xt7z8w383t72 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z8w383t72/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1992 1992 1992-02-11 2020 true xt7z8w383t72 section xt7z8w383t72  

Tunday. February 11. 1992







brings Japan to campus

Contributing Writer

Photographer and author Linda Butler invited UK Japanese students
to her Lexington studio to speak about her latest book titled Rural Ja-
pan: Radiance of the Ordinary.

“One of the wonderful things of being a foreigner is you see things,
which other people take for granted.“ Butler said about her extensive
travels in Japan.

Butler set out not to be a stranger in a foreign land but to use her un-
derstanding of the people and culture of Japan to capture the country’s
amazing moments through her pictures and words.

“What struck me most of all (is) a great difference between Linda‘s
pictures and pictures of thousands of other photographers. both profes-
sional and amateur, which I saw before,“ said student participant Kayko

There are no exotic flowers or birds in the book, nor are there Tokyo
urban landscapes and other elements that usually attract tourist atten-
tion. instead. Butler tries to show radiance of the ordinary by photo-
graphing radishes hanging on bamboo poles to dry, kitchen pots.
brooms on a clay wall and tobacco leaves hanging in a closed tent.

While she says she seeks to capture the unusual in what appears ordi-
nary, the adverse also is true. Butler also photographed the Japanese
spiritual statue the God of Wealth. showing the peeling and cracking of
the aging icon‘s nose and abdomen.

Students were struck by Butler's originality and the ability of an
American woman to find Japanese rarities.

“Where did the author find these old raincoats made from rice stocks
in Walking Home in the Snow"? Mayumi Sugie asked. “Where did she
see the earthen floor —- now floors are covered with concrete even in
the most remote villages."

“These ancient manuscripts. God statues. actor's masks. dolls in But-
ler‘s pictures . I was lucky to see the things like these because I grew
up in the village," Keiko Tabata said. “But l'm afraid my son. who is 2

See BUTLER, Page 6


Linda Butler of Lexington shared her Japanese experiences and
photography with UK students yesterday.





Renowned author
Haley dead at 70

Acaociatad Prue

Haley. who was scheduled to
speak this Saturday at a black
achievers banquet in Louisville.
died shortly after midnight of an
apparent heart attack at Swedish
Hospital in Seattle.

Haley. known for his 1976
bestselling novel Roots: The
Saga of an American Family.
was elected a trustee of the Ap-
palachian school in 1984. Ste-
phenson said Haley became fas-
cinated with the interracial
" a history of Berea. which was

’ . A ’ founded in 1855asanabolition-
just losing a

‘ HALEY ist school.
trustee." said

Stephenson said the author
Stephenson. who last saw Haley was co-chairman of the school‘s
on Saturday. “It‘s like losing $65 million capital campaign.
your brother.

“He was a real workhorse."

BEREA, Ky— Renowned au-
thor Alex Haley. who died yes-
terday at age 70, was a trustee of
Berea Col-
lege, where
an emotional
John Ste-
phenson said
the loss was
a dear one.

“it was
more than







Students to vote on referendum

News Editor

Students will have the opportuni-
ty to vote on a referendum next
month concerning Student Govem-
ment Association election reform,
despite internal turmoil that has sur-
rounded the idea since its proposal

last month.

SGA President Scott Crosbie‘s
reform referendum. which will be
voted upon during the first week in
March. will ask students campus-
wide to vote for or against six piec-
es of legislation as a whole. Al-
though many senators view election
reform as a positive move. they

Insurance bill
passes House;
sent to Senate

Senior Staff Writer

FRANKFORT. Ky. — The state
House of Representatives over-
whelmingly approved a bill yester-
day to repeal the law requiring col-
lege students to carry health
insurance coverage.

The House voted 83—9 to approve
the bill, which is sponsored by Rep.
Ernesto Scorsone (D-Lexington).

The current law requires full-time
and some part-time college students
to carry coverage for 14 days in the
hospital and half of the related doc-
tor’s bills. The measure has not tak—
en effect pending a decision on a
lawsuit questioning its constitution-

In presenting the bill, Scorsone
attacked the provisions of the law as
a “small business (health insurance)
package." which will not meet the
needs of college students.

“When the health-care profession-
als examined the package that we
are forcing students to adopt. they
saw that this was not a package the
students needed," Scorsone said.
“But at the same time. it served to
increase the cost of tuition. and it
clearly keeps some people from
considering (college) because of the
initial expense."

