xt7z610vtq0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vtq0x/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1985-10 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, October 1985, volume 8 number 7 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, October 1985, volume 8 number 7 1985 1985-10 2020 true xt7z610vtq0x section xt7z610vtq0x CENTRAL KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION CKL’fixJA JEWISH October, 1985 Vol. VIII No.7 COUNCIL OF JEWISH FEDERATIONS 54th General Assembly CKJA TO BE REPRESENTED AT G.A. Five representatives from the Central Kentucky Jewish Association will be in attendance next month when the Council of Jewish Federations holds it General Assembly in Washington, D.C. The theme of the assembly is “The Coming of Age of North American Jewry: Strengthening our Jewish Affirmation”. WorkshOps and plenary sessions will deal with Jewish education, leadership deveIOpment, Jewish television programming and political involvement. While the Council does not back specific political positions, it does endorse the idea of active involvement in politics. Attending from CKJA will be GLORIA KATZ, CKJA President; JACK MILLER, CKJA past president; DAVID WEKSTEIN, former president of CKJA and present chairman of its Community Relations Committee; GAIL COHEN, former president of JCA and present chair of the 1986 CKJA-UJA Campaign; and JUDY SAXE, CKJA Administrator. Miller is a member of the Council's National Board and is on the group's Small Cities Steering Committee and its Resolu- tions Committee. The General Assembly, which runs from 'November 13 through 17, will also deal with the issues of Soviet Jewry and other endangered Jewish communities; Ethiopian Jewry; the heritage of Sephardic Jewry; and European Jewish communities four decades after the Holocaust. The Opening session, at the Kennedy Center, will feature a musical in Yiddish and English entitled “The Golden Land“, which is a look at the changing life of Jewish immigrants over the last 100 years. The Council of Jewish Federations is an association of two hundred federations, welfare councils and community councils serving eight hundred communities and 5.7 million Jews in the United States and Canada. The Council, established in 1932, strengthens the work of its member groups in several ways: developing programs, serving as an exchange for successful ideas, establishing guidelines for fund raising and Operations; and providing joint national planning for local, re- gional, national and international needs. RELIEF FOR MEXICAN EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS The Joint Distribution Committee is working with the Jewish community of Mexico City to provide relief in the wake of the recent devastating earthquake. As in past emergencies (Cambodia, 1980; Italy, 1981; Lebanon, 1982; and Ethiopia, 1984) this action parallels that of Catholic, Protestant and non-sectarian agencies. Contributions may be sent to: Mexico Relief, JDC, Room 19h2, 60 E. Aan Street, New York, NY 10165. WHAT'S A LEADER TO Do? The Women's Division of CKJA's Campaign Committee recently introduced a new educa- tional element into their schedule of activities: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT. The goal of this series is to provide informa- tion and skills for the young women in the Jewish community to assist them in taking leadership positions or to enhance the skills they already have. On Thursday evening, October 10th, sixteen enthusiastic young women gathered at the home of Janice Brock where Ruth Zeligs of Cincinnati, a former president and campaign chair of the Cincinnati Feder- ation, served as the leader/instructor of the session. The group explored the ele- ments of good organization, group dynamics and time management, and all agreed that the exchange was both productive and sti— mulating. The educational/leadership development component of Women's Division is co-chaired by Harriet Cooper and Judy Levine. Harriet and Judy indicated additional workshops are planned to follow up on this exciting beginning. Women's Division Chair Simone Salomon expressed her satisfaction at the excel- lent response from the women who partici- pated and said, llI think we all learned some new techniques and we are looking forward to expanding our knowledge.” In attendance at the workshop were: Janice Brock, Sheila DeKosky, Cindy Derer, Karen Diamond, Sue Ezrine, Diane Friedman, Nancy Hoffman, Karen Melnick, Susie Rakes, Ricki Rosenberg, Simone Salomon, Libby Scher, Sharyn Sharer, Carol Veal and Gigi