xt7zcr5n9g1t_8 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1.dao.xml Evans, Herndon J., 1895-1976 3.5 Cubic feet Herndon J. Evans, editor of the Pineville Sun in Bell County, Kentucky, closely followed labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties, during the early 1930s. The collection contains handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and newspaper clippings collected by Evans primarily from 1931-1933. Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence, and drafts of articles and editorials written by Evans as well as memorabilia such as Communist Party membership books and organizational charts. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Herndon J. Evans Collection Coal miners--Kentucky Coal mines and mining--Economic conditions. Communism--Kentucky. Editors--Kentucky. Pamphlets. Strikes and lockouts--Coal mining--Kentucky. April 1932 text April 1932 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5n9g1t/data/82m1/82m1_1/82m1_1_8/121515/121515.pdf section false xt7zcr5n9g1t_8 xt7zcr5n9g1t THOMAS H. STARK, Prrxidmt
JOHN ERLE DAVIS, Vic:-Pruidzru
STARK Anvmrrnsnma Acmvcv
Exwblixhzd 1916 I nmrpvraizd
General Advertising and Publicity
633 South Fifth Street Louisville, Kentucky
April l, 1952.
Mr. Herndon J. Evans, Editor,
Pineville Sun,
Pineville, Kentucky.
Dear Herndon:
Your letter about conditions in
southeastern Kentucky and what the local people
are doing to cope with them, printed in Tues-
day's C-J, helped much to clear the air for a
lot of good people who have had misgivings about
the situation. Southeastern Kentucky could use
a great deal more favorable publicity for a change.
Q Si““@F€l “eui§;mL,,

WL?/Um!     C  
M   <"4UM/We / ¢M¢@L\~   
April 2, lQ3E
Mr. Hermdcn J. Evvme
FinEvill@, Ky.
Dear Ky. Ev2ns:~
I Laws enjwyed ruadimg your paper althcmjh it
s€¤ms tm Larp tea much on cxe subject-»-ccntaupt for
. - _ J , . \ _ __ _s _ Q
"f0x&ign“ (i.e. rest mf cwxutwy) wiitwis.
I should think you wculd be E little cmbaxzssed
to makc so public gnu? contempt for educatimn and cultuyE.
Inci&emt&lly your c©mnty’s Exclusion of the c0l»
lege students whm came to luck the field over, sésms to
indicate that you are ashamcé Of your commitinms and
that they will not beat investigation.
May I suggest that one who is proud of his town
will invite inspectors and not eject tLam.
{EH  ii. TILE. $,;:111*2

