to pro
vide a healing
for eating disor
ders." Foster

‘ T h a 1
process can
take months or even years."
Foster said. "But (the pa-
tients) really heal each oth

Ul graduate student
Recovering Anoreiuc

news .2 k_\'kernel.com

was used efficiently

"How can you be patriotic
and not want to pay taxes?"
l’adron asked.

()11 gun control. Hunt said:
”if Republicans have scorn
for democracy. then Democ
rats have scorn for a little
thing called the (‘onstitiitionf'

The Ilemtwrats called the
Republican stance part of a
"clouded ideology" which op-
posed weapons bans and laws
requiring safety locks on

“Why didn‘t President
Bush resign the assault
weapons ban?” asked Democ-
rat Kt‘ista King. "It's like
opening up a Vial-Mart of
weapons to terrorists within
our borders.”

ltcmtadu a A:\'Ift’l'llt’l.(‘()ni

Reservist sentenced
to 8 years for abuse

By Jackie Spinner
fiffiskiucton POST

BAGHDAD. lraq Staff
Sgt. Ivan "Chip" Frederick.
the highest-ranking of eight
soldiers charged with abus-
ing detainees at Abu (3hraib
prison, was sentenced Thurs-
day to eight years in prison.
the stiffest punishment
handed out so far in the

Frederick. a 38-year-old
Army Reservist from Buck
ingham. Va. pleaded guilty
Wednesday to eight counts of
abusing and humiliating do
tainees who were in FS mil
itary custody.

Frederick received the
sentence under a plea deal
with Army prosecutor. in
which he agreed to testify
against other soldiers
charged with abusing dc
tainees at the prison last fall
Col. James l’ohl. the military

Iiudge presiding over the
courtmartial. sentenced
Frederick to lil years in
prison. btit as is the practice
in a military court. the
lighter sentence negotiated
with the prosecutors is the
one Frederick will serve. He
also received a reduction in
rank to private. forfeiture of
pay and a t’iishonorable dis

Gary Myers. Frederick's
civilian defense lawyer. who
helped negotiate the plea
deal. called the sentence ”ex-
cessiye " Frederick had faced
up to 121vzeiis in prison he-
toil 'lii (it till.

irt dei ick is one of eight
soldiers facing a court-mar
tial for abusing detainees at
Altu (illl‘itlil. a sprawling
prison complex west of
Baghdad where the VS. mili
tary holds people deemed to
he security threats.

llxi\:11s1‘\oi I\'l-..'\"l‘l'(l\'\



Oct. 12: Criminal mischief reported at 675 Rose St. at 8:50

Oct. 12: Bomb threat reported at Lexington Community
College at 9:41 am.

Oct. 12: Rape reported at UK Chandler Medical Center at
2:10 pm.

Oct. 12: Theft reported at 401 Hilltop Ave. at 5:16 pm.

Oct. 13: Theft reported at College View C1 lot at 2:04 pm.
Oct. 13: Drug use reported at Blanding 11 at 5:08 pm.

Oct. 13: Drug use reported at Memorial Coliseum at 8:57

Oct. 13: Theft of an automobile reported at Memorial
Coliseum at 10:26 pm.

Oct. 13: Smell of marijuana reported at Haggin Hall at 11:20

Oct. 14: Theft reported at Kentucky Clinic at 7:54 am.

Oct. 14: Theft reported at 120 Patterson Drive at 11:51 am.
Oct. 14: Assault reported at Lexington Community College
at 12:59 pm.

Oct. 14: Theft reported at 360 Huguelet Drive at 2:42 pm.
Oct. 14: Theft of an automobile reported at Rose Street and
Euclid Avenue at 8:07 pm.

Oct. 14: Indecent exposure and lewd act reported at Taylor
Education Building at 9:21 pm.

Oct. 15: Disorder in progress; two males reported breaking
beer bottles and harassing UK players at Wildcat Lodge at
2:39 am.

Oct. 15: Suspicious person arrested at Martin Luther King
Boulevard at 3:32 am.

Oct. 15: Theft reported at 401 Hilltop Ave. at 12:36 pm.
Oct. 15: Theft reported at UK Chandler Medical Center at
2:12 pm.

Oct. 16: Criminal mischief; dumpster on fire reported at
Sports Center and Complex drives at 7:51 pm.

Oct. 17: Theft reported at 750 Rose St. at 4:45 pm.

Oct. 18: Theft reported at UK Chandler Medical Center at
2:14 am.

Oct. 18: Theft reported at UK Chandler Medical Center at
9:07 am.

Oct. 18: Smell of marijuana reported at Blanding 11 at 1:14

Oct. 18: Theft reported at UK Chandler Medical Center at
3:49 pm.

Reports compiled by staff writer Darlush Shafa.
E-mail dshafa®kykernel.com.