Marshall Long (D-Shelbyville)
spoke out against the bill. saying it
would drive up insurance costs

“When you give somebody an ex-
emption from having health insu-
rance all you do is drive up the
cost of insurance for everybody
who does have a policy," said Long.

The bill dodged a last-minute pro-
posal by Paul Mason (D—
Whitesburg) to table the measure
until the lawsuit is decided. House
members voted 62-21 to defeat the

Scorsone‘s bill is expected to
meet heavier opposition in the Sen-
ate. particularly from Sen. Benny
Ray Bailey (D-Hindman). who
sponsored the law requiring student
health coverage during the 1990
General Assembly.

Bailey is chairman of the Senate
Health and Welfare Committee and
a member of the Senate Education
Committee. The next stop for the
health-insurance-repeal measure is
likely to be one of those commit-

Bailey said yesterday he plans to
oppose Scorsone‘s bill in the Sen-

Having the insurance would help
to keep students who go to college
from having to drop out. Bailey

have expressed concern over the
cost of a special referendum and
Crosbie‘s intentions.

Arts and Sciences Senator lay in-
gle criticized the referendum last
week. saying that the money being
spent was excessive and the referen-
dum vote would occur too close to
the regular spring elections. which



“There‘s only one reason a stu-
dent drops out (of college) outside
of his own control." Bailey said.
“That‘s unexpected illness or a
huge hospital bill.“

The debate over the health insu—
rance requirement continued yester-
day in Franklin Circuit Court as
well as in the Capitol.

Briefs were to have been tiled
yesterday by lawyers representing
two students who are suing the
state in response to the health insu-
rance requirement

But the lawyers requested a sev-
en-day extension due to an illness
in the family of one attorney. said
David llolton. one of the students’

llolton was optimistic that the
lawsuit would overturn the health
insurance requirement --~ regard-
less of what happens in the legisla—

“We‘re going to let Sen. Bailey
take his shots.“ he said.

The suit questions the constitu-
tionality of the bill because it was
passed as special legislation. which
is required to meet specilic criteria.
llolton said.

Student leaders have also ques—
tioned the mtutdating of students to
carry health insurance while other
groups are not required to do so.

Bailey responded to those charg-
es yesterday. citing numerous pro-
grams such as financial aid. which
are available to college students.

“Some would say we treat stu-
dents a whole lot better (than other
groups)," Bailey said.

in March

are scheduled for April I and 2.
(Trosbie said the cost will not ex-
ceed S400. He said he is seeking
volunteers to work the voting ma-
chines. leaving publicity as the only
The vote on the referendum must

See SGA, Page 6

‘Pack the Stacks’ kickoff looks for student support

Contributing Writer

A new library at UK may be as
important to students as its basket-
ball team. one student says.

Students kicked off the 1992
“Pack the Stacks" campaign yester-
day that will raise funds for the pur-
chasing of books for the new Corn-
monweaith library.

“The library campaign to students
is probably the most important thing

besides basketball." said ihica
McDonald. head of the student

Officials for this year’s campaign
are asking students to give what
they can.

"If everybody gave 510. which is
not a lot of money 10 times
23.000. is a lot of money." McDo-
nald said.

Each individual who makes a
$35 donation will have a name
plate in one of the new books that

will be bought with funds raised.

“We would like people to give
that because it has a lasting effect.”
she said.

The campaign has raised $1.8
million but is $400,000 short of its
goal. which would qualify the Uni-
versity for matching funds from the
National Endowment for the Hu-

“No other major university has
undertaken a fund-raising campaign
such as this." said Jill Cranston.

committee chairwoman. 'lhc catn-
paign ends in April.

Rcsa Wright. president of Alpha
Delta Pi social sorority. presented
the committee with a 510.000 dona~
tion during the kickoff.

“We feel we are not just giving
back to the University. we are giv-
ing to the Lexington Community.
and not only that. we are giving to
every Kentuckian who may come

See STACKS. Page 6









Jury deals knockout punch to Mike Tyson:
Boxer found guilty of rape.
Story, Page 3.


Walt Disney World will be giving informa-
tion from 6-8 pm. in 206 Student Center on
summer and fall internship opportunities
for students. Call 257-3632 for information.

Local talent vies
for ‘Decent Expo-
sure’ Iaurels.
Story, Page 2.


Sports ............................ 2
Diversions ..................... 3
Viewpoint ....................... 4
Classifieds ..................... 5






 2- WWmefebruu-y “. 1902

as mums.

‘I m...

perfect 10

Winn picture of consistency for Wildcats

Contr’buting Writer

Beauty. Poise. Speed. Strength.

Sound like someone you know?
Probably not

Unless. of course. you know
Amie Winn.

Winn is the greatest UK athlete
you've never heard of. She also is
the greatest gymnast ever to wear
Kentucky Blue and White.

That‘s not a matter of opinion. It
empirically is true. Just ask UK
gymnastics coach Leah Little.

“She‘s definitely the best gym-
nast we've ever had.“ Little said.
“and we've had a lot of talent pass
through here."

Winn holds school records in four
of five gymnastic categories. She
surpassed one of her old records
and tied another last week in UK’s
near upset of defending national
champion Alabama.

Winn downplayed her perfor-

“I feel like I did pretty well, but I
could have done better on the
beam," she said.

Her mother. Nancy Barley. Blue-
grass Gymnastics Club co-owner.
was a little less critical. And she


“I just approached it like she would be the cherry
on top of the sundae if we could get her back.
And she is doing everything she did before the
injury and more. I’m just really astonished that
she can compete at this level so soon.”

Leah Little,
UK gymnastics coach


should know. Barley, who has
coached Winn since she was 10
years old, called it “one of her best
performances this year.“

Winn not only helps the team
with her high scores, but also with
her leadership ability.

Her intensity and burning desire
to win are contagious, teammates
say. And her experience in the
NCAA Nationals two years ago
can only help this squad.

“She‘s not real vocal as a leader.
but she leads by example.“ junior
Sharon Smith said. “She makes
everything look very easy."

Sophomore all-arounder Suzanne
Gutierrez agreed.

“We rely on her to motivate us to

get there (Nationals). because she‘s
been there before and knows what

it takes," Gutierrez said. “Little by
little. each of us is getting the desire
more and more to go. I want to go
more than anything.“

Fortunately for her teammates.
Winn combines her talents with a
high threshold for pain.

She tore her left Achilles tendon
attempting a full twisting double-
back last year and sat out the entire
1991 season. She still feels the pain
— now more than ever — but it
hasn't stopped her.

“It hurts. It bothers me when I’m
walking. basically." Winn said. “I
have never had a major injury. Most
gymnasts by this point have had
broken ankles and arms, but this in-
jury thing is new to me.“

It‘s not new to Little, who has
seen plenty of injuries in her 17-


year tenure at UK. Realizing
Winn's injury was a major one and
a speedy recovery was unlikely,
Little had her doubts about a full

But the 5-foot-4 junior is on a
mission to return to championship

“I figured we'd get the double-
back out of her, and I knew her
bars would be OK," Little said. “I
didn't know if she would even
vault at all because of the pound-

“I just approached it like she
would be the cherry on top of the
sundae if we could get her back.
And she is doing everything she did
before the injury and more. I’m just
really astonished that she can com-
pete at this level so soon."

Compete? Try dominate. Her
fust place finishes this season and
current Top 20 ranking attest to

But Winn's not satisfied. Her ul-
timate goal is to make it back to the
Nationals -- only not on her own
this time.

“I don't want to go by myself,"
Winn said. “If I'm there, I want the
rest of the team there. too."


Even with an injured Achilles tendon, Amie Winn smiles her way to

first place with a school record of 98.5.


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Tyson found
guilty of rape

Tyson was found guilty last night
of raping a Black Miss America
contestant who said he lured her to
his hotel room and overpowered

Jurors deliberated about 9 1/2
hours before reaching their verdict
in the use, which threatens to end
the rags-to-riches weer of one of
the most prominent athletes of his

Tyson was the youngest heavy-
weight champion ever, and had
been planning a comeback in a title
fight against champion Evander
Holyfield this spring.

Tyson. whose stormy relations
with women have been the stuff of
tabloid headlines for years, offered
an unusual defense — that he was a
crude womanizer whose accuser
must have known he wanted sex.

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OU8 Cincinnati 2;
Van Halen satisfies

Stat! Writer

“Pretend you invited me to
your house,” singer Sammy Ha-
gar said, “and there's 15.000 of
your other friends there, too."