` Dcvcre Allen P"·"ide”t
Leroy   %0wmzm · Robert Morss Lovett
¤ H . .
r ¤i$m?~¤€??*`$1a·· LEAGUE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY V·¤¢·P*~*d"·*$
r 5¥¤*·g¢’,ii;;*%.· }z£:£:“$zsH01m
a < n Y
- %}§£§£§%r ggisiéh. *~¤¤*¤¤*¤*¤¤ ;/1adin&§{II$Iarap::0E
wsa t.- nman . ¤m€5 · '¤¤_F _
· Donald Hcndergcm   EAST ]9TH STREET, New York CITY A1cxa¤dcrMc1klcJ0hn
1 I-[ub_e¤·§§Z.l}i[er1iri1g I ¥_2;iry1%{.§cang§rd
( · I 8. . ll Cf
%g§:Si;glas?{5?§y ugml Telephone: Algonqum 4*5865 Helen Phelps Stokes
William Pickens   Treasurer
gégflgiixfszss OBJECT: Education for ¤ new social order bcsed cn Stuart Chase
_ Charlotte Tuttle production for use cmd not for profit Executive Dirutmq
r B.C.Vladeck   .
Louis Waldman Harry W. Laxdler
_ Ig0rv;·;rdP\V€st»$G0d1   2, ]_g52‘Norm:.mTh0mas ·
C 008 C v ' °
I Howaid Y. w1111gms Dem Student: Km§;;;g;;;>»°’·~¤¤¤OM
Califorqia , . P IP
%**flW§*%1"{*l‘S Students who have been follomng events 1n Kentucky must feel a“S;’;;;Lem4m
p0H. H1C3.l\‘ _ _ _ , . · ‘ _
r G €<>+g~·P tt] an nevv outburst of 1nd1.gnat1on mn the d1sreg;;rd of c0ns'c1tut10n PmBlmhUd
. , r. . , · , - .
|cOrg;:t_0fr€·0],‘,,,b;a   rlghts   the GOVg3I‘nOI`q `]j.I`G to hlm {Ind. YOU? SOHATZOYS dc Executwebecretary
Mercer G. Iolmstcm _ · . . . Mary FDX
Georgia m&l’ldjJlg an ].I'lV€St»1g(lt].OI'1•
Mary Raoul Millis
Florida ·
Ed‘”}';lg·0g‘“"‘° But we must not let our 1ndigm;t10n at what has haPp01}<-3d_t<> ¤¤1"0¥f¤ PITIV
(I§;Q;°g¤§)f;;gf;;°" ilegcd student group obscure the fact that the real v1ct1ms 0f;'4Ji¤_?ust1cc
ga¤1§€}E;hi¤s\;;H;rs1g¤;§¤¤d d mrctcc (N0r1-Commumst, ls the only crg;m1z;;t10n d0fcnd1ng the pr1s0ners·
1 lam . 8]Jg00
Iowa ‘ _
1rg§S{{°a.1§u§gL°‘餤¤r(1 I want you to mobilize public opinion on your campus and lh the c0mmu¤1tY·
Kansas `
]'0huIsc _
Edwffg’,§'“{;‘fm I want you to do all you cgn to collect funds, whrch, when sept to cur A
B’°"d“5M“°h°“ Gfficc, will be used at once for {he; miners. Relief in the shqpc ofrfood
’ M 1 ¢ ., A .
\ §1b=¤L§;§é§;eCtg°‘**'¤° and clothes can be sent into Harlan; The recenh student tmp to Kentucky
HIHIB. . El lfl , · ·‘ `
,g;“l’;·tTf·GD=;g¤‘§anS was in no way necessary to insure rc11cf• In splits of SOKHG hlgh··ha.I‘1d€d
123 C 1 . _ . , _
gifredigkézgjgjis interference, some rellezf has been g1ven there throughout thé win‘h€I‘·
zmpmmw Here 1s what our L·I.D· members can d0:
Sarah T. Colvin
J0Sc$~?eDzg;;2i»rp;1.;r¤ 1- Afrczngc immediuizely a mass demonstration where the facts on the Ken-
]“m°§,gf§1§ffy iucky situation can be given. (Get your best college speakers to present
Jamcs W. Alexander them   ·
N Y k . .
{{?{§i°?%“§°§Bl“‘°" 2- Curry OH active educational work before th1s meeting through posters
1 nam *. 0 n
L ·1x.B d· p t Azion Ono collc e cluh has staged ;¤. funeral for
p3EisF.Br?;¤1§hm and SP°"t—°“l“T d°“°“S N S' ( . , Q .. K t wm.
11§¤giSJ%r$¤F_ld "Kentucky Just1q;e;;" another 15 d.q;bgt1ng ’Sh;;ll vlc Scccde FFOIH en uc J-
‘I'€ €X'1C . IC _ ,
kzggzghgyggod 3- Get editorials and news storms 1n your college and local press-
11\i¤qis_I’g1g1¤§ 4. Sell 50 copies of "Thc Shame that is K0ntucl\,__,{_';,§_»h  
April 5,l952.

Aprml 4, 1952
2521 Ransdell Ave.,
Louisville, Ky.
April 4, 1952.
Mr. Herndon J. Evans,
Pineville, Ky.
Hy dear Mr. Evans:
As Chairman of the Committee on Current Events of the
Woman's Club, I extend you an invitation to address a meeting
in our Club on the Harlan and Bell County situation. Since
our regular Wednesday afternoon club programs are all filled
for the month of April and the Club closes the year's work early-
in May, also in order that the men may attend,.I suggest a
Saturday evening at BSOO P.M. in the latter part of April.
The meeting will be free and open to the public and I feel
sure the Courier—Journal and Herald—Post will give publicity
to the program.
Our auditorium seats nine hundred people and we may hope
for a good—sized audience of representative people.
Many persons including myself have read with interest
your letter and that of the Rev. L. C. Kelly in the Point of
View column. If you will agree to come I shall be grateful
to you personally and will do all that I can to make the meet-
ing a success. But I shall have to turn you over to the " `
chairman of another committee — probably Citizenship — for I
must not have my name publicly connected with this meeting since
my husband is a "heartless" coal operator. It would not harm me,
but it might cause some persons to discount statements made by
I believe you were in Lexington at University of Kentucky
while I was there. I finished in 'l6 and you graduated just a
little before that, did you not? At any rate, I recall having
known you somewhere.
With best wishes for the work you are doing in Pine-
ville, I remain, .
C rdially yours, _ E
Kathleen Howard M
(MPS- K. U. Megui$§$ir€’

