xt7z8w383w50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7z8w383w50/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 2008 2008 2008-01-18 2020 true xt7z8w383w50 section xt7z8w383w50  






will Lester


Communication across campus and
within colleges will be key to improv-
ing UK‘s diversity programs. the last
candidate for UK's top diversity posi-
tion said yesterday.

"One of the things I‘ve noticed is
that most of the things that are being
done to improve diversity. they are
done all over campus. and these guys
aren't talking to each other." said Over-
toun Jenda. the second candidate for
the position of vice president for insti-
tutional diversity.


UK’s Fencing Club made up of students who
never envisioned themselves dueling in college



JANUARY 18, 2008



More communication needed across campus

In an open forum yesterday. Jenda
answered questions from the audience
on his impressions of UK's di~
versity efforts as well as on his
experiences at Atibum Univer-
sity. where he teaches math
and serves as associate provost
for diversity and multicultural

Uniting minority groups
and women's groups for re-
source requests was a success—
ful strategy at Aubtirn. Jenda
said. and resulted in about six
times as much funding.

“If you go there as a group. I‘ve

found nine out of It) times you‘ll get
your resources." he said. "There's much

more power working together."
Coordinating UK‘s diversi-

ty strategies would be part of

Jenda‘s job if he is chosen for
the new position.

He would also advise the
president and provost on how
policy decisions would affect
UK’s diversity goals. according
to the position advertisement
released at the beginning of
the search in fall 2006.

Jenda received his master's degree
and a doctorate in mathematics from

UK before returning to work in his
home country. Malawi. After one year
as an assistant professor at UK in I987-
XX. Jenda began work at Auburn as a
mathematics professor.

At Auburn. Jenda said he found that
having strategies for improving diversi-
ty in different areas of campus is effec-
tive. He believes similar methods in
UK‘s different colleges may work.

“What you need is a place that kids
can go and get help. tutoring. maybe.
and counseling." Jenda said. "I‘m sure
you have a place like that. but you need
someone to direct students there."

Developing a working relationship

across campus. including with college
deans and the admissions office. is one
of the first things Jenda said he would
do if chosen as vice president for insti-
tutional diversity.

Before either he or Judy "J J." Jack-
son. the other final candidate. can take
the newly created position. Provost
Kumble Subbaswamy must select a
candidate for the job. Students. staff
and faculty can submit comments about
the candidates and the position using a
form available on the provost's Web
site twww.uky.edu/Provost/VPIDhtm).

See Jenda on page 5

MLK speaker
on power
of stories

9y Stephanie $3th


In the early I9otls. a 12-year-old chubby
black boy was shoved into a paddy-wagon and
taken to a local jail for participating in a civil
rights march organized by Martin Luther King

Five days later. the boy emerged from the jail
hungry. emotionally exhausted
and forever changed.

“I was knocked down
physically." said Freeman

Hrabowski. now president of

the University of Maryland.
Baltimore County. and a
prominent black educator. "I
was never the same. I suppose

you could say I lost my youth.

my innocence."

Hrabowski will be the
keynote speaker during UK‘s
observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
on Sunday at 5 pm. in room 230 of the Student
Center. He is also the keynote speaker for Lex-
ington's commemorative program at ll a.m.
Monday in Heritage Hall downtown.

Hrabowski was raised in Birmingham.
Ala.. dtiring the civil rights movement in the
I95tts and ‘60s. Hrabowski said he attempted
to shut out sortie of events from his youth fora
while because most of the memories were so

“For years I didn't want to think about it." he
said. “I didn‘t start to think about it until I was
asked to write an article."

Hrabowski wrote an essay. “The Role of
Youth in the Civil Rights Movement: Reflec-
tions on Birmingham." in I996 after recount-
ing his experience of growing up in Birming-

"Certain childhood memories remain vivid
~ from the uplifting spirituals we continue to


hear in our heads over and over to the terror of

the police dogs and fire hoses." he wrote in his

During I963. members of the Ku Klux Klan
bombed one of Birmingham‘s most prominent
black churches. the Inth Street Baptist Church.
Hrabowski was devastated to discover one of his
close friends. and three other young girls. died in
the bombing.

