xt7z8w38195k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z8w38195k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19190523 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-05-apr23-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-05-apr23-ec. 1919 2011 true xt7z8w38195k section xt7z8w38195k Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Boa-rd of Trustees, University of Kentucky, April 23, 1919. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- v'ersity of Kentucky met in regular monthly session in the'Presi- dent's office at the University, Wednesday, April 23, 1919, at 11:00 o'clock, a. m. The following members were present: R. P. Ernst and P. P. Johnston, Jr. President McVey and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee, were also present. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with since they had been read and approved at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on April 1. (1) Applications for sites for fraternity houses on the campus from the Phi Delta Theta and the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities were read. The President was authorized to submit to the frater- nities the following tentative form of contract: WHEREAS a local chapter of what is known as the National Greek letter fraternity has expressed a desire to build a fraternity house at the Univer- sity of Kentucky, and the said University authorities have agreed to furnish a plot of ground upon which to locate the said house, NOW THEREFORE, This contract, made and entered into this _ day of ___, 1919, by and between the University of Ken- tucky as party of the first part and said chapter of the said fraternity as party of the second part, WITNESSETH, That for and in consideration of the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to be paid annually by the party of the second part as rental, the party of the first part does here- by lease unto the party of the second part for a period of fifty years, the following described plot of land _ upon which the said party of the second part has the right and privilege to locate the fraternity house which shall be used for no other purpose than that of a home for the members of the said chapter of the said fraternity. It is agreed by all parties that during the said period and occupation of said house, the party of the second part and each member thereof will abide by all rules and regulations adopted by the party of the first part for the regulation of such fraternity houses, including supervision, con- trol and inspection, and that the house shall not be sublet without 2. the consent of the party of the first part. The building anc grounds are at all times to be kept in good order and oonittlen by the party of the second part. Should it be found that the party of the second part could not carry out the provisions of this agree- ment, by consent of the party of the firir part some other tenant, who will use the building for the same purposes as designated above, may be secured to continue under this agreements It is further agreed that before the building of said house,- the plans and spenrifications for zame siall 'be submitted to and be approved by the party of the firs' part. At the expiration of the termn of lease, .if an eztension of time ismnot agreed upon, the said house may be purchased by the party of the first part as such a price as may be agreed upon or may be fixed by arbitration, and the possession of the plot of ground be returned to the party of the first part. . The same privilege of purchase may be exercised before the end of this lease, should the contract, be ended by mutual agreement. It is further understood that the party of the second part. may create a lien upon the house and lease for any reasonable amount of in- debtedness, but should the lien holder find it necessary to pro- ceed by legal process to collect the debt the same privilege of purchase by the party of the first part above mentioned shall apply. The same shall be true in a collection by execution or otherwise. GIVEN UNDER OUR HANDS this day of in the Year of Oqr Lord ._._- Vnivervity of Kentucky SEAL By .