White. Also attending the workshop was Marilyn Moosnick who will be responsible for planning the next workshop. The workshOp, which was presented free 'of charge to the participants, was funded by the Campaign Committee of CKJA. LOBBYIST'AUTHOR TO SPEAK AT GUARDIANS DINNER David Saperstein, co-director of Reform Judaism's office for liaison with the federal government, will speak Sunday, November 10 at the Guardians of Zion dinner. Saperstein, an ordained rabbi, is the author of books about Judaism, including ”Critical Issues Facing Reform Judaism" . and ”Proclaim Liberty”, a Jewish guide to Washington. Her is also editor of “The Challenge of the Religious Right: A Jewish Response”. In addition to being co—director and counsel of the Religious Action Center in Washington, he is an attorney and an adjunct professor in comparative Jewish and American law at Georgetown University Law School. Saperstein is also chairman of the Inter- faith Coalition on Energy and chairman of IMPACT, an interfaith legislative action network. The Guardians of Zion dinner is for men and women pledging $1,200 or more to the 1986 Women's Division or Men's Division of the CKJA-UJA Campaign. The dinner will be held at the newly redone Bistro Restaurant in Chevy Chase. CENTRAL KENTUCKY JEWISH ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Gloria T. Katz, President Judith Saxe, M.S.W., Administrator 333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, Kentucky AOSOA (606)252-7622 Phyllis Scher, Editor David Green, Associate Editor Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager COUNCIL OF JEWISH FEDERATIONS I I- ilnc l’cupic. ( )nc llcsliny Through the ages, Jewish survival has always depended on Jews taking care of Jews. The theme of our 1986 campaign, ”One People, One Destiny”, captures this connection between Jews of different genera— tions and disparate origins. This theme reflects the needs of the Central Kentucky Jewish Association as we work towards pro- viding needed social services and program- ing in our community and help fund educa— tional, health and social services in Israel and in Jewish communities worldwide. Funds sent from CKJA to the United Jewish Appeal help Israel achieve a vigorous economy, with equality of social and econo- mic opportunities in urban and rural areas. It also funds a high quality of life nation- wide, with adequate housing and community facilities, full utilization of talent, through education and job training, and a canopy of care, including the second phase of helping EthiOpian Jews become part of Israeli society. For more than 70 years, the American Joint Distribution Committee has been aiding needy Jews worldwide. Through CKJA we help .Jewish people in 33 nations, including iastern Europe and Moslem lands where large numbers of Jews live in poverty. In Ro- mania, for example, where 10,000 Jews re- ceive food, clothing and winter fuel pack- ages, JDC assistance could mean the dif— ference between life and death. The CKJA campaign also funds programs locally and throughout the United States. Last year's campaign, for instance, pro— vided assistance to the Anti—Defamation League, the National Jewish Community Re- lations Advisory Council, the Simon Wiesenthal Center on Holocaust Studies, the National Tay Sachs and Allied Diseases Fund, as well as more than a dozen other national organizations of Jewish interest. Locally, we helped support several local organizations including the Community Kitchen, the local Chapter of the National Council of Christians and Jews, and the Ronald McDonald House. We offered assis- tance to both Camp Young Judaea and the Goldman Union Camp Institute, with involve large numbers of children from our com- munity. , Equally important, the CKJA campaign helps to underwrite our local day camp, Camp Shalom, the Jewish Forum Series, ................................ continued local screening and referrals for members of our community who need the help of professional Jewish social service agencies, emergency loans and camp scholarships, and numerous local programs such as an Israeli Independence Day Celebration, pre-school holiday parties, a speakers bureau, and leadership development seminars. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE.... UPDATE As another High Holiday season passes, the Community Relations Committee notes some progress and some frustrations in our continuing attempt to work with the schools. The good news: The Fayette County Schools' Central Administration has been quite responsive and helpful. We have had several years of dialogue between CKJA and the school administrators, starting under Dr. Potts and continuing with Dr. Walton. As a result, last spring the central administration called the C.R.C. to double- check the High Holiday dates and to put them on schools' calendars. We understand that each principal was notified by central office that NO major tests should be given on Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur. Further, the new student code specifically states that religious holidays are excused absences. This official recog- nition that Jewish children will be absent from school on High Holidays has been very helpful. Unfortunately, the reSponse of each individual principal and teacher has varied considerably. Therefore, the C.R.C. needs your help. Please tell us how things went for children you know. Were ”major tests” given despite the directive? (Of course, the definition of ”major“ is Open to inter- pretation.) Did children receive make-up work with no undue ”hassles”? Were they treated with respect? The C.R.C. encourages parents to talk directly with their child's teacher, principal, music teachers, etc., about religious holidays before problems happen. Even though each school receives a calendar of holidays, most parents have found that reminding teachers in advance about ab- sences has resulted in good cooperation. We have heard of field trips being changed and ”hide bound“ tests schedules being revised. ...................... continued on page A SOVIETS REPRESS JEWS ON EVE OF SUMMIT Arrests of Jews, restrictions on emigra- tion and official anti-Semitism continue on the eve of a U.S.-Soviet summit in which the plight of Soviet Jews is expected to be raised. President Reagan has told a delegation of American Jews that he intends to make the issue of Soviet Jewry a high item on his agenda when he meets with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev next month in Geneva. The World Conference on Soviet Jewry is urging that Jews around the world take action on November 19 in conjunction with the Opening of the summit, to demonstrate solidarity with Soviet Jewry. Prayer vigils and demonstrations are planned in various communities. In addition, Jewish organizations in the United States are urging that letters be sent to President Reagan commending him for his commitment to press this issue at the summit. The address is The White House, Washington, D.C. 20500. The organizations are also urging that letters be sent to Gorbachev calling for release of Jewish prisoners of conscience and for freedom of emigration for Soviet Jews. The Soviet Union is continuing to severely restrict emigration. It is suggested that Gorbachev be in— formed in the letters that it is unlikely that the American people will trust the Soviet Union in negotiations on security issues so long as the USSR continues to violate the human rights provisions of the Helsinki Accords. Letters to Gorbachev may be sent c/o Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations, 136 E. 67th Street, New York, NY 10021. The National Conference reports that there has been no real reduction in of- ficial anti—Semitism in the Soviet Union since Gorbachev took over. Soviet publications and broadcasts slacked off slightly in their attacks when Gorbachev took over, but have since returned to the offensive. They continue to attack Israel, Zionism, Judaism and individual Jews, according to the National Conference on Soviet Jewry. The only improvement is an apparent elimination of vicious suggestions that Zionists collaborated in the Final ................................ continued Solution. However, the Soviets continue to compare Zionism to Nazism. The Soviet Union has begun a new wave of arrests of Jews trying to observe . . traditional practices. More than ten teachers of Hebrew and Judaism have been arrested in recent months, according to the National Conference on Soviet Jewry. The arrests are a “conscious effort on the part of Soviet authorities to cut off the Soviet Jewish movement at its head and its heart,” according to Morris Abram, 4 chairman of the National Conference. ég Communities throughout the country will again speak out against the worsening plight of Jews in the Soviet Union during the 15th Annual Women's Plea for Soviet Jewry. The Women's Plea, which coincides with United Nations International Human Rights Day, is organized as a means of raising public consciousness and mobiliz— thr ing the community on behalf of Soviet She Jewry. It is an opportunity for members anc of the community to come together and con- dle