Hagar's words described the
atmosphere of Van Halen's Fri-
day night concert in Cincinnati.
The two-hour-plus show kicked
off with Eddie’s famous rendi-
tion of the “Star Spangled Ban-
ner.” followed by the first hit off
For Unlawful Carnal Knowl-
edge. “Poundeake.”

Hagar. sporting black jeans. a
tie-dyed T-shirt and a suede
vest. led Van Halen through
“Runaround” and “Right Now,"
running crazily around the stage
and up the ramps.

Alex couldn‘t resist doing his
obligatory drum solo. putting his
360-degrce rotating drums
through an intense five-minute
workout as the hydraulic lifter
raised him into the lighting.

The other band members re-
sponded with their own solos.
Michael Anthony donned the
well-known Jack Daniel’s bass
guitar, jamming into his own
singlehanded concert. Eddie
Van Halen tore through his por-
tion. making it quite clear he is
one of the top five guitarists in
rock 'n' roll. That solo led into
“You Really Got Me" from

To finish off the solo segment.
Sammy softened it up by pulling
out his guitar to play “Give a
Little.” As a special treat, Sarn-
my and Eddie joined together in
a guitar duel.

Van Halen then charged into
one of the pre-Hagar songs,
“Panama.” Haggar thcn cranked
out some of his own past with “l
Can’t Drive 55."

For the encore, came “Jump"
and “Top of the World,“ which
was the appropriate song for a
band that “topped Cincy's

Local bands compete in 10th ‘Decent Exposure’

Assistant Arts Editor

Four area bands competed last
night in the first round of “Decent
Exposure" at Breeding's. The win-
ner goes on to the finals. Monday.
Mar. 2.

More than 100 area bands sub-
mitted audition tapes for this year's
competition. Twelve finalists were
chosen, representing a variety of
pop styles from country and heavy
metal to jazz and altemative rock.

In its 10-year history. the “-De
cent Exposure" competition has
been represented by winners Shak-
ing Family, Charlie Crowe and Vel—
vet Elvis.

Last night’s competition featured
The Grift. Threads. Thumper and
the Plaid Rabbits and Will Lewis.

Monday. Feb. 17. four bands will
compete in the second round: The
Blue Cha Chas. The Blueberries.
Contagious and A Theater Near

The third preliminary round will

take place the following Monday.
Feb. 24, and will feature the bands
Reform. Vaca Cut, Tone Def and

The winner of each preliminary
round will meet in the finals on
Mar. 2. All shows are at Breed-

ing’s; doors open at 8 pm. and
competition will begin at 9 pm.

The “Decent Exposure" competi-
tion is sponsored by WKQQ-FM,
Breeding's and Miller Genuine

The grand prize includes a pro-

fessionally produced music video
and various paid performances. in-
cluding Memorial Stakes Day at the
Red Mile. Other prizes for the. “-De
cent Exposure" winner include gifts
from Miller Genuine Draft and area
music stores.

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 ‘- Mucky Kind. Tm, Fobnlly 11. 1“!

Kentucky Kernel

Established in 1894
Independatt since 1971

Edltorhl Board
Viaoria Mani. Editor in Grief
N. Alan Cornell, Editorial Editor
Jerry Voi‘t, Editorial Cami]!
Dale Greer, Managing Editor
Gregory A. Hall. Associate Editor
Brian Jail, Design Editor
Kyle Foster, News Editor
Joe Bram, Assistant Editu'ial Editor
Mary Madden, Satior Staff Writer




Brereton Jones

provides no cure
for UK budget ills

UK is suffering from a debilitating disease, a condition that seems
to grow worse with each passing year.

The disease has caused UK to slash budgets, implement a hiring
freeze and postpone sorely-needed projects.

It also has affected many areas of the school in small and subtle


ways: Paper for classroom handouts has become an inaffordable
luxury; some professors now must pay from their own pockets when
making long-distance phone calls related to scholarship; and the
Counseling Center, which each semester helps hundreds of students




cope with a variety of problems. is woefully understaffed.
The disease, ofcourse, is inadequate state funding. And it is slow-
ly causing the school to die from the inside out.

Although UK's 1991-92 state appropriation was the largest in his-
tory. due to a $48.2 million increase in funding, the good times

didn‘t last long.

