MINUTE1S EXECUTIVE 3OARD UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY July 18, 1917. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met on the above named date in regular session with Chairman Nichols, Messrs. Stoll, McKee, Johnston, Doctor Marks, and Mr. Terrell pre sent. The regular order of business was taken up. Doctor Marks and P. P. Johnston, Jr., on the call of report of committees, reported that they, as committee on examinAti6n of Mulligan property, had no report to make, deeming it wise not to make the examination in question until the report of attorneys examining the title to the property had been finally made to the Executive Committee. They there- fore, asked for further time. With reference to recommendation made by Dean Miller of the College of Arts and Science that Professor C. P. Weaver be given a leave of absence for one year with $1000 of his salary, in order thrt he might take a Ph.D. degree in anhther University, Mr. Stoll made the following motion: That a leave of absence as recommended by Dean Miller for Professor C. P. Weaver be granted upon the following conditions: First--The University to pay him $1000 for the year, as other salaries are paid unless prevented from so doing. Second--That the University shall have the right up to July 1, 1918 to require Professor Weaver to return to the University, but unles8 the said Professor Weaver is so noti- fled, his services not to be required. Duly seconded, this motion was adopted by unanimous vote. Dean Miller of the Oollee of Arts and Scienoe submitted the following communication: July 16, 1917. To the Executive Committee, Gentl eman: - Mr. Leslie Burgevin is the choice of Professor Dantzler for the successor to Mr. Bradley, Instructor in English. I concur in this choice and recommend that he succeed, Mr. Bradley who was called to the colors from South Carolina, where he was a member of the Nr-tional Guard before he came to University of Kentucky.