r Kas} V M ep _?‘$» — V ` ~ " P i There are two roads which lead into Harlan County. There is the road 1 "which winds monotonously between brown hills, with squalor.and untidiness- gd the squalor of the very poor? Then there is the road called "Rhododendron , Highway" because of the profusion of this evergreen along the right-of—way, ’ that winds like a wide,white ribbon between towering mountains and beside r green, turbulent Gumberland River. ‘ dvi h It is the same road, but all depends upon the viewpoint of the travel-; er. I have traveled this road on the right hand side and have seen the thingsv that have given it it's name "Rhododendron Highway? I also have traveled it I ion the other side and have seen its it in its more sombre aspects. Zmzthis I»€ will endeavor now to travel this same highway straight down the middle, hop- g ing that out_of the cross fire of opinion that has put Harlan County on the lg front pages of American newspapers during the last year will come a view of. d the real conditions in the mountains of Sgutheastern Kentucky. t First let us travel the left side of the road with Margaret Lane, feature writer for the London Daily Express, who came to Harlan a few weeks ago to get the inside facts onsthe Exextxsxtnaxtnnizx Kentucky coal field disorders. “ _ . V . l (Take in Lane f*·rticle,in part) éémb gg Let us begin again at Pineville and arrwsecatrv sewer -;\roa through Harlan{County. Ehexeanaratezhtghwayzhegtnsxaxfxwxmikasxfxemzhtmextkka On the right ixzxznemzhzxzk side of the road, a bare two miles from Pineville, one, Lsees a handsome new brick consolidated high school where several hundred boys and girls of Bell County go to school. A few hundred yards and the road dips into a valley and joins Cumberland Hiver. Then for miles we travel along this winding stream. Now it is a broad river, stately under the_shadow of "The Seven Sisters", seven amtxzappimgxzaf rock pillars which attract tourists from all parts of theJcountry. The roadside is a mass of rhododen— I dron and mountain laurel. In the springtime a laurel festival is held in