 EDITORIAL 5mFF Robert L. Willem:
Charles CIEIYIZOH Morrison Bllxliess Manager
. c bl Add
P““l§Z3Zi*?;2‘22·,0, Z   e icigmigss
Wi“?$$~§?‘?$?··$“"s°“ ( N (     HmZE2§%’é%%°s81
· H b L. W'll rr `
Réiififd Nieéuin:    
{gfgagggfdlgggzg An Undenominatnonal Journal of Rehgion
ggza W. Taylor 1 k
c ·c
F,-;;1m};;s;;;;s ar 440 South Dearborn St., Chicago
4th April 1952
Mr. Herndon J. Evans
The Sun Publishing Company
Pineville, Kentucky
my dear Mr. Evans: .
This is_in reply to yours of March 25rd.
I wish to assure you of our very sincere interest in the
matter concerning which you feel aggrieved, and to repeat
my former statement to you that The Christian Century does
not wish any serious inaccuracy which appears in its pages
to stand without correction. ·
However, it must be clear to you that we are unable
to make any investigation of alleged inaccuracies unless we
know specifically what statements you take exception to. We
will take the matter up seriously if you will advise us spec-
ifically what statementgére objected to.
  ygés , 2 ;
FH:AC Managing Editor

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 American Friends Service Committee
2 o South Twelfth Street
Philadelphia * Pennsylvania
_ Vice-Chairmen
H  ES Executive SeciiI;iTy%I ilJE;C§5E. PICKE'IT  
SECI*IONS Ray Newton a Eilirabeth Marsh
Foreign Service, WILLIAM Evas, ara, Chairman COAL RELIEF SECTION Hm W‘ M°°;mim Scmzgif A' W"d“““
Home Servicc, DOUGLAS V. STEERE, Chairman Chairman, HENRY TATNALL BROWN William B_ Harvey ]_ Barnard Walton
Peace, VINCENT D. NICHOLSON, Chairman Director, BERNARD G. WARING Walter C. Woodward
8 April 1952
K. Herndon Evans
Dear Friend: J
Under another cover I am sending to
you a copy of Malcolm Ross*s article which was
published in the Magazine Section of the New
York Time of January 31. I am also enclosing
two copies of our Interim report which will
give some idea of the extent of our work
throughout the cod.fields.
I have just this morning read with
interest your letter in the New York Times.
I was very glad indeed to have had i
the interview with you at Pineville on Wednesday.
Vary sincerely yours, . GP;/M4>L;;;_.s
Glarence E. Pickett
Executive Secretary