vey their concern and support for Jews in tie the Soviet Union. The Lexington obser- Mac vance will take place on Wed., Dec. A. Under the aegis of the Leadership ab? Conference of National Jewish Women's . .7' Organizations, in cooperation with the B”? National Conference on Soviet Jewry and Wh' the National Jewish Community Relations and Advisory Council, this year’s program is being coordinated and convened nationally OUt by Hadassah. man Isa for C.R.C. lJPDATE continued from page 3. con - Cam However, we need to know about both good and bad situations so that we can let the school administration know of our continu- ing concerns. Please tell us how things went this year. I Also, alert us to particular concerns that 104' we might discuss in teacher workshops or The‘ faculty meetings throughout the year. fror Please call Charlotte Baer, co-chair of stuc the Community Relations Committee or drop othe her a note: 985 Maywick Drive, Lexington, will KY AOSOA (277-3072). This Note: The school liaison program is as v continuing and will be announced next mom.) , i in this program, each school in Fayette ear County is assigned an individual ”liaison“ :;32 who establishes contact with the principal and helps make contact when problems occur. [1 I <=::::::::::>/——‘*——— '"" - x L ' o ’ ____. ——-- \— .. - .~_ ‘ v k - v _. ' . 'I III II III «I ru mun-u! - I" at cm l...'.' .7 40 ATTEND CAMP SHALOM About #0 children, ages 4 to 8, enjoyed three fun-packed weeks this June at Camp Shalom. The youngsters performed songs and dances, made challah, candles and can- dleholders and learned how to weave and tie-dye T—shirts. They also played in the Maccabean games. Other‘activities included learning about Jewish values and going on field tips to the Synagogue, the Temple, the Buckley Wildlife Sanctuary, the Headley- Whitney Museum, the swimming pool, Ashland and Woodland Park. Camp culminated with an overnight camp- out for the older children and the perfor- mance of a play adapted from a story by Isaac Bashevis Singer. A brunch was held for all campers and families. Camp Shalom is partially supported by contributions to the annual CKJA-UJA Campaign. NO LONGER HOMELESS Hillel has found a home. A room at 1041 South Limestone is ready to go. Their home is conveniently located across from the U.K. Medical Center so that students can stop in to chat, nibble, meet others or just share a concern. The doors will be open several afternoons a week. This space will be used for board meetings as well as social and religious activities. , Hillel was off to a great start this ear with its fall picnic. Many new students joined in for an evening of good food and company. ............................... continued October has already been filled with a Sukkot party and a volunteer crew joining in to assist the International Book Pro— ject with a shipment of books to Israel. On October 17 the new Hillel office was honored with a wine and cheese house- warming party. Are you a student at U.K., Transy, Eastern or Centre? Do you know any Jewish students at our Central Kentucky colleges and universities who should be contacted by Hillel? Please call Susan Golstein, Hillel Director, to pass along names or to bet information. Her number is: (606) 269-8A15. Hillel is one of the many local projects partially funded by CKJA. PRESCHOOLERS CELEBRATE SUKKOT Sunday, September 29, Sukkot was cele- brated by twenty preschoolers at the CKJA Preschool Sukkot Party. The party was held at the Lexington Hearing & Speech Center. The emphasis was harvest time and giving thanks for a good harvest. The children made ”crops“, planted and har- vested them and then decorated their own suko with them. They each then made a small centerpiece suko for their dining table at home. Refreshments of harvest fruits and grains topped off the festi- vities. The 1985-86 series of preschool parties is chaired by Ginny Luftman and co-chaired by Terry Goldfarb. This program is sponsored and funded by CKJA through its Community Activities Committee. CKJA BULLETIN DEADLINES CKJA wants to help you inform the Jewish community of your activities and events. Please make note of our future bulletin deadlines and together we'll keep everyone ”in the know”. NOVEMBER BULLETIN: deadline, Fri., Nov. 1 DECEMBER BULLETIN: deadline, Mon., Nov. 25 JANUARY BULLETIN: deadline, Mon., Jan. 6 Send your articles for the bulletin to: CKJA, 333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, KY AOSOH. News 82 Notes CKJA BOARD NOTES According to the CKJA By-Laws (Article X, Section B), l'The membership