Thruston B. Morton Audio Collection,1951-1969

Descriptive Summary

Thruston B. Morton Audio Collection,1951-1969
Morton, Thruston B., 1907-1982
1.5 cu. ft. (3 Boxes): 22 Items
Morton, Thruston B., 1907-1982
Kentucky--Politics and government
United States--Politics and government--1963-1969
Finding Aid Author
Processed by: Staff, Hugh Henderson, Harold Rosenbaum; machine-readable finding aid created by:Harold Rosenbaum
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Thruston B. Morton, U.S. senator, was born on August 19, 1907, in Louisville, KY. Morton graduated from Yale University in 1929. He served as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve from 1941 to 1946. In 1946 Morton was elected to represent Kentucky's 3rd Congressional District. He served three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, from January 3, 1947, to January 3, 1953. Morton was appointed assistant secretary of state for congressional relations 1953-56 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Morton served in the Senate for two terms, from January 3, 1957, to January 3, 1969. He was chairman of the Republican National Committee from 1959 to 1961. He later became one of the first conservatives to withdraw his support for President Johnson's Vietnam policies. Morton declined to run for reelection in 1968. Morton lived in Louisville until his death on August 14, 1982.
Scope and Content
The collection is comprised of twenty two 1/4" reel to reel audio tapes. The tapes cover a period from 1951 to 1969 and are of Senator Morton on radio talk shows discussing various political topics of the times, including Sen. Morton discussing his visit to Vietnam, President Kennedy's tax reform and and a talk to the Louisville Chamber of Commerce.

Contents of the Collection

Radio talk to his constituents by Senator Thurston B. Morton. The National Debt and the general fiscal policy of the United States; Senator Gore's statement of foreign aid; tobacco acreage allottments and Morton's proposal's; the cigarette industry in relation to burley tobacco; United Nation's bond proposals to pay off the Congo debt and Sen. Morton's opposition to this plan; Sen. Morton's opposition to the U.N. enforcing political decisions with the use of armed force. (P.T.: 15 min)17-Jan-62

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Radio talk to thank the utilities company for providing excellent service to its customers. Sen. Morton's remarks on the 15th anniversity of radio station WMIK.(P.T.: 1/2 min)19-Nov-63

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Radio talk to Morton's constituents on need for diplomacy. Rule #22, "the filibuster rule" and Sen. Morton's plans for revision; The seating of the finance committe; Democratic conservatives won a victory over liberals by keeping voting ratios the same as before; the deterioration of relations with our allies; DeGualle's veto of Great Britian's entry into the Common Market; "Skybolt" missle project with the British government and the crisis in Canada over defense purchases from the United States. A short essay on America's popularity as a world leader and the fact that the O.A.S. back the U.S. when President Kennedy stood up to Khruchev in the Cuban missle crisis(P.T.: 14:53 min)17-Feb-63

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Radio talk with guest Secretary Pittman on a foreign policy question. A discussion of shelters and the fact that a complete shelter system in the U.S. could save as many as 70 million people in case of a nuclear attack. The need for a federal program including more legislation in C.C. Discussion of preparation in Louisville and Frankfort. University of Georga studies on life in fallout shelters. Evaluation of Russian Civil Defense planning. The need for more legislation in the Senate on Civialian Defense.(P.T.: 15 min)3-Nov-63

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Radio talk with guest Secretary John Gardner on his trip to Vietnam, a discussion of the problems of skilled manpower in Vietnam and the plans for an American program in this field. General statements on the development of programs to enable the South Vietnamese to raise their standards and the problems as they relate to other developing nations.(P.T.: 5:11)4-Apr-66

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  • Folder 5
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Tape of ceremonies at the Lincoln Memorial in which Senator Morton participated. President Ford presided and Morton read Lincoln's Inaugural Address. Rep. Paul Findley reading excerpts from the Emancipation Proclamation. Sen Everett Dirkson reading Lincoln's Gettysburg address. (P.T.: 21 min)6-Feb-67

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Sen. Morton is guest on radio program " From the Capitol." Discussion is on relations with Cuba. The 1962 elections, Future Republican Prospects in the South; Morton denies Presidential ambitions; Effect of Cuba on the 1962 elections, Eisenhower visit in Kentucky; J.F.K. Tax Proposal; Indian-Chinese crisis; policy towards Castro; Soviet Peace Offensive of 1962(P.T.: 26 min)17-Dec-62