 April 8, 1932. V
. §£Zr.P•.ul Hutchinson,
The Christian Century,
Chicago, Ill.,
war Mx·.Hutohln+=on:
It seems to mo that tho libel in your article of tho march 2, 19352 homo
of the christian Century, would bo obvious to you, but in reply to yours of April 4, ;
will point out the part which is utterly false.
Asidé from the fact that the opening paragraphs of the article oro 11-LSE}
or basod on incempete evidence, you proceed with the following:
°But one new and important revelation has coma out of this lr tort ro crt
to terrorism in tho identification of one Herndon Evans as :2. meubor of the mob.** This
statement is false and libelous. I wes HOT a member of thomob ¤. As o newspopor corrmponb
ent it was ugy duty to go with tho citizens and report the happenings. This I did em;   .ra:»,
ported to my papers and the AP tho events Just as they traurepzlred. I took no   1,:; tho
· reported affair in which you otote ¤thoezo writers were sat upon by on armed mob°’.»
t You dlscue s um connection with the Rod Croc s and imply therein th$‘.`$":l·-=€·uT
was ··e· one objoctlon on uw port to ”rol1ef° brought in by others. You must know that 1; fom,
Oomnontiug on my connection with the AP you make this unmxrantod and libel-=
out attack on mf reputation: °I¤ other words, it thus becomes mnifesot that the rort of the
'nzation has boon dep¤£m;i1n.g for its reports of conditions in thip: important pot on tho mot.-
nasa of one who has been himself o. part ot the coal 1ntsroats' oxmsd terrorism! "
I have been one of the correspondents covering affairs in the coal rogtiozu
On tho night in question the International News Service ani the Knoxville: Journal both Kldd
representatives hero. Prior to this opociel correzpondontzr; from tho Assocktoi Qross h;mL··
lad all news reports, accompanying tho lkolser probors Emi others. The Cour1or·.?ournz;1 of t
Louisville; the Lexington Horoli, and the Knoxville Newswsntiuol also sont special cor-
respondents. m*.K1ngsley, of the Chicago Tribune, was hom during the trials and reported
happenings for his p¤por. Staff writers from xmuy other newspapers have been here sending
out reports. Tho inference that “tho notion kms been depending for it z·opo:·ts" is utterly
false amd you know it. The statement that I have been qa. post or tho cool intoro¤—e:to“ crm;
ts¤·oz·lsm" can not bo construed in any my but that I havo distorted or mixroprosontooi
things hors. This is your oem idea and 37011 must either retract this statement or oxplmm
it to my oatlztoeticn in tho federal courts. A .
The reminder ot your article is in the ammo vein- am.! cmd mlzo on; 2.1bo1=
out as the rust. Wt the sources of news are thus to.1¤te¢4,/.¢,%»¤/»~/4,%-
  , g   2)
  Z? @74%% .9/lwé
      #7 A M4/¢ MM/%*
  @#1 M /

2521 Ransdell Ave.,
Louisville, Ky.
April 9, 1952.
Mr. Herndon J. Evans,
Pineville, Ky.
Dear Mr. Evans:
It is gratifying to know that you are willing to
present the-Harlan and Bell County situation for us. I inquired
about several persons capable of presenting this subject and
all decided you were the best choice. How about Saturday
evening, April 25d, or if you prefer, April 50th? I shall
turn you over to the Chairman of the Committee on Citizenship,
Mrs. Ben Carlos Frazier, who will introduce you. I shall
try to learn if any other important meeting is scheduled for the
25d and let you know if we should postpone our meeting.
Have you two photographs of yourself that we may
give to the Courier and the Herald·Post? Also send along
anything of good advertising value that they may print beneath
your picture.
I never knew Mrs. Evans, but several of her friends
are hoping she will come along with you. Mrs. Louis Seelbach,
Jr., our Chairman of Legislation, is particularly interested
in your coming.
There is an excellent brief article in yesterday‘s
- Herald—Post by a New York mining engineer on the Harlan and
Bell county situation — the best I have seen. Another in the
April Bd (Sunday) New York Times, Magazine section,is good.
You may talk as long as you like, not less than an
hour, but the audience will want to ask you questions after
you have spoken. This period, usually twenty minutes to a
half-hour, is often quite as valuable as the address itself.
If you have any suggestions as to methods of making
this meeting a greater success, we gladly welcome them. We are
ready to cooperate with you in every way possible.
_ Mr. Maguire and I should like to see you and Mrs.
Evans Saturday afternoon before you speak. We only desire to
serve·in our small way in this Kentucky emergency.
Kathleen H. Maguire \/" V ‘/A
(Mrs. K. U. Meguirej. 3
KHM:ET . "

 THE WOMAN'S CLUB SV ,.........`_ _`.,,
1320 s0u1·H Founru STREET \)\ /( ·•··+     zh-  
1.0u1svu.ua, KENTucKY   AFR 91 » ··""*- ’ T*l ·  
2"° PM 4 I '“""` 5   `7’“=*{
DQ   {-—_»`% ' Z‘"%¤&;@Q‘ U
'{f€> ‘``'” "`AN-·   · ·
Mr. Herndon J. Evans,

 O O
he Knoxv1lle News-Sentmel
Editorial Department Knoxville, Tennessee
»~pril II, 1952
Deer Mr. Evans:
Efould suggest that all phone cnlle be station-to-station. In
checking over least month's phone bills, I noticed that phone company charged
  us J.52.5eV@ ¤?q)0—r»