- SEAL By (2) A motion was made, seconded. and adopted directing that one-half the salary of James B. Lyons, Cashier in the Business Office, be paid by the University until July 1, 1919. (3) A communication was read from Combs Lumber Company asking for interest on their account for the construction of barracks for the Students' Army Training Corps at the University last fall. Toe Committee instructed the President to inform the Company that tie University receives no interest from the Government on the deferred payments and hence the University can pay none. 3., (4) Presidezt MoVey reported to the Committee that the War Department had approved the settlement of the accounts of the Uni- versity for the operation of the Students' Army Training Corps, amounting to $29,416.79 for Section B and $21,991.36 for Section A; and these, including moneys received frcz the Surgeon General of the Army for hospital fees during the influenza epidemic and money received from the salvage of the buildings up to April 1, 1919, totaled $69,852.24. (5) The following communication was read from Dr. James K. Patterson with respect to the payment of the $2,700 claim allowed him by the Attorney Genera' and ordered paid to him by the Board of Trustees on April 1, 1919: Lexington, Kentucky, April 9, 1919 President Frank L. McVey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. My dear Doctor McVey: Courtesy requires that I should advise you why I declined Lo this morning to receive the cheque for $2,700 due me on the opin- ion rendered by the Attorney General and why I refused to sign the receipt presented me by the Business Agent after reading the ex- cerpt from the minutes of the Board of Trustees. This receipt contained matter not included in the opinion and went beyond the limits of the settlement of my claim as presented. It would, if signed, have obtained by indirection my acquiescence in the flagrant injustice done me by the Board of Trustees in 1912 in their repudiation of a contract on which I based my resignation in 1910. I write this to you because you are the head of the Univer- sity and as such signed the cheque which I refused to accept on the conditions presented in the receipt -- not that I in any sense associate you with the action taken by the Board. Sincerely yours, James K. Patterson. The receipt which Doctor Patterson was asked to sign was prepared in the following form: 4. Lexington, Kentucky, April 8, 1919 Reoeived from D. H. Peak, Business Agent of the University of Kentucky, two thousand and seven hundred dollars ($2,700) payment in full of claim against the University of Kentucky for unpaid arrears presented by mde Deoember 20, 1917, less interest disallowed by the Attorney General to whom the claim was referred by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity for an opinion on its validity. The opinion of the At- torney General affirmed the justice of the olaim, barring the interest and recommended the payment of $2,700 as a "quittanoe of the entire claim as presented'. Payment is accepted in oon- formity with an order of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, made at its regular meeting April 1, 1919. (6) The following communication was read from John R. Downing., Secretary of the Phoonix and Third Trust Company: Phoenix and Third National Bank Lexington, Kentucky April 17, 1919 Senator D. H. Peak, Business Agent, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. My dear Senator: Replying to your letter of April 16, we would be obliged if you would send us renewal on April 24 for your note of $40,000 together with a check for $1,000 in payment of six months' inter- est. We are crediting the account of the Phoenix and Third Trust Company, as Trustee of the University of Kentucky, to-day with $808, being interest to April 15 on $40,000 par value Fourth Liberty Bonds. Yours very truly, J. R. Downing, JRD:MOS Vioe President and Cashierw On motion made and seconded, the Business Agent was instructed to ask Mr. Downing to pay over to the University the interest on the Peabody Fund and to pay to the Cashier of the Phoenix and Third National Bank the interest on the note and to renew the note. 5- (7) President McVey reported to the Committee that another lot adjoining the Animal louse on Graham Avenue had been purchased by the University for $625. He read a letter from Pelhom Johnston regarding the title. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted in- structing the Business Agent to file Mr. Johnston' s letter with the deed. (8) The report of the Business Agent was read and ordered in- corporated in the zMinutes. The report was as follows: Trial Balance -- General Ledger. March 31, 1919. Debit 1. Real Estate, Buildings, Equipment, et-- . . :$831,340,37 : 5. Additions and Betterments ................ : 128,229.27 : 15. 21. 23. 30. 36. 41. 44. 50. 52. 54. 6o. 65. 66. 67. 69. 70. 71. 75- 85. 91. 200. 205. 222. 230. 236. 245. 250. 260. 308. 318. 375- Cash ..............................: Petty Cash ............................... Treasurer of the University .............. Outstanding Warrants ...................... Accounts Receivable ...................... Students' Ledger ......................... Supplies, Mechanical and Electrical...... Department Material and Supplies..... Store Room Cash..................: Store Room...............................: Insurance Paid in Advance................: Land Grant Endowment Fund ............... : Peabody Endowment Fund ................... : Crum Bequest............... .............. : Bennett Bequest ....................... : Southern R. R. Student Loan Fund. : Class 1917 Chemistry Library Fund.. : Fleischman Fund. : Cafeteriaos.............................. : Notes Payable ............................ : Accounts Payable. : Real Estate, Buildings, Equipment, etc...: Additions and Betterments . Treasurer of the University. : Outstanding Warrants. : Dairy Accounts Receivable ................ : Department Material and Supplies ......... : Store Room............. : Insurance Paid in Advance...............: Treasurer of the University..............: Outstanding Warrants.....................: Capital and Surplus. : Credit $.......... 1.00: .......... 1.000.00 .......... .......... . 41,135.02 .......... .. :23,713.64 19,785.82 .......... 1,075.99 .......... 2,852.28 .......... 8,853.46 : .......... - 14.15 : ..*-.. 3,901.88 : .......... 9,262.03 : .......... 144,075.00 : ......... 40,000.00 : ......... 578.32 : ........ 448.36 : .......... 1,000.00 100.00 .......... 958.33. ....... .... .: 79.70 : 44,500.00 .......... . : 2,894.64 372,983.41 : .......... 10,626.25 : .......... 75,291.10 : .......... ..........: 11,224.12 2,811.35 : .......... 10,498.53 : .......... 894.48 . .......... 1,747.48 : .......... 48,280.19 : .......... ......... . : 9,636.92 .....::1,369,458.45 6. Debit Incorme- ................................. Inoome-4Gozeral Fund .................... : .......... Income 3xperimcnt Station .............. .......... Income--Extension Division ............... Instruction ..........., : 1440924.54 Administration Expenses ................. : 71,052.56 Patterson Hlall Expenses ................. : 14,640.36 General Expenditurez .................... : 184,398.32 Experiment Station Expenses ............. .169,439.28 Extension Division Expenses ............ . : 68,795.44 Total... $2Oe369,859.55 Credit :$ - 374'99 : 567,188.43 : 194 ,083.53 : 105,570.11 5 .......... :........... : .......... : .......... :,........... ',~369i,859 5~5 University of Kentucky. Statement of Income and Expenditures. Month of March 1919. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - Income : Previously : Current : Fiscal year : Reported Month : To date. __ _________________________________ -________-______-- - - - - -_--- ------ General Fund Federal -Appropriation ............... Vocational Education Board........ General Educayion Board ........... State Tax ......................... Interest on Endowment Bonds ....... Student Fees ............ , .. 9 Student Account Athletic Assooia- tion .........................: Student Account Kentucky Kernel...; Student Account Y. M. and Y.WC.A.: Student Account Lectures .......... : Miscellaneous Receipts ............ : Rentals........ ... Store Room Cash Sales ............. $ 42,750.00: 10,238.08 U 2,250.00: 226,203.62 : 8,644.50 ' 16,484.49 : 3,2B@,87 : 505.98: 252.99: 168.66.: 560.62: 195'00 : 14.15 : t ......... ......... 2,568.78 541.48 107.43 16.53 8.25 5.49 322.46 120.00 ......... :$ 42,750.00 10,238.08 2,250.00 : 268,772.40 : 8,644.50 17,025.97 3,396.30 522.51 : 2-261.24 : 174.15 883.08 315.00 14.15 Military First Camp.......................: Second Camp ...........,,..: Section A ...........: S. N. T. C .......... , ...: Salvage.......... . . : 94,337.49: 45,529.66 : 36,477.21: 11,990.55: 11,372.95: (69,353.68): 64,621.96 : 4,731.72: 968.60 395- 400. 410. 415. 420. 425 . 430. 435- 440. 445. 24,983.81 110,151.62 41,208.93 11,990.55 12,341.55 7. Income : Previously : Reported Patterson Hall Board................ . : Room Deposits ..................,: Key Deposits ..... ............: Telephone Tolls. : Miscellaneous Receipts .: Total General Fund .: : Current Month $ 8;766.98 : $ 280.00 % 62.00 : 32.60o: 5133 : $56o,411.73 : $ 2,081.98 15.00 2.00 18.70 6, 776. 7o : Fiscal year to date. : $ 10,848.96 295.00 64.00 s51.30 : 5.33 *$5,188,43 Experiment Station Hatch -- Federal Appropriation..: Milk, Butter, etc., Sales...,.: Beef Cattle Sales ............... : Dairy Cattle Sales .............. , Sheep Sales .................,, : Swine Sales....... .. . : Poultry Sales ..............,.,.: Farm Produce Sales .............. ; Horticulture Sales.. : Seed Test ......................,: House Rent ..........,.,.,.,,.: Miscellaneous Receipts .......... Fees Feeding Stuffs .: Fees Fertilizer and Tag Sales...: Public Service, State Appropria-: tion........ . : Adams -- Federal Apprepriation..: Serum Sales ..............: Virus Sales .................: Live Stock Sales .............: Supply Sales ................,.: Serum -- Miscellaneous Receipts.: State Appropriation. : Creamery License Fees.. : Creamery Testers License Fees...: Creamery Glassware, etc. Test....: Creamery Inspection, Miscellane-: ouc Receipts . Department, Agricultural Appro- priation, U. S. Co .: $ 11,250.00 ; 7,158.95 ; 38.46 ...............: 196.55 : 2,976.25 : 1,161.36 : 5,727.51 : 337.86 ; ...14.00: 618.s.99 1,212.26 : 28,050.30 : 22,925.66 : 13 11 19. 28~ 1 , Total Experiment Station Fund$157, $ ......... 1,284.70 190.24 170.00 278.44 57i181 134.70 294,24 7.65 49.99 13.81 4,694.10 15,380.83 ,659.50 ; (1,009.50.) ,250.00 ; ......... ,315.54 3,696.22 373.56 96.80 433.70 550.25 213.65 34.05 72.8* : 26.02 ,145.49 ; 9,551.15 ,426.50 : 6o.oo 422.00 43.50 406.36: 74.73 1.5R 0 1.00 500.00 888.80 $ 36,194.73 $ 11,250.00 8, 443.65 :228 .70 170.00 :474.99 3,54B Ob 1,296,06 6,021.75 345 .51 14.00 669.98 1,226.07 32,744.40 38,306.49 12t650.00 11,250.00 23,011.76 470,36 983-95 247,70 98.87 37,696,64 1,486.50 465.50 481.09 2.50 $ 500.00 ------ - ------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ 8. Income : Previously : Current : Fiscal Year : Reported : Month to Date. Trust Fund : : Fleischman Scholarship...... ..: $ 33i32 $ 41.67: $ 374.99 Total Trust Fund............ : 333.32: 41.67: 374.99 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extension Division Federal Smith Lever .............. : State Smith Lever ................ : Total Smith Lever ........... : $'!9,131,12 19,302.05 98,433.17 $....... : 7,136.94 : -7,.136.94: : $ 79,131.12 26,438.99 : 105,570.11 Gross Income...... , ,., : 817,067.02 : 50,150,04 : Expenditures . -Instruction. ....: Administration Expense... : Patterson Hall Expense... : General Expenditures ....: Experiment Station Expe-nditure1.: Extension Division Expe&aiture6.*.: 123,799.00.: 63,007.54 L 11,237.37 : 181,451.06 : 150,852.40 : 58,443.57 : 588,790.94 : Net Income Carried to Surplus Account.... :$228,276.os :($14,309.52): $213,966.56 867,217.06 21,125 .54 : 8,045.02: 3,402.99 2,947.26: 18,58688 : 10,351.87: 64,459.56: 144,924.54 71,052.56 14,640.36 184,398.32 169,439.28 68*795.44 653,250.50 9e University of IKentucky Balance Sheet as at March 31, 1919. Assets General Fund Current and Working Assets Cash in Bank............................................ Cash on Hand............................................ Petty Cash Account...................................... Acoounts Receivable...................................... Material and Supplies................................ Total and Current Working Assets.................... Insurance Paid in Advance.... ........................... Total General Fund Assets................. $ 37,861,59 1.00 1, 000. 00 23,593.46 27,014.78 89,470.83 ll,009.51 $100j480.34 Endowments, Bequests, eto. Land Grant Endowment......................... $144,075.00 Peabody Endowment ............................ 40,000.00 Crum Bequest.................................. 578.32 Bennett Bequest ............................... 448.36 Southern R. R. Loan Fund ................... - 1,000.00 Class of 1917 Chemistry Library Fund ......... 100.00 Fleischman Fund .............................. 958.33 Total Endowment, Bequests, etc............ $187,160.01 Real Estate, Buildings, Eient etc. Property Accounts as at June 30, 1918 ....... $1,204,323.78 Additions Since............................. 138,855.52 Total Real Estate, Buildings, Equipmcnt, etc ........ $l343)l79*30 Total ......................................... $1,630,819.65 -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Liabilities General Fund Current Liabilities...............................I... Notes Payable....................... Accounts Payable.................................... Total General Fund Liabilities................. Sur-pIus Balance as at March 31, 1919 ...............$ 1,369,458.45 Exoess of Income over Expenditures for the Fiscal Year to date as per Exhibit UBU.. 213,966.56 $ 44;500.00 2,894.64 $ 47,394.64 I 1983.429.01 Total..... $1;630,819.65 1o0 Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursments. March 3 I, 1919- : Previou sly : : Reported : Current Month : Fiscal Year :To Date _________-___-___________________________________________________________ Cash in Bank and on Hand ?cb- Puary 28, 1919......-($59,489. o): $ 6,650.70 ' $ 8,230.90 General Fund Income ..............5 ;1,107-39 Experiment Station Income. - 149,,68.49 Extension Division Income ......... 98,433-4 Accounts Receivable. 14,566';45 Old 0 teria1, etc., Sold .:153.25 Trust Fund Inco m e.333.32 Students Uniform Account.. . ; 65 Notes Payable. 90,000 La.fund;}v.. WInpsu~race preniux : . - 10-..03 Total Receipts. Total.:$855,o94,95 Expenditures. Accounts Payable ................. :$764,255,59: Notes Payable .oo: Total.Expendituran ............ : 829,255.59 : - 6,531.60. : 34,606*33 7 7136.94 : 1,734.02: 71.50: * 41.67: :50;121.o6 $ 78,909.17 78,909.17: Gash in Bank and on Hand March 31, 1919... .........................2$ 64,701.95 Total...:.$835,094.95 : $l17,771.76 972,866.71 567,63899 184,13 .82 105,570411 16,300.47 224'75 374.99 342.65 90,000.00 * . 10.03 t964,635.81 $972,866.71 $843,164.76 *65sooo.oo 96 i164.7j i 11. - Summary Operating Funds. Fund : Balance : Last Year : Received : To Date: Total : Spent to Date General, - - -:$60,462.26):$367,333053 Lhxperiiment*: Station.;,07,884.57 : 194,031731: Extension : Division: 6,658.20 : 105,570.11: Total .. :($5,919.49): 6666932e35: $306,868.27 241,916.28: 112, 228.31: T661, 012.86-: $320,296.70: 176,890.97; 73, 585.04: $570, 772.71: Special Funds. Trust...... : $1,0oo0.00 :. $. 1,000.00: S. A. T. C.: (7,437.95): 200,676.46: 193,238.51: General : Ledger . . . : 92,734,31: 92,734.31: Total .. : (6,437.95): -293,4t0.77: 286,972.82; $ . ....,..... : 222,883.78: 114,508.27: 337,392.05: Consolidated Statement. Total . . . ..: (12,357.44):$96o,343.12: $947,985.68: $908,164.76: 1, 000.00 (29,645.27) (21,773.96) (.50,419 .23) $39,820.92 = - - = = = = = - = = = - = = = = = = = =-=-=-=-=-= - - =--B = - = = = = = = - = = - = = = Estimate. Fund : Estimated Spent to :Outstanding Balance Income : Date Orders :Abailable ---~~~~~~~~~~~- - - - - - - - - - - General ...... : $400,000;0o : $320,296.70 : $13,969.42 : $65,733.88 Experiment Station.-: 197,500.00 : 176,890.97 : 9,781.06 : 10,827.97 .4-teuzion Division.:l948617.2 73,585.04 : 869.17 : 125,163.01 Total..............: $797,117.22 : $570,772.71 : $24,619.65 :$201,724.86 - = _ = = = = = = = _ = = = = = = = = _ = = = = _ = = = = = _ = = _ = = _ i Gorrected on account of decrease in Vocational Iducation Fund and State Tax. : Balance : vn Hand $ (13,42S.43) 65,025.31 38,64.3.27 $90,240.15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12. (8) The following statement was read from the Business Agent: I have not paid A. G. McGregor rent for Maxwell Hall for two months on account of amount expended by the University for repair of radiators. He has been to see me and makes claim that all such repairs were assumed by the University. I discussed this question with Mr. Gordon at February meeting of Executive Committee and he gave it as his opinion that MoGregor is liable for the cost of the repairs, provided he was notified and asked to make the repairs be- fore the University had the work done. Mr. Whipple says that Mc- Gregor had such notice. I am attaching the contract for further examination, and I would like further advice as to payment. On motion made and seconded, the matter was referred to the Chairman of the Exeoutive Committee for his opinion. (9) Or motion made and seconded, the President was authorized to have the Old Dormitory repaired and put into condition for reci- tation rooms for work next year. (10) President MoVey reported to the Committee that he had been consimering having the Quartermaster Building which had been used by te Students' Army Training