xt7z610vtq96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vtq96/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1960-05-09 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 9, 1960 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 9, 1960 1960 1960-05-09 2020 true xt7z610vtq96 section xt7z610vtq96 .o- ~‘,. A... i . AbSence explained. MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY, MAY 9, 1960 The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Monday. May 9, 1960 at 4:00 p.m. Vice President Chamberlain presided. Members absent: Philip Austin, Richard Blanton, Roland Boughton, George Byers, Lucian Carter, Carl Cone, Marcia Duke”, Frank G. Dickey*, C, F, Elton‘, Bernard Fitzgerald, Lee Gildart, Lyman Ginger, William E. Grubbs, Wilbur Hsinz, Sidney Kaplan, Abby Msrlstt*, Prank Peters0n*, Tullio Pignani, Niel Plummer, E. W. Rannells. T. G. Roberts*, H. A. Bomanowitz. G. W. Schneider*, 9. E. Shaver, Robert Straus*, Lawrence Thompson‘, M. Stanley Wall, Warren Walton, G. T. Webster“, T. J. Welsh, M. M. White, and Ralph Wisoman*. The minutes of April 4 were read and approved with the change of the word ”COuncil" to "Faculty". Dr. Thomas B. Stroup, Chairman of the Honors Program Committee, presented a report to the Faculty for its information. The Faculty approved the report as read. Honors Program Committee Report The University Honors Program was created by the University Faculty last May when the Faculty adopted the report of the Subcommittee of the Committee of Fifteen on the Gifted Student. The Committee on Committees recommended twelve persons, representing all undergraduate colleges of the University. to the President who made the appointments. The Committee now consists of Dean Marcia Duke, Professors Carl Cabe, Lee Coleman. Vincent Cowling, Enno Kraehe, James Ogletree, Herbert Riley, Robert Rudd, William F. Wagner, C. A. Walton, W. W. Walton, and Thomas B. Stroup. The Director of the Program, selected by the Committee, became the thirteenth.member ex Officio. The Committee elected its own Chairman. You are familiar with the provisions and recommendations of the report of the Subcommittee on the Gifted Student. The Honors Program Committee's work was authorized by it, and its task has been to put those recommendations into effect. The Committee has not knowingly gone beyond the authorizations and pro— visiOns of that report. Its first, and we think wisestP act was to choose as Director of the Program Professor Stephen Diachun of the College of Agriculture. He now spends oneehalf his time directing the Program. He is responsible to the Honors Program-Committee and reports to the President of the University directly. The President was able to provide adequate office space and secretarial help for the Director. The office is for the time being in room 2 of the Fine Arts building. The second work of the Committee was the formulation of a budget. The budget which was recommended requested not only funds for operation but for scholarships. It was appended to a statement of the pros visions of the Program and presented to the President in hope that he might be able to use this statement to acquire funds for it from either private or public sources, or both. The Board of Trustees approved a modest sum for operation until July 1. More reCently a budget for the next two years has been approved. One of the greatest needs, the Committee feels, is for scholarship funds. Whereas it is mindful that good students are not attracted merely by scholarships, it is equally mind— Minutes of the University Faculty May 9, 1960 ful that many of thevery best of them need financial help and to to the college which gives it most generously. t) A Special scholarship fund for the Honors Program has been started, though the amount of the fund is as yet very small indeed. The third work was to plan the Program. After numerous and lengthy meetings of the Committee as a whole and of subcommittees, the Committee has decided upon the following plan: 1) 2) 3) 4) Approximately twenty-five students are to be selected this spring, and each succeeding spring, from high school seniors 0n the basis of their high school record, special examinations, recommendations of their high school principals and other interested persons, and their interest in and suitability for the Program. the applicants will come to the University for interviews. some fifty~five or more students have applied for entrance into our Honors PrOgram and more are applying daily, the National Council of Teachers of English, and the University Testing Service. The dean of admissions and other deans in the University supplied several names.) Applicants compete for University scholarships on the some basis as other University students, making their applications directly to the University Scholarships Committee. Your Committee believes that the adviser system lies at the very head of tne Program. The Director and the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled will select the student's special adviser. It is expected that the relationship between student and adviser will be very close, The adviser will normally be professor of the subject in which the student has chief interest. He will normally remain as the student's adviser throughout his college career, guiding him in the preparation of his c0110quia studies, directing his thesis, and acting as chairman of his comprehensive examination. The unity of the group of Honors Students will be achieved by two features: a) special sections for Honors Students in the multiple—section courses. where such sections are feasible (for instance, in English and mathematics); TT\ ' b) a colloquim to meet two hours per week throughout the year, giving no credit in terms of semester hours. A colIOquim will be provided for each of the four undergraduate years. Each will be in charge of an interested faculty member chosen by the Director of the Program with the approval of the Honors Program Committee and the President. The professor in charge of each c0110quim, having determined the chief interests of the students, will. with the approval of the Director and the Program Committee, determine the subjects for study and discussion of each colIOquim. Some of the meetings of the 00110quia, it is heped. will be dinner meetings. In most instances (Already Names were selected from lists prepared by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, In 1C3 S Ldy ;ed Minutes of the University Faculty May 9, 1960 5) The requirements of the student, once he has been selected for the Program,are these: a.) b) c) a) that he maintain a 3.5 scholastic average; that he take active part in the colloQuie; that he in his senior year write and present a thesis in his chosen field; that he, in the last semester of his senior year, take both a written and oral comprehensive examination in his field and the Graduate Record Examination. 6) Certain special privileges and rewards may be expected by the honor students: a) b) C) d) e) f) Many details are yet to be worked out. first colloquim has not yet been determined precisely. choice of advisers must be worked out” Honor Students, we hope. will be provided. room, we hepe. may be found for this group. they will be given stack permits in the use of the libraries; they will be encouraged to pass elementary courses by special ex- aminations, where deemed advisable; they will be encouraged to take advanced courses in which they will encounter competition with graduate students; they will be entertained. it is hoped by the President. deans and other interested persons and will receive invitations to meet visiting notable scholars; they will be graduated from the University Honors Program and will have that fact inscribed upon their University record and upon their diplomas; having graduated in the Program, they may expect better opportunities for scholarships and fellowships as graduate students or better positions if they enter business or industry. For example, the subject of the The arrangements for A special scholarship fund for the A special reading and meeting Plans for guiding University Honors Students into advanced courses and for encoaraging them to do in— dependent study must be laid. Likewise many changes will doubtless be made as the Program gets under way. The Director is workin in closa coao oration with the Universit Testin S P y 3 Bureau and the Registrar's Office in the selection of Honors Students. He and the Committee have received the advice and the stimulating help of the President of the University. They are studying programs at other universities. Since honors programs elsewhere. however, are not universitvaide in scope, they furnish no easy or ready-made patterns to follow. feeling its way, Hence your Committee is in large part trying to build an‘ effective but flexible program that will attract the very best students to the University in whatever college they enter. The Committee believes such a group can stimulate the whole student body to in» creased intellectual activity. The Committee and Director have Confidence in their plan and in the wisdom and sympathy of this Faculty to make it work. They solicit your advice and counsel. Thomas B. Stroup Chairman in zzzz Minutes of the University Faculty, May G, 1960 L E 3i “ Dr. Stephen Diachun, Chairman of the Committee on Student Organ— ( N En M: izations & Social Activities, presented a request from the Inter~ ' PL!* ‘5 fraternity Council that the effective date of September 1959 for en- L f " a forcement of the University Faculty Rule governing social probation ' ”it; i of fraternities and sororities be deferred until Sentember 1062. A A ” motion was made to approve the request as nresented. After considerable .i‘ ’ti‘ 3 discussion the motion was amended to make the date of enforcement effective r ‘!“ i in September 1961. The Faculty approved the original motion as amended. 2 In April 1959 the University Faculty changed the scholastic 1 requirement for social fraternities from the all—men's to the all— student's average. This requirement went into effect in September 1959. l 1 Eleven fraternities were placed on social probation for failing to meet NY : the requirement. Seven of the eleven had achieved the former require— d § ment, the allmmen's average, indicating that the difference between i the two requirements is a critical one. ‘7’“, ’\.x ‘.I if The Inter-Fraternity Council met with this committee twice. The i 1‘ Inter—?raternity Council has studied the situation and has concluded I E that it will be extremely difficult for most of the fraternities to i i meet the requirement of the all~students' average under traditional ”3 policies and orocedures of rushing and pledging. The result of so many fraternities being on probation has been reflected in a lowered morale in fraternities, increased difficulty in rushing and pledging capable students, and a threat to the financing of the fraternities. l M! The Inter—Fraternity Council and the individual fraternities are in w complete accord with the desire of the faculty to promote and guarantee higher academic standards. The Inter-Fraternity Council has concluded that in order to make the most effective effort to meet the require~ ment, time will be needed to reorganize the various ghases of the fraternity programn ; This committee is impreSsed with the sincerity of these young t :3 men on the InteraFraternity Council. They ure trying to do something about the difficult position of the fraternities. The Intern : Fraternity Council has made some pertinent and perhaps drastic changes: Deferred rushing goes into effect this September; under the new procedure only students who huve made a C average will be { rushed and pledged. A new scholarship program has been established through the InteroFraternity Council and the Dean of Men's Office. } A joint InteraFraternity CouncilnPanhellenic Committee is studying t the social programs of fraternal organizations with a view to limiting the number of social events. A program of fraternity advisers is being developed so that closer supervision will be given to academic affairs 1 of the fraternities. L versity Faculty defer the date of the requirement of the all—students' ? average until September. 1962 and that the all~men's average be the requirement in the interim, as it was until this past September. 1 I I M The IntereFraternity Council respectfully requests that the Uni— l 59. at as ng ‘7’“, ’\.x ‘.l This committee feels that the Faculty wants to encourage the Inter—Fraternity Council and the fraternities to raise their scholastic .4 standing, by their own efforts if possible. The committee supports the request of the Inter—Traternity Council, and feels that if the Faculty approves it will be in part an act of faith and confidence and encouragement with respect to the Inter—Fraternity Council and its efforts. The committee recommends that the University Faculty Rule in Section IX on Student Campus Activities, which states that "Anysocial fraternity or sorority which at the close of a semester has an aVerage standing for both actives and oledges low r than the all~students' average shall be e placed on social probation for the following semester” be suspended now or deferred until September, 1962 and that in the interim and now the old rule be in effect. Dr. Survant presented a recommendation from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics to dron A.I. 46 WllCh was approved by the Faculty. The College of AgriCJlture and Home EconOmics recommends that A. I. 46, Survey of the POultry Indust y, 3 credits, be dropped. Dr. Hits presented a recommendation from the Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, thut the second dr0p rule be set aside for Charles Newell Warren and that Mr. Warren be readmitted to the University of Kentucky, Department of Chemical Engineering, on probation. The Faculty anproved this recommendatiOL. The Department of Chemical Engineering with the approval of the aculty of the College of Engineering recommends to the University aculty tha the "Second Drop" rule be set aside in the case of Mr. Charles Newell Warren and that he be readmitted to the University 0 f Kentucky on probation. 31.1 ’11 Since being dropped, Mr. Warren has been attending Georgetown College. He has majored in Mathematics and PhySics and at present e his standing is 2.7 out of a possible 4.0. He will graduate in June 1050 and wants to enter the University of Kentucky to work toward a BS degree in Chemical Engineering. He wishes to enroll for the Summer Session 1060. His classification scores are: aptitude 91 mathematics 87 English 94 total 95 Minutes of the University Faculty, May 9, 1960 1686 1687 Minutes of the Univcr51ty Facu1,y, may 9 Mr. Warren has bean married for the oz .st two ye a w anu should be able to take advantage of another opportunity to s J" . . > . n . ~ 1 3‘ UniverSity of {ex tucky 11 it is granteu. r tudy at the . h Dean Willard presented recommendations from the College of Nur: irg ; %1 for two new courses which wera Hoproved by the Taculty. ive Wursing u) o O C) L) B *d H w {'5' w r"! m Opportunities for study RJd practica of com- prehehsive ru rsing of adult Tabitnt €d “ton l \ f student—instructor idell iiica [ student neeffi. Prerequisite; Perm"v‘on oi Instructor ‘,_ t lbD-Ju 301 Comprehensive Nursing Opportunities for study and practice of ' comprehensive nursing in the area of ma child health based upon student—instructor identification of individual student needs. , ‘v‘ / b semestei crudits 5‘ Prerequisite: Permissicn of Instructor x 1, x! V A 4/ 5,: ,3; f : ‘ -1 _ 1 __ m -~. g . _‘ M ,1.” '5 .-l a! 9.3 ; . . 1 :1; fl‘ Tna baculty auJouined gt 5.0b p.~. 9/,jfipflr ’ ;«. gl' , 7 H; .1“. ' ’/ fl ”4‘ 6 [7 /V. j “Jib-‘4‘ 4,344.1?le ;1 ”.4316 ‘~ "9" \k \ K ; Katnrvnelfl he )burne { D Aéting N3ecreta1; |