"I‘ll never forget that Sunday morning in
church at Sixth Avenue Baptist. when our minis—
ter. Reverend Porter. announced that our sister
church had been bombed." he wrote in his essay.
“Congregation members immediately left their
seats. in a state of shock. because our relatives
and friends belonged to that church."

Despite childhood trials. Hrabowski knew
he had something he needed to do with his

“I was given so mtich love as a child from
parents. neighbors. my church and teachers that I
felt like I had a special mission in life."
Hrabowski said. “My mission is to inspire young
people to be their best."

As president of a college. HrabOWski said he
enjoys the constant interaction with students.

“Each of us has a story that can inspire oth-
ers." he said.

“I will talk about the power of stories." he
said. “The more you talk about it. the more you
focus on the people and events in your life. the
more you will Ieam.“

Chester Grundy. director of the Office of
Multicultural Student Programming. designed
and is coordinating the program. He said he
hopes Hrabowski‘s speech will inspire possibili-

“Our goal in presenting Dr. HraboWski is to
put before our community people who. like Dr.
King. will remind us of our best possibilities —
what we as a nation can be if we truly commit
ourselves to the vision of what Dr. King called
‘The Beloved Community.‘ a society based on
the ideals of real democracy. brotherhood. peace
and fairness." he said.

first tune it». Subsequent tan» a cent.
| v





8g Rebeccov Sw’eepeg

Bethaney' Martin had second thoughts
when Kentucky Class Notes hired her to take
notes in I'K‘s I’SY ZIS class. lisperimcntal
Psychology. to sell to other students.

“I was down for it because l needed the
money." said Martin. a cognitive science
sophomore. “but something told me it wasn't
really right to make moncy off of slackers and
to perpetuate la/iness.”

After Ihuiking about it. Martin decided not
to work as a tiolcrtukcr.

Kentucky Cl.iss Notes sells lecture notes
atid materials to students who missed class.
who are not confident in their
note»taking or who want to corn
pare notes with another student.
said Brennan Waters. creator of
the business.

“We firmly believe that be»
mg able. to listen and ftilly corti-
prehcnd a professor‘s lecture. Ill?
stead of scrambling to w me
every last word down. will help
improve a student‘s comprehenr
sioii of the material." said \Na
ters. who worked for a similar
company while in school at
Auburn [Tniversity

Packets of notes are \(lltl at
the company's store on Higli
Street and Woodland Avenue on
a per—test basis. I’ackcts cost be
tween $13 and $15 pci test. depending on the
riutnbcr of tests in a particular class throughout
the semester. Waters said.

Throughout the semester. Kentucky Class
Notes hires tittlk‘rl‘dlst‘l's based on their (iI’A.
classes they‘re enrolled in and their year in
school Note-takers typically get a base Ice and
a percentage of sales per test. but pay varies
depending on the class. Waters said.

“We monitor each test packet to ensure that
the quality of the packet is the highest possi
ble." Waters said. “If we discov er otir notes are
Iackiiig in any way. we will replace otir note
taker. if necessary. to fi\ the problem."

Kentucky (‘litss Nttch thc‘ltlcs w ltic‘ll clttssr
cs to hire note-takers for by taking student sug
gestions on the company ‘s Web site 1“ w w .kyv
classnotescomi. Class si/c and the number of

”i don't like the
idea of this
company making
money off of my
class notes. I'd
rather students
just share notes
with each other."


'l l

sections are also deciding factors. Waters said.
Available classes are listed on the Web site.

Four to five days before an exam. the busi«
ness makes the notes for the class available for
students to btiy and study from.

Jason Hans. who teaches FAM 252. Intro—
duction to Family Science. was not aware that
his course‘s notes were available through Ken»
tuck} (‘I‘iss Notes and said he is curious who
the notcrtukcr in his class is.

"Yesterday l Iiad a student ask for permis»
sion to take digital pictures of my PowerPoint
slides due to her poor note»taking skills." Hans
said. “Now I wonder if she might be
doing the notes for this company."

Hans said he does not think the
sale of his course notes will have an
effect on attendance in his classes be»
came students cam daily participa~
tion points. which add up to at least
the value of an exam during a semes—

fin guessing that the type of
students who may find this service
appealing are not the brightest stu-
dents." Hans said. "and they are like»
I) to spend their money and still do
poorly on the exam."