Corps, and which had been salvaged by the UniTersity, constructed into dwellings for the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds and the Commandant. He stated that the Commarndant should be furnished with a dwelling and that the other building could be rented to the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, who, he believed, should live on the campus. He stated that he was inclined to recommend to the Committee that such arrange- ments be made provided the funds could be found for the purpose, the approximate amount needed being about $2,500. On motion made and seconded, the suggestion was approved. (11) A motion was made, seconded and carried, designating Major D. 0. Byars Commandant of the Cadet Corps. Announcement was made by the President that Captain Royden had been retired effective April 30, 1919. The Committee passed a motion permitting his family to occupy the house on the campus until June 15, 1919. (12) President McVey then presented the following list of ap- pointments, resignations and transfers which was approved by the Committee; Appointments, resignations and transfers. Continuation of employment of J. W. Worthington, county agent, Campbell Gounty, Kentucky, for a period of six months, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, effective January 1, 1919, payable by the'Depart- ment of Agriculture, $30.00, from Federal Smith-Lever funds, $470.U0, and from Campbell County, $500,00 13. Appointment of Morris L. AfcCraolen, enzergenoy farm demonstra- tion agent, Ohio County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a month, for a period of two months, effective May 1, 1919, payable from emer- genoy fund, $100 a month, and from Ohio County, $50 a month. Appointment of Miss Helena Turner, emergency home demonstra- tion agent, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, for a period of two and one-half months, at a salary of $108- 1/3 a month, effective April 16, 1919, payable from emergency fund, $75 a month, and from the Fisoal Court of Muhlenberg County, $33 1/3 a month. Continuation of employment of Robert Clough, oounty agent, Marshall County, Kentucky, at a salary of $^175'a month, for a period of nine months, effective April 1, 1919, payable $10 a month from the Department of Agriculture, from Federal Smith-Lever funds, $115 a month, and from Marshall County, $50 a month. Appointment of Dr. W. W. Dimook, professor of animal pathology in the College of Agriculture and head of the section of animal pathology in the Animal Industry Group of the Experiment Station, at a salary of $3,000 a year, effective July 1, 1919, to take the place vaoated by the resignation of Dr. R. L. Pontius who resigned April 1, 1919. Doctor Dimook is 39 years of age, is a graduate of the Connecticut Agricultural College with the degree of veteri- nary medicine from Cornell University, and his experience has been of such a nature that he will no doubt be a valuable man to the students and farmers of the State. For three years, during the period of his graduate work, he specialized under Dr. V. A. Moore at Cornell in pathology and bacteriology. He was a practStioner of veterinary medicine in Connecticut from 1905 to 1906 and from 1906 to 1909 in Cuba, part of the time as assistant to Dr. N. S. Mayo of the Department of Animal Husbandry, and also as ohief veterinarian to the National Sanitary Department, having charge of all investigational work and of control of all infectious diseases. In 1908, he received the additional degree of doctor of veterinary medicine from the Universidad de la Habana. In 1909, he was elected professor of pathology in the Iowa College of Agriculture and later became head of the department of path- ology and bacteriology, which position he holds at the present time. Transfer Transfer of Miss Clara White from the Department of Home Eoo- nomics to the College of Law, effective April 16, 1919. 14. Resignations Resignation of Miss Elizabeth Threlkeld, home demonstration agent, effective February 22, 1919. Resignation of Miss Mary McDowell, home demonstration agent, effective April 1, 1919. Resignation of H. D. Caudill, county agent, Letoher County, rentuoky, effective Aptil 7, 1919. Miss Threlkeld and Miss MoDowell resigned to enter oollege, and Mr. Caudill resigned to take up another line of work. On motion, the Committee adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee.