7484 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, OCTOBER ll, I993 The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, October I l, 1993, in Room I 15 of the Nursing Health Sciences Building. Daniel L. Fulks. Chairperson of the Senate Council. presided. Members absent were: Stephanie Ateher, Mark C. Berger*, Antimony Bishop*, Robert L. Blevins, Rick Boland, Peter P. Bosomworth, Douglas A. Boyd, Joseph T. Burch, D. Allan Butterfield*, Lauretta Byars. Bradley C. Canon*, Clyde R. Carpenter. Ben W. Carr, Edward A. Carter, Shea Chaney*, G.L. Monty Chappell*, Donald B. Clapp, Jane Clark, Jordan L. Cohen, Darby Cole, Melissa Cox*, Lance E. DeLong*, Brian DeYoung, Richard Edwards, Raymond Forgue, Michael B. Freeman*, Richard W. Furst, Joseph H. Gardner*. Lorraine Garkovich. William Gibson*, Larry J. Grabau*, William S. Griffith*, J. John Harris, Zafar S. Hasan*. Christine b nice, Robert E. Hemenway, Floyd J. Holler, Chester A. Holmquist, Don A. Howard. Edward J. Kasarskis*, Kenneth K. Kubota, Gretchen LaGodna*, Thomas W. Lester, Thomas T. Lillich*, C. Oran Little, Loys L. Mather*, Jan McCulloch*, Martin J. McMahon. James S. Mosbey, David A. Nash*. Anthony L. Newberry, Jacqueline Noonan*, Judith Page, Barbara Phillips*, Rhoda—Gale Pollack, Thomas C. Robinson, Ellen B. Roscnman, Horst Schach*, Janice Schach*. David Shipley, Thomas J. Stipanowich, William J. Stober*. David H. Stockham. Michael Stover, Phillip A. Tibbs. Miroslaw Truszczynski, Henry C. Vasconez, Mary Walker, Chris Webb, Charles T. Wethington*, Brent White, Eugene R. Williams, Emery A. Wilson*. Mary L. Witt*. The Chair welcomed everyone to the University Senate meeting. The Chair stated that the Senate Minutes for September 20 have not been circulated. Since the September meeting was postponed one week, there were only three weeks between meetings. The Chair made the following announcements: The Governor's Higher Education Review Commission has met for the first time. The Governor at the first meeting distributed his list of recommendations. The Chair is not sure how far the list has been circulated. The Senate Council received a copy and it was distributed to each member. There are several interesting recommendations coming from the Governor, 14 in fact. The Chair said the President planned to discuss what is going on with the Commission at the next Board of Trustees meeting. The Governor's timetable on response is by the end of the calendar year. Chairman Fulks asked that the Senate make themselves aware. The Senate Council plans to discuss the Commission and the Governor's recommendations with the President at the next meeting of the Senate Council. * Absence Excused