of the Association is to be informed that the Board of Directors is considering a motion to amend the Constitution and By-Laws, what amendment(s) is(are) being proposed and at what board meetings these amend- ments are to be discussed.” in accordance with this requirement, President Gloria Katz announced that the following amendment has been proposed and will be discussed for the first time at the October meeting of the CKJA Board. ARTICLE l reads: The name of this organization shall be the Central Kentucky Jewish Association, incorporated. PROPOSED CHANGE: The name of this organization shall be the Jewish Federa- tion of Central Kentucky, Incorporated. .L J. .L .1. J. A A A l\ A President Gloria Katz has appointed Marilyn Moosnick to chair the Nominations Committee for the 1986 CKJA Board. Serving on the committee with Mrs. Moosnick are Sheila DeKosky, Karen Diamond, Nancy Hoffman, Jack Miller, Bobbie Shain and David Wekstein. Five elected positions are open, each term to last for three years. Three ap- pointed positions are also open, one each from Temple Adath Israel, Ohavay Zion Synagogue and B'nai B'rith. The presidents of these organizations will name the repre- sentatives who will fill the three-year terms. The Nominating Committee will report to the CKJA Board at the October meeting. Notification will be sent to the community in advance of the Annual Meeting, which will be held on Sunday, November 24th at ArtsPlace. J. .L J. .L LL A A A A A The 1986 Budget and Allocations Com- mittee, chaired by Martin Barr, will be meeting to consider requests and make re- commendations for the 1986 administrative budget. ............................... continued Serving with Mr. Barr are: Harold Baker. . Robert Baumann, Gail Cohen, Halley Faust, Evelyn Geller, Ellie Goldman, Judy Levine, and Erle Levy. The Committee will bring its proposal to the Board at its regular meeting on Wednes- day, Nov. 20. At that time the budget will be discussed. Final discussion and voting on the administrative budget takes place at the board meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 18. 7': 7': 7‘: 7': 2': H E Shalom Lexington, the community—wide welcome for Jewish newcomers on Sept. 8th, was attended by more than 100 people. All the Central Kentucky Jewish organizations were represented, and the newcomers pre- sent had an opportunity to learn about our community in an informal setting. Hats off to all the organizations for an enjoy- able afternoon! UiK. FACULTY GROUP PLANS SPEAKER On Monday, Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. at the U.K.. . Student Center Room #228, Dr. William Orbach, University of Louisville professor, will speak on ”Soviet Jewry: The History of American Efforts on Their Behalf” for the University of Kentucky Faculty Association on Jewish Affairs. This program is open to the public. ADL'S LINKER TO ADDRESS GROUP All members of the community are invited to attend the November 3rd meeting of B'nai B'rith Lodge 289. Mr. Allan Linker of the Anti-Defamation League will address the issues relating to the current wave of anti- semitism in the Midwest. A buffet breakfast will be served bet- ween 8130 and 9:30 a.m., followed by Mr. Linker's talk in the auditorium of Temple [_T' Adath lsrael. There is a $A admission 1 ED charge, payable at the door, or in advance Wh to Ralph Crystal, President, Lexington Vi Lodge #289 - B'nai B'rith, 3L+o3 Thistleton du Drive, Lexington, KY A0502. \ f0 0 m TRIPS TO ISRAEL A number of groups sponsor trips to Israel for people with different interests. Here are details on a few upcoming trips: © UJA YOUNG LEADERSHIP CABINET, open to men ages 25-A0. May 12-20, 1986 with two options for stopovers beforehand: 1. Depart New York Wednesday, May 7, for Warsaw and Cracow, Poland. Then to Israel. Cost: $2150 per person-double occupancy. 2. Depart New York Thursday, May 8, for Madrid. Then to Israel. Cost: $2100/person-double occup. 3. Depart New York Sunday, May 11, for Israel. Cost: $1765. For further information contact Lori . Baron, (212)757—1500. ® AMERICAN PROFESSORS FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST, open to academicians (spouses invited). Dec. 16-30, 1985. Includes briefings by leading politi- cians and academics. Cost: $1050, includes travel to and from New York, two meals a day, lodging and transpor- tation. ($1350 for non-academician spouses). 