Tunday. February 11. 1992 Photographer-author brings Japan to campus By ZOYA TERESHKOVA Contributing Writer Photographer and author Linda Butler invited UK Japanese students to her Lexington studio to speak about her latest book titled Rural Ja- pan: Radiance of the Ordinary. “One of the wonderful things of being a foreigner is you see things, which other people take for granted.“ Butler said about her extensive travels in Japan. Butler set out not to be a stranger in a foreign land but to use her un- derstanding of the people and culture of Japan to capture the country’s amazing moments through her pictures and words. “What struck me most of all (is) a great difference between Linda‘s pictures and pictures of thousands of other photographers. both profes- sional and amateur, which I saw before,“ said student participant Kayko Sago. There are no exotic flowers or birds in the book, nor are there Tokyo urban landscapes and other elements that usually attract tourist atten- tion. instead. Butler tries to show radiance of the ordinary by photo- graphing radishes hanging on bamboo poles to dry, kitchen pots. brooms on a clay wall and tobacco leaves hanging in a closed tent. While she says she seeks to capture the unusual in what appears ordi- nary, the adverse also is true. Butler also photographed the Japanese spiritual statue the God of Wealth. showing the peeling and cracking of the aging icon‘s nose and abdomen. Students were struck by Butler's originality and the ability of an American woman to find Japanese rarities. “Where did the author find these old raincoats made from rice stocks in Walking Home in the Snow"? Mayumi Sugie asked. “Where did she see the earthen floor —- now floors are covered with concrete even in the most remote villages." “These ancient manuscripts. God statues. actor's masks. dolls in But- ler‘s pictures . I was lucky to see the things like these because I grew up in the village," Keiko Tabata said. “But l'm afraid my son. who is 2 See BUTLER, Page 6 PHOTOS IV ZOVA TENBNKOVNKOMQI Contributor Linda Butler of Lexington shared her Japanese experiences and photography with UK students yesterday. Renowned author Haley dead at 70 Acaociatad Prue Haley. who was scheduled to speak this Saturday at a black achievers banquet in Louisville. died shortly after midnight of an apparent heart attack at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Haley. known for his 1976 bestselling novel Roots: The Saga of an American Family. was elected a trustee of the Ap- palachian school in 1984. Ste- phenson said Haley became fas- cinated with the interracial " a history of Berea. which was ’ . A ’ founded in 1855asanabolition- just losing a ‘ HALEY ist school. trustee." said Stephenson said the author Stephenson. who last saw Haley was co-chairman of the school‘s on Saturday. “It‘s like losing $65 million capital campaign. your brother. “He was a real workhorse." BEREA, Ky— Renowned au- thor Alex Haley. who died yes- terday at age 70, was a trustee of Berea Col- lege, where an emotional President John Ste- phenson said the loss was a dear one. “it was more than Students to vote on referendum By KYLE FOSTER News Editor Students will have the opportuni- ty to vote on a referendum next month concerning Student Govem- ment Association election reform, despite internal turmoil that has sur- rounded the idea since its proposal last month. SGA President Scott Crosbie‘s reform referendum. which will be voted upon during the first week in March. will ask students campus- wide to vote for or against six piec- es of legislation as a whole. Al- though many senators view election reform as a positive move. they Insurance bill passes House; sent to Senate By NICK COMER Senior Staff Writer FRANKFORT. Ky. — The state House of Representatives over- whelmingly approved a bill yester- day to repeal the law requiring col- lege students to carry health insurance coverage. The House voted 83—9 to approve the bill, which is sponsored by Rep. Ernesto Scorsone (D-Lexington). The current law requires full-time and some part-time college students to carry coverage for 14 days in the hospital and half of the related doc- tor’s bills. The measure has not tak— en effect pending a decision on a lawsuit questioning its constitution- ality. In presenting the bill, Scorsone attacked the provisions of the law as a “small business (health insurance) package." which will not meet the needs of college students. “When the health-care profession- als examined the package that we are forcing students to adopt. they saw that this was not a package the students needed," Scorsone said. “But at the same time. it served to increase the cost of tuition. and it clearly keeps some people from considering (college) because of the initial expense." Marshall Long (D-Shelbyville) spoke out against the bill. saying