Political science professor
Christopher Rice said while he sees
nothing wrong with the store owner
trying to make money. he would pre—
fer for students to get the same benefits the
notcutaking scr\ice offers by attending class
and sharing their notes with other students.

"I don't like the idea of this company mak—
ing money off of my class notes." Rice said.
"I'd rather students just share notes with each
tilltt‘t‘ ..

“By cooperating within the rules. students
could get the same benefits and save some
money." Iic said.

Ric‘t."\ notes from a I’S itll course. Ameri»
can (iovctnment. he taught in a previous sc-
inestcr arc available at the store. according to
the Web site, But Rice often changes things tip
to keep his classes fresh. he said. and notes
from one senicstci might not cover the same


so.) Notes on page 5

. NoT€S For. SALe

Local store makes a business
from students in need of test-time help

call upon King’s legacy


Ex Hayley Sclllfltgr

news@kykerne| com

To commemorate the life and
work of Martin Luther King Jr.. stu-
dents. faculty and Lexington com-
munity members have coordinated
several events leading up to the an—
nual march through downtown
Monday moming.

All of the weekend's events fit
into the theme “Somebody"s Calling
My Name." named after a black

“One way we interpreted the ti-
tle is that someone is calling us to
step up to our calling. to do our ser-
vice.“ said Chester Grundy. co—chair
of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day
celebration. “.Dr King stepped up to
the calling."

The events begin with a vigil en~

titled “King‘s Dream is Still Alive" at
ll pm. Sunday. where two groups
will march from opposite ends of
campus. frotn the North Campus
courtyard and from WT Young I.i~
brary. to convene at Worsham Theater
in the Student Center. Along the way.
the marchers will pass students acting
out silent scenes that depict hate
crimes of the past. The march will be
followed by midnight presentations
by students and faculty and a musical
performance at Worsham ’Ilicater.
Free T—shiits and a free breakfast will
be available at the theater.

The annual Unity Breakfast will
be held at 7:30 a.m. Monday at Her-
itage Hall in downtown Lexington.
The breakfast. sponsored by Alpha
Phi Alpha fratemity. costs SIS. and
tickets are available at the Down—
town Ans Center.

After the l'nity Breakfast. stu-
dents are invited to join the annual
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
March. Terry Allen. the coordinator
of the march and associate vice
president of employment equity. en—
courages students to come to Her—
itage Hall at It) a.m. to experience
the commemoration of King‘s work.

"It's an opportunity to relive a
piece of history." Allen said. "It's
unique to have many people from
diverse organizations and individual
concerns come together to celebrate
the legacy of Dr. King."

After the march. Freeman
Hrabowski will be speaking at Her
itage Hail. (inindy said Hrabowski.
the president of the University of
Maryland. Baltimore County. was
chosen because he represents King‘s

"We pick people who we feel
are exemplary in the service that
King stepped up to." (inindy said.
“We feel Hrabowski is a shining ex
ample of this service."

Allen said he hopes students will
find the time to take part in some of
these events to Ieam about King's
work. and the events of the past.

”We must relive the past to pre-
vent repetition." he said.

The Martin Luther King Cultural
Center is also joining in on the na-
tional effort 40 Days of Nonviolence.
which recognizes the 40-year mark
since the assassination of King. Be-
ginning Jan. 20 and running through
Febniary. the center will be coordi-
nating service projects. The projects
Will include volunteering at the Sal-
vation Anny. leading forums to cover
issues and a plant-a-flower day.

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872

. 5



your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun





























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage check the
days rating 70 is the easrest day, 0
the most chal/ edging

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 7 iv You're asking the right
questions and you're on the right
track, Keep digging and you'll cone
firm your own suspicrons You
thought you had the right answer,
but it's better to make sure

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
:5 a 7 - You're not quite as lucky
as you were, but you still can proba
bly find an excellent deal or two or
three if you go shopping now Be
truck, and decrsive You know
where to go

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) Today
is a 7 77* You're more likely to wm
the argument, but don't be hasty A
compromise that works for both of
you is a better option Don't assume
it's impossible, your adversary could


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surprise you

Cancer (June 22 — July R) Today
lS a 7 There are deadlines to be
met, and it would be very nice ii
everything went according to plan
Don‘t wager that it will, Install a
safety net

Leo (July 23— Aug. 22) Today lS a
6 Enthusiastic teammates are
ready to take over All they need is a
plan anti some congenial coaching.
Extricate yourself from the dorng
and you’ll get a lot more done
Virgo (Aug 23— Sept. 22) Today is
an 8 Pay attent iUll to business
again, for a little while Somebody
needs something done quickly
You're the perfect person for the
in!) Make sure the others make the
connection Don't by my

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 , This is the start of favorable
traveling rhnrlitions You to ready
tor a change of scene lf you can't
afford to fly, get as far as you can
on foot The exercise is good for

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 , A financial matter needs
dealing With, the sooner the better

campus) 27? 1972

if you dont already know what it is,
review the due dates on your bills
Might also want to check the inter-
est rates you're paying now,
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 4‘ An enthusiastic per-
son gets you motivated The jobs
completed and you're off to other
things in what seems like minutes
Having someone to talk to sure
takes your mind off your worries
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) To-
day is an 8 — The more quickly you
work, the more money you'll make
This appears to be the case even if
you’re not getting paid by the item
Go figure, but meanwhile, hustle
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To»
day is a 6 i Settle a domestic mat
for so you can take some tune to re-
lax You've been working hard late-
ly, you've definitely earned a break.
Tven better, you can take one.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) To-
day IS a 7 -- Remember what other
people have told you, and use what
best applies You'll have to modify
their advice to fit your situation, and
your personality



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e DiSI-l

By Gabe Guarante

In thc ncw book ”Tom
Cruise: An Unauthorized Biog-
raphy" (out January l5 from St.
Martin‘s Prcss). British author
Andrcw Morton takcs on onc of
Hollywood‘s biggcst stars
and levels cxplosivc claims.

Among them: that Katie
Holmcs signcd hcr lifc away to
Scientology. and that thc rcli—
gion playcd a pan in Cruisc's di-
vorce from Nicolc Kidman.

In response to Morton's allc-
gallons. Cruise‘s rcp‘ tclls Us.
“The book is a falsc. vicious and
bigotcd attack on a man. his rcli»
gion. his family and cvcn his
young childrcn Evcn though
Tom Cruisc has bccn a top star
for the past 25 ycars. thc author
ncvcr intcryicwcd anyonc close
to Tom. including his business
partners. his agcnts. actors. di—
rcctors. studio cxccutiics.
fricnds, family mcmbcrs ~ thc
list could go on. It is kcy to also
understand that the publishcr in
Britain. which is a country noto-
riotts for its tabloids. would not
publish this book. bccausc of
Morton‘s inability to prove thc
claims hc makes in it.”

(For its part. the Church of
Scientology International says
the book is “replete with lies"
and that thc church “rcpcatcdly
askcd Morton and his publishcr
to prcscnt any allegations to thc
church so it could providc him
information allowing him to
avoid thc publication of falsc»
hoods. Both he and his publishcr
agrccd .,, indccd. promiscd ~
to do so and yct itcvcr did") Us
obtained a copy of thc book to
study the accusations.


A new book claims Katie Holmes signed

a contract, Cruise was rejected by
Jennifer Garner and that Scientology
split him up from Nicole Kidman

CLAIM: Katie Holmes
had to Sign a Scientology con-

()n June 13. 2005. just
months after Cruisc began dat-
ing futurc wife Katic Holmes.
Morton allcgcs. the actor made
her sign a document to “allow
Scicntologists full control over
her lifc." Among the rcquirc-
mcnts. writes the author: "If shc
or any of hcr children wcrc -
cvcr to suffer from mental or
tcrminal illness. thcy must turn
only to Scientology's trcat—
mcnts." reflecting thc rcligion‘s
rejection of conventional medi-
cine. Thc allcgcd contract also
included thc stipulation that the
actress. now 29. "must never use
psychiatric care or psychiatric
drugs." says Morton. since Sci—
cntolog\ looks down on such
practices. But Holmes may have
been rcwardcd for her commit—
ment: Morton also claims shc
latcr signcd a prenuptial agrcc—
mcnt worth $3 million for cvcry
year of marriage. negotiated by
hcr attorney l‘athcr. Martin. bc-
forc shc ticd thc knot with
Cruise in November 2006.
Holmes‘ rcp had no comment.
Says the Church of Scientology.
“Ms.-Holmcs never signed any

CLAIM: Scientology vet-
ted Holmes after Cruise audi-
tioned her and other stars to
be his new girlfriend.