330 7th Avenue, Suite 606, New York, NY 10001, (212) 563-2580. © UJA HATIKVAH WINTER SINGLES MISSION, January 12—22, 1986. Further infor— mation: Geraldine Katz, (212) 757—1500, or contact Judy Saxe, CKJA Administra- tor at (606)252-7622. Further information: APPME, I EDITOR’S NOTE: Our thanks to David Green who has generously volunteered his ser— vices to CKJA by assisting with the pro— duction of this newsletter. We look forward to his continued Input. His knowledge and skills are much appreciated. __ ._,_____.J. News Briefs EAST GERMANY REMEMBERS HOLOCAUST VICTIMS East Berlin, East Germany (JTA) -- Two major Gedenkstatten (remembrance memorials) have recently been put in place here, the capital of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), that specifically commemorate the great Jewish leader, phiIOSOpher and mathe— matician, Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786), and those ”thousands of Jews” who were deported from Hitler's Berlin to their deaths in Auschwitz and Theresienstadt. A striking, haunting group of figures - men, women and children, 13 in all, in varying sizes and attitude — has been erected on a large marble slab on the site of what formerly was Berlin's home for the aged in the Great Ghetto. Some 50 paces to the left of the Jewish Victims Memorial was a large plaque to the memory of Mendelssohn. Under an engraving of Mendelssohn's bust was the following quotation: ”Seeker of truth, lover of beauty, working for the common good, doing one's best.“ The GDR is already planning elaborate ceremonies for the 1986 celebration of the 200th anniversary of Mendelssohn's death. While there is not an overt trace of anti-Semitism in the GDR, many visitors to the GDR remain skeptical of how deep is such a commitment. There are inconsisten- cies, most by omission. In the several brochures marking the forty years of the liberation of Sachsen- hausen, Buchenwald, Ravensbruk, and Brandenburg-Gorden concentration camps, there is but one reference to Jews as victims categorically singled out by the Nazis. In the Buchenwald commemorative booklet there appears on page 8 the following: ”We honor all victims of fascism, our Communist and Social Democratic comrades and our fallen comrades from the resistance put up by the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The flowers and our wreaths stand in tribute to thousands of people of the Jewish faith who were driven to their deaths in Buchenwald by the racial madness of the Nazi hangmen.l| ................ ...... continued on page 8 EAST GERMANY .................... continued In the other camp commemoratives, there is no such language. Some critics in the West see such omission as tantamount to anti-Semitism. At the Ravensbruk concentration camp memorial site —- an especially moving place of memory where more than 90,000 were murdered, mostly women and children —- there are plans now for extending special memorials to the ”peoples of 20 nations who suffered here.” When asked if a special memorial for the Jewish victims of Ravensbruk might be in- cluded, there was an expression of uncer- tainty and a reassertion of the customary procedure regarding nationality. JUDEAN CAVES REVEAL MORE ANCIENT SECRETS Archaelogical treasures of unprece- dented antiquity have recently been placed on exhibition by the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The collection of 9,000-year old artifacts has revolutionary anthropo- logical implications because they provide the first opportunity for experts to study the civilization of Neolithic man (late Stone Age) from such a diverse collection of artifacts. ”The sensational aspect of these ob- jects,” explains Dr. Tamar Noy, curator of pre-history at the Israel Museum. ”is that they comprise an almost complete picture of what society must have been like during that age. We have found odd bits and pieces in the past but nothing as reveal- ing and as sophisticated as this. Some of the fabrics and designs are so exqui- site that they give us a new view of what our ancestors were like and they should banish forever any popular notions that neolithic man was brutish and dull.” This archaeological cache was dis- covered in a cave in the Judean Desert thirty miles south of Jerusalem. The desert's caves have been a favorite hunting ground for archaeologists and fortune seeking Bedouins, ever since the Dead Sea Scrolls were uncovered in a similar cave in the 19405. In 1983 David Alon of the Education Ministry's Department of Antiquities and Museums, and Professor Ofer Bar-Yosef of the Hebrew University probed deeper into the cave and unearthed their magnificent find. ................................ continued Among the most remarkable of these de— licate objects are fabrics woven in intri— cate designs. Another fascinating find is a human skull decorated with asphalt, whil. . a painted mask and some cloth fragments ar the oldest examples ever found. 0n the utilitarian side, the Neolithic objects include flint tools such as blades, knives and arrowheads. There are bone objects like spatulas, pointed tools and something resembling a buckle. These unique organic finds have survived intact due to the darkness and dryness of their cave in the Judean Desert. The textiles offer new insights into how man began weaving both baskets and cloth, while the cultic nature of many of the objects will offer an opportunity to learn more about the rites, rituals, and religion of the era. MITZVAH CORPS 85—86 PROGRAMS The Mitzvah Corps, now four years old, welcomes new members -- men and women, single and married -- to participate in its programs. Here is the schedule for the rest of 1985—86. All programs are on Tuesday at Temple Adath Israel, 12A N. Ashland Avenue. J. n T.A.I. Sisterhood MITZVAH CORPS Nov. 19, noon, short meeting; enter- tainment by cartoonist Al Strauss. Brown bag lunch. * Dec. 10, noon, Chanukah party; musical entertainment by Harold and Jeannie Sherman; refreshments, including latkes, provided. * Jan. 28, noon, Victor Broaddus of U.K. presents travelogue. Bring lunch, be- verage provided. * Feb. 25, noon, performers from U.K. present Broadway show tunes. Bring lunch. * Mar. 25, noon, program will probably be a book review by Ada Gail. Bring lunch, beverage supplied. * Apr. 15, 11:30 a.m., Short trip, details to be announced. May 27, noon, Closing luncheon; Music by Father McDonald. . For more information, please call Lore Pappas, 272—7395; Carolyn Weinberger, 272-A833; or Hilda Abraham, 266~h789. HESHVAN-Kl SLEV 5746 OCTOBER NOVEMBER, 1985 SUNDAY 27 9 a.m. - A pim. Ohavay Zion Sisterhood ' L"lea Market 10 a.n. SingleScene “A Day in the Bluegrass” outing with Cincinnati Singles MONDAY 28 8 p‘m. UK Faculty Assn, on Jewish Affairs: Student Cntr,#228_ William Orbach “Soviet Jewry: History of Ameri- can Efforts on Their Behalf” TUESDAY 29 WEDNESDAY 30 8 p.m. CKJA Campaign Committee @ office THURSDAY 31 FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 8:30 - 11-30 a.m. B‘nai ‘ B'rirh, TAI 4 ELECTION DAY TAI Board meeting 028 Board meeting 6 8 p.m. Hadassah 10 (KJA ”Guardians of Ziun“ Dinner at the Bistro, 5:30 p.m. 11 17: 9 a.mi TAl Sisterhood board meeting 18 ' 12 Hadassah board mtng. 14 15 16 8:30 p.m. Hadassah's “An Affair to Remember” at tho Marrintt 19 12 noon, Mitzvah Corps at Temple Adath Israel 20 B p.m. CKJA Board meeting 8 office 21 Hadassah DiSCUSsion Group "'23; 24E CKJA ANNUAL MEETiNG 7:30 p.m. at Arts- Place 25 26 27 Hadassah Book Discus- sion at the home of Alma Miller, ”The Rest of Us” l 28 THANKSGIVING DAY 99907 A)» ‘ummxei bu Quuuxw 0N6 SSVISOd S n U0510 meld-00M REFORM MOVEMENT REQUESTS $20 MILLION FROM JEWISH AGENCY New York, N.Y. - Five Reform organiza- tions have requested $20 million for the first year and a total of $88 million over five years for Reform programs in Israel. Application was made to the Jewish Agency, which provides social and educational ser— vices to the Jewish State, and is supported largely by the United Jewish Appeal. Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff, President of the Association of Reform Zionists of America, noted that $20 million is less than 5% of the Jewish Agency budget, which this year totals $hl3 million. Detailed funding requests for forty specific Reform programs in Israel were included. The programs fall into four categories: 1) Programs in Israel advancing Israeli Progressive Institutions, 2) Education programs in Israel for Diaspora Jewry, 3) Aliyah and absorption programs, and A) Programs of Zionist education for the Diaspora. G33LNVHVDU 3DViSOd Ndni3d 031830038 NOIi338803 SS3HGGV 7090' AM 'NOLDNIXB'I S BLIDS '3nN3AV 83’1'IVM SSE IHCDLLVTDCDSEPVI48LNE3FIKMZDFLLBE3M'WVQiLhfiai) While individual Reform institutions have requested money from the Agency in the past, this is the first time that a coordinated effort has been made by the entire Reform Movement. The grant appli- cation was prepared in response to dis— satisfaction in the Reform community over the low level of funding which the Agency has given to Reform projects in Israel, and to answer those Agency leaders who had pointed out that substantial funding had never before been requested. Rabbi Kroloff expressed confidence that greater Agency participation in the financing of Reform programs in Israel would deepen and strengthen the traditi