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in Tuesday's Kernel. the number of theaters the film
Fahrenheit 911 opened it] was incorrect. The movie
opened in 900 theaters across the country

ill Wednesday's Kt‘llltl the date of the James (
Bowling Executiveln Residence public relations lettuie
was incorrect. The lecture. sponsored by the (‘ollege of
(‘ommimications, is at h‘ p.111. Thursday in the WT.
Young Library auditorium.


lti VVediiesthYS Kernel. an article about a new bike
rental program neglected to state that the rental is free.

if you notice any errors or omissions. please contact
The Kernel at 337715117. or e-mail newsu kykernelcom



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Oct. 22, 2004
m: 3


Crystal Little
Features Editor

Phone: 2571915
E-mul: cllttloMykernelmm

‘Has Been’ a comeback for Shatner

By Doug Scott
mm uusrc CRlllC

Has Been William Shatner' s first re-
lease since his wacky 1968 camp classic.
The Transformed Man. will make be-
lievers out of those who would other ~
wise scoff at the idea of Shatner as a
recording artist.

Shatner‘s latest musical venture was
produced and arranged by piano-rocker
Ben Folds who collaborated with Shat-
ner on Fold‘ 3 1999 album Fear of Pop

“He wants you to be moved but he
probably doesn t care what you think "
Folds says in the liner notes. This sur-
prising attitude and the fact that
Shatner talks over music on his albums
-— sets Shatner apart from most main-
stream acts.

In addition to Folds an ensemble of
guests accompanies Shatner through
the winding corridors of Has Been
from country- and lounge- style tracks to
gospel and piano ballads.

Joe Jackson sings the chorus of the
Pulp cover “Common People? Folds
and Aimee Mann back Shatner up on
the sobering ”That 3 Me Tiying‘ with
lyrics by Nick Hornby (of High Fidelity

and About a Boy fame); and Brad Pais-
ley and Shatner croon on the token
country song “Real.“

The album's high points are "To-
gether." a feel-good. sample~laden pop
tune featuring the duo Lemon Jelly. and
“I Can‘t Get Behind That." a mock.
anger rant between Shatner and punk
philosopher Henry Rollins.

When Shatner ventures out by him
self, the brutal honesty of his words can
make you laugh, cry or cringe. In the ti-

tle track, Shatner addresses his critics 1’

through a spaghetti-Western confronta-
tion ("You talkin' to me? You talkin' to
me? You callin‘ me Has Been?").

“It Hasn’t Happened Yet."
style song of regret and lost dreams.
sets Shatner’s voice against a backdrop
of syncopated piano and guitar as he re-
counts. “1 would be the best/I would
make my folks proud/I would be hap-
py/ It hasn't happened yet.“

Shatner‘s most vulnerable moment
on the album is “What Have You Done.“
the eerie, disturbing account of the
death of his third wife. In 1999. Shatner
found his wife dead in their pool. He
dove in and attempted to revive her but

a lounge- ’

was unsuccessful. The death was ruled
as an accident.

What makes listening to this CD
unique. other than that it features a 73-
year—old science fiction icon and star of
Priceline.com commercials. is that
William Shatner is not out to sell
records or get on the radio he simply
wanted to make an album that came
from the heart.

E-mailfeatures'u kykernelrom


Jimmy Eat World's release shows a bright future



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By Alex Beh

Choruses of strings and
punk mesh with the melodic
mix of xylophones and
acoustic guitars that take us
back to the past in Arizona-
based pop-punk band Jimmy
Eat World’s latest album. Fu-

The much-awaited re-
lease has kept Jimmy fans
stuck in the middle for more
than three years since their
last record. Bleed American
~ which was quickly
Changed to Jimmy Eat World
after Sept. 11.

Jim Adkins‘ pulsing
yelling and dynamic guitar
fuel the soul of the tracks in
a powerful pop-punk compo
sition with beautiful lyrics.
giving us reasons to get into
relationships and breakups
merely for the sake of at-
tempting to write like this

The title track starts the
record off saying. "Hey
now what is it you think you
see say hello to good
times-trade 111) for the fast
ride." and taking listeners on
just that W, a fast ride full of
good times.

Songs like “Work" take
you back to high school
dances and standing in the

corner against the gym mats
with lyrics like "The best
DJs are saving their slowest
song for last/when the dance
is through/ it‘s me and
you/come on would it really
be so bad?"

As you catch yourself
reminiscing about high
school breakups and dances.
Futures brings forward the
realities of our fast~paced
American culture with lyrics
in the driving song “Kill":
"So go on/ love ”leave while
there‘s still hope for es-
cape got to take what you
can these days."

The record resembles the
beauty of 1999‘s Clarity and
the raw pop of Bleed Ameri—
can. Breaks in this hybrid re-
mind us of songs like Bleed
Americans “Here You Me"
or Clarity‘s "A Sunday" pro-
viding a luminescent vibran~
cy in the piano-driven song of
desperation about finding
refuge from addiction in
"Drugs or Me."

As the record finished. I
sat with my laptop open try-
ing to remove myself as a fan
and be an objective reviewer
instead. in the silence after
the final track. “23." my CD
player started the album
over. and immediately I was


reminded of Jimmy's ability
to engage the listener.