Citing gossip columnists.
Morton rcsurrccts rumors that
Cruise. whilc looking for a Mis—
sion: Impossible III costar. was
also intcrvicwing young starlets
likc Jcssica Alba. Kate
Bosworth and Scarlett Johans—

Univcrsiry of Kentucky Bands



I l‘i'ill 1H".

.5 lllll ll lilllllllllll

lllll lll lllllllrllll
llllli‘ll llil.



son to be his new flame. At the:
top of the list'.’ Holmes. whom‘.
Morton says Cruise courted by-
having her car cleaned and rc—.
painted." filling up a limousine: .
with chocolates and flowers and:
sending it to her house and-
inviting her to a sushi dinner.
aboard his private jet for their.
first date. However. says Mora:
ton. they wcrcnt alone w “a i
closc circle of Scientology:
friends joined them." possibly.
including church leader David: .
Miscavigc. Following the datcé' .
writes Morton.‘ it seems that:.
she passed her social audition"?
and Cruise jetted her to 21::
$3 500 a- night Romc hotel suite: .
w here be arranged for the dou~:.
blc bed to be scattered with red:j
rose petals .‘

CLAIM: Scientologists or-; -
chestrated Isabella s adoption.:.

In the October 2007 issue ofo:
Vanity Fair. Kidman crypticallyz‘
says that adopting daughter Is-Z -
abclla with Cruise in l993 was: .
“complicated and hints that::
one day maybe that story will?
be told." Morton suggests Scion-i:
tology head Miscavigc pushed: -
the adoption through in only aZE
matter of wccks while the cou- .
pic were in Florida. the statezj
whcrc Scientology has its East: '
Coast headquarters. The writer.
also goes on to repeat a rumor:I
-— ncvcr confimtcd or denied by-
the couple 7 that Isabella s bio-1:
logical mother may have been a: «
Scientologist herself. Both'
Cruise and the church call Mor--‘
tons claims ‘"falsc. —


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lanuary l8,

l D. Williams
Asst. Sports Editor
jwr|liams@‘kykt~rnel.t om



It all wears on him. 1 [ohm wants to be able to come and
enjoy the gums."
— UCLA spokesman Marc Dellins on legendary basketball
coach John Wooden after the adoption of the university’s new
"no autographs” policy, meant to counter tans lined up at every
home game for the 97-year-old's signature.


By Bryan Kennedy 0 sports@kykernel.com

When Jason Lambert was growing up, there were not any
fencing masks or the protection he uses today lying around the


Instead, Lambert armed himself with goggles for the cool
water of pools, swimming for his high school. But when his
path led him to UK’S campus, he fell in love with fencing.

“A friend told me about a club that taught fencing,” Lambert
said. “I came over and checked it out and have never left.”

Now, as a geology senior, Lambert is still involved with the
club. Lambert has transformed from an apprentice to a teacher
and is currently one of the club’s coaches.

After years of honing his fencing, Lambert has gained recog-
nition. He has recently received a seed ranking from the Unit-
ed States Fencing Association’s epee division.


See Fencing on page 4


Cats rocked and toppled by No.2 Vols


Senior center Sarah Elliott tries to get a shot off past

Tennessee's Candace Parker in UK's 65-40 loss last night

By Kenny Qolstgn

kcolstondtkykernel com

Not again.

That‘s the statement No.2 Tennessee (15— l.
3-0i made last night in taking down UK 65-40 in
Memorial ('oliseum. The last time the Lady Vol—
unteers played in Lexington in 2006. UK pulled
off a 66—63 upset in Rupp Arena.

But this time around. Tennessee stepped out
on the floor in the seeond half and had none of it.