In October. UK and Kentucky‘s seven other public universities
had to cough up $31.6 million and give it back to the state when for-
mer Gov. Wallace Wilkinson announced the worst cut in state fund~
ing for higher education since 1982.

UK responded to the budget ax by implementing a hiring freeze
and trimming as much money as possible without severely damag-
ing the academic workings of the institution.

UK President Charles Wethington said classes would not be
dropped, and to his credit, in large measure they were not.

He warned, however, UK was “close to the vest,” and that future
budget cuts could culminate in grim results.

Welcome to the jungle.

Last week, Kentucky's new “education governor," Brereton
Jones, proposed a budget that includes another state cut for higher
education — a 5 percent reduction that would force UK to chop $11

million in 1992-93.

The budget proposal also provides no state funding for UK’s
Commonwealth library. despite authorizing UK to use its own pri-
vately-raised funds to perform design work. UK is asking the state
for a $46 million bond issue to build the state-of-the-an facility.

The governor attempted to lessen the blow by sparing UK’s Com-
munity College System from the chopping block. And Jones plans
to give back 3 percent of the budget cut in 1993-94.

Jones expressed remorse over the budget reduction, saying the de-
cision was personally painful to me because of my involvement,
interest and commitment to higher education."


There is no doubt the state's economy is in a recession. Times are
tough and tax revenue is down. Cuts are necessary.

But if the state’s coffers indeed are so bare, why has Jones pro-
posed taking on more debt with a $100 million bond issue for the

state parks system?

The debt service for the first year on this bond issue alone would
be just a few million short of the amount of money Jones proposes
cutting from the state’s universities.

Apparently Jones believes the parks system ~— one of the best in
the nation — needs money more than Kentucky‘s universities ~—
among the most average in the nation. We assume that the governor
does not care if the citizens using the parks are illiterate.

Jones’ commitment to higher education seems more like rhetoric

than substance.

Since the governor is unwilling to put his money where his mouth
is, we can only conclude that he believes Kentucky needs Porta-
Potties in its parks more than it needs teachers in its classrooms.

Maybe Jones should be called the “Porta-Pottie" governor.

Abortion more than killing ‘cells’

To the editor:

In response to Angela Jones‘ Jan.
30 column advocating abortion, it is
quite intriguing to note how pro-
foundly she described abortion in
her quote,“. .. while the poor will be
left to resort to their own home
remedies — injecting their vaginas
with lie..." (an obvious typo). The
symbolism is quite ironic in that the
United States has already injected
itself with a lie — the lie that a
woman has the right to savagely
take the life of a defenseless inno-
cent child. Our forefathers called
this scandalous act murder, but we
have progressed so far that we can
deny life to anyone whom we deem
undesirable,“unwanted.” or incon-
venient? Is the next step that of
government intervention into the
home to permit only one child per
family for population control?

Jones said “killing another being
is not an appropriate argument
when debating abortion," so if kill-
ing is not "appropriate," then allow
me to ask what if you were a help-
less child whose mother was con-
sidering aborting you? What if Bee-
thoven‘s mother had taken the

doctor‘s advice and had killed him?
How many great artists, musicians,
scientists, world leaders, etc. have
been (or will be) lost forever to his-
tory because of abortion? The right
to life for any human being, espe-
cially the pre-bom child, is far
greater than the freedoms of priva-
cy or religion. For just how impor-
tant are these freedoms to someone
who is dead?

Though many like Jones desire
the abortion of emotionalism in this
matter, the emotions of love and
protection are intricate to this in-
flammatory issue. Even animals cx-
press these emotions as with the de-
fense of a bear cub by his mother.
Are we supposed to be lifeless anti.
life machines? For even if we were
emotionless machines, proven sci-
entific fact, as presented in Bobby
King‘s Jan. 30 column, substan-
tiates that abortion is not just “the
simple elimination of a few cells"
but is indeed, MURDER.

Elizabeth Madison
Graduate student
Department of Agronomy
Feb. 4, I992

Coup d’etat

US. should overthrow Saddam

While President Bush temporari-
ly may have planted himself physi-
cally in the United States to deal
with domestic issues, he‘s still
keeping at least one eye on foreign

The president slyly passed the
Saddam Hussein burden onto CIA
Director Robert Gates last week in
one of his best post-war decisions
concerning Iraq. Bush authorized
Gates to proceed with a program
designed to “topple or weaken Sad-
dam Hussein.“

Well, it’s about time he made
strong efforts to knock Saddam out
of power. While a meltdown didn’t
occur in Iraq during the war, it may
yet occur in the government.