It's not punk or rock.
It‘s just Jimmy Eat World do-
ing what they do best. com»
bining the two and throwing
painful emotions into the

Go to your local record
shop and add another enrich-
ing Jimmy album to your col»
lection. Futures is the finest
record Jimmy Eat World has

E-ma H
features 1: l1‘_1'/.'ernel.com


Hey Ya’ll

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Oct. 22, 2004

i t

Emily Hagedorn. Editor in chief
Andrew Martin, Opinions editor
Ben Roberts, Asst. Opinions editor

Rebecca Neal. Asst. managing editor for news


”if; C» :

Steve lvey, managing editor
Josh Sullivan. Staff columnist
Sara Cunningham, Projects editor
Tim Wiseman. Sports editor

Opening a reminder of work yet to be done

When the Administration Building
(which is now the unoriginally named
Main Building) caught on fire in May
2001, the members of this Editorial Board
were still in high school.

Most of us were seniors. planning to
come to UK in the fall.

We looked on as the building a part
of the campus tour many of us took be
fore making our decisions went up in
flames and smoke.

The fences. broken windows and
charred walls almost seemed as common-


The Main Building officially opens

with a ribbon-cutting
ceremony Monday.

The $17.35 million
building caught fire
when a welding torch ig-
nited the parapet and
eventually engulfed the
roof in flames.

The lower levels were
heavily yvater damaged.

The top levels

furbishinent in March 2003.

Main Building construction
took a lot of time and
money, but now it's time
for UK to refocus energy
on other pressing issues.

Now the building boasts classrooms.

plush conference rooms.
mahoganysided bath
room stalls. balconies.
many administrative of-
fices and a metallic tow-

But while the build-
ing took three and a half
years to reopen. we
hope the delay was due
to more attention being
given to classroom reno»

Maybe it was because administrators
were looking at upping faculty and staff
pay and benefits and creating more posi-

01‘ the time could have gone to lower-
ing student tuition and fees.

But that's not why it took long. An Old
power hub. complete with asbestos. was
discovered underground and had to be re-

All cliiding to the timetable for the ren»
ovations aside. the building will serve
well many future generations of UK stu-

place on Central Campus as changes to
the plaza in front of the Patterson Office
Tower. left

Maybe the lengthy timetable was due outer walls
to administrators devoting more time to
other areas that need improvement and


60. 706% ”Seer
QO\l\\C1 To WEAR. )in

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Almost all
were the

Funded by insurance money and pri-
vate donations. the building started its re-

that was

original ings.


ing constructed.



EM-L Boy ”(Ava
yaw: tux &O\l\\(=i
N\oRi=_ PoLlT'tCALLY







vations in other build

hope the hilt
drance was since the new dorms were he


Water company takeover
will benefit Lexington

[think it's grs-at that the ly'w'iiw. is trying to spark
student interest in lttt"il politics ln-y'oiid whether repre
sentatives are going to impedi- li . css 'o kegs and par

Howeycr. Wednesday‘s editog‘iai oiitieiiai it: die vity
for trying to purchase Kcntiii ky . :iic: can Water (‘oiii
paiiy’ slanted the 'rath lt‘; 't way 7 ..t more it almost as
unimportant as the ‘yyherc's "‘1: ‘w i“ dt .y'cl

The editorial made it sc mt? :lht‘ the l,e\iiigtoii
Fayette 1 than i oiiiity ioiiia it ;~ .:.i .c ‘llt of greedy
communists eager to snatch .ii. ,w 'Tlllsllli'ssi‘s and
flush all their profit motley aim-n; oilct ot biircaii

This simply isn‘t the t aw

The representatives or; the I ~..:it ,l who wish to
prevent the \lllf‘ of out wait i vv-iiip on to ()crman
conglomerate R\'\ E are at ting r “to- best interests
of the people of l,t.'\lllL'lllll

RWE is tommittcd to ,Z'vlilil.l‘.:f on public works

it has said as much and h: . town on massive
amounts of debt to do so "he burden of this debt .s
passed to citizens who llsc the ii‘ilziics it tontiols

Furthermore. smcc RWE i~- : l-Ziiropean i oiiipany
doing business in .\llll'i‘1l‘Zi. and 'lli' y' lllli of the dol
lar is lower than that of the Euro ratc increases arc
inevitable unless. of course, ltWE is no: lllTI‘t‘t'st
erl in making profit Dream on

()ur city government w ill not be running thc yya
for company It will simply own the company to
bring in tiioiiey that would otherwise be lining
the pockets of rich investors and ll.ll'\'i"-l that
money in our community

The company will be operated lll\l as it is today
With an independent local board making det isions
free of the prmsures of poli‘ics and profits

Lexington benefits from lllh sort of arrange
ment because we can hold a locally controlled (Hill
pany responsible for things like fates. worker treat
ment. and environmental safety.

Accountability is not possible when the only peo
ple RWE has to answer to are its shareholders.

What [.exmgton is trying to do here is something
95 percent of large communities across the country
have already realized is best for their citizens

This isn't an issue of red scare "government
takeover." but one of simple common sense and
common interest.

architecture senior

New administration building
an exercise of self-indulgence

Earlier this year we heard how the higher ups told
the faculty and staff that they needed to eliminate the
"waste. fraud and abuse“ of money and resources that
they had supposedly been practicing.



Now we see that the new administration building
has mahogany bathroom stalls and tiled floors'.’