"We reali/e a lot was made out of tltat (up
sell." Tennessee forward (‘andaee Parker said.
"We eame out in the seeond half and said we
don‘t lime to see that again."

With that mentality 'l‘enriessee irsed the see
ond half to eoinpletely shut the door on the (Hits.
never letting llK it“). 2-] l get within single dig»
its of the defenditig national ehampions. l"or

every mini—run UK made. 'l‘ennessee rattled off

their own making sure the Cats wouldn't get the
momentum needed to pull off another historie


“We felt like we were right there." setiror
guard Samantha Mahorrey said. "It‘s just our
runs _|trst weren't bigger than theirs."

Led by Parker's 23 points. Tennessee used an
improyed shooting per'eentage to finish off the
(‘ats w lirle limiting [K to 2‘) pereent from the

“When il’arkeri asserted herself in the see
ond halt there wasn't much w e eould haye done
to stop her." head eoaeh Matthew .‘ylilehell said.

l K started the first hall at a snail‘s paee.
with 'l‘ennessee taking the first si.\ mimrtes to
trawl out to an 8-0 lead. The ('ats started (Nor-5
before freshman eeriter (‘atina Bett‘s lay up that
pirt l'K on the board at the IJ:IS mark lireslr
man guard Amber Sriiith and .\lahone_\ paeed tlte
('ats in the first hall with six points apieee.

"(Srnithi played with moxie and no fear."
Mrtehell said. “She proyided otfensiye leader-
ship. She was aggressrye aird on the attatk."

liyery trrrie I'K got within striking range.

Parker and the Lady Vols took oi er. extending
their lead to eight twiee in the first hall. l'K tried
to end the first half on a big run. but fueled by
guard Ale\rs Hornbuekle. ’l‘eiinessee matehed
the (‘ats shot for shot to end the lirst hall with a
2771‘) lead.

”by er'y body plays hard against us.” TL‘Ilv
nessee head eoaeh Pat Srrriimitt said. "We know
we are going to get their best shot beeairse we‘re

Strong defense marked the first half tor both
teams. with [K shooting only 1‘ pereeirt from
the lield and Tennessee managing only slightly
better with 3‘) pereent. Both teams toinbined lor
llifor'»l2 lrom three~pornt range ”1 the first half.
’l'urnoyers were also a problem as the (ats eom
nrrtted l0 while loreirig the Lady \ols to eight ol
their own But the Lady Vols still managed to
ney er fall behind the entire game.

“We played tough detense." Smith said. “We
eontested all their shots. they iust ltit really hard

This loss was coming — but UK Hoops" future is still bright

Two years ago. the UK women‘s
basketball team beat thenANo. l Ten~
nessee 66-63 in
Rupp Arena. (io-
ing into that game.
the Cats had only
beaten the Lady
Volunteers five
times in 45

The yietory
ehan'ed the out--

JONATHAN look’Eof the pro»

SMITH gram and was a

Kernel great buildiiig

C0lumn'5l block for the fu»

(.‘urren y. the

program has hit a road block. They un-

expectedly lost a eoaeh and they will
probably miss the NCAA 'l'ouriiament
again this year. That won‘t last long
though beeause they‘ye btiilt a solid
foundation for the future

That foundation started with that
win over 'l‘eirnessee. They ‘re still feel-
ing the benefits of that y'ietory on Jan.
26. 2006. [iyen though the (’ats lost to
Tennessee 6540 last night in the \r’ols'
first return to Lexington sinee that
game. the program is still benefiting
from that victory.

The first place to look to see how
much that win meant to the program
was the stands. If they did it in 2006
against unbelieyable odds. w'hy ean't
they do it again iii 2008. most of the
fans presumably thought"?

The 7.278 fans that paeked Mentor
ial (‘olrseum were a wry dryerse and
enthusiastie erowd. llK students were
in attendanee. ()ld men and women
were there.

So were young men. with poor
poms no less. to eheer on the lat/y (Hits.

Men members of L'K‘s football
and men‘s basketball teams showed up
on a Thirsty Thursday night.