it would drive up insurance costs statewide. “When you give somebody an ex- emption from having health insu- rance all you do is drive up the cost of insurance for everybody who does have a policy," said Long. The bill dodged a last-minute pro- posal by Paul Mason (D— Whitesburg) to table the measure until the lawsuit is decided. House members voted 62-21 to defeat the proposal. Scorsone‘s bill is expected to meet heavier opposition in the Sen- ate. particularly from Sen. Benny Ray Bailey (D-Hindman). who sponsored the law requiring student health coverage during the 1990 General Assembly. Bailey is chairman of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee and a member of the Senate Education Committee. The next stop for the health-insurance-repeal measure is likely to be one of those commit- tees. Bailey said yesterday he plans to oppose Scorsone‘s bill in the Sen- ate. Having the insurance would help to keep students who go to college from having to drop out. Bailey have expressed concern over the cost of a special referendum and Crosbie‘s intentions. Arts and Sciences Senator lay in- gle criticized the referendum last week. saying that the money being spent was excessive and the referen- dum vote would occur too close to the regular spring elections. which SCORSONE said. “There‘s only one reason a stu- dent drops out (of college) outside of his own control." Bailey said. “That‘s unexpected illness or a huge hospital bill.“ The debate over the health insu— rance requirement continued yester- day in Franklin Circuit Court as well as in the Capitol. Briefs were to have been tiled yesterday by lawyers representing two students who are suing the state in response to the health insu- rance requirement But the lawyers requested a sev- en-day extension due to an illness in the family of one attorney. said David llolton. one of the students’ attomeys. llolton was optimistic that the lawsuit would overturn the health insurance requirement --~ regard- less of what happens in the legisla— ture. “We‘re going to let Sen. Bailey take his shots.“ he said. The suit questions the constitu- tionality of the bill because it was passed as special legislation. which is required to meet specilic criteria. llolton said. Student leaders have also ques— tioned the mtutdating of students to carry health insurance while other groups are not required to do so. Bailey responded to those charg- es yesterday. citing numerous pro- grams such as financial aid. which are available to college students. “Some would say we treat stu- dents a whole lot better (than other groups)," Bailey said. in March are scheduled for April I and 2. (Trosbie said the cost will not ex- ceed S400. He said he is seeking volunteers to work the voting ma- chines. leaving publicity as the only cost. The vote on the referendum must See SGA, Page 6 ‘Pack the Stacks’ kickoff looks for student support By JEN BRYANT Contributing Writer A new library at UK may be as important to students as its basket- ball team. one student says. Students kicked off the 1992 “Pack the Stacks" campaign yester- day that will raise funds for the pur- chasing of books for the new Corn- monweaith library. “The library campaign to students is probably the most important thing besides basketball." said ihica McDonald. head of the student campaign. Officials for this year’s campaign are asking students to give what they can. "If everybody gave 510. which is not a lot of money 10 times 23.000. is a lot of money." McDo- nald said. Each individual who makes a $35 donation will have a name plate in one of the new books that will be bought with funds raised. “We would like people to give that because it has a lasting effect.” she said. The campaign has raised $1.8 million but is $400,000 short of its goal. which would qualify the Uni- versity for matching funds from the National Endowment for the Hu- manities. “No other major university has undertaken a fund-raising campaign such as this." said Jill Cranston. committee chairwoman. 'lhc catn- paign ends in April. Rcsa Wright. president of Alpha Delta Pi social sorority. presented the committee with a 510.000 dona~ tion during the kickoff. “We feel we are not just giving back to the University. we are giv- ing to the Lexington Community. and not only that. we are giving to every Kentuckian who may come See STACKS. Page 6 SPORTS --- UK TODAY INSIDE Jury deals knockout punch to Mike Tyson: Boxer found guilty of rape. Story, Page 3. Walt Disney World will be giving informa- tion from 6-8 pm. in 206 Student Center on summer and fall internship opportunities for students. Call 257-3632 for information. Local talent vies for ‘Decent Expo- sure’ Iaurels. Story, Page 2. Sports ............................ 2 Diversions ..................... 3 Viewpoint ....................... 4 Classifieds ..................... 5 S