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Sen. Morton speaking at a program for "Youth Wants to Know." Engages in a Q & A session. Topic discussed: Vietnam; Sino-Soviet split; foreign aid; draft; lowering the voting age; east-west trade; role of the loyal opposition; possible candidates and issues in the 1968 presidential elections; South American trade; War on Poverty; riots in Louisville. Includes a letter from Miss Susan Galligher ass't producer of "Youth Wants To Know" (P.T.: 31 min)8-May-67

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Sen. Morton is the guest on the program "Congress Calling." Discusses plans to recover debts owed by foreign countries. The purchase of United Nations Bonds by the U.S.; The Poll Tax Proposals- later the 25th Amendment(P.T.: 13:40)March, 1962

  • Box 2
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Sen. Morton is interviewed about his ideas on escalating manpower in Vietnam on "A Report From The Nation's Capital". Topic include: Bombing in Vietnam and the Republican policy on the war; passage of the cigarette warning bill and discussion of tabacco; industry in Kentucky mountains; medicare; presidential succession amendment; conventions and the treatment of news media; the stock market and the national economy. (P.T.: 15:30 min)11-Jul-65

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Sen. Morton reports to constituents on several questions posed to him. Topic of discussion: President Kennedy's tax reform program and other fiscal matters; Cuba and Berlin comparison; the current situation in Latin America with particular emphasis on the Alliance for Progress, Southeast Asia and a discussion on the committe report following Senator Mansfield's visit- a recommendation for further aid. (P.T.: 15 min)1-Mar-63

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Sen. Morton speaks at 6th Human Events Political Action Conference. Analyses Republican plans for the 1964 election. Topical analysis of Republican campaigning plans for 1964. Explanation of the 1960 loss by Nixon. Argument with Mayor Daley. Finding of a special committe on the 1960 election (P.T.: 30 min)1964

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Sen. Morton of the "Milwaukee Reports" Program, before a panel of Milwaukee lawyers, discussing Republican chances in the 1964 elections. Cuba and the Gitmo water incident; brinkmanship; a woman president; the New Hamshire primary; Sen. Morton's position against a national primary; Republican problems in major cities; Democratic record; Bobby Baker and the disclosure of finances by Congressmen; priority states in 1964; John Birch Society (P.T.: 28:24 min)8-Feb-64

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  • Folder 13
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Sen. Morton on the "Capitol Cloakroom" Program, with several newsmen, including Roger Mudd. Discussions on the tax bill and other items facing the Congress. Charles DeGuale and Western Europe; 1964 campaign issues and candidate prospects; popularity of John F. Kennedy; Morton's feelings about the Finance Committe. (P.T.: 24:19 min)1963

  • Box 2
  • Folder 14
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Sen. Morton on three "Capitol Cloakroom" Program, meeting with CBS newsmen, discussing the chance of peace with Pres. Johnson's withdrawal. possible negoatitations with the committe; fiscal policy; poverty programs; Nelson Rochafeller; the campaign of 1968(P.T.: 27 min)3-Apr-68

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  • Folder 15
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Sen. Morton speaks at a Mock Republican Convention at Otterbein College. Note: The open-reel tape is blank on both sides. [MISSING]30-Sep-63

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Sen. Morton discusses the need for bomb shelters in American cities in a New Year's Day talk to the Louisville Chamber of Commerce. (P.T.: 1:15 Min)1-Jan-51

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Begins with Ike's visit to Ft. Knox; role Morton played in nomination of Eisenhower for President; also his decision not to run for reelection to Congress. (P.T.; 5:12 min)1952

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Sen. Cooper on Morton's appointment to Ass't Sec of State. (P.T.: 1:26 min)January, 1953

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Morton's Keynote Address to the Republican State Convention. (P.T.: 34:57 min)14-Apr-56

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Sen. Morton speaks about JFK's death and LBJ's succession. (P.T.: 3:15 min)23-Nov-63

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Tribute to Sen. Morton on the occasion of his retirement: "Profile of a Statesman." (P.T.: 30:29 min)3-Jan-69

  • Box 3
  • Folder 22
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