The seeond plaee you eoiild see the
impaet of that game was on UK‘s rose

Amber Smith is the future of the
women‘s basketball program at 1K,
The 5-foot-5 freshman guard from
Winter llayen. Fla. was the quickest
player on the floor. and she has a spC‘
eial ability to finish shots in traffie.

“\‘ke haye a really. really good one
for this season and the lutrire rrr Amber
Smith." head eoaeh Matthew Mitehell

l‘reshman forward \'ietoi'ia Dunlap
more into the game alter a l7»point.
nineirebound eltort against Mississippi
State on Sunday. Throw in tellow
starter and sophomore guard Ainani
Franklin. and freshman eenter (‘atina
Bett. the first l'K play er off the beneh.
attd [K has a lot to look forward to in
the future.

Those are the first signs ol
Mitehell‘s reerriiting ability, something
l'T head eoaeh l'at Surnmitt spoke \ery
highly of after the game.

“He ean really talk." she said
“.,.he‘s \ery eonyiiieing. I'm sure he‘ll

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Candlelight Vigil

Sunday, January 20 at 11 p.m.

The'mamh begins at two locations - the William '1'. Young Library and the courtyard behind Boyd Hall on the north
followed . “Idol .-t 4‘.- .. audacommuni bnakfut.

be a great i‘et‘iuiter,"

Heeatrse ol thos. young players. the
(‘ats are going to hay e the eliariee to be
\er\ good in the lllllll't‘. But right now.
they‘re gitrst an a\erage team in the
Southeastern (‘onter‘erree

l'ls' rieyei' really had mueli of a
ehariee to w in the game

'l‘ennessee won the national eham-
pioirship last season. and they return
four starters lrom that team They start
three serirors. not ineluding iirriiot (an
daee l’arker. by tar the nation‘s best

l’lus. l'l\' trailed St! and didn‘t
store its first field goal until the l~120
mark ol the lirst hall

l‘arkei‘ plays more like her

Si v Smith i" iiirai‘ 4























































































PAGE4 | Friday, January 18, 200





Members of the
UK fencing club
practice at the
Buell Armory on
Tuesday The
team duels there
every Tuesday
and Thursday,



Continued from page 3


Epee is one of the three
types of fencing. each named af-
ter the type of sword used. It is a
form of combat against another
fencer using a sword with a tri-
angular cross—section blade and
a large bell guard. To score. the
point of the sword can strike
anywhere on the opponent. Foil
fencers use a more flexible
sword called a foil and score a
point by striking the tip of the
sword against the opponent's
torso. The last form. saber. is
scored by slashing an opponent
above the waist.

Although there are now sev-
eral club members who compete
in these types of fencing. the
membership is significantly
lower than it used to be. It was
not until 200] that the club start—
ed to build back its membership.

“Fencing here at UK got its

start in the late l97()s. but it was
huge here at UK in the l980s."
Lambert said. "It was well-fund-
ed back in the 80s. but it was in
the 90s that members of the club
started to disappear."

Alex Morris also arrived at
UK unaware of fencing. Like
Lambert. he participated in other
activities growing up.

“I was in marching band in
high school. I played basketball
in middle school and soccer
when l was little. but that was
pretty much it." said Morris. a
psychology senior.

”When I got here I had a
friend that was in the fencing
club at UK. and I decided to
come out and try it. he said.

Three years later. Morris is
the president and the captain of
the team. He is also one of the
members who compete in tour—

"Last year we had six com-
pcte in a toumament and had
eight others come and cheer us
on 7 that was a great feeling."





Morris said.

The Fencing Club has about
15 regulars who come and prac-
tice every week. The club ac-
cepts new members during its
practices every Tuesday and
Thursday at the Buell Amiory.

“When we have new people
come in. we start with teaching
them how to stand and then
teach them how to advance and
retreat." Morris said. “and then
we teach them some lunging
techniques. After that we wait a
while to give them a 'weapon
just to make sure that they are
ready for it.”

When a club member is
ready to compete on a larger
scale. there are several touma—
rnents available. The team regu-
larly travels to competitions in
Louisville and Cincinnati.

“lf you want to join the club.
throw on some tennis shoes and
something you can move in.
then come on out and we will
teach you everything you need
to know" he said.

Grading the Cats at mid-season