Not only was Bush‘s decision
wise, but the way in which he is
carrying out efforts to crumble Sad-
dam's power was a timely and well
thought-out move.

By letting Gates deal with Husse-
in holding power following the Per-
sian Gulf War, Bush can proceed
onward with his presidential re—



election campaign. As he shakes
hands across the country and
schmoozes party leaders, the dirty,
but necessary, work will be done.
He will appear to be dedicated com-
pletely to his domestic agenda
while Gates cleans up fine details in
Iraq. If Gates succeeds and Saddam
falls from power, the Republican
National Convention in Houston
this August could center around
“wave the bloody shirt” diplomacy.
You have to like it.

In reality, a solution for the econ-
omy will come regardless of what
Bush says or promises to do as al-
ways happens during recessions.

This problem may not have been
so difficult in past years, but we can
thank the peanut farmer from Geor-




gia for that. Before President Cart-
er, the United States wouldn't hesi-
tate to send the CIA after a world
leader who was abusing human civ-
il rights and defying intematiortal
law to which he was bound.

Unfortunately, Caner took away
the power of the CIA to engage in
operations whose sole purpose was
to overthrow or kill a world leader.
This is only one of many things
Caner signed away (not to mention
the Panama Canal and Vietnam
draft dodgers).

According to news reports, the
new program will include propa-
ganda broadcasts and will heighten
communication with opposition to
Saddam inside Iraq. This strategy
has potential, depending upon how
strong Saddam‘s inner support is.

What news reports don't tell you
is what will happen if talk and con-
nections aren't enough. Perhaps if
we are lucky, the CIA is deploying
expert snippers and Contra-like (in
purpose and structure) armies who
will lead the Kurds in a massive re-

volt against the evil, totalitarian
government of Saddam.

If Gates and the CIA fail to result
in a new govemment, and Saddam
begins his little escapades again,
Bush may be forced to send troops
back across the ocean blue. If that's
what it takes, then I’ll get my yel-
low ribbons back out, and my cam-
ouflage, too, if that’s what's neces-

While a domestic agenda is im-
ponant and an absolute necessity at
this time, we must not ignore the
rest of the world. Times are too un-
stable in too many parts of the

Bush probably believes Saddam‘s
fall from power will only help his
re—election campaign. This is true,
but more importantly, Saddam’s de-
feat will help to get the gears of de-
mocracy tuming in the Middle East.

Assistant Editorial Editor Joe
Braun is a political science and
journalism freshman and a Kernel

Capital gains tax is Democratic cliche’

The Democratic Party has found
a new cliche. The wealtlty of this
country aren’t paying “their fair
share“ of taxes. Democrats want the
general public to believe that the
rich are cxplorting their wealth at
the expense of the lower and middle
classes. In effect, they are preach-
ing for the redistribution of wealth,
so “everyone can prosper.“

However, Democrats have never
taken time to define what percent-
age of a wealthy person’s income is
“a fair share.” Currently, the Feder-
al taxation rate for the upper class is
31 percent. This means for every
dollar earned by a wealthy person,
one third of it goes to the US. Gov-
ernment. This does not include state
and local taxes. That is usually an
extra 4 percent to 6 percent in most
states with direct income taxes.

So, what rate is fair -— 40 per-
cent? 50? 60? Do they wish to re-
turn to the days of President Carter,
when the highest Federal taxation
rate was 70 percent?

There is a great misconception
that all rich people inherited their
wealth and have never put in a hard
day‘s work. Many wealthy people I




have met began their careers with-
out a penny in their pocket. They
worked hard for most of their lives
at undesirable jobs. One staned
when he was 14 years old, and his
job was to distribute seed evenly
around the hull of a cargo barge out
of Corpus Christi, Texas. He stood
in the 110-degree hull, waiting for
the seed to p0ur in from outside.
When it did, he had to shovel as
hard as he could, just to keep from
being buried alive.

Many other wealthy individuals
that l have met fought honorably
for their country in the Vietnam
War, where anything less than hard
work meant certain death. How can
you say to these people that they
have not given and continue not to
give “their fair share?“